The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 04, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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    .. . I
Eight Pages
16 Pages
To Accept Bid Noted Englishman
Will Find It Xecesarylo
Change His Itinerary
' i
A personal letter from Governor
Olcott to the Prince of Wales, now
at San Diego, invites the noted
Undecided Whether He Will Aerci-
Declares : Principle of American
Government Mat be Thmrnaghly
Inculcated In Minds of All
Service In Two Want and in
Guard to His Credit
Tacoma Lawyer and Ruler of
Elks Called to His Door and
Shot by Person Believed to
be Woman in Man's Clothes
No Possible Motive Assigned
Though I. W. W. Enemies
. Suggested
TACOMA. Wash., April 3. -W. D.
Askren, prosecuting attorney, was
called to the door of his home and
shot shortly after o'clock tonight,
His wife called the Elks' club for
help and police have rushed , to the
home. The motive is as yet a mys
tery. ;- -
t At 9:20 the Elks' club, of which
Askren Is exalted ruler, called on
the American legion for helpto co
operate with the police in a search
lor the man who did the shooting.
Mrs. Askren, too excited to talk
coherently, - told the Elks club on
the telephone that ''a crowd came
to , the back door and when Billle
went to investigate, they shot him.
I do not think he will live." ',
Askren, who is prosecutor of
Pierce county, recently secured con
viction of more than half of, about
60 men arrested on a charge of vio
lating the state criminal syndical-
- ism act. but it is reported that the
attack tonight was made by a woman
dressed in man's clothing, and the
shooting is not connected with the
1. W. W.
William iD. Askren, prosecuting
1 attorney of Pierce county, was shot
"and perhaps fatally wounded shortly
after 9 o'clock tonight by a woman
alleged to be Mrs. Julia Smith, twice
prosecuted and convicted by Askren
--on a charge of criminal malpractice
. - The shooting took -place at Ask-
ren's home, the prosecutor being at
tacked upon answering a knock at
his back door, the bullet piercing
bis body through the left lung.
Assailant Captured.
Julia ? Smith - was apprehended
shortly after 11 o'clock at Puyallup
Wash., near here, as she, was dnv
Englishman to visit an Oregon port
while he is visiting on the Paciric
coast. The invitation was extended
at the suggestion of Clarence It.
Hotchkiss of Portland and Is deemed
appropriate because of the fact that
the second battalion of the 162nd
United States infantry, an Oregon
contingent, was stationed in England
during many months of the war and
received may courtesies from English
royalty as well as the people at large
"It was; the good fortune of the
162nd Lnited States Infantry,"
writes Governor Olcott, "a regiment
whose personnel was entirely made
up of Oregon soldiers, to be stationed
in England for many .months during
the great world conflict. At that
time the officers and men from this
state were given every mark of cour
tesy by the citizens of your nation.
"These soldiers and the state they
represent would deem it a high priv
ilege if you could see fit to order your
itinerary changed so that- you could
touch at an Oregon port.
Ii -a t r 1 T 11 I"
rasiors 01 aaiera ieu aigmti-
Cance 01 OeaSOn and Man- one! of Infantry, officers
kind's Duty in Response to
Divine Promise
f9 11 a A fi r n a mfliiirtniv I is. .
the Pacific Homestead, has been Military buards All KoadS
nuiuiea oi ais appointment as col-
corps, by the war department. He
has not yet decided whether he will 1
Colonel Ahrams went to Europe
as lieutenant colonel of the 162nd
infantry. He commanded the base
post of Le liar re. France, and after
ward American rest camps in Eng-
and Public Places and Con
ducts Careful Search for
Hidden Arms
(Continued on pare
Immortality Is Theme Run
ning Through Words of Lo
cal Ministers
Four Years Yields to Ail
ments of Age
CHURCH MEMBERS ONLY ,and wh,re near,jr l00?;0.00 Amerl-
van Duiuirra writ utuuieu n liu 1 ru
after landing In England, en route
to the training camps In France.
