The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 14, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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TR. and Mrs. Elliott Colon j
who leave the first of the
week for Montana to lire
were the honor guests at a
prettily planned dinner given
Thursday night by Dr. and Mrs.
Grorer Bellinger. Yellow daffodil
held in a crystal bowl adorned th
center of the table and yellow shaded
candles and yellow favors were used
to add further to the yellow color
scheme. Covers were laid for .Mr.
and Mrs. Colony, Dr. and Mrs. W.
11. Darby, Mr. and Mrs. Paul John
son. Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills. Mr.'
and Mrs. Walter Spaulding. Dr. and
Mrs. Charles Bates, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Evans and the hosts.
Mies Violet McClairf of the Wil
lamette university alumnae, who Is
now traveling on the Chautauqua
Aavlaea OH Tim Hela f Baiter
Milk Crraat la New Way A ilrm
tie Mauafr with Flag-era Befarc
HetlrlBg- All that la Xeeeaaary.
I pi w" r
There Is no secret about it nor is
thera any doubt about the result it's
just common ordinary Buttermilk in
the form of a wonderful cream gently
mats fed with the finger tips around
the corners of the eyes and mouth.
To prove this to your complete satis
faction, obtain a small quantity of
Howard' Buttermilk: Cream at any
good drug or toilet goods counter on
the money back If dissatisfied plan.
The directions are simple and It costs
so little that any girl or woman can
arrora it
circuit, has bten visiting her sister.
Miss Constance McC'lain. during the
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills entertain
ed with an informal dinner Friday
evening at their home, honoring Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. McDonald of Norih
Mrs. Charles G. Miller. Mrs. A. J.
Rahn and Mrs. H K. McMechen
formed a motor party to Portla-nd
Wednesday and , remained until
Thursday night.
Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner ami
daughter Lenta passed Wednesday
in Portland visiting with friends.
Mrs. Ralph White arrd Mrs. Hor
ace Sykes passed two days in Port
land this week. While there Mrs.
White took several lessons with
Mile. Marie Gammie. and with Chris
tianson. learning the new fancy
dances with her dancing recital,
which she will give. In mind.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brophy have
had as their house guests during the
week Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grant
Bunch of Coquille, formerly of Sa
lem. Mrs. Thomas Larkin Williams and
children are passing - the week :n
Portland with Mr. Williams.
Miss Ruth Jones left for Portland
Friday to pass a few days with some
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding and her
sister, Miss Ava Miller, motored to
Portland Friday night to attend a
musicale-reception given by Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Petri at their home there.
Miss Miller is one of Mrs. Petri's ad
vanced Salem students. Mrs. Spaul
ding and Miss Millar will motor
back tonight.
Miss Florence Cartwrighr is pass
ing the week-end at Forest Grove
with her sister. Miss Constance Cart
wright, going there for the oratori
cal contest and the basketball game.
The Adelante Literary society of
Willamette university entertained
for the regular meeting of the soci
ety Friday afternoon at President
Doney's home.
Lewis Griffith and a fraternity
brother. Tom Foley, both Phi Delta
men at O. A. C. are spending the
wvek end in Salem at the home of
Mr. Griffith's mother. Mrs? J. C.
The Home Guards Missionary So
ciety of i he Ieslie Methodist church,
whose memlers are of Mrs. II. N.
Aldrleh' Sunday school class, were
entertained at the home of Mis
Ruth llalveraen Wednesday after
noon for the regular business meet
ing witii about 2 members present.
The next meet inn will be with Miss
Henrietta Bishop.
Mrs. Pauline Josse has been en
joying a visit during the week In
Portland with her son and daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs. I-ouis Jos.e. and
with Mrs. George Haack.
Daniel Davidson of Pontine. Mich.,
who has been enjoying a visit with
his brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Iavidson. for tb
pax! two and a half months, left
during the week for his home in
the Eat.
Mrs. David Wright, president of
the Salem O. A. C. club, will enter
tain the club for the meeting which
was to have been last Thursday, but
which will be next Thursday in
stead. She will assemble the club
at the A. M. Hansen borne at S62
Mill street.
The Monday Afternoon Bridg"
club will be entertained tomorrow
by Mrs. O. T. Brandt at her North
Eighteenth street home for the reg
ular social meeting of the club.
