THE OREGON STATESMAN i SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2t, 1020. Flr?t Church of Chrlt, Scientist. Sunday service is held at 440 Che meketa! street at 11 a m. Subject 0( Dlble lesson, "Christ Jesus." Sun day echool at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock In the reading room. 203 Masonic temple, open every day ex cept Sunday and holidays, from 11:45 a. la- to 5 p. m. All are in vited to our services and to our read ing room. , First Christian. Center and High streets, three blocks north of the O. E. depot. bible school at 9:45 a. m., followed T ' by church at 11. Messrs. Adam Burns ana a. wauace vm asalbt the pastor in this service, the acrmon being on "The New Testa ment Church; Its Eldera and Dea cons." ! This wilt be very instructive and interesting to all who are con cerned with the original pattern as laid down by Jesus Christ and his apostles. The evening sermon, at 7:30. will be an "Faith a Sign of Man's Emptiness." The C. E. will meet at 6:30 to hear reports from the Albany convention. Prayer meet ing Thursday evening at 7:15 in the "upper room" (the Red Cross room). This is one of ocr newly refurnished rooms, and is a delightful meeting place. "We welcome all to these prayer services. Study John 4:54-38. Tho Women' Missionary Society meets Friday. March 5. with Mrs. L. A. .White, C33 North Frout street Feast." Sermons both morning and evening by the pastor. The monthly meeting- of the W. II. M. S. has been postponed because of so much sickness. First Mcthodiftt EpitropaL '". Dr. R. N. Avison, pastor. Corner Church and State. 9:15. an old time class meeting, room 4, down stairs, W. L. Cummipgs. leader. 9:45. Sunday School, Prof. J. W. Todd, superintendent, Grace Smith, assist ant. K sermon for the young, "How to Have Friends," James 2-23. Morning messages for old and young, "Spiritual Gifts." 3 p. m.. Dr. II. J. Talbot will conduct services at the Old People's Home, corner 12th and Ferry. 6:30 p. m. Senior Epworth League in the Sunday School room. Junior League In Epworth Hall. 7:30 p. nr.. sermon, "Our Place at the PAPERS FOR INDIGESTION .." ; St. Paul' Second Sunday in Lent; 7:30 a. rn.. holy communion; 9:45 a. m.. church' school? -Jl a. m., morning prayer and sermon. "How Science Defines Sin"; 7:39 p. m., evening prayer and address, "Some Great Re ligious Hymns." Week-day Lenten services are held Wednesdays at 4 p. m., and Fridays at 7:30 p. m., at the former of which the rector Is lecturing on, "Prominent Events In the History ol Christianity." and at the latter the topics follow, "The Life of Jesus." Everybody welcome Chas. H. Powell, rector. m. Hear each one of ti" " a;:"l-3. ! Dlble School 10 a. m. Object talk for the children. Morning sermon. "The Power of the Personal Touch." Intermediate Endeavor 3:30 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. :30 p. m. Come hear the Endeavorer give their live and inspirational talks. Seven delegates attended the state convention at Al bany last week. Song service and sermon 7:30 p. m. "The Prodigal Sons." Monday, 7:30 p. m.. month ly board meeting. Thursday, 7:30 m., brief devotional and sermon by pastor. We extend a hearty in vitation to everyone to worship with us. R. L. Pulnam. pastor. Hfewlaaxl Friend, liiule school at 9:45 a. m.;. preach ing at 11 a. el; C E. meeting at 6:1 p. nv, preaching at t:Z0 p. ro.; prayer meeting on Thursday at 7:3u p. ui. Our revival meetings are still j people re getting tared. We are expecting a great day Sabbath with all iv meeting. Preaching at 11 a. m., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Come and eujoy the full gospel messages that are being given. I. G. Loe and wife. pastors. CHEW A FEW END STOMACH DISTRESS! At once! Indigestion, Heartburn, Gas and Dyspepsia, caused by Acid Stomach, is relieved. Buy a box! ;Eat meals without fear! Read "Comitton Sense Rules Regarding Stomach" in package. While They Last Gates Half-Sole Tires ATe 10: Off ORIGINAL COST 30x3, $9.90, 10 er cent off, now. . . , . $8.90 50x3 Vs. $11.90, 10 per cent off now........ $10.70 Ionty's Tire Shop i. Service With a Smile 134 South Commercial Street Seventh Day Adventfet. North Fifth street and Gaines ave nue tonight at 7:30. Subject. "Who Changed the Sabbath?" Did Jeans substitute the first day of the week for the seventh day? Did the apos tles? Who did? Evangelist A. R. Dell will answer this great question of the day front the Bible, and with a Ftaggering array of facts as test! mony confirming the scripture, and with the confession of the criminal. Everybody invited and cordially vel come. How Signs Oi Old Age Creep Into YonrSystem When The iron In Your Blood Runs Low Foe Want oi Iron, Yoa May IU 01J At TCrty Narrow. ImiaH amd All. !WJorT V.'UIo at Fifty cr Sixty, With Plenty cf Iron in Y Blood, Yoa May B Yocr m FcxIs and Enmmsnz Ore? With Vita avxtd Eaarzy IRON IS THE RED BLOOD FOOD Court Street Christian. Corner N. 17th and Court streets Your pastor will be on hand this Lord's Day. We were very sorry that the "flu" has hindered our serv ices the past two weeks and caused us to postpone our Campaign for Christian Citizenship, but we hope that notwithstanding this delay we may be able to launch immediately Into the "Each One Win One" cam paign now on in the Brotherhood to win 100,000 souls in a six weeks' effort.. Your pastor has planned a series of aeven sermons , on "Soul Winning" for the purpose of .train ing all those , who want to be soul winners. The first message of the series will be given this Lord' Day and the second on Thursday 7:30 p. Ftjut Presbyterian. Thomas S. Anderson, minister. Church 9; 45 a. m.. Joeepli II. Albert, superintendent; room anl good service for all. Public worship at 11 o'clock. The pastor will give the fifth sermon . on the general theme: "Am I My Brother's Keep er?" Obligations of the Christian Church the International Chuich World Movement. Intermediate En deavor at 5 o'clock, the Young Peo ple's meeting at 6:30 and evening worship at 7:30. A welcome for ail at every service. South Solrtn Friend. Corner of S. Commercial and Washington streets. H. E. Pember ton. pastor. The church Dible School V 10 a. m.; classes for all ages, Carl Miller, superintendent. Public wor ship at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The young people meet In C. E. at 6:30. Jm rk That Keros Strengthen the Nerve, Xtestores Wasted TUaue and AH In GMsg Renewed Force and Power to the Body. Physicians ExpUin Why Administration of Simple Nuxated Iron Often. In creates the Strength and UrA ot Delicate, F.un-down People in Two Weeks. Time. Old age has already tunic its talon i into thousands of men . . . . ',; and women who ought still to be enjoying the springtime and gammer of life simply became they have allowed worry, over wwk, nervous strata, dittipation and occupational poisons to a? the iron from their blood and thereby destroy its power to change tood into living tliioe, cuscle and brain. You will find plenty of people at 40 "who are broken in health and steadily going downward to phr ical and mental Itcay while others at 50 are strong, active, alert an4 seemingly growing younger every year. One dais -withers and diet like leaves in au tumn while the ether by keeping vp a strong power to! resistance gainst disease may pass the three score and ten mark with curprising health. strength and rigor. But yon cannot expect to look ani feel young and rigorous unless yon TCU Alt ACZISG If jmm are vetWd by Um actirfcaee ml U3y Urn . - - 11 r9 aWve iomt taa m J? 1 mmd Bcven sSswsBBssasp rMfHT Gl) AMI AOBINO atta ts ahnakbg TOO dJZS AC US 0 U theeathwtUawi for UkCag Tpiar dm2y problems iia waned ittm mt d - r si4 lnm ia as im a X mm a4 Iraa MT lib L-At M.