4 v4 -V THE OltECOX STATESMAN: RATl ltKAV, MAWII 27, 1020. t i I; The Oregon Statesman Issued Dally Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 21S S. Commercial St, Salem, Oregon Let Us Fit YOUR EYES MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for rennblleatlon of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper ana aiso tne local newt published herein. HENRY L MORRIS Optometrist 305 State Street IXII I'MAX SOVIKTISM. R. J. Hendricks. Btephen A. Stone. ................ Ralph Glover. r. . . Frank Jaskoskl .Manager Three years have now elapsed Managing Editor! since the government of the czars in .Cashier Russia was overthrown: and for two ...Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, IS cents a week, BO cents a month. -DAILY STATESMAN, by mall; f 6 & year; $3 for six months; 60 cents a month. For three months or more, paid In advance, at rate of $5 year. CTIIE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will be sent a year to any one paying a year in advance to the Dally Statesman.) SUNDAY STATESMAN, $1 a year? SO cents for six months; 2S cents lor of tne wrlti constitution discloses uree months. j ears the Bolshevik party has been in power, governing under what Is known as a soviet constitution. The Kussian leaders assert that it is a Republican form of government and the sovereign power resides In the whole people. But an examination WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays and that the Kussian governmental in- Fridays. $1 a year (It not paid In advance, $1.28); Id cents for six stitutlons are neither Republican months; 2S cents for three months. TELEPHONES: Business" Orf Ice. 23. Circulation Department, 583. Job Department, 683. Entered at the Postoflice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. FRANK DAVEY WANTS TOM KAY TO RUN nor Democratic In form and those who exercise the limited suffrage permitted by the constitution can not vote for any officer higher than what is termed, in this country a city councilman or a county commission er. Further, no person in possession of any form of property or employ ing others in any capacity is per mitted to vote at all. If the sdvlet institutions were applied to thli country all those persons who pur- "I have finally decided I shall not te a candidate for the leg islature this vear." said Frank Davev vesterdav. "but I aui very thankful to the many friends from all parts of the county who cha8ed llberi bonds would be dis- h v thA aAvaa T f Antirelv BfltifiAl their 1 rancnisea ior me consxuuuon exDressions were sincere. Ucon mature consideration, however. I Pecifically provides that every hold concluded that my private business would not permit me in justice er of "locks or bonds in any form to myself to eo into tolitics this year. na be disqualified from voting. "I am greatly pleased, though, to note the possibility that n,T the slackers would be perrait- Tnos. II. Kay may consent to go to the legislature, lie is of the iea class of men that should represent Marion county. This county should Under the soviet constitution no send men who know the state and its needs, who comprehend the! citizen of Russia can own his or her larger things in state government, who have the ability and the home, and the estate of every de courage to stand for principles and for business methods. Now, get I ceased person passes to the state another of the Tom Kay stripe -from Salem, then take a somewhat I There is no incentive for husband similar man from the north end, one from the eastern part and one I and father to attempt, through in from the southern part of the county, and you will have a delegation dustry and frugality, to provide that can accomplish something worth while. Then stand back of I something for his widow and minor thera, stop throwing bricks at their heads, and give them some pride children after his death. As soon In their positions. as he has passed the state takes pos session of his property. His wife is a pauper and bis children are pub lic charges. Such Inhuman legislation is Incon ceivable to a western intellect, but it is the letter of the soviet const! tutlon idated mines, and where are their headquarters t Also are the mines authorf h .ammed the soviet move- pemg worsrea Dy me company, aireci or are tney leaseai . Are either of the above mines smelting any ore at present? A. R. V. Salem, Or-March 25, 1920. (The information sought for was contained in the Salem Slogan! issue of The Statesman on Mining ; the issue of March 4. The prin cipal active mining companies of the Santiam region at present are j the Lotz-Larsen Mining Co., with headquarters at Gates, Oregon, and the Silver King' Mining Cd;, with its principal office in the Gerlinger buildingPortland, but with a Salem representative, C. Chappell, at Hotel Bligh, and their mine at Elkhorn. Both of these