Mr. The Euinmia receives the leased wire report ot the Associated Press, the greatest and most reliable prs association la the world. piucxi rms cnxTs , r , , , - y TTTVyor' - - - - . - t----,.,..t'tTr.'...'. ..' ' ' ' ' : - . ' : ' . ' SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL?. l0"-. 1 FRENCH MOVE TO COMPLETE OCCUPATION Troops Make Peaceful Entry Into German Towns Seized For Alleged j Violations of Peace Pact HUNS PROTEST WHAT THY TERM MILITARISM Say France Now Threatens Recently Restored Peace J of World PARIS. April 6.pAn official com muntcation issued this evening says: - "The military operation contem plated against Frankfort and Darn stadt was begun , today in the early hours. The ; troops of the 36tb corps took part in the operation and wet with'no resistance. The encir cllog of the two towns and the oc cupation of Important points of the circle were completed at 11 o'clock by our cavalry, which in the after noon ' occupied Hanau. previously evacuated by the 'German troops. -"A battalion of German security police was taken over in the Frank fort barracks and disarmed." ' ' LOWLY KINE COME INTO THEIR OWN WITH BELLS ARISTOCRATIC BOSSY BRINGS 92300 TO GUARDIAN ' Seventy of her Friends Worth Aver age of fOOl per Head at BI Hol stein Hale at Sacramento SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 6.An average price of $901 each was paid for seventy-one registered Holstein dairy cattle at the annual Pacific Coast Classic auction sale. Holstein herds or Washington. Ne vada and California were represented and buyers included men from Ore gon. Washington. Iowa. Nevada and California. Some of the stock may go to the Hawaiian Islands. A cow consigned by W. J. Higdon of Tulare. Cal., topped the sale at $2300. She was Ida Lotta Winifred Burke with a seven day butter record or 33.04 pounds. R. L. Holmes of Modesto. Cal., was the purchaser. , The highest priced bull of the sale was Ensign Kbmoyke Model Pontiac consigned by A. E. Smith of Sumas. wasnington, and sold to H. H. Sis- son or Wlllitts. Cal.. for $2050. Among consignors was James J. I Jerrnes or Burbank. Cal former world's champion heavyweight pu gilist, but now a breeder or dairy cattle. Two of his cows went to the herd of David Maxwell of ; Waterloo, lowa. -;-. PICKETS FLY FOR IRELAND FREXCII 0TCUIATION PEACEFUL MAYENCE. April 6 The tnly in cident in the occupation' of North Frankfort by the French consisted of a few shots fired.' According to reports by aviators. German gun de tachments fired two or three shells on a French cavalry patrol before which detachments of the Reichs- wehr and the securitv police were retiring. . The latter, although know. lag yesterday 'that occupation had been decided on. refused to believe It would, be carried . out. one of the officers saying that the' British would not let the French come in. - At Darastadt the reception of the French , troops was almost cordial and the population at Frankfort was Continued ion page 2) REPUBLICANS WOULD CLOSE WAR POWERS Bill to Declare State of Peace Passed Favorably by House Committee and Considered Will be HOLD CONGRESS HAS POWER TO END WAR Democrats Expected to be Solidly Opposed to Such a Measure Suffer Arrest on Earth but Defy Capitol Police From Air. ' " WASHINGTON. April 6. Barred fromi the streets surrounding the British embassy, the Irish pickets today took to the air. From-a flying machine, they rained down packages of leaflets ex pounding the Irish cause, and chal lenged the police ' to come up and stop- them. There being no sky cops In ' the national rapltol. no arrests were made. Four land pickets, how ever, who ventured out earlier In the day were arrested and .held in the house of detention. The "bombing" expedition attract ed plenty or attention but it regis tered no hits.' A low visibility and squally wtndsvscattered the ''bombs' everywhere but on the -embassy. - The propaganda leaflets whirled WASHINGTON. April C The ma jority report or the house commit tee on foreign relations recommen ding adoption of the resolution de claring the state or war with Ger many at an end was introduced to day by Chairman Porter, accompan ied by a special rule providing ror nine hours' debate under which it will be taken up in the house on Thursday. The minority report, prepared by Representative Flood of Virginia, ranking Democratic mem ber of the committee, will be intro duced tomorrow. There was some debate in the nous during which It mas indicat- ea mat the Democrats would vote almost solidly against the resolu tion. " Representative Venabjf, Dem ocrat. Mississippi, attacked the con stitutional power of congress to take such action, characterizing' it as an attempted usurpation of the treaty- masing functions, while Represen tative Mondell. Republican leader. asserted that as congress had , the power to create a condition, or war. it bad