The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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(opals of tha Aaaaal fitatemert of the
.PnnylvfcniA Lumbermen's '
Mutual Fire Ins. Co.
f Philadelphia, la the State of Pennsylvania,
on the 3Ut day of December, 1919, mad l
tar insurance lommisstootr ol the Hiaie o(
tfregoa, pursuant to law:
' Income.
5t r)remlams received during
the year $ 7S4.3tf6.16
latere!, dividends and irnts
received during the year . . . 52.369.42
I a come from other sources re-
eivs during the yesr .... 31,292.30
Total income . 837,898.08
Xet tosses paid during the year
ineiaaiaf aajnstmsot ex
penses 20S.306.63
Pividends paid to policy holders 268.520.94
Mauri paid during tho year 4tt.U27.42
Tes. licenses and fees paid
during ths year 17.221.40
Amount of all other expenditores 89.32tf.47
norrowea money repaid
Deereaxe by adjustment book
value , . 31.614.25
Tatal expenditures f 74,1,110.17
' i ' liuli
of stocks and bonds
vied (market value) - 021.150 00
Ioair on mortgagee 194.10U.lK)
Caili la banks and on band . . "8.417. 40
fretainma in course of collection
Written sioee September 3,
1919 . , j 40.797.57
Interest and reuia duo and ac
crued 14,980.(19
Total assets 91.253.513 06
Market valuo on bonds and
stork over oar rata 46.897.00
Total assets admitted in Orrgrm. 81,300,4 12.06
flrsas rlslms far leases aapaid, S 23,957.56
Amooat of uaeara4 premiuma
on all outstanding risks ... 364,294.17
Due for inspection rhargea . . . 4,408.
All other liabilities 10,210.27
Total liabilities, exclusive of
rapilal stork 9 402.960.50
, , Basins sa la Oregon for tho Tear.
V-A ' . I- . I 1 . .
i yrFiniuini receiTeu during
tho year ...... .$ 5,327.75
Ioses paid during the year . . 440.91
I l0sa incurred during the year. 1.1M3.30
riJE 1X8. CO.
Edward P. Hensoa. President.
Harry Humphreys, Heeretary.
Htstotory resident attorney for service:
9. I. Haley. Portland. Ore.
Synopsis of tho Annual Statement of the
British America Assurance
f Taronta, in 1he Dominion of Canada, nn
bo Slat day of Docewber. 1919,' made to the
loiaranco Commissioner o( tho 8tato of Ore-
.oa, pursuant to) law:
' Capital.
Amount of deposit capital ...t 200.0o0.00
- Income.
Vet-eaaluma received during
l tho year 91,466,057.79
Interest, ' dividends ' and renta
received during tba year ... 88,496.19
,'nenroa from other sources re
e.ited daring tho year .... 218,748.94
Tatal Income 91,775.302.91
Disburse man ts.
'rt losses paid during tho year
including adjustment ex
cuses .f 750.100.30
'omraUsioas and salaries paid
during the ysar 491,599.97
"sxft, liceuaaa and fees paid
daring tho year 63.173.30
Vmoaal of all other txpeoditurrs 647,160.85
Total expenditures ....... .91,952,034.63
. . Aaaott. '
r'aluo at atneka and bonda
owned (market value .....1,969.481.57
'sii in banka and aa hand .. 236,774.01
r mii Isms la eourss of collection
: written, sinew September 80,
1919 ......... 139,637.07
ateraat and reata duo aad a
tnie .................... 31,457.81
Total aasets 92,297,350.49
.ess special deposits iaaay slats
(if aay thsro be) 9 68.761.00
Total assets admitted in Oregaa. $2,23 1,589.46
Jrosa rlaima far, osoa; unpaid,!, 193,873.35
' mount of unearned premiuma
oa all outstsndtng risks.... 1,272,45.8
'us for commissioa aad broker.
ago 1,500.00
111 other liabilities ......... 49,523.89
; Total llabllltlsa, rxcluslvo of
capital atock 91,517,850.59
Baslassa Is Oragoa far taa Taar.
