TUB OREGON STATES5IAX: RATTRDAY. MARrfl 27. IWO. a- t Classified Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Ca n ReadUy Find Them They're Worth While ;v".s Norwich mnojr fl&X LX8URANCK 80CIETT Thiebem RoUuid at Btttfu-nlt jatfsxit Afent 8T1 -tat Bt, HONEY TO LOAN mtrotcd r arm pbopkrtt at lliixwt batks. no couaussioa THOS. K. F0RDB7LSoi: HK FOR FOR FARM LOANS FOR HAWKINS & ROBERTS . TO WHOM 1T, may coxceux-i. tile IXrt 1 1 -- a-wa a r undersigned, am the mother of Paul M. rm.vnn Ttnllitl Rich who died in France on the 28th S04-S07 Oregon Building day of Januar. mi. of company M. . l2d Infantry. 41st Division. Paul " Mlll tni Rich was hired out to Mr. John Etter ' nd n sl nim undt-r ln influence KiTTIED AXIYa H TMa-wX-TT- to tay wv from his mother and "" " four years they claimed and made ftate Pas' Ward 1 out that it was their boy and adopted Par Insertion ............... 1 n'm nd 1 m 1,1411 living and will OMNk talx tnaertlons).... So live-,, . , , One month Uc No. anybody has anything to say Big months' contract, per incite let com to my home and I will it months' contract; par mo., tc explain It to them. 1 am the under- MjBimu forr4rarr.'m-Ua J ....ed. mrs. axxa BEIER. ' ' - Route 3. Box 105 Salem. Ore. NEW TODAY employment 000000 wTVtfD FOUR BROODY . PLY- ''owomwomwo mouth Rock or Rhode Island Red UDY WANTED TO DO WORK- hens. by April 4th. Ten Concord Phone 869. grapa planU. 20 Mammoth black- OIRU QR LADY WANTED FOR berry tips, two stands of young bees, housework. Oood home to competent phone 100F21 or write Lewis Cobb, person. Call at 1277 S. Commercial. B , Box 124. Salem, Ore. . GIRL. WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK. 1XWT "FM1L" FIN, ABOUT THE Must be a pood cook. Apply fore- - city several days ago. Finder please noons. 975 Chemeketa street. leave at this office or phone 253. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FOUR NEW 30x3 Ford ... whaela with or without hubs. Phone MEN OR WOMEN WANTED SALARY ... $24 full time. 50c an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery, to ,X)B SALE-HOGS AND PIGS. PHONE " --- - - WAMT.D MEN AND WOMEN TO 8 EVEN HORSES FOR SALE FROM wor ,n oup c,rcuUtoll department. 1199 to 150 pounds. Mayro Mcvlnny, A good proposition to the right peo- v Turner. Ore pie. Address the Pacific Homestead. Statesman Blds; Salem. Orecon. FOR 8TLE OR TRADE DANDY BRIS- coe: Just painted, runs tike new. Call CfD CA1 G after l.p. m.. 301 N. Uberty. rXlIX DAlCt Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front sL Phone 494. MIXED STRAWBERRY PLANTS mostly Oregron. 60c per 100 $5.50 per 1.000 while they last. Ward K. Rich ardson, 2393 Front. Phone 494. THOROUGHBRED HATCHING EOC.S. $l.2i per setting; $9 per 100: pro duced from our worlds champion fall and early winter laying- strain or White Leg-horns. 6S5 South Commer cial street. Ctrcular free. Phone 1241X. t MALE HELP WANTED TWO SALKS men, permanent work; pood pay. Call (43 State street oaiuraay - UROE TWO-YEAR-OLD CAROLINE Tea tout rose bushes delivered. 25 cents each. Phone 1142M. LOGANBERRIES ' 14 ACRES; 30 AfRES TILLABLE. 21 mrmm nasture. 5 acres loganberries: also 14 acres In cherries. New 5-roorn - i.nta e on rood road and mail route, close in- Price $11,500. t acres &-room house, good barn: e-newt orchard: 1-4 acre straw berries; fine location, close to Salem; $3800. ' t . ,1S acres, close In: 5 acres bearing 1"- gans; good orchard, well tiled very .hnirai land 86250. 39 acres, about IS acres bearing prunes in best prune district " JOS acres good soil, close to station, not far from Salem: ioo per acre. ( acres. 35 acres choice Italian rf""'f en k..rnc nroduced 1918. $16,000. go5d house and barn, fine dryer, clone in Kalem. This place Is a money maker $30,000: terms. OREGON LAND CO. 443 State Street. FOR SALE --TkVl tatlB h.rn chicken pens, fam ily .r-hrr1 1 acre land, four blocks to car line. Price $2S50. Some terms, t-mom house, modern except basement, IHCtll .V. tv ------ . l-roftm bungalow, modem. 