The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 28, 1920, Page 16, Image 16

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Prune prowing and Marketing Hat Gone Through All the Adverfilici and Taken All the
Hard Knocks, and It It Now Firmly Established in the Ability of Our Growers to rur
nish What the Markets Demand.
ties In the state la acreage and pro
duction of prunes.
Officially it li reported that there
are f 611 acres of bearing prune or.
chard and 1695 acres of young
prune trees neexlng the producing
Stage in this county alone.
Because of her central location in
the prune-growlng district, Salem has
gained a commanding place as a, pri
mary market for prunes.
Here the fruit is sold by growers
either In the fresh or dried state and
the prices. paid them during the past
several years returned handsome
profits to orchardlsts.
The great bulk of the prunes grown
here are the Italian Tariety. These
are. for the most pert, evaporated
and sold to packers who place them
on the market neatly packed and
sold under widely-advertised brands.
That the Industry offers much en
couragement la evidenced by the acts
of many of our leading growers who
are Increasing their acreage. It Is
believed that the new plantings next
piing will be limKed only by the
number of young prune trees avail
able la the nurseries.
Prunes are grown successfully on a
wide range of soil. There Is much
land of tis kind that can be bad In
any part of the county.
The prune Is no longer a boarding
house Joke, j It is a table necessity.
The prune, grown in Oregon, has
been gaining in favor ever since it
was placed on the market. During
the late war Uncle 8am sent his or
der to the packers In western Ore
gon directing that all prune's be held
subject to the demands of his mili
tary officers.
. Generous portions of prunes were
Served to the boys in camp "over
there., . It will never be known how
much of the pep which animated
our soldiers at Chateau Thierry, the
Argonne and in other decisive battles
with the Huns was contributed by!
their hiving: been supplied generous
ly withrthis choice product.
Prune culture, after 25 years of de
velopment, has now expanded into a
large ; industry. Oregon now ha
nearly 20.000 acres of prune orchards
In full? bearing and 7500 acres of
young ttrees nearlng the fruiting
stage. ' These orchards are located,
with limited exceptions, in the west-
era part of the state, principally in
the Willamette and Umpqua valleys.
' Marlon county leads all other conn-
Our neighboring counties. Polk and
Tamhlll. are also heavily interest
In growing prune. Daiiaa. in tae
heart of Polk county. Is the center
of a very Urge and prosperous prune
district. There on the eurrouaaing
hills may be found prune orchards
large, thrifty and productive. Dallas
la an important packing center.
The orune Industry I aiao nour
ishing around Dayton and New berg
In Tamhlll county. Many of these
orchards are well cared for ana. in
consequence, are rewsrumg uwh
owners with encouraging returns.
(Continued from page 1)
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.Another view of a prune orchard near Salem.
market. Salem bow has tve Urn
canneries, two equally large msartT
ors as well as two commodious hm-j
a a a,i.K a..ti - - m
uxi in vtiu m vMwrj ox presses an
Installed to frees out Ue Hie fW
this now famous berry. Dariaa tw
picking season these ladtstAea are
operated at fall capacity cenvtrcaj
the tons and tons of fresh somes
a to tho finest table prod acta.
permanently established. No other
fruit baa so many distinct uses. Last
summer buyers were la the Willam
ette valley bidding keenly for a sup
ply of the fruit and. in no Instance,
ere there berries enough to meet
the -demand. Nine cents was the av
erage price received by growers. The
market requirements are certain to
keep In advance of the supply for a
great many years.
The loganberry la now canned,
dried, and preserved In sugar and
held in cold storage. The Juice 1
pressed out and made Into syrup for
flavoring Ice cream as well as vari-
Phes ana
quantity has already been mart tut.
la order to sped up prod actios to
keep pace with the demaad for tkia
remarkable Invention a eoapasy y
being Incorporated and this coaaaxy
la already patting la aew Bacfc&ery.
The new company Include tie
Bros. (Ben W Alfred. Ceo. tad
Charles) aad Mr. and Mrs. W..B.
Lure bin. .
The Real Praner la a Salens hv
venllon. patented by A. A. tank.