Mrs. II. H. Vandevort has been in
Portland during the week, called
there by the serious illness of a
niece. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Greer itfvited
four couples to pass WednesdaV ev
ening with them in dancing at their
home. Following an informal (sup
per was served by the hostess.
The friends of Mrs. James Nichol
son are happy to see her out again
after a several weeks illness at her
home at 1515 Court street.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald of
North Yakima are passing a few
days in Salem as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles K. Spaulding at
their Court street home.
Mrs. John Waters is planning a
delightful dinner for Wednesday ev-
Head or cKest
art best treated
"externally" witlj,
enlng. March 17. at her home. The
affair it to be in honor of her hus
band, her father. O. D. Olmsted, and
11. E. Bolinger. Sr.. who birthday
anniversaries all fall on that date.
She has invited Mr. and Mrs. 11. K.
Bolinger. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bol
inger. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGil
chrlst and Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Olm
sted to be her guests for that ev
ening. Friends will be Interested to know
that Mr. and Mrs. L. . Bulgin have
recently purchased the J. W. Buell
property on Mill street and are now
domiciled there. The Bnells are alo
there for the present. Mr. and Mrs.
Bulgin and Mr. and Mrs. Buell mo
tored to Portland yesterday for the
Miss Grace EN worth is spending
the week end in Portland with
Mrs. F. W. Swanton. secretary of
the Oregon Humane society, living
in Portland, is a house guest of Mrs.
E. Ilofer. for over the week-end.
Mrs. Luella Weft and daughters
Josephine and Elizabeth, of Wood
burn, were guests the first part ot
the week of Mrs. J. N. ShanU.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elliott or Sas
katchewan, Canada, are visiting for
several weeks with their brother.
Hugh Elliott, father of Mrs. Carl
Webb at the Webb home on Bellevue
street. The two brothers had not
seen each other for almost 40 years,
and needless to say the visit is a
most enjoyable one.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Low of Hood
River are welcome acquisitions to
Salem society, having come here
very recently to live. Mrs. Low la
a niece of Mrs. lT. G. Shipley and
until they can find a home they are
staying with the Shipleys.
Mrs. Charles Elgin entertained the
missionary society of the First Con
gregational church last Friday at her
home. Mrs. W. II. Bennett enter
tained with several vocal solos and
Mrs. W. I. Staley gave a book re
view. In serving a dainty lunch Mrs.
Elgin was assisted by Miss Edith
The North Salem Woman's club
was entertained at the home of Mrs.
C. D. Burton Wednesday afternoon
for the regular meeting of the club.
A large number of the club members
were present to enjoy the genial hos
pitality of Mrs. Burton on that af
ternoon. Mrs. W. F. Fargo, the
president read a gronp of letters
from her siste-in-law. Miss Lucille
Fargo, school librarian of Spokane
who is on a year's leave of absence
in the Hawaiian Islands, which were
very interesting. Miss Lora Purvlne
gave an enjoyable reading. New
curtains and furnishings for the
i en itecoras
Should Have
45164 "Waiting" (frpni Listen Lester) j, . . .Murphy
"Life and Love' '. i. ... .Murphy
451 GS 4 ' Our Yesterdays " Baker
"Ma' Little Sunflower Good Night" f Kline
60058 "Weleome Pretty Prjmrosc" (duet) Marsh and Dunlap
64449 "Cradle Song" . :. , Ober
64455 "Hebrew Song and Danee" Zimbalist
64C86 "Pastorale" De Luea
64779 "Laddie O'Mine" Alda
64819 "Seguidilla" (piano) Cortot
64840 "Vest i la Guibba" Johnson
87303 "Hard Times Come No More" Homer
1 Universal Range
1 Kitchen Table
2 Chairs
10 Yards Linoleum
Bed Room
1 Foil-size Iron Bed
1 Full-size Spring
1 Full-size Mattress
1 Ivory Dresser
1 Ivory Chair
1 Rag Rug
1 6-ft. Oak Table
4 Oak Chairs
1 9x12 Fiber Rug
1 Bnffet
Dining Room
1 9x12 Fiber Rug
l Library Table
1 Oak Rocker
1 Oak Chair'
1 Imitation Leather Couch
1 Stand Lamp
Living Room
, """
To See Our
in our South Window. Choose the one
that appeals to you, then come in and
hear it played. Yon axe tinder no obliga
tion, for it is a pleasure for as to show
Can be seen in our North Window. If,
what yon had in mind, is not in the win
dow it will be in stock for we believe that
we have the most complete selection of
high grade traveling necessities in the
You Get More for Your Money at Moore's
room at the Y. W. C. A. which the
club furnished occupied the remain-1
der of the afternoon. Mn. VV. Maon
Bishop will entertain the club for
the meeting next month.
