ill ; THE WEATHKIl: Oregon: Tuesday, fair: moderats westerly winds. i The SUtumaa receives the leased wire report of the Associated Press, the greatest and most reliable press association la the world. 1 gEVENTnSTH YEAR SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY MOIIMXG, APRIL . 102O. PRICE: riT CENTS Y LONE ROBBER DIES IN BOLD r - V BANK HOLDUP After Making AivayrWith $20,000 Takes Refage h Empty Theatre, and Gives Battle to Fifty Police KILLS ONE AND IS HIMSELF KILLED Recognition of Man Who Was Drag Crazed COUPLE ANXIOUS TO MARRY TRAVEL FAR 20O MILES COVERED BY LOVtXO , PAIR IX SEARCH Thwarted in Original Plan by Ab- sence and Illness and General Scarcity of Elegible Preachers WARNING IS GIVEN HONS BY FRANCE BEND, Ore.. Anr-il' fi A trin nf 2dSj!ajSfS2 Ca of Recent Revolt Held to Have Been Germany s Failure to Ohsenre Disarm ament Provisions of Treaty to perform marriage service vu end ed when John Carroll and Gertrude M. Baldwin of Drewsey found Rev. . v-nariranrt of Bend Presbyterian church today. , The wedding cere mony was performed at the narson- age. Accompanied by his T7r..l.-h. Mr. Carroll started his long trip last "wi, ariyinx ao mile to .Hume where it was expected that the wed- I aing would be held. They were able to obtain their 11- Shot in face Mav Prevent F'S?22'& Z Note tonuses Immediate Ac tered obstacle after obstacle. The county judge was out of town an wan me oniy minister and the Justice of the peace was ill. Bend was the MILITARY MEASURES' ARE NOW CONSIDERED tion in Present Serious Situation in Ruhr next stop and 159 miles more, land ed them at the door of a clergyman's home ? .1 ST. LOUIS. April 3. A lone ban dit killed one police officer,' serious-j ly wounded three others and himself was killed, when he held up . and .robbed the Easton-Taylor Trust com pany here of 120.000 late today. The bandit Carrying a revolver t In each hand entered the . hank short ly after 3 o'clock. There were 15 customers in tha bank and ha herd- cd them and the employes in a pri- Wadsworth Says" Burden of volvers, i r A riot call was sounded and fifty policemen, heavily armed responded. - The bandit obtained $20,000 from Louis F. Schneider, the cashier and SENATE ARGUES TRAINING BILL Next War Should Not he on Veterans MAYANCE, April C-French troops entered Frankport and Darmstadt at five o'clock this morning, encountering no resistance from German government forces in those two cities. PARIS. April 5. (By The Asso ciated Press) The attitude of the French government in the present uerman crisis- is denned ana ex plained in a note issued tonight. Af ter reiterating that the government BACKWARD SPRING CAUSE OF CONCERN COLD WEATHER AM) LABOR SHORTAGE WORRY FARMERS AgricultarallHt South of Salem Talk of Buying Tractors la Partner ship a Protection Considerable concern is felt among the farmers over the backwardness of spring and the increasing short age of labor, as well as he high wag.'S demanded. There is still much plowing- to done and few teams and drivers can be induced to go to the farms to do the field work. In the orchard districts, south of Salem, neighbors are discussing the advisability of buying tractor i jointly to do their . plowing. They say should a week of dry windy weather come soon it would make plowing difficult and leave the ground clod dy and difficult to work down .Marlon county is not the onTy sec tion in the state whore labor short age is being felt. Orchard workers of Hood River are being paid as much as $100 a month and still some vacancies are reported The situation as to farm labor will become Increasingly acute as the season advances according to George Quayle. secretary of the Ore gon State Chamber of Commerce "At this esason of the year." said Mr. Quayle. "there Is no unemploy ment and it looks as though a ser ious shortage of farm labor may 'e a- reality, this season. I am asking the various organizations affiliated with the state ciiamber of commerce to investigate and report. We may have to send an agent to the mid dle west to call