it. JLL LA1, 4 T1IB OREGON STATESMAN? TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24. lidt C in the Lens Without linear THESE LENSES ARE 100 PER CENT PERFECT I will fit you with these lenses or any other perfect lenses and guarantee ray work in every respect My prices are reasonable for the service and ma terial you receive. ; Dr. - M. P. Mendelsohn Fits Eyes Correctly 211-212 Oregon Building (Formerly Hubbard Building) Phone 443 100 per rent average in the Indust rial club activities. ;irl Wanted At the Spa. lUturn Wrong Suite George Cromley. whose name was mentioned In the police records Sat urday in connection with the taking of a suitcase from the Independence stage belonging to Mrs. H. R. Wil liamson of Portland, appeared yes terday and explained that owing to the similarity of the. two suitcases he mistook the one belonging to Mrs. Williamson for his own. He said b left Mrs. Williamson's suitcase at the Southern Pacific depot for her. t Rigdon and Son Reliable funeral directors. IirenM Plates Taken According to the police reports of Sunday some one entered the garage Colonel J. Olmstead. 245 Union street, and took the new license plates off his machine. Nothing' els was disturbed. Legal Rlank Get them at The Statesman office. Catalog on application. CITY NEWS IjooUk For Witnesses It. J. Schraeder. finger print ex pert of Jackson county, was in Salem looking for Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Spence who are wanted to serve as wltne9S' es in a case involving a hold-up staged In Portland recently. It is be lieved that the couples are visiting relatives here. Girl Wanted Apply at the Gray Belle. Students Hold Exercises The students of Donald school dis trict No. 1 gave an impressive: pro gram in honor of Washington's birth day, according to Mary Fulkerson. supervisor off Marion county schools Miss Margaret Scollard is the teacher of the school and through her effort the students prepared the patriotic program. As a closing event of the i J! "CHECKERS", LAST TIMES TODAY . . I: Hmall Inventmeat Loans Kealty lioaa HottAe l&tntal Agency, . General Property: Dealing. JOUX II. SCOTT REAITY CO, 4 04-4 OS Hubbard Bldg. Phone 254 :.; Salem. Ore. program a new American flag was unfurleu, measuring. 16 feet. The flag was purchased through the aS tivlea of the school. The TVn?rl school' has the largest 100-pef cent club in the county. The diploma giv en the school contains the names of 13 students, all of whom attained the Elks' Benefit Postponed The big meeting promised by the local lodge of Elks for the benefit of .the Boy Scouts which was In con temptation for about February 2 has been indefinitely postponed on account of so much sickness. The thought of the Elks committee ar this time is to hold it at some later date when conditions are more tav orable. 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CIGAm Manufactured by HENDERSON'S CIGAR FACTORY Phone 219 Love, Watchmaker ana Jeweler 337 State street, Salem. DENNIS0N ELECTRIC CO. JOB WORK AND FIXTURES 222 North Uberty Street Spring Clean-Up The erection of the new street signs is practically completed and the repainting of the city bridges is progressing rapidly, according to Street Commissioner Low. Commls- : Salem -Auto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale US S. 72th St. Salem. Ore. Busick's SALEM ALBANY sloner Low said that-th e zoi VM-T ther has had a beneficial Ihflaenc in furthering the springs clean-Up- of ne vacant lots and the citizens are beginning to Improye-thetrjlarkings. The custom of Dlantinfc the vacant lots in some kind' of vegetables Is continuing. Many residents are hav ing these lots plowed, and. converting them Into miniature -truck farms. Since the war this practice seems to have Increased and sow'. there; are very few vacant lots that -are hot used for some useful purpose. . ' (jilmore U Surprieed , . :- - The news that he was the parent! or a Douncmg boy was sufficient to raise L. P. Gilmore- f rem a-bed of sickness Monday morning.1 says ' the Monmouth Herald. He was threat ened with, pneumonia, but