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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1920)
- 1 .J THE OREGON STATESMAN: TUFRfiDAV, FEBRUARY 2rt. 1020. 3 1 A SOCIAL WAYZ Br nvrn lkxork fisher ivn and Mrs. T. A. Llreslev are home aaain after several weeks soionrn in California.. The' first few weeks were spent In San 'Francisco where Mrs. Livesley was quite ill with pneumonia but later on when she was able to travel they went south and spent tho re mainder of the time. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clarke enter tained, as their guests for dinner Sunday evening- Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Green and children. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ellott will go this morning to Newport to pass sev eral days. R A. Cox of San, Francisco, where be is superintendent of the American Railway Express' company has gone to Seattle after passing a short time insaiem , a s tne guest or. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Southwick. - " :. . Society folk will be laterested to know that David Eyre and Harry Hawkins who recently exchanged residences, have moved into their newly purchased homes. The Eyres are now domiciled in the former Hawkins home at Twelfth and Oak streets and the Hawkins are In the former Eyre , home at 1635 State street. : '' ' .. . The many friends of. Mrs. Zadoe Riggs, who has been ill with the grip at her home on State street will be glad to learn' that she is recover ing; nicely. , i Miss Pearl Carson, and Miss Helen Mclnturf have returned from a few weeks' vist at "Grants Pass with Miss lclnturf's parents. The many friends of Miss Helen Hooter, a Williamette university student of Portland, will be sorry to learn that she Is quite ill at her home on State street with influenza. Friends will be glad to learn that Dr. ; John Wilson of Reno, Nevada, who has been visiting in Salem for a time is recovering from the ser ious operation which he underwent Sunday evening at the Willamette Sanitarium. Mrs. -r Wilson arrived Tuesday night from her home in Re no, and is with her husband. '. " ... Flowers and cheery notes' are find ing their way to Mrs. H. Craig Mar vin who is quite ill at her home with influenza. The many Salem friends will be glad to hear from' Mrs.- R. J. Flem ing, who was a ' well known Salem woman a number of years ago and who ' is "now living in Omaha, Neb.. : that she contemplates a visit to Sa lem in the near future. ' -: Mfss Marjory Flegel, , student at Willamette university has gone to her home in Portland. j The Ladles Aid society of the Firsi Presbyterian church will be enter tained Friday afternoon at the home Court street. Mrs. Alice II. Dodd's address will be the feature of the afternoon. : The assisting hostesses will be Mesdames R. A. Klein, F. L. Kleln.W. W. Moore, H. J. Clements, and. George M. Brown. . . - - '.. , ; The many, friends or Mrs. C. W. Niemeyer are sorry to learn that she Is ill jit her home with Influenza. ' .. Mrs. - B. L. Steeves has gone to Portland where she will visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Laban Steeves. .The many friends of the Mark McCalllster family will be glad to learn that they are recovering from Influenza. : " . '-- ' The" many friends of Miss Vir glnia Mason will be glad to learn that; she Is recovering from the in fluenza. - -'"i ,. : . The friends especially In the col lege set where she is popular will be sorry to learn that Miss Mary Spald ing is HI with influenza. JURORSDRAWN FOR COURT TERM .!..".;. '. 1 -. TWo of 31 Names Selected by Clerk Are Eliminated by I Officials J. Names of the men that are to serve ,as Jurors during the March term of the circuit court of Marion county we're drawn yesterday. Of the 31 names drawn, one man 4 is deceased and anotheV. has, move" outside the state. The March, venire for the cir cuit court includes: r H. F, Craig. Henry Keene, J. K. Mount. George N. Thompson. J. Fred Palmer. Anthony Gregeon. W. E. Way, S. L. Frezter, John B. Craig. Frank F. La Dare. Malcolm Ramp. E. E. Gilliam, Gideon Stolz, Harry Ro , Jand. N. S. Scollard, John A. Gearin. E. E. Keene. Florian Von Eschen. Mark Skiff, K. N. Olilinjtham. Joseph Calvert. J. W. Harriet. John F. Man ning, Fred J. Miller, Harvey Smith, William McGilchrlst, Cnrlst Paulus. C. A. Roberta and Roma C. Hunter. YOU CANT BE TOO CAREFUL. Elsie O'Brien, R.F.D. 7. VincennM. Ind.. writes: "On WMo r . Honey and Tar Broke up my cold right away." It relieves coughs, colds croup and whooping cough: clears uw passages, sootnes Irritated mem nranes ana stons tickling in throat., Foley's Is the original and Pnuine Honey nd Tar. J, C. Perry. MERE For' CO DIXIE REMEDY LOS And 66 FLU 99 TlCrlARDSOH & F ARRIS RUG&ISTSVV "An 'out-side treatment that comes in salve form. Applied over throat and chest the body heat releases the ingredients- in the form of vapors. These vapors inhaled with each breath carry the medication direct to the lungs and stir passages. 99 How the Use of this External Treat ment for Cold Troubles Has Grown Where Vick& Began The Druar Stc ? In which O. Henry Spent HU Boyhood 7bt ia tS dru i to.