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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1920)
4, . -J ..... - T -TUB OKEGON STATESMAN! TTESDAT. FEBltrAItY M. 1020. 5" Classified Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Ca n Readily Find Them They're Worth While NORWICH UKIOH , FIRE I$$UBA2rCE SOCIETY Thlelsen, RoUmd at Buj-gbardt ftesident Agent 871 But B4 HONEY TO LOAN Oft IMPROVED riBM FBOPKKTT AT tOWUT HATES, , HO COMMISSIO THOS. K. FGRD": of FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS . S04-S07 ; Oregon Bnfldlns n,iiinrmi ADYKBTXSXICEXTS Bat Per Word, Per Insertion ............... Is On VNk (six insertions).... On month ....... ........... l&e Six months' contract, per mo.lw IS months' contract: per mo., to Minimum for any edvert's'm't 38 ; ! NEW TODAY WANTED EXPERIENCED SALE3 min fori shoes, window trimming:, etc Gale dc Co. i I WANTED V- GIRL, FOR GENERAL homework. Phone 873. FOR SALE 8 ROOM HOUSE. FINE home, fruit and berries, by owner. Address owner, G. T. care of States man, .j-1 CARROTS FOR SALE SUITABLE for . feeding; stock or table use $.13 per ton at the place. Phone 14F15. iron SAI.R BT OWNER HOUSE. barn and three lots, chicken house, fine garden soil, fruit and near school. phone 1713. I1ST PROJI 171 S. Church St.. on Sunday afternoon, grey and white spotted cat. IS reward for return. K. M. Croison. ROOM HOME., EXCELLENT IXXJAL lty.few blocks north of State street. f;ood appearance, best material used n construction, nicely arrangred park lot. fruit trees', garage. See this if you are looking; for a good home. Furniture i for sale If desired. Im madlat noaaession. Price 11200. Terms, half cash. Many others. See SR. Pearson. 405 Oregon Bldg. Phone 43, FOR RALE HEAVY DISK HARROW, two work horses and one driving mare. Phone 14F13. VPinl.T KEW 10xSU NON-SKID tires and tubes for sale cheap. Cain 1215 S. Commercial. NOTICE IHEREBT GIVEN THAT ON Thursday, February 26th. 1920. at 10 a. m. sealed bids will be received by a committee on the third floor of the Derby-Lafky Bldg.. corner Hls;h and Court streets, Salem. Oregon, for a quantity , of household goods and ' furnishings formerly the equipment . of the Moose Lodge and club consist ing mainly of rugs, carpets, linoie- ' um, leather and mahogany chairs, one complete office outfit, roll top desk, chairs, directors' tables, com- rlete Invoice of stuff can be dam ned at No. 304 United States Nation al (tank Hlilr . nhnna 176. and ODDor- tunity to see and estimate on stuff will be given from l to 5 p. m. Tues day and Wednesday, February 25th and 33th. j ; , MULES FOR SALE r Small span young mules. The best 21 - lie mule team in m cminur. i ntj sound. yoAinc, gentle i "4e "ur-1 pullers, used to fsrm and orchard work. Just the thing for this. They keep fst on one-third the feed. TiCO nun intra w in meir Harness com plete. Good SVi-lnch farm Wagon 335. Can be seen at Farmers Feed barn, across from Oregon , Electric depot. Henry Baumer. i ELDERLY : WOMAN WITH BOY 3 years old wsnts housekeeping, coun try preferred. With no small chil dren, wages $30. Write or call at $8$ N. Church or address "JI4" care Statesman. " - L 1 . ' 8258 PUTS SOME TOUNO MAN INTO rood oaring business. Write Box "JSS.' Statesman. 1112 BUICK. NEW TIRES, 182 Li cense. In good running, order. Fine for truck , or ranch. Will "sell for $328. Call 11215 So. Commercial. TOP hevtui TtOOM HOUSE TO buver of ! 8475 of furniture. Rent $17.80 mo. i Call 683 Trade St, FOR SALE i-T ROOM MODERN BUN- . galow on paved street, carline, rea sonably close In, garage, fine loca tion. $1500 will handle, A. L. Seam iur 41$ Masonic temple. Phone 353. STENOGRAPHER WANTED FOR Per manent position soon to be vscant- Knowledge of bookkeeping desirable. Address Permanent, care Statesman. A FEW ATTRACTIVE PLACES. lSVi acres implanted prune land In . Rosedale section on rock road now . paved five miles from Salem.' $100 an acre, i :- - li areas walnuts and cherries . The cherries produced $1100 worth in 119 and there were some walnuts. Sit uated northwest of Hopewell. $325 an acre. : acres In Rosedale neighborhood: acres ihcarinsr nrunes. 2 acres young prunes with loganberries be tween. Good buildings; 6 room house. barn and garage. $12,000. 11 acres in i Bethel hills: 48 acres In walnuts and apples; 5 acres In wal nuts and beaches. 