The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Marion County Prosecutor
Will Devote Attention to
Private Business
that he will not be a candidate for
re-election. .
Mr. Gehlhar i a Republican, and
prior to his election as district at
torney served two tonus as county
He says ho will devote all of his
attention to pilvate law practice and
personal business affairs.
Max Geblhar, who is serving hU
fourth year as district attorney for
Marlon county, yesterday reiterated
a statement made several weeks ago
KEEP a supply of
PEARL OIL. (kero
sene) on hand -for use in
oil cookstoves, heaters
sad lamps. Pearl Oil ia
clean and economical.
Your dealer can supply
jZt Ak for PEARL
Opp-.1tlon in Yamhill
Two candidate for district attor- i
ney for Yamhill county, one a Re
publican and the other a Democrat,
filed their declarations yeFterday
with Hie secretary of stat. The Re
TiuMiean aspirant is Otto-W. Heider
and th3 Democratic candidate Uoy
H. B. Adams of Portland filed his
candidacy as delegate to the Demo
cratic national convention, to rp
rosent the third congressional dis
tr'ct. His slogan l "Representative
delegates will select a candidate who
will represent them."
Sheldon Hon Again
Other filings yesterday were:
R. E. Bradbury. Klamath Falls,
for Democratic nomination for rep
resentative in the legislature.
Ben C. Sheldon. Republican of
Medford. for representative of Jack
son county in the legislature. His
slogan is "An earnest effort to faith
fully represent J-kson county."
High Masonic Body Makes
Choice of National Officers
WASHINGTON. March 23. Pro
vincial grand lodge appointments of
the Royal Order of Scotland, one
of the highest Masonic bodies, were
announced here taday by George E.
Corson, grand master for the prov
ince of the United States. John L.
Thomas. New York, wan named as
deputy grand master; Sterling Kerr.
Wathington. secretary; lroy A.
Goddard. Chieapo, treasurer; Perry
V. Weidner. Lo Angeles, senior
grand warden; Thomas R. Morrow, ;
Kansas Citv. junior granrt warden,
and Canon William T. Snyder. Wath
ington, chaplain.
Petersen Automobile Is
Smashed by 5. P. Train
While Mrs. Arthur E. Petersor.
was returning from Salem to her
borne on Portland road between s
and 9 o'clock Monday n'ght the
Peterson automobile was dashed to
pieces by a Southern Pacific pas
renger train at the crossing near the
state fair grounds.
Mrs Peterson was accompanied
by several children. As they start
ed across the track a wheel of the
automobile became lodged in a
crevice of .the crossing. Several other
drivers of motor vehicle attempted
to lift the auto clear of the track,
but were unable to move it before
a train appeared. Mrs. Peterson and
the children had ample time to leave
the auto before it was stnick by
th train.
Shoes at this Wonderful Shoe Sale. We have
far over-reached our expectations in selling shoes in
this Sale, which will continue ALL THIS WEEK at
-,. .-
the Same Startling Prices.
Look Over the Prices and
Men's Dress Shoes
Men 's lace black and brown
Dress Shoes, regnlar .$10.00
bo at...
Men's lace black and brown
Dress Shoes, regular $12
Shoes, regular $13 to $15
go at.
ess ouoes, regular jpii
t ............$7.95
Men's heavy work black and
brown Shoes, regular $10
go at
Men's broken lines Hanan
Shoes, reg. $18
grades now. . .
Ladies' Dress Shoes
Ladies' broken lines Dress
Shoes, button and lace, brok
en sizes $5 and $6 Q Qf
grades, go at. . . . ..yL,JO
Ladies' broken lines Ilanan
Shoes, all sizes under 4, for
merly sold as high as $12.00
.TT.g? $4.95
Ladies' $10 and $12 Dress
Shoes all kid and some-cloth
top, to go gg
Ladies High and Low Heel,
brown kid vamp with cloth
top, regular $10 grades, all
i" $7.95
Ladies' New Oxfords, just
arrived, $10 grades, high and
low heels, brown and black
kid and patent 7 Qf
leather, to go at pD
Children! and Boys Shoes
Dozens of lines of Children's
Shoes to close out in all
Boys' Shoes, sizes 1 to 6, best
black calf blucher and but
ton, regular $6
grade to go at.