J.he power to end It. m - Say Cungrea Ha Power. The majority report recited (Continued on pare ) ' v3 1 i , Of this department, the magnitude of which has been the pride of this . . . - store for many years, we now chronicle the last page. If s m ply this: Your ' choice of all re maining Silks at yard $io9 Such Well Known Silks as Pine Tree, Corticelli, Skinners and Bramsons, all ' 36 inches wide Taffetas: r The real spring-time silk in taupe, biscuit, steel, pearl and other shades of grey. -, Messalines: Excellent qualities iu wliite, tan, apricot and emerald. Satins: None better, colors are wild J-ose, pearl grey, claret, shell, pink and kelly green. , V There w' still a cood assortment of these, especially good for skirts and number or authorities on Interna tional law to support the committee's contention that there . were three methods of terminating a belligerent ; status by treaty, by eonauest and subjugation of one combatant, or by the mere cessation or hostilities so long continued that It Is evident that there Is no Intention or resum ing them It has "become the plain duty or congress" to declare "the admitted facts' that the war with Germany was ended, the report said. "There has been." It continued. complete suspension or hostilities on both, sides without any Intention or resominsvlhem. Congress Is clearly exercising powers which are within its constitutional rights in recogniz ing and declaring that the war is at an end. As. by the resolution or April S. .1917. congress officially recognised the fact that war had been thrust upon us. so now it be comes the doty or congress to give official recognition to the fact that the war Is ended. Moreover, the general welfare of the United States Imperatively demands that all un certainty upon this subject shall cease, and that the extra-ordinary war powers of the government shall be vacated and set aside. Want War Powers Vacated. "The laws conferring extra-ordin ary powers upon the president for the duration of the war are still in fall force and effect, and constitu tional rights are still suspended. Many or these laws are extremely drastic and could be Justified only as war necessities; but since the war has, in ract, long since ceased. the Justification for these laws no longer exists. I "The effect of this resolution on all of the war legislation will be pre cisely the effect that the ratification and proclamation of the treaty would have had. Laws that were to be in lorce for the period or the war. would have ceased with the presi dent's proclamation; under this reso lution they will cease with the dat of its passage. "On the other hand. laws that were to continue In effect for a time after the ratification and proclama Hon of the treaty of peace will eon tinue in effect for the specified time after the passage of this resolution. The resolution, therefore, has no ef fect upon existing jaws otner man the effect that the ratification and proclamation or the treaty would have had." i QUARMASTER CORPS I MUSTEREDLAST NIGHT GEXKRAL STAFF GETS MARSH FIELD ARMORY MONDAY National Guard of Oregon Lead Na tion in Organizing Engineering Unit for State Forces A mustering of the quartermaster corps of the staff corps and depart ments, national guard of Oregon, look place last night at the Port land armory. Colonel O. E. Dentler was the mustering officer. The department consists of two majors. twp captains, five sergeants first class, live sergeants, a number or privates and two cooks. They arej Major William N. Corlan. Major Joseph E. Schur. Captain Harry P. Coffin and Captain Ward M. ACkley. all of ror Hand;' Sergeants, first clans Stephen A. Church. Arthur G. El kins. Edward F. Henry. Frank W. Waters. Clarence C. Wells; serg eants. Will D. Anderson. Frank E. Harris. Francis J. Kendall. Albert C. Newgard. Ernest S. Seltilnger; cooks. David Pfund and Gny II. Schneck; privates, first cla. Jo seph M. Haxter. Oscar Goers. Harold H. Lainhart. Conrad Miller. Daniel M. Newgard. George Newgard and Henry C. Tcdhunter. The ordnance department of the statr corps and departments, com posed or one major, one sergeant and one private also wns mustered In last nleht. The medical department has been mustered In. Also theie has been mnstered in recently tne first company or en gineers known .as Company A. 