THE OHEGOX OT4.TESMAS: SCXDAV, MARCH 28, 1020. BOYS AND THE BOY SCOUTS Continued from Last Sunday) .that the Boy Scout movement Is tfcjolutely non-sectarian is shown by tot action of Hon. William O. Mc Adoo, executive .chairman of the na tional campaign when he sent a let ter to one hundred and. ten thousand churches, cathedrals and synogoges tBd their congregations to be deilr and rabbis. The letter called atten tion to the proclamation by the Pres ident of the United States which urged all American citizens to sup port the Coy Scouts of America in the campaign. Another Local Proof. , Boy Scout troops have been or ganized in Salem In both Protestant rtd by their, own pa tors, priests' and Catholic churches. Both alike 'forop Your Tobacco Money Into His tittle Bank If You Love Your Boy have found them profitable under isnf any fad or fancy o: an idle takings from a religions standDoint brain it itn'i n ir..n. as well as of great benefit lo the boys of a faddist. It Is Just the re-crea-who were enrolled. That the Protes-itkm of that M sarin th. t .. tant churches that have trooDs are! heard vn mint ti.nN.ii tt.. . enthusiastic about them and endorse boys of today will be the men of to- ,uc lv ulB(;r rroieiani cnurcaefl . morrow. You know. Dad. that th. man of today was not merely born was Indicated by the typical letter published a week ago. Those Catholic churches which He was made. He was made by what he went through. This war. that you have troops have had Juet the same , and I have talked so much together f you would put into your boy's nr.! lags bank every day the money spent . ..... ... i j i. i "jE'ftT looacco uu " uuivi uiaar a uauy COD iriWUVIV" vr mtnM ness and to your own good health, possibly adding years to your life. Do ynu spend ten cents a Jay. or twenty-' ftve or fifty for tobacco? Think of what your boy would have, when twen-tr-ona! for you know that tobacco is an expensive habit and that the ex prime is not Its worst feature. It un dermines health when used to excess and aeadenlnir durtcs and no one ques disorders, hareenlna; of the arteries, to bacco heart and other troublea almost tna lunwroui to mention, and It bene fits no one except to give him for the moment a sense oi ease ana comrnrt due to Its narcotic effects as do opium and leadentnsr di-UKS and no one u- tlons the rreat Injury inflicted by the use of these. Tobacco works with an unseen hand steadily. - gradually, but surely and disastrously. At twenty you may use It sad notice no ill effects, only to realise at forty that ou have harden ins- of the arteries, hisrh blood pres sura, headaches, indigestion, and that you are prematurely old. Save your to bacco money for your boy and when he reaches twenty-one . he will have two firlcele possessions e. good start in ife and a father- youna enough to be kia ikum. I Some tobacco were who love the lure Af lelf-indulreiKre. try to make them selves believe .tobacco Is not injurious, vst "every user almost without excep- tlon at some time realises he is using too much,; How is it in your own case? AlmoKt any doctor will tell you that too much tobacco is injurious to any one and Dr. Hirschfetd says excessive ase-of tobacco after forty-riveis aui cldaL To quit tobacco throu ah sheer will. power causes great suffering because or the awful craving- for the nicotine t which your system is accustomed. but to auit it through X icotoi tntrj little or no effort. Nicotol kills th craving for tobacco, tones up the nerv ous system and keeps you feeling fine and fit. It makes the tobacco habit quit you. frees your system from nico- ne. the deadly, active do i son of to bacco. Tens of thousands have used the Nicotol system to free them from tobacco or cut down its excessive use. ou can use Nicotol either to purge yourself of the habit or to cut down the excessive use of the weed If you want to know whether or not t - ia hurting you. get a box oSsaKlcotol from your druRgtst and quit tobacco for ten days. Notice how much better you feel. If you want to go back to to bacco you can easily do it. Anybody can. . Hut the tnouerhtfu! man with courage and determination who ia hon est with himself bavins quit the habit. will leave off tobacco .entirely. Tou ran get Nicotol at any up-to-date druggist and. it Xs sold under an abso lute guarantee or success or the pur chsse price will be refunded. NOTE: Ten years ago, seventy, rig arettes.per person, met the demand in this