Big line Girls' Shoes, sizes
ll1,-: to 2, in button and lace
kid, gunmetal and patent, to
close out QJ
Big line Girls' Shoes, size
lV to 2, highest grade made
in all leathers, Q nr
to close out
Ladies' new Pumps in kid
and patent, some with
buckles, $9.00 and $10.00
grades, to flJC QC
close out.. O
Ladies' new Pumps in kid
and patent, some with
buckles, $9.00 and $10.00
grades to close
out ..........
Ladies highest grade Kid
Comfort Shoes, regular $6
grades, best p
quality go at. . . .p J.jJ)
Hanan Shoes
Selby Shoes
Fox Pumps
Dux Bax Oil
Witch Elk
Ball Band
Ladies and Men's Felt
House Slippers, frne qual
ity, $3.00 and $3.50 grades
at.. $1.95, 2.35
Bring your repair work in,
we use only the highest
grade leather and employ
only first-class workmen.
All work put out is abso
lutely guaranteed.
Wednesday; all 50c Rub
ber Heels put on Wednes
day only at One- Op
Half price ZdC
326 State St, Next to Ladd & Bush Bank
Wrecked Tacoma Speedway
to Be Speedily Rebuilt
TACOMA March 23. Plan for
the Immediate reconstruction of
about $;. ft0 worth of grandstand
of Tacoma motor speedway, destroy
ed by fire yesterday, were before a
committee here tonight. The track
van not damsced and !t l. not ex
pected the fire will interfere with
the htlulrl 2:r.-nrle race for
$25.00ii puie in the national auto
mobile championship of the A. A. A.
July 5.
It's Mercury! Quick
silver 1 Shocks the
Liver Danger 1
You're bilious, but take "Cascar
rts!" You have a thu.bbinc sen
sation in your head, a bad taste In
your mouth, your eyes born, your
tkin is yellow, with darkiliuu under
your eyes; your lip are parched,
your bowels are constipated. No
wonder yon feel foggy, mean and
Ill-tempered. You need Caacarets
tonight. Don"t continue being a bil
ious nuisance to yourself aiid those
who love you. and don't resort to
harsh physics that Irritate and In
jure. Remember that most disorders
of the stomach, liver and bowels arc
tnded by msrning with gejjtle, harm
less Caseart-t they work while you
fleep. never gripe, shock, slrtcen or
inconvenience you. They're grand!
Dress Goods Mgp
Poles in Biz Battle;
One Tank IsjCaptared
WARSAW. March 22. Extreme
ly heavy fighting Is reported on the
Polish front. A communication is
sued today explains that after the
greatest artillery preparation yet ex
perienced, the Holshevik infantry ad
vanced In column against the bridge
head at Zwiehel aided by tanks and
armored motor cars. "After a sharp
engagement." says the communica
tion, "the Polish troops launched a
counter-attack with bayonets and
hand grenades, driving the enemy
far from the Polish line."
"The Poles." the communication
continues, "captured one tank and
some machine guns and prisoners.
Simultaneously the Poles attacked
the seventh Bolshevik division, which
iwas on the offensiva'ln the sector of
Emilozen and compelled the enemy
to retreat easterly, abandoning his
batteries, horses, ammunition carts
and machine guns. At other points
attempts to cross the river Sloe?
were checked."
The communication adds that In
tensive artillery .fire continues by
both sides along this- and other sec
tors, and that the Itolshevlk are
concentrating as rapidly as possible
and re-forming their shattered units
for re-attacking.
i Skeleton Is Uncovered
Near Columbia Highway
HOOD RIVER- Or.. March 23.
Mystery surround? the discovery of
portions of skeleton. The discov
ery was made Just west of Ruthtou
grade on the Columbia Riv
er highway. bones, half bur
led, ware found at a point about SO
feet from, the intersection of tno
main highway and a new road Just
opened to abutting ranches.
of the
"wwwwi qgiuaawaauaaaawrya "" w
mm.. , , r in,.. aMI, , , ..a, .'Ij.
Roy Stewart In Trlanti Play;'
"The Boss of the Lazy Y7
Roy Stewart in Triangle
Tlay, "Ho of The
Lazy Y"
A Thrilliu Western Pho
toplay of the Mont Artistic
Onler, Adapted from
Charles Alden Seltzer
Novel hythe Same Name!
Love, Hatred, Quiek
Shootintr, Hard Riding
and Faith!
