TTTTC OflFflOX TAT.JO.AX: TlllR-SIUY. TOVAHV 20. r MANY RECRUITS ADDED TO ARMY Captain Barker and Lieuten ant Waldron Return From Newport Vicinity - Captain Marker and Lieutenant Waldron have returned from a re cruiting trip to Newport where they TODAY v. . .-5" . 1 5 I . U WW ' 1 1 , J1 WILL ROGERS ALMOST A HUSBAND V By Opie Reed . Directed by Clarence 0. -' Badger THE STORY OF AN ACCIDENTAL GROOM He was a lawyer, a school teacher, a nurse-maid, a washerwoman, and ALMOST a husband. Then quite ac cidentally he became, a REAL husband, ; ' It's the funniest complica tion you ever saw. Don't miss this happy, snappy pic ture; it's the most enjoyable in many months. Also : : V ' 1 ' "i . i- " ' . LARRY SEMON f- - ,' '. . ... r . ' a KEEL COMEDY found a lively interest la the affairs ot the army. Keen Interest of all in the recent essay contest has aroused the state in general to th fact that the array has something worth while to offer young America. According 10 the indications of pres ent growth the army will very. soon have one of the most thorough edu cational sy3lems In the country. All the vast resources of the war .erirtment in men erf talent are be ine turned to the perfection of the system of otducation Inaugurated by the war department and the i. M. C. A. durint; the war and now an In tegral part of almost every army past. Men of .previous service are ellowed choice cf assignment and others are placed where they may obtain the best instruction in the courses the choose, insofar as the need of en permits. Buttons in the western depart ment, where instruction is offered 'n education an 4 vocational subjects re: Fori .Vordn. Wash ..) const ar tillery: Frt Stevens. Oregon, coast artillerv: Fort W. Scott. California. jfoast artillery; Fort-MrArKhur. Cal- fornia. coast artillery, f ori iJougias, Utah, infantry; Fort D, A. Russell. Wyoming, cavalry and inrantr; Fort George Wright. Washington, in fantry; Fort--. Lawton. Washington, infantryj Presidio of Monterey and Presidio of San Francisco, Cal., in fantry and artillery: -Vaneouved bar racks. Wash., infantry: Camp John H. Beacon, Calexieo. Cal., cavalry and infantry: Camp L. J. Hearn, Palm City. Cal., Infantry; Camp Lewis. Wash., divisional camp; March Field. Ross Field.. Cal., avi ation, and Camp Kearney, Cal., di visional camp. The educational subjects taught include arithmetic, English, writing, thyslcs. trignoraetry. spelling, gram mar. ciTics, algebra, .penmansnip. electricity, mathematics, U. S. his tory, geography, shorthand, type writing, business correspondence, rapid calculation and Spanish. The following vocational subjects are taught: Auto and truck driv ing, repairing, and mechanism, cine- magrapher, surveyor, mechanical drafting, agriculture, storage fcattery specialists, radio operator and re pair man, telephone electrician, dyn amo tijender, bookkeeper, plumber. carpenter, dental assistant, farrier, motorcycle rider and repairman. welder, vulcanlzer, cook, baker, arm orer, musician, printer,' aero motor mechanic, painter. Jrigger faero). and animal husbandman. Not all of these subjects are taught at any one station, but station may be selected according to the nature of the work desired. DOGS' PETITION IN CIRCULATION place by lot. as provided for by ttatute. but by stipulation of state 1 and defense counsel. Vanderveer '.rrued that he had exercised his two Dereraotorv challenges on the 30th Juror, the Btate exercising Its tone such challenge, under the 1m- .. i r t Tirii n it j n . pression mai a vacancy wuuiu w LOlinCH mil DC Urged 10 Ie- fnied in the order of original se- . a 1 n . lleelion. State counsel did not ll- peai or unena rreieni BiBl upon choOBlnlf the juror by lot. uiuuiaukci , .... , w.r. to bl iiiuiiicaa iiiitic a a j v v- w HHAAMalla1 rnl 11 TT A nf tinlni . .i nrwi a.un UUC1 lAaAlWA I To avoid any misunderstanding oil Mrhlh. tMt.fln faTor of their purpose those In favor of the Sarsaparilla. you would op- C" 0"ief braid yourself for so long delaying 7 ! i - to take this effectiT medicine ior ui vufir urns anu imcuuuus. 