1 acre land. Nice home, north $t2nn.L W. E. C0MPT0N 441 State St. I'hone 930 or 34F13 REAL ESTATE AND LOANS on farms or INSTALLMENT LOANS on city property ELSWORTH PICKELL ; 391 Masonic Temple. Salem. BEST BUYS Jtfr acrea near paved road. 1-4 mll" , from city limits; I room house, barn. family orchard. $2000. T 1-4 acres 34 miles from Salem, on a-fWwt fn.fi ttiAA 11 acres i miles out. all In eultl ! Vation hut a email fir grove, 7 acres brunaa X veara old. 1 acre loganber rles. best of fruit land; S-room house, mall barn: $6100. terms. 19 acres. 54 miles out, close to Pacifb- highway and a fine location, about 3V acres in fine Italian prunes. 21 rh,iu. i in .nnl.i and Dears, all large bearing trees and fine orchard $t70. terms. I 7 39 acres all in cultivation. 20 in prunen. 3 In loeans. some apples and peurs; 4-room house, barn and good new ' dryer, on good road and in the heart Of the nrnne district: 312.500. 1 1-4 u-r.i on naved road, close to " town, small new house and barn good land. 4 acres In cultivation, bftlan- niiW timber? I30fW ,a-res, 2 cleared.. S in fir timber, 5 mlloa from K.l.ni tItllA. terms. acres, 14 in prunrs. mixed orchard. 7 logans. 4 '-4 strawberries: 18-room modern hnuno. t hwrns. garage, po- tato house, etc. Sandy loam soil of the best, on a good road close to a Cifie htirhwav. S2I000. 95 acres close to a good town, on main ,' highway; 40 seres In prunes years old: 7-room house nlnmbed for hot . . and cold water, large barn and other buildings $12,500. 19 acres 2 miles from the city limits, all in cultivation, best soil: 4-room house, barn and out buildings; fam ily orchard; $4750. 7-room cottage on North Cottage stitfct Klrt !.. ...n. rniil- tMKOn I 7'-rooni modern on '"enter street, close . In. a good buy; $ii5rio. -runm strictly modern bungalow, clove In? titr.a t..n. "room strictly mtwlt-rn bungalow, close in. east front on North Church street. . fkOOO. - . . foom modern bungalow. good Iwi' tion tli-.ii " "om bungalow. 2 lots fruit, on ma- I t- m street; 310 I 09 1 prr rent mortgage for sale. s uren oy a loganberry yard. , ' S0C0L0FSKY Jll -lata street. NEW TODAY SALE BCU BODIKS: FORI) tax kit b. Al condition; late model Ford chassis, is; H. Liberty street. or SALK 5 -ACHES. 15 IN CULTI- vation and in crop. AH good fruit and berry land. Five miles from Sa lem, for $75 p-r acre on terms. John II. Scott; Realty Co., 228 Oregon bldg. I S A LE FA R M WA(K)X. OR WILL traae for pips or shoals. J'hone 2i4 or 822 after office hours. SAUK CHESTER WHITE PttJS I FOR Prize winners for boys' clubs. Inquire at 853 s. Liberty sL Phone 5S9J. new colors 10c pound and up. Max O. Buren 179 N. Com'l St. avtomobil.es 1917 BU1CK ROADSTER, LIGHT SIX In extra good condition. Cord tires. 310 XV. H. Hildebrandt & Co.. 279 N. CommerciaL street Phone 1837. LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE FRESH MILK GOAT AXD nannie kid. Bargain if soldi soon; lags X. Capitol i FOR SALE OR TRADE A WORK horse for good cow. 1595 North Cot tage. FOR SALE EIGHTEEN HE.D OF stock hogs. I'hone W. F. Crawford. 2F14 Salem. Route I. a arm hap a. lire. r TOO WANT TO GET TUB BEST farm paper, send 10c to toe pacific Homestead. Baiem, Oregon, tor a truvi eabeertptloa. Mewtlon tni aa. POCLTRT. FOR SALE- -I;UTTERCUI EGGS. MRS. 1047 S. Commercial. O. Ireton. THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOTJR- naL the biggest and best In the weet Tha live magaalne tor live poultry men 7$ centa a year, e-i.00 tn Salem. Send i centa for aample today. Ad dreaa The Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon. Mention this ad. BABY CHICKS LEGHORNS. REDS. ROCKS. ANCOXAS, Orpingtons. W yandottea. Prices rea sonable. Best full-blooded stock. Free poultry books to all visitors . C. X. Needham, 558 State street. I'hone 400. riANOS FINE GOLDEN OAK PIANO FOR ale at a real bargain price. Call at 519 Court street. SLIGHTLY USED PLAYER PIANO 'good