't premium reeaived during
tHo year ............... ..t 32.094.69
onsea paid during tha year .. " 2.237.94
.eases incurred during tho year 8,956.94
W. B. Meikle, Preaident.
'. '. Z. V. Oarrow, Secreury. ' u
Byaopsis of tbe Aaaaal Btatemeat of 'tha
Lumber Mutual Fire Insurance
- Co.
f Boston, la, tha State of Massachusetts, oa
a Slat day. of Dewembor. 1919, mads la tba
naursnee Commissioner of the State of Ore
u, pursaaot to law;
- Xaceaa,
et premiums received during
the year , f 795,995.-46
I rest, ditldenda and renta
reeaived, daring the year ... 69.460.02
come from other sources re
vived during tha year .... 35.470.00
Total Income . . .8 900,925.48
t losses paid during the year
including adjustment ex-
prases 219,626.59
vioens paid during tba year. 286,922.05
uinmiasions aud salaries naid
during tha year, .......... 111,029.25
si . iiecaaea ana Jeea paid
during tho year 22,093.75
men at of all other expenditurea 30,377.13
Total ' expenditures . . . .
Aaaota. -
f 670,048.39
slue of bonds owned market
value) ....81
aslr ia banks and on hand..
rrmiuma in coarse of collection
written since September 30.
i 1BI9 .i..,
oterest duo and accrued' .....
304.400 OO
Total assets
- - - - -. ..... ....
special derosits in any stste
m iT iifi isaaaf.s j-i Si V Sr rj.f aWr'
s- , '
HEN you receive
there's not that
might be lost or stolen as in case of cash. You
know that ybull wait until you present it at the
bank hef ore endorsing it and that it isn't good
to anyone ehe in the meantime. .
With a United States National Bank CHECKING
ACCOUNT you'll be benefitting the other fel
low in that way too.
ill: L...,
(if any thero be) 9 4.321.12
Total assets admitted in Oregon. l,.oi, j3.o
Gross claims for tosses unpaid. 9 26,90.l
Amount of once reed wreaHnaae
on all outstanding rik . . . 379.592.90
All other liabilities Il.04tf.t7
Total liabilities. - exclusive of
capital stock.. 41 6.732. 3t
Business la Oragoa for tho Tsar.
Net premiums received during
the year'J $ 4..V.9.13
losses paid during the year.. 491. 2
lsra incurred during the year 3.103 97
(teorge H. Iaenport. President.
Harry K. Stone. Secretory.
Statutory resident attorney for service:
K. I. Kinlcjr, Portland, Oregon.
Srnopsis of tho Annual Statement of the
Globe Indemnity Company
f New York, in the Stats of New York, on
the 31st day of December,- 1919. made to
the Insurance rommissioner of the iMate of
Oregon, pursusul to law:
Capital. .
Amount of capital stock paid -up. 9 75o,boO.OO
Net premiuma received during
tho year 7,955.534.16
Ir.ltrest. lividenda and rents
received during-the year .. 324,434.19
Income from other sources re
ceived during the year .... 1.132.51
Total income .28l,104 6
Disburse maata.
Net losses paid during the year
Including adjustment ex
pense. .'. .9 3.135,217.94
Dividends paid on capital stork
during the year 150,000.00
Commissions and salaries paid
during the year 2,229,611.11
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the yesr 261,462.93
Amount Of all ether expenditures 332,332.56
. Total expenditures 9.lMi24.54
Value of real estate owned i market-value)
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market value) C.
Cash in banks and on hand . 1
Premiuma in course of collection
793.440 Ml
written since September 311,
1919 1
..tts.ato 2
All Other aftrts
Interest and rents duo aud ac
crued 271,523.44
Total assets . .'. 310.394.573 49
Total assets admitted in Oregon.! lo.394,573.4
Cross rlaima for losses unpaid. f4.071.980.98
Amount of unearned premiums
on all outstanding risks ... 3,5!W,,.'44,19
Due for commission and broker
age 343,391.05
All other liabilities, taxes, sal
aries, etc 220,000.00
Voluntary reserve for clsima.. 4tHl.Mo.oo
Total liabilities, exclusive of
capital atock of 9750.000 . . 9.631.916.52
BostBoaa la Oragoa for tba Ytar.
