The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 24, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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Fair; moderate southwesterly"
Th ftatermaa rece've th leased
wire report of th Associated Presa.
the grsateat aad nl reliable presa
aa-utin la tt world.
riuci:t nvi: ct.xt
Incomplete Reports Give Him
3000 Lead With Probally
More to Come; Reports In
cluded Most of the Cities
Reports From Districts Where
Wood Was Strong Favorite
Still to Come In
SIOUXX FALLS, S. D.. March 23.
Leonard Wood maintained a lead
of 3000 votes over Frank O. Lowden
for Republican presidential endorse
ment, on the face of returns tabu
lated at 1 a.m. this morning from
603 out of 1740 precincts in SI of
the 64 counties. The vote stood:
Wood 20.257; Lowden. 17.298. and
Johnson 15.282. This tabulation in
cluded reports from nearly every
cuy in mo siare.
Tabulated returns included com
plete or almost complete returns
from Lead. Deadwood. Sioux Falls,
Aberdeen, Mitchell. Huron, Pierre,
Yankton. Watertown, Madison, Can
ton and Vermillion.
Wood received strong support in
the Black Hills and many, far-west
precincts are included in those
which were not heard from. , -
The struggle between Leonard
Wood, Hiram Johnson and Frank O.
Lowden fcr the Republican presi
dential Indorsement at . the South
Dakota primary election today be
, came -one - of fluctuating successes
late tonight when returns from 161
of 1740 precincts showed Wood lead
ing Lowden by 00 rotes and John
son pressing the Illinois gov
ernor.1;, ,
The compiled returns were from
29 to 64 eonnties and were mostly
from . the cities. The vote stood:
Wood. 8837: Lowden, 8234. and
Johnson .7873. Miles -Poindexter
polled a very small vote.
Wtood carried Sioux Falls city by
77 votes over Johnson. Aberdeen
went to Lowden, over Wood, by 25
votes. In Minnehaha county, out
side - of - Sioux Falls. Johnson had a
lead of several hundred votes. The
Continued on page 2)
And She Wore a Ribbon
In Her
Ribbon Time!
Words of similar meaning expressing the same
idea. For what is Easier time to the miss without
a new spring hock and what's a new spring frock
without a Bit of Ribbon?
For the last time, Barnes' Cash store announces
Fashion edict. Many, many seasons have
passed since Ilihlron has played such an impor
tant part as it will this spring and summer.
There will he rihbon vestees for the early spring
frocks and suits, rihbon blousettes to he worn
with short coats, ribbon for lingerie.
Ribbons for complete boudoir sets, conch pil
lows, all kinds of small articles made of Ribbon
for household ornamentation, and, of course,
are made of ribWn. Little girls must have new
hair 1kws and sashes for Easter. And, the
Easter Bride, to be in style this spring, must
have ribbons galore.
and all other
Special Meeting Called Friday Night
Commltte Will Re Named to
Work With South Salem
For the purpose of nominating a
councilman, to represent the fifth
ward in the Salem city council a
special business meeting of the
North Salem Improvement associa
tion has been called for Friday night
of this week at 8 o'clock. The Fifth-
ward's seat on the council is vacant.
It is probable that George Wender
oth will be nominated by tae asso
ciation. The nomination will be in
effect a recommendation and the
city council must, elect.
Another Important piece of busi
ness slated is the appointment of a
special committee to cooperate with
the Richmond Improvement club and
the Salem Heights Improvement
club in procuring improvement of the
respective districts. A central exe
cutive committee will be named
from the three clubs.
The sidewalk committee will re
port at the meeting Friday night.
Suffrage Chance Seems Pret
ty Slim at Last Moment
DOVER. Del.. March 23. With
the possibilities of the defeat of the
ratification of the suffrage amend
ment looming large, preparations
were made today by the Delaware
legislature to have the ratification
measure presented to both houses to
morrow. Arguments for and against
suffrage will be heard Thursday and
leaders of the antt-sunragists are
working hard to have the measure
act edi upon by Friday afternoon.
bentunent against, suzrrage was
crystallised today and ail party lines
dropped when republican and demo
cratic legislators refused to be bound
by caucuses. At the meetings this
morning state leaders of both parties
appeared before the members of the
assembly and pleaded with them for
an early ratification. When a cau
cus was asked only a few members
were waling to tie themselves down
to the dictates of their parties and
me mouon was aereated.
