THE OREGON STATESMAN': THlTt-HDAY. MAItm 25. t02O. mml0mm ' ' , DISEASED SHEEP ARE PROHIBITED - Governor Orders More Strin gent Quarantine on Scabby V. Animals k 9 After being informed by W. 1!. TLytle. state veterinarian and ex-offic-lo state sheep lirspector, that sheep scabies exist among the flocks of practically all states other than Oregon. Governor Olcott yesterday Issued a proclamation establishing a more stringent quarantine than, has existed heretofore op th Importa tion of sheep into thhf'fciate. The order is effective today. The principal change' made effec tive by the order is that 'after being dipped tinder inspection of the pro ppr authority, sheep must, before al lowed to come into the state, be h"ild for a period of 90 days to ascertain If they are free from disease. The only exception to the rule Is that sheep be allowed to come into the state- without Inspection for the dis ease if they are able to be slaught ered Immediately. Quarantine is held to be the only positive prevention of spread of the ailment. Inspection mnst show that the animals are free both from actu al ailment and from exposure. If not Infected or exposed a certificate Is issued allowing tirem entry. In the ease of affected sheep the certi ficate is issued at the expiration of rhe 90-day period following dipping If the animals are then free from disease; .. . l- ' Ohio Organized to Elect 5 , Governor Cox President COLUMBUS, O.. March 24. An active campaign in the Interest of Governor James M. Cox of Ohio for the democratic nomination for presi dent was launched here today. No announcement was made whether or not there will be a cam paign in other states for delegates pledged to Governor Cox but "ac- tive organization will proceed to properly present the Cox candidacy. a statement issued by the state dem ocratic leaders asserts. Governor Cox Is assured the solid Ohio dele gation of 48 votes at the San Fran cisco convention. All candidates for delegates, to be chosen at the primary April 27 are pledged to the governor. to. C. A. of New York city. She is a "character analyst" and ha boen of great help to thousands of sol diers. She has been highly en dorsed, by the American legiou wherever she has fpoken. Mrs. Ellis will arrive in Salem Kriday afternoon. In the evening she will meet at dinner about 75 ex service men who will be the guests of the association. After a brief ad dress she will make engagements with the men for individual confer ences for Saturday nad Sunday. Sin day evening she will deliver-an ad dress at th? I.eslie Methodist church when she will relate some of her ex periences with soldiers. She saw many months service overseas and is intimately acquainted with soldier life. Many Italians Return to U. 5. After Sojourn in Italy PORTLAND. Ore.. March 24. Ap proximately 200.000 tons of flour must be moved from the Columbia river by June Ito clean up the grain corporation's business, according to a statement made today by A. M. Scott of the grain corporation offices here. The steamer West Campgaw. which has been loading a full cargo of flour for the Atlantic will leave the local harbor today and the Otha. now under construction at the Todd yards, Tacoma. will leave the sound Friday for Astoria to load 7500 tons of flour under operation of Frank Waterbouse and company. TODAY -3 I ARMENIAN CAUSE GIVEN HEARING Samuel C Lancaster and Mrs. L T. Allen Address Salem Rotarians Action by U. 5. Recommended to be Taken in Armenia WASHINGTON. March 24. A re commendation that United States government supply to the new re public of Armenia sufficient arms and ammunition "to equip a stable r Armenian army" was made today by a senate sub-committee which has conducted an exhaustive investiga tion of conditions in the near tat. Dispatch of American marines to protect American interests along fho railway from Batoumb to Baku also was recommended by the sub-committee. The report probably will be taktn up by the foreign relations committee next week. British Government Will Starve Striking Miners Roy Stewart In Triangle Play.' The Boss of the Lazy YV FRIDAY , HIPPODROME VAUDEVILLE NEW PICTURES BLIGH THEATRE 'Tonr Home Town Firs?' Slogan of Business Men LONDON. March 25. The gov ernment, says the Daily Herald, or gan of the workmen, has decided on extreme measures to defeat the min ers, in the event of a strike. A plan. Land From Canadian Estatel theWiarPofnceaand apP? The meetotng of the Salem Busi ness Mn s lea ue at the tommer clia club was the scene of a