Village Blacksmith
Vaudeville Friday
AT LESS than factory Cost. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday only. 1500 yards all-silk Crepe de
Chine and Georgette Crepe.
OurbejtqnaUty40-iii.AlWnkG'cedeau&e. 40-in.
All-Silk Georgette Crepe. But all yon wact, per
yard W
A Special that is timed to meet the demands for
this much-wanted material for women's and girlys
Easter apparel.
Old Bom
and Other
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Commercial and Court Street Formerly Chicago Sten
llair and Iob Ita
To stop lalllns hair at once aa4
rid the scalp of evry particle of
dandruff, get a amall bottle of de
lightful "Danderlne' at any drug
or toilet counter for a tew centa.
pour a little In your hand and rub
It Into the scalp. After everat ap
plication the hair usually stop com
In out and you can't find any dand
ruff. Help your balr grow long,
thick and atrong. and become roft.
glonay and abundant.
Clark Sentenced to Do
Sixty Days in BastUe
Ray Clark vu sentenced to serve
Co days In the county jmll by Judge!
i nrun or me justice court yesieroay.
Clark pleaded guilty to carrying a
concealed weapon. Later Clark an4
Mary Truth, alias Mary Fletcher,
were arraigned la the circuit court
before Judge Dlngham. Thy were
indicted by the grand Jury for statu
tory offense.
Clark and the woman pleaded
guilty to the grand jury charge.
Judre Ulnrham sentenced Mary
FVtcber 10 serve ls months la the
county Jail. On account of her small
son of three years she was paroled.
The case against Clark In the circuit
court was continued.
There la to reaaoa sadrr tie t-x
why everybody should want t ru
for president the aaa year.
The Best Way of
Practicing Dentistry
Wilson, With Warning,
Quits Coal Price Control
WASHINGTON. March 1. With
a warning against profiteering.
President Wilson today ordered
abandonment of government control
over bituminous coal prices snd
aked miners and operators to ne
gotiate a new working agreement on
the basis of the majority report of
the coal strike settlement commis
sion. The president ordered termination
of price control on Anrll 1. hi tfc
new work In r sereetnni wnuM in
come effective.
This wr:i Dermlt t rvrtf.i
absorption In coal nrlr.a r i i..
crease in miners' wages established
i zi per rent by the commission's
majority report. The Increase in
,n commission enJmsted
1200.000.000 and Includes the M
!tt!.,. ,ncrt warded the mlaera
-r,u,nK me recent strike
mJJlT'0"- bow. re re
nnXr1 br. Ih P'dn hat unre.s
nl Bb eBl,i:iM -ot result from
15'lr'exdpVnsesf ,nCr"
frlrir.0:.?' ? "renc.
been set rement has not
u. 1 - -ar" V I
A professor writes that Treslden:
Wilson is suffering from thromb.i-
'sin. Come agala. professor.
THERE is only oneway to practice
good dentistry at a moderate
price to patients, and that is on a
large scale and according to a system.
Dentistry has too many branches and
too many details for one man to do it
well alone in a small office.
There is extracting, filling, treating,
artificial plate-making, crown and
unagc work, examinations, receiving V,
pauenis, bookkeeping, collecting. w
reeord-kccDinc bovine suonlir-a. n.iv.
mg wins, ana many oilier business ca.rixxrs
details to be looked after.
Under the E. It Parker System a number r RcgUlcrei'
Dentists, mechanical dentists, graduate nurses, stencj
raphers, bookkeepers and attendants work tegrther"!
much the same way as banks and other successful lc
ncss enterprises arc conducted.
Each has some particular kind of work to da, and
becomes expert at it. doing it Letter and in less time.
Advertisements are put in the papers telling hat good
dental work is done by this modern System, and mairy
patients come in and have tlicir teeth cared for. 1
In this way better dentistry Is given for less rooory,
ccauje where the practice is large, ihe price can be m
tnullcr. This way of practicing dentistry is the xaodcra
way and the bcr.t way.
You arc invitcxl to call and see what an improTetacat
has been made in dental work under the E. IL Verier
System. When you call, your teeth can be examined aad
reliable advice giCn without clurge.
Registered Dentists Using .the
Dr. D. K. Orda Zr. &. B. KHar
Dr. 7. V. Grvif
EUU and CcmmercisJ BtrtvU