The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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My ttVTH LKXORlK toStffclL, "
short speech. Slu said they had
come . together,, to. pay. honor o St. '
Valentine.. their patron saint. whoe
spirit pervaded their, entire order.
Heated , the -onrt with a V l; Ca
price. They were Mary. Cuppt 1 n4
Kuth Ruehner. A dance and song
was then air en by ettnt 10
Tue festival was to pay him tribute 1 honor of. "St. , ValenUne. Grevllugaj
guccfs unmisiakeable attended
Art presentation lust Tuesday night
''.b Iht Moose hall of , the musical
playlet; 'The Queen 'of Hearts."
irlileh was given for the boaefit or
lit children's ward Tn tae new hospi
tal by the Piano puplla of'MJsa Ilea,
'trice gbelton, assisted by Vis Joan
na James, vocalist., and Mlsa Bertha
dark; whistler. As a result of this
preKBtatlon which was especially
pletsrn. the sum of $34 was re-telvd,fwh-lcl
win be . turned over to
the horpltal fund. . .-.; . -
U was Wh a success " that many
" requeU"fr are-presentatloa. har
been mrtved.-: Ami U; has been de-
elded V the, program again. JThe
tlmijatdAhe place will be announced
.. uteT ;.:;.' -- ,- . -
Much-Credit Is due to Miss Shel-
. V-lon fer toe ire gut or ner time to
"(,- himsOal , cause. Credit fa aln
HQ - ' " - . - -
due to- her able assistants in staging
the affair. .,' . , ,
Miss Beatrice Thompson collabo
rated 'With Miss Sbelton In putting
the incidents- of the play into shape.
Airs. L. S. Oeer and Airs. John Orti-ber-we
active in putting on (he
program: Mrs. Sara .Minsenmeyer
received the silver offeriog at the
door; Miss Genevieve Yannke uc
signed the costumes used, . . which
were effective and - fanciful;' Miss
Grace Kawk had charge of the decor
ations, and her scheme, made Moose
hall look like a fairyland: Miss Kd-
, program and did effective work that
wkts gteauy appreciated.' .
Mrs. Oscar; tltngrtea had charge of
th dances and siiowed marked ab'l
ltyjjn handllag children. The dance
"Jfck in thei Box" by,Leoua Ueer.
wa an. original conception of Mrs.
OIrich and f Miss Geer did it with
professional aptitude. .
Miss , Joanna James sang in -ex-celjlent
voice! "I'd Uuild the World
in Ithe Heart If a Rose." Miss Jamea
Is a pupil or Miss Minetta. Muten
and ivaa .warmly received. The wblst-
11ns solo or Miss Clark was pleasing
and weJI-recetVed. , Miss7 Ruth lied-
m he had "Jut returned from hi an
nual tour of the world. She said
that it was long ago. tmtbe rtlgn ef
King Claudius, ihat . St. . Valentine
rirst became endeared to the heart
or the young for his. assistance giv
en to desperate lovers." Then1 the
queen preteaid Rt. Valentine, who
wald hi heart, was full, of cheer be
cause he knew their - homage was
sincere and without- pretention. He
said that although his visits were
rare yet he knew he was not forgot
ten, for .his spirit was present where
ever there were true lovers.
The Queen of Hearts then- said
mey wouia oe entertained 'by var
ious members of the court jand by
representatives of. foreign 'realms.
iii.. m si w P". tb nnounced first a triumphal
irC. V wno n" recenny march by two pianists. Darrel .My
mnrned from service as a nurse V ers and Cecil Deacon. '
t0k', R,uss,a- .lold of thM Two fairies from Elfland tben de-
MuK ana aiseaeu cnildren she
sair there, and appealed to the
hearts of the audience in behalf of
thf children's ward
reeri Interest was evinced through
the entire evening, rrom the en
traince of the queen and her court
until tha rdock wedding was over
and the queen had retired from the
audience chamber.
J"he qiieen, Miss'lternice Mulvey.
with her attendants. Miss Dorejla
Anderson, Miss Lorena Geer and
Miss Loreta Varley, and the pre.tty
winged .cupid. Wlndronlenks. graced
a throne at one end of the audience
chirnber. At her Fide was St. Val-
enune.TrutR Huston. She stated
ith Kane was the accompanist for the the! cause of the assemblage fn a
'J J-w
SLIGHT battery repair
.may aveoo many
battery dollars later.
rn. af -aaigaam
X. S. L. Battery Simp,
420 Court St., Salevi
m Wherb! Will
A Better Display of Din
ing Room Furniture
Our showing of walnut
and Jacobean oak period u a, good a,
you will find in many of
the larger cities. We al
so have a large assort
ment golden oak din
ing sets in straight line
1 .