Net premiums received during
the year f 15.528.00
Losses paid daring tba year... 4.087.51
Losses incurred during the year 2.907.51
H. Drfncan Reed. President.
F. 1L Kingsburg. Secretary.
Statutory resident attoraev far service:
James D. Hart, Portland, Oregon. '
Bjnopsis of tho Annual Statement of tha
Equitable Life Insurance
of Iowa, in tho Stato at Iowa, an the Slat
day of December. 1919, made to tba Ia
sursnro Commissioner of tho Statu of Oregon,
pa rattan t to law:
Aanonnt ef capital atock paid up.f 300,000.00
Tatal premium iaeotna far tha
year $6,632,033.93
Ieterest, auvidanda aad reata
received daring ths year . . 1.401,093.44
laeaasa from other sources re
ceived daring tha year 314,322.26
Total Income.............. 98.347.431.63
; XHabaraomaBta.
Paid for Joaaea. endowments,
'annaitioa aad lurrendcr val-
aea :;......VV..-..,.'.:,...fIfB78,397.0a
Divideuus paid to policyholdcra
daring the year 924,991.80
Dividends paid aa capital atock
daring tha iyear 21,000,000
Commissions and . aalaries paid
during Oo year 1,621,439.71
Taxes, limaaea aad feoa paid
daring the year 16tf.2S4.64
Araeuat of all other expenditures 439.260.24
Total expenditures ...$4,851,363.43
Value of real eatato owaod (mar
ket value) 9 800.000.00
Valaa of atock a and , bonda
owned (market ar amortised
value) 2.465.389.61
Loans on mortgage aad collat
eral, etc ' 21,598,642.03
Premium notes and policy
1 . m .(A A A Jk
Cash- ia bank aad aa hand .. 219,471.56
Ket uncollected aad deterred
premiuma 458,294.17
Interest aad reata due and ac-
crued 732.120.49
Other aasets (net) 25.114.73
Total assets admitted .....$28,649,067.22
Less special deposits ia any state
(if aay there b) (Virgiaia$ 15.000.00
Total assets admitted ia Orcgea.$28.6S4,067.22
0 lUabUiUss.
Ket reserves $23,589,726.43
Gross clsima- for losses, unpaid 134,533.87
All other liabilities, exclusive
f capital stock of $300,000 2,624.804.92
Total liabilities, eselaeive of
espital atock of $300, ooo. $28,349,067.22
Buaiaess la Oragoa far tho Tsar.
Oroaa nreaaiama received dor-
Ing the year $ 60,161.19
Premium and dividends re -
turned daring tba year .... 5.030.74
Losses paid during tho year 5.5O0.00
M. H. Nollera, President.
F. W. Hubbeler, Asst. Secretary.
Statutorv resident attorney for service:
T. J. Binder.
The Stateman's Classified
Ads. Bring Results
- - -. -a.- ' r.A-.-.v-,e. j; . ,v .i 1
a check from someone,
feeling of fear that it
Srnnpsi of the Annual Sttwt of the
General Fire Assurance Company
of Ptns in the KepnMic of France. on tho
3it day ( Ie-eeer, Iult. made IO tee In
surance t'ommisMnner of the Mate of Oregon,
pursuant to Ijw :
Aaioeut- of deposit rovttJ . ..9 3 IC.OOO.rto
Net preminma received during
the e 91.10rt.521.73
Interest, dividends anJ rents
received ilurins the yesr ... 50.430 4
Income from other seorrrs re-
ceited during ths year .... 14.KPO 62
Total income . . f 1. 1 74.3 43 OJ
Ne losses paid dunac ike year
including adjustment ex-
peaeea 454.193 43
Co3iuii.ina sad salaries aiil
during the jear 326,155.9
Tract, lu-enses snd fee paid
during the vear 43.641.01
Amount of all other expenditures i0.927.04
Total expenditures $ 904.9o7.5O
Value of t-ke and bonda
owned" (market value) . . . . 91.274.u30.Oo
Cash- in saks and on band 09.41.74
Premium, in ronre of collection
written sinrr Meplcsnber 30,
1919 236.19o.39
Reinsurance recoverable on
paid leases 1.094.77
Interest and renta due and
erurd 14.M6.23
Tutal assets 8l.r.l.l.l3
Tots! ase adntltted in Orecon.$l,616.091.l3
Grosa rlaima for losses unpaid. $ 179,104.41
Amount of unearned premiums
oa all outstanding risks ...
