The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 19, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 ."V""1
The Oregon Statesman
leaned Dally Except-Monday by
2 IS S. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon
Eyes dim? What li the reason?
Find the cause, and the remedy na
turally suggests Itself; but do not
put it off. Delays are dangerous.
If your eyes need attention
Kyenight Specialist
SOS State Street
The Associated Press la exclusive!, entitled to thm m foe -ennhHattrm
of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper
sou aiso me local news pnbuanea herein.
k. J. Hendricks. . Manager
Stephen A. Stone. Managing Editor
Ralph Glover Cashier
Frank Jaskoskl. Manager Job Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, is cents a
week, SO cents a month.
DAILY STATESMAN, by mall, $6 a year; $3 for alx months; 60 cents a
month. For three months or more, paid In advance, at rate of $6 year.
4 THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will
be sent a year to any one paying a year in advance to the Dally
SUNDAY STATESMAN. 11 a year; SO cents f or six months; 21 cents tor andt u on,y In the
mree months. I ij ueey. n wuum neip a 101
WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays and against (he losses, but may not be
xriaays, si a year (ii not paid In advance, I1.ZS); 60 cents ror au isn't this a hsrd world? Somebody
and nothing much can be done ex
cept to spill the rontets into the sa.
If there is enough of it to raise the
percentage in the ocean above the
deadline of half of one per cent.
the administration will promptly
have the Atlantic pinched for being
full. But it Is tongh oa the under
writers. Here is stuff that wouid be
worth millions in New York cellars
months; 26 cents for three months.
said it.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, 683.
Job Department, 683.
(With apologies to Lewis Carroll) i
Entered at the Postoftlce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
Joe Ilailey is running for gover
nor of Texas on a platform which
calls for a return to the old order
of things. It Is not said' that he
would hark back to slavery and tal
low candles, but he Is still standing
by some of the savage things he said
about the buzz wagon.
It Is not so very long ago that
he declared in a public speech that
(From the New York Tribune)
Of the many extraordinary utterances of the White House the
latest, it will be scarcely denied, is the most extraordinary. Instead
of returning physical vigor softening the President's weakness of I if he had his will every automobile
temper, his unreasoning acerbity seems to grow. I would be driven from the public
This time he seems to curse out practically everybody. Those I highway
whose minds do not in all details go along with his own and there Joe is rather of the opinion that
are many such are prima facie wicked and detestable. The brave progress Is unconstitutional and he
men, living and dead, who won the war to protect their homelands I is a staunch champion of the const!
"and civilization from a wolf that was loose, and who sought a peace tution. He refused to wear a plug
which would insure the chaining of the wolf until its vulpine nature hat when plug hats were unite the
showed signs of change, are inferentially condemned as imperialists thing in the diplomacy and society
wno are no better than the Uermans of 1914 to 1918. of Washington. He wouldn't be
In all sobriety the question may well be asked: "What. right has! found dead in a pair of pajamas and
any man so to pass judgment on his fellow beings?" For anv one. Ih still has his hair cut at the livery
no matter now placed, to assume that refusal to accept his decisions I stable. People who want things
establishing blackness of heart is to reveal a narrow arrogance which I done t old-fashioned way will
is rare in human annals. J do well to hook up to Joe Bailey.
To find a parallel one needs go back to Omar the Caliph, who
burned the Alexandrian library on the theory that if its books but
repeated the Koran they were unnecessary. Whereas, if they dis-
agrt-cu wua u iney were VICIOUS. Ur to Old i'rocrustCS. Who Placed I Wound, are still ore; heart a allll
ii . t: : !.- ...... . . i :
uwae in ins power on nis Dea, cnoppmg tnem oil it loo long or stretch-1 ache, but the late combatants are
ing them out if too short. I beginning to shake hands. Some
Amazement is not lessened br recalling that thi utterance w I will carrv their nlmnlll. tn the
from the same man who said prior to our entry that he did not know I grave, -but the majority will be con
what the war was about. Truly he did not know. Seeminirlv. he I tent to forret. thourh fft, th aiiiea
never learned. He never was really cured of his "peace-without-l it is hard to forgive one who didn t
..v-v.j wuij clv Biicui wiwi rucci to ii. ior a lime, uerriiisni lamy. Tnere seems to oe a
is the source of his error. The President is so constituted as not to I move toward getting back as far as
perceive that hope of future peaee was slight if a record were not I possible to the old terms. The
made that would deter other would-be conquerors. I hymns of hate have been pasted In
me net effect or the 'President's, diplomacy, m both its secret I scrapbooks on which dust is collect
ana puouc aspects, is to bring almost to extinction the hiirh hnnM the I !nc: the use- of the word ntnf i
world entertained eighteen months ago. His activities at Paris and I dying oat and benevolent copy read-
fjinAd nfllTA ttftl 1 aVi t ik SZ at A 1 1 i . -a - I ......