10 acres tillable land, 9 acres woods and brush. Go ing with this place are 3 horses and Implements snd there Is smalt barn used as apple house. Price $14,000. mere are v acres more aajoinma in walnuts, , apples, cherrif s snd r runes that can be. also bought for 12.750 more T ' Prospective buyers and those wishing to sell should consult us. 1 PEARCY BROS.. Horticulturists 210 Oregon Bldg - Salem, Ore. , KINNEY & SMITH Ideal Sssall Fares V 1.1 , . mM m vw 1. 1141 ne 11 ana lew vows. v ii all new land. 14 acres cultivated, 8 acres open pasture and acres fine young fir. bark, rich, loam soil, ex cellent for almost anything. Fine . new 8 room house, good barn, gsrsge and big chicken house. Gas engine and bis; wster tank. Water Piped into house, barn, pasture and chick en house. With the place go 1 light Bin, iiBnmR,- wiun tvw, n i w . cream separator, stump puller. 17S , chickens, wheat and oats In barn and nearly 7 acres of fall wheat, looking fine. Price for everything $8000. Terms. Located on good graveled road, 13 minute drive to SaTete. 100 yds. to station and V mile to school. Give us some more listings like This. KINNEY & SMITH SOI Bank of Commerce Bldg-. NEW TODAY GOOD BUYS (3 acres of first class fruit soil. S3 acres cultivated, 6 room house .good barn, well, building's built several years tKO, rock road. iv miles from Salem. Price $125 per acre. Well improved & acre tract, good B room plastered bungalow, barn, fruit, gravel street and close to carline. Price k000. Improved 23 acre tract located south Salem on rock road; house and barn. well, good fruit land. Price 14609. 5 acres or loganberries: gooa nouse. ham; located & miles from saiem. Price liOOU. 270 acre farm all cultivated land. with exception of about 20 acres in, pasture; house, barn, best of grain and clover land. itock road. Price $125 per acre. 10 acres of good prune and logan berry land, all cultivated, located 6V4 miles south of Salem. IT ice sluOu. SO acres of good timber located north east of Salem, mostly old growth. Price $100 per acre. 10 acre . urcnard located on main Pa cific highway. Prune, cherries, some apples and pears. Sightly ligation. 2 1-4 miles from carline south of Sa lem. Price $5500. 10 acre tract. 8 acres loganberries; S room house, good barn, running wa ter. Price S6500. HOUSE BUYS $ room house located 1330 South Commercial street. Price $2800. & room bungalow located in south Salem. Furniture goes. Paved street. Price $4 COO. 7 room modern house located at 1855 Fir street. Fair mount hill, sightly lo cation, east front lot. bearing fruit, garage. Price $6000. $ room cottage located In south Sa lem, just outside of city limits. 1 block from carline. Price $2000. For Sale 5 room bungalow on paved street, located at 245 Lincoln street. Price $4600 with furniture or $3600 without furniture. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 278 Stat fltreet. EMPLOYMENT pT"TrTisrsvrsr'f" fViJ-iii ii n n runjrixisnj'Mimi'inrirL. rXMAlA GIRL WANTED AT THE SPA. WANTED ELDERLT WOMAN TO DO housekeeping for family of three apply 1285 South Liberty St. MALE. esV4aasSaisasSWaa 20 MEN WANTED FOR FARM WORK. Phes Farms Co. Call 204. NEWSPAPER CARRIERS WANTED The Statesman wants two boys with wheels to take regular paper routes' Call at the office or phone 683. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS $11 montn. Age is-35. experience un necessary For free particulars ex- aminations. write J. Leonard (form-1 . er government examiner), 10S1 Equitable Bldg. Washington EXPERIENCED HIGH CLASS OEN- eral all round office man, expert in accounting work, and wise to th merchandising game, with about $5.-1 000 to Invest with services. Looking j for a proposition, or position with or without investment, can furnish bonds or local reference of the very best. Address "J32." care Statesmsn. INCREASE YOUR SALARY Learn to be an expert in the ras en gineering field where the demand for! men ever exceeds the suptply snd wages are high. Our new system of Instruction fits a man not only for a Job in automobile gas tractor, truck, stationary, marine or airplane engi neering, but makes him an expert. Day or night classes. Write for free catalog. Hemphill's Trade Schools, inc.. 707 Hawthorne Ave. or 124 North Sixth St.. Portland. Oregon. MISCKL.IAVKOUS CHANCK TO WORK 1XTO A.VEBY GOOfi position for s stenographer vbo is smbl- tiiss and wants o work sp. J. 16, ears Htsteamsa. WANTED HELP FOR PATIENT'S dining room at the Oregon State Tu berculosis Hospital. Pay 340 per month with room, board and laundry - xurnisned. t'non 43s. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO work In our circulation depsrtment A good proposition to the right peo- gle. Address the Pacific Homestead, talesman Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS, MANY new colors 10c pound and us. Mas 0. Kuren 17t N. Com'l St. FARM MAGAZINES F TOO WANT TO GET THB BEST fsrm paper, send lOe to the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. PIANOS FINE- PIANO FOR SALE AT A VERT low price and terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co.. 519 Court St. CLTRT. FOR SALE PLYaPQUTH ROCK AND PLY Oregon cockerels 4orvallis strain. Phone 93F4. GGS FOR HATCH I NO FROM A-l Anconas. $2.50 per setting. For egg producers they can't be beat. J. Li. I Cooley. 1275 N. Church. I'hone 817. BABY CHICKS Wyandottes, Orpingtons. Anconas and liuttercups. Leghorns. Keds. kocks. Minorcas. Prices reasonable. Now bookinr orders for 1920 delivery. C. N. Needham. (58 State St (opposite court house). Phone 400. HIE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR . naL the biggest and best In the west I The live magaxine for live poultry men 78 cents a year. $1.08 In Salem. Send 8 cents for sample today. Ad dress The Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon. Mention this ad. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWO GOOD JERSEY cows. Phone 7F23 after 8 p. m. FOR calf. 8ALE HOLSTEIN HEIFER State school for deaf. A FULL BLOOD BOAR. WEIGHT 100 lbs., for sale or trade ror snoats or pigs. Phone 254 or 622. Ml SCBXft. AHKO tj S. FOR SALE A FEW ITALIAN PRUNE trees. I'hone 4F4 evenings. FOR SALE GOOD BALDWIN AND Spitxenberg apples. Phone 97F11. rnn SALEA FINE OAS. WOOD. AND coal combination range. Phone 1910R TIED CARS FOR SALTS 1918 MAX- well good as new; 1917 MsxwelL run 3000 miles. casn or terms. Commercial Phone $99. ETTKRBERO 121 STRAWBERRY plants. $7.50 per 1000: Wilson fo-uv. Address P .O. Box 314. Salem. Ore. STRAWBERRY FLA NTS. VIGOROUS! ,a w.ii rnntMl. Progressive Ever- h..,lnir TTtrhera- lit Wilson and Gold Dollar. Place orders now. Ward K. Richardson, 3395 North Front 6t WALLBOARir CAN BE USED OVER lath or studding. Can t tinted or papered. 'Max O. Buren. ITS North Commercial street. GET A TAX RECORD SUMMARY FOR compiling ll statement, $1 post paid. Paul Sims. 143 N. High. FOR SALE TEAM. WEIGHT 2800. foose neck wagon and harness. See i rmer Transfer Co.. 46s State St, fnone 130. PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE JUST like new. but very low price and easy terms. Lot of music included. The Wiley B. Allen Co.. 815 Court St. "WALL PASTE." NO COOKING RE quired. Sticks everything. Max. O. Buren .178 N. Commercial street. -WALFELT- TOUR HOUSE; ITS superior to cloth, at about half price. saax w. curen us i. com l at. BALED CLOVER HAY FOR SALE AT barn. C. S. Teeple. K. 1. Phone 8 to 9:30 p. m. 10 HORSE RUSSELL TRACTION EN gine, double disc plow, surrey, iron wood rack, gravel bed. oak posts. ancnor posts, about 200 goosberry plants. 6 pigs. Might take a horse I or some heifers in trade. Having sold my place am moving to Lane county. O. W. Porter. Rt. 2. Box 131. oaiera. t-none lor is. WANTED SACKS. RAGS AND ALL kinds of Junk. Stein bock Junk Co, 326 N. Commercial St. Phone 305. Used cars for sale. Parts of cars at naif price. CAPTIVITY OP THB OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western Immi gration has bean carefully revised, making a handsome lit tie book. It tells In graphic terms of the massa cre of the Oatmaa family, of the es cape of Lorenso, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price Is So cents, postpaid. Address Oresroa Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or. WOOD FOR SALE DRY FIR WOOD SAWED. Phone 167SW. WOOD FOR SALE First class 16-ln. or 4 -ft. mill wood st new wood yard on Trade street near Church street. I'hone 1542 before 8 a. m. or after S p.-m. Terms strict ly cssh. i FRED E. WELLS rkr riT-XT-r WK BUY AND SELL 8&COND HAND t UK RENT goods of aU kinds, pipe fittings, bar. . . . .TTV ness. collars, collar pads, tools, and BOARD ASP BOOM etrC ScMadIr' CBW FOR RENT NICELY FURNISH KD wall P.rEJLPAriT room. Furnace heat, with board. 