companies are working rapidly to the point of treating ores and shipping them to the Tacoma smelter. There are several other Santiam properties whose owners are likely to be active in the very near future. Ed.) j ABOUT THE SANTIAM MINES -',. Some time ago I read quite an interesting artiele in The States man in regard to the mining industry in the Santiam district. Would like to know ifyou could give me some information through "The btatesman " in regard to the same? Who are the officers of the Black Eagle and the Copper Consol- . Another thing, have you ever stopped to think that the debts you are now piling up to buy stuff worth fifty cents on a dollar will later on have to be paid with dollars worth just one hundred cents? They are having quick changes in Germany. A new cabinet a day now. Tell the w orld through The States man what you know about broccoli. It Is mighty important. The Turkish press says the allies must not strip the Turks. That would afford an opportunity for a bath. 1 prices.' However, it must be said to the credit of A. Mitch that he meant well. That unprecedented freeze In In diana was no doubt caused by the tumor that Thomas Riley Marshall expected to make the race tor the United States senate. The president of the Chinese re public has resigned.' He possibly asked the Chinese to elect a con gress to his liking and they refused. It is officially announced that the slogan of Attorney General A. Mitch ell Palmer for the presidency will not be: "He kept us out of high FUTURE DATES. March ST. Saturday Intercollegiate debate, Willamette vs. College ox 1'u srst Sound. March II. Sunday Hayesvllle dis trict Sunday school convention at Ja son Lea Methodist church. March 1. Monday "Save money on meat week" begins. March 10. Tuesday Queen of Hearts musical; benefit hospital. Moose hall, s b. m April 1, Thursday Marion County Veterans' association meets s.i how burn. A or II 4. Sunday Easter. - AuHl it. Saturday Debate between Willamette university and College of Pug-et 8ound. Aorll IS. Friday Debate between Willamette university and Pacific uni varaitv. Aoril 10. TYldar Debate between Willamette university and McMtnnville college, May 14. Friday Debate between Willamette university and Oregon Ag ricultural college. April 11. Hunday (Tentative) Bios lom dav In Salem. April 11. Sunday Baseball. Salem Sen tan vs. Mooselaw. April 30 and May 1 "Awakening of Rpring" pageant Opera House, hospital May 11. Tuesday Intercollegiate de-4 Date. Willamette vs. j. a- . . May 14 and 15 Nineteenth annual convention of Oregon State Association Of Master Plumbers, in Salem. May i. Wednesday William How ' ard Taft speaks at armory. June 14 to 17 Officers' schools for Oregon National Guard at Vancouver and Fort Stevens. June IS and SO National gypsy tour motorcycle events in Salem. July to SO Annual encampment of Oregon national Guard. Infantry and engineers at Camp Lewis, artillery at Fort Stevens. June SI, SJ and 14 Imperial conclave of Mystic Shrine In Portland. June IJ. Wednesday Imperial eon clave of Mystic Shrine to visit Salem. 'festival. ni ,'PortInI Hose v.l,2?n ValeS ,4UU Elk' c- stat. fair, October t-pregon Remember some years ago when then Wood row Wilson wrote an ar ticle in . the Independent emphasis ing the danger of secrecy in govern mental affairs He ought to get together with himself. The anti-Bryan Democrats of Ne braska have asked Senator Hitch cock to make the race for president. but the Commoner will see to It that that tire is soon flattened out. ment up in a single sentence when he writes that "sovietism is the re volt of the inefficient." It is the enemy of Industry and the assassin of thrift. 6ovietism builds nothing; It destroys everything. Stewart Ed ward White, another weir known author, says: "The exact opposite of Bolshevism is Americanism. The two are incapable of occupying the same place at the same time. Amer- icansim is a constructive force, and Bolshevism is a destructive force." Only a people who are Ignorant of the very rudiments of free gov ernment would consent to be en slaved by such institutions. The old Anglo-Saxon declaration of rights which makes every men's house his castle, is discarded; and in its place the principle is promulgated that no man has a right to privacy in any form. Home life is manifestly Im possible where there can be no own ership or permanent occupancy of a home. But. the Bolshevlkl assert that home life is a breeder of patri otism, and that patriotism Is the be setting sin of the modern world. How strange that kind of argu ment sounds to Americaan ears! But It must be remembered that the average Russian has no conception of the term patriotism as it is in terpreted in America. He has been enslaved by despotic tyranny for centuries. He hss had no voice In the creation of the institutions by which he has been governed, and he