1 T la tia(p H AalfA rk tiat'A a an f- ficient tax on dogs levied by the are "enng. state to Insure that such dogs as are kep will be owned only by persons who really value them and are will ing and able to care for them. 2. They wish laws adequate to Insure the destruction, or other sat isfactory disposal of such dogs as are a nuisance or a public menace. 3. They desire that ordinances I c. i D-l! now in force in the city of Salem belWJCai DIOTC Ultpiay iciii. I so altered as to make possible the keeping of dogs under conditions more favorable to health and sani tation than are now possible. From this statement, issued by T. G. Bligh, one of the leaders of the movement, it would appear that there is no intention to conduct a "personal liberty for dogs cam paign. that blood disease from which you are suffering. GERMAN HALTER MADE OF PAPER Found on Battle Fields During World War -.I This Is An Informal Introduction To Warners Rust-Proof Corsets -1 7 " fl 7: 3 PerhaD3 the most interesting of the war relics now on exhibition at Kafoury's women's store Is a blue colored bridle that once encircled the The Idea Is to make the state physiognomy of a German mule (or safe for a canine aristocracy which re all mules German at Heart l. Tne shall include onlr such does as are Interesting thing about this halter assured of adequate care and with is that it is made or paper. Many ot provisions to prevent the keeping of us have read of the German use of a dog by any man becoming a nuls- paper as a cloth and leather substi- ance to any -one else. I tute and now here Is a chance vo see To the end of securing alterations n example of it. in the Salem law a petition is being A number of guns are on exhlbl- freely circulated and is meeting with tlon. One of these is a Lewis ma eager support. It will be presented chine gun with Its circular magarlne to the city council and reads a-T51- and air cooling barrel. There Is a lows: regular U. S. Enfield such as a great "The undersigned citizens of Salem many men In Salem will recognize, and vicinity would respectfully re- and also a .303 automatic rifle which quest your honorable body to amend much used by the Amerlcau forc- the present ordinances regulating the s keeping of dogs in this city which in A Russian cavalry gun. captured which have made hosts of friends in just this manner. And you will understand why, when you ycur first Warner's. It will be so smart, so becoming, and so delightfully com fortable, that you will immediately want to tell other women of your discovery. . a And you will know later of another won derful recommendation: That it wears bet ter than any corset you have ever had. Of course they are guaranteed not to rust, break or tear! Our Prices Always The Lowest GALE & CO. Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store 3? v " I - -iTSi' t ilfTI III "tTT r 4 j EDDY SEEKS TO STAY IN SENATE Douglas Man Would Be Party to Restoring Normal Conditions R. L. Eddy, senator from Doug las county, has filed with the secre tary of state bis declaration of can didacy for re-election at the primary election In May. He would repre sent the fifth senatorial district. In his declaration Mr. Eddy says: "I would support such measures as will aid in perpetuating the American form of government; stand for econ omy In public expenditures, for state development, for conservation of public resources, including state lands. I will stand for Justice for the people generally, and against domination by any special class or interests. I will support those meas ures which appear to be conducive to the moral and material welfare of tbe people in Oregon.!' Senator Ed dy would have the following print ed after his name on the ballot: "For Americanism. Economy, Moral and Material Progress. General wel fare against special interests. W. II, Byrd. Louis Lachmund. Wal ter E. Keyes. P. H. D'Arcy Registration and Radges O. A Iiartman, George G. Brown. D. V their practical operation make it lm-1 in the marshes on the eastern front! Eyre. Charles Knowland, E. M. Page, possible for law-abiding citizens to by the Germans, a German Infantry Transportation Albert A. Mlckel. keep such