i'Kuicu me itrcs ui me om jealousies and discords, llel'rs are sunctituttng German where
says ne uoes not like the old order, but he has perpetuated it. He I reporters write Hun.
ueciaims against Daiances tOl power, but he has contributed to erent- As an indication of the forrivin
ing a condition that makes such balances practically inevitable. I spirit one his only to turn to re-
i is no as a crusader lor peace that there is world objection cent writings by General Sir Ian
w me jrreaiqem, dui as ajiomenter of bad feeling, and thus of war. Hamilton, commander of the 111
fated Galli poll expedition, and Sir
We Bent a mepanare to man.
And Mid: Tray help ua If you run.
We hope, you're very a-enerou.
He sent thla answer Ixk to ua.
And thia la what hi tmwrr vu:
"I cannot do It. aira, berauae "
We aent to him again to ear;
"It will be better to obey.
And that man anawcriMl with arln:
"Why. what a temper you are In!
Wi told Mm once, we told him twire;
He would not llaten to advice.
We took a kettle larife and new.
Kit ror the deed we had to dt.
Our heart went hop. our hearta went
We tilled the kettle at the pump.
Then hi friend came to ua and aald:
"That there old man he ia in bed."
We aald to him. we aald It plain:
"Then you muat wake him up again.
We aald It very loud and clear.
We went and ehouted In hia ear.
Hut he waa very Miff and proud;
He aald:' "You needn't ahuui loud!"
And he waa very proud and atlff:
He aald: "I'd (u and wake him If "
We took a eorkaerew from the ahelf
And went to wake him up ouraelf.
And when we found the door waa
We palled and puahed and kicked and
And when we found the door waa ahut.
We tried to turn the handle but- -
Hie friend he came and aald to oa:
"There's no uae making euch a fuaa.
"He'a left the town, and gone to atay
Till thia here 'drive' haa blown away!
weight, malnutrition cr similar
things conatltute a eu rente defici
ency things that are tot always
IkxMorn. deBlits and nurses lend
In asalMan'e 'lrday afternoon
wt-re: Ur. K. K. Fisher. Dr. Carl
K. Miller. Dr. W. A. Johnson. Dr.
Frank lirown. Mrs. W. II. Hrrd. Sla
ter Anna, and Mrs. Will Mott.
Following the tests, table left
from the February clinic who were
Improperly weighed, were given at
tention, and all will receive official
score cards shortly.
3 t
have roofs over their heads or
It Is plain now that field and string
beans fit into the scheme for the ful
fillment of the slogan, "More acres
and more to the acre."
Beans are important as beans. And
they are Important in rotation with
other crops.
U m
It Is to be presumed that ships car
rying liuor to Cuba might properly
be called tank ships.
Under-Fed Tots Given
Tests at Bureau Clinic
Local doctors and dentists were
busy at the Commercial club yester
day afternoon examining babies of
the county who were physically un
der normaL. . The number was not
aa large aa It waa expected It would
be, and locking r at the apparently
healthy little nots it waa difficult
to imagine that they were all any
thing hut 100 percenters. Under-
National Association Solicitor
Represents Commission
at Washington
No number of the Oregon public
service commission will attend a
meeting railed by the Interstate com
merce commission In Washington to
morrow, for the purpoae of read
justing freight rate, but John K.
lienton. solicitor for the National
Asaociatlon of Hallway and t'lllity
comtuifaloner. will represent Ore
gon. "We authorise and request you to
represent ua." says a telegram from
the commission to Mr. lienton. "pre
senting such argument as 1j con
sistent with the following eiprea
sions: The Oregon commission Is
opposed to such action as will even
tually result In the application of
country-wide horizontal Increases In
rates. We believe the rountryvahould
be divided Into not leas than Urst
territories as covered by official
western and southern classification,
both for valuation and rate making
purposes, with possible further sub
division of western territory for ad
justing rater,"
The railway act provided that no
rates be reiueed prior to September
of thla year, except upon orders of
the Interstate commerce commission.
It also provides that the commission
may. if it sees fit, divide the coun
try Into valuation and rate making
districts. Apparently the three dis
tricts mentioned la the telegram to
Mr. lienton from the Oregon com
mission would be convenient.
" ftA T""S. - ' .' ' y" J"
The Choice Prizes of Life Are Won
By the Healthy and Strong
rear bad te mmSf tK k
f eat!