Mist Leo t ha Smith of Portland it
passing the week-end In Salem with
Mrs. K. Hofer. cemlng up with her
aunt. Mrs. J. YV. Swanton of Port
land, who spoke yesterday at the Sa
lem Woman's club meeting.
A very happy banquet was the
one last night at the Hotel Marion
when the members of the Philodor
lan and Philodosian societies or Wil
lamette university assembled for one
of their annual alumni affairs. Miss
OdeU Savage was toaatmistress and
the toasts were divided Into two
parts, tb.j first being. ' Phils and a
World of Thought." and th first
toaft "Food for Thought" by Miss
Savage, president of the Philodos-
lans; the second, welcome, by Uryan !
Comley. president of the Philodor
lans; third. "Our Come-Uack." Dr.
11. C. Epley; fourtii "To the Jolly
Phils." Miss Fay Perrlnger; fifth.
"The Old Historic Temple." Merril
Ohllng; sixth. "America For Me.
by Ralph Thomas: and sefenth.
"Who Am I?" by Clifford Harry. Tn
second part was named as "The Phils
In Heaven" and the first was "The
Origin of Saints." Keas H. Leabold;
second. "A Sister Saint's Confu
sion." Mrs. Uay Smith: third. "Our
Great lleyond." Miss Eva Parrot,
fourth. "A Sentence For a Sister
Saint." by Vern Main; fifth; "Onr
Heavenly Home." by Harold Miller,
and sixth. "To the Saintly Phils."
Miss Leon a Williams. Plates were
laid for X5 and the table decorations
were carried out in the gold and
white. The same colors were car
ried out very effectively in the menu
With the Epworth league acting a
hosts, the members and friends or
the Jason Lee Memorial church met
at the church Tuesday evening for
upper, a social hour and the regu
lar monthly business meetings of the
various organizations of the church.
This was the second of these occas
ions. The regularly tea of the Woman's
Home Missionary society of the Ja
son Lee Memorial church was at the
home of Mrs. J. F. Dunlap. 1311
North Fourth street. Wednesday af
teraoon: The afternoon was en
Joyed by 20 women in attendance.
The home of Miss Avetill Harris.
1031 I'nlon street, was the scene of
a gay party Friday evening when the
young people of the Jason Iee Kp
worth league called to pass the eve
ning. Contesting games were fol
lowed by light refreshments.
Miss Mamie Victor of Oregon Ag
ricultural college Is passing the
week-end in Salem with her parents.
The friend of the W. T. 9Toli and
the Pomeroy families will b Inter
ested to learn that the Stolx have re
cently purchavnl the Pomeroy home
on Ncrth Winter street and will toon
move thera. Mr. Pomnmr. Kr win
I leave Salem and will travel tor tome
time. Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Pomeroy
have purchased them a home In
South Salem and will soon be dom
iciled there.
Ira Mercer and Russell Bonesteel.
students at Oregon Agricultural col
lege are In Salem to pass the week
end with relative.
Miss Ila Spaulding came over Fri
day afternoon from Oregon Agricul
tural college to pass the week-end
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles K. Spauldlac Eh Iroag.t
with her. Mlsa Lcla Asworth. a spe
cial student at the college from Cor.
vsJHs to b her boas guest.
Mrs. J.. L. VaaDorcn. Mrs. Trel
D. Thlelsea. and Mrs. William IL
Burghardt, Jr.. spent Friday la Port
land visiting with friends la that
Continued oa para 41
" " a
All Biliousness, Heach-. r -
FOR YOUR BOY, when you were a younjrster, how you lonjrsl for
a l.ioycle of your own, an.l how prou.l you wrrr when you t
one! our lmy deserve a hiryrlc ton pet him one.
The hicyclM we sell arc staunch and sturdy. From handle
bar to tire they're built lor long wrrice.
Drop in and talk it orer. Hrinjr the Uy alonp.
Harley Davidson Bicycle and Motorrycle
2 South Commercial Street