repre sentative gathering of the ctty'e business talent. The addresses were centralized 'n the subject of community develop ment. All were encouraged to stim ulate a pride in Salem the beauty of its streets, lawns. parks md homes, and to take an interest 'n the management of municipal af fairs. The business men adopted the slo gan "Your home town first." All wereu rged to have a vision of Sa lem's future and work to make the Ideal Salem 'of the future a real Sa lem. - Surauel C. Lancaster, who was en gineer in charge of construction of the Columbia River highway. In the course of an address to Salem Iiotar lans yesterday, told them that the great sceuic highway of Oregon is the result or a careful and scientific observation of the best highways In the world. It embodies the best characteristics of roads in all 'parts of the United States and in Europe. Before construction of the Colum bia River highway began Mr. Lan caster spent a number of months In Europe studying the roads of that continent. Mr. Lancaster's visit to Salem was in connection with his service as Ore gon chairman of the American and Near East relief campaign. He urged the support of the Rotarians. Another person of note appearing berore the organisation at Its Wed nesday noon meeting at the Marlon hotel yesterday was Mrs. K. 1. Allen, who for 25 years served as a missionary In Armenia. She told In detail the conditions existing In that stricken country, and many of th facts related by her had not been told before n Salem. U. S. WULScout From Portland to Stockton PORTLAND, Or.. March 24. The I'nltrd Slates army will condaei a military scouting party from Port land to Stockton. Calif., in connec tion with the Ad dab caravan lb! starts from here early In the morn ing of May U to attend the Ad men convention there. A letter from Lleuteaant Colonel G. K. Nt-lion. la charge of me army motor tranrport corps for the raeiiic division, was received by v. i- Strandborg today, and staled mai the army will conduct the first trip of thj kind on lb Pacific coast at the time the Ad clnb members m their pourney." "This matter has been thorougn- ly taken up." writ. Colonel Nelson. and it Is planned that two otrieers and seven enlisted men will be fur nished In addition to thi staff obser vation car and two other cars." May Deport Alleged Alien Communist PORTLAND. Or.. March 2 4. W. F. Watkins. Immlgratlpn Inspector-, left here tonight for Pendleton. Or., to conduct deportation bearings for Nestor Paanaaen. alleged member of the communist labor party, taken In to custody at the lime when national raids were being conducted at cni munlst headquarters In Portland and throughout the ceuntry. Paananea was found on his farm near I'eudl; ton, where he had accumulated a considerable bank account, wblci had been sent to his native land. He is nut on SI000 bonds. Crippled Sailor, Once Athlete, Smiled Even in Face of Death 'WASHINGTON. Marth 24. Cuts fined in the navy hospital for eleven years by an accident which ro4W him ot the use ef his limb bet mul of his smile. Uculecant Commander Semtuett Head, former naval atae President Roosevelt and Taft. dlej last night at the age of 29. Wnlle riding alone, he was thrown from his bore and his sulne crushed so that be nser walked again. At the naval academy, to which he was ap uiRifj from Wnt Virginia, he made both football and baseball varsity teams. Women to Compete on Equal Basis With Men in Philosophy PARIS. March 24. Wotnrt this year will be allowed for the first time to compete In the highest French examinations in philosophy an PhU ogy. Andre Honnorat. minister of education, has ordered that wonten be admitted on the seme terms as men at tnese examinations. Whn you git A few tablets of Tape's DUj sin bring relief almost as too 44 they reach the stosaech " lp-'s I h - by aeetrtlu lag the acidity of the atestad. ta staatly rt!e the fo4 eeertsg t4 fermentation which risen the stfcv ery-m skint gaeea. heart tr. Hale lence. fallseee. or pala la strtnerh and lateefla- -Pspe'a Kapepsia" helps rrUV disordered 'Uvtaatbs sa,: -foods can Le at wlthoet csaaac tfistreea. iJoeta eo BtUe at trig stei Strike May Be Called for Insult to Woman ROANOAKE. Va.. March 24. Two hundred clerks employed here by the Norfolk and Western railway voted today to strike as a protest against an alleged insult offered a woman cler-krn the office last week. A. B. Iaae, chairman of the broth erhood of clerks, said tonight that unless two men were discharged by rused by the federal