The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 06, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    j .
Atomic Disintegration in Son
Responsible for Phenom-
: enon
Depends Upon Relative Po
sitions of Son and
The earth was passing through the
outer confines of the corona or ex
terior envelope of the sun en the
night of March 22 when the Inhab
itants of the northern portion of the
United States witnessed the great
aurora in the skies.1 says Professor
Monroe B. Snyder, director of the
Philadelphia observatory.
The astronomer declared In a
statement to the Associated Press
Press that the "universal force of
radloact!on"4n the son "hurled the
final atoms of an explosion, namely,
elecrlf led hydrogen and probably
helium, straight to earth."
Professor Snyder's observations
follow; , i
"The recent aurora is a fine In
dication of the explosive atomic dis
integration which takes place at the
surface of the sun and is responsible
for Its prominences, spots and co
rona. Our discovery of the magni
tude and precise Atomic order of the
explosion of the1 chemical elements
in the sun, and in the stars gener
ally, leads to conceptions of the au
rora and the. accompanying magnetic
and electric storms, which are be
yond any doubt as to the validity.
"During the hours of Monday
night last, the earth was. In a very
true sense, and to the delight of us
all, passing' through the outer con
fines of the solar corona. The same
universal force of tadloaetlon which
disintegrates the atoms In stupen
dous localized Krakatoas. or Mone
Pelees, on, the sun, and produces
the hydrogen" of the coronal-streamers,
then also, hurled the final at
oms of that explosion, namely. : elec
trified hydrogen, nd probably hel
ium, strafghtto the earth. ; i
"Only, wlihtn about a month of
the equinox, vernal, or autumnal,
Is the earth In an orbital position to
be thus successfully bombarded. The
moving electric hydrogen Is, of
course, an electric current, and If
therefore carried toward the poles
of the earth and round them by the
earth's agntic forces.1 The fascl
natln& colors of, the aurora are due
- to the changln electric excitation of
the' hydrogen and Other gases. The
theorr of Vegard, the Swedish phys
icist, which has explained the won
derful curtained auroras as due to
hydrogen particles, of positice elec
tric charge. Is now shown to be un-t
questionably true.: In that It is but
a logical result of the explosive erup
tfon of the electric hydrogen from
the unnl.
''The well known delay, or lag in
tilie. hetween the solar eruption
and the appearance of the magnetic
storm, and accompanying aurora, on
the earth; of about 4 5 hours. Is due
to the time taken for the hydrogen
atoms to- travel from the sun to the
earth. The rate of travel ts about
675 miles pef second, or somewhat
In exeess of the rate of the upward
mi, y oierry c:ity ioagu no. 9.
ljujix tyrant or uoour, will o re
deemed tor tit flat upon trsent
tlon tr mailing by reiu-rd mail to
Vnlted mate National bank, Patent,
jrr-ron. Agent tor Trute oi lionet
.-holders.. - - ' : -
I . .. The Coast Teachers' Uurean
Oregon, can supply you with
Among the applicants on our list
incipal or Teacher
i - " i'"-- ji iiii-ij'ni.Miip oi a. scnooi, or win tcacn tJtii
Of 9th grad English, literature or history. 20 years teaching
experience; Oregon Life Diploma; excellent references; salary
expected $1350 to $1500; position must be in or near city or large
tWri. '??,.. ' .:-. ' ' '. .
' 'v-fc Wants principalship or superiritendency. 15 years ex
perience A, ll. degree from University of Washington. 5-year
Oregon mate Certificate, Salary expected, $1500 to $1600 a year.
A -r-Wants any kind of a school position paying $1300 to
$lo00 a year j has taught many years in grades and as principal ;
has been out of th work for four years j State Life Diploma;
good principal for :a small town school or for upper grade work.
. N6. 4 Woman teacher of experience would like. position to
teach upper grades, or prineipalship of three or four room school.