attention to the sit uation and to let those who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity FISHER AND WENB-EROTH ARE CHOSEN Vacancies in Third and Fifth Wards Filled by Elections at City Council Meeting Last Night MAYOR WILSON VETOES OIL FIRM FRANCHISE Some Opposition to Paper Company's Petition Sal aries to be Boosted THIEF ROBS SPIRIT OF LUCK OF HIS CASH 'DIVES TO IIOTTOM OP WlSHIXt. WELL AXD COLLECTS COIN Water 1ong Sacred to Itomoaa and Bearing Gift of Fottaae to T1mmm Who Driak Baly Profaned SAX DIEGO. Calif.. April -4. A thief dived to the bottom or the wishing well at Ramona's marriage place at Old Town, near here, re cently and took the accumulated horde of pennies and Silver amount ing to $10, that have been dropped their by seekers of luck and good fortune, according to the uroprietor or tne historic place. Here is the ancient motto hangs over the well; Quaff j-e the waters of Ramona's well; Good luck they bring and secrets tell west were they by a sandaled friar So drink and wish for thv desire." . Thousands of tourists each vear sip the water and drop coins In hom age to the good luck spirit that is supposed to Inhabit the well. WASHINGTON. A nrii c i'nnr. bas no hostile designs toward Ger- tn r,r., .nd ..ri, Hrr sought refuge in an adjoining thea-I parednesa on the part of the United I man' desiring on the contrary ihatt harvesting" WILSON SAID TO BE SOCIALIST ... . . Charged With Having Killed American Spirit, of Free dom in Business ter which was empty. , .... I States was directly responsible for the resumption of h0"01 relations The police surrounded the theater. I "fearful extravacancea" in n with that country and expressing re- The bandit used the Orchestra - pit I money. Senator Wadsworth, republi- aH-ation of the difficult situation irom wnicn to snoot ana wouia rise i can, oi new i one. said indav in nn.n. I me uemn uei mucin, mo over the ton of it and fire as the lng duscussion . of the tne German government oatrol men entered. The gun battle Iganlzation bill submitted hv tha . I has given way to pressure by the lasted nearly 20 minutes. . late military committee. Defending I militarist party not ieanng to m- PoflrVman . Terrenca ' McFa.rland I the committee nlan for trafni-- k. I fringe the Imperative and most sol- Nwas shot throngbhe heart and died between 18 and 21 years Senator emn "tipulations of the Versailles 1 . .1 -v . l jmm a - A -I UT. .!.. J 1 a . - . I t Aa V " " instantly. ( rairotman viauae auui i "fiu ueciarea . it., was umair I . was Shot In1 the abdomen. I ta ask the veterans of the great war! The note continues: Police said the man's conduct in-1 to continue to fill the rola of tha ne sequence oi iacis ionow: iaa dicated he had become crazed from J defenders of the country which was I fIrst request for. permission for the drugs. .The money was foufid eoh- rightfully the duty of "their success- try oi extra troops into the itunr cealed .ln his clothing. , v . . ors in age." . , , district. was made Just after the in- . Crouched In the nit the robber I t ne D1U. the New York senator I surgeni movement ur tne miutary had the advantage of being hidden -id, sets np a military policy which I authorities on March 15. It was re-1 PROVIDENCE. R. I.. , April S. (regular meeting of the city council by darkness while .the.,, policemen I emphasises the dependence of theneved from Berlin on March 17, in i Condemnation of the " marked So-1 last night. stood: in the light as they entered, I country on the private soldier and I in- name oz me legitimate govern-1 ciaiism . ot President Wilson" and I .Election of the two new eoune;i- John R. Lanagan. president of the sTives the private soldier the priori ment oy von rianiei; wno nas re- warning against the "trend toward men followed the reading of petitions Mnkf told, the police the man began I naming, wnicn-experience snows. isi""e m euawsuu nationalization ot inausiriea. as sug-1 from tae respective wards asalng flrlDi as soon as he entered and that I necessary "so tnat wnen be goes Into