Oiwieri Mast TeU Cilv of
Rent Rises or Tenant Egress
JERSEY CITY. N. J..lMarch S3
An ordinance requirlne landlords
to notify the city clerk when notices
of rent Increases or eviction are
served on tenants, was adopted by
the city commissioners tonight.
Easter Time,
Where may all these Ribbons be
Right here is a splendid, fiigh
grade, line. Plain colors and plenty
of novelties beautiful Ribbon!
Not so low priced as before the war
but not nearly so high as the markets
Indicate, besides, our retiring from
business sale allows 10 per cent discount.
v .
r. in. COliier Resigns as Mem-
her ol Board of Directors
and L. J. Simeral Is Named
in His Place
Salem Woman's Club Regis
ters Success in Soliciting
for Funds
P. M. Collier yesterday resigned
from his position as a member of Me
Salem hospital board and L. J. Sim
eral was appointed to fill the va
cancy. Mr. Simeral is president of
the Central Trades and Labor coun
It was reported at Union hall l&jt
night that a full report of the am
ount contributed by be union -work-
era in this city mil not be available
for another week, several of the lo
cals not having completed the can
vass among their members.
It was definitely stated by one nf
the tlmhar workers that, by rcjolu-
tion. each member of that local was
asked to contribute to the amount
of one day's wages or a subscrip
tion of at least $". There are ibout
200 members In
Workers union.
the local Timber
A report from the Salem Woman's
club stated the solicitors were meet
ing with good success. The amount.
subscribed, however, can not be
made available for publlcatlonu mil
it shall first have been submitted
to the canvassing committee.
i vituu iwiubui niut)iiMu
in Addrew at Salein Arm-
ory in fiay
William Howard Taft. former
president of the United States, will
b In Salem May 28 and will speak
at the armory. Mr. Taft is coming
iV7 . j t Z H t t
A Ff 1 1 1 at Al I vaaii n Kn a-Aa taaa aa a4 T -H
A oT ' u "
!,rt.' !J7- fnrAent m TT,
dated Student Body of illa-yett?
university la responsible for the ex-
l""'uc'" iiTOii.u unc.
U.-WI1. r . T - f ...V1..1 t
njcrri u.9 uM
Mn HAfinltnlv nnnnnpwl It la nn.
derstood his address will deal with
" TV. " ' . .1.
the political' situation in the United
Hayesville ' District Assembly
Sunday to Combine Many
Hayesville district Sunday
invention will be held next
school convention
Sunday. March 28. at Jason Iee
Memorial church, where it ia planned
to have a day of unusual interest
to Sunday school workers.
The exercises will begin at :3
a. m.. the usual Sunday school hour
at Jason lee church, and will con
tinue until noon, when a basket din
ner will be rerved In the church
basement, tto which all -members.
friends and others Interested in Sun
dav school work are Invited. The
only condition to those who would
eniov the noon lunch Is that they
brine their baskets, the contents
Pf which win contribute to the com-
mon ooara.
The Havcsvllle district has made
an enviable reputation in its Sun
day school work and it3 programs
are alwars looked forward to wun
much pleasure.
Among. the local and other Sun
day ahoal workers whose names ap-
oear on the omgram are C. F. Hage-
man. O. M. Roberts. Luther Cook
Florence Frazier. Rev. H. F. Hum
bert. general secretary of the Ore
eon Sunday School association: Rev.
Thorns Acheson. naslor of- Jason
Lee church. Mrs. I. G. Lee and Rev.
William Nlcholl. There will be solos
pby Mabel Marcus, lirare raw ana
Gertrude Aldrich.
Two Noted Speakers Will
Address Rotarians Today
At the noon luncheon of the Salem
Rotary club at the Marlon hotel to
day, there will be two noted speak
ers. Samuel CL Lancaster, who built
the Columbia highway, will address
th Rotarians.
Mrs. Allen, who spent 25 years in
Armenia will also speak to this ag
gregation of Salem boosters.
Thin! Year Men at Willamette Can't
See the Joke and Swear Ven
geance on I"erelrator.