If rati f mI DM rea are tmU
thm 4. kwaT tSe tuwM va
otaad a aa4 rmm rewe evaw
f O
I 4'! ,1 e f I ia aata a- - i i. - 4
.-I c . f ri ami an mm - - r,
ever. nHWvu trmmm aa a ga am a In n mmfjmmfm '
The Greai General Tonic
Do you know of a basic Industry
that has not been touched upon? If
, suggest a Salem slogan subject.
' Nobody seems to mention Burle-
son for president. "He kept us out
of mall." Minneapolis Journal.
According to President Wilson,
when he Is ill the government should
Just naturally stop -running; West
chester (Pa.) Record.
Salem must lire up to her slogans
and that will make her, before
rery long, the most prosperous city
of 100,000 people in all the world.
Attorney General A. Mitchell Pal
mer says he has no presidential as
pirations. That makes it unani
mous; everybody else was agreed be
fore. ! -
basic industry of great importance I Maurice de Dunsen. who was British
to the capital city of this state. Sug
gestions are In order.
ambassador at Vienna at the time
of the outbreak of the war. Sir
Ian has appealed to the allies to take
the name of Field Marshal -Li man
von Sanders from the "black list."
He aays the German waa a clean
If (the administration doesn't In
tend to stop the Mexican killing bee,
it should at least Issue daily casualty
lists, giving the killed and missing I fighter -and played fair during the
In action. Salina (Kan.) Journal, one brief armistice at the Dardan
elles. The British general has. how
ever, been Invited by others not so
favorable to Von Sanders to remem
ber that the field marshal was "per
ronally responsible for the greater
part of the atrocities in Armenia
and Syria." There Is more tempta
tion to pay attention to Sir Maurice
de Buiasen's suggestion that the old-
time relations with Austria be re
stored. He has recently spent a
month In Vienna and states he was
struck with the friendly demeanor
of the people,
The really sad thing about the
conclusion of the federal control of
the railroads is that from this time
on the McAdoo family will have to
pay railroad fare just like the rest
of us. -Fort Wayne (Ind.) News.
iNormai conaiuona are being re
stored among the Democrats in the
Lnlted States senate. One senator
has just described another as re
sembling a brass monkey. Burling
ton (Va.) News.
Our old friend, John Bull, is the
champion land grabber. While France
was not looking he occupied Con
stantinople. Same old story, noth
ing new.
Former President Taft says Pres
ident Wilson is to blame for the fail
ure of the senate to ratify the cove
nant of nations. Even the good na
ture of the former president can go
no further.
' In the Salem slogan pages of The
Statesman of next Thursday it will
be shown that the building of paved
highways in Oregon, and the main
tenance of these highways for all
time, make and will ever make a
March It. Friday Freahman Glee at
Willamette University.
March 0. Saturday Marlon County
Taxpayer league meets at court
March J2. Monday Willamette de
bate tryout for women.
March 24. Wedneaday Special meet-
inn oi ttaiem wuetneae Men a league.
. March . Frlrday Meeting- of Worn
en's Republican club at armory.
March 27. Saturday Intercollegiate
debate. Willamette va. Collere of Pu-
Marcit zs. Sunday Hayeavlli dla
trlct Sunday achool convention at Ja
son Le Itethodiat church.
March 29, Monday "Save money on
.' aet Bound.
April 11. Sunday Baaeball. Salem Sen
, a tore va. Mooaejaw.
May ii. Tueeaay intercollegiate de
bate, Willamette vs. O. A. C
Mar 14 and IS N'ln t.tSfl tH Sb 1 a k 1
convention of Oregon State Asaociatlon
lumnn, in eaiem.
June 14 to 1 7 nrrir.' ....
, ?ra0F,or?8,t0ev:LGUr, " V"-"
' ft"1' ''r:A"""J ?cmpment of
...uiii,i nuara. inranirv and
spirirrioer z? to Oetoh 9 rm-
, e VI VVH
aute fair.
It seems slow at times to the men
who are on the Job but the build
ing of Salem's paper mill, the finest
and most up to date institution of I
the kind in the world, is going ahead
as last as the experts, assisted by
all the men who can be conveniently
employed on the task, can push It.
They are salvaging American ships
that were sunk .by submarines, but
when there are stocks of liquor
aboard the stuff is not to be saved.
The government holds that the casks
cannot be brought to American soil
rsixa THE MIXD.
vuicgo aoctors nave adopted a
new schedule of fees that herlna
with $15 a visit. This Is fresh stim
ulant for Chicago people to think
themselves out of their aches and
For Cold. Headache. Pain. Neural
gia, Toothache, Lumbago and
General Obregon professes great
friendship for America and declares
his Intent to safeguard the invest
ments of American and foreign cap
ital in Mexican industries if he be
comes president of the republic.