771 rAXT N. Cottage. Phone 1803. WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER an UJ j0UDi rolL" Max O. Bu- ROOHS ren, 178 N. Commercial St. FOR RENT SUITE OF ROOMS TO BE SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALL vacated March 1 at the Alexandria, Paper and Picture Framing. Good 1030 Chemeketa St- Phone 1280. woramen. 485 Court St Phone 488. FURNISHED 493 North 1186. ROOMS FOR RENT AT Cottage street. Phone FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Parties with children need not apply. 1308 N com'l Bt. BOCIB F. L. WOOD. 341 STATE ST.. REAL estate, rentals. SMALL HOUSE IN OUTSKIRTS FOR rent. Is in noor condition- will al low two months rent for fixing up. then $5 a month. Big garden plot. Lease if desired. Statesman business office. WANTED aUSCCl.I.AXEQPa. WANTED TO BUY SIX OR SEVEN room modern house. Call 492. WE BUT ANY KIND OF USED CARS. Phone 399. 197 South Commercial. WANT TO RENT OR LEASE SIX OR more room house. Phone 492. BEES WANTED IN LARGE OR small lots Stste price and condition in first letter. Mrs. E. H. Bauer. 1106 Gienwood Ave.. Portland, Or. WANTED TO EXCHANGE 5000 ET- terberg 121 for same amount of Ma goon or Oregon strawberry plants. Address R. B. Duncan. Route Nov 7. COUPLE WISH DESIRABLE H. K. rooms or arrangements in privste home. Address JS3, care States ' man. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. Com. St Phone 668 1919-Chevrolet $675. 1916 Ford $315. 1918 Overland "90" 3800. 1915 Over land $350. 1917 Briscoe $475. One ton Ford truck $320. 1917 Ford de livery car $400. ATJTO SSUtf ICS 8HIPV8 AUTO SERVIClr CITY AND country tripe. Phone: Day, 863; eight. 319. TIRES REPAIRED YTJLCAJIIZIJIQ GATES HALF -OO LB TIRE SERVICE Station, 171 South Commercial St Phone 433. LQDGES Chenwkets Lodge Vs. 1 steots every Wedaesdsy evening at 7:80 st the I. O. O. 9. HalL BUSINESS CARDS CMIMXET SWEEP uui nriiaO isrsrwJww'i iiri CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES, chimneys snd sll kinds of roof trou hl fixed un by expert In these lines. Roof painting a specialty. Phone 2062M. SCATS A3TD EXFKESS. LA.RMER TRANSFER WB MOVE AND store good a Day paoee sse. Migni XJlUsTDklXa CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY uuaiity woTK. prompt service. Broadway. Phone 188. SAxAJM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. 6e per pound. 138 Somtb Liberty St Phone sa, BOP LIE IXPIKT LACVDRT MAR. 436 Ferry St I par top market srios for ekiekess sae eggs. Hsese paeae 1888J Rkep pbaaa 12S0J XURSEniEl TOR SALE FRUITLAND NURSERY has a few thousand Italian Prun trees, grafted Franquet Walnuts, and also other Nursery Stock, Phone 1UF2L Rt 8. Salem. Ore. REPAIRING ACTS UFHCT-STKRIXO FURNITURE HOSPITAL 1 HAVE opened up a first ciass shop, repair ing and reflnlshtng and upholstering. All work guaranteed Will call and estimate your work Phone 1743. 1201 8. Commercial. - M. Brnwi,. MONEY TO LOA3 GOVERNMENT- LOANS AT PER cent. w. o. fcuniin, o eai.ra Commerce. bank of FEDERAL FARM LOANS C1T BUILDING LOANd LOW INTEREST LONG TERMS Prompt and Efficient Service A. C BOHRNSTEDT 401' Masonic Temple. Salem. Or a PK1XTIXG SHOPS CARD AND ENVELOPE PRINTING. M. Simonds. The Lady ranter, 1260 ft State St. SECOND HAND STTJRNITXrrial HUMK OS" MA HI5AINS NEW AND Second Hand Goods bought and sold. Bring In your old furniture and ex change it for new. People's Furni ture Store. 271 N. Com. St. Phone 734. WANTED SECOND-HAND FURNI- ture, rugs, carpets, stoves, machinery and tools. Best prices paid. The Cap ital Hardware Furnitura. Co, I8i N. Coro'l St. Phone 947. OPTOMETRXJTB. DR. L HALL WILSON Bpaclal- 1st In the Modern Scientific Ap Siz plies tlon of Glasses for the aid of -vision and the relief of Eyestrain and Headache. Office closed Saturdays. Office 210-211 U. 8. Bank Building. Phones, office 143: res. 1144. 1 RAHirEA BATJlOJia CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22$ State St, phone SIS. Distributing, forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KTNT of hauling. uousehoia moving Jobs done prompt Iv. .Try me onoe. Timme. 471 Stave St. Phone t$S. Rssldenee phone 112SJ. SSCOOND BAJSTJ GOODS WANTED SECOND HAND GOODS OF all kinds. Lucas and Lucas. Phone 1177. WANTED OLD JUNK. OLD CLOTH-1 ing. tools, guns, musical instruments. cameras. Will call air or evenings. Capital Exchange, 337 Court. Phone 4 3. woveji wirbj rascma DfMl Ha tie a) A Assert r all slaea, XS la. ta 6 tm. fedgk. ralats. Otis as4 Tatwisb. Steves Rebsdlt and Respired. Legaaberry and He HmU Saleaa Breaee As Stae Warftta. X3S Ctart St. 1S4 it. , SXKHIJIG. CHIHESB PHYSIC1AH DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease 168 S. High 8L Phone 388. PROFESSIONAL CHinOPRACTORS. OR. O. U SCOTT. D. C CHIROPRAC- tor. P. S. C. graduate. 