California life certificate, four years teaching experience in Ore
Son; two years of formal trailing, lias taken a course in physi
cal education and play-grourid supervision. Can also teach sing
ing, and sewing to beginners; salary expected, $1250 to $1350.
f 5 Wants commercial position; college graduate; exper
lencedj salary expected, $J250 to $i350. . A' good prospect 4his
party is a "woman who is now teaching in one of the best posi
tion! offered in one of the southern states j wants to coriie west
; These teachers want school, but they won'! le available
long. There will not be teachers enough to go around next year
and the wise school board will secure good teachers early if such
are to be found. Write us at once for further information if you
are interested. We have other teachers for various positions.
Mrs. Blanche M. Jones, Manager.
movement of the gases In some of
the great solar prominences.
- "The BUBterous and complex de
tail of the auroral phenoment are
found thus tot receive, for the first
time, reasonable explanation. Ad
ditional confirmation o fthis expla
nation is given by the fact that our
discoveries also prove that all the
elmental atoms, so .wonderfully ex
plosive in the stars, are structural
products of hydrogen." -
(Continued from page 1)
eris those dispositions insufficient to
Insure the protection of Europe. n
"The situation created by the
offensive of the German troops In
the Ruhr obliges the French govern
ment today to consider military
measures, the execution of wbicft
cannot be deferred. The sole ob
ject of3 these measures is to Lrin?
Germany to doe respect of the treaty
and they are exclusively, of a coer
cive and precautionary character."
Rahr Fight inz Continue.
BERLIN; April 5. The govern
ment forces have lo?t 2M men killed
In fresh fighting in the triangle
formed by rhiisbursr. Dortmnnd and
Essen, according to official infor
mation givf n the correspondent this;
morning. Except in this triangle,
quiet gradually is being restored in
the- Rahr district.
It Is estimated that at least two
weeks will elapse before conditions
are normal. The assertion was made
today that the military employed in
the Ruhr-region, with the exception
of a few additional batteries, does
not exceed the' force authorized by
the peace treaty and that these
troops will be withdrawn as soon as
order is restored.
It Is declared that the entente op
to the present has expressed no op
position to the government's mili
tary measures in the Rnbr region.
although the French have continued
their attitude of protest.
- Hon Efforts at Pari Fall.
PARIS,"- April 5. Dr. Goeppert.
president of the German psace com
mission, called on Premier Millerand
this evening with the object of try
ing once more to reassure him as
to the character of the German oper
ations in the Ruhr, which, it is said
in German circles, will be finished
within ,a week and seek to persuade
the premier to forego application of
military measure. "
' Dr.' i Coeppert. it, is understood,
made no impression on M. Miller
and. . I.
Widow Seriously III
NEW YORK, April Mrs.' Jen
nie Woolworth. widow , of Frank
Woolworth. founder of the Wool
worth five and ten cent stores. Is se
riously ill at her home on Long Is
land and littto hope is entertained
for her recovery, according to affi
davits filed In the supreme court
here today by her physician. Dr. Wil
liam H. Zabrlskie. The court ap
proved a report of referee, Carlyle
Norwood recommending the appoint
ment of her daughters, Helen Wool
worth McCan. and Jessie Woolworth
Donahue as co-members of the com
mittee of their mother's estate which
is valued at approximately $20,000,
000. - ' ;
Silver Falls Company
Men Oat on Sympathy Strike
PORTLAND. April 5- Employes
of the Silver Falls Timber company,
operating near here, struck today
following the charge by union lead
ers that, the company had discharged
about 40 men .because they had
joined the nnion. The strikers'said
about two-thirds of-th company's
employes had joined the strike. Com
pany officials declared the disturb
ance was not serious.
