The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 27, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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    a-a-a a- -- .-
aa aaaa
Th FU tea ma a receives th 1jb4
lr re part of tba AmiU4 ITrsa.
the greatest sad ia-t rstlaM art.
MUjiot la IW world.
Oregon: Saturday. 1 rain In xtr.t;
fair In east; warmer; moderate
south westerly wluds.
HA I. KM, OUMMI.V, KATt'llllAY MiMtMVd, MAIU'IJ 27. 1020.
rKM:: mi: ckxt
Many Are Dead as Troops
Are Repelled and Allies
Plan to Give Further Aid to
Ebert Government
Deplorable Condition of Feu
dalism Laid Bare in Recent
Negotiation Are Under Way, Itut
Uncertainty KxIk's Name of
Company Xot Divulged
Another promising prospect looms
for a fine modern apartment bouau
it Salem.
Negotiations are under way be
tween a Portland company and Fred
D. Thlelsen far the purcnase or the
Thlelsen property at Capitol and
Court streets where the Irwin Grif
fith borne is now located, and should
the deal by made it is the intention
of the Portland people lis build an
apartment house on the Kite.
The location is oue of the most
teautlful as well as one of the mos
convenient in Salem. It is owned
by Mrs. H. 11. Thielsen. Mr. Thiel-
ten said yesterday that uncertainty I
f lit Ail na t ... V. . i. I. I
Circulation of Petitions Starts
Early Coming Week, Ask
ing County Court to Call
Special Election
tM'Altlt MAS r Kit's IIOUV
geI Prunertor IIHd In by Ktorm
Marts im Trail for Food Itut
Famine Overcomes II Im
WESEL, Rnenisb Prussia. March
26. The workmen's headquarters
today; admitted t that heavy losse
had been sustained In the fighting.
Major General Kabitsch ot the
Reicbswehr, in a communique today
aid, the . reichswehr forces which
routed the workingmen from the
iclnity of I Jppe . Schloss yesterday
found ISO dead there.
A feeling exists. particularly
among-, the military on both sides of
the Rhine, that the workmen, gen
erally described as Spartacists, have
Hot really, been defeated, but are
playing a ame perhaps only harassing-
the reichwehr here to keep
them in a state of siege while a sim
ilar attack Is being planned else-
.where. Or, It is considered likely
their forces are being organized for
a military campaign r.n a wider
scale to support the political power
of the workmen already effective in
tflont cltlel of the Ruhr district.
BERLIN, March 26.--Cologne ad
vices to .the Lohal Anzelger say it
Is announced from American and
British sources that the allies have
decided to permit Germany to send
-s, 100. 000 troops to the "Ruhr region
and that if these are Insufficient to
-maintain law and order they will
be reinforced by 0,0 00 British,
French aad Pelglan -soldiers.
PARIS, March 26. The belief
prevails in some quarters here that
the German government has re
newed its request of the allied gov
ernment to obtain permission to
send additional troops to the Ruhr
. basin. It Is asserted, however, that
the entente has not yet discussed
the new request and the opinion
" seems to prevail that they will re
fwse the permission.
action will take place, but said ne
gotiations are under way. He would
not divulge the name of th Port
land company.
Makes Wild Charges and
Claims to Have Won in
Eight Per Cent of Voters Nee
essary to Make Signed Pa
pers Sufficient
LONDON, March 26. A represen
tative of the United States In Berlin
yesterday presented the German for
eign minister with a statement . ex
pressing the sympathy of the Ameri
can government with the efforts of
the German government in Us fight
against military reaction and anar
chy, according to a Reuter dispatch
from Berlin. i
. The statement is quoted as saying
that the American government hoped
for a resumption of work and trade
in Germany and that the Lnitea
States would deeply regret destruc
tion of industrial order which would
hinder assistance planned by the al
lies ."V..--
LONDON, March 26. A dispatch
to the London Times from Rotter
dam says that, until they were upset
fcy the radical revolt in Germany,
teudal conditions prevailed In some
"districts of east Prussia, according
to a German wto recently arrived
in Rotterdam.
Several of the big land owners
called together small units of be
tween 100 and 200 men who were
grilled and treated as vassals. These
men. were -supposed to have been
collected to defend the estates, ac
cording to the Times informant, but
, in reality were destined for General
Ladendorfrs army. When the news
of the revolt was received the men
burned many estates, and Connt
Kahn. & large land owner, was killed
In a riot. .