309-13 U. 8. N. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; Res. S28R. O ST3BO FATHT . DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. OSTE-I opathlc physicians and surgeons. 506 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone $59. Dr. White residence telephone 469. Dr Marshall residence telephone 834 DR, JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician U Surgeon. 403-404 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Office 1394: Res. 5F5. DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Kirks- vme, ho. ; treats acute ana enronic disease. Office 464-486 U. a National Bank Bldg. Phone 919. Resldsnoe. 418 North Summer. Phone 614. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER Co.. office 301 South Com'l street Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rates paid In advance. No de ductions for absence or any cause unless water Is shut off your prem ises. REAL ESTATE DANDY F1VB ROOM HOUSE ON 20th street paved, for $3000. Small sura cash and monthly payments Built by owner and a pre-war price Phone 1036J. rS ACRES A HALF MILE FROM town; house; barn, store house and big dryer -.three wells; running wa ter at barn; 25 acres prunes, 8 acres peaches. 12 acres loganberries: only 3180 per sere. Terms. Socolofsky. 341 State St If Its LOANS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LAFLAR 4k LAFLAU 408-7-8 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE S3 acres all In cultivation, new house. barn, near Pacific highway, north. In loganberry district Price $3600. HART McKILLOP CO. 20$ Oregon Bldg. . 6 ROOM BUNGALOW For sale-on South 12th street: house Is in fine condition and nicely ar ranged: large lot with shade trees. Owner leaving city and would sell furniture also If desired. This Is a very good buy for $2658 and half cash will handle; balance 4n a few 7ea" S. R. PEARSON 405 Oregon Bldg. Phone 4$. REALEST m AND LOANS on farms or INSTALLMENT LOANS on city property ELSW0RTH PICKELL 101 Masonle Temple, Salem, REAL ESTATE I IX)a SALE La HQ X HOUSE IS GOOD LO catl.a, la 81 via, far 8S0O0. Psoas 188. FOR HALE BUILDING LOTS. CLOSE In. Phone forenoons 178. 7 ROOM HOUSE FINE SHAPE ON paved street, east front, eaat Salem. 82 500. Lai tar Laflar. Oregon Bldg. TEN ACRE TRACT NEAR LIBERTY for sale; also 8 Vt acres near Rose dale. Inquire phone 118$. FOR SALE 7 ROOM HOUSE ON UN- coin and Liberty streets. Inquire . owner, phone 1186. FOR SALE 2 OR S ACRES IMPROV- ed. close in; also good farm. Phone owner at 82F13 or address Box 85. R.F.D. No. 2. 10 ACRES XV, MILES NORTH EAST OF fairgrounds on good road. Price 1100 Hart-McKillop Co.. 208 Oregon Bldg. 22 ACRES OF RICH SOIL CLOSE TO carline. Good bldg a. Land all cul tivated. 37200. Laflar Laflar, Or egon Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER A FRUIT i farm, close in on paved road. Fori full particulars write Box 25. Salem. uregon A BARGAIN 4 ACRES CLOSE IN; small house, barn. For quick sale. szseo lots or rruit. Laflar Lar lar, Oregon Bldg. ONE OF THE FINEST 8 ROOM BUS- galows in Salem, modern in every respect, good large lot. Fine garage, 2 blocks to .carline; only built 2 years. Seeing is believing. Call Monday. Laflar t Laflar, 406-7-8 Oregon Bldg. WHY NOT WORK FOR UNCLE SAM a good salary. New bungalow and barn worth $4000. besides a Ford car. Located in a good town wlLh a good high schooL AllVfor $2700. Must have $1500 cash. Estes 4k Magee. 42$ Oregon Bidg. A BARGAIN OVERLOOKED WITH the price of berries advancing daily, you are missing a splendid bargain in that 15 acres set to logan and strawberries for $3500. On easy terms. This year's crop .will pay for ine place. It not sold this week It will be taken from the market. See us Monday If you are interested. Might take some trade. John H. Scott Realty Co, 228 Oregon Bidg. FOR REAL ESTATE whether farms, city or suburban see C W. NIEMEYER Phones 180$ 1814 Salem, Oregon BEST BUYS IOC acres 14 mile from city limits. of Salem, on paved road, 6V acres in ley solL Price 34200: terms. 54 acres 4 miles from state house on road, family orchard. 7 room I house, large barn. Beat solL lrlcel $12,000; easy terms. 6Vi seres sll in cultivation. 