21."i S ' nm
the kind of a teacher you want.
are the following:
Mill Laborers Strike at Silver
ton; Salem Men Address
Mass Meeting
. There was a strike of timber
workers in the mills of the Silver
Falls Timber company at Silverton
yesterday, according to reports reach
ing Salem, because of refusal of
Manager Woodward to recognise the
Timber workers" union. It is further
reported that as a result of a mass
meeting hUl there last night the
Timber workers' union will effect a
thorough organization of the work
ers in the mills and the affiliated
camps. The trouble was another
clash between the union and Loyal
Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen.
Reports, it is said, bad been cir
culated at Silverton to the effect
that members of the nnion In the
Spa u Id In r mill in Salem were Inter
mittently going on strike and that
they were In high' disfavor among
the business men. Manager Wood
ward Is said to have made statements
tothis effect.
Salem Men Invited .
As a result the Silverton workers
asked for a representation from Sa
lem at the meeting last night. L. J.
Simeral, president of the Salem Cen
tral Trades and Labor council, at
tended as a representative of the
unions here, and Walter A. Denton
as a representative of: the business
men. It was said the Silverton busi
ness men were desirous of receiving-
The Salem men told their audience
that the Timberworkers union Is 210
strong in Salem, that- the union
stands well with the Salem business
men. that there is no discord In the
Salem mill, that C. K. Spanldlng has
stated that the output of the mfll has
Increased 25 per cent since the work
ers organized and that he has volun
tarily made an increase in wages.
Union llefiorted Growing.
It Is reported that as a result of
efforts of the Timberworkers' union
to organize at Silverton 40 men were
layed off Saturday night. Yesterday
a committee of the' workers waited on
Managed Woodward and demanded
the reinstatement of the mem It is
stated that he refused and said he
would not tolerate the union, claim
ing it was largely made np of L W.
W.. and that the result was 'a
strike. - .
Seventy-five new members are re
ported to have been taken in by the
union at Silverton yesterday.
John Zak. a deputy organizer of
the timberworkers' union, presided
at the mass meeting.
Kansas Mine Workers
Protects Wilson Award
.PITTSRUItG, Kan., April 5.
Alexander M. llowat. president of
District No. 14. United Mine Work
ers of America, announced tonight
that between 1500 and 2000 miners
In Crawford and Cherokee counties.
Kansas, struck today as a direct
protest against the recent wage
award of President Wilson's coal
Mr. Howat characterized the
award as an "outrage." He asserted
the strike was purely voluntary on
the part of the miners.
"They came out of their own vo
lition." Mr. Howat said, "and were
not ordered out by the union offic
ials." No action against the miners will
be taken by the state, it was an
nounced here today by Attorney
General Richard J. Hopkins, unless
the fctrlke is prolonged, thereby mak
ing a case for the court of indus
trial relations.
Honest Man Claims
Seized Booze as Own
PORTLAND. Ore., April 6. A.
Goodwin ' of San Francisco today
walked In to the office of Charles
Reames, assistant United States At
torney for Oregon, and "announced
that he was the owner of a large
amount of wines seized by federal
prohibition officials here last week.
He was taken to the federal court.
where he pleaded guilty to violation
of the Reed amendment and was
fined $500. - II. J. Jones had pre
viously been fined a similar amount
upon pleading guilty to a similar
charge after the wines were found
in his store here. Goodwin said the
wines were owned by him before na
tional prohibition became' effective
and that he shipped them here from
his home in San Francisco.
Fight to Come in
House on Peace BUI
- a
WASHINGTON. April 6. Repub
lican and democratic leaders of the
house began rounding up their forces
today for the big fight Thursday over
the joint resolution put forward by
republicans." declaring the war with
Germany ended. Telegrama were
sent to absent membera to return In
time to vote on Friday.
While the democrats are expected
to vote almost solidly against it. it
will have solid republican support,
according to leaders. Its passage by
the senate also Is predicted by re
publicans, although democrats de
clare the president will veto it.
Petition for Henry Ford
Not Accepted in Pennsylvania
' . '
HARRISBURG. Pa., April 15.