'com posed of 114 men, the first company of engineers to be mustered In by any national guard in the United States. The general staff, according to an announcement by Adjutant General Stafrin. will go to Marsh field next Monday to accept the new armory The program has not been made known here. BIG BROTHERS BOOST SCOUTS Elk Fix We for Big Public Entertainment of Salem Troops ' ' LEGION GIVES COLLEGE. TAX ENDORSEMENT RUSSIAN WIVES MUST I TATTMOAM TO FEED INDIGENT HUBBIES J UniluUli ltl Yote Is Unanimous to Sap- port Proposed Bill to Gire More Adequate Aid to State Institutions 1 LAN TO ASK AID FOR COMMUNITY HOUSE Nominations Made for Elec tions to Come Next Month TAIL ENDER IN NEW YORK didates. Who Are Un pledged, Elected by 3 to 1 Oier Johnson Man A resolution favoring the adop tion of proposed higher educational Sx act was unanimously addpted by the local post of the American legion at its regular monthly meeting last night. Considerable enthusiasm was expressed and the members pledged their active personal support of the measure in no uncertain terms. The matter of establishing a com munity house was considered in con nection with a report of the com mittee appointed to investigate and IK THKY RKFISK TO WORK M- V ICT TA K KH A HA X D DiBrre Glvea to All Who lUve Deoire to Freed and So One ! bothers Over iwfstd IVmd LONDON. MARCH 22 A Russian wife Is required to support her hus band if she be able to do so and he is uu"ir " ui luu id aero ( arr n support, under the marriage laws or Kepubhcan Organization Can- soviet it a mi a. a copy 01 mis cooe. translated into English has ut reached !ndon from the Russian People's Commissariat or Justice. It provides that married persons shall be expected to support each other. Should one refuse and. the other be what is claMed as a "need- SKiS CONVENTION CHOICE IS Social Security to compel the hus- CUNtlKMfciJ BT rtUtLL uauu or aiir, m-m luc cbw Hi J uv, iu pay support Mutual consent of buaband and wife or merely the desire of one of them to b freed from the other may be considered as grounds for di vorce. Local Judges are authorised to hear divorce -cases bit their de cisions are subject to appeal. The matrimonial age Is fixed at It for men and 1 for girls. Both most be of sound mind and mutually de sirous of marriage. Differences of religion or vows of celibacy are no Impediment. Married persons may Sharp Contest m Places bet Johnson Maintains the Rear Two thousand sixty-six election districts out of 2.571 la the city gave: Miller St.411; Wadivorth SC.591: Thompson M.lia; choose to bear the surname of the ,aeT bride or of the bridegroom or their I wepU zs.QSi. -Joint names. Marriages contracted There were sharp contests In eaett In accordance with religious forma tn 'ht l'r ItrKts. la are not binding nnleaa the union Is eleventn. rouneenta, Binnnau registered under the prescribed form twenty-first districts, la Maa- or civil, or Sovietlst marriages. Old hattan. and ta four np-etatt dls- rorms or marriage law or. as It Is tncts. in all oi wnun jobssot cxn- terraed. "the leaallsed rorsrtnc to- oioaiee opposea me reraiauoa At a meeting of the Big Brother committee or -the Salem Elka. at the Elks temple last night. Monday night. April 26. was fixed as the date for an entertainment which will Ixt given for the Elk Scouts of Salera under the auspices of the Big Broth er committee. F. A. Erixon is chair man of the committee. The entertainment Is to be en tirely free and Is open to the pub lic. The object is to show the pub lic what the scouts are and what they are taught. The program will Include musical numbers which will be followed by a -motion picture film entitled "The Round Table." which will rnn for a period of about 40 minutes and which will Illustrate the work of the scouts. Members of the scout troops of the city also will participate In the program. MORE MONEY FOR SEEM HOSPITAL " ' .: "v 0 " ' i w More Subscriptions Are List ed McGilchrist Is Again on Job Subscriptions for the new hospital were receivea yesterday from various sources. The Miller Mercantile com pany signed up for $200 and a pledge of 1100 was received from Irwin Griffith. Independence is represented among the loyal supporters of the cause by R. C. Hallbery who obli gates himself to pay 1 2 3. Others whose names have been placed on the honor scroll by their having subscribed 110 each are r . it. Raymond. Edna D. Raymond. Wil liam Zosel. L. C. Osser and B. .F West. William McGilchrist. Jr.. who was at Astoria a few days, has returned to this city and is again active as campaign manager In securing new subscribers. or- it was decided to have the matter I of men and women are aboU I ganlration candidates. aat la the oi an appropriation come oeiore ine i ikmi iseventeentn a timet in uannaiua neonle of both the county and city I i'nir ih ) nf .nrfMiinii in ih I wbere two supporters ci nerwri at the next election. It Is expected I soviet code, none but the "needrar I Hoover's candidacy were In the race that the rountr will be asked for I ..... -,. i. h.rit .mMm 1 Later rrtaras Indicated the or- SeSU UV WW W 9 mm mm 9 yaw grr ... tlO.OOO to forward the project and I Th iimm of mlrraat and of rb-1 Sanitation candidates . had pouei a like amount will probably be asked I els are subject to confiscation by I substantial majorities over the Joha- of the city. The legion la anxious the state. to have the matter settled, as other towns in