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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1920)
8 TUB ORKfiON KTATK8HAX: FltlllAV, MAIUH 2. loan, : 1 . POLITICAL GOSSIP OF STATE AND LOCALITY Two Candidates File for Seats in the' Legislature R.J. Carsner of Spray yesterday filed with the secretary of state his declaration of candidacy for joint representative in the legislature from the 2Mb representative district. He is a Republican. E. X. llurd of Seaside fils-d to represent the lSth district in the legislature. He also is a Republican. N . Carsner has no slogan. His j-Iat-form reads: "Work for the best in terests of the taxpayers and to as sist In securing such legislation as will be to the advantage of the state at large, as well as to the interest of my district." "At all times for Clatsop county" is nurd's slogan. Ills platform is: "Wll endeavor to enact Visiter laws and to vote for the repeal of vicious or personal legislation Will tupport m-bure that wll aid the leiurned soldiers and sailors; for the betterment o. working conditions for the employed men and women of Oregon; for better educational in stitutions; for better agricultural, dairy and Mock laws; for j?ood roads arid noie of them: for the protec tion of Oregon industries and at all times for Clatsop county." Judge John MeConrt of Portland filed his declaration as a candidate I for the Republican nomination for ( circuit judge. Idog lovers HAVE MEETING Nearly Thousand Names Are Attached to Petitions to Aldermen IT TAKES THE JOY Out of Life In the Kitrfiig; Wlww Impure IHmmI. Ia1 Al'ietitr, Lifelessness. lassitude and that tired feeling pul down health to the low level that invites illness. The knes becme weak and life seems hardly worth living In this condition Hood's Sarsa parilla has the real "human touch." It meets the necessity promptly and completely. It purifies the blood, creates an appetite, "makes food taste good," and aids digestion, thus naturally increasing strength and in oAnimnn.KnKO war hniMlnr fin I h t t A - . 1- 1 I t- . .J I wuoie system, inrn lur uriMii aiji of spring find in you happy response, and the whole worjd stnijes again. Take Hood's Saraaparllla for. your Spring Merllclne. Used as snch for nearly 50 yais by thousands. It "makes food taste good.' Keep on . hand Hood's Pills as a gentle laxative or (in larger doses) as an active cathartic. XCUSE MY DUST A misj niPJting of dog iovers Vas he'd In the Commercial club rooms last night. Col. K. Hofer stated . that nearly MOTOR FUEL TAX YIELDS BIG RETURN First Year Shows Revenue Far in Excess of Wildest Expectations GOES TO HIGHWAY FUND Be Yoiing In Body, Mind and Looks Despite Your Years flow" often you have wished that you could indulge in the strenu ous exercise of out door sports with the vigor and enthusiasm of -youth! But the end of the week finds you all in you are tired, listless and lack the energy to go obt for a' vigorous walk or a round of the links or any other exercise that re quires much physical exer tion. Many a man, even in his middle forties, has a vague feeling that' he is '.'getting old 'and right at a time when he thoukfbe at his very best physically. - Ahdheugrowingokl.not in the sense that the years are pressing heavily upon him but in the sense that his vital forces are wasting away faster than Nature re places the worn cot tissues. 100ft ceopie hart signed petitions re questing the city council to repeal certain legal restrictions now in for"e a gr 'n ft lettin? dogs run at large. The Teature of the evening was he very excellent address by. James Elvln on the remarkable serf ice rendered by dog In the late war. Germany, he said, had 40.000 dog trained, to perform various kinds or war service. There were 23.000 German war dors trained and equipped for service right along the front lines of battle. The French an 1 Belgians had 10.- 000 well trained dogs. Those faith ful animals exhltited such Intelli gence and heroism in all depart ments of warfare as to have won 'he admiration of the fighting legions. The Americans and Kngllib troops, he said, had comparatively few dogs in active service. "Dogs were used in the war." elu the speaker to pull small deliv ery wagons, to act as sentinels, to deliver messages and to do Ked Cross work by searching out the wounded and dying soldiers under shell fire or Jn no man's land. Thousands res millions of people find themselves in this condition early in life. And there is no excuse for it. You can check that tendency to grow old. You can carry your youth with its joys and enthusiasm into your iO's and 80's. But you must give Nature aft the help jnm era. The beat MitUoct jron can find aaaist soc of a eouod. constructive character is ia to um of -cr- .- mm LTKO h m4 taMhtaul o k. a.'Mw U wibmwm. . - For sate by all Druggist. The Great General Tonic It nrk-b the blood -reaUy atimnlBtea heart, Kver sad kidney to normal activity ferine back your pep. auittk and mental rigor eba sway that tired, worn-out f aet ins; and rrplaeaa it with a spirit of booyaaey. LYKO ia a diitinetiv preparation. eetenliBcsJI eor racfaiitecoaWBttoaofaariirtnaliiSThanta.aBdthr' BoUtin mora iarieoratiar. more atrenrtheninc or mora re buildiag. Specially beneficial for fovahrii. eoaeslrecents and rundown paopWof all conditio. Get a bottle Itvm mr draggial today toanorrow ye wiU'feei better for it. 'kfaaJenn Ljko Median. CO. r.aTTokM. Always in stock "at Perry's Drug Store Mrs. Noble Gwynne I understand you allow Mr. Harrison to carry a latch key. Mrs. Noble Harrison Yes: but it does not fit the door. I Just let him carry It to humor him. You see. he likes to show it to his friends and make them think he ia independent. B?6mo j Quinine 1 Tablets'" Kozer Prepares Statement Covering Operation Since Effective Date The wildest eitimates that were made by legislators at the 1919 ses sion who wr Instrumental In se curing the passage of the t'jiKoline and distillate Ux act. who IrcUr-d t would return to the state between 'S250.0OO and I3u0.n0 annually. have been exeedt"d for tb- first year of the law's operation by almost $100,000. Sam A. Kor. deputy secretary ot state. In totaling up the figures, finds that from the time the act became effective. February 2. to March 1. 