THE OREGON STATESMAN: KVXDAY, ArniL 4. 19C0. How Much Tobacco Will My Heart Stand A Question Vital to Every Man Who Smokes or Chews . JT MAT COST A PRECIOCS LIFK.TO ri!VD OVT IT EirCRlMEXT. ' Tha heart of every user of tobacco baara a double burden It does Ha al lotted taalc and then fights nicotine for supremacy- At long- a the heart wina t Uvea; when It loaea ha dlea. but be fore the final victory of nicotine you pass through many stagca of decline and decay and auffer manyl pangs. Heart are like human beintra some are stronger than other, therefore ome hearts will stand mora tobacco than others, but there la a limit to what any heart ran stand. The man who puts this additional strain on ha heart a dozen times a day by imokinr cigar ettes, a pipe or cigars or chewing; to baccoIs taking a madman's chance with health and life to lose and nothing to win but the chance that he taay not lose them. He is indulging- in a costly habit at the expense of precious health. Ask any doctor anywhere, and he will tell you that using tobacco la injurious and la far better to quit the habit than to experiment to find out how much tobacco your heart will stand without urlnna rs.iiTt. dui me inovKOi or quiiuns is tin pleasant to most men even to' those who know -that tobacco injures them and to really quit takes, mora will power than they have and causes more suffering than they can voluntarily en dure. To quit the habit make it easy for yourself by getting Nicotol tablet f and taking th-m aa directed. Tha habit really qui is you and It departure is 4 pleasure equal to ita indulgence. IT you want to know huw much easier it is to quit thetiabit with Nicotol than without it go twenty-four hours with out tobacco and note what an effort It costs you. then begin using It aa usual and take Nicotol tablets. 1 At tha end of a week discontinue smoking or chewing fur a day and It la probable you will have no desire to reaume. At least your desire will 'be greatly di minished and another week or two should make It not only possible, but a pleasure, to quit. NOTE: Dr. Connor, formerly of tha Johns Hopkins Hospital, under whose advice Nicotol has often been used, said when this atatetnent'wa ahown to him: "1 have known Nicotol to conquer tha tobacco habit in less than ten daya time and I can therefore recommend It highly When the doctor s statement was ahown to one of our leading drug gists he said: "Nicotol la truly a won derful remedy' for the tobacco habit, way ahead of anything wa have ever sold be for. We are authorised by tha manufacturers to refund the money to every dissatiafied customer and wa would not permit the use of our nam unless the remedy possessed unusual merit." Nicotol is sold in this city un der an Iron-clad money-hack guarantee by all up-to-date druggists, including 1. J. Fry guit letting slip through my lingers WW II A Yl "W I 1 . ,m : 1 Put a check on yourself . You 11 be glad, some day. If J'our money is in our bank instead of in your Docket, you can't et it slip through your fingers. I ' yoxi Pu gme money in the bank every pay day youll . have enough some day to go into business for yourself. Star a fortune. ' f Put Your Money In Our Bank You Will Beceive 3 Per Cent Interest - Salem Bank of Commerce i: me Msm Miles Be motor merry without the money worry. You'll enjoy low first-cost and little up-keep if you buy a v I H Motorcycle, with chummy sidecar if you Eke. The hardy Harley-Davidsqn will take you all the miles that are motorable the little money it costs, you'll never miss. Make tip your mind to motorcycle between work and home, and far away into the country and back on Sundays, Get the merry motor miles the-Harley-Davidson gives. Come here and see the 1920 model The World's Champion. HARRY W. SCOTT 147 South Commercial Street J . PL... co ' ' i iiuiic vo . A 40to60 " ta&a cn a. ) CHURCHES . St. rauJ'a Chan h. Easter day, 7:30 a. m., early cele bration of Holy Communion; 9:45 a. m.. children's service; 11 a. m., choral celebration and sermon. "In spirations of Immortality"; 4 p. m. baptism; 7:30 p. m.. evening prayer and sermon. "Resurrection Power." The musical program at the morning service will include Spence's anthem, "The Day of- Resurrection," Shep perd's setting of "Christ Our Pass over." Gloria Tibi by Gounod, Sur sum Cord a and Sanctus by Camidge. benedictions by M or ley. Agnus Dei by Adams. Mr. L. O. Jennison will sing a solo. "The Women at the Tomb," at the evening service. Every body welcome. Cbas II. Powell .rec tor. v Services at the state institutions Sunday will be held as follows: 9:30 a. m., State hospital, by E. Sherwood. 2:30 p. m.. Cottage farm, by A. Wells. 