Colonel Abra
France and served
sation center and In Germany and
Belgium. He was promoted to the
rank of colonel while in Paris on
May 22. 1919. as a reward for meri
torious service. He received his dis
eharse from the service on October
24. 1919.
Colonel Abrams served through
the Spanish war and Philippine In
surrection as an enlisted man. He
was a commissioned officer in the
The Oregon National guard continuously
until America entered the German
war. While In command "oX the Sa
lem company he constructed the Sa
lem armory. Salem's big auditorium
m w?9.trturnedK1to Easter a Particularly Danger
ved at the demobill- .
ous lime ior fusing in
This is Easter morning i
- . .
uuce more ue world, a bit war
torn, perhaps, and not exactly sure
of itself in spots, but still His world.
celebrate (he anniversary of the
greatest single fact of history
question of the hour is. Are you go
ing to chure hthis morning? and the
answer is supposed to be. Yes. for
who does not go to church on Easter
Father Buck of St. Joseph's Cath
olic church, admits however, that
mere are some legitimate excuses
which would keep folks at home.
even on taster buncay. ana a num
ber of other pastors of Salem seem
willing to believe that there will be
R.;.1Mfr f P.alem PDle no wm n
HM,UM1 v iui v sj i church today without respect to rea
For the Fisherman, Too.
To many, even of those who will be
in church, Easter is a time of new
clothes or the end of lent or a con
venient holiday to open the fishing
season. Salem pastors emphasize the
point, that the Easter message was
Mrs. Charles N. Potter died at 1
o'clock this morning at her home.
2031 State street, where she had
lived continuously since 6omlng to mean( jugt a. mttcn for th man wno
California Publisher Says
They Drive Americans Out
of Business
DUNLIN. April 3. The military
precautions in Dublin exceed any-f
thing of the kind seen since Ealr
1915. Particular attention is being
paid by the military cordon aronnd
the city to loads of bay. which aru
probed with bayonets, while even the
suburban street cars are stopped and
the passengers searched for arms.
At Finglas on the north side of
the city the military have taken pos
session of some unoccupied houses
and appear to contemplate a stay o
a few days.
St. Endas college at Rathfarnbam.
formerly conducted by Patrick
Pearce. who was executed during
the rebellion of 1916. is also occu
pied by soldiers. They have erected
a barricade with barbed wire, on
the roads outside of Gifllenwood
house in Ranelach. where Pesrse's
mother lives and the children's
school kept by Miss Duffy, sister of
George Garan Duffy, who was iden
tified with the defense of Sir Rog-r
to Fire-Year and Ten-Year
Agreements With Valley
Berry Growers .
.BUFFALO. N. Y.. Aorll 2. Dr.
Nicholas Murray Butler, speaking pnlhnmnt Interests Enter In-
nere lonigm on Amencanixauon, de
clared every ahlld and every alien
should be grounded in the principles
of American government so thor
oughly that not merely' assent be giv
en to such principles but that an ar
dent belief be arroused as would
caase a man to defend those princi
ples with his life. The speaker concluded:
"Government muit really govern;
authority must rest somewhere and
revolt against the authority of gov
ernment in a republic Is very Cirier-
ent from revolt against authority In
an autocracy.
"No system of government will last
that does not rest upon the convic
tion and effection of men. Force
mav defend or maintain it for a time
but in the long run .any government
will fail In which the masses of men
do not believe and for whose purpose
and ideals they have no continuing
Rapid Development of Lower
Valley Is Predicted by
Representative '
(CLEVELAND. April 3.r Japanese Casement. and Sinn F-ln rnrnli
K1-. I. ..... In r.llf(.l. I - Vlli .. .
and their standard of living so low
U. S. May Yet Have
a MUitary PcUcy
WASHINGTON. April i. The
senate cleared the way today for con
sideration of legislation proposing
establishment of a definite military
policy. Debate on army reorganisa
tion lill framed by the senate mil
itary committee. Is to begin Monday
and Ms passage in about ten days or
two weeks Is predicted by senate
The bill differs radically from the
"We are contracting berries for
a term of either Are or ten years.
said W. U. Bentley of Hubbard yes
terday. --
Mr. Bentley Is not only an exten
sive grower of loganberries bat be
is also representing - the Pnyalkip
and Sumner Fruit Canning company
of Puyallup. Wash.