Students Please Audience
With Pf oiuction of Play
The Salem high school play 'The
Prince of Liars" that was presented
by the students at the high school
Auditorium last night was a rousing
access. All available seating space
was used and many were compelled
to stand. The members of the cast
. were all commended on the handling
of their oarts.
Amorr Gill as the "Prince of
Liars" aand Archie Holt, who played
- the nart of the mother-in-law, were
hlfhlr praised for their disposition
', of their respective roles. The play
was produced tinder the personal so
pervislon of Miss Edna Sterling. Ken
neth Wilson, playing the part of the
"prlghtly girl," was accurate in hia
portrayal of a rirl of the chorus.
Roland Rheinhart, the wastrel son of
the mother-in-law, played the part of
; arlstrocracy to perfection. The re
maining members of the east dis
posed of their parts equally as well
as the leads, though their roles were
more obscure.
BUFFALO. N. V.. March 2C
Senator Hiram W.,. Johnson or Cal
ifornia, candidate for the Republi
can presidential nomination, opened
his New York state campaign here
today and tonight with speeches in
which he declared the league of na
tions must be the dominant issue in
be coming presidential contest.
"Between the president and those
of us who have been making this
fight in Washington there is just
this difference," said Mr. Johnson
at a mass meeting tonight. "I would
not send a single American boy
across th? sea to his death in a boun-
fdary dispute between Rumania and
Serbia or in any other countries sit
uated in Europe. If I had the power
I would sear into every man's mind
article ten of the league of nations.
would make you understand that
under the artiele you guarantee to
preserve the territorial integrity
from external agression of every na
tion on the face oftheearth."
America is the only nation which
got nothing out of the war, said
Senator Johnson, reciting the terri
torial concessions made by the pesos
conference to allied nations. He de
clared that President Wilson was
bamboozled ' by Premiers Lloyd
George and Clemenceau in Paris.
In an address this afternoon Sen
ator Johnson assterted that be. not
General Leonard Wood, had won the
presidential preference primary in
"I went into Minnesota where the
state machine is for Wood," he said.
"They repealed the presidential pre
ference law and then the machine
called a trick primary to be held in
the middle of the winter between
7:30 and &:30 o'clock in the eve
ning and with a lot of the voting
places not announced. The con
ditions disenfranchised the farmers.
But I went to Minneapolis and St
Paul and called on the people to re
pudiate the machine and they did
"I have with me the figures of
the primary vote there and they
show I won. But the Associated
Press has not sent out these figures
and has allowed the impression to
prevail that Wood carried Minne
sota." ST. PAUL, Minn., March 26. The
results of the Minnesota presidential
primary, held xetween 7:30 and 8:20
p. m. March 15, were not tabulated
by The Associated Press. The returns
were gathered and announced by the
Republican state committee, and the
total vote was not given out. as the
returns were not completed. Republi
can headquarters said, before the
county conventions were held.
The last figures announced, for
morning papers of March 17. as car
ried by The Associated Press gave:
Johnson. 8,618; Wood. 8.588; Hoov
er. 5.339: Lowden. 3,053. The final
announcement, made lor evening
papers of March 17 gave-the follow
ing: Wood. 12.627; Johnson. 8, sit;
Hoover, 4,4 80; Lowden,. 3.&1W.
At the district and state conven
tions, ten of Minnesotas 24 delegates
were instructed for Wood, wane tne
others were uninstructed, including
the delegates-at-large.
Petitions to the county court have
been prepared and will be in circu
lation early the coming week asking
the court to call a special election on
the question whether the port of Sa
lem shall be created, a project re
cently launched. by the Commercial
club with the further intention of
bonding the district to construct a
bonded warehouse in Salem.
It was the intention of T. E. Mc
Croskey. manager of the Commer
cial club, to start the petitions Mon
day, but because of the illness of L.
J. Chapin. agricultural director of
the club and one of tho leaders !n
the port movement, the petitions
probably cannot be-started on tlieir
way before Tuesday.
FdgJrt lcr Cent Xeoeary
Under the statute eu acted by the
legislature of ISO 9 authorizing the
creation of port districts the names
of at least a per cent of the voters
in a proposed district are required
to be signed to petitions to make
them sufficient when presented to
th court.
Manager McCro-skey said yesterday
that 15 or 20 persons will circulate
the petitions throughout the district.