3;00 p. m.. Girls Training school, by I. G. Lee. 3:15 p. m. Tu berculosis hospital, by T- s- Anderson. Presbyterian Church. Thomas S. Anderson, minister. The Easter spirit ; will prevail In 'all the services of this' church.-The church school will meet in the main audi torium at 9:45. All departments joining together. At' the 11 o'clock service will occur baptism of Infants, reception of men members and com munion of Lord's Supper, with a brief Easter sermon. Intermediate En deavor at 5 o'clock. Young people's meeting at 6:30 and evening song service at 7:30. Old familiar hymns at the evening service that all may enjoy. The church will be appropri ately decorated with beautiful flow era and filled , with sweet 'music. A welcome for every one. First Methodit Episcopal. Dr. Richard N. Avison, minister, corner Church and State streets. 7 a. m.. .prayer meeting, under the auspices of the Epworth league, led by Mrs. C; A. Bo wen. All. both old and young, are invited. Start the Easter day aright by spending the hour with us. communing with God. 9:15. old-time class meeting, room 4 downstairs. W. L. Cummings, leader. 9:45. Sunday school, Al pheus J. Gillette superintendent, as sisted by Robbin Fisher. Today the hour will be given over to an Easter program. Come and see what it Is. 11 a. m.. sermon. "Church Member ship." 3 p. m.. Brother Rosebraugh will lead devotional exercises at the Old People's home. Twelfth and Ferry streets. 4 p. m.. an Easter program, rendered by the church choir, will take the place of the usual evening service. S:30. Ep worth league. Thursday. 7:30 p. m. prayer and praise service. We might have as our slogan, ''Come and bring another." Intermediate league in Epworth hall; Junior league up stairs. Central Congregational. South Nineteenth, and Ferry. H. C. Stover, minister. " Sunday school at 10 a. m., in charge or Mrs. B. E. Edwards; an Easter program by the Supday school at 11 a. ra.; Christian Endeavor sunrise meeting at 7 a. m. Easter cantata. "Our Living Lord." will be given by the choir at 7:30 p.m. First Vaited Brethren. Tew Park. Sabbath school at 10. At 11 a. m. an Easter program will be given by the Sunday school; Christian Endeavor at 7. Preaching at 8. Mid-week prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. All are cordially Invited. : C. W. Corby, pas tor. ; . j First Baptist. At 11 o'clock Sunday morning Dr. James A .Franklin of Boston will preach. Dr. Franklin Is one of the secretaries of the Baptist Foreign Missionary society and a very able man. and he will tell about the needs of the mission fields both home and foreign. The aim of the "New World Movement" will be explained. Every member of the church should her him, and others are invited as the talk will be of interest to all. Rev. Lough ridge will preach in the eve ning. .1 (Continued, on page 4.) MESSAGES OF EASTER SPOKEN BY PASTORS v Continued from page 1) STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS-ONE CENT A WORD who rose today and he should work with Him to make the world the place Christ wants it to be." A devout and spiritual approach to the Easter day is the appeal of Rev. Charles U. Powetfc of St. Paul's church, who says: ."Resurrection is the final 'proof of Immortality. Therefore, on this one day, dedicated to the immortal hope, we ought at least to join with our fellows throughout the world in its celebration., -Spiritual vision and ex alation alone can save the world from chaos in our times. Shall we not. then, lay aside gross material Ism for this day and unitedly seek in spiration and communion with God' Slumbering Humanity Implored. That man who does notattend up on the divine services onEaster day does not believe in the Easter mes sage. The Lord is Risen, according to Rev. George Koehler, the Luther an pastor. , "The resurrection has not yet be gun in his soul." he says. "He his not' risen fro mthe sleep of sin Jo bask in the Easter light of forgive ness. He should begin at once to seek the risen Lord." Reverend F. W. Launes. pastor of the evangelical church, emphasizes the fact that the risen Christ Is Lord of the rich and of the poor. "He shines into the palace of the great who love His light. But he also shines into the poor man's hut. whose only cause of Joy is his thus shining. Rev. Mr. Launes sees In this "Light man in the world as again "the Im age of God." All the preachers emphasize that phase of Easter which is a promise oi future ll.'e. "Through Jesus' resurrection our own resurrection bring aurred, death is not a terminus; it is a thor oughfare. Lite does not fjuUh in endless night; it goes forward to bright morning and endless day," ays, Rev. G. t Llening, Sr.. of the Evangelical association church. Heritage U Pur AH. 