After all the recent afflictions and
defeats of the Willamette university
tilnior cla insult wa adderi vfu
terday by unknown hands, when the
hlack 6hD lhat th ln",nl of
the class alott rrom in; atnieuc
field in some magical way becanii a
goat Instead. v
Since a certain occasion of last
year the Juniors have been known as
the "black sheep" and have usd
this figure to represent their class.
When the spring numerals were
painted on the grandstand pinnacles,
the Juniors put their 21" again.'
the background of a fine black
sheep. They were chagrined yestiT
tiay to find that their animal had
gained a beard and horns.
The Juniors vow vengeance and
are hot on the trail of the guilty
Treaty, Post Office, Mexico,
Prohibition, Suffrage, All
Have Attention
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. March IS
The- republican state convention
which tomorrow will choose a Con
necticut delegation of law to the na
tional convention, was ODened here
tonight. United States Senator Prank
11. Brandeftre. as the temporary
chairman, made the keynote speech.
In considerable part It was an ex
planation, of his attitude towards the
peace treaty In the senate, and once
when he declared that he could not
approve of such a contract as laid
down In that treaty many delegates
stood and cheered and tossed their
nats In the air.
Criticism of President Wilton. In
which the war. treatv makln and
ft .
wexican policies of the Democratic
a 4 I I - - .1
uuiiuuiriiion wrre severely ar
raigned, featured an address here
tonight of Senator Brandegee. acting
ruuimn siaie convvmion. tie as-
SHS T .'l.r"!"1 k!'.
shielded from Joist criticism by
v v-L7 aa saw
events as has the president of the
u nited states."
The condition of America's on
preparedness at the beginning of th
war. Senator Brandegee said, was
uTgelv the fault rr PrM . irn.nn
'ie aecared gross extravagance
I . &
cnaractenzed his governmental de-
Ptment; that his efforts at treaty
m,klnf. ,n Parlll resulted Url ,
riaBCO and ihai h, eoerc1oil f7tne
senate ha. renulterf In m Wiv iw.W
i. .
n wi I'll IK. .. i. i -
iv. , j .. . ...
"e preaiaeni. ite asked ir the "peo
ple or mis country want the senate
to abandon its natural Judgment af
ter due consideration and to say that
mey approve Of a treaty when thav
ao not approve of It.
senator Brandegee explained his
objection to the suffrage and prohf-
oiuon amendments as bas?d larrely
on me old proposition of sUte'a
rights. He reiterated former state
ments that the administration's Mex
ican attitude for the past six years
nas been an 'Impotent and Imbed)
drift" with a condition now In Mexi
co no "appalling that the Amrrinn
People "have apparently abandoned
all hops of any relief as long aa the
ItPiMAIlt 1. I .
TV.t.i.V ' , .
T.h "Sll'SL W" d
of thj postofflce department, he
said, "would be a hure national loke
if it were not such a scandal and
Condition in West and South
. . . - - . , .
Always Daa but now
Growing: Worsi
LONDON. Mfcrch 24. The Dublin
correspondent of the London Times
describes the situation In Ireland In
the darkest color. Mys the
outlook Is serious and that con
dhinns In the west and aonth were
extremely rrave.. The position, bad
last week, is now definitely worse.
The correspondent 'sata the Sinn
yeln asks the country to accent th
monstrous theonr that Lord Mayor
MacCurtain of Cork was killed by
ctual atrcnts of the government.
He describes the overnight riot In
Dublin as lother danger nfrnal.
and says it is impossible to get an
mpartiat account of the incident,
the popular version being that th
soldiers provoked and assaulted
The correspondent learns that the
soldiers were stoned by a crowd be
fore they left the theater, singing
the national anthem as a protest
aaginst the failure of the theater
orchestra to play It.
AAlWMWavM lairrcM l M-mfctcl In rorr-
Charges General Bliss Want
ed Americans Brigaded;
With Foreigners; Bliss
plies Truth Is Opposite
Shakes Finger at Admiral and
Is Promptly Admonished
to Stop It
WASHINGTON. Marrh 23. Th j
controversy started by Bear Admiral
Sims' rritlcUin of the nsry depart j
merit's conduct of Its war a'tivlties .
wa broaden d tonight by the enr
of the war department to deny some
of the admiral's statements regard
ing t'.ie land forces.