what are bonds of ill health, hemp or steel to hold anybody down when a first .bom son awaits a welcoming?., The moth er is reported as getting along nicely, Girl Wanted At the -Spa. Card of Thanks The undersigned wish to thank the many friends who during the ' late long illness of our beloved mother. Mrs. Annette Schindler, have shown their sympathy through word or deed as well as for the beautiful floral pieces. The Schindler Family. Ontte,,Marahfleld; treasurer. Al va Pan on, Portlaud; LU'-Crn, Viol Ogden. Portland (re-elected); educa tional; superintendent. ; Walter ' Mey ers Eugene; ijsnfor superintendent Miss Faye Moorhead The Dalles; in termediate superintendent. -F. E Torgerson, Portland; prayer'meetln superintendent. Miss Jsae Holllngs worth. McMlnnvllle;' social, superin teadentt. Miss Alice Judd and MJe Gertrude Eakln, both 61 Salem; mis sionary superintendent.- Miss May Spencer, Ashland; lookout ' superin tendent. Cnalmer M: Patterson.' Al bany; life work recruit superintend Mls Hulda Anderson. La Grande; good . literature superintendent. Claude Myers. Echo; instruction su perintendent. Vincent Patterson. Cor- vallls; alumni superintendent. W. F, Landrum, Eugene. Banquet Is hibedaled 'The annual Washlngtonian ban quet will take place tonight in the basement of the First Methodist church. A large attendance is expected. Dutch lVtt Acquitted The trial of "Dutch Pete" Shroff who was arrested In Portland and in dicted by the grand jury at McMlnn- vllle, was held last week, says the Monmouth Herald. An acquittal re sulted, because insufficient- evidence was found connecting him with the shooting of Jeff Clark, a night watch man, Charles Go&so, serving a term In the Penitentiary from Polk coun ty on a charge of lacceny. on whose statement Shroff was arrested.' was Outfitters to Women, Mines and C iju4itj Merchandiiw j I WoodA is Back Home E. E. Woods, painter-and decorat or.' is back from -Milton, 'Oregon. where he went to paint some scenery 1 brought over from Salem to testify. m a. t i ' - . I - iur (joiumuia roiiege. iniuss ne i UOSSO .made the Mm eharena that did a " good jot any jway; for the I were formerly made to an officer be college authorities "were -.reryiwelH fore Sroffs arrest. It waa Gosso's pleased. Mrs. Woods is a fancier of word against the positive denial of mut goats. &ne. nas just naa neri the prisoner, and there was not suf pme goat insured tor ?Z50; hair lis ficlent evidence to convict. Shroff value. Salem. The Woods home is in West State Offices Climod - All state offices were closed - yes terday in observance of Washington birthday. Many of the officials returned to Portland ("Dutch Pete" has served several terms In the Sa lem penitentiary and Is well known to the officials here.) wood have been cat. This wood will! o'clock this afterr be used at the penitentiary, and will I wllliger home. R save the state approximately IS officiating. Burl cord. The tract xm which the men I Odd Fellows cent are now working has sufficient tim ber to Insure two years work and lHRUBket Are Left is proosDie that enoujn wood will Del Aeeordlnr to tfc. cut by them before next fall to help I the police yester supply tne state nospiiai'ana otner i gtore proprietor.! state Institutions. I from a man to 1 blankets at the st' BaMkethMll Tonight I urday. The reqi staniord u. vs. Willamette u. I Later tne man down the alley r Women Ohherve Birthday - I has not been seer; Members of the Woman's Relief corps observed Washington's birth-1 Trophies to be Ex! day Saturday with appropriate exer-I ' A choice collet cises in the McCornack halL The I sent straight fror opening address-was given by Rev. 1 ment'to Salem wl. Elxin of the Young Men' Christian for several days. association, and Rev. Longhridge of-1 row at Kafoury's fered prayer. Mrs. Carlton Smith gave several dellchttul solos. . and there was a hoop drill given by a I bevy of little girls. Assistant Adju tant General Williams of Portland was guest of honor. Twenty-four members of the Grand Army of the Republic were present and a gen eral good time prevailed. The