The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 28, 1920, Page 11, Image 11

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    TTTR OREGON HTATIAMAlf SCmff, ilAltCII 2. 1020.
anoes M. Richards of Wil-;
1 1 versify wtTt leave tomor
pokare, Wash., where she
I t conference of deans of
i the Pacltte northwest
4 be heldln the Davtenport
three days next week.
rteny tea of the Women's
i lsslonary society of Jason
rial church was held at the
Ira. P. NV. Dewey on North
reet Wednesday afternoon.
rulr nr suppressed use TrW
(. Safe and always dvpend
?xrld at drug; stores. Do-net
1 with others: save disss
1 Write tor "Relief" and
; It's free Address: Nation
'institute,. Milwaukee, Wis.
The study hour was' followed by a
social time when tight refreshments
were served. '
M rs. Lawrence . McXary of, Port
land Is visiting for several days with
relatives in Salem, spending bar time
with Miss Lillian lcNary at the Sa
lem hospital and with. Mr. and Mrs.
Ror Ooodwin'at their borne on North
Commercial-street. -
.On Tuesday evening the newly or
ganized, Queen father circle ol vJaa
tmte; Memorial celebrated with a
"p fluek', supper and general good
time at the home of Miss Ellen Cur-
na .sin; von a c nurcn sireei.
The Marlon County .-Women's Re
publican club held its meeting "this
ween on Monday afternoon in the C
A. R. room at the armory with ctir-
v. r A. A If 1
tt ;it cTcfi
Jlllwlll (HI Ik are
a i 1 1
rent .events In xenejal being, the suur
ects for discussion of the afternoon.
A large number of the rluh mem
bers were present.
The next meeting of the club. will
be on April IT.
Mrs. , H. J. -Schuldermsn 'and
daughter, Marie, were' in Portland
visiting with friend the first of the
Mr. and Mrs. Our ftmtth and Mr.
and Mrs. . Frank? Tyler motored 1 to
Corvallis recently for a abort stay.
Miss'Anna Comntan and Mls
Marion. Compton of "Walla Wklla ar
rived Thursday evening for' visit
at the home of their brother. H. V.
Compton, ' on South Commercial
The many- friends of Mrs.. Sey
mour 'Jones "will be happy to learn
that ahe Is recovering rom an oper
ation which she underwent at the
Salem hospital the first of the week
Miss Clara Scott has gone to her
ranch near Uates Tor's, sojourn of a
fortnight. ;
Mrs. T. Tl. South-wick left yester
day afternoon for' Seattle where sh
plana to visit -with relative for a
few weeks.
Miss Marlory Drown will 'return
tonllbt to Oregon Agricultural Col
lege after spending her spring vara
lion with her parents In this city.
"MraS.'F.'Heffner of EOrene Tsas
lieen visiting doting the week with
her sister, Mrs. -George M. "Brown.
- " 1
Mrs. Fred Stewart1 ls'entertalmlnje
her sister. YM rs. Grace B. Stevens' of
Portland, -who arrlted" Friday even
ing for short liU Mrs.; Stewart's
ton.' Richard "Slater w III .tr'zrz -'""
night to Oregon Agricultaral rotlt-ge'
after spending his spring vacattoa
Mr.- and' Mrs. F. J. Rupert have
been entertaining darlag the week as
their house guest. .Victor Oldson of
Boise, Idaho. Mr. Oldson left Thurs
day for bis home. ".
Mr.'ftod'.Mrs. C, A. Downs enter
tained Dr.'.J. L. Gilbert of Eugene
Wednesday during bla stay in Salem
to'deliver a lecture.
.Mrs. S. E. Edwards and children.
Gwyneth and Thomaa, have returned
from a fortnight's ylslt with rela
tives and .friends' at Vancouver. H.
l.. Victoria and Xew Westminster.
-The W. A. M. S. embroidery club
gave a surprise party at the home
of, Mrs. W.. H. Sloper Tuesday even
Ing'Jn honor of Miss Gran Salisbury
100000 .Prescriptions
" jWere' Filled Beore
'MOWas. Discovered
J. C. MendenhallEvansvlUe. Ind..
spent 40 years in the drug business,
compounded, over 1 100.900 prescrip
tions from phyrlcians ed seated In
Europe and America before "Num
ber 40 For The" Blood" was discov
ered;. the great specific for all blood
diseases.. Successfully employed! n
diseases of ther landalar system, in
blood poisoning, "mercurial and lead
Doisonlug." chronic 4 rheumatism, ca
tarrh. , constipation. ' hepatic conges
tions,' dyspepsia and stomach trou
bles, sores, ulcers, "nodes, tumors
arid scrofulous 'swellings that have
withstood all other treatment yield
to "No. ,40.- Sold by Perry'a Drf
Store. "J t
the member. The evening
pasd iieasanily vith nfr
needlework. Just before the uwi
departed dainty refreshments were
terted by the- hostesa.
