The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 06, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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' -
I 1
The Story of a Honeymoon
A Wonderful Romance of Married life Wonderfully Told by
What an Impudent Wink Disclosed j her I noticed that her underlip was
to 'Madge
k Had Harry Underwood recognized
me? . 1 .
This was the question that beat
against my brain as I sat, disguised
by Lillian Underwood's clever fin-
tera as a Latin-jAmerican vmman in
caught between her teeth in a cruel
grip, and that her eyes were match
ing the retreating back of the man
for whom she had done so much,
the man who was still legally her
Lillian's Herself Again
I knew that there was no real
. , - , j - ,. , . i i Knew mat iue was uu i
Th.e'iU,,,M'. Kathe:ineJlOTe existing in Lillian Underwood s
Sonnot and I had come in quest of
Orace Draper." YVe had seen her en
ter the cafe with Harry Underwood
had realized that Allan Drake was
(he person forj whom her restless
eyes had been searching, and had
heart for the man she had married
after her first tragic marital experi
ence. She and Harry Underwood
had Joined their existences in a sort
of friendly, comfortable compact to
ry uau:een rarcuiiiK. ana uu t h each other' rather bat
wltnessed her dismissal of Harry -.nut while Lillian had
Lnderwood. evidently n search of , k t her d f the Darfrain
Borne one wno Knew Alien ur au ( knfW Harry Underwood had
could introduce him to her.
And when Harry Underwood had
been anything but a loyal husband.
And at last he had brutally and cad-
passed our table I had forgotten to d w de8erted her. giving as his
lower jny eyes, and had seen in his I cn that he coa,d not gtand the
a uasn wmcn i wm airam " presence in their home, or rather in
of recognition
yie had not slackened his pace
Lillian's for I had a shrewd guess
as to whose money gave most sup-
nor given any omer inaicauun t their establishment of little
ne saw in me any one save ioe ujiu- i . fnP
die-aged South American woman my
appearance indicated
or unwisely, I decided to say noth
ing to Lillian about my fears
a wonder she hadn't noticed my mo
mentary fright as bis eyes met mine.
As, I stole a swift furtive glance at
Marlon , Morton. Lillian's daughter
Za f.livJ y her first husband, from whom
Ana, Wisely 1 . . . ii. nntul fnr
Liberty ySSS
Today . )? lg y
Matinee Evening
One Day Only
of the HILLS"
y Presented by
For I years.
ttui even luuugu iutc ws un:ui
from Lillian's heart, she had been
the faithful wife, the true comrade
of the man who had Just passed her.
going to do the bidding of the beau
tiful creature hehad brought to the
cafe, who had evidently come with
him from South America. I knew
what bitter humiliation was Lil
lian's portion, guessed also that
something more than humiliation
was stirring her heart.
For if Lillian' suspicions were
true and Grace Draper were a se
cret agent oLour country's enemies.
it was tnost probable that Harry Un
derwood also had become the most
despicable of all things, a traitor to
the land of his birth. And Lillian.
I was sure, was high la a service
safeguarding our country. It might
become her duty to track down the
man whose name she bore. No won
der even her brave heart faltered
at the possibility.
It wasn't in'Llllian to falter more
than an instant, however. In. an
other moment she was herself, and
when Harry Underwood again passed
our table in animated conversation
1th a man of about his own age.
there was not the flicker of an eye
lash on her part, nor. I flatter my-
self, on mine, at his proximity. .
'I don't know the chap myself.
I heard Harry Underwood's familiar
deep tones rumble as he passed ns.
"but the little lady's got an idea
that he's somebody some friend told
her to look up and nothing will do
her but to meet hint."
"I shall? be most pleased." the oth
er man assured him. and then they
had reached the table and Grace
Draper was smiling an acknowledge
ment of the introduction Harry Un
derwood made.
I. watching Allen Drake, saw him
start Imperceptibly, and then into
those keen gray eyes there flashed
a look which held mirth In it I was
very sure. It was only a flash I
feaught. for vthe "next instant the
womanish eyelashes veiled bis eyes
again and he went on with the con
versation with his companions. But
that he knew as well as Grace Dra
per, herself the plan she bad made
to meet him I was sure.
Harrv Underwood' Eyea
She managed the thing very well.
however, I was forced to admit, and
so did the man Harry Underwood
had brought to their table. For a
good 10 minutes he appeared a o
sorbed In the conversation of the
beautiful woman at his side. Then,
carelessly raising his eyes, he caught
sight of Allen. Drake, and nts sian
of recognition was admirably done.