t teast impuea oi we insurgent gor-1 gested in his partiality to tne soviet one of the bullets passed through I battle he may have a decent chance I ernment. I plan." were voiced today at the Re als hair. Several women in the in-1 nls life." I ah mrormation irom the aTTsa i publican state convention by Con stitntian fainted, , , - I Estimates that more than a billion missions ana again tne day berore i gressman Simon D. Fess of Ohio. The robber was shot in the face aoiiars win be required, "actually yesteraay. irom tne nign commis- -The Republican party believes so badly that police said it probably lor compulsory training were contra-1 iun-rs ai wooieuz. noes not cea . . . . .. . . I Km- Cdnain Tlf-.,t. K I tn lhn that C.&rm i n I1itr inlar. wouia ue impossiDie to laentiiy mm. i - j ,..uo viiu. uu - - r caiu tue uiiiiuaie coal wouia noi ex-1 "iuiuu a uutaiiou lur uy iuc' ceed $634,000,000. ' Provisions for I tion and It would be attended with 9rfit Crtfj' !n II. I fraduated rediictioa in the size of the gravest dangers from the point O. L. Fisher and George Wen deroth were last ni&xt elected unanimously by the city council as members of the aldermanic body to fill vacancies In the rep resentation of the Third and Fifth wards respectively. Mayor Wilson vetoed an or dinance passed al the last pre vious meeting granting the Standard Oil company a fran chise for a spur track on Leslie street and the council unani "mously supported the veto. An ordinance bill was read first and second times providing a franchise for the Oregon Pulp & Paper company for a spur track on Trade and Front streets, and some opposition by the council is threatened. First and second reading was given an ordinance bill calling a special election May 21 to vote on a salary increase for the chief of police and on payment by the city for paving of street inter sections, also another ordinance bill to Increase the salaries of policemen and firemen. The bills were referred. Petition Ask Elections These were the high lights of fie their election "Who is Fisher?" demanded Al derman Vandervort when Fisher was nominated by Simeral. Why he Is Mrs. O. L. ruber's husband." replied Simeral with so in that the progress of a nation de pends upon the freedom ot initiative I show of feeling. in the exercise of talent in In vent I in I "Weil who is this and discovery," the speaker said. I Vondervort pressed. gentleman?" It enndomna the marked Socialism I "lb i a rnral mail nrrlrr " Kim tne permanent standing iromiui view oi security Dom tor tne pop- uf president Wilson, who. under the eral answered Share of Criticism lUl-i0.??1, "d "H uU4lJI"4i ?me,Ln.thfl!11 cuwiuiniuucu uinwca iu tiv.vvv Mm ucu yuiui wu iui ! . a ..! If AAA 9 9 n t m rAMi'w I t Vi a ntm,M uviranAnt 1 m A a. wIaiI IVAniAUIUA, April . VICeiV. Klio4 wnnlil'maV-, KA oa,i Atlt tVl dlao rmo m.nt .l.n... A Ilia Aamiral Dims employment Of Am- I Irrr rnmnnlmrT milttarv tralnlna- n-ltrtav Ihor. wonM notar ho Htwon eriean destroyers force In European I proximately equal that necessary for the Kapp insurrection nor the red ar- "H" uunng tne urst year ot tnisithe operation of the house bill which I my In the Ruhr district and remarks country . participation in the war eaMS for a nermanent armv of 300.- that articles 42 and 44 are such an was severely criticised today by Ad- 000 enlisted men and 17,000 officers. Indispensable safeguard that article imIhI t t n varti j A I ... .... .1 ... ..... "" iicurjr r, yv tiaun, ruiDnunuef , Tha chairman ttaid tne re-orrani-1 one ol - tha Kranrcv-An rlo-Ampriran ofjthe Atlantic fleet, in testimony J cation bill proposed by the general I convention defines as a cacus foed- oeire tne naval board investigating i Bta,ff "violated our democratic instl Rear Admiral William B. Fletcher's I tutions." while under the commlt- removal from ihe Brest command by I tee's bill it would be possible to have Admiral Sims.