Mrs Frank Bear of Tnrner passed
Friday In Salem vbtltlog with Mrs.
M. R. Crawford.
Miss Catherine Carson la spend la r
the week-end with friends la Port
Mis. W. II. Lytle entertained a
company- of frUnds at luncheon oa
Friday. They motored up frotu
Portland and passed the afternoon
here, la the party were Mesdames
Henry Collius and Wtllard Bond of
Pendleton. Clark Nelson. Edward
Burke and C. U. Sabia of PortUnd.
Mrs. William Boot and Mrs Oo.
F. Kodgers mere in Portland for a
short lalt with friends during the
Mies Marv Holms of O. A. C. ia
spending the week-end in Salem with
her sorority Chi Oiwea sister. Miss
Eulalla Lindsay, and to attend the
J. C. dancing party last nliht.
Desigi Service with Stle
, Quality.
:' - - ; -; ; 'v " ; r: ' ' " s
Following Is News of the Smartest of New Arrivals
;0nejyelejtjies. ' In black Kdsldn patent colt,lso HtYJina
jlvof-att7;!sB9d exceptionally Vell iitHnj.'"
Very Dressy Oxfords of Kid, Patent Colt and Co co Brpvn.
Made oyer new lasts, with medium long YaopsAwtliirim,
graceful high heels, moderately priced,: 410 o
Smart, attractive bench-made Pomps in brown WdUck
kid, patent leather, with Louis heels, priced from....:. J. 10
HERE IS AN OXFORD that will appeal to men s a mighty
good last for comfort and good loolts. Many other styl's
are in stock to choose from, in brown kid and calf skin, lso
black, priced from!... .8.50
ftT A'select Seiectron of the, Nobbiest Footwear ver Offered To Local Good Drewers.
koe Store
125 North Commercial Street
V i r , l J 1 . I
,sie3isEiT.r vM l
unless you.
Fl rt Charrh of Chrit firteatUC
Sunday services held at 4 40 Chem
eketa street at 11 a. m. Subject of
Bible lesson. "Reality.- Sunday
school at 9:4 S a. m. Wednesday eve
ning testimonial meeting at t o'clock.
Reading room. 201 Masonic temple.
ooen everr day except suaaay ana
holidays, from 11:45 a. m. to 6 p. m.
All are Invited.
Ftmt VnltMl Brethrca.
Tew Park Bible school at 10 a
m.. preaching at ili unrutiaa
7:00 p. m.. preaching at
S o'clock. Midweek prayer meeting
Wednesday at f o'clock. All are cor
dially invited. C. W. Corley. pastor.
fteventh Day Advevrtist.
North Fifth street and Calaes
lavenae. Tonignt at i:o z,vangusi
A. R. Bell, pastor. suoJecU "Tbt
United Stales in Prophecy The
Rise. Prorreaa. and Destiny of Oar
Own Nation Revealed in tne IHbie.
Another areat sermon slndy Illus
First Baptist,
lihertr -and-Marlon streets. Ser-
mon botn morning ana evenuis ji
I Dr. Carl Grelg Doney. president of
WUlamttte university. Morning serv-l
Irs it l' o'clock, evening service all
7:30. -Sunday school at 9:4ft a. m.
B. Y. P. V; at :30 p. m. Every one
la cordially invited to attend these
services. Retnlar tnontniy oroiner-
hood meeting with supper at :3D
p.' la. TaesdkT. Stereoptlcoo plctorts
of Oregon roads will oa snown ana
SUta .'Highway Engineer Herbert
Nnnn eznecU to be present ana give
U.tsik on the road proiram of the
Highland FTieads.
Bible school at- 9:46 a. m- Earl
Prnitt. aupertntendent. Classes ror
all and a cordial Invitation to any
on who Is not a regular attendant
elsewhere. Preaching at 11 a. m.
C. meeting at i:lS and preaemng
r-7?lD o. m. Fraver meeting on
ITtinndiT at 7:20 D. m. 1. U. Ie
and wife, pastors.
ftouth Kalewt Krlewd.
South Court and Washington
streets. H. E. remoenon. pasior.
ninwh Rthle school ai l a. in..
classes and efficient teachers for all:
rri imr. snBerlntendent. M-
llng for worship with song and
nfeachlnr at 11 a. m. ana again i
1:10 p. m. Toung peopia raee n
t-itt Mnnihlr business meeting on I
Thursday at 7:30 p .m.