It was but a few moments after
this that Allen Drake was standing
beside Grace Draper's table, talking
In his Indolent but attentive manner
to her, while she. I. could see. was
using all her battery of feminine
charms in her effort to interest him,
I was so absorbed In watching mem
that I did not realize inai
was myself being watcnea. Ana
then I eaugnt starry tnaerwouu a
malicious eyes full upon me. and saw
blm drop his left eyelid in an im
pudent wink.
New Era U Promised Tf Para
guay Now, Under The
Direction of Missionaries.
At last the barefoot republic has
been adopted.
Oppressed by Its masters, bat
tered and beaten by its neighbors
for centuries, It has been a waif
among the nations. No one sent it
to school. It remained ignorant,
-weak with the unaided struggle for
existence, and poverty stricken.
About it lay wealth It did not know
how to use.
The "Barefoot Republic is Para
guay. And its new foster parent is
the American Protestant denomina
tion of the Disciples of Christ.
War with Argentina. Brazil and
Uruguay ravaged the "Barefoot Re
public" as only Armenia and Serbia
have been ravaged. From a popula
tion of 1,250,000 it was reduced to
300,000, of which only 10,000 were n- . ,. .... . , . . . .
men. Jaguars prowled the streets Pnr Indians Whom Disciples of Christ Are Rescuing From
and every other animal that might Poverty and Ignorance.
be used 'or food were slaughtered the primitive plow of the Egyptian missionaries. They have purchased
almost to extinction , Is an Innovation. a two-acre site in the beait of
This is the background to the Paraguay has much latent wealth Here is to be set up their school
-ww 4 'vcpuuuv. Ia us cumate. soil and cattro Asuncion, the Paraguayan capital. I
today as told In the Interchurch ranches. Its orange groves are and Institutional work.
World Movements survey of Para, hoards of gold. Yet. the survey re- With school, with plows, with!
pays n,omlC,.?iC,a. nL reifR" l1"- TerT I enough oranges modrrn facilities for social and!
lOUS Condition. ThlS IS part Of a rot On th rmnnil In Param-i n rnmm.rrlil llf tfc- m.i.u. !
world-survey to provide a practical pay the national debt If they could In the next Ave yeara to give the
program for-the closer co-operation be marketed. "Barefoot Republic" a chance. Ten
of the Protectant Churches of English missionaries hure reached day schools, a high school, an agrl.
Z o v , ,ew centers among the wild In. cultural school and an industrial
k Barefoc. Republic has done dians In the tropical wilderness, school are to be operated. An or.
U. recoTer' rvey The Salvation Army and one other phanase it to be built And there
inows. The government distributed mission have done work in two or are to be two institutional church
l? ot?i to encourage agrl. three of the cities. centers, eight churches and eight
culture. But Paraguay knows noth- But a new era in the history of out-stationa
ing of modern farm implements, the republic is promised in Its The waif of the nations has found
tiVilVS SV0 J?" -Vj00"011 h tne Dixies of Christ a helping hand to prosperity and
the land: the hoe to till it Even Already they htve sent their first economic Independence.
" 'a-r
Community League at Silrer
ton Backs Candidacy of
Popular Citizen
C. M LaFolIett of Amity, Son
of Marion Senator, Announces
(Continued from page 1)
sections would have the payment
made by the city instead of charged
to the abutting property owner.
The -following schedule of increas
es tot members of the fire depart
ment is proposed lb the ordinance
bill covering salaries for firemen
and policemen. Both the fire chief
and the chief of police now receive
1100 a month:
"For the three months beginning
April a. 1920. the chief of the fire
department shall receive a salary of
1137.50 a month: the captain and
engineer of the fire department
shall receive a salary of $1 If per
month, and all other regular fire
men shall be paid according to the
following schedule: Those who have
served in the department less than
six months shall receive a salary of
1 104.50 a month, and those who
have served In the department six
months or more, shall receive a sal
ary of $110 per month.
Chief Raised to f ISO
For the three months beginning
! CO. .
mi )
"all New special
All New Pictures; Too
i I 1 1
of the city of Salem shall receive a1
salary of $123 per month.
"Beginning April 1. 1920. the
marshal shall - receive a salary of
fir.O per month."
1'itizeuM K&ger for Paving".
