The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 12, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Pre-natal Influence Theory is
Scoffed at by University
Proper Reading and Speak
ing Advocated in Training
of Children
Prof. Edmund S. Conklin. head
of the department of psychology of
the University of Oregon, held the
undivided attention of an audience
of women in the auditorium of the
Commercial club yesterday afternoon
when he spoke upon the influences
of the family upon the attitude of
the child. His assertions, of course,
were based upon long study and end
less research.
He ridiculed the tales of parental
Influence, as set forth by well
meaning, but foolish elderly women.
He told of a number of absurd in
stances to Illustrate his point. There
was the baby who had a diamond
shaped growth , upon its head, the
result, as one old woman informed
the mother, of her card-playing pro
pensities. lie said that the old theory of
looking at beautiful picture, statu
ary, reading pleasing literature and
listening to good music was ail very
well, and commendable at any time,
but that thes things did not "mark"
the unborn child.
Krolution Touched On.
He spoke briefly npjn evolution,
explaining that racial characteristics
of innate ISVe of the open fire, and
the peculiar response to the moon,
were but the outcome of generations
of life in the open.
"There is no nervous connection
between the parent and the child."
he declared. "Poison in the circu
latory system produces defective
children feeble-minded parents
Immoderate of tobacco after 4
is suicidal, aays Dr. Hirorhfeld. emi
nent medical author, and other doctors
agree, with him. Excessive uae of to
bacco ia bad for anyone, any time, and
how much you can atand can only be
told after it ia too late if you have
uned too much. Better to quit, and here
Nicotol will help you. Jet a few Ntco
toi tablets from any druggist and let
them drive the craving- from you. If
you want to resume after seeing- how
much better you feel without tobacco
you can do so any time . Nicotol ia
sold under a positive guarantee. It
coats you little to quit and nothing- if
Nicotol fails
Note: If you know you are smoking
too much 'let Nicotol help you reduce
the quantity and show you how easy it
is to quit altogether. Ask your drug
gist about the success of Nicotol. He
knows and can be trusted to tell you
the truth.
141 N. Commercial Street
Men's Black Outing Shoes, all sizes, worth. $3.50,
Our price LLl $2.98
Men's Work Shoes, Black or Tan, bellows tongue in
various styles $3.25, $3.65, $4.20, $5.85, $6.85,
$1.98, $2.25
JUMPERS, Same as Overalls
T5c to $2.50
... - ,$7.45
98c, $1J25
MEN'S CAPS. .65c to $145
$2.65 to $2.9S
A Complete Line of Women's Oxfords and Pumps in
the newest styles and leathers, going at our usual low
Ton Do Better Here For Less
i 'is 1 j
' f
:? S V.:.. .... .Yf'-fti
k v . ':J?h m
k t i. v . - r , a
, .:-.
A V-C Sill Cz-U
.. , , i"; - . i
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' k -.'ii X-. v.m -vwv-.- . .-...v.- ',
The Story of a Honeymoon
A VotWrfl Ruauisr of UnVd Utm ttowlfffiU; TuU bj
Take your c hp ice monkey gland
or goat glands. Dr. J. R. Dnnkley.
of Milford. Kan., pins hia faith on
I goat' glands, lie Is seen here with
the first of six children born as a re
sult of interstitial goat gland oper
ations performed by him. The child
is twelTe montiis old. weights 30
pounds and has never been ill. He
declares that he has proved that the
transplanting of goat glands to the
human body will make parents, for
merly sterile, capable of bearing and
begetting children.
Dr. Sergius Voronoff, the French
surgeon has aroused world-wide in
leresi by ni experiments in pro
longing human life with monkey
glands. Reports from Paris stated
that he had transplanted tue inter
stitial glands but now comes Robert
George Laws, a retired London stock
broker, who says that after taking
monkey glands in capsule form he
has shaken off his 72 years and
feels "like twenty-two." The pho
tograph or Laws, seen In the lasert.
was taken when he arrived in thU
country recently.
never producing other than feeble
minded offspring.
"The mental life is closely associ
ated with the chemical life of the
human, consequently fear, terror,
worry and other emotions throwing
poisons into the chemical system and
affecting the unborn child In this
way pre-na tally, only. Too much
emotion along any line is liable to
affect a child's digestive system, or
other organs, disastrously."
Dr. Conklin said that it Is possible
ta alter the natural temperament by
the proper environment, as contin
ual Influence gradually break down
the undesirable traits In a child.