'We are writing term contract
now." continued Mr. Bentley, Tear- ,
anteelng growers cents a pound
for strawberries for five or ten years
as a ml a l ran m price lor .each crop.
Should the market price rise above
this minimum, we will meet the ad
vance figure at any time during the
life of the contract.
Mr. Bentley explained that th?
same contract terms are being writ
ten covering loganberries, goose-
house measure passed March IS. la
that it provides for compulsory mil-1 berries and raspberries. The bottom
ttary training, consoildaton or tne i price on logaas for five or ten years
national guard, regular army, and
reserves composed 6f trained men
into one citizen's army, and also for
a general stalf eligibility systems
Oregon 44 years ago. She was 30,
years old and death was caused by
the infirmities of old age.
Mrs. Potter was a member of a
prominent family ot the Willamette
valley and well known to the older
residents. She was born In Ohio and
before coming to Oregon lived in
Michigan and Minnesota. Her hus
band died about four years ago.
Mrs. Potter leaves three children.
five grandchildren and . one great
grandchild. The children are L. W.
Potter of Salem. T. J. Potter of New
York city and Mrs. Dean Cromwell
of Salem. The funeral will be Tues
day but complete arrangements have
not yet been made.
Interprets it in a' fishing, expedition
as for, the most devout and reverened
churchman. Easter has a universal
appeal. Rev. Thomas S. Anderson, of
the Presbyterian church, ' calls at
tention to the message nature speaks.
"Times and. seasons open . new
pages in the book of nature to
teach lessons to human lives. In
a few days fruit trees will be In
bloom and the butterflies will be in
the air. The bodies of dead humanity
are feeding the crocuses and lilies.
Just so our human existence may
feed a spiritual lite and i fulfill a
celestial mission. 1
There are perhaps few who will
not concede, with the ministers of Sa-
that any immigration policy other
than exclusion will result in the ul
tlmate destruction of the American
population in the west, if not in the
whole United States. V. S. Me
Clatchy. publisher of the Sacramento
Bee, asserted today In 'a luncheon
address before the city. club.
The Japanese have neither the
ability, the desire nor the power un
der their government to become citi
zens of this country." Mr. McClatchy
"They are unasalmlable. They do
not care for citizenship.. Their gov
ernment expects Japanese in this
country to remain loyal to the coun
try of their fathers, and they are
tive at Paris. The residence of Mrs. I aimuar to tnai in me r rencn army.
Humphrey - sister of "the O'Reflly" The house bUI left the compulsory
i military training issue tor separate
.Continued on page 2) legislation. ' ,
ru uuliui vi uauuifj Iftam PATTrirr to
WITHIN THIRTY DAYS not ole hmson
is S rents a pound; on gooseberries
it is 4 cents a pound, and on rasp
berries the lowest Is S cents a pound.
The price may go above these Quo
tations, but never below them.
Mr. Bentley predicts a rapid de
velopment lor the lower Willamette
valley through the stimulation com
ing from the extensive fruit canning !
He says that the Paulhamus in
terests, as the Puyallup and Banner'
canneries are sometimes called, have '
comt into this district to remain per
manently la the fruit packing business.
Is the reduction of our regular price oh
every article in the store. What in
vestment bears a better rate of inter
est? ..;
And hear In mind that merchandise of
Ilarnes Cash Store- quality is worth very,
much more today than, our regular prices.
Scarcely any can be duplicated at wholesale.