Ihie for commission and broker
age 17.877.23
All other lUbihiiea 22.5tMl.lw
Totsl liabilities, exclusive of
capital atock $1,062,747.45
Basiaess la Oragoa far tba Tsar.
Net premiuma received during
the year a Iu.T2.ftl
4ssra paid daring tho year... 6.332.17
losses incurred during the year 4.512.17
A. Hiodrett. ef and fur ed f.
J sues A ' V. K. Mars.
Statutory resident attorney for service:
A. W. Whitmer, Pittock Jllock. Port
land, Oregon. ,
Synopnie of the Annual Statement of the
Fitchburg Mutual Fire Insurance
f Fitchburg. in the Slate of Maasarhusetts,
on the 31st day of Ifecember, 1919, made to
the Insurance Commissioner ef the Stale of
Oregon, pursuant to law:
Xet premiums received during
the yesr $ 409.699.9 4
Interest.' dividends and renta
received duriar the year ... 15.7-i4.19
Income from other sources re
ceived during tba year 18.688.18
Total income $ 444,142.31
Net losses paid during the year
including adjustment ex
penses $ 166.611.81
Commiasious and salaries paid
durinc the vear 84.317.49
Taxes, licenses and feea paid
during the year 8.237. 90
Amount of all other expenditurea 116.164.12
Total expenditurea ........ t 375,551.32
Value of real estate owned (mar
ket value) 9 55.000.00
Value of stocks and bonda
owned (market value) 254.517.50
Re insurance duo oa paid losaea 5,I39.60
Casa ia banks and oa hand... 8.27 6.3si
Premiums ia course of collect ioa
written sine September 30.
1919 46.399.90
Interest aad renta due aud ac-
rrued 3.419.64
Total assets 9 372.653.10
Tour assets admitted in Oregoa.$ 372.653.10
Gross claims for looses aapaid.$ 20,7.96.27
Amount of aoearaed premiums
oa all outetandiag risks .... 2ln.04.ll
All other liabilities , . 10.326.32
Total liabilities, exclusive of
rsx-ital stork $ 206.567.70
Bualnaaa la Oragoa far tba Tsar.
Net presaiama received during
the year $ 2.889.04
Losaea paid daring tho year . 40.00
Losses Incurred during the year 1.448.69
Isineolo R. Welch. Iwesideat.
Frederick W. Porter. Secretary.
Statutory resident attorney for service :
P. J. Finley. Portland. Ore.
SyaopaU of tha Aaaaal Ststement of tba
American Druggists' Fire
Insurance Co.
of Cinciaaati ia tha Bute of Ohio, aa the
Slat day af December, 1919. made t the
Insurance Commissioner af the State of
Oregon, pursuant to law:
Amount of capital stock paid up.$ 200,000.00
Xet premiums received daring
the yesr $ 320,610.82
Interest, dividends aad reata
received daring the year .... 24.457.36
I a come from other sources re
ceived during the year 664.16
Total income $ 245.932.36
Xet losses paid duriag tha year
" lac lading adjuatment ex-
penaea $ 43.397.44
DivideaJa paid en rapilal atock
' duriag the year 20,OOO.fw
Coeamifcsioae aad aalaries paid
during the year 48,796.87
Taxes, licenses and feea paid
daring tho year 22.870.79
Amount of all other expenditurea 35,895.07
Total expenditures $ 172.960.17
Vslue of real estate owned f mar
ket value) $ 46,785.46
Value o: storks and bonda
owned f market value) 4a0,080.OO
Other assets r.5,261 87
Cask ia banks and aa band .. 6.3 42.49
Premiuma in course of collection
written since September 3.
1919 24. 667.98
Interest aad renta due aad ac
crued' 5.042.45
Total assets 9 628.I80.25
Total asset a admitted la Oregon. $ 628,180.2:;
Oroaa claims for losses unpaid. $ 3,650.37
Amount or unearned premiuma
oa all.ootstsnding risks . 115,694.00
All other liabilities 31.127.42
Totsl liabilities, exclusive af
espital atock $ 150.471.79
XsslBesa la Oregea far tha Tsar.
Xet premiums received duriag
the yesr . $ 4,221.76
Losses psid during tho yesr. . 24.00
Cfcas H. Avery. President.
Frank H. Pree ricks. Secretary.