court of opera Second Oregon Woman Is Charged With Moonshining PORTLAND. March 2 4. Mrs. Nettie Connett or Bull Rnn. Or., said to be the second woman to be at - noon .tomorrow, the three thousand clerks employed on the system would be called out. W. J. Jenkins, general of the Nor folk aand Western said the clerks had bee nthoroughly investigated and there was nothing to Justify removal of the two men. The average life ofa Jocomotive Is about 15 years. Baltimore Men Buy Virginia . TORONTO, Ont.. March 24. The reported purchase by Baltimore in terests of the 100,000 acres of tim ber and ore land in Virginia for ap proximately $25,000,000 from the estate of the late Peter McLaren of Perth, ' Ont., former member of the Canadian' senate, was given as par ed 'by the government for etarving i the miners into submission. All mining villages and townships are to be surrounded by military 'cordons and no commodities or per sons axe to be allowed to pass it. The plan is ready to the smallest de tail and can be put in operation on an hour's notice, the Herald adds. The newspaper says that while tial explanation on the sudden im proTement today in Canadian ex- n0 military details have been over- cnange.- ine new ion w"ingi, - V(H, ,.tx.m eoT-ranieat haa over- bouse of J. P. Morgan and company Is said to bare carried oat the trans action for the McLaren family. The purchase price of 125.000.000 at present exchange rates will mean, 'it is said, a loss of almost $3,000,000 In Canadian funds to the McLaren es tate as compared with the rate a month -ago. looked the temper of the army and the temper of the workers.; Service Inaugurated - Between Frisco and Cuba SAN FRANCISCO. March 24. It was doubted In financial circles I Passenger steamship service between here whether the deal would affect the exchange situation in view ot the fact that Canadian funds running; in to hundreds of .millions of dollars are understood to have accumulated in the dominion for United States ac counts as a result oT Canadian dollar discounts.. San Francisco and Havana, Cuba, beginning May 8, when the steamer Sachem will sail from here, was an nounced today by the Pacific Mail Steamship company. The voyage will take 16 days to the Panama canal and four additional days to Cuba. The Pacific Steamship company today increased service between San Address OOldier I OUthS Three sailings a week from here to Seattle will be the service north The Y. M. C. A. announces the coming to Salem of Mrs. Jean Morris W--- KinS of 5710 DrOWS Ellis., Mrs. Ellis is sent out by the . -ujtw aiuw national education board ot intx. ViUa Wipes Out Whole Settlement in Wild Rage EL PASO. Tex.. March 24 An !- tire Mexican farm settlement near Santa Barbara. Chihuahua. was wiped out Sunday. March 14. w:en maseacred more than "0 men. wo- jmen and children and burned tb'lr homes and crops, according to a re port brought to the border today. The farmers defended t'aelr homes and it was not until 23 or 20 of them had been killed and their ammuni tion exhausted that the survivors, 2 In number surrendered. Villa attacked in reprisal for thots fired at some of bis men, the report said. The survivors, there is reason to believe, would have escaped dath. had not one young man. crazed witn grief over the loss of his wife and family, attacked Villa and attempted to wrest the rebel leader's gun from his hand. Villa subdued the man after a struggle and shoe him dead. In his fury Villa then ordered all the men of the community put to death and the bouses, grain and oth er possessions of the community Lburned, it was said. Ships to Ply Between Portland and Baltimore ing a moonebtne still, was ordered today to be placed on trial tumor row before a federal Jury. Federal officers reported the finding of a large still on her place when they ar rested her. The first woman charged with moonshlng was Mrs. E. It. Ste phens, whose activities were alleged to have taken place la the fashion able residence district of Portland Heights. Mrs. Stephens pleaded xuilty and was fined. Marshfield Logier Found Dead With Razor in Hand Many Tons of Flour Must Move From Columbia River NEW YORK. March 24 The ex odus from Italy because of the high cost of living Is rontlnnlBg- The steamship Argentina arrived today from Naples with ST Italians, saeel of whom who were former residents of this country who had returned lo their native soli after the war with the Intention of remaining there. HUI1T PERSONALS Several chaagee la real estate have taken