The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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Ministerial Association
The Salem Ministerial association
III meet in regular session. Mon
day in the Y. M. C. A. at 10 o'clock.
The annual election of officers will
be held and a full attendance is de
sired. V? ,MStt Institution
., Bexylees at the Institutions Sun-
day Wit M be held an follows. 9 a. m..
state' hospital, by II. C. Stover. 9 a.
L m.f Feeble Minded Institute, by O.
J ? F". ? tetnlng. 2:15 p. m. Mute
School, by R. N. Aavlson. 2:30 i.
I . m. Cottage Farm, by L. W. Porter.
3 p. m.. Girls Training school, by H.
. E. Pemberton. ( 3: IS Tuberculosis
hospital by A. Loughridge.
Catholic Church
Palm Sunday the church commem
orates the triumphal entry of our
Savior into Jerusalem. At the 10:30
mars, sprigs or evergreen are blessed
and distributed, and the Passion of
Lord according to St Matthew is
recited. This Issues Id Holy Week.
A communion mass at 7:30 will be
read as usual. The public Is cor
dially invited. On Easter the masses
will be at 8 and 10:30. The first
mass will be for the children's Flrit
Holy Communion. Masses Thursday.
Friday , and . Saturday will be at 7
o'clock. Saturday mass as well as
Thursday mass will be a high mass.
Devotions on Wednesday evening
and stations of the cross, veneration
of the cross and sermon on Friday
, evening at 7:30.
,, v.,. . PreabyteHan .
9:45 The opening service of th
church school will be In charge of
the Junior class taught by Miss Flo: a
Case. 11 Morning church service.
Sermon appropriate to Palm Sunday
by the .pastor. Rev. Thomas S. An
derson. Chorus choir under direction
of Miss Ada Miller. 7:30 Evening
service. Sermon by the pastor.
Monday at 6 o'clock the annual meet
ing of the congregation will be held.
Pasion week services will be held
during the week, the pastor being as
sisted by other ministers of the city.
Tuesday at 7:30," Rev. Avison will
preach, Wednesday, Rev. James
vin; Thursday. Rev. Powell and Fri
day evening the pastor will preach.
Eat State and Eighteenth streets.
bunday school at 10 a. m. Preach
ing service at 10:30 a. m. Subject:
Our Dying Savior's Cry. Mt is Mn-
ished' ". Luther league at 7 p. ia.
Divine Service on Good Friday at
10:30 a. m. Visitors are welcome.
George Koehler, pastor.
anr sermon. "The Victorious Christ."
At the morning service Miss Church
ill will sing. "Palm Uranches." tor
an olertory solo, and at the evening
service Mr. L. O. Jennison will sing
a solo. Holy week services will be
held as follows: Wednesday at 4 p.
m., evening prayer and lectnie:
Maunday Thursday, holy comrauu
lon at 9:30 a. m.; Good Friday. 3
hour pen fee from 12 m. to 3 p. la .
with addresses on the Seven words
of Christ on the crops. Everybody
welcome. Charles H. Powell, rec
Salvation Army
Sunday morning open air at 10:10
inside at 11 a. m. Holiness meeting
2 o'clock. Sunday school and Bible
class at 6:30 p. m.. open air at 7:30
on States street and inside at t
o'clock. Salvation meeting conduct
ed by Ensign and Mrs. G. Hunter.
Special revival services commencing
Tuesday, next. March 30 and contin
ued every night until April 4. inclu
sive, led by Col. S. L. Brlngle. D. D.,
assisted by Captain Wesley Bou
terse (soloist). These meetings will
be conducted in the Salvation Army
hall. 241 State street. Come early
and get a front seat as we expect a
full hall every night.
Chritttian and Miionry Alliance
Services at 2:15 o'clock next
Thursday afternoon. April 1. at 6"?
South Commercial street. Rer. J. E.
Fee. of Portland, conducting the Bi
ble study. A cordial invitation to all.
St. Paul's Church
Palm Sunday. 7:30 a. m., holy
communion; 9:45 a. m. church
school; 11 a. m morning prayer
and sermon. "The Future of Chris
tianity"; 7:30 p. m.. evening prayer
First ChrUtlan Church.
Center and High streets, one
block north of the city hall. Bible
school at 9:45 a. m. Morning wor
ship at 11, Christian Endeavor at
6:30, evening services at 7:30. Ser
topics: "His Last Week." and "The
Way Into Lite Eternal." Leland W
Porter, pastor.
Court Mrcrt ChrUUaa.
North Seventeenth and Court
streets. What blessed meetings we
are having in our "Each One Win
One" campaign now on. The gospel
of Christ is proving nightly to be the
"power of God unto salvation to
everyone that believes and obeys
its commands. There is Just one
more week of the campaign. It you
have not heard these powerful ser
mons, don't miss a single one this
week. The subjects beginning Mon
day are as follows: "The Hindered
and the Hlnderer." "The Voice of
God." "Heaven or Hell.- "The
Unpardonable Sin." "God's Blockade
to the Way to Hell." "The Empty
Tomb." "Excuse Me." Bible school
at 10 a. m. The "Each One Win One
contest Is bringing them in. Come
and hear about it. Talk to children
at close of school. Morning worship
11 a. m.. sermon: "The Hardest
Things to Do." Junior C. E.. 3:30
p. m.. Intermediate. 5:30: Young
IT is our business to know good mer
chandise. We recommend Eagle Shirts.