Statutory resident attoraey for service:
Carl A. Plata. Klamath Falls. Ore.
ftvaopsis of the Anansl ft ta tomcat of
The Central Manufacturert
Mutual Ins. Co.
of Van Wart, la tha Atat m.1 ftMM M v
Slat day of IW ember. 1919. made to the
issaraaco vasamiastoner ol the State of Ore
gon, purrnsat to law:
Ket premiums received daring
taa year 91,401.067.30
Ieterest. tlivideada and rents
received during the year . . . 68.624.23
I a come from other sources re-
reived during the year 1 4. OOO 00
Total income $1,463,691.53
Xet lasses paid duriag tba year
lacruding adjoataseat as
xienses a in am ti
Commissions sad salaries paid
- osriBg taa year 306.604.0S
Taxes, Ureases . and fees psid
dariaar the vear o ais v
Amount af all other expenditurea 240594.79
Tsui spenditarea $1,051,644.79
Value af real estate owned (mar
ket value) $ 40,000.00
Value af storks and bonds
owned (market value
Loans aa mortgages and collat
eral, etc. 1 7.o.0
r.a ,a banks aad on bead... I59.M8.M
Premiums ia course of rollcrtioa
written inr epiemlHr ", -
191lt I'.tl.ltS.ji
Interest and renia due and ac
crued 11,21X1.14
Total saw is 91. 647.21. 55
Less special deposits in any stale
(if sir there be), book value
of hwoda $ 3t.365.00
Total assets admitted ia Ore
gon utcr marked value $1,61653.55
Oruss claims for losses anpsid.$ 82)331.11
A mail at of aoeamed premiums
on all outstanding rWka 723.667.14
Ihie fur commissioa aad broker
sge ; 36.058.39
All other liabilitiea lj.txxi.OO
V Total liabilities, exclusive of
capital stock ....$ n59.071.63
Baalnsaa la Oragoa for tha Tsar.
Net premiums received during
the year $ 11.61475
losses paid during the year. . 1.VHK.05
Losaea ieenrred during the r .1.551.47
N. V. Olner. preaideat.
C. A. L. Piveasort. heeretary.
Synopsis of the Aaaaal Statement of tba
Massachusetts Fire and Marine
Insurance Company
of Boston, in th Htato of Maaasrkasatts. oa
tba 311 day of Iecember, 1V19, made to the
lasursnce (ovomissioaer nf the State of Ore
gon. pursusat to low:
Amount of capital atock paid op. $500,000. 00
Net premiums received duriag
the yesr $1,276,107.10
laterest. dividends sad reals
received during the yesr . . 7U79.73
Income from other sources re
ceived 'daring the yesr .... 1.368.02
Total inrom $l,347.-'.'.4.3
Net losses psid during the year
including adjasrment ex
panses $ 732.1106.63
Dividends paid on capital atrk
during the year SO.OOO.uo
Commissions aad ealariee paid
during the year 408,914.92
Tats, licenses snd feea paid
during the year 47.270.6a
Amount of nil other expenditures 73,8-46.70
Total expenditarea $1,292,046.75
Value of stocka aad bonda
owned (market value) . . . . $ I.388.IMI4 OO
Loans on mortgages aad collat
eral, etc 4i,MMH
Cash ia banks aad an hand .. 244,421.27
Premiums in course of collection
written aiaee ieptember 3" I,
1919 1 183.M8.29
Reinsurance recoverable an
paid loases 7,614.36
Interest and rents due and ac
crued 10.901.16
Total assets $1,876,269.08
Total assets admitted in Oregon. $l.n76,269.0
Orosa claima for losaea saoaid.$ 320,337.47
Amount ef unearned premiums
n all oBtstaading risks ... oo,izi.vo
Dae for commissioa aad broker-
age . 138.05
All other liabilitiea 28.910.51
Kurplua - 226.771.15
Total liabilities, esclastve af
capital stock of $5oO. OOO. $1,376,269.08
Xaaioass u Orsgo for taa Taar.
Net premiams received duriag
the year 9 .s
Everett A. Beaton. PreaiJeat.
VTalter Mi liar d. Hecxeury.
Statatery resident attoraey far arrvice:
Gilbert II. parka m. 284 USk Ft.