place the paM week. A. Tacher sold his 14-arre place to i. Carstenson. Mr. A. C.odon boiai the Joe Endtull's place. J. D. Drake has leased bis ranch to Mr. Bailey of Sllverion. Mr. Ilashler. who has been on the place, for the last foor years will move to the Harris place across the road. Mr. and Mrs. A. Oeder visited at the Clark Brown home n"!T. W. D. Smith Installed a telepboii at his boase last week. V. A. Dickerso: and family and A. E. Coberly and family spent Sun day with Mrs. Hel'L Ben Bleskney Is working for the Silver Fella Lumber company. Mr. snd Mrs. A. C. Morray visited i be C D. Smith home Saaeay. PORTLAND. March 24. An- nouncentent was made here today M A Itftl I Fl ELD. Or.. March that the Pacific Mail Steamship com pany has opened local headquarters and will inaugurate a line of steam ships from Baltimore to Portland. Six large ships of xKOO tons have been allocated to the company by the United States fhippin? board for trii service, it was said. The first sailing will be on April 25 and there will be monthly sailings thereafter, J. G, Melvin of the San Francisco office has been seat to. Portland as manager. 4. Andrew Vctnstrom. a logger, was found dead outside a bnnkbonse at a logging camp near here today with an open raaof clutched la one hand and a wound in his' throat. He had lived In the Coos bay country 20 years and possessed considerable property. The coroner said suicide was Indicated and that no inquest would be held. St. Louis haa abolished German names of five streets. Club at Scotts httls Has Interesting Session SCOTTS MILLS. Or.. Maren 24. The Nobler clab held Its regalar meeting at the Noble school house Thursday. After the program was given, bans, wrlales. cake had cof fee were served by a committee of men to all present. The program was as follows: Song, by the Noble oaaxtet: selfC tloa by the Scotts Mills orchestra; recitation. Mlse Grace Dwaagan: recitation. Rorts Ho-ct: csajex-ae. Mrs. ruyce aad Dortha Sbec; recitation- Averett Dsasgaa: ! tloa. the orchestra; recttaUen, ifm Dortha Shepherd: ee-sg the Netie quartet: reel tat Voa. Ires Dsaagu; select lob. the orchestra: seatea'Ae. Glean aed Leals hbee. TVs next meet lne h te he held AprO IT. Mr. aad Mrs. Charles fteet hee retamed frera Ralea where they have be-a visiting their aepttew aai atece. Dr. aad Mra O. L Seed Mr. aad Mrs. II. Lead wing of Sa vsrton visited Mr. Laadwtags a eats at Nobte fteaday. Mrs. T. Msp4ethorpe ffeteraed te her borne la Salem after eiaat3t the past two weeks with her aasga-, ter. Mrs. W. T. Hogg aad fasstryl Miss Emsaa La r tea ntte4 rvla liiee la SUrerlda Fatarday. Allan Delllager was a ParUaU visiter Moaday. A. L. Bros gher aad son. Itarwy. were Port is ad visiters Katarday. -- W. T. Hogg aad Ovia Shea heri were la flalem Satardar. Dr. aad Mrs. O. C. Henitrtr at I children, aad Dr. I Wit lease's sseta er. of Salem, visited at the AUaa Lager heme on 8se4y. Aagnst Bemolxe was a fUlesa v. iter Hats relay. Keeps the Strcighlest, Unrtdiest Hair in Ctrl Yoa've seeer see aayfnisf week sorb wonders for straight, laak. a ruly hair as plain Ikreld eilaerts. Nethlag else win ke-p Ike hair Is r?r1 for so ker a time aor proeare such beastlfstty last rows, aaitrai loohJsg cwrta aad wares. Dassp er wtady weather has no terrors for the woman wtrw nsee It- And ne ewe hesitate to nse It. for U ts so esj-'y applied with a brash and Is se per fectly harmless. U leaves tm trees, sticky or streaky trace. The rarrv nese rsa be sceslred la three hoars, though many prefer te apply the IV quid at bedtime. When the hair fa combed oat It Is deUgklfaUy son sad neffy. Aayoae who will get a hot lie of D qald silmertae from the Cntfjct aai follow the aceompaaytag eUrscfJsas will hsve a most agree hie surprise. The liquid la alse raised as a did drees! a g foe the hair. Jean Morris Ellis Will NEW TODAY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY A HOUSE! THIS 7 ROOM HOUSE will' sell to you if you see it; S blocks front state house, in good resident district; good repair; ce ment walks around and up to porches. Electric lights, bath $1500 today; terms. Phone 161 Becke & Hendricks, 316 U. S. Natl Bank building. Disapproval of Allies CONSTANTINOPLE. March 24. Dispatches from Beirut announce that Emir Feisale. recently pro claimed king of Syria, has given the French1 until April 6 to leave Syria, and the Arabs have ordered the British out of Palestine. Prince Fcisal. son of the king of Hedjaz, has been ordered to explain to the supreme council of