-; i ; 3-enboro, l c&ased by Mr. Lonsord Rich H in 1538 f7' s Sr. Porter. Lr.l otter wu the ancle of -Will' Porter, " M-1 . ! -i r-:-de-f.:um of O. Henry, bc.iK America's patest snort torr wrir. C. h-, practically grew up ia this store and learned her. the prof et c:c r. oi pnarmkcy. St war o jrjAw his year behind the prescription counter of this drag store that Mr. Richardson worked out the formula for Vicks. ' Direction ir. r iac Use of v'cks M' VICKS VapcRub ccrres in s!e form. When applied to the Ixvly its action is two-fold. 1st. INTERNAL. The beat of the body releases the ingredients in the form of vapors. These vapors are in haled with each breath, carrying the medication through the air passasss to the lungs. 2nd. EXTERNAL. In addition. Vicks is absorbed thru and stimulates the skin, attracting the blood to the surface and aiding the vapors tnhtlcd to elicve the congestion. For Deep Cbest Coldt, Sore Th ro- U Broncbitis, Couth. Hoarxnes For severe cases, hot , wrt tovirls hiald be applied oyer the throat tk! chest to open the pores of the skin. TheoViok should be rubbed well in, spread oa thickly and covered tvilh t-o of hot, fianr.c! clnihs. Tiic clsthing shcKtld be left 'ocre uround the neck rii the bed c'othes errznid in the f-rni of a funnel, so ibt the vapors, arising nvay be frce'y snhaltvl. For lltaoV CoU!s, Aslbcva, Catarrh, Har fvrir Waocpn f Cough For thtse trob!.ffs. Vicks e&n be ued as for cUesc cold or ct-n be indeed in a scccn and the vapo-i inhak: j a little applied up the nort t ana snuffed back into the air r ssage. For Spscmoclic Cro ip rxd Chiitlrer.'s Colds "Iclrs is particularly recorcntsadea for childrm's colds. sice it is rxt rj--naZy applied t.nd therefore, be jicd often and freely with perfect safety. For spasmodic crorip, rub Vicks over the throat nd chest until the difficult . breathing is relieved; then spread on thickly and cover with a hot flannel cloth. An application at bedtime usually prevents a night attack of croup. For Use as a Liniment, PcuU?ee or Plaster On account of its penetrative and rubefacient effect on the iiin, Vicks has been found excel! ent for many mhr?r EHr;-nts, such as Bites, Boils. Burns. Limlses, Cuts, Frost bite, Itehings, Llusci-lar Soreness, Poison oak. Sun burn, Headache. Vicks Is Not Meant -O Replace the Physici: o At the first symptoms of a scrimis illness, such as pneumonia, a phy- ORE than a score cf years ago, Luna- ford Richardson, a druggist in a little North Carolina town, was trying to find a new way to treat spasmodic croup and colds. He had been trying to find it for years he needed such a treatment in his own home . he knew that epicac and internal medicines disturbed the delicate digestions of children that the only way to get medication directly to the air passages and lungs was win vapor form. So he was searching for an effective vapor treatment which would be economical, convenient, and which could be used without the necessity of closing up the sick room and thus excluding the fresh aii, so important in the treatment of cold:-. At .last, ichic druggisc ic s.d a process by which he .ould conibirie in.saive form the standard, tin-.?-tej'.:ed rerr.eJieb Camphor, Menthol, Eucalypt.??, Ty.riv; and Turpentine with other volatile oils r.j that when this crJve was spread over the throat and chest the ingredients would be reported by the body heat. These vapsrr. iniialed with each breath all night long, earned the r?tdicatior. directly to the parts affected and at the same time the salve was aosorbJ thr? and stimulated the skin, aiding the vapors inhaled to relieve the congestion. This product was named VickV VapoRub. Now over 17 Million Jars are used yearly Vicks was found to be good for a great many troubles besides spasmodic croup, and as time went on, its sale increased county by county and state by state, until now over 17 million jars are used each year almost one jar for every family in the United States. And this in spite of the fact that Vicks is still a new form of treatment to many people in the North and far West. . . The best testimony to the value of Vicks is the increasing number of families who, each year, are converted to the use of this real "Little Bodyguard in the Home." Here is the record of the number of jars used annaaily for the last ew years: n:o 1911 .112 1911 19.4 iais 1916 191? 1918 tirian should always be called. Mtnyothfr troubles, such as chronic catcrrh cr ctci tinued h ;d?che. call for thedi gnosis of a groH ortor. Vicks is f'rrpi an erte-4ic remedy, which can be kept A. m -it ? Kl H tne home rea. foi in at art use .j M-hirh cr. be use.i frrejy, tth perfect siMy, on the youngest member of the family. Samples Free If you have never tried Vicks. we wC.l be glad to send samples free to you and any 347,7 Jars 520.1 S3 Jar 1 027.C&3 Jar 1 337.5) Jsra Jcrs 1'Z12 Jsrs r2.7w4 .a.s . Jrs 7,jr7,WA Jut ?Ty3or friends wbrr sadadd- ycu will eri. -f. THE VK CE!ln.-. . COV7A?;Y. 100 Mihow Arar CreewaWra N C .Pk. I I m s i m aa mr i JfeflSr S M Mm. MS MM3 I i p iMlll I a IB lift E Tma ia the present plant of tho Vide Cbeaaieal Company. Jl , MmI. 1 Greensboro, N C employing a force of 297 people engaged " f' t Tr' 4- '7 t vZTr P exclusively In the manufacture and marketing of one preparation v 1 t enJy, Vicks VapoRub. iT, " Imistpnthe Genuine MT l-P'fC ' Y" fflk f mmm mmmm, mmmmm mm, , , , m m. mmmmmmmmmmmm, M M mmm ' ' ' ' . i i I m mi i mmmmm mmmmm m m -.,..,.. .- , , 1 , " ' 1