country: last year the consumption had in creased to over four hundred cizarettea oer oerson. or nearly sixfold, to say nothing of other form of to bacco consumption. Statistics 'show that heart disease is most prevalent in couontriea where tobacco consumption is srreateat and that it increases with the Increased us of tobacco Heart trouble was second in a list of causes for relection in our army How much are you over-taxing your heart by the use of tobacco? If you can't answer, let Nicotol help you quit before your heary gives up the right. experience, and now the Knights of Columbus, at the request of the Catholic Priest's association, have as sumed the work of organizing the boys in the Catholic churches of Sa lem. They will issue a definite state ment soon on this. Father Linden's Letter. . JCxpressing Ills "hearty commenda tion of the Boy Scout movement from th.CathoIIc, standpoint. Father Lin- aen baa addressed , a letter- to t he average. - fatter .ptian average boy, which, we gladly insert in full: "'Dear Dad: "That is how your boy might be gin If be were writing you. So as I am writing lot him I will start that way. Ana Decause i am writing lar Miner DAVCD AW him I want to say some things frank- IN ARIL DA I CIV Uil ly that maylw he Just couldn't say. rPNlTlNP ASPIRIN UlMlWtliu awa iitiii about, has made men of our boys. Tou know you said it had rejuvenat ed their moral and physical condi tion to one of real and purposeful ac tivity. Now. Dad. Isn't it true that if j I'm going to be a man of tomorrow, I what kind of a man I am will de pend on what training 1 get .while I'm a boy . Will yon study this Boy Scout movement and see If you dofl't think It will be a good thing for me?' What They Asked the Knights to Do. , Then Father Linden continues by telling this average father of the av erage boy some conclusions that have been reached by the clergy in their study of the boy problem and what though he might feel them iruide Some people who are not actlvly engaged In the ordinary pursuits of life spend a great deal of their own and other people's time imposing upon their fellow beings fads and fancies of their idle brains. Like mushrooms, these fads and fancies are born in the morning of light and die in the night of darkness because they lack the substance of Intelli gence and the foundation of sinceri ty. Somewhat, and perhaps largely because of our painfnl experience with such people, a good many other people are now prono to discredit al bost any movement born of the brains of sincere men whoe sole purpose Is the phyclcal u:.d moral progress of the human race. 'Now, Dad. there is a new move ment in the world. It has had to prove itself because of so many hu ham disappointments which I have A 1 teAVsm r. n "V Get relief without fear ax told in ltayer arkage' till : , The "Bayer Cross is the thumb print of the genuine "Bayer Table's of Aspirin. It protects you against Imitations and positively identifle the genuine Aspirin prescribed by phyrirtans for over eighteen years. Always buy an unbroken package of "Bayer Tablet of Aspirin" which contains proper directions to safely relieve Colds. Headache. Toothache. Karache. Neuralgia. Lumbago. Rhea- TRADE MARK FARM TRACTOR Intimated above. But, Dal. It hasi'lsm. Neuritis. Joint Pains, and proved Itself. It Is a movement ror.paln generally. boys. And I am a boy. Dad. so you see I am interested in it. And as I know you love me. Dad, I know you wiU be Interested In It for my sake, when you know about It- - -"It la the Boy Scout movement. It Handy In tin boxes of twelve lab- lets cost but a few cents. Druggists also ao'i larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayr Manufacture of klonoacetlcaeldestcr of Salicyelieacid. THE MARION AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Marion, Polk, Linn and Benton counties for the i i ft! COMMONWEALTH FOUR-FORTY "The Car With the Foundation" This automohile hat hecn on the market for five years, hut, this is its first intro duction in this territory. Readers of National Magazines will be familiar with the specifications of this car. It is a light, medium priced car, possessing excellent riding qualities and abundant power. You are invited to call at our show room or phone for a demonstration. Price F. 0. B. Salem $1595 i A full line of tires and accessories. We Never Close MARION AUTOMOBILE CO. 235 South Commercial Street Phone 362 We are building a Tractor