In addition badly broken lines have been
reduced 20, per cent and in some- instances
as much as 50 per cent. Can you pereene
what this means to you in the face of a
constantly rising marketf
Goffs Silko and'Angora Skirt Braids,
chet Silks In colors. One half ounce
spools, now costing $1.00 wholesale,
each ... .-. i . y . .... . . 85c
J. & P. Coats' . silk finish Crochet
Cotton, colors, full 100 yard spools 5c
Tatting Silk, colors.-each. . . .SOc
Texto Crochet Thread. 2 spools 25c
Goffs Silko and Anfora Skirt Braids,
all colors, 5 yard bolts each . .. 10c
Lot of printed Cretonnes reduced to
yard . 50c
Women's toe Rubbers, medium round
toe, sizes 2 to 4 at. . .35c and SOe
Misses and Women's one buckle Ar
tie Overshoes, reduced to, pair..5c
I J y -- -1,-.,-. -
1 J " "- - r - ;
-r:V":.T" loyal to Japan.-i
iem, inai me ' "Th. rhur nhWtlon to the J.i-
anese is not racial antipathy, but the
knowledge that their economic ad
vantages make It hopeless for the
white 'race to compete with them.
Is that which has been preserved as
the essence of Christianity. As
Father Buck, says, "Most of us claim
I to be Christians, and a Christian, In
the original meaning of the word,
was one who believed in the divinity
of Christ. The fact of the resurrec
tion of Christ was hia Invincible
proof that He was God. Therefore,
if we lay claim to being Christians
and willfully neglect the house of
prayer on the anniversary of his res
urrection, we are, to say me teasi.
Universal Longing Kxprexsod.
Easter is the perfected expression
of the longing for and belief in a fu
ture life that has, from the nrsi.
been a part ot the heritage of the
human race.
Mr. McClatchy explained.
"The Japanese question is really
an economic one u is simpiy
whether or notsthls nation can ad
mit to the country a people who
can drive the Americans out.
The Japanese work longer hours
for smaller pay than Americans;
their women toil In the fields; they
concentrate in close communities.
They have wonderful business co
operation and they control tne pro
duce trade in manv sections; he said.
Because of these factors, they grad-
Wilhin a month (Jeneral Leonard Wood, one of the loading ean-
lidatcH for president of the Cnited States, accompanied by Mrs.
Wood, will Ik in Salem for a speaking date. There is a possibility
hat at the same time, or on another date about that time, Theodore
Joosevlt, Jr., also will speak in Salem.
This is the information brought to Salem by Walter L. Tooze.
Sr., western Oregon organizer for Leonard Wood for President clubs,
and .Mr. I ooze has it directly from the Oregon manager.
ually drive Americans out of every
ser. a mA 'fserAr enmM Atmctlv business they enter
Vi aamc uinrr as easi . I 1 .n via 1 1 n.. "l " -
. 1 . . ,1 . 1 V Tmu,
n i -lofl W Porter rtT Itiff I I'raciitai it tuunui '"'
Christian church. "It means ley in southern California: have 85
the place or time of rising. Resur
rection is from the same source as
n n n meana a flnwftie in
I?.,- 'r..nv. then, as' the sun rises, trol the southern California fisher-
.-. .n..tntir as the waves beau let! les
.... . . thmnfS Him who I The sneaker recited a
in rKiu i u lu ub waa vr p i
per cent of the Hock Ford melon bus
iness of Colorado; hold half the
Hood River apple district, and con-
Came as the author of lite to give it
more abundantly. Easter Is our soi
emn festival acknowledgment that
hliPTA His authorsnip oi our oe-
inc. nd our existences nere ana
number of
figures from the California bureau
of vital statistics tending to i-how
that' the Japanese increase about
four times as rapidly as Americans
In California, and mat wnue me
American birth rate there is decreas-
From Business
" ... ... .. , I . . . kl .1 1. . & t . .t.tnr
t r T n.ttnr nf the HlIDlaDa I lnK. me japantrrc umn i
Friends Church has given an eloquent plans to admit Japanese ty ratios or
f tVio moHRBce oi easier oroDoriiuoa uku " "
la Interpreted by the Christian here or now citizens, such as the
" ver&rJ 7 Gulick plan and the Dillingham
CUUrvu. -.,-. . . . .. . ... aa
"The Easter message is one oi diu, air. wunuj v..v.v..
hope ot salvation ot lite. It speak- traps which would resuu nnauy n
f an emntT tomo ana a risen uuiu. me ui rruiufi --w
n... . i. M.nrmt nn i meaninEiess i mis rouniri iu wunw, .v.
ohi iuc . . 1 . -, ha inn
t.i . iVa rnt rtTton aiiu inn in. iiuuck uiaii. i. " - "
crucifixion is poweness without the 000.000 Japanese would be living in
...nmutinn in the lau oi man ibb America, ne wj.
hnl race are constltuiea sinncr.