24 lo- gans, family orchard, 4 blocks from I car line on Pacific highway; 6 room new buna-alow. Price 38500. 82 acres all cleared, good valley son. I family orchard. 7 room bouse, barn. I etc.; 44 miles from, town, at $15e perl acre S0C0L0FSKY 341 State St. Annoancement. For farms, fruit ranches, all sixes I (stock, dairy or grain) or for sub urban or city bronerty. see the Flem ing Realty Company, second floor of the Bsyne building. 341 Stste street, Established l0l. Be you Newcomer or old resident, we win sssure you or fair . treatment. 1 Our past dealings is the best criter ion nf the future. We refer to any I who have bought or sold through' us I In the oast 10 years. We aim to re tain a customer, and are building business on that principle. Win. Fleming, Mgr. Good Buys and Investments 30 acre river bottom land. S miles from Salem. Buildings, fruit berries, choice loganberry land. Only $600$; very easy terms. 11 acre tract near Salem, all In high stste of cultivation: farm buildings and fruit Snap $3600. 200 acre farm 7 miles from Salem on 1 good j-oad: half In cultivation, bal ance mostly good timber. Hutldlngs and orchard. ror quica; ssie, ii per acre: terms 20 acres close to Salem: good build ings, orchard, fine loam soil, nice lo cation. Bsrgain $7000. 39 acres 3 miles from Salem; mostly in cultivation, farm buildings. 5 ac res bearing orchard, some fine wood timber, choice berry land. $3000; terms. For choice Investments. Perrine & Marsters 211-12 Com. Club Bldg. Houses, Farms, Small Acreage HOUSES 5 room house on 17th and Trade streets, lot 100x100. Bath, toilet and electric lights. $2500. on easy terms. room modern bungalow, near fair grounds; large lot $3250 if sold soon. A snap. 7 room strictly modern house, close In:' large lot. some fruit furnace heat. $7000: easy terms. 8 room bungalow, cloae to school. North Bsiem terms. A rest snsp $1200. good We have a list of old houses from $650 to $1500 on easy terms. Csll st our office and we will tell you about mem. FARMS 75 acres on highway Joining Salem. 6 acres logans. 2 prunes. 3 pears, 3 cherries. 10 apples. 20 acres cultivated peat land. 12 acres fine rolling culti vated. Some valuable woodland and good pasture. Very fair Improvements. $50,000. 154 seres miles out, izo in wneat. balance In pasture. Good farm build ings. Just off hard surfsce road. $173 per acre on good terms. 50 seres on Highway 14 miles southeast of Oregon City; good house, barn snd other buildings, two silos. 2 acres family fruit, wire fence and cross fences. An Ideal property at $250 per acre. 67 acres Joining Salem, all In whest falr house. This is a good buy and will go soon. $26,000. SMALL TRACTS 10 seres, good 7 room plastered house. bath, toilet, running water, good fam ily orchard. lVi acres or good timber SHOO. zs acres, rood room mastered house, bath, running water, fair barn. 2 acres strawberries, good family or chsrd. 10 acres In cultivation, balance In rough land for pasture, with 7 seres of valuable timber $2500; $1000 cash. bslance to suit. 14 seres. 400 prune trees. 1 acre lo gans, some fruit, two room house, good soring, s bout 4 acres In cultivation bslsnee rough with some timber. $1300. 8 seres. 7 room House, good family orchard, small stream. 10 minutes walk from street car. 31000; $700 caah. bal ance $18 per month. John H. Scott Realty Co. 22$ Oregon Bldg. REAL . ESTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE Good properties value. much below actual 8 room plastered bouse; bath, toilet, electric lights. Value 81; trade for acreage near some good town. ( room plastered house; two lots. $1000: cash, snd terms. S room home: ceiled downstairs, plast ered upstairs, lot 75x150. bath, toilet. wired. lllZa: caab and terms. 4 room plastered house, electric lights. 1 city water, rruit. large barn. ii:w. C room house: ceiled, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, lot 65xl0. very close in. SZIiO: I100S cash, balance terms. 10 room house; plastered, modern, lot 40x120. very close in. $5500. 85 acres deep blsck soli; about (8 acres in grain, 15 acres la - pasture timber, etc wen fenced, comforta ble house, good outbuildings. In good district on stone road. 1-4 mile to school, iiall and cream route. Eight head cattle and horse, all farm, im plements. Price $10.Oe; $1000 will handle. Seeing Is believing. Get busy. WALTER McLAREN Room 21. 