Numerous petitions for improve
ments were received last night. The
property owners of North High
street, north of Union street, pe
titioned tor the re-grading of the
Property owners of Division street
petitioned for the .paving of that
street from Front street to Winter
street, - waiving their right to 10
days' publication. Petitions were re
ceived for the paving of North Six
teenth from D street to Market and
of Trade street from Church to
High. Petitions also came in for
the paving of North Summer street,
the property owners waiving the
right of remonstrance, and for the
paving of Fourth street 'from Bel
mont to Pine. The opening of
Fourth street also was asked. All
petitions were referred to the street
committee. Petitions for the pav
ing of several alleys were also re
"I don't know bow we are going
July 1. 1920. the cbier or the f Ire f to pave all these streets and alleys
The Loveliest Curly
Hair So Easy to Have!
Such pretty wave and c'urla. having
ml the appearance of "Nature' own"
ye. you can have them, easily, quickly.
If you will Just apply plain liquid nil
merlne before doing up your hair. The
hair will have such a lively ulstre and
wholesome beauty. And It will be fine
and fluffy when combed out.
If you will ret a bottle of liquid sil
merine at any drug store and follow the
accompanying; directions, you will be
imply - delighted with the results
which will be inevidence within three
hours and which will last a Ions
time. The hair will be quite manage
able, no matter fit what fashion it Is
worn. The liquid, which is perfectly
harmless, will be appreciated also as a
splendid dressing, for. the hair.
department shall receive a salary of
iiao per month; the captain nnd the
engineer of the department thall re
ceive a salary of $132 per month,
and all other regular firemen nhall
be paid according to the following
schedule: those who havo served in
the department less than six" months
shall receive a salary vof $14 4 per
month, and those who have served
in the department six months or
more shall receive a salary of $120.
per month.
"Beginning October 1. 1920, the
chief or the fire department shall
receive a salary of $150 pe month;
the captain and engineer of the de
partment shall receive a alary f
$135 a month, and all other rernlar
fireman shall be paid according to!
tne following schedule; those who
have served in the department less
man six months shall receive a sal
ary of $120 a month, and those who
have served in the department' six
months or more shall receive a sal
ary of $125 per month."
Police Schedule Similar.
For police officers the- following
schedule Is provided:
"For the three months beginning
April 1. 1920. regular policemen of
the city of Salem who have served
on the force less than six months
consecutively shall receive a salary
of $104.50 per month. After six
months of continuous service on the
force, regular policemen shall re
ceive during said three months a
salary of $110 per month.
"For the three months beginning
July 1. 1920. regular policemen of
the city of Salem who have served
on the force for less than six
months consecutively, shall receive a
salary of $ 1 1 4 per month. After six
months of continuous service on the
force, regular policemen shall re
ceive during said three months a sal
ary of $120 per month.
"Beginning October 1. 1920. reg
ular policemen of the city of Salem
who have rerved on the force less
than six months consecutively shall
receive a salary of $120 per month
After six months of continuous ser
vice on the force, regular policemen
Mr. Ford has been working for the
past three years will enable the Ford
company to make Ford parts direct
from the Iron ore Instead of buying
the iron ingots and then meltln
them. At the present time there are
approximately IS, 000 men engaged
at the blast furnaces and In the new
body plant. But It is quite probable
that that number will be more than
doubled once the steel mills--which
will be the largest in America be
gin to operate. Ford men do not at
tempt to place any estimate on what
the production of cars will be in the
future, but point to the fact that they
have not been able to supply the
demand for the -past ten years and
that at the present time there are
some 230.000 unfilled orders on
Automobile Show to be
Staged by SUvert onions
when we have no men to do it with
said Alderman Buchner.
, Accidents Too Frequent.
A resolution was introduced and
adopted asking the mayor to appoint
a committee to work with the chief
of police relative to enlisting the
services of voluntary traffic officers
so that street traffic accidents may
be curbed.
(Resolutions were adopted declar
ing the intention of the council to
imnrove Division street from Front
to Water stieet and to improve Lin
coln street..
A recommendation signed by
Ward K. Richardson and others was
received from the North Salem Im
provement association urging that
hereafter all sidewalks built in the
city, be of cement Instead f wood.
It was referred to the street com
mittee., The association further
called attention to 10 blocks of wood
sidewalks in the North Salem dis
trict that need repairing.