It boa maay advaatage over, say
pruner heretofore la aso as Is rrv
denced by the following Cattartxf
comment oy pruning ex pens:
R. 11. Taylor, assistant to tae
Chief. Division of Plant Industry,
Suit of California, says:
"The Real Praner undoubtedly kas ,
a great deal of merit. I shall coo
ling to us it In my work,
Warren P. Tuft, assistant proft.
sor of Pomology. University of C.
fori la. aays:
lt Is an exceedingly deatrail
pruner better than any other poU
ous kinds of soft drinks.
Loju. two delectable drinks bow o-i pruner we have ever worked "wtta.
Joying a world-wide dm&a. are ; Louis Lacbmund. of Salem, one of
manufactured froni the pure Juice of j the most widely-known fruit growers
the loganberry.
Salem la the center of the logan
berry industry. Not only Is mort ot
the world's supply of this fruit grown
within a radius of 20 miles of Ore
gon's Capital City, but hero also are
the largest plants located that pro
pare the berries and Juice for the
T Mr
A view in a prune orchard in. the district south of Salem.
The Willamette Valley Prune Association Goflnto Action When Oregon 'Primes Were an
Unknown Product in the Markets of the World; Pioneering Work Was Done, and Con
tinued Till the Oregon Prune Is Now Standard in Its Class Wherever Prunes Are Eaten,
the World Over
Some twenty-flTO or thirty years The principal varieties were the
ago a few large prune orchards In Italian, French and Silver prunes,
tho Willamette valley were planted. It was not long before experience
proved that the Silver variety was not
suitable or profitable and most of
the trees have been entirely ellml-
You save time, trees and money when you use a Real Pruner.
t Pronounced by pruning experts to be the fastest, smoothest cutting
and most powerful practical pruner on the market
R. H. Taylor
R. II. Taylor, as
sistant to the chief,
Division of Plant In
dustry, State of Cali
fornia, says: "The
Real Praner un
doubtedly has a great
deal of merit shall
continue to use it in
my work."
Warren P. Tufts
"Warren P. Tufts,
assistant professor of
Pomology, Universi
ty of California says :
"It is an exceeding
ly desirable pruner
better than any
other pole pruner we
have ever worked
Louis Lachmund
Louis Lachmund,
of Salem one of the
most widely known
and experienced fruit
growers of Oregon,
says: "I purchased
two of your pruners
and they are all the
name implies they
are real pruners
and 100 per cent efficient."
.Sold By All Dealers Throughout The United States
Salem, Oregon
nated from the orchards.
In the Willamette valley the 'It
alian or "Oregon" variety Is mostly
Frown. The soil and climatic condi
tion are more suitable to Its devel
opment and it Is found more prof
itable than the French or Petite va
In the southern part of the state
the French variety does very well.
The acreage planted in thaz section
I just abut equally divided In-twen
the French fciid ltal':n varie.lM. M1
vasons cha type is p ciuced
profitably and the quality is strictly
The climatic conditions have much
to do with this.
In the early stages of the prune
production the Industry had its trials
and setbacks. It passed through the
usual experiences of all new Indus
tries. Quite an acreage came into
bearing within n year or two.
But no markets had been developed
for our fruit. In fact, for two or
three seasons conditions were so dis
couraging that quite n few of the
growers grubbed out their orchards.
The experience of others. In an en
deavor to borrow money to tide them
over through the stress under which
tney round themselves, was that
they found It difficult to borrow on
tneir orchards. i
Financiers advised them that thT
would figure -land values minus the
cost of grubbing out the trees.
This, of course, would lower the
valuation on their prune lands so
that, in the earlv 90's. nrnne or
chards could have been bought very
The writer knew of one Particular
orchard which was taken back under
mortaare when the owners were will
ing to sell on the then lbw valuation
or tne tare land. This was at a time
when success for the orune Industry
was anything but assured and there
were very, few buyers for prune orchards.
In' the MrW hlatorr of tha nrani
Industry, Oregon prunes were shipped
out m cotton sacks as they came from
the dryer. They were, of course.
graded and sacked aa to sizes a
that our goods were not at all In
viting when compared with the finely
packed goods of California.