Experts have experimented in the maker's
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would sway a maty
We know these things. That is why we
believe in Eagle Shirts. That is why we
want you to see our window display of
Eagle Shirts; why we want you to come
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Youll understand then why we reoom
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Every shirt the ultimate in value
The Kuppenheimer House in Salem
Peoples C. E.. 6:30 p. m. It you
want to see live C E. meetings at
tea dthese. Sons service and sermon
t 7:30 p. ra. Subject: -Prepare to
Meet Thy God." A welcome for all.
li-s maae tais the greatest week of
Ingathering tor Christ that this
Church of Christ has yet known. It
can be done! Let's go!
'First Mrthodls EpUcopaJ.
, Dr. R. X. Avison, minister. Church
and State streets. At 9:15 a. an. old
time class meeting, room 4. down
starts, W. U Cummlngs. leader. At
9:45, Sunday school, Alpheus J. Gil
lette, superintendent. assisted by
Robbln Fisher. At 11 a. m.. sermon
ette, "Words FiUy Spoken." Prov. 25
11. Morning sermon for all "Obliga
tion ot Church Membership." At 3
p. m.. usual services at Old People's
Home. Twelfth and Ferry streets. At
6:20 p. m. Miss Mary Watson will
have charge ot the Sen loo r Ep worth
league, held in the Sunday school
room. la Epworth hall the Interme
diate league will complete ita organi
sation, .All young people of the In
termediate age are urged to come.
The Junior league meets upstairs.
At 7:30 p. m.. sermon, "Got at Work
In His World." On Thursday at 7:30
p. m.. the usual mid-week prayer
service. For a lesson the pastor will
use the seven laws ot Jesus. The of
ficial board meeting will Immediate
ly follow. There will be a service on
Good Friday evening at 7:30. The
pastor's theme will be "Seven W ords
From the Cross."
Central Congregational.
South Nineteenth and Ferry
streets, IF. C. Stover, minister. Sun
day school at 10 a. m.. Mrs. Burton
Edwards, superintendent. Address by
the pastor at 11 a. m., subject "The
Palm Sunday King." Christian En
deavor at 6:45 p. m. Evening serv
ice at 7:30 p. m. Evening subject
The Triumphal Entry." Palm Sun
day music. Passion week services be
ginning Monday evening at 7:30 p.
m. The speakers will be Rev. F. G.
Butler. Dr. W. C. Kantner, Rev. J. P.
Clyde. Rer. James Elwin and Supt.
A. J. Sullns.
Flint CongrcgatioiuU.
Liberty and Center streets, W. C
Kantner, minister. At 10 a. m., Bible
school with classes for all; W. I.
Staley. superintendent: 11 a. m.
"The Kingly Christ" Palm Sunday
service. At 6:30 p. m. Christian En
deavor. Miss Theresa Fanrle, leader
At 7:30 p. m. "What Will You Do
With Jesus Christ?" Motion pic
Lelie MethoilUt KM"0aI.
South Commercial and Meyers
streets; Horace N. Aldricb. pastor
Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. with
classes tor all ages and grades; E. A.
Rhoten, superintendent. Primary de
partment meets in Leslie hall, under
the direction of Miss Sue Williams.
At 11:00 a. tn. public worship, with
sermon by the pastor; theme: "The
Triumphal Entry." This Is decision
day la the Sunday school snd a class
of young people who have been In
preparation will be received into
church membership. At 3:30 p. ra.
the choir will meet for special re
hearsal, and at 5:39 p. m. will have
lunch at the church, remaining for
the evening service. At S;3V p. m.
the devotional meeting of the Ep
worth leagne. Leslie Pprtager. presi
dent. At 7:JSp. m. Mrs. Jean Morris
Ellis will deliver the address. No one
cam afford to tsUe hearts g Mrs. El
lis, "he Is la the city ta the Interest
ef the et trice tsrs, sal Ul W.U
her ely psfclte adJrraa, TVs pfe
lie Is !art!d. '
V'- .'" ' ' . - . -. . j'.
t . - - . -
"' v.;
Make Your Chevrolet 490 the Easiest
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We received our sample rt one week ajjo ami to date have .ld 4 -t.
This device is not made ! the Chevrolet proph- lut l.y an eulirely tltffrr- r ;iiation,
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Vou know llasjtler hock alMirU-r d fr a Ford. Th- Ci-ri .Mfr
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We sell it on a oilive viMriinlef mn Coi-rol-t .worr iu and li'i- . cutstirs
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F. O. Delano, SsJem A. I. Ecff. DCas
Dealers that will supply you ilh Clienlet Sh.k A I r l-r t ..iii..n U - i; t Lu
v Salem and Dallas: J. W. Ilrrkey, WiMxHnmi ; Srr H-r tiarac-. Munt Angrl. AUrt. I'.rotkers,
Silverton; K. C. Titus Staytouj A. U Iim-. Turner; It. I Nslr, Iid-Ick, lU-rL
Son, Perrydale.