With petitions in the hands of a
number of circulators it is believed
only a few days will be required to
obtain the necessary number of it-
natures. When the completed pe
titions' are filed- with the county
Court It-becomes incumbent upon tae
county authorities to call the elec
tion for a date not more than 60
days after the filing ot the petitions.
If a majority of the voters, at the
election, favor the creation of the
port, the port commissioners are
then appointed.
IMstrirt Officially Described
In the printed petitions the boun
daries of the proposed port ot Sa
lem are described officially as fol
"Beginning on the east bank cf
the Willamette river on the township
line between townships 5 and 6 south
and running east on this Use to line
between ranges 2 and 3 west; thence
south two miles to the southwest
corner section 7 township 6 south
range 2 west; thence east along Mo
tion line to the range line between
ranges 2 west and 1 west: theme
south along said range line to t!ie
southeast corner section 13 township
8 south range 2 west; thence w?at
along section line to range line !.
tween ranges 2 west and 3 wet;
thence south along said line to town
ship line between townships H south
and a south range 3 west; thence
west to Willamette river. The Wil
lamette river shall form ih, -est
boundary of said proposed district.
BUTTE. Mont.. March 2f.. The
Hory of an axed and crippled pros
pector who, dying from famine,
shared bis last provisions with his
horse before starting on a trip to
obtain relief, came to light here
ith fhu dU jvery .f the nan'
body. Ki:urdd ly his faithful horse.
The Kory was node plain in a note
ieft by the din mm.
Th pro;v tor. Huns Hanr-en. lay
near diatb in his rabln In the moun
tainous country Iti mile south of
this city. He bud lx-n hemiued in
by snow and noliody came his way.
Food for himself and forage for his
borre was gone, except a little Hour.
He made th flour into rakca. shart-d
tln tn with the hon. got Into hit
rickety wagon and started for liutte
through the drifts. They had itoiten
half way when Hansen toppled from
the wagon, dead. The horse halted
and lowerid his head or the nia-u
ttr's body.
The engineer of a panning train
saw the tableaux and notified th
authorities, who Investigated. The
note they found expluiued the tragedy.
. i
$2000 SHAVED
IMH l.ra.I laWmi. .r RX. ' w m. m m
uU. Uuuuuu, :;:::"::"r: iborah's cry
Two Salem Finns Cite Than
nd Each lor Ho.pital and; J;
carpenters union Dub
scribes in Liberal Fashion
....... ,..a OTMiiu - imsi
mr,n Ph-;p. rur ifr. Mr.
hid rui off prt of t,U no tib a
ra-ir. rho.tJ a h,. ,0 lmh-
uas In Ui h- ad li h.t .t i t
, ........
iAf hjfnt.-.'f bd Mt'k
m. with hT fila. de
cided that 1 la.rtjr llr - , m
ru!- in marr-d life.
Names of Givers to be Pub
' lisbed Dally Until Cam
paign Is Finished
Almost Daily Murders and
Other Crimes Largely Unhindered
IjONDOW March 2. Almost ev
ery day furnishes a new victim for
th "underground" warfare In Ire
land. This morning Al'.an Bell, rest
d?nt magistrate, .seventy years rf
age and for many years an official
of the royal ronttabulary was
dragged by a gang, some of whom
were maked. from a crowded tra'n
Car in Dublin ar-d shot four times in
cold blood before the eyes of pas
sengers. Some of the passenger
were women, who fainted. The a
sasins fled and no arrests have been
There have been tiirse attacks on
policemen in different parts of Ire
land the past thr-days, two 6f the
policemen being dangrously wound
d. One of them was a young man
returning home after enlisting in
the constabulary.
Anoihr foiHi w;?s rUirrwd from
the remaining un.ou&t to u
furiUU to roiupleio the liuiU for lb-
onstrurtlon ot the r-w horidtnl.
Twenty-one thousaud dilUis rt-
mains to be rollerted. !
i Tne t arpenti th union, by ref
lation, las ar-- l that -urh mem
ber of Iht ion donate
leant the amount ot one oar par lo
the bonpital fund. About hair of
the total luembvmhip wis pr-ser.t
and subscriptions atuounllnc to 4 i
were signal tip The m-mb-rs wh j
were absent will l solicited later.
