'A THE' OREGON STATESMAN: THtTRSDAY. MARCH 4, 1020. Directory The Wanta and Nee da of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While UJiassflBeo i NORWICH UXION fTBJB Bf 8UBAXCB SOCIETY TfcieUen, BoUad Tt Barrhardt tesldspt Agent 871 UtMf 8I HONEY TO LOAN a ivprotvd riu raoraivrr at THOS. K. FORMS FARM LOANS HA7KINS & ROBERTS 04907 Oregon BnOdlnc CXASflXFZZO AUVMtTTIEMlilll Kata Pat? Par Insertion 1. On week Calx Insertions).... so One month ............... ...15c Biz months' contract, par mo.l9o II months' contract: par mo. . to Minimum for any advert" s'm't 25c NEW TODAY ji w a (ill n i i i i - - - - LOST OS COMMERCIAL. STREET , between State and Bellevue. rubber air- pad. Finder please deliver to. : police station. TOUR ROOM HOUSE TO LEASE BY I , year. Uood garden around, parage. chicken house. 338 north rTont Phone 414 or 1267M. TOR RENT THREE ACRES GOOD! land, suitable for train or cultivated crop in south aiem. can at states man office or phone 23. STENOGRAPHER WANTED WITH ,. knowledge of bookkeeping and gen era! office work. Must be quick and , accurate Address js, care states man. WANTED WOMAN TO DO FAMILY washing. Phone 468W. FOR SALE 1 LOTS FENCED IN. fine beaverdamao.il. on Oak St., $5001 AO MZSA M-m U " for the four. Call all saw Ua awua B off of S. Winter. FOR SALE CHEAP 5 ROOM COT tage. 3 blocka from Ladd St Bush bank. Small payment down, balance terms. Call at 77s Bellevue off S. Winter FOR SALE TWO GREY GUERNSEY cows. J. c schindier. 3rsL FOR SALE OR TRADE ! "DOUGLAS EIGHT" ' UERSCHELL-8PILLMAN AERO MOTOR RUN ONLY 3200 MILES 1119 model: In nerfect mechanical con dition: good paint. Left with as to ell or trade for real estate. Will taka smaller car as part payment. This la a genuine bargain for some .one who wanta a nigngraoe auto at , a aacnrice price. THE B. A C. MOTOR CO. 173 8. Commercial St Salern CLOVER HAY. ntnga after t. PHONE 7F23 EVE- LOST S M A LL SUITCASE ON PACIF- Ic highway between, Liberty and Sid ' ney. containing pair logger shoes. ' Finder will be rewarded for return '. Ing to Spauldlnr Logglnr office. WANTED MAN TO CUT BmUSH. Will furnish shack, garden ground i and pasture for cow. Phone 1141J , between .7 and 8 o'clock morning or i evening. tOST ON SILVERTON SALEM ROAD' : Monday afternoon, brown leather : -suit esse. roped and strapped. The . suitcase contained one Iron casting for electric lamp and cord. Finder '. please leave at Salem postofflce. N. N. Johnson, SUvarton, Oregon. FOR SALE OR RENT ABOUT FQURi . acres river bottom land all under plow, close In. -Want to tuy cheap r horse. F. L. Wood, 341 State St. LOST LADY'S WRIST WATCH, plain round, gold. Swiss Waltham i Finder please phone 283.. Reward GOOD HOMES I acre tract. 4 room house and barn. Fruit. All clesr. 8 miles out. 82500 19 acres all in fruit. Some improve ments, elose in. 15000. 19 acres, 0 In loganberries, good home Improvements, close in. Price 810,000. 14 acres, rood bouse and barn. 18 clear, balance nice timber. I miles out. This Is a fine home. 43 acree choice land, tile drained, well Improved, not far out. . 149 acres or Plata loam soil, ciose la. fine loganberry land. Will subdi vide to suit. A number of city homes for sale. For anything In the real estate line. eome to us. We will show you what va have. OREGON LAND CO. 442 State atreet FOR SALE 1 A alee lot and 7 room residence at 1297 N. 17th St. Both city-and well water, on car line, near school, for 82. 759; $1500 cash. The owner desires to leave the city and has made a price for quick sale. Xet us show It now. Don't be likj the multitude who want ed the 1$ acres after it was sold, that we advertised for its value. Come to- JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY Co r 22$ Oregon Bldg. BEST BUYS 11 acres ssndv loam river bottom lend Joining city limits of Sslem; high ly Improved with buildings of all kinds. e acras in fruit and nuts, of wnicn ' ceres are loaanberrlea. 1V4 acres straw- berries, 2tt walnuts The house has 9 rooms and bath: on paved road nile from city school.' $11,000; easy terms.