-J u4 unt- itvrn i NAME "BAYER" ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Get Itellef Without Fear aa Told In vrjayer Package." "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin 'to be genuine must be marked with the "Bayer Cross," Just like your check must have your signature. Always look for the "Bayer Cross Then you are gettin genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over 18 rears, In the "Bayer" package are safe and proper directions for Colds. Headache, Toothache. Earache. Neu ralgia. Lamb go. Rheumtlsm. reunt is. Joint Pains and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sen larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture of Monoaceticacidester of Sail cyllcacld. ' I i I 11 1 , , " 1 ?1 c- ! ii Southern Pacific Company Resumes Tomorrow Monday, March 1st. IjUtlirran. East State aad 18th Streets. Sun day school at 10 A. M. Preaching service at 10:30 A. M. Subject: "The Agony In Getbsemane." No evening service. Passion service every Thurs- ... - . m . n t lM.ii uy ai i.iv r . ja. unvri are wtu- come. G. Koehler. Pastor. Jawm Ijt-r Memori! Corner of Winter and Jefferson Streets. - Thomas Acheson. Pastor. Sunday school 9:45. Chaa. lLxreman In charge. . . Classes for, people of til ages, taught by capable instructors. Strangers and visitors alwaya wel come. Come early. Public worship 11:00 A. M. Subject: "Why Men Fall Religiously." Class meeting 12:15, Mr. Clark In charge. Epworth League devotional meeting 6:30. Miss Grace Taylor, president. This is the most wide awake service of the church. Young people welcomed with a glad hand. Evening worship 7:30. 8ubject. "The Man Whom No Man Helps." "This service will be evan gelistic. Special features: Recep tion ot new members at the morning service, special music by the choir both morning and evening. The or chestra will play for the Epworth League. We extend to - the public a most cordial Invitation to come and worship with ns. livtrff Mr hicmmm tWtr to4 U'l, Ttr v - urrias foe tM ft irm." Mrs ft-r . ftfcs4 'T-um, k'UMl ia.irl iUnul wrlf . i"Vrriaa nCe TV. Ifonatal (Om Dtp.). rw Sal St A..... t.-i it. 1..- f - - . J Yark. mA f V WiAmx Cmr tv i ! f : rr t. f and physicians explain below war uZ., a t t kM7vnv.I U xt-i!m. I i.a r- t tmtmm- fjrr'-" r- f-t-nrM - I A - - .4 m k i.f a.t 4. ' m V .1 W .v.. k A. Bjcicncy in toe weak, nervous, sal Knr. wmiiry se eerrrr. m ie w iwcaciu im tLrT tcv. -. they prescribe organic iron Tux- r ated IronUlo supply tle iron de- "7 Into itronfftr, healthier men aal wenieu. "'fir a tnmm an4 wooisa i mAt run-down so as to build then p Tl-n7 ai t wkm arrws. Vr-m. nrt- iiii - tan .v r 'at iff cm aaks wna S tfrw prrrM t wmtarm Htm Him mm i -m mrm rrtij mm ttksn sM I JTf. Daniel J. Fry and J. Trr - mm Christian and Missionary Alliance. Services at 2:15 next 'Thursday af ternoon, March 4, 632 Sooth Com mercial street. Rev3 J. E. Fee. of Portland, will conduct the Bible study. A cordial invitation to all. fnitcd Evangelical. Cottage and Center streets. Rev. G L. Lovell, pastor. The Sunday school will meet at 10 A. M. Divine worship and preaching at 11 A. M., "Taking One's Place." Christian En deavor at 6:30 P. M. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening. First Cbngregatlrct. Liberty and Center Streets. W. C. Kantner. minister.' 10 A. M.. Sunday school, with classes for all. W. I. Staley, superintendent. 11:00 A. M. "The New Christian."' 6:30 P. 31.. Christian Endeavor, Miss 3fargaret Livesley. leader. 7:30 P. M.'. "The Great Exchange for Brass, Gold," motion pictures. Mt. JoeDh. I take Dleasure in extendine to vou an invitation to our mid-Lent Mission In our church at the corner of Cottare and Chemeketa atreets. We have been fortunate this year in se curing a mixtion preacher who fa a son. Rev. rather Anthony, O. F. M a saint whose gentle lite waa.. per hsps, the most petfeet exempli flca tioo of ChrUUan living since 4 he Di vine Master Himself. This spiritual son. Rev. Father Anthtony. O. F. M will give us a Franciscan Mission. The Mission will commence on Sunday evening. February 29, at 7:30 o'clock and will continue--with the exception ot Saturday evening err evening until Sunday evenlnr. March 7, when It will close. There will be mass every morning during the week at 9 o'clock, with a special Instruction for children, which, bow ever, will