aa new with nice lot of music. A very low price Tor quick sale. The Wiley H. Allen Co., 519 Court street. USCXIai(KOt7. Dillman. Write 2011 Maple avenue. ETTERBERG 121 STRAWBERRY plants. $7.50 per 1000; Wilson $00 Address P. O. Box 214. Salem. Ore. I -WALLBOARD" CAN BE USED OVER lath or studding-. Can be tinted or papered. Max o. uuren. its worm Commercial street- WALL TASTE." NO COOKING RE- q itlted. Sticks everything, -tax u. Buren .179 N. Commercial street. WALFELT TOUR HOUSE: ITS superior to cloth, at about hair pric-. Max O. Buren li r. wn i di. ISKD CARS FOR BALE 1913 MAX' well good as new; jn ataxweii. run tooa mi lea. Cash or terms. 197 So. Commercial. Phone 399. FOR SALE- JOOD AUTO-BUS BODY 10-passenger. enclosed ;also fine trailer with four cord tires; very h.ii t. A. Darton. Wood burn. Ore. SHADELAN'D CLIMAX OATS. BEST for spring sowing; c per id. ,m lota 190 ina.l I. o. o. Pianri, vr Frank Barnett. Jefferson. Or. HAY FOR SALE. BALED GRAIN. Al so cheat nice clean na. i- -r.. Thomason. Turner, Ore. I'hone Turner. FOR SALE A X ALMOST NEW au.m wagon for 35. or will exenange mr pigs or shoats. Phone 254 or C22 aft er office hours. STRAWBERRY TLAXTS IN AN i nuantity. Ktternerg in. ''iu in.ni. Irogressive Everbearing. Trehla. Wilson Thrifty, well rooted plants lxw quantity jirP-es. City delivery. Ward K. Richardson. 2595 Front. Phone 494. WANTED SACKS. RAGS AND ALL kinds of junk, siemnoc- jun v 3tS N. Commercial Pt . Phone 80ft. ttsed ears for sale. 1'arta of car at half price. CAIwnv'TT OS WS e-IAT"U fitWa Thla true story or weaiern immi gration has been carefully revised. MiklM w nan dan ma little book. It tails In graph le terraa of the masse- iw. rkatmaa ffamllT. Of the CS- ewp of lrn and the eaotlvlty of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star ' ntiia mrA nilee was tturchased from the Indiana flva yeara later. The nrle le is cents, noetnald. Addrwaa Oregon Teachers Monthly. Balata, Or. WOOD WOOD FOR SALE First daa l-inch or 4-foot mill wood, strictly cash. Will buy all kinds I DRS. V. cord wnod. Office at 30- boutb Church St. Phone 1542. FRED L WELLS FOR RENT DR. ROOMS) REXT ONE-ROOM COTTAGE. ht water heat. lavatory, ush of phone and bath. The Alexandria. 1030 Chemeketa street. I'hone lZiO FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS for life-ht housekeeping-. Parties with children need not apply. 1309 N Com' I St. ""7 HOCST-as "" F. I WOOD. 341 STATE ST, REAL estate, rentals. &0000000000000000000000000 OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. Com. St. Phone CC 1919 Chevrolet 7. 19U Ford $313. 1918 Overland "90" SSOe. 19lft Over land $J50. 1917 Briscoe $473. One ton Ford truck. $350. 1917 Ford de-I livery car $400. APTO aBMTlCB 8HIPPMS AUTO SKRVICB CITT AND country trlpa. Phoae: Day. 943; Isrht. $39. WANTED OFFICES WANTED OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM desires to open office in Salem and wishes to secure location with equal ly respoaible concern. Will require not less than 00 square feet of space must be in good location and have good display window. State rent wanted. Address OXO GAS HEATING COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA 57 Market St. San Francisco Cal. . "USCXa4JIEOBBV WANTED TO DO FLOWING AND disking with tractor. Phone 17S9W1. "WAXTED AT OXCE AN IRON wood rack. Phone 254 or S22 after office hours. WAXTED A SMALL FURNISHED house or furnished apartment by the first of April. Address T. D. care The Statesman. LODGES Chemeketa Ledge Vs. 1 steeta sverv Wednesday areata g at 7:80 at the L O. O. T. HalL BUSINESS CARDS iXrtiOpTJJu-nj-iri rai ig - - - - ------sr-1-L-a D&AT8 eUTJ EXPRESS. nJXJn rijTi juijliii i 1 1 i - LARMER TRN8rER-WB MOVB AND a to re goods. Day pboae 939. Night pnoae lssa uaiDiai. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt sarvicm. list Broadway. Phone It a. ALUM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. e per pound. 