animals In a humane and rule ana cavalry carbine, now on j. W. Richie. Edward Kostein, Jonn sanitary manner and deprive many exhibit were all picked up on Euro-I h. Scott. Cuyler Van Patton citizens of the pleasure and benefits pean battlefields. Ladles' reception Mrs. W Carl- oi owning a dog. We believe lhat I Anomer interesting item is a cer- ton Smith. Mrs. George H. Burnett, the existing laws governing owners man helmet of a new and unusual I Mrg w". S. Walton. Mrs. B. W. Ol- ol dogs have the effect of costing the! design which It was reported wn de-cott R g Stelner. laApafers money ana reiurmiuC no "Seu iu iihto dcco worn uj ,iae nu tans arter France had been complete ly subjugated. Large numbers of these helmets were found in a Ger man store house. For some reason or other they had never been used A very instructive part of the ex titbit are the two cross section shells are also bonds of sentiment which I Illustrating two types of the ammo- m : . m a . . I f a. . a m irequenuy aiiacn to me Keeping ofinmon mai was iisea iamousin g . j TTJ'11 a dog. ilany citizens belie vff that French 75 mm guns. One or these TT DHL on VOUUiy IVOau II LU mese oenenu may be secured with- uiusiraies me arrangement or tne ex- tj i D-.L. J VJltU V;M nn cut allowing the common welfare to plosive and Ignition of a high ex- DC rUSnea IflUl VlgOrUUT suffer, as is attested by the numbers plosive shell, the other shows the lntr Ni Cnmtn who are freely slrninr the .bor. manner In which the balls are lm-l ' tJiuuius revenue to the city, besides having tne etiect of keeping desirable resi dents from coming to our dry to mate tneir domes." It would appear that there are uses to which dogs can be put that bring valuable returns and that there ROAD MATERIAL DUE HERE SOON YE LIBERTY TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT, 4 LBS for 25c. $2.25 per box. WafXTX. Richardson. 2395 Front street phone 494. : ' 7u IE Bfi p IB LOOK Coming TODAY Matinee and Evening. TOM LINTON And His : : JUNGLE GIRLS , ' , Special Scenic Musical Comedy Production THE UP-TO-DJVTE MISSIONARY ' -i ' : . ... " " . "' ' " -. i i. -- ; 10 PEOPLE 10 SINGING TALKING DANCING LAUGHING TODAY ONLY GIRLS 3 Vr THEATRE tition. OXE KESCLT OP WIXTER, Life Indoors with lack of exercise and heavy food is apt to throw the bedded In rosin and the wav the fuse works in a shrapnel shell. Two carloads of county road bulld- The exhibit also Includes a can- 'ng material have paased Council teen, a metal food container, a hav- Bluffs. Iowa, and are expected to ersack partially covered with coney I arrive in Salem in the next few days. digestive organs out of order. Foler ,k,B n nllsted man's cavalry sa- according to reports received by Cathartic Tablets are a wholesome Pre two bayonets, and a field tele- County Roadmaster Culver. Al- physic that thoroughly cleanse thelnon ,et complete, all German and though the spring road work aetiv bowels without griping or nausea. If11 P,ckf np on the field of battle htles are not expected to commence iney sweeten the stomach, invigorate UT iiiwnB.iiwyi. M0r Mta9 time, a large force of men are row employed by the county In taking preparatory steps that will insure excellent results when the spring drive for better roads is started. About 200 coble yards of gravel nd crushed rock are being spread on the Silverton and Turner roads the liver; banish headaches, bilious ness, bloating, gas. J. C. Perry. TROOPS SENT TO SCENE (Continued from page 1) Impossible for him to have walked from the I. W. W. hall to a billboard quarter mile distant, and back down town where he met the ac quaintances within the brief time he said had elapsed between the shoot ing and meeting with the men. This question was asked by de fense counsel In an endeavor t show that Barnett conld not have left a rifle at the billboard, where the state alleges a rifle later was found, and which rifle it is contended. Barnett used in shooting from the Avalon ELKS LAY PLANS FOR GREAT TIME I THRIPS WORRY FRUIT GROWERS "What Shall We Do?" Is Cry of Producers in All Parts of County Prune men, attention! What will be done with