'The Easter-tide reminds us of our common heritage. It sounds a note which vibrates harmoniously in every human heart. All adore Christian urit,y, symbolized In the Easter lily. All nave an undying desire for im mortality the message qt this great day" are the words of Rev. Anthony F. Llnd. of the Scandinavian Meth odist church. "You desire immortal ity and a blissful eternal existence and yet you turn your back upon Christ and His church the' only foundation of such eternal life, the only reasonable foundation upon which an eternal home of love and peace, can be built." Rev. Horace N. Aid rich, pastor of Leslie Methodist church, summarizes the necessity for the resurrection and the Easter message in the Christian economy of things. "As certain as man's greatest curse is sia, as certain as man's greatest; need is salvation from sin, so certain will it be that Jesus Christ, the Savior, will be more precious to man than any one else." Mr. Aldrlch says. "Rob the world of Him and its moral and spiritual sun is blotted out. Take Christ away from the Cnristian and he Is stripped of all that is most dear. "To commit this awful robbery, taking away the Christian's Lord, they are making preparation who seek to destroy devout and trustful faith In Him, in his sinless life and character, in His atoning mission to the lost world, in His divine nature, lu His transcendent worth, in His revelation of God, in His spiritual works, in His matchless words. In His sacrificial death and In His vic torious resurrection. If Christ be not raised your faith is vain. In raising His Son from the grave God put the seal of His approval upon the whole life and work of His annolnted. over whelmed His enemies with defeat, and laid a firm foundation for the faith of all ages." SITUATION VERY TENSE IN IRELAND (Continued from page 1) who was killed In the street fight ing at the time of the rebellion, was searched and Mrs. Humphrey's son-in-law. a student, was arrested. Armored Cam at Hand. An armored rsria stationed at tht entrance to Kingston Pier to re inforce the military euard there. Soldiers unloaded fresh supplies or ammunition at Northwall and con veyed it in motor cars, protected by armored cars through the city. Dispatches from various parts of the country indicate a similar state of affairs at Ierry, Tlpperary. New ry. Limerick and other places. The Freeman's Journal publishes a significant article headed "Peace ful Eastertide." in which it says: "Let the young men of Ireland remember that the main chance the enemy has to complete his triumph of des'roying the Irish - mad up in the sinister and savage advance which Is going the round of the clubs of the militarists and die-hards 'get them Into the streets. " The paper appeals to the people for re straint and self control. IrVrlinK Kuna High In Cork. The feeling In Cork, it is under stood, is so embittered by the mur der of Lord Mayor MacCurtaln that anything may happen there. But o far as Dublin is concerned. It Is be lieved that Viscount French, th? viceroy, will have to report as did Lord Wimborne a couple years ago on the occasion of a similar scare not a dog barked. The military police haited every pedestrian entering Dublin and searched them for arms but found none. The Associated Press auto mobile was held up by a soldier who emphasized his demand for a sea rc n by placing bis bayonet uncomfort ably near. The troops expect to maintain this guard against arms for three or four days. Dublin Castle does not take seri ously the reports of an outbreak. Latest Census Reports Show Fluctuations WASHINGTON. April 3. Shelr dan. Wyo.. 9,175, increase 767 or 9'.1 per cent. Carthage, Mo.. 10.053. Increase II 7 ft At ft A -LaT 4aTal Frankfort. Ky.. 9,103, decrease ow. or .a per cent. Steelton. Pa.. 13.428. decrease 818 or 5.7 per cent. Natchez Miss.. 12.608, Increase 815, or 8.i per cent. Staunton. Va- 10.617. Increase 13. or 0.1 per cent. Fort Smith. Ark.. 28.811. Increase 4.836 or 20.2 per cent. Leavenworth. Kaa . ififti crease 2.462. or 12.7 per cenL spnngneid. Mo- 39.(29. increase 4.419. or 12.6 per cent per cent. Will Not be One Day Without n n This Lady TELLS Her FR1ENDQ Mrs. Mary Fries e. CO? Bornman SL. Belleville. III.. Is just one or the many thoaaands of ladies throughout the country who. after an agony of years, have at last found health, strength and vigor In PE-RU-NA. Her own words tell of her suffering and recovery better than we can da It: "I suffered with my stomach, had awful cramps and headaches so I often could not lay on a pillow. Saw your book, tried PE-RU-NA and got good results from the Crst bottle. To be sure of a cure I took twelve bottles. I have recommended PE-RU-NA to my friends and all are well pleased with, results. I will not be one day without PE-RU-NA. Have not had a doctor since I started with PE-RU-NA. which was about fifteen years ago. I am cow sixty-three years old, hale, hearty and welL Can do as much work as my daughters. I feel strong and healthy and wela-h nar two hundred rounds Rfora I weighed as little as one hundred. 