- 1 13 acres rood valley loam, acres , J walnuts. 2 mixed orchard, f room "e. good outbuildings, with electric lights in all buildings, mile from ty limits of Salem on payed road. ' Price $9509; terms. 91 acres all in cultivation; 7 room , house. Isrgs bsrn. 4 Mi miles from town. A good farm st 8150 ner acre. '19 acres fine lend sloping to the Willamette river, part bottom: 12$ In - cultivation, balance timber and pas ture; about 100 acres sown to grain M clover: 8 room house and good w barn. On a good road taht will , !Pvi soon. 4 ft miles to Salem. $175 acre, . sres, 34 cleared, balance timber, river Dot torn; nothing better for io lenberrles. 3(500: terms. 4 room house with full basement, on ;?; 'ne and good location not far out 8 room house with 2 lots, same loea lion as above. 81800. , rooms, bsth and woodshed, built is buffet window seata etc. fireplace. creened In back porch. 3Va blocks "" cr. $2000: terms. ".J 'ooms on car line, water, lights oain; nice fireplace: nicely paint 4 and varnished inside. $3209; easy S0C0L0FSKY $11 8 tat SL NEW TODAY --,-r--l -)i-ii-i.rui.ri.rL l uuu. BUNGALOW Modern, except furnace, g rooms and Mwinj hall. Built In fea- lurea. Bain, toilet. large closets, full basement, electric lirhta I , Price $3350. - i room bungalow type, full basement, rurnace, improved street, car a a. A rood buy. $5509. 7 room madrn hnuw im a Improved street, close in. fi00; good terms. 7 room house. - It's a dindr luat - ; er-hauled .painted and up to the min ute. Lot 100x140. Some frula. on Im proved street. $3509 for quick aala. Call in. and see our farm lis Ki-k class lands. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY Co 223 Oregon Bide eiPLOYfilENT RHiI WANTED ELDERLY WOMAN TO DO nouseKeeping tor lamiiy of three apply 1285 South Liberty St. WANTED MIDDLE AGED. ELREHLT woman or gin tor bouse work and care or two children. Phone 540. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Good wares, modern conveniences, no washing-. Phone 627, 671 State. -eeeejee)e)eMeeexeiee WANTED GOOD. STRONG BOY TO oo janitor work. 433 Court street. f none a. WANTED CLERK FOR GENERAL! merchandise store. Salary $139. Ad dress "J33." care Statesman. WANTED HIGH SCHOOL BOY wanta to work for board and room. Address J 37. care Statesman. NEWSPAPER CARRIERS WANTED I The Statesman wanta two boya with wneeia to iaae regular paper routes Call at the office or phone 633. YOUNG MEN FOR RAILWAY MAIL clerks. $110 month. Experience un necessary, ror tree particulars ex aminations, write J. Leonard (for mer government examiner) 1091 jsquitahie Bldr, Washington. D. C tlTpnr A CP ViIfD C At ADV llll.Itl.Plill. H I n. 1N I.Mn 1 Learn to be an exoert in the ass en. rineertng field where the demand for men ever exceeds the supply and wagea are high. Our new system of Instruction fits a man not only for a Job In automobile, gas tractor, truck, stationary, marine or airplane engi neering, out maicee him an expert. Day or night classes. Write for free catalog. Hemphill's Trade Schools. Inc. 707 Hawthorne Ave. or 134 North Sixth Bt, Portland. Oregon. BALKS MEN WASTED WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL stock la a live producing and divi dend paying oil company with hold ings In the proven fields of Texas and Oklahoma, uoerai commissions Address Box 114. Ft. Worth. Texaa. MlSCKLLiAH EO C WANTED MARKER. SALEM LA UN- dry. Co. WANTED FOUR LOGANBERRY trainers. Phone 100F3. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO I work la our circulation department. A good oroooeltion to the right oeo-1 pie. Address the Pacific Homestead. Htateanen Hide sat em. Oregon. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. MANY new colore lse sound and un. X Burea 179 N. Com'l 81 AUTOMOBILES USED CAR SNAPS MUST SELL OUT 7 all uaed cara in stock: 1918 Stud baker Six. looks like new. 1918 mod el 90 Overland like new. 1918 Max well, will aell at your own price utners iz&v ana up. saiem v eiic company. 