closlna I Loyal Lcxlon c( iresnments were servsa. Lot Black Fur Neck PI Saturday, all at 663. Court street passed the day in Portland, while or Phone 244. Reward. others- participated in gold contests or other sports arranged for the oc-1 Richardson In Portland casion. "I want to forget all about oolitic and say something about Salem as a Salem Man Honored - I manufacturing center." qpoth Joseph Miss Fave Btefnmetz of 'Portland Richardson, deputy state tieasur was re-elected president of the Ore-1 er wno signed his name on the Ore- son State Christian' Endeavor society 1 Bn register yesterday on an over- -at the annual convention which was I Sunday visit to Portland, says the held at Albany recently. Miss Elaine I Oregon. "Salem's fruit Juice and Cooper was re-elected' secretary and I jeuy concerns are getung capacity other officials were named 'as fol-l oustness. wnue ine wooien mm is ai lows: Vice-president, LeRoy - Robin son. Portland; second vice president' W. G. Wallace. Stanfield; third vice- president, F-. R. Zinser, Salem: fourth vice president. Miss- Irene HAP.IILT0N BICYCLES AXD REPAIRS LLOYD L RAMSDEN 887 Court Street One Orreland. nearly new, six cylin der, 6 passenger, equipped all Cord Tires and one extra, new. Guaran teed in Al shape for $1250. WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. 246 State SL Phone 211 The most sanitary kitchen cabinet made, The Kitchen Maid. H.L STIFF FURNITURE CO. USED BARGAINS 1918 'Studebaker Six, 7 passenger, newly painted and overhauled $900 Ford truck in A-l condition. .$650 Model 98 Overland, almost new $850 SALEM VELIE COMPANY 162 North Commercial Bonds, Mortgages Interest Bearing Investments HAWKINS & ROBERTS 90407 Oregon Building THE FURNITURE MAN make . and hang your drapes. Largest Stock of Drapery. 340 Court Street. EAGLE DRESS SHIRTS $2.00, $.1.00 to f 10.00 SCHEI'S 844 State Street The Kuppenheimer House La Salem U.S. GARAGE 654 Ferry Street . USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS SPECIAL New series Studebaker. value 11626. today $1200. U. 8. Garage. Phone 1762 WONDER HOSE For Klddlcsr per pair. 69c REMNANT STORE 254 North Commercial Street MIT H For MOKE State and Commercial Streets S S POTATOES Seed and Table Stock. Get them now, they won't last long. Phone 717. Office 542 State St. . Warehouse Trade and High MANGIS BROS. Let us proTe to yon that our prices are less. Some rood bargains in new and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. 519 Court St. Derby building Electric Machinery and Engineering Company For EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORK 175 So. Commercial St. Phone 965 - WEST FUR CO. Furs of Quality New Location 231 Court St. Opp. Court House MONUMENTS , If your monumental work is solicit ed, kindly ask the solicitor for our business card. . A. i JONES, Prop. - Capital Monumental Works 2210 S. Com. St. Phone, 689, Salem WANTED Furniture., ranges, heaters, tools, and, in fact anything you have to sell. 1 buy for caslu Thone 510 or 5ii. ; '. ' WOODRY, The Auctioneer LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 We also do local hauling. W T. RIGDON CO. Leading Funeral Director! CITY CLEANING WORKS Caners or Quality Cleaning Dyeing Repairing 1251 State St. Phone 191 WANTED 1920 JUNK AND MACHINERY OF ALL ' KINDS We also buy eecond-hand Roods. If you have anything to sell for a j good price -call 398. The Square Deal House, . 4. , CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St. Salem, Ore, Models of the "Lexington Minute Man Six" "Auburn Beauty Six" and "Elcar Fiery Four" now on exhibi lion at 178 Commercial. BISHOP BROS. High and Ferry Sts. Phone 1400 WE BUY Farm Prodace, Eggs, etc.. Paying Highest Cash 'Market Prices. WM.GAHLSDORF The Store of Housewares WANTED ! WHITE BEANS PEOPLES CASH STORE For REAL BARGAINS in USED CARS See Oleson . Aulo Exchange We Are Crowded for Space so humming from morning to night Then, work is fast progressing on the new paper mill, and take It all in all. the capital city is assuming a nianu facturing aspect which bodes well for its future. The old saying that Sa lem lives for the biennial sessions of the legislature- is true no longer. If it ever was.