Many or oar prune growers at that
time realised that It was going to be
necessary to improve on our quality
and packing for shipment.
In 1900 the Willamette Valley
Prune Association was organized for
the purpose of packing aad market
ing the Oregon nrunea.
. Most ot the leading growers of this
section at that time had become mem
bers of the association. It was mnn
found that the association had under
taken a big task to market a variety
of dried prun es. entirely unknown
and with a flavor altogether differ.
ont from that with which the con
suming public had been acauainted
Growers started in to use greater care
In harvesting their nrunea and th
association commenced to pack their
product In 25-pound boxes faced, and
adopted the Pheasant Brand, which
they are still using. This is one of
me nest known brsnds for Oregon
prunes In all the markets of the
world where Oregon prunes are used
About the year 1902 feu i
large crop of Oregon prunes. The
Vick Bros. Are Among the Incorporators Who Will En
large Their Manufacturing Plant and Add New Machinery.
A new Industry which bids fair to
add materially to Salem as a man
ufacturing center is the manufactur
ing of The Real Pruner. Already a
factory is in operation at S10 South
Winter street and a considerable
of Oregon, aays:
I purchased two of your praam
and they are all lhe name tavUesu
They are real pruners and lit pr
cent efficient."
The Vlck Bros., who have been a
successful her, nave seen Us su
periority of this pruner orer etktv
models and have hacked the eater
prise la a targe way financially.
It Is the intention of the new eonv
pany to market the praner in foreign
countries, entering the Canada Bali
this coming season! One of Us
pruners-has already been shlrped t
Tasmania to break into that Held.
The Real Pruner Is claimed to Ve
the fastest, smoothest cuttlag sad
most powerf al pruner on the mar
ket. It la constructed of galvanised
metal and has n steel hook that wta
not bend out bf line. Both bands en
the pruner at all times glres perfect
control. It is simple la construction,
Nothing to get out of order. Always
pen. All parts are die stamped aad
Interchangeable and can be replaced
at any time.
The Real Pruner aa It Invades Ue
orchards of the world will be a val
uable advertisement for Salens as Ue
words "Salem. Oregon" are plainly
stamped on each pruner.
- Orders are comlsg In quite rapidly
already one of the most recent be
ing from Baker. Hamilton A Pactfls
Co.. of San Francisco. This order,
which was for 1290 pruners. has just
been filled.
t Come to Salem and raise raspber
ries: especially black cap or Muter
black raspberries. On these this sec
tion has what amounts to a franchise.
That is. we can grow them success
fully more successfully than any
other section. .
Salem Is the loganberry capital of
the world. This Is the natural hose
ol the loganberry. Here the great
loganberry Juice factories hare Uetr
headquarters. Come to Salem and
grow loganberries, and grow rich.
Come to Salem and raise loganber
ries. Ton cannot miss ft.
WiDamette Valley Prune Association
"The Old Reliable Prune Growers Association"
'IIE prune industry of the Northwest owes much to the WillametU Valley Pnme Asaoci-
anon ior us part in the development of the markets of the world on Oregon pnmea.
It was organized through necessity when the Oregon -prunes were unknown and prac
tically no market for them, and orchards were coming into bearing by the hundreds of aerea.
There were one or two California concerns who came up here annually and bought and
shipped out in sacks in original condition.
In the year 1900 the Willamette Valley Prune Association was organized by tb leading
growers of this section, when they commenced to process and pack the fancy paekage which
compared favorably with the output of the California prune packers.
The game of introducing this new product was not an easy one many difficulties were
met and overcome. Advertising has been done in various ways, in fact the Oregon prune has
been demonstrated and exhibited at all the leading expositions since the Association was orga
nized and they are the proud possessors of many medals taken on their exhibits.
The well-known PHEASANT BRAND was adopted by the Association and it is one of the
best known brands of Oregon prunes in all the markets of the world.
The members of this Association stand for sunlit v of the highest grade and its members
.take pride m keeping up their standard of quality, thus being assured of the best returns
for their output.
(Continued on page 6)