182 North Commercial .hark MAoaxrmcs F YOU WANT TO GET THB BEST farm paper, send 19c to the Pacific Homestead. 8aism. Oregon, for a trial aaaecriptioa. Mention tais aa. POULTRY. EGGS FOR HATCH INO FROM A-l Anconaa. $2.50 per setting. For egg I ., producers they rtn't be beat. J. BLI CooHy. 1371 N. Church. Phone 817. FOR SALE SINGLE COMB WHITE Leghorn egga for hatching, $1.60 per 15: 38 oer 100. Mrs. W XX. Utter. Rt. 4. Box 109. Phone 9F23. BABY CHICKS Wyandottea, Orpingtons, Anconas and liu tier cups, ueghorna. ilea, itocaa. Minorcas. Prlcea reasonable. Now booking ordera for 1929 delivery. C. N. Needham. 558 State 8u opposlte court nousej. fnonc oo. TUB NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR- aaL the biggest and beat ta the west. The live magazine tor live noultrv. men 71 cents a year, ei.09 la Salem. Send i cents for sample today. Ad dress The Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon. Mention this aa. LIVESTOC FOR SALE A SPAN OF BLACK PER- cherons. maree weight about 3000. u E. Thomaa. KL Z. stayton. ur MHCEHi S W3COPB. FOR SALE PRUNE TREES. 8 TO 8 Phone 1359. J. D. Waring. FOR SALE CLEAN RED CLOVER seed. Rt, 2. Bx. 1. uervats. GRUB OAK AND ASH STUMPAUE for sale. Five miles out. t-sn vsrui evenings. WILSON STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE $3.50 per looo and dig them yourseu. Phone urii. ETTERBERO 121 STRAWBERRY planta. $7.59 per ioo; wtison w Address P. O. Box 214, Saiem. Ore IS ED CARS FOR BALE 1918 MAX- well good as new; 1917 Maxwell, run 000 miles. Cash or terms. 197 Bo Commercial. Phone 89. IA.9A TITAV TRACTOR. GOOD CON- dition. 3 bottom P. A 8 14-inch plows Sell cheap. rnone in. vt rite uw vsls. Box 62. Rt. 2. WANTED 10,000 MEN( WOMEN AND children to attend our gigantic ssl which begins on 8t Feb. 28. and eontinuea until Sat. March 6th. Peo ples Cash Stores. -WALL BOARD" CAN BE USED OVER lath op atuddlnr. Can be tinted or nanered. Max O. Burea. 179 North Commercial atreet. -WALL PASTE." NO COOKING RE- ouired. Stlcka everything. Max O Buren .179 N. Commercial strsct. FOR SALE 200 YARDS BEST GRADE cork carpet or linoleum, also sever- ' al doaea heavy braaa spittoons and few other articles. Call Thursday mornlnr at 10. Third floor Moose hall In Derby-Lafky Kdg corner Court and lUsb, MISCELLAXKOTJS -WALFELT" YOUR HOUSE: IT'S ivuit nuuBK; ITS r to cloth, at about hair price. Bur en 179 N. Cora'l St, uperior O. BALED OAT HAT. SIS PER TON IN ton lots. Indian Hill Farm. 3 blocks from end of llth St. car line. T. L Davidson. LOGANBERRY TIPS FOR SALE AL- mo an oiner Kinds, true to name, guaranteed nursery stock. See the nursery man. Farmers' Produce Co-. 10 S. High St LADIES WISHINO TO DISPOSE OF rood grade of used garmenta. cost a. suite, dresses. Panama or Milan hats. h.o. call at room 20. Breyman Bldg. or phone 341. STRAWBERRY PLANTS IN VtI. ' . ' quantity Etterberr 121. Gold Dollar. I Progressive Everbearina-. Or-aon Treble. Wilson. Thrifty, well rooted plants Low quantity prices. City delivery Ward K. Kichardsrm. 239a ,x i uul I'none tji. a WANTED SACKS. RAGS AND ALL Jfida of Junk. Stein bock junk Co.. f 2i N. Commercial St. Phone 306. Used cars for sale. ParU of cars at half price. CAPTIVITY OF TEB OATMAN GIRLS xnia true story of westers immi gration naa oeen carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It telle la a-ranhla terms of the me see ore of the Oatman famllv. At the es cape of Lorenao, and the captivity of MarT and Olive. Marv died of fv. vauoa and Olive was purchased from the Indiana five yeera later. The I price is it eenta. postpaid. Addreea Oracoa Teachers Monthiv. Salens. Or. WOOD WOOD FOR SALE First claaa lS-la. or 4 -ft. mill wood at new wood yard on Trade atreet near t-nurcn atreet. Phone 1541 before 9 a. m. or after a p. m. Terma strict ly cash. FRED E. WELLS LOST AND FOUND IXIUXD FOUND LODGE broocii piv tk. i . scribe and pay for ad. Phone 1127. STRAY SHEEP I HAVE TAKEN. UP mree. uwner can llr ll. Arthur IS. Cummlnra. Rt. 3. F O R RENT BOOHS FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Parties with children need not snnle. ilea N Com'l St. HOTJ1 F. L WOOD. 341 STATE ST. REAL aetata, rentals. ' P1AHQB FOR RENT PIANO SMITH Barnes upright, mahogsny ease, fine tone, good condition. $5 per month , Pi ease .state, whether children and particulars. Address Bess E Itslley. Good Samaritan Hoapitsl. Portlsnd. WANTED SUSUSULIAJIBXlUa. WANTED TO BUY HAY. Phone 12S9. J. D. Waring. WANTED AN A1RDALE DOG. EITH- er maie or remale Address J9V, care Statesman. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. Com. St. Phone 888 1919 Chevrolet 8871. 1918 Ford S11S. 1918 Overland "90" ISO. 111! Over land 1350. 1917 Briscoe 478. One ton Ford truck $150. 1917 Ford de livery car $490. ATJTO eMMMMAMMMAMMMMMMMMMMMMAA BHIPP-B AUTO BERVICle CITY AND country trips. Phone: Day. 918: mi, hi. LODGES CheaMketa Ledge Xa. 1 every Wedaeedar eveatag at T:90 at the L O. a P. HsU BUSINESS CARDS PSAY9 AJTP EXPBXBB. LARMER TRASISFSR WR MOVR AND store good a Day phone 939. Night son lssa. XAtnrDXXBB. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service. 1994 Broadway. Phone 16a. STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery sod careful work. Dry wash. 8c per pound. 188 Soutr. Liberty BL. f aone is. BOP LIB EXPERT LAUXDRY MAX. 498 Perry BL 1 pay tea BLSrke4 prise for eaickeas aad egga. Bease paeaa 1SSU. Baep pheae 18ISJ. NrRBERIES FOR SALE FRUITLAND NURSERY has a few thousand Italian Prune trees, grafted Franquet Walnuta, and also other Nursery Stock. Phone 111F11. Rt. 8. Salem. Ore. ' REPAIRIXO AMD PPHOLBTKRINO TURN ITU RE HOSPITAL I HAVE opened up a first class shop, repair ing and reflnishlng and upholstering. All work gusranteed Will call and estimate your work Phone 1743 1391 8. Commercial. M. Brnwn. MOW KT TO LOAit - GOVERNMENT LOANS AT IH PER cent, w. u. smith, 809 saiem uaas. or Commerce. FEDERAL FARM LOANS CITY BUILDING LOANS LOW INTEREST LONO TERMS Prompt and Efficient Service A. a BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Ore. FRIXTIXO BHOPB CARD AND ENVELOPE PRINTING. M. Simonds. The Lady iTinter. izt State St BERTELRON SEARS HAVE Suc ceeded the Shaver Press st 30 L N Commercial St.. Salem. Ore, phone 779. Commercial and society print ing of the better grade. SPRAYING 8PRAY1NO DONE BY EXPERT WHO furnishes all equipment. Large or chards preferred. Now Is a good time for spraying. J. U. Pruner. phone 1 $4, g STCCOXD HAXD ITOKXITirM HOME OF BARGAINS NEW AND Second Hand Goods bought and sold. Bring In your old furniture and ex change It for new. People's Furni ture Store. 271 N. Com. Bl Phone 714. wanted second-hand furni. ture, rugs, carpets, atoves. machinery ana looie. xsesi prices psia. 1 ne Cap ital Hardware Furniture Co, tit N. joro I u i-none orroMBTRUTa. x-w DR. L. lUUi WILSON- 4 Bpsetal nunc Ap or the aid i-3 1st In the Modern ScienUI es plication of O las see for f vision and the relief of EveetraJn and Headache. Office cloead Saturdaye. i ice sis-xu u. a. mdk Building. 1 eVaJMrSOa SmAtnjSO "'MT7.r-'1 capital pitt TRANnrKR rvi a State 8L phone 983. Distributlnc. forwarding and atorage our specialty. uet our raise. AUTO TRUCK SXRYICB. ANY BUNT of hauling. Household moving Jobe dose prompt ly. Try me ones, xii 478 Bteve St. Phone Ms. phone 11SSJ. bbcoxd hajtd oood WANTED SECOND HAXD OOOD8 OF all kinds. Lucas and Lucas. Phone 1177. WB BUT AND BELL IECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pine fittings, bar naea, collar a. collar pads, tools, and chalna. Fred Behind! er. tht Oaater treet. wall rirEk. run WALL PAPER AND CEILINO PAPER 20c and up double roll. Max O. Ba- ren. 179 N. commercial bl I BEE PORTER FOR PAXNTS. WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Oo workman, 4it Court St. Phone 434. WOTU WIBJi riJCUM teeteeeMMMMMee)eiMeiMyeei)ee)eaeMeMMe ne tm, to M rajbsta. Btevea RebeUit amd ISM Oawt B4. U4 CHXHBUBi rHTBlClAJI DR. L. 1L HUM CURES ANT KNOWN III B. High Bt. Faoae 333. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTORS. DR. a L. SCOTT. D. C CHIROPRAC- tor. p. B c. grsaoate. if 1-13 u. n. N. Bank Bldg. Phone 17; Res. 8I3R. OrrSBOPATBTT. DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, OSTE- opathle physicians and surgeons, 80S U. a. National Bank Bldg. Pho SS9. Dr. White residence telephone 419. Dr Marshall residence telephone 3 . DR. JOHN L LYNCHV OSTEOPATHIC Physiciaa Burgeon 493-494 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Office 1394; Rea. IIFt. DR. W. U MXRCKR. ORADUATE Ameticaa School Oeaeopathv, Kirks vUle, Mo.; treats aeete and chronic disease. Office 494-491 U. S- NaUoaal Bank Bldg. Phone 919. Residence, 419 North Bummer. net4 fia. WATER SALEM WATER, LIGHT 4k POvVhiM Co- office 391 South Com'l street. Ten per cent discount oa domestic flat rates paid la advance. No de ductions for absence or any cause valeae water Is shut off your prem ises. REAL ESTATE WANT TO SELL TIMBER EASY TO market or will trade for house and lot. Box 333. Salem. 19 ACRES T MILES NORTHEAST OF fairgrounds on good roeo. rrice sisee Hart-McKillop Co.. 38 Oregon iildg. FOR SALE 7 ROOM HOUSE READY to move Into on N. Com'l St. F. N. Derby, second floor Oregon Bldg. WOOD'S BARGAINS 89 ACRES. SOME Improvements. 82(59. 195 acres, new bungalow. $5500. Small house, terra lot. 9(50. Modern bungalow. Ilttwe. IS acrea fine land. $2000. F. L Wood. 341 State St. WANT TO SELL S ACRES OF LAND I all In cultivation. Buildings ready to move In. good family orchard, some berries, close In. V III take In house and lot aa psrt psyment- Own er. Hox 333. Salem. GOOD BUYS 63 acre farm. 55 acrea cultivated balance timber and pasture: room house, bsrn. welL first class fruit lsad. Located 6 1-4 miles south of Salem on hard road. ITtee $125 per acre 20 acrea located 3-4 mile from city limits south of Salem, all cultivated. 6 acres Italian prunea. 3 acrea apples peara and some cherries; house sad barn, electric lights, sightly location, gravel street, leys first class to sub divide. Price 811.590. 4.30 acre tract. 4 acres eultlvsted. two acres loganberries, 3-4 sere- of strawberries; smsll house, rock road. 4 mile off main Pacific highway. ITtee 82(50. 98 acre farm located 7 mllea east of Salem on main Silverton road; 59 acres eultlvsted. balance pasture snd timber. house, barn, orchard. Price 813.599 279 acre farm located on rock road all cultivated; house, barn, food clever and grain land. Price 8121 per acre 66 acre tract of first class soil, most ly new land; 9 room modern house, bsrn. fsmilv orchsrd. 3 acres straw berries, rock road. 6 miles from Sslem. Price 8200 per sere 6 sere tract located close to rsrllne: good 5 room plsstered bungalow, bsrn. rrutt. gravel street, signtir iocs iron. Price $(000 10 acres of good prune, loganberry or strew berry Isnd. located 5 it miles from Sslem. all cultivated. IT I Ice $1.- 500. 10 acre beerlng prune orchsrd lo- csted on good hsru road four miles from Salem. Price $(000. 61 Vi acre tract located on main Pacific highway, 1 1-4 mllea from street car line; 8 acres besrlng prunes, about 1600 cords of stsnding fir timber, run nlng. water: house and barn. Price $30 per acre. HOUSE BUYS Good 5 room bungalow located In south Sslem. Price $21v. 6 room house located st 996 Oak street. Price 12109. 6 room cottsge locsted In south Ss lem. sightly location. Just outside of citv limits Price 11800. rash a room house iocs lea at lave l ne meketa street, Isrge lot, bearing fruit, paved street. Price $2600. $1909 down. 8 room modern home locsted at 1695 N. 6th atreet. Price 84200. 