A communication was received
from W. I. Staley ottering to make
the annual audit of the books of the
city treasurer and the city recorder
for a compensation or xi&u. me
council voted to enter into a con
tract with Mr. Staley.
Ciieny'a Voice Heard.
An ordinance was Introduced pro
viding tor readjusting the grade of
Church street from Highland to
Hickory and was referred to tne
street committee. An orainance
was Introduced and referred to in
crease the salary of the city health
officer from $500 to $900 a year.
Simeral moved that the city at
torney draw an ordinance for intro
duction at the next meeting to in
crease the salary of the city engin
eer from $125 to $150 a month. The
motion carried.
John B. Giesy made his maiden
speech as a member of the alder
manle body by moving that the
council Instruct the street commis
sioner to make passable Mill street
between Twenty-second and Twenty
third streets. He said an emergency
exists. The motion prevailed
SILVERTON. Or- April 5. 'Spe
cial to The Statesman) In order
not to be out done by larger, cities.
Silverton Is now going to hav an
automobile show. T It will be the
first auto, truck and tractor exhibit
of eastern Marlon county.
The show opens Saturday, April
10 at 10 a. m. and contlnuej until
11 p. m. Starting 8 p. m. the floor
will be used for dancing. ITnlike
the shows of sister cities, everything
at the Silverton automobile show.
dancing Included, will L free. The
show will be held in the new par
age, owned by Wrightman & rpbo.'f.
next to the Gem theater.
It Is reported here that Dr. A. R.
Wrightman of Silverton has been
endorsed by the Silverton Commun
ity league as a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for representa
tive in the legislature and that Dr
Wrightman's declaration of candi
dacy will be filed In a few days.
This action has been taken as a re
mit of a general move to obtain a
delegation oom posed of representa
tives from all parts of the county
11 Is understood that William A.
Taylor or Macleay also will be a
candidate. Mr. Taylor has been par
ticularly active In behalf or the wild
life of the state and was mainly In
strumental In securing a large herd
of wild elk which was liberated In
the mountains east of Silverton sev
eral months ago.
Younger LAFollett Ranalag.
The following candidacies were
filed at the office of the secretary
of state yesterday.
Judge II. II. Belt of Dallas, for
Republican re-nomination for cir
cuit Judge of the 12th judicial dis
C. M. LaFolIett Amity, for Re
publican nomination for representa
tive or Yamhill county in the state
legislature. He is a son of State
Senator A. M. La FoIIett of Marlon
county, and his platform declare
be will work for a cessation of "the
squandering of public fund.
S. A. Miller. Milton, for Repub
lican nomination tor representative
In the legislature from the 23rd dis
Piaaerkl for Prose rator.
E. K. Piaseckl. Dallas, for Demo
cratic nomination for district at
torney for Polk county.
Leon B. Baketel. Portland, for the
Republican nomination for represen
tative in the legislature from the
18th district.
J. N. Helgerson. Dallas, for Re
publican nomination for district at
torney for Polk county.
Clarence R. Hotchkiss. Portland.
for Republican nomination for elec
tor for president and vice president.
Charles H. Carey. Riverdale. Re
publican candidate for delegate to
the national convention, from the
state at large.
Friday, April 9
Prices 60c to S1.50
"Bringing. Up Filber In
the cartoons have ever made yea
laugh. It is probable the same char
acters In flesh and blood will mats
yon roar.
etannlng costumes with becomlag
grace and modestry.'
So many women Barter from kid
ney trouble without realising the
cause of their sickness that this frost
Mrs. 8. E. Mills. R. R. t. Xeala.
will be read with Interest: "After
taking Foley Kidney Pills I sarely
feel like a new person. Aching back,
rheumatic pains or other symptoms
should be given prompt attention.
J. C Perry.
'"TnTs "
A Thrilling Drama of the Snow-Boimd Backwoods of Alaska
With Clara Williams and a Special Cast
, Special 2 Days Only Wednesday, Thursday
-,; - ..." -i
I Tiy suffer tkt discomforts mnd
embarrassments cf a Goitre t
O. G. C srrparufcae isr baa Ur
bm4 ssaf.
Mar v srvml Seed Mm fr
Uom m itmuim m rout W O.G.C
caa fc itusH Uf bsjcS) c rsw
mnl risrdurr
O. G.CW v9 At sssM sstfe.
"O-. Writs tor ok tot.