Vick Brothers ald d I ! to the
hospital fund and Sluio( trlher
matrht d It ly rib!n another
Itelow is published a lil of thoM.
who have f,t bsrribed to the hospital
fund. Others are join'ng tb-in
When thi campaign shall have end-
If Delaware Fails to Ratify
G. 0. P. May Lose Elec
tion Says Fess
IMIVKIt. U!. Marih Z- llip
al ! ti- ltavir'- lKtUlur of th-prop-Mt
woman uf Irzt routH -tional
hmetidtii-nt ntt later tfcan net
rti".fi.,!,j, it, in Prony-t ha
tioth limn tolar unld
, lUllfirallon roctlnm-4
iu f-j!. tljl urap. hoMlng tt 4
at ti rfrH-tiv i-r.Ml t :.,n. uf
firaiinn ur.d !ef-i
Makes Claim of Vote' Boy.
ing in Indiana and South
Dakota by Wood and Low
den and Others
Manajer Characterize Impli
cations of Corruption as
mis jt
Judge Will Decide If AU
Wobblies Are Criminals
PORTLAND. March 2. Whether
membership in the Industrial Work
ers of the World per re constitutes
violation of the criminal syndical
ism law of Oregon Is a question put
up for derision late today to Judge
H. H. Melt, sitting In the circuit
court here at the trial of Joseph
Laundy. alleged I. W. W. organizer.
Testimony tor three days past at
the trial bad largely concerned al
leged unlawful activities by the I.
W. W. in the state of Washington.
George K. VandenMer. attorney for
the defen-ie. nwived that all such
testimony iie stricken from the re
cord as Irrelevant.
Dual Debate in Salem
and Tucoma on Tonight
on !!. tirfrar anirixlmrBt
cot th
r' of OVo. chairman of tSe catioJ-
al Kf-p'iblira ronKreif)nal com to 1 1
Ir oi-l tonirfci ia a in to Sa
aior Pall at Itnver.
Mr. Ke appealed to his prlj 1
IMaware to ratify the amendment
and nut to brak ih reeord of th
ICfpnbliraa tat vltkh hate ot-d
on It. e 2 Kmul.iUm
td this list will embody the r-ttns of the 3C nx--ry to msk th
oi moi cxernpiiry iiiiius au
sr1brs whj s'gn up th" tnount or
their, contributions later lll also
have their nam pil.lih-d In latr
issues of the iewtpari. Th hos
pital drive tll go forward until the
entire amount shall have )een raled.
Subscriber's listed to date are:
II. 3. Clle V IZ6.. IJOf.rt; fUletn
W.iier. lAxtt V lor Co.. 10;
Kav WooImi Mill Co.. T. II. Kay.
S10"0: C. K. SpaulJIng Log Co..
tluuu; Marion Creamery Cj. $20;
Gideon 8lrU Co.. $200; Cherry City
Mtlllna Co. 1200; Kodccrs Paper
Co . $150; P. M. Gregory tee cruoit
$100; Marcus A Hand. JI0; FsMi
Cltv lumber Co.. $luft; A. M. lUn
sn. ): Gleason Glove Co.. $40;
Hunt Prothrs. $100; Salem Ttle
Mercantile Co.. $300.
Hop Merchant.
T. A. Lltesley. $IOOj; Rnll
Catlln. $S00; J. J. Rohrt. $oo; Y
. Durbln. $200; Iuis I-achmund
Cigar I W-aler. ( feci kxer.
George YL Waters. $25i; The S?a.
SIIj; T W. Iavir fpeanut brittlei
$10d; Adolph Urns. $50; K c.
Knighton. $3S: The (lrey-Iiell. $:S;
Louis Cohn. $2: Otto KIHt. $15; I
It. Smith. Smith C;ssr Co. $2.
Ileal YjmAaAr, AlMtrad 'n.
John If. Scott. $lo; . C liorn- I
stedt. $100; W. II. GraWnhor.! &j
Co. $100; . I.. Wod. $-.0; l I .
focolotiiky. $25: Salctn Abstract Co.;
Auto Accerie.
Quackenburh Auto s M-lr C
$200; J. II llll-nian. $?. II. I
Clark. $l'.
WASHINGTON. Marvfc 2A dw
reet charge that big f.aaactal lat
-ta rt trytac la by th aattoaai
rtiiMlkii of tola ftepwVllraa
ad Uetaarratle pan tea was made
tb senate today k-y lUmatr !Wrt.
ItepubHcwa. Idaho, in spci dv
ratiag coegrloaai actio to rf s
late the -r coat ew How fpw&d:tsrea
of cand .dates for th pridery.