- In other .words.' she Is now nying with her own wings. . Capital Powt No. 9 American legion will give one of its famous dances at the armory Wednesday. February 25. 1920. The boys who served Invite you to be present. WILLARD Storage Battery SEH VICE STATION 1 233 N. High St. Police Find Overcoat The police are In possession of an overcoat that was brought to the station by a person who found it on Telephone 203 Y" "TT 11 ' "v01 lo nJ9 1W " dropped from a delivery ear. The police are looking for the owner. ELECTRIC RESTAURANT 411 State Street Our Specialty: Oysters Fiih Chops Chill Con Carne1 ' J. D. MADDOX, Prop. 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE Motorists who are looklna for trotis. Mrrlceabl car with elegant body lines ana interior pconcauon chat assume maximum service and economy at a reasonable price should tins car. LEE L GILBERT, Distributor 1S4 a. Caajarr!al Street. Extinguish Small Fire Slight damage was done to the roof of a residence at ' 728 North Broadway yesterday afternoon when sparks from a nearby chimney set fire to the bouse. The fire depart ment responded to the call at 1:50 and the blaze was soon extinguished. The damage to the roof was light. State street. The cured by Captain connection with It now being made U. S. sraiy. " Fred Hurtle- t Fred Enfaicoii Two Hearings Bet 'Heating of the application of the Coos Bay Logging company for boom franchise on Coos river will be heard at Marshfleld on April 14, ac cording to an order-Issued by the Oregon publie service commission to day. On February 11 the co mm Is land to pars f- he will call a cm ployes of the .J company, for the ing a local urancl. tlon in this city. . . OocurratalatJmia In Mr. and Mrs. I 12T0 "North Some sion will consider the application of I ceirlng congratulat the Central Oregon irrigation com-1 rival Sunday at th pany for an Increase In maintenance rates. The Increase Is opposed by the Central Oregon aWter Users' as sociation, and the matter will come before the commission on a demurrer filed by the latter organisation. pound son.' He ha: dry Valentine .Bun Stenographer Returns Miss Gellatley. stenographer In the offices of R. B. Good in. secretary of the state board of control, has re sumed her duties after being absent from her desk for several days. She has been suffering from an attack of influenza. . Games Are Fosipot The two games basketball league ; alght bare been Thursday evening, j Stanford basketbaJ night is the cause c IkMketbmll Tonight Stanford U. vs. Willamette U. REMBMBER that we par tha hlckrat erfec lor SrcCOD-HAHl Kl I1.1ITI HK CARPETS. STOVES. MACHINERY . AJin TOOLS Don't sell anythtna; bfora yon ae us. TUB CAPITAL IIARDWAJUB PL'RXITURJd CO. S8S X. Caa'l St. PkM 947 Will IMatrlbute OUalog The Salem poetoffice is distribut ing 27.000 catalogs, equivalent to two freight car loads, -one for the largest mail order house in the coun try, according to Postmaster Hucke steln. The postage amounts to $1879.43. They will be distributed in the first and second zones. Elizabeth Gravell Dead - Mrs. Elizabeth Gravell died Sun day at the Deaconess hospital after an Illness extending over two and one halt years. .Death was the re sult of a paralytic stroke. She was 71 years old and for the past year had made her home with her daugh ter. Mrs. James Roane- of this city. She was taken to the Deaeoaeas hos pital two months ago. ' She leaves the following sons and daughters: Mrs. James Roque of Salem. Mrs. Nagal Chapelle of Salem. Mrs. Carl Johnson ofg Kenosha. Wis.; Mrs. De la Tiege of Green Valley, Wis.; John Gardner of Salem. Lewis sQrd- ner of Fltzbarg. Mass., and James Gardner of Green Valley, Wis. The body Is at Webb & Cloagh' estab lishment. The funeral will be held this morning at t o'clock from the Catholic church, with burial follow ing in the Catholic cemetery. Funeral at T acorn a Miss Garnett Clearwater and her Brother. Russell Clearwater, laft Sunday for Tacoma to attend the fu neral or their