1, ,
1 1
Camets, Ross and Linoieum
Ate now comminding the attention of the honse wife. While the prices of all floor coverings
are somewhat higher than' fa normal times, 'we. have kept the-price down from 15 portent
to 20. per cent lower '&an other stores are selling the same or similar grades; - .
$50 Tapestry Rugs..;..,... I $40 J $75 Axminster Rogt.,-.
$J40 Wilton Rugs...
..$110 I $150 Wilton Rugs.
Don't buy a Vacuum Cleaner until you have seen the
The "Sweeper Vac gets all the dirt but does not
injure the nap of the carpet . The Sweeper Vac has
a motor driven brush and does not pass over lint
and threads but picks them up. The strong suction,
gets all the dust The Sweeper Vac is the cleaner
you have been looking for. .
from far-away aunny Italy vrere !
brought by Katharine Marker - rnd
Pauline Johnkan., A message from
the Garden of Dreams was brought
by two daffodil maids. Bertha Han
cock and Dorothy Belle.
Two musical pages. (Vm-va and
Ar.U Saodln. proteges of lir Mlgh
nesa Elizabeth Levy, violinist, gave
an Initiation of an 'organ icrlnder.
Then . two forest sprites. KatLerwe
Batker and Geneva Sundln. brought
with them a -breath of woodland
balm and blossoms la "Woodland,
i Fancies." - A meaage of content tnd
pac to bring sweet dreams to alum
br hours was brought by eight court
muElctaas. j
Hrlfht from the bonny highland
came two Scotch lasUes, Lorrtine
Fletcher and Valleda Ohoiart. who
entertained with a native dan?e. St.
Valentine then interrupted pioceed
ings to present to the quern a gift
which he bought In a curt? chop in
the orient.'
"The Meoldy of Love" a played
by two eo-workers of Cupid, Lena
Meddler and Margaret. Bhiairnberg.
Jeanette, Sykes and Bert Horfhins. ,
two gifted, court attendant ?, imper
sonated a court conple '1'irlag the
visit or St. Valentine. Th-m ' the
queen asked St. Valentine to favor
them with music and the gricioua
paint consented if a .lady-in-waiting,
would accompany htm.
. Cecil Deacon, one of the favorites
of St. Patrick saluted the court with
a charming rendering- of "Briiere
Me If AH ThOFe Endeariu? Young
Charms." His playing pleased the
court so well that he was urged to
repeat and give another short selec
tion. ! ... .
Elaine Foster and Darrel Ander
son, two strolling players from Spain
interpreted one of their characteris
tic dances. Then two mademoiselles
from La Belle France suggested the
malrtal history of the French with
"The Defile March." The visitors
were Helen Pollock and Elaine Cha-
pln. v
It was at thia point that Joanna
James, " court . vocalist, sang . and
charmed fhe conrt. Then there ap
peared two gay' Hungarians. Cecil
Deacon and Wayne Alien, who rend
ered a brilliant selection Interpretive
of their own country. Two ladles
from the Court of Venice. Flora and
Lorrtine Fletcher, breughf an offer
ing from Lady Geneva. .. Here the
court whistjer. . Mits Bertha Clark,
gave an imitation of the bin s and
JM'ghted the court.
Word was tben received by the
; Lord High Chamberlain tbat oulde
j couple who wished t enter. Cupl;J
wa.i commanded to uher it. lh hap
py victims. The wedding partv hi-
trd. bride and groom and attend
ants, to tb strains or the wedding
march. They admitted they withed
to be married and the- qneen sent for
the minister and oon John Daffy-
downdilly. and Martha Crocus were
nnlted in the holy bands of padlock.
At -the hands of this minister the
ceremony was ef rectlvely. done.
This event was participated la as
follows: . r
Bride. Maxine Myers; groom. Rol-
lia Oraber; best man. Elsworth Flet
cher; mald-of-honor. Eleanor
Schmidt; brides maids. Dorothy
Moore. Lois McCalllsler. Margaret
Hell. Esther Gibbert. and Claudine
unefrroy. The minister. Bert Horr-
The pages were Angela and Gen
eva Sundln. :,.-.
The entertainment was- under the
auspices of the Woman's club.
