The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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Manufacturer Will Own Fa-
mous "Old 999" Which
Initiated Oldfield
Public Auction
Continuously Today
2:15-45:457:30-9:15 P. M.
Monday, March
; 29 th, 1:30 p.m.
705 Sooth 19th Street
- ' '.. . ...
1 Ford touring car in first class
mechanical condition. Just
12 Pure bred English Baron
White Leghorn bens all lay
ing. 1 Combination wood, coal and
gas "tfreat Majestic."
6 bole base store range Just
new. A dandy.
1 iTorjr dresser and chiffonier
2 white enamel beds.
1 Silk floss mattress.
2 steel springs
1 round oak extension table
8 oak diners
, 1 oak. rocker
2 oak baby's high chairs
1 heater,. block and pipe
1 Linoleum rug, 9x12
1 Brussels rug, 9x12.
1 baby carriage.
1 cloth basket
1 patented Ironing board
1 set new dishes and other ar
ticles. ,
-NOTE: All the abore furni
ture Is nearly new
. J. A. Gardner
F.N. Woodry
. ' The Auctioneer
:: Auction
Tuesday, March 30,
945 Chemcketa St
1 upright oak piano, like new..
1 piano, bench ana siooi
1 piano scarf , .
1 massive mahogany norary ta
blet .
1 mahogany cabinet r
2 mahogany rockers, leatner
seats ;-, . '
mahogany arm chair, leath
er seat
mahogany Vlctrola and rec
ords . ;
mahorAnr aewin rocker
1 high back oak rocker, leath-
2 low back oak rockers
4 section oak book case
84 inch topak extension table
e oak diners, leather seats.
1 white enamel sewing rocker
1 nwrltr table
1 birdsey maple dresser ana
1 cedar "chest"? "' 7
2 oak library tables
1 white enamel Princess dresser
1 whlt enamel stand
1 massive mirror, 24x48 Inches
French plate
1 drop bead sewing machine
1 brass bed -
1 Vernus Martin bed
1 white enamel bed
1 DeLux coil spring
2 .Turn. Ynm springs
2 felt mattref sea
2 Axmlnster rugs, 9x12
1 Axminster rug, 8x10
1 Axminster rug, 6x6
2 Axminster mats, 2x5
1 relret Brussels rug, 9x12
1 linoleum. 9x12
1 oak library lamp
1 good washing machine
1 good 6-hole steel range
1 good 4-hole gaa range
All draperies In house, plants,
150 .quarts home canned fruit,
pictures, ' wheelbarrow, 2 j lad
ders, lawn, mower, garden fboes,
wash- tubs, boiler, dishes, kitch
en utensils, plant stands.Mron
Ing board, 6 Japanese kegs. Ice
cream freezer, electric globes,
fruit, jara, flower plants, pil
lows, gold, fish, ukelele, kitchen
tables, bench, auto tires and in
ner tubes for Ford, table,
scarfs,,' porch seat and many
other articles.
' 945 Chemeketa, Owner
-' Ttie-Anctloneer .......
Phone 510 or 611
Henry Ford is soon to be the
proud possessor of "Old 999" the
gasoline speed wagon in which Bar
ney Oldfield won his first race and
the first automobile to travel over
a circular mile track in less than 0
' Tbis is the word brought baca
from Portland Wednesday by J. W.
Harbison. Ford sales manager of the
Motor company. Mr. Harbi
son saw the veteran old fpeed vehi
cle at the sales rooms of the William
iinirhann Automobile comoanr. ord
agents and was informed that the
old relic of the day of flat track rac
ing is soon to be shipped to aan
frrancisco for further exhibition and
thonrA smt . to become the property
of the head of the Ford Motor com
Just whr Mr. Ford should be
proud to be rated the owner of "Old
999" can be better understood when
it is known that he was the designer
of the veteran machine, which was
ressurected recently from the chaos
of a Los Angeles junk yam.
"Old 999" was-' the forerunner of
the highly perfected Ford car of to
day, as was the machine which first
starred Both Ford and Oldfield on
the road to fame In motordom. It
was constructed 18 years by Ford a3
his entry on the first auto race ever
held in Detroit And took its place in
history as It passed over the finieb
line leading the. field. OldHeld pi
loted the car in this first race and
continued to do so for the following
two years, during', which time he es
tablished the record of covering a
circular mile on a flat track in less
than a minute.
. While plainly demonstrating the
great strides which have been made
in the development when compared
with the automobile of today "Old
: ; , .? ?is
' " ' K. I f - J
f t
V f '7: -v 5:-
fc i mi -111111 i i i tjmmmm n i mm uttfmm tAmmtmaH fun I H, , - .1
A Go Get 'Em Sort of Picture With Oodles of
Laughs and Thrills.
Theodore Robert! TuUy Manhall Ann little
By Popular Bequest
On The Wurlitzer
"The Ktchen Udy
7eiturix! LouU
999' which still runs, gives evidence
of the birth of the ideas which still
predominate in the design of suc
cessful cars. A timer Identical to
that found on the Ford cars of to
day Is a part of the power plant of
the veteran speeder and many other
Let a Salem Tailor
Tailor Your Suit
I stand behind my goods. The highest, quality mer-
chandise and the best workmanship obtainable. Why
buy an ordinary suit when you can get a good one
thatwill fit you perfectly" and stand Ihe aeul test
of many seasons wear for the same price.
Suits $50 up
- Ladies' Suits $65
D. H. Mosher
parts are the same In the way of
their working Idea, although the de
sign has in most cases been improved
upon. In the place of the present
day steel frame. "Old 999' was made
lighter by the use of wood, and the
tires mounted on wire wheels, meas
ured 37 x S inrhes.