13$ SouUa Liberty Sc Phone 3. REPAIRING A1D CPIIOLITKHIAO FURNITURE HOSPITAL I HAVE opened up a first-class shop, repair ing and refinishing and upholstering. .Ail work guaranteed. Will call and estimate your work. I'hone 1742. 1201 S. Commercial. M. Brown. JtOSET TO tOAS GOVERNMENT LOANS AT H PER cent. vv. v. mita, taiem mil oi Commerce. FEDERAL FARM LOANS CITY BUILDING UAN3 LOW INTEREST IXO TERMS Prompt and Efficient Service A. C. BOH RXSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Ore. NURSERIES NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE 510 Italian prune treea. S-8 feet. SOc; 1500 Italian prune trees. 4-S feet, ftac; 1500 Italian prune trees. 3-4 feet. 3ic: 140 Franquette walnut trees. 4- feet. $2.25 Royal Ann cherries and De licious apple, by direct and same agents. Commission. Fruitland Nur sery. Phone 111F21. lit C. Salem. Oregon. ai'HAlIM. FOR SPRAYING FRUIT TREES. ETC call Nelson 417R. IKCUHU MAUD Sl!RIf ITCHJB HOME OF BARGAINS NEW AND Second Hand Goods bought and sold. Bring tn your old furniture and ex change It for new. People's Furni ture Store, 371 N. Com. St. Phone 734. WANTED SECOND-HAND FURNI- ture. rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and tools. Best prices paid. The Cap ital Hardware & Furniture Co, 335 N. Com'l St. Phone 9t7. 1 RASIFXR HAUUSO CAPITAL CITY TRAXSFER CO. 221 State SL. nbone 933 Distributing. forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KINT of hauling. tiousenoiu moving Jobs dona prompt ly. Try ma ones. Tim roe. 471 8au 81 Phone 943. Residence phone 112SJ. iecord narrrj goods WANTED SECOND HAND GOODS OF all kinds. Lucas and Lucas. I'hone 1177. WE BUT AND SELL 8EOND HANU goods of all XI no a. pipe ruiinga. -nesa. collars, collar pada. tools, and chalna. Fred Schtndler. 33$ Center ecrwet. WALL PArKR. PAtTtT WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20c and up double roil. ni w. u rea. 179 N. Commercial SL CVV. PORTER FOR FAINT-. W . Paper and rneiura r rmin. it workmen. 4ftft Court 8t- Phoee 48ft WOVEN W1R3B FlNCtNO Ehrvot Natlewal Jt Aseevte-a mM aleee, HlaMMw. ! Iala4a. 4 le ana fsraw t.re Kebedlt and Kewel a ihe-rry ad Blew HHa i i Steve taa ca-st nt. 14 Read the Classified Ads. PROFESSIONAL OtTKOrATHT. WHITE AND MARSHALL, fi S. National Hank IHdg. ! with DR. JOHN L LTNC1L OSTEOPATHIC Physician 4k Surgeo. 4S1-1V4 Orr-a Bid.. I'hone: Oifice Hi; Res. tF W. L UKKCEh, ORAIOATE American School Osteopathy, allraa 111. Mo.: treats acute ard cbroalc dUeaae. Office S4-4S U. . National Bank Bld Phone Sl. Reeldeaee, 41S North Bummer. Phone l cuinufHAriuiu. juuuu-jumiLxui. ..---I- -. --. i- , DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C. CHIROPRAC tor. P. 8 C. graduate. 309-13 U. 8 N. Bank Bide. Phone 37; Rea 3IIR. CMLMBSM rHTSIClASj DR. L M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN dleeasav 113 8. Ul.h Phoae 3. WATER SALEM WATKK, UUHT POWISK Co.. office 301 South Cora'l street. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rates paid tn advance. No de ductions for absence or any cause anleas water Is shut off your pram- "real estate FOR SALE MY PROPERTIES Lo cated at 890 and 398 Broadway 3 and 9 rooms; electric light, baths, bearing- fruit and walnut trees. Part caah. balance easy terms: possession ' at once. Address Ernest Anderson. Route 2. Itox 9. Salem. Ore. FOR SALE. BY OWNER FIVE- room modern house. Place Tor car. chickens, garden; range goes with bouse: $1750. easy terms or 7 per cent discount for caah $90 X. llth st. WANT TO SELL 5 ACRES OF LAND I all in cultivation. Buildings ready to move in. good family orcnaro. some berries, close In. v ill take in house and lot as part paymenL Own er. Box 333. Salem. NOW VACANT A MODERN 7-ROOM house, centrally located Xew garage $700 down: terms on balance. Also one of the prettiest S-room bun- calows in the city. Nothing left out of construction. A. L Seamater Realty Co.. 41C Masonic Temple. Phone 353 FOR SALE HANDSOME MODERN home. 7 rooms and two bathrooms, in