7 room strictly modern house locat ed within three blocks of stste house. Price $6500. Large house, five apsrtments. bring ing $75 per month, good location, paved street. Isrge lot- I'rice teeov. Large lo room house, two five room apartmenta. furnished. large lot; rent ed at $40 per mtftith. located 650 N. WIE&ABENHORST&CO. 171 BUU Street. REAL ESTATE FOB BALE LAKOE HOC BE IB GOOD LO- eeiiea. ta Select, far fSood. Pheae las. FOR 8 ALE 3 OR 5 ACRES IMPROV- ed. close In; also good fsrtn. Phone owner at S2F13 or addreaa Box 86. R.F.D. No. 3. FOR SALE 7 ROOM MODERN BUN- gslow on paved street, carllne. rea sonsbly close In. garage, fine loca tion. $1(00 will handle. A. L. Seam star. 416 Masonic temple. Phone 363. FOR HALE BUNGALOW. WELL Lo cated la South Salem, five rooms strictly modern, fire place, furnace, hardwood floors and garage. Price 8(000. Hawkins A Roberta. 306 Or egon Building. DANDY FIVE) ROUS MOUSE ON 30th atreet. paved, for $3900. Small sum caab aad monthly payments. tsuiii by owner and a pre-war pries rnoae lesej. FOR RALE STRICTLY MODERN 7 room house on Salem Helgats; 3 lots 50x160 each, fruit, berries, beau tiful flowers aad shrubs, excelleat view of mountains: has furnace, fire place. Dutch kitchen, built in book cases and buffet, rooms Isrge and well lighted; on paved street end street csr line. I'rice $6090. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn 375 State street. Tel. 515. FOR 8 ALE ATTRACTIVE SUBURB- an home on paved atreet. 114 acres of ground, barn, garage, chicken house and yard, variety of fruit, ber ries, beautiful Powers and shrubs. 7 room house, hardwood floor la liv ing room, finished In white enamel. moaern piumning upstairs and down. electric lights, city water, built In aitcnen. i diock to carllne. near school. Owner must sell soon. Price 84200. Mra Winnie Pettyjohn. 276 1 State street. Tel. lis. We Say This It a Bargain An orchard with all buildings Includ ing dryer, and over 69 acrea of bear ing prunea. cherries and logs a ber ries, some apples, oeara and walnuta Close to Salem on good hard roada. una or the best orchard buya offer ing. $29,009. See Fleming Realty Raiders Room 7. 341 State street. An excellent farm of 135 acree rented in part at $750 cash reserving build ings, orchsrd and paature. Easy terma at 116.009 See this .It Is worth your while If you are looking for good farm. See The Fleming Realty Rustlers 241 State atreet LIST YOUR PROPERTY With Us For Quick Sals WALTER McLAREN Rm. 21, ISO N. Commercial 8t, Excellent Loganberry Land 34 acrea 5 mllea from state house on good graveled road. Fine new bouse, bsrn and garage. Chocolate learn soil; all fine new land. About 3-3 In cultivation; balance mostly open paature. A lot of nice chickens, im plements, team and grata Included with the place at $3000. Aa Ideal place. KINNEY & SMITH 261 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Some Choice Investments 19 acre farm 2U mllea from town. I good buildings, 49 acree ia cultivation. Price 86500: terms. 5 room modern bungalow, basement, paved street, 3 large lota. $2(00. terms. if acrea choice dark loam soil li cultivation. 6 acrea In wheat, some strswberTies. $3290. 88 acrea $ mllea from town. 75 li cultivation, good buildings, horses. cattle, boge and fowls. 1 12. eve. Extra fiae 6 room modern bungalow. paved atreet, good location. Snap 34. 290 Choice 29 acre tract close In .good ouiioings, orcnara. gooa is aces. .Bar gain. 87999. 19 acree choice land near Salem all In cultivation. Bargain $1599. (. K-uit u--i;-Huy PERRINE & MARSTERS 212 Com. Club Bldg. FOR SALE SPLENDID LOGANBER- ry land. 29 acrea all In cultlvalioa except 1V acrea in timber. Three acres of prunes 9 years old. New five room bungalow, windmill, barn, and chicken house. Seven miles north or saiem. i'rice $1999. one half cash. 35 acrea on Pacific highway, no build ings, ail in cultivation. Mark soil. Between Albany sad Jefferson. A bargain at 9135 per acre. 184.6 acrea four mllea east of SsAem. good buildings, 134 acrea In wheat. Crop goes with possession. Price ll5 per acre. Terms. Hawkins 4k Roberts. 395 Oregon Building. FOR SALE 28 scree all In cultivation, new house. barn, near raclfl highway, north. In togaaoerry oislticu f rice ec. HART McKILLOP CO. 298 Oregon Bldg. watejotioaw ea farms or INSTALLMENT LOANS ea city property ELSW0RTH PICKELL 891 Masonic Temple. 