The highly standardized lubricat
ing system now In were not
thought of when the old racer was
built. "Old 999" is minus a crank
care for the old reservoir, large oil
cup fitting on to Ihe different bear
ings which had to be tnrned down
every fifty to seventy-five miles, to
care for the lubrication.
The differential systems also were
unthought of. The old racer covered
its fast miles and negotiated tha
sharp curves without a differential.
The sametj principle of rear axle wat
use as are round cn locomotives, me
tires having to stand the strain of
one wheel traveling faster than the
Instead of the radiator holding
water, it waa used merely for cool
ing as it passed through the tab, a
tank directly behind the motor be
ing used to contain the water, from
which It .would, so through tha mo
tor, passing into the radlater and
baclc , : r .
A straight bar nerved as the steer
ing apparatus In "Old 99s" time.
and two upright projections serving
as hand grips for the driver.
000 bonds by the Warm Springs Irri
gation district is regular and legal
In all respects.
The first lfsnc of bonds was $70.
000 and the second $CQ0.u00. both
tegular. Then an election was
called to vote on an Irsue of IJ00.
000. This call was withdrawn, bow.
ver. and a new rail made making
the amount 1200.000. The bard of
directors of the dlMrict was dubious
of the legality of the procedure and
pftltioned the circuit court for Mal
heur county to para on the ques
tion. The attorney general. In pars
ing on the question, examined th
decree of the court, which be approves.
had not reported themaslvee, were
Die Frelbelt says that among thoe
taken by the polfc are nmnoti
Resalaas who have b detailed ta
Alexander fcarraca An erdr. U
Is aairntood. has b" Istsed trt
tfc arreet ef all Raasiaas ta Crrtia.
Warm Springs luae Legal
Attorney Central Holds
In an opinion written for the state
irrigation securities commission,
composed of Attorney General firown
Slate Engineer Fercy A. Cupper and
State Superintendent of Hanks Will
II. Bennett." the attorney general
holds that the larret lnue of $200.-
Lest Yoe F
July 7, 1919
Public Auction
Wednesday, March 31,
1:30 p.m.
656 Center Street
Up Stairs
1 large library table
1 Axminster rug. 9x12
1 oak sewing rocker
1 oak arm rocker ?
9 diners -
1 oak extension table
1 pair curtains -
4 cota .
1 plate glass mirror
1 oak dresser
1 ivory dresser ,
1 patented Ironing board '
1 copper tea kettle
1 percolator 1
j.) cords alab wood
Dishes, kitchen utensils, copper
wash . boiler, electric light
ghades and many other articles
' Owners;' :.
F.N. Woodry :
NOTE All the above Is new
Arrangement with our Eastern connections where we secure our high-grade wool suitings
makes it possible for us to offer '
Once Again
This we are able to do without any increase in our suit prices. It gives you greater value
for your money than yon have ever been offered before. The suits are made to order from
your exact measure and are fashioned by the most skillful tailors in accordance with the
very latest approved styles.
We have an immense stock of high quality woolens every imaginable weteht. shade nat.
tern and texture. .
Our suits are guaranteed satisfactory in every respect. Let us take your measure.
Scotch Woolen Mills
Cases Set for Hearing
in the Circuit Court
Five cases are at for bearing la
department No. 2 or the Marlon
coonnty circuit court daring the com
ing week. Two of the cases are for
divorce, on for Injanctlon and one
tor foreclosure of mortgage.
Monday March 29. the case of
Mlda Caldwell against J. T. Caldwell,
snlt for divorce, will be beard. Toes
day. March 30. the rase of Chiistyne
Aekley vs. Alfred Ackler. salt of
divorce, will b beard. Wednesday.
Marrch 31. the case of Ilaoffmaa
against Ilaoffmaa will be beard. Oa
Thonday. April 1. salt tor Injanc
tlon by Mary Gregolre vs. II. L. Ak
erlll. et al Is set. A soit for the fore
closure of mortgage by J. W. Ebner
vs. O. D. Ebner. Veronica Ebner and
V. E. Looghmlller Is set for Friday.
April Z.
Accountants Figures Next
Evidence for Grand Jury
The next evidence to be submit
ted to the Marlon county grand Jury
in Investigation of bond transactions
between the office of O. P. Horf.
state treasurer, and the bonding
house of Morris Urotbers. Inc.. of
Portland, will be figures of the ac
countants who have been examining
fhe state treasurer's books.
The Jury Is now In rerers and will
be called whenever the data Is ready
to submit.
Send me your name and iirtss and I will send you a t
prospectus of lie
C ChappeQ
Hotel BUtH
Salexa, Ortfca
Foreigners Arrested by
Government at Berlin
TIKRUK. March 27. An exten
sive police raid was carried out here
thin morning and all foretmers. who
GO orcr to the Salea Clamber of Commerce
some day when there's a crowd there and
ask a grenp of men that qnestlon.
It's donbtfnl if yon can set it, eTea thonih some
of those fellovrs could dun re a thousand twen
ties. They joit simply don't carry cash, bet
realize the use of a CHECKBOOK when money
is wanted.
Start an account here at the United States Na
tional and set one yourself.
Salam W,(? Oregon.
' " " " " " '-;- o,j I frJ
Without joI trth tliorc? cannot Ik thorough mastication.
Without thorough rnasticatiou there cannot bo perfect digestion.
Without perfect digestion there cannot be proper assimilation.
Without proper assimilation there cannot b nutrition.
Without nutrition there cannot be health.
Without health what is life!
A single bad tooth may give rise to serious complications which
may eventually endanger life.
Teeth examined free in my office.
My prices for all kinds of dental work will be found Very rea
Hooms 2lt-'Jii. (Jray lluilding
Phone 1500
Corner State and Liberty St. Over Hartman Uros, Jewelry Store T
- " ' - ' -' . . ... . 428 State Street
r . .