Coo ! rat lag hta attack tm the
t the llepatUraii party the pre.- l',T of xOT Oarl Leoaard
ncy. the senate th houe ai tfcew Corerwov T. O. Lowd
mbr ,ItioT. Itrteniatiie i!oT ,k Itepkliean osataatlom. ga-
Delegation Instructed by Con
vention to Support the
The Willamette university debat
ing team meets the College of Puget
Sound at the First Methodist church
mill pin ai n uii'na. I it inmi i
for discussion Is "Resolved, that the I
in n. Iwnt effe-tit bate raltCH tt
-Isnt or tbe uiuninn-tooi r blle J
H. Iriuocraiic tie have voted at
erely on tae a :urn Jmrat. he saul.
If the acth slate to tot, a Itepnbll.
r-n state, tume-l the
down, he contlecrJ th mm
t blamed for the entire failure
Miss Mabel Grace Raimuixea
Passes Away After Illness
of Years
Ieath cJalmed a well knoa fa
Wm jounr toiKia h-n Mica MabH
tjrsce na.mua atc-l asar ye.
t-r4ar aftrrnooa at 5 o'cl xk at th
hou.ejof hrr parent. Mr. and Mrs.
N. P. l;omuM n. 2 1 MuUr tirwt.
The fatal lllnen bad t!ndd over
a prriitS o ral yar di
came after a Irate and hard right
for health
a tw.rn in li:i nd llvrhr all!.,
" me. n iilrnJrt! IW Saleta
ator Uorah declared th TTood saaa-
agers were attemptlag to roatrwl
tbe Tlepabticaa eowveattoa ty tW
as of taooey." "wki! tha Ur
orraBliatioa arpsrestly was sp-4-lag
even greater tans to gsla ss
prt for their raadtdajea. .Within
10 days, ha predicted, two IWBa
rratic aarlrsata. whoa h dul a 64
name. otd b fo?M apvwdlag ittia
as asach as aay Repablaraa in th
Nf Ikefessda VToud
Th spv-erk) Uosgil e-a sei4
debate dartsc which rVaator Mom.
llealran. New llatapshlr. ma as
ter of General Wood's Waahtarta
had)aarter. csada a gral dealaJ
that tceiv faads had tmu d
la th Wood caadUlacv mr that aar
jianey had be spat rtcH "1V
tlR?atay sad trXTjT.
I on all tha caaaataa to
eomalry votsstarily hw
hay wera tpaedtag sad if
It was ronlif fro as. faaator Daraa
cited pabliihad rryrts that ths
Wood profaetr had p44c4 a ram
pales fsd of $1. that -te-
tlaoalals" 'radorvisg Graersl wr
brofht la ladlan for $!. sweh.
tad that every vet east far th
Wo! or Utds raadldart ta th
rorewt Soth Iakcta $rtaarW r
rvrmtd as id;tar of lit.
a s.taa:ie. saii th &aior. for
cat a "atarsana f rorrs rUo,""
3 s!e rosfrvM acted.
UIW WaH TVtl Teras
T e,atiw of third term far
Pretjt Wtiws was ra4 o-y
it Ahart. tkesaorrat. Artaaaa.
mU said that tf aay rvwamt"
were vlta a C?r4 Um. th t
hl ta tie mt It and oyo
(I. Ralr r-orh r:4 that h
p-iMlc trt,'A and a m ta hv . . . . . . . . . .
ell kBo.n faiulli ) Ik . clly . lio!WU,iii
n l (srvtiod br hc r . . .
.i. v. .--- -"' w9-m tn sua
of a
Ml ltaa.iu
! . -ind ttl l-r hril L.rt Alt-rt
1'j.ul It a n. Q . all of
i VI 1 1..
ia ntp&rt of a hUl k tatrodr4 to
, limit th rr-atatioa) iiptd-
tares f bar raadhdai to !! a
track !!.