the state are planning sim ilar projects and Capitol post does not want to be left behind In the r roc est I on. Vernon Parsons of tbe Eugene post addressed the meeting. He de scribed the efforts being made In Eugene for the establishment of a community house and spoke In favor of the proposed bonus. Mr. Vernon emphasised the fact that the bonus should not be given as a gratuity or from a reeling or gratitude, hut as compensation ror actual financial loss. He reminded the men that Ai aeetdent that eanaed eonsider- 17.000 men who had been protected I .v.1- damase to the Salem street car by their lives naa. aunng toe war. l mmpaay occurred at State son adherents la all district. Th Hoover candidates la the seven teenth district were defeated by more than two to one. Nicholas Ms tray Butler, president of Columbia nalverslty. and Charles D. Hlllee. former c&alnsaa of. the Republican national committee, wer elected from the lth cot ITu district. Manhattan, by a vote et -. - . . . f ...... w n r n il Ct n i man man urve w sue or era Rear OI One IS tSadiT Shatter- Beihleir and Theodore T. JTarlor. ed and Motorman Mason nJLV Pr ro t i and from 2212 election districts est cf 2.S71 la this city late tonight lai'.catsl the election of th "big four" sain- strncted delegation to the RepsbU- CARS BUMP ON STATE STREET Severely Bruised A I can national convention by a vote ot sacrifice of the very men whom cou- I ap)t crashed into tbe rear of the gress has felt unable to aid. Nomination Made. The following nominations were made for offices which will be fillei at the regular meeting on the first Tuesday In May: Commander. Jo iHtate street car. They were travel ing eastward. The collision hap pened. It is reported, while the State street csr was discharging paeen- grs at Church street. Ralph Mason, motorman on tne seph L. McAlliyer. Dr. William heading car. though In the front of Carieton Smith. vice commander. Roy D- Bird. E. Max Page; adjutant. Leland Brown.. Millar E. McGill- rhrist: finance officer. Millar E. Me Gilchrist. C. E. Knickerbocker; his torian. Millar E. McGillehrtst. Fred his car. was thrown violently from his feet, his back striking a guard rail, causing Injaries which made It neceeeary for him to be taken to a hospital. It was said last nUht that his Injuries were not seriou and ap- Mangls. Brazier Small. Ralph Routn- Jpear to be only severe bruirea. wick. A. B. Pratt; chaplain. Dr. Beo Jamln F. Pound; executive conncl!. Hive to be chosen) Francis N. Bao- ta. Bryan H. Conley. Taul B. Wal lace. Carl G. Gabrielson. Wilier B. Haden. Mort D. Pilklngtcn. Clifford W. Brown. Walter Ieise. Carl Ftetr- er. Karl Hinges. E. Max Tace and Perry ReUelman. The post Is planning a memner- shin drive for the comins month to terminate at the neit meetinr. wh it Is expected the memberrhip wl'I hit reached 1000. as was confi dently predicted by Post Com Dr. Smith. The text of the resolution follows: Whereas. Tne. American ieio-i stands for one hundred per cent Americanism and good citizenship. misses' dresses- a" Retiring From Business Irish Give British Very Uneasy Easter DUBLIN. April 5. Thou ah there was no taster reoeinon ine mnn IFelners gave the government nearly as mucn annoyance as u mere nu kven. They demonstrated also their widespread organization and the se crecy with which they are ante io execute their coups simultaneously tn every part or the island. Not only were tax oiiire ana po lice barracks attacked, but private residences or tax collectors were also raided. Papers were removeo and destroyed, but in these raid no one waa Injured. The destruction of tax record? will greatly embarrass the a Jihoritloj and delay the collection of tb in Wood Petition to he Officially Filed Today PORTLAND. Or.. April 6 The name of General leonard Wood for president on th- Republican ticket will be filed wttn the secretary of state at Salem tomorrow. l.w Walker, manager of ihe Wood cam palgn in Oregon, announced today The Wood nominating petition con tains more than 2H'j names, it is said. Passengers were thrown from thetr seats, but none Injured. Much glass was broken In the two cars and the rear of the State street car was badly shattered though the car was taken to the barns under Its pwn power. The car which bumped Into the State street car wis driven by Mo torman U. R. York. I'd to a late aour lat night the cause -of the ac cident had not been determined. CHERRIANS VHL I itrtimnmmn 4 pledged to the candidacy of Senator Hiram W. Johnson ror the BepsMl- can presidential aomiaatioa. The vote for the "big lour" U this city follows: Nathan L. Miller S.S2S; Senator James. W. Wadsworth. Jr., tS.tCX; Senator William M. Calder t.7J: William Boyce Thompeon i 2.75- Bennett's vote was 22. SSI. rirst returns frost the New Tor primary election gave the "big four delegates at large to the II ps Mi es a national