choice residence section of city; full cement bssement; paved street, walks etc. Fart of furniture with house. Easy terms See Frank Davey. with Pearcy Bros.. 210 Oregon building. Phone C3. t-ROOM BUNGALOW. LOOKS LIKE new. large bath room, cloaete. pantry, hot and cold water; electricity in house and barn or garage .Good yard fence. Modern chicken house and pen 19 mixed fruit trees, food gar den. Good home for small family. Possession In 10 days: not far out. Price $1500; half caah. S. R. PEARSON 405 Oregon building. I'hone 43. WOODS BARGAINS 102 acres with new bungalow, main road. $5500. 210 acre stock ranch, good out range. $5000. 10 acrea with good house and barn. $1200. or trade for hoii.e. Nine acrea one mile out. $lRQn. 20 acrea close to Salem, fine set of buildings, set to loganberries and peaches. better investigate If you want something good. 290 acres well improved with stock and Imple ments. $125 per acre- One acre In cherries, on car line. $900. 5 room modern bungalow on car line and paved street. $100. Small house and two lota with fruit treea. $S00. I18 Chevrolet rar good condition, for sale or trade for Ford. F. L WOOD 341, State Street WE II AVE FIVE GOOD HOMES. COX sisting of ',. 15. 2 tracts respectively. 34 and Ji-acre I wen proved: fine soil; well located: rlosearv looking for a money maker. Invest in; good buy. If you want something! giMxl. see us at once. A. I. Seamater Realty Co., 414 Xtasonic Temple. Phone 353. SELECTED BARGAINS. A very good 5-room cottage with 44 foot corner on paved street, at $2(50. Another similar but not so good loca tion at $140. but very good value. Another on pavement and-street car. full east front lot. bungalow In per fect condition at $1509. Easy terms on this. One of the very choicest, right up-to- date, few better male at jo. A cloae-ln 9-room up-to-date, fuanace. fire place; one of the very best val ues on our hooks at $1500. FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State St. FOR SALE A BEAUTIFUL HOME OF 10 rooms and nice large grounds, close In. for much less than It Is worth. Furnace, three flreplacea. two bathes, electricity and gas; full base ment and double garage. John H. Scott Realty company. 228 Oregon building. FOR REAL ESTATE whether farms, city or suburban sea C W. NIEMEYER 215-218 Masonic Temple. Phones 1009 1914 Salem. Oregon BARGAINS IN PH M'ERT Y l-K'iM house, ceiled electric lights, c.ty water, fruit, barn, chicken bouse: east. $1200. One 2-rom house snd j-riom bouse, plastered: 3 fine lots, plenty of f ruil. south: 915VJ. 4-room house, t.ld. hot and cold water, baih. toilet. lot tOxlfci. ..e in; j:i0- . . . 10 fine b-t. 8-ro..in pl-j"tert-d bouse; fruit trees, windmill. outbuildings. $l2'-. Several very fine prune faima from S i.. w at ria, ilon. y makers. 135 acres In', act a in ctilti atlon. 14 acr.-s in wheat. 3" acres In cloer. Z' acres in oats and l.y. :5 are more ready l. Seed; good hotisi and 'H biilldmiis; a mile southwest; $15 per acre W M.TKIt II" I. X REN Room 21. 1H' North I'ommerctal Strerl Some Choice Investments 25 acrea near Salem. Its bearing prnnes some liganhrries; farm building. $C.O per acre. 11 acres close in. 3 acres chert I. s snd anoles: farm buildinga. fine soil. $1500. . Z acres ctmlce bearing prune rchard near Mlem; tw 1 acres choice loam, near Salem; building, orchard, well fenced $l00: easy term a. . 15 acres near Salem a bearing prnnes. some logans. other Iruits; farm buildings; $!. ;.rnom bungalow. 2 lots, paved slree.. fruit. nce locatloa: $Iae. PERR1NE & MARSTERS 31-12 CimoitttUI Club Bldg. REAL ESTATE . For sal lllchir improved 14S acres; seeded to grain, balance pasture. timber enouch for family use: livins; water In pasture; new 4-rcx.m lio'jke. bath, toilet: full cement base ment: horse barn Hat; row barn 4 ; windmill. Tin fallon; steel air pres sure tank 3 hK housea. 