180 N. Com. St- WOOD'S BARGAINS 10 acres fine berry land all plowed. rock road. S20oe. 4 acres river bot tom land one mile from new bridge. I an unaer piow. lew iruu u-ees. unei truck land. 82000. 40 acres rood I prune land, nearly all under plow; I spring; water. 380 per acre. 48 acres good Improvements four miles out on main road. $12,008. 148 acre farm on main highway five miles out. io re .V1". JhtIJ ,bn1- lngs. Price right. Stock and lmple- mcnts and lease on 40 acres. $2008. 5 room modern bungalow paved street ana car line. mot. . roomii bungalow with fire place. $1600. $ in si room house, bearing fruit trees. $858. Large lot and old house 3 blocks from state bouse: make offer. Strict ly modern bungalow close in $7000. 40 seres nearly all in orchard, mod ern bnlldings. 18 acres bearing cher ry orchard, a money maker. I have buyers for houses and small tracts. List your property with me. F. L WOOD 341 State street. FOR SALE 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE on Saiem Heights, new and modern ??rI.wmy' 'Irep,M5 1 tV houUr .Tgbtiy 'location and in fine condition; has two- lots! with fruit and nut trees and many beautiful flowers and on paved street A good buy at $5000; half cash and terms on balance. -room modern bouse four blocks from center of town, hot water furnace, fireplace, garage, new and very at tractive. So many built in features that It would require very little fur niture Location cannot be excelled. Price $4500. and can be bought on good terms. 15 seres of river bottom lend located IV, miles from steel bridge, about inree acres peacnes in iuii pear ins I and one acre timber, no bulldiegc Worth $300 an acre but can be bought for a short time only at $200 an acre. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn. 275 state street- rUAtrr f inP ft IITC I tHUlLh liAltUAiri J I Fine suburban home near Salem, on I paved road 2 miles out, u acres near-1 IT ail in ocarina; prunra; rirfiui modern house 18 rooms with hot and cold water, full basement and furnace. CHOICEST 18 ACRES NEAR CITT: 6 acres bearing logan a. 1 strawberry. 1 family orchard, balance rarden; good 8 room house. Income for two years will pay for pi see. $ acres bearing fruit and garden fine house and other buildings. Adjoin ing city. 7 acre some logans and fine family orchard modern house near Salem. 10 acres bearing prunes snd apples. 43 acres sll under rnltlvstion fine im provements; produced Isst year 78 tons choics rruit. ji seres near Fruitland: fine Improve- It . ... rnA T Anm Vnni. Hous alone worth price asked. 40 acres In Roeedale; 20 acres choice prunes about 16 years old. good bouse, barn, garage, prune dryer, stock snd Impliments. A snsp at nriee asked. 54 acres nesr Prstum. good bouse snd other buildings: team. cows, chick ens and feed for same, and impli ments. S seres, some Improvements, close In. 200 fruit trees, on good road. A snsp. 5 seres choice fruit, fine modern house. east front adjoining city limits. $ acres 6 room house on Garden road. $4000. In cltr residences we can please you. No trouble to show property. List your property with us for service. OREGON LAND CO. 443 State street WHOLE MILK AJTD produce 'wahtxd Marion Crtmerj Product) Co, . . . Salem, Oregon. mono SALEIi MARKETS I BTJTTNQ TlUCm Mcas and PoeJtry, ERgs, 34c. Hens, heavy, 28c. Springs, 24c. Broilers. 30 to 35c. Old -ooslers 12c Dressed bogs. IS to 20c fork. Mutton and Beef, Pork on foot. 15 He. Lambs. 12 to 13c. Beef, steers. 9 to 11 Vic. Cows. 6 to 10c. Top veal, 24c. . rial. Cheat hay. pet ton. SIS to Sit. Ost snd vetch hayper ton. U S23 Clover hay. 123 to $24. Oram. Wheat S2 to $2.10. Feed oats, S3 to SSo. Beans, 6e t Vi C. Kill Feed. RetaO. Ulllrun. $47. Wholesale To Telera. Creamery butter, cartons, CS-9e; Butterfat, C(e. Oranges, S to Bsnanaa, He Lemons. $7 to $7.50. allfornla grape fruit, $4. Florida grape fruit, IS to 7. Cabbage. C l-2e. Onions. 14.60 a sack. Turnips, SSc a dozen bunches. Carrots, 85c a dozen bunches. Bell peppers. 40c a pound. Celery, $1.85 a dozen. Round radishes 40c dosen bunches, said to her that put her Into the slat Sweet potatoes, Oe a pound. Parsley, f Oc Cozen bunches. Bet. I5e dozen bunches,' Crea onions. 