Portland, Oregon.
ftyaopats of tha Aaaaal Statement af
The Bankers Life Company
af Des kfoiara. ia tflo fttate of Iowa, oa tba
21st day of December. 1919, mode to tho
lasurance Coanauasioaer af tba state af
O-cgnn, po'tnsnt to law:
Total presnlam iacome far tba
year- ...-.. u,02J.uo..: a
laterest. dividends and reata -
received daring the yeas- .. 1,864,103 81
lacosno from otlser aoareea re
ceived during the year .... 650.4I5 7J
TeUl iacome $13,559,613 CO
raid for losses, endowmeats.
aeunities aad sarreader vol-
mVSata oaoeaoaooaaooe oa 98al S9aS9a9.s0
Dividaada paid to policy holders
Oanaa the year .. . alw.sB.3
CtMisi it-nx sapervtswa aad .
l.rr-h aalaries paid
duriag the year ' . . . J.217.940.04
Taxes, licenses aad fees paid
daring tno year 236,798.37
Amount of all other expenditurea 1,116.494.59
Totsl ezpeaditares
Value of real estate owaed (mar
ket xslue) $ 60,000 00
Value of stocks snd bonda
awned (market ar aeaertUed
value) 3.749.984 74
Lr-oaa on mortgages aad collat
eral, clc 32.447.516.73
Pr-mum notes and policy
l..ens 1.194.365 94
Can ia banka and oa hand ... 542.391. S3
Net uncollected and deferred
I rrmiuma 901.947.16
laierest aad renta duo aad ac
crued 985.532.-.':
(Hhel assets acl) 87.743.92
Tc:l s.v.s (gross) 939.919.4:. '
Isedi-t aksela not admire I ... 47" 6? 64
Total aaaeta admitted in Oregoa. $39,448,857.1 J
Net reserves 921.137.36fl.67
(iroks rlaima for losses aapaid 463.097.ou
All other liabilities, including
apecial funda 17.193.598.57
Coi lingeucy reaerve C94.atM.99
Total liabilitiea. esrlaaive of
cat. it I atock r39.449.857. 13
Basiaess la Oragoa far tba Tsar.
Orosa t-remiams and a tar su
mmit during tha year . ...$ 144. 825. 50
Losses paid during Ike year . 13o.5oOOa
tte. Knhne. president.
1. W. Fowler, Bocretary.
Htalutory resident attorney for service:
F. I.. Emery. Portland. Oregoa.
"I guppose) you are cmpalrDln
imonr th nla.ln rril ?
MNo. I want the treaoty to( and
I want yours madam."
She promised It. Kansas City
This is the finest Chick Start
er on the market and is to be
fed the first few weeks. Chicks
will grow and thrive better on
this feed than any other feed
we have ever been able to se
cure. No sick chicks if you feed
this great feed.
Try a sack and see the results
Phone 160 255 State St.
ftenopaia of the Anneal Statement of
The ridelity Mutual Life
Insurance Company
of Philadelphia, in the Male ef Pee-srl
tenia, oa the 3 1st day of Isecember. 1919.
made to tue laaursnce t wasaaiaaiwner of the
Mate of Ortgoa. parsaaat to low:
Total premiaaa income lor the
year $4.5i5.459 74
laterest, oividcnds and rrnt
received dsrtnjtlie year .. 1.M9.039 2I
Incoase from eloer seorreo re
ceived doni g the year 241.340 87
Total iacome
.fS.747.739 83
Paid for lot art, endowments,
annuities snd surrender val
ues $3,229.363 37
Dividend paid to policy holders
dartng the year 773.342.43
Commisaeons and salaries aad
agency expenses paid dariag
ths )rar 913.712.33
T ft am lae-awt gsawaa 4h SBal eem ( aa4
dwriac tbe year 96.919 49
Ameuntof nil other expenditures 777.791 99
Horrowed aaones incident to
4lh Libert Loon 975. OOO .00
Totsl etpcnd.luret $6.769.04$.90
Value af real eatale ow nod (mar-
ket valaet $1,559,000 43
Value of atocka and bonda
owned (slocks or bonda vat
el 14.746.136.21
Loans on ssortcsces and col lat
eral, etc 14.421.640 63
Premium antes aad policy
loaas . 7.0SS.79O tl
Csai ia lenka and on hood... &47,I9S.16
Net aaro'lrcted nnd deferred
x.rrilum 499.666 16
Interest snd rents due aad ac
crued 460.466.2e
Other start t (net) 560.4S7.79
Totsl asset. 93V.930.5I5.12
Lett sueetsl d coos. is ia ant atate
(if anv there he) 9 SO.BS6 17
Totsl sssets admitted la Oregea $39,7W.6;S 91
, IdaatUUas.