8al A COOD ONE A small genersl fsrm very good piece for 85099. Cstholle district on the Oregon Electric. Immediate posses sion. We know this place and rec ommend It. Fleming Realty Rustlers 311 Bute St. FOR REAL ESTATE whether farma. city or suburban C W. NIEMEYER 216-216 Masonic Temple. Pboaas 1999 1914 Its lem. Oregon 6 ROOM HOUSE bargain north on Cottage street, Isrge lot. bsrn or gsrsge; excellent fruit trees snd garden, near school, ce ment side wslk. Good streets: bath, electricity, etc. Price $1809 rash, or SIM cash, balance 6 per rent. I have otl.ere. bungalows, similar to this, north snd south modern except basement nesr car lines. IT Iced st Sices. $l9e, fllve: from $Se9 to half cash and all good buys. S. R. PEARSON 41$ Oregon Bldg.. - - Pheae 41 BIDS WAXTED. Notice Is hereby lvea thst the county court of Mario a county, Ore gon, will recelvs sealed bids up to 1 o'clock p. to. on March 10. It 20. for the construction ot on S by 10 foot reinforced concrsts culvert ba4 for two 0 by 10 foot reinforced con crete culverts on the line of the Pa cific highway Bear Salem la Marion county, Oregon. Bidders must de posit a certified check for S per cent of the amount of the bid. Bid oa one or alL Plans and 9Peclflcatlon9 can be seen at the office of the coun ty clerk at Saiem, Ore. U. O.uoyer. County Clerk. WHOLE MILK AHD F&0DUCS WAHTZD Maxloa Cmmtrj A Prodvet Co Saiem. Oregon. Phono 2488 SALEM MARKETS 1 buz I a nuci ItCS Sund poaitrr. Eff.i. 2 4C Hens, heavy, 22c. Younc chickens. 24 to 2le. Old roosters, lie. Dressed hots. It to 20c Port. Mat&oei asd Bee, Pork oa foot. IS l-4e. Lambs, 12 to 12c Beef, steers. 9 to lie . Cows. 0 to 10c Top veal, 24c. Bay, Cheat hay .per ton. $17 to til. Oat aad vetch hay, per. ton. 22 to h" Clover hay, $21 to 124. Wheat, 12 to 12.05 reed oats. tOe. Beans, ta Hc mu MlUran. 47. Wholesale To DeeUcrs. Creamery butter, cartons. T0-71C Butterfat, 70c I-Tma. Oranxoe, ft to 10.10. BapsBia, lie. Lemons. 7 to 17.80. aUtornla crape fruit, 14. Florida crape fruit, fl to 17. Cab bare. S to S l-2c Onions. 4.I0 a sack, Turnips, ltd a dozen bunches, Carrota. l(i dotea .bunches. Bell peppers. 40c a pound. Celery, f LIS a dosen. Round radishes 40c dotea bunches Sweet potatoes. lOe a pound. Parsley. lOe dosea bunches. Beets, tSe dotea bunches. Green onions. COe dotea bunches. Retail 1-rteaa. Creamery butter, 7 Sc. Dairy buttsr. SO to tta. Eccs, dotu. 40c. Flour, hard wnest. f 2.2 S to 12.10. Flour, valley. 2.k&otl. - 8ucar. cane. II l-2e. 8uar, sack f 17 (limited). EDWARDS IS OUT FOR PRESIDENT Fifht of Hetd of Nation to Be Taken Direct to Na tional CoYnention CHICAGO. March 2. A petltloa entering the name ot Governor Ed ward 1. Edwards ot New Jerary ia the Democratic presidential race la IUInola was taken to 8pr1ncfee.t to night, following a local mass meet ing at which the New Jersey execu tive was eadorsed. Seversl speakers attacked W. J. Bryan's opposition to Edwards. The petltloa will b tiled with the secretary of atale tomorrow. It was a noon seed. Michael Zlmmer, president of the United Societies, who presided, read the following tele gram from Gover nor Edwarda: ""The fleet afw f a i m A turn sons! liberty was taken by the lecla- lature 61 Near Jersey todsy. 1 will carry the same flcht to the Ssa Fran cisco convention. The Idea of per sonal liberty la greater than sny mas I am with you la the flcht for Amer icanism." JOHNSON RAPS HIS OPPONENTS Candidate Chirjei That Bis; Sams of Money Are Expend, ed for Campaign MITCHELL. 