CatT Street Hethodlt.
Center street, corner Thirteenth
. . M.awe, s W I
street. O J&. Roeder. pastor, osbd.-
school at 10:00 a. ra. At 11 o ciocai
um Verna B. Hertiler. missionary
from Toklo. Japan, will speak In the
Fhtellsh lancuace. her subject being
-Triumphing With Christ la the
Orient The Eoworth league meeU
1st 1 o'clock and at 7:w ansa 4irv-
tr in m neak arsin. At 3 o'etock
sr . m I
In the afternoon she win give a i
minnti talk at the Sunday school
Mniinn t Jason Lee church.. On
Thursday at 2:30. the Udles aid will
met at the home 01 Mrs. . nra-
f... c.rA vridsv evening me ais
anrinindeBt will preach at I
iiivk . M
h Center street M. E. cnurcn. ana
also Easter Sunday morning and eve
ning. All are cordially invite
Whxt would b th nit to plast field or & r&rdra &sd
then destroy it?
Whit'a the usa of maJd&x taoney, then waiUs it?
Ii joti have a leak in your pail or tab or birrti or p!sxb
tng, yon itop it When yon carry yo-ax coney anrond ta jver
pocket and vuU it, if ft leik la yoax fBtert ctcp it.
Put your money in onx bxsJc
Yon will receivt 3 per ctat lcttrtst
Salem Biink of Commerce
A ralafsl Malfee.
"Pat. It's lookla seedy ye are.
shave woulJnh hurt ye a biU
"Faith, it e. IT'j re!4
rsxor yea ywa'.iat - :i t." P-e-toa
New Ethics "
in Dentistry
THE health of the people U one of
the most important rp cations of
the tby. Anything .u-bidi mnceaU
information about health U little
short of criminal.
People arc entitled to know all
about their teeth- all about den
tistryfor infected teeth cause widi
spread sickness, disease onil sufTcr
!ng. People cannot know of tlivsc
things unless ther ar told, anc? the
best way to tell thtm to advertise.
That "is" why Registered Dentists
using the E. H. Parker System ad-
vertise because advertising elucatrs and tells wlere
good dentistry cin be had at niodih.te prLrrs, Dr.'Parkrr
is thus miking new and bctlcr ethics for the dcnUlTme
fession. He is opposed to any ethics lhatkecp people
ignorant of the dangers of infected teeth.
Under the new ethics, the great masses arc now grUing
good dcnlistr-. while under the old style only the favored
few knew about it and could n fiord iL
Your health depends much upon your teeth. Yon are
invited to call and liae a free rxemintion made. v
-Registered Dentists Usinfj the
Dr. D. M. Ordea Dr. TL B. KH1t
"Dr. F. V.iOrsif
EUU sad CotsstrdAl Etrtt
r -J v
'Evangelical Charrh.
At Seventeenta ana cneraesn
streets. F. W. Laaner. pastor, m
8anday school at lo:o a. sa.. iiq"
the leadership of J. LJppold. has
brought a steady Increase la nambers
mmrt imnroved Interest of the
school. Sermon at lltoo a. m.. suo-
eet Onward and Upward, ms am
communion services at this time. T.
p. A. at 7:00 p. m.. Mrs. P. W. tan
ner, leader; sermon at JTayrr
mmiiii and teachers' meeting on
Thursday evening, w. zi. ft. mes
Friday evening. The choir is pre
paring a special proaram ior t.mrt
services called -i-ove innmpoini.
Continued on page )
Silver Lake District
Atks lot More Bonds
Representatives of the Silver lake
Irrigation district appeared Satur
day before the stste lirlgstloa secur
ities commission and requested certi
fication of f 300.000 In bonds tor ae-
velopment of the district, me
h ti reouest nnaer MTwunTm
and will notify the district official
oa what basis the certification will
h mid "
Th district waa represeated by
its board of directors. O. 0'iniod0".
TV a - Tnrli and Ou 8chroeder;
jmmm ctars atlornev for the dl-
trict.tand J. O. Uarr, enslneer.
Increase Your Mileage
Populxr performance hu won a Ustlag rrpaitioa for
Ridae Mu!ti-M3e Cord sad Country Road Fsbric
Tires. The Ejzts Tested qualify cf Ridae Tires b s
drSntte surety of service. The Rsciae Absorber g
Shock Scrip, welding tread sad cxrcxsi perfectly, b s
m2entddng festure that his proved the sermoca ol
the iadastry. On say road Racine Tires lead.
Be star every tire you buy bears the nine:
AulotnoUle .eceortea
Phone 77
a a
?vaiem- urrr
20t N. Commercial St.
I' i iuw W l t. J I I