brother. William Clearwater, formerly of this city, who died Saturday from pneumonia. Mr. Clearwater is well known "here and Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Clearwater of this city. Student Returns II Miss Dorothy E- turned to her bom will not return, to next semester, lit to illness. MYRTLE KN0WLAND Music and Musical Merchandise Sonera Dealer la Salem - 418 Court St. Salem, Oregon Telephone SIS John Are Xumerou No one need to go Jobless in Sa lem. City Recorder Race ears he has work for over 20 men at once and that he expects to be able to give employment to all who apply for several weeks to com.e Most of the demand for workers now comes from the farms, the timbef and the hop yards. Many of these Jobs furnish board and room besides paying good wages. . EYEGLASSES THAT FIT OR. U HALL. WIXOH 210-211 U. 8. National Bank Bldg American Lejrk! Will give another dance at the ar mory Wednesday, Feb. 25, 1920. Ev eryone invited to be present. Carle Abrama Sick Carle Abrams, editor of the Pacif ic Homestead, published by the Statesman company, was unable, to be at his desk yesterday because of Illness. Although bis ailment has not been definitely dlagnozed he Is thought to te suffering from an at I tack of influenza. Evidence of Good Service. The courtesy of our Staff, the effici ency of our Man agement, the sat isfaction of ' our Clients Is ample evidence of the. Superior Service Rendered rtaptiM Brotherhood Meeting Tonight at the cbnrch regular meeting and supper at :20. "Fa ther and Son- tonight. Rer. Avisoo will be the speaker. . Claim Boys Took Alvin Keller. 1101 D street, re ported to the police yesterdsy that some boys hsd taken possession of his canoe and had repainted It and now refuse to give it up. An officer was detailed on the case to settle the difficulty. Chimney Fire' Lest : The fire departr call from 12 1 5 "Sou about 10:20 last : chimney fire was . was soon extlnsmlst was reported slight. betiertha; Thousands ILr. Dr. Edwards' C Are aHarmle: Dr.' Edwards' OS-, tesclt of Drv Edwi. not to trcai lirer arv with calomel. For these tablets (a tc taxed with ohre c practice with crezt t . They do all the r xs but hare no bed rains, so griping. ; gams or danger frtx they stimulate the Take Dr. Edward when you fed "lor Not how they clear perk up the spcitx. ; Autos Damaged The auto of Mrs. C. D. Pare which was parked at the state hospital was struck by a machine driven by Dr. IL. J. Dean, according to the police re ports yesterday. No one was injured and the damages were slight. Settle ment was effected at the time of the accident." Amanda Russell Pies- Mrs. Amanda RusselL who has been living with her son, Edward Souder, on rural route No. 4. near Salem, died at that place 8unday. She was 84 years old. and lesves the son here, one daughter, Mrs. Bella Lewis, in Ohio, and two sons. Co lumbus Souder and Frank Souder fa Ohio. The funeral will be at 2:20 r D. H. LIC MEN'S AI High C 474 Court. F A C We advertise bee a' to know where you suits on your tram running . expenses - s . more over last year. last year's prices du and spring months t advantage of this. VERIBEST Ti PPhone 1244 124' n Mloolli Return norue Frank G. Micelll, formerly a pro minent lawyer in Portland, but more recently employed as organiser for the Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, left for his home in Portland yesterday. He is said to be suffering from an attack or influ enza and it Is not expected that he will return here for several days. zw vm 9 vi ww 1 j 1 ! Member of the W. R. C. Arc requested to meet In the Mc Conack h?ll Thursday afternoon. February 26, for sewing. Wardm VWti Wood Camp Warden Compton. of the state pen itentiary spent yesterday afternoon at the prison wood camp, located about 19 miles south and east of the city. There are' 24 convicts worklna there, and more than 1500 cords of DREAMLAN Band Mroic Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday Etc: Ladies Free Monday and Friday Afternoons ar evening , or Dr. CB. ON optometrist-op; STATE g STREET 8 - Laddfe Bush Dank xylCfa Stale ai TtaOZb