be beneficial for every one. A lilt of the evening sermons will be published later. These ser mons and benediction will not it rasa one hour each evening, and wtil com mence promptly at 7:30. It will of course be aasemed that every Catholic in the parish will avail hlmaelf nf f ha nrlvtlo nf at. tending as faithfully as posrtble the rrrTic or ine mission, uux we are not content to art fit Mr nln iau spiritual retreat, but are anxious to exiena me invitation to all. whether Catholic or not. Therefore. I should like to have everyone who reads this letter to consider It a special Invita tion to him to attend, and to bring as many of his friends as be can. Confessions will, be heard by the Reverend -Mlssloner at convenient times In the morning, afternoon and evenings. IJe speaks both English and German, so that all who wish may go to him. It would be an ex cellent time for every one to make 1 bis taster Confession and go to Com munion at this time. To be surei most of the parishioners will go again at Easter etc.. but this will; be an occasion for making what ts known as "The Easter Duty." 1. e.. confession and communlan. M. sharp. T. P. L. at 6:15. Street meetings 7:30. Preaching, testi mony and chorus at S P. M. Coaae and renew acquaintance with Ensign J. L. Kelso of Eugene, who is with us for the week end. - Five Are indicted for Violations in Portland PORTLAND. Ol Feb. 21 Five men fn dieted - by the Meltnomah county grand Jury on charges of tar ing violated the criminal syndicalism act. according to the final report ot the grand Jury, returned today. They are T. W. Speakman, alleged to be an organiser tor. the Industrial Work era ot the World. a4 Jasses Thorns, Laurl Saari. J. Asher and P. Vv. Var ney. alleged members of that organi sation. The men Indicted are all Un der arrest. - Ui w - ... I Sib f . : rtikirli a it U. fL L. B ATTEUT ' SnOP 4Q Ccrah, SU S.itr, The operation of its Hiiph which since January 1st, 1018, have been un der control of the United States. Railroad Administration. YQTJE PATEONAGE is asked on the ground of out giving you in return the best service at our cmmand, and in which we all, officers and employes, hope to earn your commendation. YOUR CONSIDERATION is asked because with the passage of the new Railroad Bill by the Congress determining the public control over the rail roads,, we only now have in sight the end of a long period of great uncer tainty in which it was impossible to determine plans for. the future. In the period of readjustment following March 1st, wc reply upon your patience. YOUR C 3-OPERATION is asked in lotting us hare the benefit of your suggestions and counsel, in connection with our service. V.r further information, . , ' r - i- - !'- V: - . - ' I 'John -II. Heott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. ! II. A. Hinshaw, General Freight Agent, Portland. Ore. , .'...-! , A. Al Mfckel, Freight Agent, Salem, Ore. O. L Darling, Ticket Agent, Salem, Ore. Are at your erice. ' African M. E. Zion services will be held W. C. T. U. reading room Sunday, 1 p. m. Presiding Elder W. W. tiowaru wui preach. Everybody welcome. Salvation Army. Sreet meeting Saturday evening at 7:30. Salvation meeting in the hall at 8 o'clock. Street meeting Sunday morning at 10:30. Holiness meeting; at 11 A. M. Sunday school at 2 P. GIRLS LEARN TO COOK IN WAR AGAINST HIGH COST OF LIVING US' BROTHERS BU5IME55 CAR Its futhfnkess enh&nces Ui Talne for iht small merdunL He can depend upon it for daily tenrice and know tnit it will seldom require repair The haulage cost is unusual Ijr low ;yv n0fp H. F. Bonesteele Salem, Oregon Phone 423 Thousands of girls and young matrons are learning to cooVr rncJer Community Service auspices in cities, towns and village throughout the United States. They are encouraged by the or ganization workers to become expert In domestic science so that they can reduce the high cost of living. In the picture, a Com-' m unity Service expert ts stowing the girls the rudiments of caka ' 4 raaijng, ; : 4 . f. "