The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 06, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon Statesman YEESS&
Issued Dally Except Monday by
216 8. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled tn thm na tar nnnMlnHmi
of all newt dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in thla paper
uu ou iu loemi news puDusnea nerein.
We Grind Them
Eyesight Specialist
303 State Street SALEM
Phone 239
R- J. Hendricks. . . ,
Stephen A. Stone. ..........
Ralph Glorer
Frank Jaskoskl.
. .. . ..... .Manager
. . .Managing Editor
.Manager Job Dept.
t-r shudder when their names are
On top of thla Dr. Eugene Fisk
of the Life Extension institute pre-
DAILT STATESMAN, served bjr carrier In Salem and suburbs, IS centra sented a paper before the New York
nAiiRTk!ri?uAi m-ii 'f - . ' , .v , medical convention to prove that
daily STATESMAN, by mall, tS a year; $3 for six months; SO cents a ... t ; .
month. Pop thr montha ni mnra ..m in .jniiM .... c human life can be prolonged for
(THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD,! the great western weekly farm paper, will I niore than a thousand years.
be sent a year to any one paying a year in advance to the Dally
i statesman.)
SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; SO cents for six months; 2S cents for
mree momns. -WEEKLY
STATESMAN. Issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays and
Fridays, $1 a year (If not pajd In advance, f 1.26); SO cenU for six
months; 2S cents for three months.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, 683.
Job Department, 683.
Entered at the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
If the doctor had started a thou
sand years ago to prove his theory
his demonstration would be observed
with vast interest.
As it is. he has proven through
his science that certain insects and
animals may have their lives ex
tended eight or ten times beyond
normal. It a human being had his
days lengthened proportionate to ft
fruit fly under experimentation it
would be possible for a man to live
1900 years.
(The trouble is that the doctor has
enly been prolonging the life of I
A friend at the writer's elbow I
The approach of the fishing season in the Columbia river finds I fears that he might do the same
lew new nets being made on account of the exceedingly high price! thing when he undertook to monkey
of twine over $4 a pound. I with the human race.
We must raise more flax if we would catch more fish? I Think of conferring the boon of
And we must find a way. here-in Salem, to fashion the flax fiber! a thousand extra years of lite on
into twine for the fishermen. I one of these measly profiteers or
That much may be undertaken at the penitentiary, without any wife-beaters! The doctor better go
further warrant of law than already exists, in the opinion of the out behind the haystack and forget
writer. , all he ever learned about making
There is no one in Oregon who will not approve of any reason-! doubid centenarians of our tight-
able effort to turn some of the flax fiber grown here in the Wil-lwads and loan sharks. For the love
lamette valley into twine to be sold at a reasonable profit to the of Mike, let nature take her course.
m - .
nsnermen oi trm state. . . r .' I Dr. Fisk demonstrates to his own
It is high time we took stock of ourselves as a state and brought satisfaction, at least, that youth is
.about greater CO-operation. la physical state and not a function
Let us begin to live up to our state s motto. of time, and being such is capable
We have or can produce everything here to make Oregon the lot indefinite prolongation. But the
empire state her founders intended her to become. trouble is that the wrong ones are
Let the flax men come to the aid of the fishermen, by the ex-1 prolonged.
ercise of a little wholesome morse sense and wise co-operation.
Salem ought 'to have a survekr. right now. of her housing sit
uation. This would be a good work for the Salem Commercial Senur Borah would limit the
Club. There are a lot of places that may be prepared for people expense of presidential candidates to
to live.. And the crowded condition of this city is going to persist I u'uwu
.ior a long time yeu
- -
Secretary of, War liaker is himself a lawyer and. he also em
ployed another lawyer to help him make out his income tax state
ment. And yet he niade a mistake in the figuring, and the internal
revenue bureau tells him he is entitled to a refund of $480. If cab
inet members and lawyers can't fathom the income tax, how can or
dinary citizens-be expected to understand it? But they must do it
some way ; it isn t a question of how.
Kutsoff ITeadzoff, a Russian revolutionist, has been executed bo
omer of soviet, for opposing Trotzky. How simple and efficient
the Bolshevik system is. If anyone does or says' or thinks anything
against the soviet regime, he is merely wiped out of existence. What
if we had suculi a system in this country! Then the president could
send for Senator Lodge and have him executed, and everything could
be lovely. How annoying it is to have people oppose your ideas!
And how it does delay progress! Pathfinder.
Someone suggests that that
wouldn't keep Senator Johnson in
gas If he had to buy it at one of I
Rockefeller's stations.