General Tasker H. Mil. American
representative in the supreme war .
council, not only denied categorlra!-
y that fit had recommended tb
tirlcading of United State troops
with foreign ariuieit
as tentlfted by;!'
Admiral Slma. bat declared "bt. i
ruth Is evsrtly the reverse.
timeral IUI- made his denial In
letter to Secretary Bakr. who
he In turn sent both on to Secretary
With Foreigners; Bliss Re-(iw
imuilliru If. Urilirr will. TS7 I , . . . . ..- II
of the original order ...Icnl.g vJn- 'h ilLl T a'i It" f .,
eral Pershing o command lha (orce f r"'4 A' JL'-u IT0?
oversea, to Secretary Inle. and ' ?! T.t
lMH.ln I a . ... t. a . h.
; the'Vcnl,; nav. om.
at the same time making all , rwltlia. On A.rtl Si
re.pondeoce public. tt19 al':nllf.
Hale of
th correspondence public
CViM Owlra Over TwcwUr.
Rear Admiral Sims statement
Monday concerning General Bliss al
leged recommendation was mad tn
discussion by thj admiral of the
most effective manner la which the
United States forces abroad could
have aided the allied cause. St.--
tor Pittrnan. Democrat. Nevada, read
from an unsigned letter found la
Admiral Sims' rila urging that Am
erican troop passing through Great
Britain be brigaded with the Brit I 'h
forcea. He called t!)e docamvnt
"British proparanda and said It
was part of organised English effort
to prevent tb? formation of a sepa
rate American army. Admiral Sims
replied that while he hadnot writ
ten the letter he obj-rtsd to bavins
It eal'ed propaganda and said It was
"pretty good military reasoning"
and what Bliss ReeommendedV'
Cross examination of Rear Admir
al Sims was concluded todsy by the
senate committee.
Pitt man Ace Mas
Admiral Sims was charred by
Senator Demorrat. Nevada,
whole American navy to the Hrlila
daring the war regardle of pro
tection of the roasts or the United
States" and with having "favored
the French or British policy, cer
tainly not the American policy, nf
sending raw, untrained troops to
"The testimony before this com
mittee proves to my satisfaction
you relied very largely on the Bri
tish admiralty for your opinions and
recommendations." declared Sena
tor Ptttinan. "You talked freely fo
Americans abroad during the war ft
your lllr t.iat the American expe
ditionary forces transport system
had broken down and on November
(Continued on page C)
J. A. Churchill, mate aperlnun-
dent of schools. Las sppotnte a
,:'U"""" l" ruuui op ana arocur
- . . .
Photographs of several hundred of
the most beautiful wonn-n In Ore
gon. The photos are to be forward
ed to Profensoi1 Dr. Friedrlrh S.
K ran s. world renowned educator,
author and lecturer, on the aubjoc
or ethnology in the city of Vienna,
who has requested such a collection
from Mr. Churchill for use in the
professor's life masterpiece, a his
torical work which is to b pub
lished In several volume, contain
Ing thousands of pictures similar ti
those he ho-es to procure from Ore
Kon. Mr. Churchill has appointed th
follow I n r committee, all Salem men:
J. E. Allison, superintendent of the
warrant dpartmnt In the necre
tary of state's office, chairman: A
I. Llndbeck. newrpaiertTan; Fred
A. Williams. memher of the publl
service commission: Millar .McOil
rhrist. assmtant attorney general:
It. A. Klein, secretary of the state
hlghwsy commission: F. G. Decke
haeh. manager of the Marion cream
try, and T. K. MeCr-skey. manager
of the Salem Commercial elnh.
The letter to Mr. Churchill is writ
ten In German and has Wen trans
lated by J. C. Nelson, principal of
Salem high school.
Since the professor Insists that
tc Manager EvhrSttWrn rt for
11:2.1 O'CWk.
Fred MeCiew mansaer of foren
sic at Willamette university will
dMport himself la the water of the
mill race at II:2S o'clock bfjre
noon today to laiilll an on. gallon
ierw didn't pick the right
.A lot of interest l bHns shown in
the event for which Mdltf l billed
today, both among uoiierslty stu
dent and hl friend a Urn town
and a larteatlendanre t i peeled.