--' . la "democratic and an economic ar Easing , of all destroyers used in my," as well. convoying American troops and sup-l Another bill providing for the; re- ,Ply transports into French ports on J organization of the army and the es- Viueenstown Instead of Brest up to I tabllshment of a national miutary tbe spring of 1918. Admiral Wilson J policy already has been passed by declared, meant that the destroyers I the house which, however, eliminated worked only one way" and "wasted entirely universal training sections mileage in a long trip back to JOHNSON IS BIG LEADER IN MICHIGAN Wood Is Poor Second. Hoover and Lowden Tie for Third; Democrats Show Little Strength CAUF0RNIAN HAS BIG MAJORITY IN DETROIT Popularity With Soldiers Wins. Westerner . Many Much Needed Votes Queenstown for re-fueling. If origi nally based , in Brest, he declared, these destroyers could have worked "both ways' eonvoylng transports out as well as Into the French ports an, thus be made to render their maximum .- service, as was demon airatea some eigni moninu wwr, uv v rtf ' a " Ttfll" " a I w. . added, when this nlan was permit- DrV Officers Are Wlllui2 to ta'all PrU ted. '.w it. i it borne of the offic PREACHER SAYS NEW YORIC IS WET trne. t vsp fiac PT t AnHr.l Pnvr rn- I Trilt wa c muff Irfont n rlvj. Viihir -.-. a a 1 i a a. a -ar I a - I " v ue Duio men poiaia oui tnai, u mnt activities to cover all produc-la unanimous vote. tive agencies and who has called to I No questions was raised as to Washington the strangest polyglot I Wenderoth's qualifications. He had of Socialists ever Invited Into po-1 a strong endorsement from the North sitions of responsibility." Salem Improvement association The state and district conventions I Wenderoth was present and .Inimei- held at the same time elected an I lately took his seat. Fisher was not unoledscd delegation of ten mem-1 present hera to the national convention with-I Street Monopoly OntmMol out opposition. Governor neeck- Mayor Wilson won the support of bam hpadpd the four dcleeates-at-1 the councilman in his veto of the larcp ! Leslie street franchise to the Stand The platform declared for ratifl-ard Oil company when he explained motion nr th noam troatr with "such that It would grant an exclusive reservations as will favor America." favored a large merchant marine. reduction of government expend! tures. an adequate standing army. with a citizens' reserve and equal anff race. Discussing the cost of living, the .i.ifAm inr rfnr1 nroductlon. attmnlatlon of enterprise, checking oil companies that might wsr.t and vaste. use the street. and reduction in pnblic expenditures are a national1 necessity. (Continued on page 61 " " . j 1 1 I JAPS SEIZE VLADIVOSTOK Begin Reign or Terror and Start Deportation' of Rus sian Undesirables franchise to the company forever. He ss1 he would be favorable to the bill if it contained a common us er clause or If the franchise were granted the Southern Pacifc com pany instead of to the oil company. Tile present bill, some of the mem bers explained, would exclude other to SMPATHIZERS ARE PICKETS Women Parade Banners Be fore British Embassy for Irish Cause WASHINGTON. April 5 The fed eral government moved today to put an en a to tne picketing of the Brit ish embassy, which was renewed this morning by women sympathis ers with the movement for an Irish republic. United States District Attorney Laskey informed Matthew O'Brien. counsel for the women, that If bis clients persisted they would be pros ecuted under a federal statute which makes the offering or an Insult to a diplomatic representative of a for eign government or to his official residence, a felony, punishable by a penitentiary sentence. Simultaneously. Mr. Laskey com municated his decision to the Dis trict of Columbia commis. oners. who Instructed the police to arrest the women after warning them. Cap tain Doyle and two police women were seat to the embassy in a patrol wagon and found Mrs. Msry Walker of Astoria. L. I- and Miss. Motile Carroll of New York city, carrying banners on the sidewalk. Captain Doyle informed the baa cer bearers that unless they left In 15 minutes they would be arrested under