Proper reading, writing and speak
ing gradually show results, although
X Samuel Colcbvyn
Moore in
: .WmmML&d and. IMuMnf
OtbcrNw Coidwyn Release
Tem Moer la The Cay Lord Qa"
. Kapart I!u(1m' "Th Can f rw
CmMtmm r.rnr tm "Tfc. WoriJ a4 Its
What would you do if you found your
wife' s picture in another man's hat?j
, MHl HI w A13JT WUfJ
Of course, there's a nigger some
K?-SZ7X ..V CUXat know
f UJW Tram a cake of
VVUI Rsan 1st "Almovt a Uvmbmmd"
MM NarsaMwl ta Jlas
CaUwrrm tUmf -i 1tl
knd.hiyM.". ""'' winner Algy ever picked
?lL,;A,4y.diaa e winning streak hmhA
Tom Moore, wtnnlnj amUe, and Ju 1 SH
axe wild about that! BUJ u .women
at Your Favorite Theatre
;pg3l M'O'T I O N P I C TV gjgSj
the natural trend is never entirely
overcome. For Instance, the peo
ples or the east. sJtfth and west dif
fer greatly, because of this law of
He culminated his talk with Inter
esting accounts of Incidents of the
"foster child fantay."
Ir. Pound Heard.
Dr. H. P. round followed with a
very profitable discussion concern
ing the care of children's teeth.
. A business meeting of the Marion
County Children's bureau followed.
It was decided to re-measure the
children, whose score cards were
held up. because of the defect In the
calipers at the last clinic. Mothers
of these children will be given from
3 o'clock on. at the March clinic,
next Thursday. From 1:30 to 3
o'clock will be given over to exam
ining defective children. Children
below. normal should be registered at
dnce, the names being phoned to
Mrs. f. Von Eschen at 903-J.
A little shiver went over me a
William Trumbull's (Mm declara
tion: "I don't let nobody live what
hurts ou."
My alarm was not lessened by th
old fellow's ludicrous, partly pathet
ic explanation that "you bin Ju
like my old mudder o roe. u kind
and good." William was almort. if
not quite old enough to have been
my father, but his stunted brain
made him nothing but a child, a
simple child at that. I knew that
dll the love his life bad ever known
had been centered in his dead mo
ther, and his comparison of me to
her was the highest his brain could
It was a dangerous thing to have
aroused such an emotion of grati
tude in so primitive a nature. How
dangerous I saw by the ferocity with
which he had attacked Mr. Dren
nan when he thought the Intoxicated
man was about to strike me. What
he would do If anyone really harmed
me I didn't dare to contemplate.
Nor hsd I time for any reflection
on what might happen in the fulnre.
The present dilemma promlied to
engage whatever attention I had to
spare. Granted that our drunken
landlord had coma upon the premis
es an hour before his legal rlgnt to
dq so. and had occupied himself In
breaking crockery, still the fact re
mained that he bad been almost
strangled by a man In my employ,
and I feared the violence of his an
ger when he should be able to speak
Rut to my astonishment nfy land
lord proved a good loser. The fight
evidently had cleared the fumes of
alcohol from his brain, and I think
the realization he niuU have had
that he bad almost struck a foniE.
humiliated him greatly. At any
rate, he advanced toward me. lutyinx
with rather a shmefced attempt at
lo the fireplace In which aot en
the a"he of a fire remained It be
nlg a bobby of mine to leave a teal
ed houe or apartment abaoluteiy
cleared of dnt. dM or rubtih.
What iiuns peed before my
ee In the hort mlaate that I stood
there bidding a male farewell to lh
boue. the walls of which had teen
so much of Joy and anxilh la one
bort year! I recalled the bop
with which I had furbished ip the
old plare. and Dicky's prai d
lights In my eipertmeai. Hat with
the viion of (irsre Draper's pK'ared
fare before my ejrs. my Ul gift
from the old boue. I felt that tb
dark and cold fireplace fitly ex
pressed the condition of my he&rt.
tTo be contlnaedi
TS Heww
ft-M MaWl f Jy
Ot relief with fear a
Ilaycr package
told In
The "Bayer Cross" on Aspirin tab
lets has the same meaning as 14
Karat on gold. Both mean Genuine.
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" should
be taken according to the safe and
proper directions in each "Bayer"
package. Be sure the "lUycr
Cross" is on the package and on
tablets. Then you are getting the
genuine Aspirin prescribed by ph)
siclans for over eighteen year for
the relief of colds. Pain. Headache.
Toothache. Earache. Rheumatism
Lumbago. Neuritis.
For a few cents yod can get a
handy tin box containing twelve
tablets. Druggists also sell larger
"Bayer" packages. Aspirin is tho
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaretlcacidester of Sallcyllccit
Mr. Brennan Apologizes.
"Well. Mrs. Cr-r-aham. 'tis a
folne savage watchdog yes have
there. But he'll be endln' n tb'
electric chalr-r or me name's not
Brennan. An' perhaps I've been a
bit p-r-remature In gettin' here. I'll
be goln' away now for an hour, an
when I come back yex will probably
be out?"
Ills tone was a question. I was
too glad that the scene which had
so nearly approached tragedy had
become commonplace, to make any
protest at the damage he had done
my kitchenware. But when he had
departed, after my quiet assurance
that everything would be cleared out
ia an hoar. Katie's lamentations
were high and loud.
"Look at all my Jelly glasses
Joost smashed oop!" she wailed.