Although MrCrew it a r'guUr
Puke Kahanamoku In the water b
ordinarily confine the swimming
a;ort to th- mmr m-wib.
However, he promte to atay In
the drmk ion, ' '-".Disorder Continues andThere
.l-.rta.or-. a real nhlb.l.on. . ...... ....
Mrttfev rrwrtm moslai ptare
richta . ' .
Willamette's Intercollegiate
Series Opens Here Next
Th; argamentary unit of Willam
ette tintyersMv have a larre and le-
. , . 7, V, . .7. Z
L, ' T . V. T . .
y w- urn- n-i iiiniif. Mirri
with the College of Paget Soaad oa
the Mexican qaeatloa.
Another contest will be add with
meet that of Pacific university. April
30. McMlnavllJe Is araedeled to meet
Willamette. The O. A. C. teasa will
compel y tor boaora with Willamette
oa May 14.
Willamette debaters will meet the
team of the College of Paget ftaad
to dlsciss a different naeatloa next
Saturday. The que do la - Re
sol ed. That the Ualted 8iats
should iwim a mandatory real mi
over Meilco. The coal rat wlil b
a -Id la the First. Methodist rharch
The same qaestloa will We dira4
by the Willamette team a ad the de
baters of Pacific uaiversity ea April
Tryoats for the labor qaectioa
will Ke held at the First Methodist
church. Mondsy. Msrrh It
International Labor
Bureau Meets in London
LONDON. March XI At a met
ir today of the rioveraieg body of
the International Labor bareaa. ce-
ated by the Ieagae of Nation, the
plan to organise aa lateraational
isoor office, charted with the duty
of collecting and distributing lefor-
matlon anJ preparing a program for
the annual conference was adopted
Tne Oermaa delegate will be fr
Hermann Leymann.
! Twentr-NUUon Dollar
Firm Ccmes to Oregon
The Metropolitan T to &ft-cea
Siore. Inc., a Detawape corporation
riii.uiara ai ;.ifin.f ta-as yes
terday granlel hy rorporattoo Com
mirsioncr Schalderman a permit tJ
orerate in Oregon. Ralph II Cke
Portland lawyer, is said to be rep
reeentlng the firm in this state.
the women tnuat be th'
! malify as beautiful, it h
oe o can
, '
t .... f - . . a
, the committee will find i
lo travel quite extensively about lb
siate and no effort will te msd to
confine th tntirv ollcetion to Sa
lem and Portland d.urn or o.
of course, will Ur pNkfi up ai the
state hoiiw. Nanic of n-rcril
prairie b-4Utica in the r w rriun'lca.
t l Mid. aire ! hac ln ruh-lt:lti-d
to tli cor..ruiller It prov
able that veral e-tlon of the ta'
will be assigned to each mm!er nf
the oaimi:tee. Tbr rnral diMrlrt
as wr aa me town are to be M-arrh-et.
villi ejireme rre for women of
rnre crace and lineament
lr Kranss reqaeata that th pic
lure be of women of Irreproachable
r ha meters, and good fa mi He.
The doctor explain that his work
is to foater a new method in the
study of hUtrtry as related to wom
an's part lo shapinr humsnlty. and
he hjlds that the Wauty and grace
ot women hold aa important place
in the study.
AIo, th book is declined to rorn
an Impreiieton to which Europe
Is tlmcing. according to the pro
tester, that the women of America
are degenerating and not flllrnc
their proper place In the progress
and civic advancement ot th nation.
Virtually E?ery Town ia
Rhine Promces Reported
in Hands of Soriet and
Power Is On Increase
Is mach oloodiaeo: in
Many Places
ROTTERDAM. March 2: Ta
rontitloas la the Rh!ae g rot laces.
where vlrtaalty every town Is la the
hands of the workmen, rarely art
approachlag a duplication of the raw
dliJoas prevalilag la awvVH Bimu.