1 hope lots of MAY rwcxi people ostf PE-RU-NA and get the results I did." Aa experience like that of Mrs. Frkke Is aa Inspiration to every sick and suffering woman. It yon have catarrh, whether It be of the nose, throat, stomach, bowels, or other organs, PE-RU-NA is the remedy. It Is cot new: It Is not an experiment. PE-RU-NA has been tried.. PE-RU-NA has teen nsed by thousands who once were sick and are now well. r0 prevent coughs, colds, grip and Influenza and to hasten recovery there Is nothing better. PE-RU-NA win Improve the appetite and digestion, purify the blood, sooth the irritated mucous linings, eradicate the waste material and corruption from the system. It will tone up the aervea. give yon health, strength, vigor and the joy of living. Do what Mrs. Mary Fricke and thousands more have done try PE-RU-NA. You will be glad, happy, thankfuL - Tablet er Llqald. Sell Erery where. Are Your Teeth : , Bothering You? DO. FAfi WHEN your teeth are bothering you, the first step is to find out what the trouble is. You must go to a dentist, get him to examine your mouth and give you advice. A mistake in advice leads to all sorts of trouble, so it is highly im portant to get good advice in the beginning. Registered Dentists using the E. R. Parker System examine and treat so many patients that the advice they give is founded upon much experi ence. The man who docs things over and over many times becomes very skillful, and you can ui-pi-uu upon wnai ne says ana aocs. If your teeth are bothering you. go to any E. R. Parker System office and have them examined without cjiarge. You will find prices moderate for any work you! need. Good advice, if followed, always leads to good results. Registered Dentists Using (the Ea R. PARKER SYSTEM .SYSTEM t Dr. D. M. Ogrden ' Dr. R. B. Miller Dr. F. V. Gretf State and Commercial Streets KES W. D.Gorsline's Public Auction V Tuesday, April 6, 1:30 p.m. Located 4 miles north of Salem, i2 mile west of the Wallace Road, known as the James K. Sears place; o through the Calder place or by the Winslow Road: Consisting of 'aMBsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaa . 20 HEAD OF DAIRY COWS 20 Fresh and Coming Fresh. All Good Milkers, 2 to 8 Years Old. 6 HEAp OF HORSES 6 One Pair Matched Mares, Weight 2200 Pounds. One Mare 1500 Pounds, 9 Years Old. One Mare H00 Pounds, 5 Years Old. One Mare HOO Pounds, 4 Years Old. One Mare 1350 Pounds, 5 Years Old 19 HEAD GOATS 19 3, 5 and 10 gallon Cream Cans. One Galloway Cream Separator TERMS OF SALE WILL BE CASH NOTE I tm selling my Dairy on account of Labor W. D. Gorfline, Owner F. N. Woodry, Auctioneer ' Phon6mi Phone 510 or 511, Salem, Oregon NOTE: Woodry conducts stock and farm auction, everywhere. List your sales with him for RESULTS REAL ECONOMY IN MEN'S SUITS! A good suit is a good investment; a poor suit is money thrown away. When suits were cheap a nian haying a eheap ready-made suit did not lose much. He lo heavily on such a purt-has nowaday, Hring any Kaniple of the a re rage ready-made suit and we will ahow you woolens in our stock which will give twice the service for but little more money. For fourteen years we have clothed the moat prominent of Salem'n business men. Join our ranks of satisfied custom ers. Once a customer always a booster. D. H. Mosher V Merchant Tailor to Men and Women Cpurt Street ' f ' Salem, Oregon YOUR VEGETABLE a -GARDEN- Your Vegetable Garden carefully, planned and planted will produce through a long season a big supply of delicious fresh regetables for the table and canning of a quality that you cannot buy-and will prove a most interesting and healthful diversion. Our seeds are grown by reliable seed growers and are selected for their purity and germination. When you plant our seeds at the proper time and in the proper way yon are sure of a good crop. D. A. White & oons Seedsmen Salem, Oregon 255 State Street WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS ARE LOW IN PRICE COMPARISON of sellinj prices of our farm lands with those in other sections of the country, where returns are not eren equal, indir cates that inflation has not struck this territory. Ultimate values will increase substantially, how ever, rather than speculatively, by keeping pro duction at the maximum point UnltedStaH tSalem. . Itrti innnntRnnfc of the World the hope for restoring LH!rew3 Oregon. I t aafiaG3tyi L ffJ rj