Some of those who are Insisting
upon the exclusion of the Turk frtfm
Europe are opposing the League of I
Nations through which it could alone
be accomplished as an enduring pol
icy. '
Jimmy . Gerard got several . hun
dred votes for ' president In South
Dakota.. But that will not be quits
enough. ( ... ,'
' President Wilson is now able to
take a short outing each day. His
time will be his own after March 4,
1921, at nigh noon. j
I The honsing problem has again
hit Washington. The candidates for
the ' presidency are - seeking head
quarters there. .
They want to see what the govern
ment left,
A silo on every, rami. That will:
be the burden of the Salem slogan!
pages of The Statesman of Thurs
day. - It Is what we have got to I
come to. -
It appears that Liidwlg Martens,
the self-certified ambassador of so
viet Russia, is a German subject and
was once under a prison sentence for
espousing anarchy.
lie is a nne uirn 10 oe sutierea
to build a nest in the dome of the
national capital.
He should have been deported first
tnd then have the situation explain
d to him by night letter.
' - Over in Germany the people are
working 14 hours a day, and they
are busy, except when they take a
day off for the purpose of over
throwing the government.
Northern Pacific railroad officials
are makipg an inspection trip over
their lines, checking up on the phys
ical condition of the property the
first time since the government gave
back the property to the owners.
Down-at Astoria on Easter morn
ing 70 people joined, the First Pres
byterian church; Rev. Major- Wll-I
liam S. Gilbert, pastor. At that
rate, the rough-neck city of Oregon
will 'be good before long.
First thing we know people will
form the habit of living forever and
then there will be a lot of things to
worry about.
An eminent London physician has
announced a cure for heart disease
and world-wide research work Is
pinning down numbers of other ter
rifying ailments until folks no long-
Herbert Hoover may not be a
spread-eagfo orator, but as a con
vincing conversationalist when con
structive problems are up he is in
the very front rank of living Ameri
cans. '
He talks to the point not over or
around it.
Likewise, when he takes his pen
In hand he has a flow of classic and
impressive English that Indicates an
all-encompassing mind. There is a
combination of intelligence, author
ity and exquisite diction that has
never yet been Indicated by one who
was purely a politician. Herbert
Hoover would produce state papers
that would te well worth while from
any viewpoint. Los Angeles Times.
THE true'value of farm lands is based upon
the relurnstherefrom. So, by increasing
the returns from your farm you make both im
mediate and ultimate profit
Analyze your crop and livestock output and see
if betterment can be achieved;
The United States National Bank will be glad to
cite you the experiences of others as an exam
ple ' : ' . . v, ... ' -
n!: i,l 't'.ii .,' 'sl.! ' ? U t! I i i hill v M' ''i'-i I I ' '1 "i ( ll
II "pi i'I
I Sums 0 fOR !-
The International Barber Shop -
benefit of two
people ought
vertising for spinach. Give them all
they need. There is money in It.
and you get the
The paper mill
be granted all the spur tracks they
need for their business. And so
should all other concerns wanting
to do business tir-Salem. We are no
longer a village, and we should get
as far away as possible from village
Chester Murphy is hesitating
about building bis big apartment
house in Salem. The costs are high.
But we have got to have more
places for people to live. Let's have
a survey of the bousing situation,
and use all the available places we
have, and get as many more as pos
The only really cheap cut of meat
Is cut it out.
You might say the German revo
lution was de-Kappitated.
.The price of clothing and eatables
never Is. but always to be, reduced.
A Chicago professor announces
that we shall be iq physical contact
With the moon, but says it will not
occur for many years. Almost as
uncertain as when Durleson will quit
the cabinet. ,
Cfcndy prices are quoted as nor
mal, and purchasers know all about
what "normal" means.
Another proof that there will be
no marriages In heaven Is the prom
ise that there will be no parting
Some of our best and bitterest
critics give their opinion about
things they could not do themselves.
Their eloquence and argument ad
vances in ratio with their Ignorance
of the subject In hand.
An Ohio judge excused a motorist
who had badly shattered the speed
limit because' the prisoner convinced
him that he was hurrying to rent a
house that had just become vacant.
The houfing problem Is every
where and even the courts take ju
dicial notice and would expedite re
lief. In this case the excuse of
fered was more effective than the old
Tered was more effective than the
old one about a sick wife or meeting
train. '
If there dees not develop a greater
home building movement In Salem
'than is now in sight, we mar. be
fore very long, witness judicial no
tice being takne here of such cases
as the one in Ohio. I
I. . a mmm mm ---- i
fil Oregon,
Let's be thankful.
Thankful for our hunshine and
While the easterners suffer from
.blizzards that freeze their gizzards.
i - Ordinarily, we need all the show-
frs we get here after Easter.
The dehydration people are ad-
April T. Wednesday Library lecture
recital. "American Muaic." by Wttlam.
ett university school of music. Public
library. .
April 9 ami) 10. Friday and Saturday
Marlon County Sunday School con
vention. Salem.