8. D.. March ?, Senstor HI ram W. Johnson of Cali fornia tonight opened fire upon his leadlnc opponents for the republican nomination for the presidency, charging that the expenditure of money In the South Dakota primary is such as hss seldom beea seen In any campaign In any state. "It Is obvious." said the senator, "that this state has become a tre mendous battle ground of the wealth and power and financial resources of my two leadlnc opponents. "Seldom la aay state hss such aa extravagant expenditure of money In n primary campaign been seen. I csnnot compete with them In this kind of contest. It may be their cood fortune and my misfortune thst they can espend la an directions enor motti sums of money nnd thst I csa not. I have back of me no great corporation, no trust, no powerful financial Interests. Interest common wealth I am pitting; whatever ot abU- INVESTMENTS 24 acres, S mQea from Salem, oa cood road: rood l-room house; other bulldlajcs all first class; all la crop: family or chard; cood- team of horses, wagon, ha races, plow.' harrow, cream separator. Mi chickens, stump pullet, all to with the place. For enlck sale tVkOOO 20 acres, about sit miles from Salem, oa paved rosd; tea acres la crop, 10 acres brush: bo bulldlSEa, A snap, per acre f 120, 22 acres, about ali miles out: food balldlncs, 7-room house: all la cultivation: bo better land In Orejoa 97300. 2C seres, all ta crop: about CO fruit trees; fair bouse, rood barn; oa paved road. Will trade for modera home la Sa lem. No Junk considered for this place. SO acres, located close to city limits of Oregon City;, all la crop; cood bulldlacs. with sew alio; land lays fine tlSJEMM. A loan of I7S00 ran be made on this place. 1C0 acree ot cood land la North Dakota, close to rood city; 140 acre la cultivation: no belldlnis will trade for Oregon property. . S-room house, fair condition, city water, toilet, aioux six blocks from Bute street $IOO C-room modera - cot lace cm paved street, S blocka from ea pilot; furnace, aad modera throagboat; bouse empty 0-Jooo. S-room home, close la: all modera. with furnace; psved street 03000. ' C-room modera house oa paved street: east front; cood f tr ace C2SO0. C-room house, modern; He lot, oa paved street aad car Use. If sold by as it Wedaesday trvoo. .. i LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US LAFLAR&LAFLAR 400-7-4I OBXGOX BLDG. H y. or cos rage, of enercj aad of character God has clvea me aralaet the wealth, the influence aad the power of o retailed politics aad or gt sited blc business la politics. I am dependlnc here, as ever IB my political contests, upoa the home I loving. God-f earing, free patriotic cil- I seaahln the Isartlealat in m mm aV make this country crest aad tain re Its future destiny. Aviation Held Will Be Made Federal Repair Base SAN DIEGO. CaL. March 2. Ma jor Roy C. Klrtlaad. who assumed commaad of the army aviation ren ter at Rockwell field today, aa son seed that the field Is to be con verted talo aa aeronautical supply aad repair base for all military alr plaae aad seaplaae squadrons oa duty la the Hawaiian aad Philip pine Iflaada aad the states of Cal ifornia. Oregon. Washington. Arts oas, Idaho. Montaaa aad Wyomlac The present aeronautical supply base at Los Angeles, he said, would be abandoned aad Its equlpmeat moved here. Civilians will be employed almost exclusively. It Is ss son need, la the shops snd offices of the base at Rockwell field. Af ore? Island Navy Yard Not Effected by Rtdini VALLEJO. Cel.. March 2. Mare Island navy yard will be little af fected by falls re of congress to In clude a large appropriation for re pair of warships la the .deficiency bill, sccordiDg to the belter ex pressed by ysrd offcllss todsy. About 8500 men are employed at the yard. It vas said, a redaction of spproxlmstely 1.100 since December. About so per cent is now e a gaged oa new construction, for which funds are ample. The keel of the dread naught Montaaa Is scheduled to be laid within a few weeks aad It was said many more men caa be traae ferred here from other yards thea. Receiver It Chosen For Shippini Concern NEW YORK.-Marc X Federal Judge Julius T. Mayer today appoint ed Charles Tstes aad aNthaalel A. Elsbcrc receivers la Involuntary Bankruptcy for F. D, Dlmmtca and company, shipplnc merchants of New York. This actloa vat based oa claims of the United Slates ship plnc board emergency fleet corpora tion Involvtnc 11.S90.000 for the charter of various govern meat own ed vessels. Read tLe Clatsifierl Ads.