"And my beeg yellow cake bowl!"
her voice rose almost to a shriek.
'Oh. VUlum. dear VIII urn. vy you
not shoke heem till bees vindplpe
go smash like my Jelly glasaea?"
"I'd go and finish np the Job now.
If Mis' Gramle would let me. Wil
liam said with a wistful grin. And
volatile Katie, answering the grin
with one of her Infectious cbuettles.
said gleefully, with an adoption or
one of Dicky's slang phrases:
''Go to eet. Vlllum. I'll hold your
"Come. Kctle." I said sharply,
"you mustn't encourage William in
any such foolishness. And. William,
remember." I faced the poor old fel
low with all the sternness I cjuIJ
muster, "you must never talk that
wry again about killing people.
Don't you Lnovr that you could be
put In prison fpr such language? I
am very grateful to yoa for coming
to my rescue In the way yoa did.
but yoa must promise me you 11
never try to choke anyone again "
The Cold Fireplace.
"I won't never chokn nobody un
less they hurt you. Mis' Gramle.' hs
said -stubbornly, and with that I had
to be content, and turn my atten
tion to hurrying the1 last loads of
household goods from the Brennan
house. -
So well did Katie and Jim and
William work that a whole quarter
of an hour before noon the last piece
of furniture was on Jim's wagon, the
last box on William's push carr and
Katie sarely seated In the tailcab
guarding my most precious povte
sions. Then it was that with a sud
den Impulse I wslked into the denud
ed and deserted living room and up
Suffered 3 Years With Rheu
matism, Catarrh and Stomach
Trouble, Since Taking No.
40 Feeli Fine
Gary. Ind.. April 2i. 1 1 . "I
suffered for over three years with
chronic rheumatism, catarrh, consti
pation, stomach trouble, bad blood.
Lnervous spells, arning limb, so I
could not seep. Saw an advertise
ment In the dally paper about Mea
denball's Number 4 0 For the Blood.
Thought I would give It a trial. Al
though I was discouraged, aa I had
doctored with a number of physic
ians and tried numerous medicines
without receiving any beaeflj. '
have taken but two bottle of Num
ber 40. Can eat anything I want
without .fear and am not near so
nervous and am feeling fine. I am
now starting oa my third bottle.
Mr. Cystine Rjiney. 2170 Jeffer
son St." 40 Is demanded la poison
ing, gouty conditions, msl-aatrltloa.
aulo-toxlcattoa. constipation, liver
and stomach troubles. Believed to
remove and prevent gall stone, ap
pendicitis. Successfully used la ee
rema and sklh disease. I'sed with
phenomenal succes In chronic rheu
matism, catarrh, lumbago, myalgia
(pain In he muscle, rauscwlar rheo
matlsm or neuralgia) glandular
swelling, scrofula, mercurial and
lead poisoning. abceses. sores, ul
cers, boils and carbuncle. Sold by
Perry'a drug Store.
Congressman Predicts
Republican Victory
BOSTON. March 9. The predic
tion that the Republican tarty could
elect the nest president If It avoided
splits over the choice of a candidate
was made by Congressman Eta eon
D. Fes, chairman of the Republi
can coagressloaal comas 1 1 tee. laa
addre tonight before the Republi
can league of Uasaacbasetl.
Coagresamaa Fea charged the
Democrats with responsibility tor
"the greatest dcmodalltalloa of In
dustry ever known aad also the fact
jmI (msm that will
the je
rHeew 5nr. JOO
list Tai
Keet Hal lolay
tusd f 10
that there Is aot a friead ef AaerVa
In the old world.
Referrta; to the league af nalkwv
he declared that "Europe will con
cede aothlag to as after we get late
If -
"As long a w remain oat tVs
will ay as a certain asaoaxt aX
fereac. ha said.
He staked ad life.
v aad him farlaM mm
It wagrred acaJaw
wife la a battle f lava an4
hapytae .
All defiesMled oat Dew drew
for Lord A Icy.
.in dVrpestded om llktuuss
mrm tor Lstdy A Icy.
Kasawel Goldwysi Pn at
Lord and Ladjr Aljjy
It U a m isskw m4 raring
that will take yow oat of
jartr. It I lh grewf
Tom Moor pin are yo fcava
AniU Etctrirt
If yoa txa looking for
Wt hart Ux Utst designs and finest grade of hxti
in the dtj and cur prices art riht.
Many art Using adraataft of cor special prica
of one-quarter off oa alomiauxa wart. Why cot you?
It will piy you big to ririt oor store.
We appreciate your patronage
Salem Variety Store
152 North Commercial Street
(' ;:llpnlP'H?-:--:
hi!! !
a i a bl ss u r j s
i a I a i
Oadrnn, Valberg and the IW.tcl.,., IW.tlcs from UmIw.y In . dxall.g vsriey of ,n.l, .Uh "M, 1,- thm cl. algM
wly. 4l"ededay, March 17
- w"-- " irwinuuBi, ia aaia opana at Monday a. m.