Lin n f
Jevreler. "rf Ing G'irxt. T1eater. j M - (
llarttnan Hros . rz: Gsidtttr I i,
Keene. $in; Han, r Pros, pft.i; '
an I
n i j . ... .. i"a aae. 10 iwii ay Mraoo c
Tl. 1. at th- It ,4c eab- t9nnlym 117 eootf1fcli
'' t r-cal ait! Urn . Z V . ... . .1 ZZV.Z-VT
. - - m t 1 " v a
tUcly tsrch tha aitav
W tk !. mm a) ak . a
Prlntlnr t a 110 . aat.oa
Ka-iner I! trial W! b
V View r-v,'irtj
gat- a4 to rQlr ca
Caatlaaad aw pt It
-1 - I
i niifm oiaira iiivuiu BMume a mail- (beater $
aaiitrr couiroi over Mrura
SANTA FK. X. M.. March 2.
New Mexico's delegates to the na
tional Republican convention tonight
were Instructed for Major General
Leonard Wood for the presidential
nomination. Action of the conven
tion came after a motion to indorse
General Wood without instruction,
was voted down 160 to so. The
vote to Instruct for General Wood
was unanimous.
Homer Smith Is Elected
Head of Floral Society
Officers were elected and general
plans of organization were complet
ed at the meeting of the Salem Flor
al society held at th Commercial
club last night. A display or direct
colored photography by A. L. Bar
ber was a feature or the meeting.
Enthusiasm ran high and decisive
steos were planned to rurtner me
movement of civic pride in the city
The meeting was conducted through
an Informal discussion plan whica
enabled the members to exchange
Ideas on how to make Salem more
beautiful. An interesting talk was
given by Howard Zinser. horticul
turist of the state hospital.
The officers elected were: Presi
dent, Homer Smith; vice president.
Carrie H. Chappel; secretary, Elixa
beth Lord; treasurer. Howard Zln
Willamette s negative team, com
losed of pernard Ramsey and Frank
Ilennett. left yesterday for Tacoma
where they will meet the C. P. 8
affirmative team.
The Pngtt Sound negative team
will debate against Sheldon Sackett
and Howard George. Willamette's
altirmative. in Falem.
Lone Woman Is Held
Up in Spokane Bank
SPOKANE. Wash.. March 26.
While Miss Edith Winslow. assistant
teller of the Spokane Savings and
Loan association, was alone in the
office, due to delayed return of other
employes from lunch today, an un
masked man held her up with a gun
and escaped with between $2000 and
$2500. the contents of the rash till.
The traffic policeman, stationed a
few feet from tbe door of the office,
was absent from his beat for a few
mlnutes at the time of the robbery,
it was stated.
At abrut the same time, police
were called to another point in the
business district, some blocks' away,
by a false alarm of a shooting affair
there, and when the officers were
informed of the robbery, they say.
rhey were given the name of another
savings association and an erroneous
Arraignment ot MaUinix
Scheduled Early Today
Jesse Mulllnlx. whom T. W. 8lelger
declares ia the man who shot hint t
the Stelger farm Thursday night,
will bo arraigned before Justice of
the Peace I'nruh early today. The
charge against Mulllnlx is assault
with Intent to kill.
Mullinlx'-stlll denies that he did
the shooting, though he has ben
questioned closely by Sheriff Need
ham and District Attorney Max Gehl
har. He declares he will be able to
prove an alibi, and tells the officers
that be was In a Salem pool hall at
the time the shooting look place.
Stclger Is still progressing satis
factorily at the Salem hospital
Baker Man on Board
of Higher Curricula
John L. Rand, attorney of Paker.
has been appointed by Governor Ol
cott as a member of the board of
higher curricula to succeed A. O.
Peals of TiPsmook whose term ex
pires March 29. Other members of
the board are Jonah U. Wise. Pott
land; Charles A. Brand. Roseburg;
J. E. Hedges. Oregon City, and C. J.
Smith, Portland.
Hrown. $7V. Ore con
beater. $S.
Publisher, IUik lnre, tMtf
Capital Journal. $S'o: sti'.ftniD
Publishing Co.. $:.0O; K. Holer A
Sons. $25A. Patton Itroa . $Aft;
Parker Stuillo. $2.
Itakerle. o, tletaaMaf .
Salem P.iVln Co, "',; Poer!e
llakerv. $'.0; Pak P.M Ttaker.
$15; Kldridse Hotel. $1; H c Corn
lilller. Furrir-r.
Mrs 1. G Curt. $'.; Mrs O C.
Locke. $2"; Miss lorothy I-arsen.