April 9. Friday Annual play by
Snikpoh Dramatic oclety of high
April IS. Sunday (Tentative) Blos
som day ia Salem.
April 11. Sunday Ftaaeball. Salem Sa
atora xt. klooseiaw.
April 17. Saturday Debate between
Willamette university and Collea of
Pugret Sound.
April 20. Tuesday Heglntratlun for
voters closea .
April 51. Wednesday Willamette
Olee club . concert at Grand Opera
April f. Krldfiy llnward KvaMa
weed, landman architect of Portland
to address Salem Art league at public
MDrary. .. .
April 23. Friday Debate between
Willamette university and Pacific uai
veraity. April J. Friday Debate between
Willamette university and McUinnvllle
Wy H. Friday Debate between
Willamette university and Oregon Ag
ricultural college.
April 30 and May 1 "Awakenlnar f
Spring- pageant Opera House, hospital
-May 11. Tuesday Inter collegiate do
bate. Willamette va. O. A. C.
Way II and it Nineteenth annual
convention of Oregon State Association
of Master Plumbers. In Salem.
May 21. Friday William Howard
Taft speaks at armory.
June 1 to 17 Officers erhoola for
Oregon National Guard at Vancouver
and Fort Stevens.
June It and 20 National gypsy
tour motorcycle events In Salem.
July C to 20 Annual encampment of
Oregon national Guard. Infantry and
engineers at Camp Lewis, artillery at
Fort Steven.
June 22. 22 and 31 Imperial conclave
or Myatlo Shrln in Portland.
Juno 22". Wednesday Imperial eon
clave or Myatic Shrine to viait Salem.
June 3. and 20 Portland Koaa
festival. . - - -
July -X2V ;3"ttttate Elks con
tention la Salem.
September JJte- Octohep 2 Or ego a
state fair.
(rmi of IMneeuae should be
promptly expelled from the blood.
This Is a time when the system Is
especially susceptible to them. Get
rid of all impurities In the blood by
taking Hood's Sarsapariila. and thus
fortify your Whole body and prevent
Party Favors
At thIseaon onr'atteatloa
Is engaged with Crad nation.
Weddings and anniversaries. It
Is quite natural that friends aad
relatives of the pattlcipaata
should wish to help perpetaate
In every way these happy oc
casions. tw.
What token can so well ac
complish this what is so ap
propriate aad so lasting as
Gift of Jewelry, a reliable time
piece or aa article of silver? -
la our stock yon can find a
carefully chosen assortment of
exquisite Gift Things that win
suit every purse.
Please consider this as a per
sonal Invitation to call at our
store and see the teas tlfai
Gifts we have gathered here.
Salem's Moat Reliable Jewelers
ad Opcidaas . '
Five-year-old Marts ret was talk,
lng to her bosom friend. "Aad Jiv
think. she said. "I've got my pray
ers all said "up ahead for five dart.
Won't have to say any more till next
Saturday nlghL
Mrs. Phoebe Whitlow
Dies in San Francisco
Word was received in Salem yes
terday or the death of Mrs. Phoebe
Whitlow, a well known former Sa
lem woman, which occurred In San
Francisco on March li arter an Ill
ness of almost a year with paralysis.
Mrs. Whitlow was sn active member
or the First MethodUt church In this
city and until her departure for Saa
Francisco about two years ago Was
prominent In church work.
Educational Measure Is
Endorsed at Hillsboro
The Hillsboro Commercial club Is
the latest to go on record as endors
ing the bin providing tax levy of
2 mills for the benefit of elementary
schools. That snch action has been
taken was made known to the state
department of education venter lay
in a letter from U. W. Hovers or
TEmUtm sritA
BescA AlagnHo
Engine Value
Over 250,000 fanners
bouHt tUTeTrune.
.They Vncrw it if power
ful, 2epsTtckbl and practkil!
fool-prouj'1 truly a great rv
in. 5 But now arraounca
on ftcJcLtkn wrKlcK a?uli
possibly improve) tr "2? per.
frmanca BoscKrutcrtskri,
cscillatinj magneto ignition.
5 So let us sKow ou in &tal
, tKis greater engine value. 5 Qur
servic to ou is mnarkaU
complete and we arc assisted
ty a nearir? DoscK Service
Station. Prices 1HH.P.
$75xo 3 H. P. $i3$joo
6RP.$aooo. AUF.O.a
. Factory.
Lot L Pearce tc Son
239 IT. Co&sierdil St.
Read tie OaisiEed Ads.
1 1 1
Owing to the change in ownertlup the
Main room of "MEYERS" Will
Be Closed 2 Days
Today and Wednesday
April 6-7
For the purpose of inYoicinf
and all customers will please use the
Court Street Entrance
Yon Caa .Always Do Better At
11 e.oiiiG.ooiDs fcr
Who Alwayi Doc Better By You