Then pepalty for sin is death! Soroe-
Kiwiv must die', either tne sinner wuu
committed the sin or an ? adequate
nhtltnte must be found. Jesus, the
Rni-man. is the only one iouna xo
be without sin. He was aenverea ior . ,h employ of the state fish ani
our offenses and raised again for our ame department. Is reported to
justification. The whole human iam- have b?en kuied by Oregon Klec
ilv was dead in trespasses ana sm trie train No. 9 near Albany jester
and must ever remain o unless we dajr afternoon
accent, on God s own terms, reaemp-
tion through Jeius Christ. The empty Ra'tlroaA
. k iho F!atr morn are ever lUeXlCan IailTOaa
present reminders that the plan of
reaempuon is uuuiirvt.
Christ Uvlnjc f orce.
To DrjiE. S. Hammond or the Kim
ball College or Theology,
means two things.
-First. It means life alter deatn.
... a A ar S 1 a. I a. Ilw
Second, It means ma ynnsi. "-, , .nnmmc-ment bv labor of
VI MV I . - . , II I .
liciais. iae enipioj ' wm
Joseph Metzger Killed
by Train near Albany
Joseph Metxger. who fbrWrly was
Prisoner Taken to Cenlralia
Proves to be Not L W, W,
Wanted for Mnrder
Tied up With Strike
XOGALKS. Arls.. April 3. Th-
Easter Southern Pacific railroad ot Mexico
operating sou in irum inn pice w
completely tied up today by a strike
of virtually all its employes, accord
In e force In the world today.
roan who does not go to church Eas
ter means that hia hope for a future
-rUtencB centers around the One
Continued on page 2)
despite an injunction from the . Mex
ican federal courts, ordered yester
day by President Carransa. which
was to delay the strike 72 hours.
Mr. Too re has just returned from
trip of nearly one month's dura
tion and declares he Is positive Wood
will bo an easy first choice In Ore
gon. Wood. Johnson. Lowdcn.
Hoover, is the order in which he
places the popularity of the candi
dates, and adds: "The second choice
of the Wood men would undoubtedly
be for Lowden.
Five Count lea Covered.
On the trip just completed Mr.
Too re covered Lane, Douglas, Jose
phine. Jackson and Klamath coun
"At Eugene two clubs were organ
ized." said Mr. Tooze. "one in the city
and another at the University of Ore
gon. Clubs were also organized at
Klamath Falls. Ashland. Med ford.
Grants Pass, Riddle and Roseburg.
"The result of my campaign over
this big territory has developed the
fact that Leonard Wood is not only
leading all other candidates who are
aspirants for the presidency on the
Republican ticket, but that today he
has a majority vote over all of them.
N'V don't want a military wan'
and 'we do want a business man' is
proving to be a great asset for Leon
ard Wood. The .fact that four mil
lions ot our American sons offered
their lives on the altar of their coun
try during the great war and that
all ot them may just as well be
called 'military, men as Leonard
Wood, and the "fact that they regard
him aa one of their own class, makes
this weapon a boomerang in the
presidential contest.
Wood Held P.aines Man.
"The idea of a business man for
president is certainly a good ene.
but these American legion men and
soldiers point with pride to the rec
ord oL Leonard Wood In Cuba and
Moroland which conclusively proves ,
blm to be the greatest business man1
now before the American people.