Accord lax to Lbe Bottrdaasch
Coaraate'a correapondeats la Caa
aad Dortesaad. the first f r fel-
owiag th pror la mat lots ef amv
repablica was th epemt&x of prts-
aad free! a g aot oaly politMai
pruoeera hat also coassoa prtsa
era. Tnea tnera was aa linutie
o the boargeoUe to aarrendrc all
firearms. Itaspaasia waa laid om
his hy aa aaaoaaceaieal that ta:l
are lo cwmslr voald ealau trswes'
Uoa hy the rvTolslioaary tr.V-aaL
The correspoadeata say that la
hardct taak of a soviet gwverasaeat
would K ! aaa lata la rataewtag; that
falls-re la this reepeet wvsK rs
scarcity of food, aad that a cccjo-
bIm with I'xtrtia woa'4 he ascesaary.
They ateert that only ecssixh fool
Is la sight for a waa raucaa aal
thtt the ssppif of pxatora wlU last
oaly a few days. Tb hop Vf La.
soviet government, they aawsvl la ta
xet food ta evctaag for coal from
MVt Ocatv4 TrS
The aovict coaacila hate uUa Lie
sharpest aeasarea aga!ast lootlag.
ay te eorreApoadeaia. bt tVey are
rrutlealag pcovia.oas aa4 other
caaaso4iUe without pay.' " "
Most ot the ther avewepapera aad.
adtlcaa f re-s Wolff tare a. aetal-of
ficial Ceravsa new a ageary. decUx
thst th soviet towns are abweiuuty
seder soviet reasorshlp.
The aal of alcoholic drtaks ta pro
hlbited aad aohody le allowed
the. streets between It p. as, aad
a. rn. The dlspa'chea declara that
th soctatlwta havot all trCaes.ce.
They are oaliasabered hy t son
maaista aad ladepeadeats aad
ta be rooperating with th tVolthev
MrtX I 'jada
"HKRI.IN". MartJ ri. Th etrth
cesnmlttee has aaaalmoasiy ire
claimed thtrik eade-i. Work wUl
he resaaed to morrow.
Lsseitwlta An4e4i
. BERLIN. March 21. Msjor Cesv
eral von Lattwrtt, th satlitary roa
mder la th Kapp revolt, has heest
arretted. It Is officially aaaoaaced.
Admiral von Trot ha. chief af It ad
miralty, uai also been arreatad.
There Is ao definite xwu ef
Kapp'a whereaboata. It Is sappataed
h. la on his ealat la Cast Prmaaia.
Soon after his ret era to Berlin.
Prraideat Kbert ordered the laperul
court at Lelpsie to brlag actloa
aaaiast leaders of th revolatkia, ta
cladlag Kapp..voa Iaett wltx. voa
Jagow and Admiral vtm Trot ha.
QwW Iteaaorcd
BERLIN'. March 23. Qalet has
beea restored la V ! be! m haven.
Wtamar aad Roatack aad ther Is
no fariher apprchettsioti of the ra
ta rn or the sov tela. "
The tltnatioo la Saxony at Zwick
au and Che an in. as well aa la Thar
Ir.g'a. remains andecided.
reported to be generally qalct; th
revolting force have begs a to dis
arm and the commanding general
haa laaoed a proclamation threatea
lac extreni meaaure against far
ther attempts a! disorder.
In Berlin the sltaatloa Is trxaiv'l
except fer a few ualmportaat col
lUlons In the northcattera quarter,
where the Uek.of provUions Is badly
felt Traffic was resitted oa th
eeated and uadcrgroaad roads to
night The nation! aemb!y will meet
Thoredav n4 la preparation for
this all parties are bold. eg cvetlae
ous meetings-
A niHart: from Meialagen says
thst regulars have been w"hdrw-n
ar.d a commntee l action taken
oyer the eteentlve power. At Co
V arc the fjrtrc haa been tcxp'.e4
by recular.
BERLIN. March 22. Tt retire
meat of tiastav Koke as minister of
dfne. came after a stabbom at
tempt by hu parly sapportera innt(
the coalition bloc to retain him ta
office In oppoelilia to th pre re
at the Berlin party aad labor leaders
and the clamor of the fadepeaowata.
Ills realrnation was firt tendered to
Tresideat Kbert on Friday at Siatt
gart and waa at that line not ac
cepted. When th Ebert-Hawee govera-
Coct!fiuc4 03 Pf 5)