thrips? That Is a rather vague name 'for a parasite that Is now believed to Infest some Oregon prune and pear orchards. A limited quarantine for section in this state affected with thrips is recommended. ' Professor A. L. Lovett. entomolo gist at the Oregon Agricultural col lege, says thrips appear about March 20 to April 5, at which time the trees should be sprayed with a solu tion recommended by the Oregon Ag ricultural college. "There are some very good Indi cations that thrips injured the prune crop last year In some aecUona ol the state, according to writer In the Oregon Grower. "Some growers take very little stock In the thrips. and believe the damage so caused to be from frost. However, the Indications are that next year a careful grower will not each day. while another crew of IS Committees Are (Named for Turee'roadf "hacUvlUenow Annual State Convention pllu aJf.-SlB .WE HcrC 111 July ' lrade lhls spring. About 100 yards wt iuo a. i uoiiru s tv sa, luutvri iiuiu luo county gravel plant at Mt. Angel. The 100 yards of screened graves A regular Elks' good time ( which. J comes from the crushers in thevicin- as all the Elks know, is some good I ity of Salera. time), is Dlanned for risitinr Elks! Some time agd the county ordered . . . . " T I -Ml .1.1 C 1 I Tl . V - I "6' OlllJll.CUl IIUIU lur HII, luu noiei at unmm and otner marchera. "w v sistlna: of two car load of road m. Darneii a nue was oi .so caiiDer, ne oiaie ronveiiiion. Ten inousana are chlnerv. lnrlndlnr roller mAn said, and not a 28-55, th caliber of expected. If so. this will be several and other equipment necessary for m rmc mirooucen ia exinence. une u larnm piannmz win xe re-1 ih. mnitrnriinn f -wt oi ine men wno testinea to corrobor-jqurea. Adequate preparation is as- Three of the 10 new trucks pur ate Barnett's testimony said the de- "red by the early appointment of I chased by- the county the first of rendant bad only a .30 caliber gun I committees to attend to every phase J the year have arrived and the re- oi in. anuiuii opportunity oi snow- n,ainder of them probably will be ins uregou bin at large wnat a very here by the first of the month hicc pi-e oaiem ia. The Salem lodge, which is No 336 of the B- P. O. E.. are planning a very elaborate program which It Is expected will be worked out in a style well befitting the occasion Among other things It Is desired to his knowledge Defense Has Inning. Defense ran short of witnesses shortly after 11 o'clock this morn ing, forcing an adjournment until to morrow, when sufficient witnesses to last through the day will he on hand, according to Attorney Vanderveer. Completion of the effort to prove the Barnett alibi will be concluded tomorrow, Vanderveer said today. after which the defense of Loren Large Timber Tracts Scheduled For Sale Al ARSIIFIELD. Feb! 2S.J. C that a sufficient number of automo-l Davies, ot the Oregon Export Lumber biles be- at the disposal of the local company, is at San Francisco clos- crganlzation to provide for the re- 'ng negotiations for the purchase of Rhrt f ts AtA. Hu,rrBlt"1' in" lea"ire oi me " iimoer noia- .-mV T,; '"""-""' guests during their entire stay In Infi on he Coqullle river. It wa Salem. All sorts of entertainment announced here today. The price I win bo -provided for the visitors and P10- o be 1400.000. The tract con- it Is expected that nothing will be tains much Port Orford cedar o make the convention a I which Davies has been specializina- ,, ireiieci nu Tery mvmoriDie event I "v orarrs. in tirecon Kt"VD" "" from the standpoint of the visitors. Port mill will be enlarged ta handU Tne following committees have n additional stumpage. been appointed and are now at work will be undertaken. A plea of insanity in behalf of Roberts has been made and an alien ist will be called to testify m an ef- 'L, "V, the Jury vacancy caused by the dla-! chargeof Edward P'arr. did not take ' PIMPLY? VELL PONT BE People Notice It Drive Them Off with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets A pimply face will not embarrass you much longer if you ett a package of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The skin should begin to clear after you have taken the tablets a few nights. Cleanse the blood, bowels and liver with Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the successful substitute (or calomel ; there's no sickness or pain after taking them. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets do that which calomel does, and just as effec tively, but their action is gentle and safe instead of severe and irritating: No coe who takes Olive Tablets is ever cursed with a "dark brown taste." a bad breath, a duIL listless, "no good" feeling, constipation, torpid aver, bad disposition or pimply face. Ohve Tablets are a purely vegetable! compound mixed with ohve oil; you wUl know them by their olive color. Dr. Edwards spent years among pa tients afflicted with fiver and bowel complaints, and Olive Tablets are the immensely effective resedt. Take one or two nightly for a week. See how much better you fed fbd look. 10c and 25c I to insure success; Executive August Huckesteln. chairman: Harry J. Wenderotb. T. B. Kay. w. D. Evans. Arthur S. Ben son, secretary. Accommodations R. A. Kurx. II. W. Meyers. C. 8. Hamilton. W. I. I .eedham. Fred S. Lamport. Decorations William McOllchrlst jr., ueorg E. Halvorsen. V. O. Shlp- icy. j. Kirgs. irwln Lewis. Dances Karl H. Hinges. Harry Levy. James Young. John Brophy. rrana ii. spears. ' Coif H. H. Smith. H. II. Olinrer. trcei Kay, W. I. Staley. John Far- .rar. Races and sports Frank Durbin. r. G. Delano. Watt Shlpp, O. L. Fish er. Arthur H. Moore. vaudeville A. E. Lafler. A. J. Kahn. D. u. Drager. F. L. Waters. uay k. poraeroy. r-ais Wharton L. West. F. A. cricRson. Curtis Cross. John W. CaughUI. W. J. Busick. Bands Oscar Steejhammer. parade Osrar B. Gingrich. W. C. uyer. J. C. Perry. E. X. Cllllnghara. cnatmers George. FUMlrlty and Programs Waller, L. Toote Sr.. J. F. Hutchason. E. Cooke Patton, W. W. Moore, H. B. BoMUard.. Reception Frank T. Wrlghtman.l For Coda or influenza and no a Preventative Take Quinino Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature 30c on the box. take any chances. Spraying is aa Insurance. In those districts whera It is thought thrips occurred last year. It would be well to give thor ough spraying. . Bachelor I kneel to a womxa Never! She Too much pride? Bachelor1 No; too much rheuma tism! Jadge. ' . Hair Grown cn Odd Hed Sfta Utmm ttmmt tateSr Mi. Stow TM tmmmi I itli ml In i ii n1 fraM ml teto mt k ! f-r1 hm wit mmmd m m t n Hi Urn mmjmmm m r, tfwJm. . T. Um hi l km kir tfM mtmm fiiit. CM take Your Mollier'f Advice An ambitious mother advised her son to go to a business school to prepare for a good place la a business office. ' The son Instead quit school and started la as a clerk ia a busi ness where be is today aim oat where be started. "Do yoo see that young mil over there V said the boas diss day. VH' bright and iaUU ent and might have become my office manager bat for one thing. He wouldn't train him self for anything better this bis present Job. The one who gets the big jobs in business is the trained work er. Make preparation at this schooL Ask for our catalogue or call to talk: it over. Day and night sessions. - ' " v Capital Business CpHege SJLLEU, ORXGOS ' DREAMLAND RIW . Band Untie Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday Evenings Ladies Free Monday and Friday Afternoons ad -Friday evening Bake-Rite Bread Is Brimf oil of Food value and delidoniness. It's Scientifically and Sanitarily Hade BAKE-RITE BAKING CO. Our First Annual Anniversary and Dollar Sale Begins on Saturday, February 28. Continues until March 6th An 8 Day Profit Sharing Sale. Don't miss this if a saving of many dollars means anything to you. Watch for our full page "ad." This will be no odd and end sale, nor will it be a closing out sale cf left-overs. J New, Bright Staple Goods is offered to you at such prices as to snake your 1920 $ have a 1916 purchasing power. Arrange to attend this sale, now. Don't be one of the "I wish I had"; be one of the "I'm glad I did." PEOPLES' CASH STORE Note: Each day different useful items will be given away free to customers 1