federal statutes, but they re fused to depart. After they had been taken to police- headquarters and held for half an hour, they were released on orders of Mr. Laskey. The district attorney explained subsequently that the police had acted before Mr. O'Brien had had time to notify bis clients of . the (.overnment's decision. An hour before the police inter vene Mrs. Sophie Stanton and Mrs Hattie Larkln of this city attacked two nickels who had preceded Mrs. Walker and Miss Carroll ana were arrested on charges of "disorderly conduct." They were released upon deoositlnK a cash forfeit of $X rarh. Mrs, Walker and Mla Carroll a IL. ... -H-a la aa - were not repiarea ai iu- nni; after the pollre took them away. ani leaders of the movement would not ray what were their plans for to morrow. Wheat Price Guarantee Not Expected to be Extended Hear Him IL He Has Any Evidence VALDIVOSTOK, April 5. Jap anese troops today occupied Vladi vostok after eight hours of. severe of the city. officials of the revo lutionary regiment already have been arrested and exported. Alii Russians have been disarmed and the Japanese imperial flag was fly- 5. Charges I lng in. the place of the Russian en- Women on Jury of - Seattle Labor Editor SEATTLE. Wash.. April S. A iuryof seven women and five men was selected in superior court here today to try E. II. Ault. editor ot the Seattle Union Record, a labor dally NEW YORK. April that "wet" revelry reigned nightly i sign from all government buildings. along New York's "gay white way. made in a sermon Sunday by Rev John Roach Straton. pastor of Cal- grenades and small artillery in all service men killed durln the srmls v n.ntlnt Vi li mraa tint neara I nArllnm nf tha itv Thai. invl,i .liAAtlr.ri at . . . . . . . . C . T ru ua.da, . a , a. a a " aa " I UV1 UVM. a. wv a-aaj. . .. . aa. . I II I u.w uiuviiua - "ff. ry,?cw ni5 MT. 1 1 United States prohibition agents rant firing met little opposition, as Wash. Opening statements ot conn PORTLAND. April 5. There is little likelihood of congress extend lng. the wheat price guarantee for Throughout last night the Japan-1 newspaper, charged with criminally ese fought with rifles, machine guns Vandervort said that he support ed the bill when it passed originally. and that he would still support It if there were no other way in which the oil company could have acces. to its property. There are plenty of ways, an swered the mayor. "Then 1 have a change of heart. said Vandervort. Keyra (tome to the UracM When first and second readings had been given the bill to grant the pulp and paper company a franchise on Trade and Front streets Vonder- STUDENT BODY EXPELLS TWO John Erickson and Arthur Arms Put Out by Council of 0. A. C. DETROIT. April . 7U precincts out ot 2 421 In the state give: Republican: Johnson. (2. CO; Wood. 37.2(9; - Lowden. 20.212: Hoover, 1S.277; Pershing. 4.392; Simpson. 7S; Poindexter. $00. Democratic ticket: 5S7 precincts give Hoover (340; Edwards. &(; McAdoo. 41.73; Bryan 39(1; Pal mer 3357. ' . DETROIT. Mich- April - With partial returns from more than half the counties in the state tabulated. United States Seaator Hiram W. Johnson had attained a big lead over Major General Leonard Sood tor endorsement as the Republican nominee for presidential preferae primary. Figures from 4tsr pre cincts out of 2.421 in the state gave: Johnson 33.(10: 'Wood !$.($: Herbert Hoover and Gfivernor Uvd- en or Illinois were engaging in close race for third place with tae rtgnres showing. Lowden 10.012 and Hoover 9.771. - A close race developed In the Dem ocratic contest. Hoover holding a very film margin over Governor Ed wards of New Jersey. The figures from 237 preclneta showed: Hoover 2.918; Edwards 2.870. In the lacomplete, retaras the fight for third place oa the Demo cratic ticket was between former Secretary of the- Treasury , McAdoo and Wlllam J. Bryan. . McAdoo had 2.1(5 and Bryan 1.9 it. Palmer was in the rear with 1.S24. Wood led In the early returns un til the Wayne county (Detroit) vote came In. The first returns' from