They urge further that the cryliiK
need ot the hour is to have a chiet
executive at Washington who has
proved by his great service In Cuba
and Moro province that-he is a re
constructionist and a genuine builder
of government -that will never fall to
function. This is one ot the strong
arguments ot the service men. That
he. though at the head of the army,
was kept from going overseas with
his division, appeals to their sym
pathy and their judgment that the
rules ot the game demanded that he
secure a 'square deal which he ut-
C EXTRA LI A.. Wash-. April J.
Centralla resldeatsw who went to
Chehalks. near here today la an at
tempt to Identify prisoner arrested
at Ellentbunc. Wash- and brught to
terly failed to get. Thousands quote Icbehalia, said hte man was not Ole
the fact that he is the only candidate Hanson, alleged I. W. W..'eharged
of all parties who has given hit en- with the murder or warren v.
tire life unselfishly to build up this Grimm. Central la armistice day par
mighty republic And whose sons were ade victim. Among the number
soldiers during the war. were several who knew II in son per-
"That the American legion as fh- tonally,
dlvlduals and the rank and file of the Tj Prisoner, who gave his ame.
Republican voters and conservative as Harold Rurg. probably .will bo
business men are overwhelnnaly fori released as there Is little evidence
Leonard Wood throughout the entire connecting him witn tne ceuiraiia
section where I have traveled is be- tragedy. J. H. Jahnke. deputy prose
cutor of Lewis county, said tonight.
yound question.
Acquaintances Hoo Wood.
"At Medford I bad the great pleas
ure of meeting Colonel II. II. Sar
gent and wife of Jacksonville. Ore.
Doth of them were speakers at Med
ford on the evening that the Leonard
Wood club organization waa perfect
ed In that city. . Colonel . Sargent
- A ,1 M .1 - Ian..,!! U'nful In Pnhl
and also In the Moro province, and I Mnrh DisCUSSed Harbord Re-
LMr. sargent was at an umrs ni
helpmate and companion'. Their en
thusiasm for Wood is boundless and
they are ceaselessly active In this
campaign. Their addresses were
masterpieces ot eloquence and logic
as to the record ot Wood's achieve
port at Last Bern; Con
WASHINGTON. April 2. While
the American mission under Major
General Harbord. which Investigated
"The one Important feature of this conditions la the near east last year
campaign is that the active Republl- did not recommend that the United
can leaders In all localities declare stales accept a mandate over the
that Wood is the one and only Ideal former Ottoman empire. General
candidate for the presidency. Judg- Harbord In his report said some
Ing from the sentiment ot the coun- power should accept a mandate aa
ties which I have csnvamed I would the only solution of the Turkish
estimate that th vote would be problem .
Wood. Johnson. Lowden and Hoover. Constantinople. be said, should be
Lowden without doubt would be the included In tb mandatory territory,
second choice of the Wood men. but he disapproved several msnds-
State AUve With Bovine-. torics for different portions of Tur-
"Wherever I have gone business iukev
all lines, of endeavor nas never m
all the history or the state been more
prosperous. Hotels are all over
crowded and nouses lO rem. -'
unknown feature.
At Klamath Falls I learned some
.m.iinr facts, nsmely. that city s
oavroll is second In the state. 15.000.-
000 annually. Kiamam '"-"'"
out 100O cars of livestock and 7000
cars of lumber and poxes annually,
and tributary to that city offSOOO
people are 30 billions of leet or mm-
"Grants Pass. Ashland and Med
ford are booming, and their wonder
ful scenic attractions and great fruit
orchards are drawing large number
of eastern Investors. This is equally
true of Koseburg and Eugene.-
Th much-discussed rerrt of the
mission was transmitted to the sen
ate today by President Wilson, in
response to a second resolution or
requett adopted several weeks ago.
after the senate had failed to hear
from the White House concerning
its first resolution adopted in No
vember. While estimates ot th number of
troops required for a mandste varv
from 23.000 to 20.f0. Geseral
Harbord declared that In hia Judg
ment .0ft would be needed for
the first year. The cost or the man
date was estimated at t273.00.
for the first year. Including $.
SOO.000 for the array and- navy and
at T5.000.00 for the tlrst five