the allies the steps leading up to his being crowned king of Syria. Premie. Lloyd George announced that recog nition was denied him by the allies. Relief From Rent Hogs Planned by N. Y. Solons ALBANY. N. Y.. March 21. A program to relieve the rent situation in the cities of th- state was agreed upon at a conference of legislative leaders today. Twelve bills dealing with the situation are to be passed. It was said. The most important is intended to provide that an increase of more than 2T per cent In the rent of a uweinng pinee ior tne period of a year passed is "presumptively op pressive." The bill is retroacliv one year. THOUGHTS and THINGS GRAND OPERA HOUSE U TUESDAY, MARCH 30 Radicals Thought to be Interfering With Recruiting DENVER. Colo.. March 24. Ma jor C. J. Nelson, officer in charge of the local recruiting district, to day declared before a meeting of the Colorado committee of safety and public welfare that radicals were opposing recruiting, for the United States military establishment with every means at their command. He charged that at least &u men have been lured away from the army after they had been accepted. Federal authorities are investi gating, he s-aid. Adrianople Would Not Accept Proffered Freedom CONSTANTINOPLE. March 22 (By The Associated Press) Adrian ople is reported to have declared its independence. Missionaries Leaving Black Sea Territory CONSTANTINOPLE. March 24. Late dispuirhfs from Novorolrk. capital ot the territory of the HIack Sea. say that the remnants of tho voluntetr army are evauating rapid ly. The foreign missions are ex- pecfea to evacuate within two three days. or The Funniest of All Pool ' Fancies " " DELIRIOUS DANCING CATCHY MUSIC GOOD COMEDY A ILEAL BEAUTY CHORUS .Prices 50c 75c $1 51.50 . . Seat Sale Opens Monday aja. -Opera House Pharmacy New Bill Provides for International Banking WASHINGTON. March 24. Es tablishment of a federal system of International banking practically is provided by the recently enacted Edge amendment to the federal re serve act, according to an announce ment tonight by Governor Harding, in making public rules and regula tions governing the entry ot Ameri can corporations into the foreicn banking field. While the law" was designed pri marily to permit American invest- ors. by means of corporations, to assist in the reconstruction of En- rope, Mr. Harding believed that thii was the narrowest view. The or ganization of financial institutions to assist Europe should form the SHE BUYS LESS SINCE SHE DYES "Diamond Dye" Turn All Her OKI. Failed. Shabby Apparel Into NVn-. Don't woiry about perfi-ct results. Use "Diamond Dyes.' guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool. silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods dress es, blouses, stockings, skirts, child ren's coats, feathers, draperies, cov erings. The Direction Book with each package tells so plainly how to diamond dye over any color that you ean not make a mistake. To match any material, have drug rst show you. "Diamond Dye" Color Card. The business of livinsr, when boiled down t o its dearest essence and all the froth skimmed off, is just a matter of thinking. Each of us is continually thinking ideas of our own and swapping them for the ideas of others. If there is a famine of outside ideas we shrivel up outwItcs, Children with "nobody to play with" are unhappy and unmanageable. From thinking with our heads to doing with our hands is but a little step and then our thoughts become things. It is because men of America are to unfettered in their thinking and doing that this country is such a fine place to live in. It is also because these thoughts are freely ra diated and spread broadcast, in the distribution of manufactured things and in the distribution of the facts about them (advertising) that this country is such a fine place to Ihre in. The originator of an idea is not much better off than before he originated it till he gets some one else to absorb it and enjoy it and benefit by it The man or woman surrounded by belter thoughts and things but who pays not the slightest attention to them is not much better ff than the one with "nobody to play with." The advertisements in the papers are thoughts telling you about the ideaa that other men and women have thought out for your happiness. Read the ads. They are the voices from hundreds of thousands f looms, shops, foundries, studios. laboratories. where rW of minds are turning. pleasant thoughts into worth while things for your comfort I