Wayne sent Johnson ahead and early this morning figures from 127 t of 3(( precincts la the county gave Johnson 19.9(0; Wood 4.731. Returns from more than two thirds of the city precincts had been tabulated early this morning on the proposal to bond the city tor $lS- 000.000 to establish a municipally owned street railway system. The vote from 271 city precisets was: In favor of Jnd issue. (C.C.8; against 39.SX(. To carry the proposal must receive (0 per cent of the total vote cast. San Francisco Judge Holds Sessions on Sidewalk SAN FRANCISCO, April 6. Po lice court seasions on the sidewalk on a crowded' down town street cor ner were among the measure taken, today in San Francisco's "safety Urst wek." Defendants at the bar an empty packing case were charged with "Jay walking or cross lag trsfTUa crowded streets at place other than those designated for crossings. Th Judge sat upon a canvas camp stool and continued to tomorrow all cases against the defendants, who Included many prominent citizens. noeung me '"':rort moved thst It be indefinitely postponed and Utter seconded the motion, pleading as reasons the same motive that had led to the veto of and when extended the courtesy of the floor probably aaved the day for the bill. He explained that it -would .I," v? Dy tne V S itnir "ere. James J. Shevlin. federal pro- the Russians were taken by surprise. Uel were expected to occupy the mor- theU8e 8 treet franchise Bu At S?ite. LnstVa CH th tOW"d. " " "loQ ofjCtomorrow. l., Ky'was present gressman Sinnott. These letters are In reply to telegrams sent them by the state chamber urging them to support a bin extending the wheat price guarantee for another year. , In his letter Senator McNary says ' - . in rneei idocob wric imuim upii oi a reToiuiiuncii uai ij . niinii in, wAmon in i "v mrm iMrr hhii ik.i . " - - I I .lama T II ' 1 1 "J a. V aa.w...a. " 1 u . . .. " i ra. " HVIil a.., I.J J . il a ' aa Openly In various cafes and cabarets. , Early today the Japanese launch- do housework in Portland and in common user claue be Inserted. 'We Wow stuff is being soia in ed their attack in tne Korean quar- aarrotinding towns, the women's de-sald Mr. Keyes. 'The Southern Pa uch action, In view, of the fact that the cost of farm labor is high and all that the farmer buys is high, and. if be is cut off from European markets the price of wheat may go down so low that it cannot be pro- uuced with prorit. Hi - 11 ' 5nbu7slide Wipes Oat Salt Lake Family 6ALT LAKE CITY. Utah. April 5. Swan Odgaird. his wife and an un identified man : were, killed fate to day when a snowslid carried away the house In which they were living n Little Cottonwood canyon, north id Salt Lake City, according to word Teceived here. mented tonight. . pation having been unexpected by Xt etratnn ilwlinil ho hill man VSa imHv in nnnr .I , . Ik' V 1 aiVM a.a.' uw " w. I I a. V. aaaa jl i v.... . . . . a personal Investigation of vice con- Many Russians escaped Into the Many Portland Women dltions ana tonna tnat cocaus. 1 nui country Denina tne city, wnence - Ti m r be necessary for the mill to ship the high-balls and whisky straight were they had come two months ago when ttlOSt UO I fleir XJVOn flOW papr t will manufacture and that sold freely, and tnat nootcni-1 the all-Ilusslan government or aq-i I its purpose Is to ship ever the South- kootchlT ana "snimmy-snaae anai mirai tvoicnaa reu oeiore me ai- PORTLAND. April 5. So great em Pacific and the Oregon Electric cafes and cabarets along Broadway Mr. Snevan said, "but the Tact is. It Is very difficult for ns to get evi dence. We. welcome . Information find evidence from anyone. I might say that Dr. Straton did not tell us anything we didn't know.". in announcing Dr. Straton would testify before the "vice grand jury" Thursday. District Attorney Edward Swann' said: "We siave Invited the , reverend gentlemen to come here and tell the grand Jury all he knows about any violations of the law. If he has any evidence of a crime, having been committed we shall ask the arand fo indict