1 chicken- house. Farm fenced and rrnee fenred with wire- Quarter mile to aoo4 schol: j mile to church. This farm is the best of soil and in a annd com munity. Price with crop. 1 1 ..: half cash, balance 3 or I years at per This cent. l. E. Hart. :tl Oregon Lid. r.EAlTlFCI. HOME FOR HALE close in. east front, hirst floor has hall, larce parlor, living- room, din Intc room, column openings, built-in bookcase, buffet, fine electric fit tures. finished in white enamel. lied room, kitchen, closed In pantry, cloak room, cement root and vegetable room lust off from kitchen: second floor has 3 bed rooms, sewing room bath and toilet room; garag for 1 cars. Only reason for selling Is too large for two people. For particulars phone i. FOR KAI.K DWELLING HOUSE. 14 Court street Fruit ranch. 20 acres, IdilntlU district Store building. 2(4 X. Commercial. where Chinese bataar now located llumilow in Hose burg. Store with living rooms. 110 South Twelfth street. Store now c:cupled as milk distrib uting station, on Center street. J. 11. Oidlings at Eldridge HoteL 120-ACRE FARM BETWEEN SALEM and Albany, on good gravel road and railroad: V mile from station. Half In cultivation. 49 acres good timber, balance pasture: 30 acres can be eaallr Irrigated for loganberries. Nice C-room bungalow, barn. For price and terms see E1-4WORTH P1CKELL Real Estate Loans 391 Masonic Temple Salem. Ore. 2 ACRES. ON PAVED STREET. FINE location, very reasonable. Price See Elsworth llckell. 31 Masonic Bldg.. Salem. Oregon FOR SALE DAMON PROPERTY. Commercial and l streets, izvx 15. E. 1L Damon. i4 Union strcaL Seattle. GOOD BUYS 00 acres choice level land. 14 miles from town on railroad. Easy terms; $100 per acre. !8 acres. 9 acres beaverdam. All un der plow: 29 acres growing grain: modern i-rvom bouse, garage, oarm. etc. Xearly new gaa water system to all buildings; on graveled road. Price $12,509. K acres, all under cultivation, small family orchard. Xearly new modern -ro.m house, gaa water system to all buildinga: bath and modern Ira provementa. llS.iee. 40 acres, all black loam. Howell prairie farm on paed road 31 acres growing grain: 9 acres timber. Nearly, new 14-room house, other gooa buildinga Price lis. OREGON LAND CO. 412 State Street. GOOD BUYS 25 acrea tract r first class prune, loganberry and strawberry soil, nearly all cultivated. A good 4 room house. bsrn. well, located on main rock road S 1-4 miles from Salem. ITIce 81904. 200 acre tract. 10 acres cultieted. balance timber and pasture, running creek, several thousand cords of stead ing fir timber, located g milee from He lem on rock road. rlee $! per acre 23 acres of fine prairie soil, all cul tivated; small house an dgood barn. located on gravel red. seen miles from Salem. ITIce $J00. 7a acre tract located nn main grav el road 13 mllea from Salem 40 acres cultivated, good fences, running water, good six room house, barn, bop . 30 acrea of good timber. I"rice $11 per acre. 19 acre tract located close to Salem, all cultivated, good ft room bouse. Kara, well. 1 acre loganberries. lYice $2ae 10 acrea of good pruae and berry land . all cultivated. Price Ilas tt.irr. niri C acres locanberr ies. 5 mcrrm f prunes, located on main Pecif- nia-hwav: small punatnga. n J "u irate this. Offered for a short time at HOUSE BUYS X room modern bungalow located at 131 ft S Commercial street I Tic 0 room plaaleren oungaiow, pwi lo cation. Price $1499. Modern 8 room bouse, good location, on main street. Price $5909. W. H. GRABENH0RST & CO. 97$ State Ptreet. EXCELLENT FARMS 71 AritKS RIVER 1IOTTOM. This farm la a runatnr mate to the SI acre farm we sold a few dv in It la located 2 miles from Cnr- vallt V.n the Albany-Coevallle road and 14 made up of first bottom and second bottom lands. It is located In fine fruit and berry section and wouMbe fine for this. . Hss good family archard. 