Net reserves ta mslsre holier
rontrsrts $34,420,046 47
Orosa rlaima for lostea unpaid 15.4I79
An other natalities 3.o85t.49
Surplus 1.375.477.U9
Totsl liabilities., $J9.199.50t.l4
Business ia Oragoa fsr Ua Taar.
Orosa premiuma received- dar
ing the year $ 51.346 2
Premiuma aad dividends re
turned during the year .... 5.399 87
lsnra paid duriag the year.. 45.299. 1"
Walter LeMar Talbot. President,
(has. a. Hodge. Heeretary.
Htslatery reeideat atlomey for service:
T. J. Xendenhail,rortian. vregoa.
Hynopaia of Ibo Annual Statrsneat ef the
New Jersey Fidelity and PlaU
Olasa Inmrance Co.
of Newark, ia the Stale of New Jersey, oa
tae Stat aay ai ajecesneca. m,
the insuranra Oomamaaiaaer af the Htato af
Oregon, pursaaat to law:
Amouat of capital stock paid up $ 400.000.00
Net premiuma received auring
.k. .... 81137 117 99
laterest. divideadl aad rtnts
received asrtag too year...
Iacoeae fraea other aoareea re-
... avam 41 a
reived dariag tat year ....
Total Incosne $1,310,538 23
Til maim
Net lessee paid during the year
lariueiag aajnateaeni ea-
6 6I8S66S4
Dividends paid aa capital atock
duriag tho year 21. OOO OS)
Commissions aad salaries paid
daring the year S66.607.44
Tiaee. Heenses aad feea paid
duriag the yesr "
Amount af all other espendtlsres 25.464 46
Tatal expenditures $1,098,184.17
Valaa af atecks aad bonds
owaed t market vatue)
Lea a a oa asart gages aad eallat-
oral, etc
Cask ia banks aad aa bead ..
Premiama la ewurte of oet tee toss
37.651 J
written since BetHessoer u,
t oa o
170.711 65
20.81 4-61
A wm ..............-..
laterest aad reals dae aad ac
Totsl assets $1,719,956 76
Totsl asaeta admitted in Oregoa. $1,729.86.76
Gross claims for looeea aapaid.. $ 444.759.23
Amwnnl of unearned premiums
oa sU ontstaadiag risks . . . 564.66T.0T
Dwo for iiaaimii aad broker
All other Uabiliiics
Totsl UsUUtles. esrlaaieo af
Capital atock of $400.000. $!.r92.!4S.71
aastasos U Orags far tba Tsar.
Ket premiama received dariag
tba year 832 94
Io sacs paid daring taw year.. 214.16
Leases Incurred daring the year 314 IS
Ramael. C Hesrlsad. President.
Harry C. Heddea, Secretary.
fHalalory resideot atloroey for aervtre:
Campbell, ftmtih A Cook.
(Coniinuwd from pate 1)
9.' 191S. you still thought Ooaaral
Pershins's sapfrly arranaaaiwrita bay
hind ths Argonne front had broken
and too never ei pre ted him to sof
ceed there."
"That Is the veriest kind of rot,"
rttorted tho admiral. "No officer
No matter what it it, from a tlireihinr, madime. Hone, or cow, to a paper of pxai.
The farmer b the best bajer.
Pabliihed fa Salem. Oregon, will place your adrertiicment ia the hand of 20
000 farmers and they read it
Bargain Colxxmn ads coit only 3 cents a word, or 21 ' cents a word for
four or more insertions.
Try It
SUtesxrun Bollding, Salens, Oregon
Read The Pacific Homestead, Weekly, J 1 a year. YonH find it well worth whOe.
Prince Christopher of Greece
Bride, Who
i. r:
t a v
- - - i . -v v- i t v
. i a
e ; r m . v
". y.,-1
- ... 'ta-
I a. - X
.... V ;J n
; f V .) I t
' I - -" y ! 1 ,
V .'i.vus-. r;J
W . , r1 ' t v fr USX? iaaC
lrtrsre "hrl-4rj4ieT suad IMctwa Asvaalaala.