Mrs. George L. Wood, wife of for
mer Governor Wood of Oregon is vit
ltlng in Salem with her sister, Mrs.
W. II. Dolman. Mrs. Wood Is also
sister of Judge McBrlde and an
aunt of Dr. V. B. Morse. About 30
years ago when she was a resident
of Salem Mrs. Wood was very promi
nent in the social lire
and her visit here will b
Ing to many of her old friend.
Now is the time to buy that
We have the famous
The machine with the most perfect reproducer and
tone amplifier.. No blasts from high notes such as yon
get from all other phonographs.
We have the Cheney, Emerson and Brunswick
Phonographs and Emerson Okeh and Pathe Records.
v No interest charged on contract sales
C. S. HAM!
ft t '
Dressy Spring Footwear
One Eyelet Ties in Black Kidskin, Patent Calf, also Havana
Brown. Very smart, attractive, and exceptionally well Tlt-
ting. ' ' ' ' 1 "
Trim Pump in many lists and leathers are featured tn Ihe
Spring line of . ..
SVlaxine Shoes
Now on Display at
Buster Brown Shoe Store
1 25 north Wrnmeraal Street'
Where Style and Quality Count We Win
very pleas-
Snikpoh Society b . put on
"Her Husband's Wile"
Next Friday Night .
The Snlknoh Dramatic aacl4v of
Salem hlch school wilt nreaent tta
annual play at the high school. audi
torium Friday night. April 9. The
vehicle is a sparkllnr comedy enti
tled "Her Hnsband'a Wife." with the
scene laid at Saratoga during the
racing .season. .
The plot centers about the actions
of a loving young wife who labors
under the hallucination that she Ja
approaching death's door. In her ex
treme solicitude for her husband's
well-being after her demise she pro
ceeds to choose for his second wife a
very plain, girl. When the plain girl
develops into a heartbreaking beauty,
affairs take a turn in the mind of the
The cast of characters l. as fol
low:. Irene Randolph, the would-be
Invalid. Let ha Wilson; Stewart Ran
dolph, her husband. Evan Jones;
Emily Ladew. chosen for second wire.
Margaret Grtrnth; Uncle John Itel
don.r unci of Irene, Ralph Wilson
Richard Beldon. suitor of Emily, and
brother of Irene. Paul Staley; Norah.
the, middle-aged maid. HHda Tllling
hast. .
The play, Is being put on under the
direction of Miss Marie ChurchllL
"at reservations may be made
Wednesday, morning at the high
Mhoof. A portion ot the proceeds
will go to the Armenian relief.
Sergeant 'Why haven't yon
shaved this morning? -
i Private (rubbing his face in-great
surprise Ain't I shaved?
, Sergeant No. you're not. 1 want
to know whv.
Private Well, you see. there was
a doten of ns using the same mirror,
and I guess I must, of shaved, some
r then man American Legion Week
ly. . -
Oil Cloth
1-2 Price 1-2
We have Rone throtigh the stock and pided crat all odd and
end, tuch as Lacea, Embroideriwi, Drrw RkrrU. Vnderwrar
and other linen to go at ONX-TIALP PRICE .
' Osly 4
&b XTtlU
-Lanadry .
Scap .
4 for 23o
1-2 Price - RUM MAGE SALE-1-2 Price
fi vl SVIcd " Sample loU of Cotton ItrtU ' '
Children a Soiled ttne for Gingbtm
r.v-r,. ,fr?nJ 3Iiddles at Aprona and Dtmm .
Rjk 11J'oo : Over Uetr'' - ' CW Lbti
Drejta .Skirts And Of Muslin
t Odd Lota of lAcrn Underwrar
Monday bargains at the Remnant Store
Value to HhOO '. Striped Yard 25c Cotton
Sample Wide . Hattins;
Curtain End . . Outing Flannel Monday Iric
39c ' 25c - 19c
Each ' Vtrd ch
v;,. Pn, nf- Remnant of 25c Plain,
M.ll Ends of SUk Colored Calieoew
. Indian Head 4gc Monday Price
??c Each and ( 18c
Yard ' 69c tard
The House of Real Bargains Is the Remnant Store
Table Cloth
' Remnants
2 Yards for
39 c
7.V Fancy
All Ladie,
Hats at
20 Per Cent Off
11.50 Finer Votlei
Mondar Pricw
Linen Toweling?
Mondar Prve
UcaemVer Yon Can
Do Better at th
Benin ant Store. '
251 "NV Commercial St."
Very Special dOc
plain White Voile Monday
. '""Yard
J .