34 acres In high state of cultivation and 15 acrea timber; 7-rom house, large dairy hern, silo, several go-d ben bouses and usual outbuildings. Con aider able new land on this farm. Easy distance to Ore rnn Agricultural College tmmed'ete poaseaaion fr 312.5s. $'.aa r.h balance good time at t pr crr.t. 11C ACRE FRM FUIPPFD Ieated 1 or 17 miles from Salem la polk rountr and only about ' rn'le from the West Side highway. .o being pareJ: 19 arrea of exeell-nl land cultivated and M acres In f.i: crop and clover; balance m be ir spring grain snd cctn 10 acrea fine oak grubs fir, ramtty w-cwvi o-. woven wire fencing; g-l T-ro..m hur. 2-ro.m tcint hou.e. tfii't' garage, hen bouse, bog n-.ue, ma ihine shed, and nearl re Njfi. Hi 4i with f t shed l'.arn Is -Tiiipr-ex for both dairy- and hers. With tee place cwt sll the ir.D. r.-d of cattle. 5 horses and ban. . burcv hark, wagon, binder. rooaer. take plows, feed grinder, fanning roll wi-daaw. 7 hp gas engine. rrars separator. pl. about le tbiken feed, seed and all kleda el strali tools Everything goes ' -e lift r-e a. re until April I. :-eii.all gn family orthsrd and l-ts of ber ries Tbis is tb farm hit. been waiting for: dn'l let the ilhrf lei luw teat ou ! it IlltY IMi bT"'K FAI'.U KijI'iriT.O ;S a r in ulSrin part of !. Ion oiunli, only 2 miles from town ami I mile from .ho. acres of fin- land cuttnated: 5 acrea fine setonl srowth fir timber; seene ol4 fir: hlne I cut mr land an4 f.ri'd to pasiute ll baa gradual slop t.. with. which makes t-st auri.n.er psstuie rre.k. and serine. furtl.li water f" n-rt: 2 acre. ' famili orchard a-roctii kniae. bar a and outbuildings. 3e acrea In fall rrop witt. place ii ia fin. rn s. 5 i-f whirN are resi.tere-4 Jee pry. IKilcl boll la gnat. 1 hogs. IS tuikeas. ab-it ja rh-kews and 2 acres In nop. Etrrtlklag goea for $ 14.59. KINNEY & SMITH 291 lank vf Cvmmevce l'.aj:lTn. REAL ESTATE Farms and orchard tracts, a few ar tirulaily aud bia Cvtn ia aaJ see us FLEMIX'J REALTY tt FINE LOGANBERRY LAND Is the biggest bargain la flse riter Nullum te-rrr ! we have Ke 2 acres of elcelleat I 4 with about II acres cleared A rtcn dark loam soil Tbcfe is nvtking bilr foe b-rr lea. Fine new 1 -r oo m plasters-d house and several small brns ai he-da and chicken house located Ciin from Salem oa gav. i mad. All wwen wire fencing .as engine for pumping water Is iwclud ed with the farm at Sieet; Hit will band! KINNEY & SMITH :ti Itank of Commerce Untieing WHOLE MILK JLHD PRODUCE WAHTZO M-xioa Crt-znerj FTode Co, Silem. Oregon. Phont 24SS I SALEM MARKETS HCYI4J I11UT-: lgs aaU rlry Efts. 30c Heos, bcavr. 22c. Young chickens. 21 to 21c Old roosters, lie. Dressed bogs. II to 20c ' l'ork. Mattoa mmd IWf Pork on foot. 1H; to 15'ic. Lambs. 12 to 13c Beef, steers, f to lie . Cows, t to 10c Top tcaI. 24c sy Cheat bar .per ton. il? to lit. Oat aad vetc bay, per tea. 122 to 22. CIotct br. 123 to 121. Ormtm Wheat. 12 to 12.05. Feed oata. 0c Daaas, t Hc IUI Ferda. Ilrtall MIU ran. $47. WlKie-9 To Isralera Creamery batter, cartraa. 4-7tc Uulterfat. Ipc. l-v.lt Oranges. C lo 17. , B-B-aaa, 11c Lemons. 17 to I7.S. California grape fruit. . Florida graz fruit. 17 to It. YrcvULlre Cabbage. S to f l-.c Onloas. 3 a sack. Turnip, lie a doxea bancbea. Carrols, aSc a doten bunthea. Dell peppers. 40c a pound. Celery. $1.13 a dozen. Hound radishes 4c"doien bsncbr Sweet potatoes. lOe a pound. Paraler. C0e doxen banc hex. Beet a. tie dorea banchea. Green onions. COc dotea Psecbed. Lettucc II dosen Cocoaoutg : reaa 20c pes ad ILHaJ! Prkew Creamery batter. 72c. Dairy butler i0 to 5C Kegs. dot.. 40c Hoar, nard a Scat. 13 5 3 to 12.40 Flour. Tailey. I2.SSOI3. Sugar, cane. It l-2c Sagar. aack 117 I limited). TIME TABLES Mtmtrtv pacific ca SseUtMsS No. $4 Oew!a 8 9 a an. No. 1 Oreg Espreea asa Ne. t9 Willamette Limited .. 9 Iteaw No IB PwrOaed PtiMHW .. 1:19 a aa Xo, 24 Cooa Bay J I p sa as. 14 PorUand kiee .... t:4ftpJC No. $3 Oregoataa 3.19 a.aa Ka. si Poe Ewaeae ieee.sw Ne. 1ft Calfeia Etpee-s ...ll:4asv IT llwban Pae-easee .. a 1 m. 91 T 111 n.l l Liaiited... 4 sa Ne. IS BUs T seel ace Pse...l0.08 p aa. a at wwil;v-kji una Va. TS Arrive at Eaiesa 9:19 asa Ne- 14 Leave Salem 4.9dpi 1ICV. WAUL cm lti Laae t-Ueea. aaetee .... 