has no respect for government un der any form. To get the Russian point of view one must divest his mind of all knowledge of govern mental hIMory since the Magna Charta was written. Iluxaian civili zation baa not yet reached that Hint. Such a statement may sound ex travagant, but the surprise will quickly pass if one will oevote a few minutes' thought to the written text of the soviet constitution. Under that constitution the Rusnlan people can take part iu but occ election. The workmen in the cities and the peasants in the country are permit ted to vote by craft tor a soviet com mittee. That committee adminis ters the local municipal or county government and elects deputies to a provincial soviet similar to our state. That soviet governs the prov ince and elects delegates to a re gional soviet, which means a group of states. The regional soviet elects delegates to the national soviet or assembly, something similar to our congress. The national soviet elects a committee of 200 to select the pre mier or chief ruler of the country State and federal elections are un known. Can you imagine a people possess ing even the rudiments of knowledge of free government establishing in stitutions in which the elector is so many times removed from the su preme power? And keep in mind that no one possessing property or employing assistants in any business is permitted to vote at all. Within the last ten years the American peo ple amended the federal constitu tion cutting out the restriction that prevented them from voting directly for United states senators. Imagine a government under which tne mn nicipal or county election is the only one in which the people are permit ted to participate and you have glimpse of what soviet government means. Only a people who have never before voted would consent to such limited franchise. Naive in the extreme is the Rus sian argument for disfranchising all persons who possess property or em ploy help in any form. They argue that a property owner Is prejudiced and that he will not cast a disinter ested vote. Only those who possess nothing are disinterested. So they alone should be Intrusted with the elective franchise. If one will turn back to the his tory of forms of government pro posed before the Msgna Charta they will find instances of similar stu pidity and ignorance among llliter ate peoples. Socrates was compelled to com bat like follies proposed by the an dent Greek sophists. But education swept tbem away from the peoples of western Europe more than TOO years ago; and the early settlers of this country were sufficiently enlightened that such fallacies were never voiced here- until the Bolshevlkl came with their attempt to turn back the wheels of progress 2C00 years. In the soviet constitution there is a perceptible mingling of ignorance and guile. The soviet government idea originated In the cities. The constitution provides that there shall be one member of the all-Rnsslan congress of Soviets for each 25,000 voters In a municipality, and for each 125.000 voters In the country The electors cannot vote for them directly, but that is the bssis of representation. If the peasants had been permitted to vote on the adop tion of the constitution, and its meaning had been explained to them. it would, of course, not have been adopted. But the constitution wss promulgated by soviet decree, not sccepted b popular vote. CHOPPING OFF ANOTHER CHUNK ill In lliA01 V f' ' UI1J) MONKY. The vagaries of our foreign ex change are Illustrated by the asser tion that It is possible to take f 400 In Americsn gold, exchange It for French francs snd then carry It over the line Into Germany and bay a 4 0.000-niark automoLlle. Until everybody goes to work and starts debt-psylng. Europesn flnsnce will need a staballzer. WORKERS TO WORK. The Russian government what there is of it is arranging a con scription plan for workers by which men will be enrolled as In the army and then be assigned to work where they are moil needed. They are expected to put In 10 or 12 hours a dsy, at that. How would the sovieters like that In America? of her future mother-in-law for 20 days grinding meal, very much after the fashion that Jacob of old served 1 4 years for Rachel. The poor youth In the meanwhile does not sit Idly by. but weaves her wedding gar ments. National Geographic Soci ety Bulletin. I BITS FOR BREAKFAST j Jimham Lewis has just concluded a tour of the country and has ex pressed the opinion that by the time June rolls around almost everybody In the United States will be a candi date for the presidency. But Lewis has been mistaken on so many occa sions. UFT OFF CORNS! Drop Freexona on touchy corn, then lift that corn off with fingers Homer S. Cummings. chairman of 1 the Democratic national committee. is glllivanting around the country trying to pump air into the cold corpse of Democracy. At