Business that will live and increase. When we tdected th FOBDS0N TEACTOE, vre had the fntare ia nrw. .We wir.trri trxctor ttutt would PEaTOEM and LIVE and z&Akt A TSACTOR 0WN1UL a talh&ed ur. Tb VOEU- EON do this la rrery way. It U AMERICA'S FOEXilCGT TRACTOR to jxzitXlj 4uLczd &na muii u&i u can De reued era aiMoiaUiy. We Can Mike Immediate Deliveries Our service department Is completely orxanixed i hava cr(aaixcd it for a T T.R 1! AH HXTLY tuccesiful Tractor buiinexa, and we want you to b one of enr easy aalitfled F0RDS0M 0W2t 11 K.. II II -. MX VX wmiezM J oior f Power Fara Itj BptclrU" they have done aboot It. What -be ays about this la aa at follow: we of th clerxy LaV rMJlLfd what thla boy problem mean a. I have had thouaanda of boyi under say Im mediate inpervlalon for the la it fif teen yeara and have learned throagb the school experience that the bor problem Is more dltfleult from the standpoint of the average ed oca tor than any problem of the modern times. "After thoroughly disensainr the subject, we. the clerfy. found a so lution b yoffetint; the Knlshts of Co- lumbns the proposition of taking rare of the boys by organising Doy Scout troops; .The Knights Immediately took cognizance of the project and are now the first In our country to organise our boys under the direct supervision of capable and efficient men. "Realising that scouting teaches the boy his relations toward God. hia country, his fellow men. and himself. the four essential and cardinal prin ciples necessary to make men out of boys, we, the clergy, are now assured of the progress and advancement of oar boys along moral and physical lines. "Scouting Is not a fad. Scouting is bullded on the foundations of sin cerity and of Interest in our Ameri can boys. The scouting !aue Is a help to any Issue of religion and gov ernment and must be solved by the men of today. The retrogression, of the American boy In his moral and physical development, when It does take place. Is due to the fact that most of us do not understand the boy. nor do we employ the necessary means to counteract the evil Influ ences with which be Is dally sur roundrd. Scoutin must and will solve this problem, because through it the boy will understand himself through In itiative, seir-reliance and resource fulness. Following the scouting laws the boy will always b In constant communication with nature, in direct touch with his fellowmen through his active service for them, always abe dient to the laws of God and man. progressive and never retrogressive. "Boys ought to be men. but bow many of us have given the average bor a chance to become a man?" After this strong presentation of the scout movement from his own standpoint as a clergyman and the evidence that he Is speaking for the other Catholic clergymen by the ac tion they have together taken. Fath er Linden concludes by again taking the boy'a angle of It. as follows: "Say. Dad. what are you gotng to do for your boy? You are now a man through long year of sad experience with the world and after many years. Do you want your boy to be a man after he Is fifty years of age and only then? Don't you think you can help your boy become a real man by the time he is twenty? Won't you help hl.-n to have that other thirty years cnild br Ma early eapertence along line of tru? progress? Won't you do t'.iis for hia own personal advantage, for that cf bis future family, the church, the state, and for humanity In ccncral? -Dad. It you want your boy to be a man at the earliest and best moment let him loin the Hoy Scouts. "Now, Dad. you have always said. and yon still Insist today, that ye will give your boy every opportunity of education not afffrdeayoa la' your youthful days. So. Pad, give hia this one. great and best chance cl his life to be a scout tsd after that a man. -You know. Dad.- Salem has a scout council of thirty or saere rs reeatsilve eaewail ecwu to m te W saccasefal pmfaioai axl bJ teas rm, men of executive sad oav ttr active ability. wha hate boys aad kaow hoys, all leaders la this lCjtt!sal ere sas I t BETTER READ Right here Every day Always fresh Delay Try It Today Bake-Rite Suiit&ry Bakery 457 State Street Pat this Quality Patch in your emergency kit This patch is built of new materials, hon estly put together. No left orers or fill er goes into this patch. Let as repair your damaged tire) or If too far gone, pnt on Ftrestones ) J. B. Hilenian 291 North Commercial St Salem, Ore.