Nominating petitions intended to
p'aco the name of Henry, Ford of
Ittrolt, Mich.,' before th-i voters of
Pmsylvania as a candidate for the
penitential nomination at the May
primary wery rejected by the secre
'Jiry of the commonwealth today be
cause they did not give the name ur
any party and f illed tc comply with
the requirements of th-? Pennsylvan
ia primary law. The papers did not
present the occupation of Mr. Ford
and did not contain his af.'idavit that
he was a bouafide candidate '
Cattle Made to Swim Ashore
Uncle Sam's sailors see unusual
southern waters. This photograph
1 1
ship was at Bridgetown, Barbados. Rritish West Indies. The water is
too shallow for large cattle steamers to reach shore. Cattle are put over
board, tied to rowboats. and then guided to land. The natives, not be
ing over-ambitious, use the steers as motive-power whenever possible.
- i
First Names of Those Coming
to Sunday School Conven
tion Received
': ! !
The Sunday schools of the county
are selecting:' their delegates , to ' the
annual convention which takes place
in Salem on Friday and Saturday of
this week. ' " v
The Wood burn Presbyterians have
selected Mrs. L. S. Maehel. Mrs. De
lia Overton and Esther Mack to rep
resent their Sunday school and the
Middle Grove delegates of the ban
ner Hayesvllle district will he C. J.
Bartruff and Mrs, Laura Bartruff.
These are the flist names received
In what is expected-to be one of the
largest and-most I interesting: assem
hlages of Marlon county Sunday
school workers so far held.
The convention trill be held In the
Is Too Shallow for Steamship
' - -
sights during the winter cruises In
was taken by a bluejacket while bis
First Presbyterian church Instead of
the First Baptist church as an
nounced on the official program be
ginning1 at 2:15 Friday afternoon
of this week and dosing at the end
of the 3:45 session on Saturday.'
"Methods" will be the keynote of
the convention this year. Officers
and teachers of Sunday schools of
Marion county are expected to be
present in force as well as many of
the growing hosts of Sunday school
The plan is to reduce routine work
to a minimum and devote all the
time possible to definite Instruction
in teaching and Sunday school xneth?
ods. To this end many strong fea
tures are announced In the program
which will appear In 'full' la the
Statesman In advance of the conven
tion. '
Chi Who Disappeared From
Settlement House a Suicide
- CHICAQO. April . 5. The body of
Jeanne Anna d Kay. 20 years old.
whose disappearance front Hull
House Decern ir 30. at followed
Taking the
Advertising benefits the man who buys as well as the man who sells. It is
part of the Golden Role of Bosineis and it works both ways.
Don't miss the advertisements b this newspaper. Many of them are in
teresting just because of their news and educational ralae alone.
Bat more than that: Advertisements take the chase out of purchase and
make eyery penny do its fall duty.
This last statement is one particularly to be remembered when common
sense economy is not only a national duty, but an individual necessity.
by a national search- was foaad !'
day In Lake MtchTgar. near the n
irirlpal pier.
Mrs. Gertr l ie Home Itrittoa. I:e-
tilied the Udv. Ktf p fr a reat
srt' hat wh!ci wer ?nilong. the
clothing was he same as Miss D
Kay wore whs she diappaied.
1 ra HHttnit said he was con
vinced the tirl had committed ut-
MUs lie Kay was the daughter
of John Wesli-y IKy. wealthy
packer, now rea ding la wltzertaad.
e was s-nt tc ChPsgu ky 9t ra
tlei after l.fcf gradt'atloa fiorn a
Loudon boa 1 -g school. She ar
rivM at Hull llosw Urt Iecialer
assist In work anon ibe poor
t'nder Miss Jem Addaius direcilnn
' Shv was opoadfl while at
Hull House." Mm. Hrlttoa said. ad
-fi- ;et t-e p-.x nir.-li on hr
Gtorte N. Patterson
Candidate for Chief
George X. Patterson. 7T5 Iw-Mevoe
street, has riled bis declaration of
candidacy for the office of chief of
police with Crty Recorder Karl Race
yesterday. Mr. Patterson la his d-
la ration says he- will "Perform the
duties of the office In a fane ani
impartial manner."