$15; Mme. Huff Morrlon. $1;
George W. Atderln I Wet Fur Co i
Klectrle Hinre. FlecirU hctlce
Salem Electric Co. $20: Welch
Electric Co . $:.o. ttegge' Parrel!-
r"cr I H.
p-j f fr,e oi in'c.4-4Cfac til
rotre for tL rut of th. .e. t-'
lamette chapter. Amertraa pel rtt
Wlllard Service. $100; R H Pattoti
Auto Eleclric Service Co.. $!.
Antonoobtle- Hbd M.f4k.
Valley Motor Co.. $ieO; 0'.n
Auto Co.. $100; W. E. Hums .M:-
Cj.. SI 00; Smith A Watkln. $10);
Oscar C. Gingrich. $5: Everly V-'nl a. k.. an1
llros ISO- Ralem Aut rirhiBic --cir In t).e 'a-. til
e4 f thta ferta f latfrwte a4
t la't laal yr eawt f I Ve pa-l-5a
havt ta ha rarad far ly o of
tb fatr.ny Maay fcsdrda ef
taUes 41a vr!r who aaiahl h
ill runt- an lctr.4''or. aeeord eg ) tred If ootbett ciU hava lla la
to tentative ;.la.n ra Uon jea- , 'meiua H th Cad Croaa
tet4j t.
Vart a ". K l r a la
director of I se A ra
' It It
"f the tiortte.l d'VUi.-a of the KeJ ,
Cr. with ha4 ;" af r at .in 1 1 ta.
it4 lh cha; r ,
Th iiiiri.:.l i pf! r.f th
time r-r.tgrarti cl le r.1
tro Tb riiuti w:ll or-en ta ,
n motnai tliniBI to rrp; to
he a il ia- i
t he a
rri te Tj'erti-
$50; W. 11. Patterson. $2:: Vm! J'fort knr;lr
Qtiayle. $25: H. II Harris. $2.; C lr tor cs pimVt
C. Harris. $25; I). Umno. $25; ll""'""" ,Br rnp.i
W Sirnlt 11' I. V llmnlrn t ? Z.
A E. Hutchison. $2.: J. W. Jones.
$25; Oren C. Watkins. $2-; VicV
Hrotbers. $1000.
Feed sad Srvtl Mrs, (imimlin.
I). A. White A Sons. $5in: Man
gis Pros.. $50.
Part wr Shot.
Blslsdell A Harrell Model!. $50:
W. F. Prletike. $J5: P. J. HIbler.
$25; H. G. Coursey. $10; J. D. Wood
fin. $2.50.
Capital City Steam laundry. $100;
the fa i i i y
of n i r
of the Vr
't" sm'.iMoa af tha Fed
CrM f flac t rosrtt In lh ror
rfnitrt of !; klh ac hoots, serait
'chord c ':jt at 4 a!vervitle f
! la th rtawc dV
'mn. fosurtlii af Ore foa. Waah-
t i ka. UiU a ad Alaaka. thar ara
21 isr3cura teakiag tka tim.
All rent are sUr-hl. Ta
c-.-re co-. .t of 15 leaaoa . tich
-e i ten al Ike rat ef two a k. rjf fU'iag th roars ta
to sottlfca Ater fihlah!ag th
"r t b l-4 Crrvaa tawS I
! ''in., t.. iiKe ,.t I K. .r.i,V:. I ll'lt la f B.e HililriX
rant" mM te urkm hm i "The It it al lea af th er
rru'iilo tfcera t- cire ' r iL- u.'f !:! t rites about As 11 1. :
n of tetr Srrnndtifc far.i!! ' Marten V .im. (raa cf th
'Kr soT"..n he -i!d t-k the ; Ch tMfea hof fal of fVotfoa. Maaa.
r fort unity ctven ty tte ! ai Httn b- th Ifia'mclor fr th fUlera
C;f- chapter The rouic ha tean j t barter. Warn wtahiag to take
Costlnued on page 2)
fn4or"d by J A Chnrefcin. a;r
.ntendnt -f p'-i1''' la mjt'.on in
Oreson. ar.d bv lavll N uetar;.
tttte halth ofter. as an In
t' ilirent and effective method t
1 1. ret and combat lb epidemPs had
iiea-t that are now c in. men.
"Recent epidemics etnphas'.xe th"
th fnirie shftnld laav their aasaea
lth the Ural chs;tr ta th pott
elftc balJJ.BC
Itetails wt:i b arras ced at a
meatlag to b h!J la tt Cotasser
rial flab today at 3 o'clock. Mlsa
tmrkta will leave for Martin! ta-alrtL