1910. the tax has aggre gated f390.9U.2Z. ' "The dealers In motor vehicle ful are required under the law." sail Mr. Koter. to render monthly re rorts of sales to the secretary of state, and pay the tax Imposed on the number of gallons of gasoline and distillate as shown upon such statements. This money is then promptly turned over by the secre tary of state to the state treasurer, who, undr the law. credits it to the state highway fund. It is then avail able for. road construction and roa-1 improvement throughout the state, under the direction of the state high way commission." A tabulated statement of the ag gregate monthly sales of gasoline and distillate, together with the amount of tax paid, follow; S. m m a t n a i- i- f i ri e a r- s V ri laNrtHI'ONt1".. voaxo""i''i" C " O ei r a.'i '' a n n n r t w n r. h ri n O I New Yerk Styles America Monroe1 Clothes New York" 11 w pa r e 4 to fi " e i .1 " w r w e w w w w . . v. w. r.jMMat-ter-ee ianxi S 2 l ot h" ri i id ri m m e) m 2e(Meopt.Hoao eer-anBr-owi 05 ntinnNenHNriMfi SLi rAfa.. " WkK SIGSmCASTi In Xtw Amrrica't Stjlt ttmter, S0O.00O' Xtw Ymrt mm htvt Slight MltmntCtttktf. J,1 (BsJSSi Aiiroo-t vaster with JVewYorkStyle OREETit with a Monroe Suit the brand New York men buy ' more than any other kind! Greet it in true metropolitan style style that befits the day and sea son; that bespeaks its correctness wherever men and women gather. Smart Broadway models for sprightly, ambitious youthCon servrftfvfc Wall Street anil Fifth Avenue1 patterns for business men. We alone sell Monroe Clothes in this city. The prices are $40 and up-figurcs that make you real ize the buying powers of the 1914 Dollar have come to life again! mm WW 1 Lad a SB B limits New Models now arriving every day direct from tlHc fashion centers of New York nni Philadelphia. Ladies' Suits of Tricoline, French Serge, Poplins, etc Prices $22.50 -$55.00 Ladies' Coats of tan polo cloth, also other rn terials and all the popular shades . $18.50- $50.00 Our Buying Direct Saves You the Middleman's Profit Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & COMPANY Commercial and Court Street Formerly Chicago Store H -- J t im mix i i lem for ..mltitude of ex-senfee men. Her only public appearance and the only opportunity the public Of Salem will have to. near ber will be on Sunday night, when she will deliver an address at 7:30 at the First. Methodist church. Teople planning to attend should b la the church early If they desire a seat. GMH JOH OtKX This paper will undertake tbj job of famishing President Wilton with a ney secretary of state. Such as pirants as nave willing minds, fll ble wills and do sot talk la tb-lr sleep, please fill oat blink SBSilra- Jlons la their own tandwrttlag. giv ing age. sex. previous condition of servitude and mall to this office. where such applications will b re viewed and passed spoa by three trne-btae Wllsonlan lcmorats. If same can be found. Lawsoa (Kan.) Review. f r MA n w msr- arfliwa KolWw th mMd lo tS frralaaM RJeftu Indira free a4j. f onday Tavrmtt) . Wnlsndij, IhnrUf m4 IViday. Unnrll WedjreU. )Urrb SI. Und fw4. .tmiaaVS) HaOdrrwa Urn J, HtUmrdmj, Z-V. Ilaaxl mmi tmrd3 tad tmtlMj. G. W. JOHNSON & CO. 119 North Commercial Street Salem, Oregon w b 535 5 o o iTy I S TALENTEDWOM ARRIVES TODAY Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis Has Numerous Appointments While in Salem Just a little slip of a woman Is Mrs. Jean Morris Ellis, but she cer tainly produces the goods. . fib went Into Medford unknown and unannounced. When she. left she carried away a most expensive framed testimonial as a witness of the gratitude of the American Legion I for the help she had given the mem bers. When Mrs. Kills' work was ex plained to Dr. Carlton Smith and Dr. B. P. Pound, ol the Salem American legion post, they immediately gave her work their hearty endorsement. Mrs. Ellis will be In Salem from Friday afternoon until Monday morning. This will be the only op portunity the ex-service men will have for getting her help. A man In the V. M. C. A. last night said. "W heartily congratulate you on securing Mri. Ellis. We know her and she has done wonders for our family." She comes to Salem today from Albany, arrivlnr at 1:50 p. m. he will address the student body at the high school at 3:10. Plates will be laid In the T. M. C. A. dining room for "5 ex-service men. who will be the guests of the association at dinner this evening. The dinner will be served promptly at 6:30 tCO the men cat get away before 8. The only addresj will be given by Mis. Ellis. Mrs. John Carson, one of the best friends of the soldiers and sailors of Salem, phoned the "Y" Thurs day declaring that the War Mothers of Salem Just must have this re markable woman to address them. So Mrs. Ellis will speak t- the War Mothers Saturday afternoon. Saturday and Snnday Mrs. Ellis will be occupied In individual con ferences with the ex-service men. She has straightened oat many prob- "Nothing wrong with our balance" THErlfcht balance of costly TurkUh and Domestic tobaccos, propor tioned by experts that s why Chesterfields "satisfy." Every puff brings you the full, rich flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco and the lively relish of choice Domes tic leaf. And theblcnd the manufacturer's private formula can not be copied. Every package enclosed in glassine, moisture proof paper that seals in the flavor. Chesterfield 1 1 t 1 1 i -, r