Automobile Is Recognized
and Three Boys Arrested
Harry Evans. Jack Weltner and
Earl Towndsen were taken np as
they were passing the Fair Grounds
store last night by J. II. Graham and
Halley Doe. who recognized the car
they were la as belonging to Dud
ley Clark of Portland, and saw that
the correct number was not on the
car.' They suspected that it had
been stolen. The three, boys were
held at the store until the police
could be called, and Chief Welsh and
Officer Rowe answered and lodged
them in the city jail. The Portland
police have been notified and will
come for them today, and Clark will
come for the automobile. .
Union Blade People in
' Union Made Clothes
SPOKANE. Wash.. April 5. The
number of union-made garments
worn by a delegate to the 8pokane
central labor council would be a de
termining qualification for the dele
gate to sit In the council, under a
plan submitted to the council tonight
by D. P. Reld. a delegate from the
electrical workers anion. '
Under the plan, which will be sub
mitted to the various unions for dis
cussion.' newly elected delegates
would be taken to an anteroom by
the card and label committee and
searched. If the garments worn by
toe individual delegate averaged CO
per cent union labol. the delegate
would be seated.- Forty per cent
wxrold , do for a delegate who had
been a ' nnldns member less than -a
year. ' Female delegates would be
of Purchase
Warren Grimm's Mnrderta
Giren Quarter Centcry
at State Expense
Sentence of from 2i to 4( years U
tae state penitentiary at Walla Wal
la. Caih re Unpe! by Jij.,
John M. WUsob hare today act
allgrd I. W. VV.'a. convicted tr
jury In superior cesrt Lre Usrr
iz or aeeowi fleer mardrr n co- 1
nection with the death f Warva O
Grimm. Ceatralia ArmUticn rT . '
rade victim. Seataoe was. kiK
after a motion for a nee 'trUI Wi
oeen oeniea. " -
The seven men sentenced r?
Rsy Decker. John Lamb. O. C. fcj&i
Hritt Smith. Jamea Mclareey. 1
Bland and Eugeia Harnett. Lorn
Roberta, who waa-found erlmlaal:y
insane by the Jury, waa commit? ,t
the ward for the criminal lauee at
the penitentiary.
Hope Begins to Dawn in
Chicago Switch Shilt
, CHICAGO. April S. A brfag fa
the strike of several thousaaa -insurgent"
switchmen la the Cilcaxa
switching district was predicted to
night by A. F. Whitney, vice rtt
dent of the Brotherhood of Cillfij
Trainmen who said several hssirr-t
anion switchmen front maay polats
In the middle west arrived today ts
Uke the places of strikers and ihit
otners would arrive tomorrow.
The Brotherhood ofRailvay Train
men, with which the railroads affect
ed have working agreemeats, has
c la red the strike illegal and Is co
operating with, railroad officers la
efforts to bring about a rersn; Hot
of work.
Officers of the Chicago yardstra's
association who eaglaeed the walk
out, claimed that 90M awluhBen
sad yardmen employed on II nil
roads, were on strike today but rU
road officers placed the number at
approximately 1.19.
Booze for Cocking WiH
No Longer Be Perrztlid
BALTIMORE. Md- April S The
following ruling was received today
by Prohibition Commissioner Rich
ard S. .Dodsoa from Commlsakaer
Cramer la Waahlnoa:
"Commiaaloner Roper, after coa
slderlng the matter very eartfally.
has decided that under the lav there
la no authority for lssniag peralu
to use llnor for culinary purposes, la
the farther progress of year work,
therefore, you may govern yourself
"No farther applications for with
drawal should be approved sader per
mlts outstanding.'