1 asa. ICS 1 va alsL. aaotae .... 9:29 14ft Leave galsea. saaH-r .... l.$8aa Tkrewgk ear te Ceata aad AtrUe tit t -. alea :lttcaa til arrit at Salem ........ 8:lta.ea ta ArHsas at SVajeaa ........11:99 144 Arrleaa at galssa 8:39 psa ITS Arvivea SUUem 1:40 -m nitn.nt 9-8.s:c-Ttlc fsweaflst It -II Mere. IV, IS94V aiat Ti No 1 . 5 Ltd Arrive Arrive p.rtlsnd a l m a 1 am . S : am . 2 ' peo . I '. pen a . : Kslem t-Mfwe I Zt am is 14 am I II asa 12 It pas I i: pea Coe. S . Jepaa I I; pen S il pea ia pr 9 83 paa 1 1 1-iJ IT I el pra I i ewit II 1 pea K.lei-wlil X-rla lUak '.at.e l Jeffer son sliest I. and ! iw.netee lal.r t Tf ain No a ... le Ltd 13 ... Il t.e irnia trrfve lif a !- P-rtla t I ; aaa V ft a as 7 : am II :asa I S : aw I II paa II I r 11". pi 1 4 I 1. p- e r- . n-t l rn T I 1. hi. t '.. prw U I !.l-l :s 21 Xoelh tlaak atalloii istri.e Jeffeea irrrt It ramatea efU I -Ureae .o alls 4.19. tost at lia s.r-Tloaa tttiail !.. l-craatlov erve Salem S : am ' a1" 2 is pm a ee sa a IS pea Pw e :i psa 7 pea ftealft4na4 t-ave gal.ra Ari fWaa'.n 9 15 am P" 19 llasa H Ia II i pea I Pa I S paw I Pw 44 pm 9 41 pa I .aae I a. Iff fll CCJT C O Q Mil I 2 I I ft 1 U H l- ali O 11 LLrO ay tsi pissi A I I""1 a r Tl'T l?xt:ivv' t ' LT.. T" r a V?a l 'rvw kiiieai saita ri kAAa- sa seta n aSiociSTi iraiiiii f2 1 Rcid the Cliuificd Ad. wixhi iui mum. Scale J I4dt for fartltluec Kc-oet tiutrtrt No : I with a sp;ly of wood for 191$ :t are avltL It-is rnsst I ' ctam$aBle4 by a certll.ed beck in fne oer ret of the asaeeal of ra(h bid and addreaaed to tke clerk of Ibe board. 271 Male trt. leta. Oregna. la a plain envelope marked -Wood Itida Bids will b rpeced at the resnlar meeting ekwi will t b'ld April 12. I:. BUS Ior the follow in f school are ran a! red: Cord Cords I'lr fUb ft. Kntlewood : l t;ratt IllghUad 2 Garfield Z 2 Unrola Park 21 2i RKtmoad Zi 2i VablBtoa Mich ! Cottsfe 24 .. Saop ! t . McKlnley ;i Klgbt to reject aay a4 all I Is reserved. V. II. BURCIIAILDT. JR. Clerk of Board. IUIni?n7nii JIlCIBUUU GOOD.BUYS-. GOOD TRADES " Good 7-room flattered fcowe, ndr esrept barairat, gar age. comer lot, at troau ar nr 9zso0 9 -room kosm. mod era Uh far a ace. roraer Crater SL A42-0 (room bouse, saodera. faraac pr4 street, vtaplr. lit dowa V-oon ! arrea S snUew from Salem. Jmsl oft paved road, fair balld ias, 1 aero set to praa, z a a other frait aad avern. 1 art tlmbar 47a Z9 arrre. I mile oat. fig red road r.a soil, te fcalldia. .$3kooo Cool lacoatr property. coa la dlatrlct la Port la ad to traie for rroperly la Sakrm. ait aVS-oo. Small raortxr. Trade f lio esHr la - f ITV os for car. Daiaac cast be pa.d fit a raoalk. Trade 2 fia lota, ralrmoaat Heights, cash prlcw 9. Ulg Lake la good car. Trade 2S acrea, all la caJtiva tloa oa paved road clea to Sa lem. til trade for a"-ca Lose. 2 arrea la fratl oo rarl!e. a balldlags, a)ck sale. .. .tlo9 f acred rloed In. all taltlvatt-4. No better farm balldlsci la t-a valler. Don't aitt pew.sg tbla. 9-30 per ar re Trade t-rooai baaralowr aai t acre of orrkard claava to car lice Will trad for bom c lower la t-MM 22 acres, all calilvated. ( m:it from RtJero. Good ba.liiaga, fjsiNao. Will tab boaa la tava, lo fJOOO. Sir bom. 7 room, alt fr a t bed. big lot oa Nortb tviaiey t reel, all goea at t700j 7-room boaae. taodtra rrept fir a ace. clowe la. garage, fr.it, k'g W. ! froat Elegaat C-room batalv. f r pUoe. garage, clow ia at V-a Bay IhU now and o'.'.l Ikmw la a smaller bsae rrat. tag fcr $19. Aparlmeat lloaee krisgiag over St a meat h 4es4 lorat-tsa. aj.U take .e traie. .. . t-CVOQ l-fcm-n H!. gao! lot. vriik fru.t. rloae to IP.gklaad tor. tiooa 4 acre. tl to rarlteciNd amall baiVdag. Ida of frett aad taw berrtew. k -. te tSVo One .f i be moat se!e laaata low m Kale I. aeleet d MiVl. 9?sss Yon waal '' t4 em ( oar ia sal we We Make Ias ti t rl'e 1 wda aae laat'.aX LAFLAR AND LAFLAR let. lei 191 trrveww ta: d t tire