40c doxea bunciie. FtXsUl Pnewsi Creamery batter, 75c Dairy butter, to to f(. Eggs. 2 dor. for I Sc. Flour, hard wueat, $1.35 to $1.10. Flour. Talley. X b Of J. Sugar, cane, IS l-2c ttn&r. aaek. woo f REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful nonuare of Harried Life Wottdcrfnlly Told by AD ELK -CLUUUSOX CHAPTER DXXY1 WHY MOTHER GRAHAM -WANTS TO KNOW." - . In the beat of my anrer at Cousin Agatha I had fully meant -vbat I said to her concerning my Indlffer , i t . , , w nf to her revealing anjr part of the tempestaons Interview we had Jnst concluded. Bat after she had scat-" , iv.--4 - " rom my room like a frightened rabbit, and I came face to face with a. remonefnl realization or some of . . v. . .... - T . tne things I had said to her, I began to fear miserably that she might - k mail mrword - . Mr mother-in-law's certain anrer I . was not afraid to meet. I had al ready braced myself for a scene with her upon thy subject of Katie, and the knowledge of my altercation with her cousin, even shoold Consln Ag atha choose to tell her, could not add ranch more unpleasantness to the ln- terriew. Bat as I visualised the look of an gry contempt which would come Into Dicky's face If he learned that 1 had' Practically ordered his mother's eous J Tom bouse, my heart sank. I. knew that to Dicky the provocation) that I had received Cousin Aretha's outrageous treatment of poor Katie would be so excuse for the treat ment I had accorded his kinswoman. Dicky has Yery high Ideals of treatment due a coest, even an un welcome one. while beneath his roof. . They are ideals which I had always shared. My departure from them l wnM v. n mnr a MmHu n mv rW0Uwla mor Surprise tO my " uu tw u m iujii. And yet, the hateful personality of the woman whom I had requested to leave my house as soon as possible kept me from fully regretting, my in- language. I wa torn between two Impulses, one, to rush to Cousin AXStha. bee her par don and ask her to remain with ms as Ions as she wished; the other t remain firm In the position ' I had taLen, Madge Has Doubts. TCe thine which troubled me moat in my remembrance with my Inter view with my husband's ktnswomas was the suspicion I had that Katie's wrongs alone, no matter how much' tbey might hare aroused my right eous indignation, would not have prompted all the things I had said to 1 COUSin Agatha. Her Interference I With my household. her ruthless treatment of my faithful little maid were but the culmination of & series of Incidents, which, had overwhelm ingly borne In upon me the know ledge that my wishes, my Yery per sonality were belnr disregarded, sot only by my husband, but by his rel atives. The conviction was slowly coming to me that I had rather tak en It out" on Cousin Agatha, and my conscience troubled me sorely, even though I knew she richly de served even more drastic treatment 4 than I had riven her. .A familiar knock at the door made me hastily dry my eyes with much the feeling of one wishing to make the best appearance possible on the scaffold. I knew that my mother-in-law's knuckles were on the door, and I feared that the viala of her wrath were only waiting her uncork- " to tmtr,Ith,.r "Stents upon my I head. Her first words upon nr I opening the door bore out mv fars "Will anybody tell me what ts the matter?" she demanded Irascibly. "First. I see Katie dashing from the door of the room where I left her with Agatha, as If m, whole menager ie was chasing her. She was sobbing snd crying In that noisy way of hers . as if she'd lost her husband. And then a couple of minutes sgo. Aga tha, who left me saying she was go ing down stairs, rushes back. promptly begins to weep a river of tears and tumbles Into bed with one , of her headaches." She stopped short, swung ma around to the light and 'scrutinised my face closely. What She Said. Tou've been crying, too," she suw f a- v s as aav we ae WsVw SICI child. bhe pulled a rocking chair nearer to me and pushed me Into U gently. "I think I'd better look Into this." f . I could hardly believe my eyes and ears. My crabbed, haughty mother-in-law, instead of railing at me, was almost petting me. I was so lonely without my own mother, so wishful for the love and comradeship of the) mother of my husband that I felt sudden poignant regret for ray treat ment of her cousin. I feared that when she knew the truth, her unus ual kindness of manner would van ish. " 1 But her next words favs xn gleam of hope. "Of course Agatha's been med dling." she said. "She's been dotajt that ever since she was In baby clothes. I'm not sorry that yo squelched her It she began on your affairs too soon. But whatever ran I she Is I can't Imagine. (To be continued) t Phone 494.