Minm Dvpt T chemical cosvAjrr
SILVERTON. Or.. April 5. (Spe
cial to The statesman) Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Adams have returned
rrom California where they have
been since their marriage in January.
R. L. Wolcott and dirber.
Mildred, have moved to Portland
nre w- wpiiim ror
time. Mrs. Gertrude Smith, a daagh-
t ot Mr apd m. Woieott. and
her two little sons. Chester and Rob
ert have moved into the Wolcott
home where they will remain durinc
the absence or Mrs. Wolcott and
Mildred. Vernon Wolcott left for
v""ll. rsiir . whrm he will h- em
ployed with the De Pue Warehouse
company. Ilia brother. Chester, in
rraur employed wun tne same
Mrs. William Service and Mrs. W.
O. Remolds hava rturnl fmm
few days spent at Newport.
Martin Tlnglestad went to Salem
rriday and Saturday morning. He
went out to survey the 84 acre farm
1Z miles south or Salem which he
recently purchased.
waiter Tart, street car conductor
at Portland, la at the home or M
'ahr. A. L. Tart, for a two weeks
"Majrjrte,- la Iirintiag i n Father la
Society,- t the Grand eit Frt
day, April .
Comedy Is the overwhelm lag In
gredient which goes to make npthe
entertaining play or "Bringing Vp
Father In Society" which will be
me next offering at the Grand Opera
nouse rnaav. Anrii s. Thm niM
which Is wedded to bright and snap
py music, features, surprises, novel
ties and other diverting humorous
essential. Is based on the popular
comics or George McManus. As la
former seasons It is sponsored br
Gus Hill, who rirst saw the soul-
bilitles of presenting cartoon plays
upon tne stage. As a departure
from the eut-end-dried plays of the
time-honored brand, this niece
should ably drive away workaday
cares, the blues and similar maladies
witnout rnoch ado. The. cast is
arge and efficient and Includes li
pretty and captivating chorister
who know how to alng and dance
cleverly and at the same time wear
500.000 Fords Turned Out
in Period of Six Months
When the first six months or 'be
Ford Motor company fiscal year
ended January list, more than half
a million of the sturdy little little
Forda had left the factory to Join
their tore? and a half million broth
ers and sisters on the world's high
way. And Ford officials expres
confidence in their ability lo turn
loooe the other half million by July
31st. when their year ends.
However, ihsj say a million a
rear is far from the ultimate In m'
tor car manufacturing; and that
with the completion of the big blast and body plants which Hen
ry Ford Is now building in Detroit.
(the yearly output capacity is bound
to assume larger dimensions. , The
present capacity Is 1.200.000.
The blast furnace project on which
HAiiuKii ski.i.h orr
SILVERTON. Or.. April 5. (Spe
cial to The Statesman) Gus Crown
who has been the proprietor of the
Rex barber shop In the Slmmeral
building since his arrival from Min
nesota, has sold his business to Al
bert Thomas rrom the Siletx coun
try. Mr. and Mrs. Crown will not leave
the city. Mr. Crown has accepted
emoloyment at one or the Silverton
HERE'S a lot of extra-ordia-
ary conversation going ea
round tala town about this
plumbing shop aad oar sanitary
methods of fitting out a home er
a factory or an office building
with the proper beating appara
tus or water facilities. They do
say that we know our business.
Plumbing. Tinning aad raroaeea
2SS Chemeketa Si. Phone
Established 1S68 1
. General Bank in Butinesa
Office Honrs from 10 a, m. to 3 p. m.
Henry lorn Is in Race'
for State Legislature
AURORA. Or.. April 5. Henrr
Zorn of Old Champoeg announces '
that he is In the legislative race as a
member of the lower house from
Marion county. Mr. Zorn is presi
dent of the First State Bank or Don
ald. He seeks the Republican nom
He has llTcd la Marion county all
his lite and it ts believed that be
stands a good chance ot landing the
nomination, as the north end or the
county Las nol been represented in
the legislature lor many years.
IRcad the Clauifled Ads.
That can 1 driven without .expense
1918 Velie Six-Cylinder, Koxl a, new t $1500
1H18 Maxwell, A-l condition. $600
1!18 Dodge, looks good, runs pool $300
1918 Maxwell, 1 ton truck .- $600
1915 Mitchell, 4-eylinder, gool shape $600
Sttulehaker bug, good condition $275
We will give you guarantee on any of the ahove cars to
acrve and serve well.
162 North Commercial St. .
J. W. Jones, Mgr.