Thl9 pbotosraph u taken Immediately after Mrs. William B, Lasda,
of New Tort bad become thm brld of Prinew ChrUtopher of Cr. B
forxi tho eddlnst Montreal. 8-lUerUnd. h bad bees received la to la
Greek Chnrch and sUen the namw'of Ansstajla. Dy ber marrUct Mrs.
Leeds Is the first American vonis to become a princess of r!tslsc royal
family In Europe. Princo Christopher Is th jinel of Kins Aleiasder or
Greece and yonofer brother of former Kins Cootanlln.a
of my experienrt. not to say rwtrd.
would allow himself to bo governed
by ny sncb p4--
-laoa'i ShJs4 riacer at !"
Th beariac today was confined
largely to technical questions regard
ing tbw placing of responsibility for
alleged fallsre to adopt ths convoy
system earlier la tb war. Senator
Plttmso sjssmasi that tb blims did,
no rest entirely with the United
States snd asserted that Admiral
61ms bad been "hot-beaded". In
charging the "murder of S90.O
men to the navy department! "
cause of the alleged lack of prompt
naval cooperation by the Called
Frequent heated verbal clashsw
between Senator Pill ma a and the
witnesses enlivened the bearing for
the spectators. At oa point the sen
ator shook his finger at the officer.
"Dont shake yonr finger at ma"
admonished the adjairal. "It wont
do sny good.
"You are not on the bridge of a
ship retorted the eeaator. "We
will follow senate proved a re. not
navy methods here.
Well yen don't need to nse po
lice court methods. replied Admiral
Last Stretch of Columbia
Highway Contracted For
Throughout the entire length lb
Columbia River highway Is bow com
pleted or under contract. The last
link In ibe entire highway was con
tracted for at today's meeting f
the state highway eoatmlaslou wh
the Job of grading it. J mile
I ween Kuferta and the? Urachal
liver la Wasco eouaty, was awarded.
This means that tbe Columtla high
way Is now being poshed toward
completion from the Paeifle ocean
at Seaalde to Pendleton, be r or 4
which point It Is railed th Old Ore
eon Trail.
and Hi-
Wai Mrs. Wniiam B. Leedi
t ' atl St i
Yon can sell that wvpeYij try
plana a rUaw4fled ad ta The Msiea.
nana. Tbe road ta
TV -
(f ':v
w - i ' a "
' Pile Sufferers
Dwarf BVe Cm Tmtn Tea Try taaa We-on
e-sa Ham Cwrw fmat Awyawo Cew
"-Tas vartiawm tHieooagorS we. I bob mt
rtanev anasle t ace was a
Twottwsr TsSM O stasis a a fly
- 1 oweoolf sX in tea.
Let hit Prorc THj Frte
My I a terms. 1 asvetVeai fee t treataaewt
aafcS rwa neat relief t sxlee t taa
eotrsct oas. Taeamasa ayes le-ao-acads
af UTSUefat totteeo teseufr U thie.
as 4 I w ant yoa ta try this saataad at
bbs- siyesss
Na anatter whataee yaay en a la af
long- Bta4iaa rsceat sveveiv a mew v.
w bather tt ta rhraaw ae aasste nseUsr
It la earcaaseaal ae lrsl. yaw
beal4 oew-4 foe tht frea uiAJ treat
Na matter where yen live aa asat
tee what yesir a are ae asxwaatiaa tf
yosj are uwablew milk e'bee an aawtyaaat
will MlUrs yes eesBtlr ,
1 oopsM-tally want ta swad It ta taaas
aserwatly kesaleM raowa waers all
frr ma af atataaeata. ealvea. aa aCbasr
lo-ral aeatteataosaa hats faUeat
I want yaw ta realise mat tar
od at treat. a a-iieo ta tea aaa
4ervt4alo treat meat
Tata lib-rral affee af frea treat sweat
U taa lanaaetaat far yew ta tveg et a
siagn 4r rite aaw. Sew 6 o ana,
ay. Simalr snail tata casasa Sat
tat new TodaT.
frtn Pila aUssdj
It T. fSfe.
Iltlto lit Ma re a IV
leaea aa4 fre-o utal as' yaae
aa ta