Louisville. Ky., he made the statement that the war was the cleanest ever fought In the history of civilization. It is evi dent that this Connecticut Yankee is not a close reader of the papers. He ought to know better everybody i else does. A hot time in old Dover town, the capital of Delaware. The suffrage forces have filled every vacant space and are bearing down on the legis lature with a demand that that body put the final touch to equal suffrage in this country by making the Dia mond state the 36th to ratify. They are calling the antis the red-noses. Both party organizations have en dorsed their demand; but the Dem ocrats in the legislature are so tar all against the amendment. LEAP YEAR IX HOI'I LAXD. The women of no race possess more freedom in the choice of their husbands than the Hop! Indians of Arizona. A maiden does not woo the man of her choice, but simply and forcibly states her proposition to his mother without any encour agement on his part. Her only pre liminary proceeding Is to do her hair in two gigantic whorls, one over each ear. This Is her announce ment that sbe Is going a-coartlng These peculiar knots are Intended U represent the blossoms of a squash vine, symbol of virginity, bat to those untutored in their meaning they resemble huge doer knobs set at a rather violent angle. When some debutantes thus announce that they are "out on the trail" It Is said that as many as six or eight of the eligible young men of the tribe liter slly take to the woods. After this aggressive young lsdy has selected her victim and his mother has agreed that he shall be sacrificed, she serves la the hou Wood earriea New Mexico. S if this thing keeps up. he will ere long be out of the woods. t Readers of The Statesman will re member the showing of the re mark s bl growth that Is taking ptare in this eountfy la the milk goat Indus try. In the Salem slogan Issue n goats. Well, a member of The Statesman force waa on the rails City train one day this week, and be noticed a crate containing two milk goats. shipped by Albert Teal of Falls City, who Is the largest breeder In this section of milk grtats of the Tog feu- burg type. The Statesman man was Interested, and he read the shipping tag. and found that the aaaales were being taken to a Portland million aire, who name Is well knows to all people ef Oregon sko tee4 ew papera. S Goats milk as was related la t Issue mentioned above. Is seHisg st le cents a quart ta Portland. as4 ther Is not eaosca to ty tie demand from hospitals and fsavCie who have yoesg children. There are a few tklsgs that na ture and the hot water la I'.ot ftprlac rant da. Dt they ran stale a red-headed woman out of a Was llfsl blonde bertly after the heac tlful blonde geta married. tfADJMH Dr. Ed wards' Olire Tablets Get at lias C3use and fesTxyrti: Vr. LVS-ardi' Xv Taints. C scbMituxe trr aimti, art rnt?T co li bowels arvj rosjtivviy to the sverfc. Ptcrie f.rterl t3 hrraih tsti Crack rrLrf Ihrovrh talrrj iML I. E4nrii' Olrre 7attv are a vrsrtabse ccnvcagj mi ml with ee-re ciL Thryart gesxir tvt trsiyoaOe bowtii aad trvrr. stmulitsx thro O xatsral action drcre C tyr. aad Pxtfyc5 12 entire rjitm. Thry d that hih calnrrxl for. wJaxtt y ex tre tad after effects. Talc cm or two retry eight kx m wrk rr3 uxm Mm tCttx. 13c asd ZJc a boa J The UuTtTii Electric Uili Plant Will llfht all your troOllcc eliminate all dacftr of fire and pives yem tsort Ug-t right where yoa want it, fcp-erate-s an eleetrie iron, waii tng machine, ptxsp, ete. 20-light Plant tmCD Wlight riant $477.50 T. C WOOD, Deiler 1C2 No. Commercial Stmt Doesn't hurt n.bitr Drop a little Freezone on an aching corn. Instant ly that corn stops hurting, then you lift It right out. Yes, magic! So humbug! A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug) store. out is surricient to remove every bard corn, soft corn, or corn be tween the toes, and the calluses, I without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sentational dis covery of a Cincinnati genius, it Is (wonderful. THE UNITED STATES IN PROPHECY na i i iii in mi i n 1 1 waMamcnmammiamiMKaBMBnmmamammmmimmBmmmammaaamBCBK0i The Rise, Progress and Destiny of Our Own Nation Revealed in the Bible As Ood hag dealt with the Great World Empire Babylon, Meda-Percia, Grvcia, aad Ernf, making them tubject of Bible Prophecy, to aviso fcxa He dealt with our Co us try. Ill bia ning and the time of it, and the peculiar manner In which this cation began iu eireer, asi the two Great Fundamental Principle Civil and Eeliioua Liberty which have been it very Life and Greatness, together with Its Fnture Destiny, axe clearly set forth la ore of ti Bible's wonderful prophecies. Another Great Sermon Study By Evangelist A. R. Bell Tomorrow Ereninj 7:30 S. D. A. Church, N. 5th St and Gaines Ave. Come and Bring a Friend Take North Commercial Car . ) r , " t ' IN , 1 If