and we shan prose- a a I ....... .1 cureany- inaictmeniai ivum Jury ter. which they "Occupied. I-ater nartmnt of the municipal free e ru th ey. marched Korean and Russian rioyment bureau was nable to till prisoners, uea lonnaer wnn ruia. 85 orders for this worn during through many ot the streets., March, according to the monthly re- ; The last of the American expe- pQrt iaud today. Pay for women ditionary forces under Brigadier to do housework, it was said, shows General William s. uraves. lert via- DO jgn. of declining divostok April I. A lew nours suo Kennent to their departure a procla mation whs posted throughout the Trnrinr Fnrnlh city stating that Japanese troops " ... . wonld not fvacuate Siberia, at tht:. QM flJorC niaeT-VlCtim nrnt ' time; proclamation FRESNO. Cal., April 5 Will Nevs warned all inhabitants against anv uninrnm v . I son of a farmer at Atwater. was the Russisn population. The tense- lnflllII,tlr kiIlw, todMJ when a r4rni ness or tne situstion nere au trctor became too heavily loaded at creased hourly since that time until the arawbart rM.rK up aBa back the clash toaay. ; . on him, crushing him to death. . '-" . j. . a, - ,,..' '" Cific company has told us that if we will buy the rail! and the ties and pay for the street psving and pay the road for doing the work It will build the spur." Vandervort withdrew his motion to postpone indefinitely and the bill was referred to the ordinance com mittee. Hpt-Hal IUJIn4 PnJathle The proposed charter amendment to Increase the salary of the ehif of police, which if finally passed, will be voted on at the special elec tion May 21. rails for an Increase from $1200 to $100 a year. The proposed bill to change the method of paying for paving of street inter- ConUnued on page 2) COUTALLIS. Or.. April -. Th student council ot Oregon Agricul tural college baa caused the expul sion from the college of two men on charges of Infraction against rules enforced on the campus. President W. J. Kerr approved the expulsion. The college studtnt council In cludes several representstive stud ents whose duty It Is to enforce col lege regulation. They have been trrry active this year and have han dled the cases of sevcrsl fellow stu dents in a manner approved by the officials of th college. In sdditlon t- the two men who were fip!!. three were plsred on probation for gambling. It Is reported that the students Twrtil vrrr Jchn Erickson arid Arthur Arms. Effort Beinz Made to Secure Treaty Compromise WASHINGTON. April 3 An ap peal tn th American people to snp-i-ott the oropo! for an ;n4.tnn ltwen Prsidnt Vilvnn and a ma jority of the senate to vote for lnt mdlate entry of tn United State Into tb leasne of nations on the has's of 1 h Tx1 r-M cOn m i"-r com "ronilse. with remaining difference left for later settlement, was raade public tonight tn behalf of those who signed a similar anneal presented last week at the White llouae. IXKORMATIOX Anonr THE RED C'ltOKH 1UFSH IX HOME Nt USING. The Red Cross home n ursine derartmnt announces that all thou wishing to take the course In home nursing must call at the room above the post of 'ice after 2 o'clock this afternoon to regis ter. If in possible to call la per son the department can be reached by phoning 7. There will be morning, after noon an I evening classes. The evening classes are especially arranged for business women, students and teachers ot the city. The department urges that as many as possible enroll for the morning or afternoon classes. The work will bg!n Immediate ly upon organisation of the classes. The Rei Cross home naning rourse will teach you To keep your family welL To feed them properly. To carry out the dortora direc tions In car ot Illness. To take temperature properly. To give foot and Ix-d baths prop erly. To make a patient comfortable. To sit a patient ip properly. To use d.slnf-rtants- To make poultl- and how to use them. To Cbanre the bed while occu pied by the patient. The art of bandaging. Simple home remedies, To make shifts la the heme. Register today. .Those ?C.