That sounds all right, but the as
sertion that he would place the army
and the war department in the hands
of General Villa Is not particularly
reassuring. We don't care to keep
up this ao'e-wrltins Business.
Hurry It along
The hospital drive.
m K
Salem must get under the load
a a a
uayer Tablets of Asnirin" to be I It vnnM n a - .
. . rl; J..r, tu.raea vim tne ininK or failure,
safety "Bayer Cross. Always buy an a.
,u"rr"r .p?c"?. 01 Bayer Tab- Hurry up the bulldlnr nroeram i.
er dint Wn,C Cntai" w." thousand niw ln.
Handy t.n boxes f t..t ..i "om" "a
lets cost but a few m. nT.r: 1.?7,UI or ia that will
also neii iaee.e I' lo ffa"m rrom the new paper
-": v.-e. 1 mm operations. Ami anrv i.
also sell larger
Aanlei I. Ik. ' ' - " I " "I
ZYtZZ r":."' all Possible soeed
of Uracil K will begin to turn before very
lyko vrxDicxxr. coitrxxr
For sale by all Druggist. Always la slock it Perry Dr-j fx-
Jedge Galloways Funeral .
to be at McMmncUle Today
Tha faneral of the late Jadge Wil
liam Galloway will be held at VI c
Mlnnvllle today at 1:3 o'clock P
m. It will be conducted by the Odd
Fellows lodtte. la which Jsdge Ga!
loway held the highest honors la the
state. Jadge Galloway waa a prom
inent member of-the Salem lodge No.
23. II. P. O. Elka, and several mem
bers of that order, together wlb
other Salem cltltena, will attend tb
funeral. The Elks have seat a flor
al wreath.
aaya Doctor Connor, formerly of Johne
Hopklna hospital. Thoueanda of men
autrerlnr from fatal dieeaeee would be
In perfect health today were It not
for the deadly dru nleotlae. Stop 'the
habit now before It'a too late. Il'e a
auople proceaa to rid youraelf of the
l4baco habit In any form. Jut c1
to anv up to date drua atore and K't
aome Xlcotol tableta; take them aa di
rected and lo. the pernicious habit
quickly vanlahea. Drugglata refund
the money If they fall. I'-e aure to
read larae and Intereatlna; announce
ment by tKx-tor Connor toon to appear
In thia paper. It telle of the dtaitr
of nicotine polaoalna; and how te avoid
leta: you will be eurprUed at the re-1 Qr College. The llae-ep for
suit. Newberg was: Carson sal Craw, tor-
Newberz High School Wins
From Willamette Freshmen
The Willamette freshmen played
the last basketball game of the sea
son yesterday with the Newberg
high achool team. The game was
a victory for the visiting team, the
score beios 22 to 21.
Carson and w. Jones starred for
wares: wit, ceeier. y j.
and Y. Joaea, gaaJs. Tie tr.
mctte l:a-ep was: Gasxaai a&a
n. forwards; leaw. mur. tu
Thomas and Socdoftky. ru-u
There were three ntetltsiea 4
ta the Wl!lasett tm tx
Streve aai Kaottaoa. The gute m
a cl&a score all throat.
Absorption Process
Makes Faces Yczri
Sweeeaa at Ut baa eaaa la KM-
ho for ( kae awcl r- ,
of r tec the veil U (ml
akin la ch -f tuiikcr
iM S ba paialvw 4
hamle. Te m peeM ta ae m
r. IMtHtli. Ik wear e
had atar9re4 It VS i
aaatf t,aaaatatra i Ikal Tina
arelia4 was I e4 by arettwu
e ac wtUMt elirt!f Ham
Kantle abeorptko. th tlbveed. I
la anrface akin,. ae) tt yw
fL Wtteetfc The
applied at n.cbt. Itke em4 creaca. a4
taaeJied ff ta ike hm-( TV
etUi atao eleoaaee r4
iMrMxw tk akin e img imn
tty a4 peeaervi- !. eta a4 -ral
kMir f tK m-m ehl.
tn so many easy-to-serre
When unexpected guests
drop in for luncheon or tea, it
is but the work of a moment to
prepare a delicious salad or
tasty sandwiches with Del
Monte Beans.
In Del Monte Beans with Pork
and Tomato Sauce you have a food
of many convenient and economical
uses a satisfying dish that takes
the place of meat at luncheon, din
ner or supper a ready-to-serve ac
cessory in the making of many other
tasty and dainty food combinations.
Greater in food value than meat
or eggs, yet costing very much less,
Del Monte Beans make food econ
omy easy. Keep a supply on hand
and serve them often.
Saa Frafiaro, California
',.r ii-
ft : irk
II i ; s
. " uose new people will hav to