roaventtoa. who are bs Inst rar ted. a lead of nearly fare to oae over William M. Bennett, run ning against the regular orgaaUa- tka ticket as aa announced advo cate for the nomination of Senator Johnson of California: 4 . The "big four" delegate were se lected at a recent unofficial eoaven tins of the Republican party 'and Bennett entered the race for a place oa the delegation. Retarna from C5T election pre cincts out of 2.571 la the city gave the organization ticket the follewtag vote: Nathan L. Miller 12.tlS: J. T Wadsworth. Jr.. 12.l; William M. Calder 12.4SS; William B. Tho Ep son 12.SC7; Bennett's vote was sor. which can be fostered roost erfeet- I D D.tnnni! Ively by proper educational facill- DOOSterS DOUiaCr KCJpOnXl- DUity ot Lntertaining on Silverton Strike Placed Before Arbitration Board Differences between the Silver Falla Timber company and Its strik ing employes, numbering about 20" mm. has len put befor. the stat board or conciliation, according to reports reaching here- The mill at Silverton. It "is said. Is operating with a small crew and under a strong; eaaid maintained by the company. ties. And whereas the superiority i American efficiency. demonstrates durina the world war. Is the result of our educational system which i designed for the masses and not re stricted to any particular class. And whereas the question of main taining our preent educational standards in this state ts now, at 1 sue In the proposed higher educa tional tax act which is to be voted n at the primary election held on May 2l' . . And whereas the Orecoa Agricul tural colleae. University of Oregon and State Normal school will be bad ly crippled and unable to function to their full capacity the comics year if they do not get the Increase in revenue proposed. And whereaa the failure to give the desired reiier to the state Insti tutions mentioned will Inevitably re sult in the exclusion or many who desire to attend tbe coming year and deprive them or their education al state aid. Be It resolved that Capttol Pot No. . American legion of Salem. Oregon, go on record as endorsing the higher educational tax act ap propriating 1.2 mills to the Oregon Agricultural colleae. University of Oregon and State Normal school. And be it further resolved tht members of Capitol post No. 9. Am erican legion, reajlzlng the Injuria that will result to the development of our state from a failure to carry the proposed act, hereby pledge onr selves to do our utmost to see that the proposed act Is endorsed at the polls by tbe voters of Marion county. Blossom Day Automobiles driven by white-uniformed Salem Cherriana will caavey visitors to Salem on excurions through the orchards of this section en Blossom day. which has been set Telephone Wires to be Laid in National Forests PORTLAND. Ore.. April Plans are now being prepared for the lay ing of six hundred mile of telephone line through the national forests of Oregon and Washington, federal for- et officials here announced today. It was aald that efforts .would be mtde to hasten the completion of telephone system for aid ta quick Kir iSa rtmmri1 lnh fit iHI IS It is estimated that on that u, eommunleaUon during the forat fir the big prune tracts of the Centrsl Willamette valley will be at the peak of the blossom seaon. Wide public ity Is to be given the event from now on and It la believed that hundred ot visitors will be In the city. The Southern Pacific rorrpany and the Oreron Electric company have agreed to run special cars on the regularly scheduled trains to accommodate the excursionists from Portland and elsewhere, and automobile fur nished bv local citizens will meet earn train. The Rodale iwction south of Sa lem and the orchards In'lhe Polk rountr bills et of Salm. across the Willamette river will probably be the principal districts visited. Ex cursionists will be returned to tbe cltv in time for their trains and villi be entertained during any spare time. Idaho Department of Legion at Twin Falls TWIN FALLS. Idaho. April Four bundled delegates. r-preent- tng 'the 100 posts of the Idaho de- !!mJ0tvJ!! lll JT: 1 1 Register today. Iton. 7i. Mflivw nr I v aw vraH(t season. Instead Of building lookout house this season, the money usual ly devoted for this purpose wl3 te diverted to telephone work. . INFORMATION ABOUT THE t iu:t cross oi'rk in ; HOME MUMMi. J THE RED CKOAi HOME NURS- I NO COURSE WILL TEACH 5 yoiv- ; To keep your family well. To feed them properly. To carry out the doctor's direc- tiens la case ot lllaew. 5 To take temperature properly. To give foot and bed b:hs prop- 'I- t To make a patient comfortable. To sit a patient up properly. I To use d.sln'eetant. To make posltice and how to J ue them. To Chaage the bed while orcu- pied by the patient. J The art of baadaslng. J Simple home remedies. ! To make shifts ta the home. t T of the convention tomorrow. come tax.