The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 22, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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The Statesman reeetvea the
leased wire report I the As
sociated Press, the . greatest
and mod tenable preea an
odatioa la the world.
rmcz: five cejith. .
, :
ITH Wednesday, marking the
Beginning of Lent this week
large social functions-will h
laid aside until after Easter and very
small and Informal gatherings will
suffice for several weeks. Another
thing which has made the social life
of the city very quiet this week is
the amazingly large number who are
111, inriuenza and grip being the most
"fashionable" diseases and one is
quite "out of style" if they cannot
boast of at least having had the
flu in their home, Mrs. Zadoc Rlggs
Is quite 111 at her home with the
grip. The Carl Webbs are at home
with the influenza, and many oth
ers are at home m,
THE most lovely affair of the
week and one with exceedingly
smart appointments was Fri
day when Mrs. John J. Roberts enter
tained the Hritige Luncheon club at
her" beautiful State street 1 home.
Luncheon was served In the billiard
room downstairs and the long ban
quet table was beautifully centered
with a huge oblong centerpiece fash
ioned of greenery, jonquils and varl
hued spring blossoms, completing a
lovely , setting for the smart gowns
of the women. Bridge followed and
was enjoyed in the living room which
- rr. . Asia
It la a mistake to try and make the
new styles In outer apparel look
. right when worn over last season's
'corsets. You will enjoy the Immedi
ate comfort and improved figure
lines In the new models we are show
ing In the line of Frolaaet Corset.
Elastic, and treo bandeaux for the
stout figures. Special attention to
fitting. - I
?! US Liberty Street.
New Hosiery
Silk, Lisle
466-474 416
By Euth Lenore Fisher
was resplendent with a profusion of
rose-colored carnations and fern. A
custom of the club Is to award the
prizes for high scoring at the end of
the club year so at each meeting
prizes are not given but Friday Mrs.
Roberts charmingly departed from
the usual custom and gave an award
to the highest scoring guest of the
club, Mrs. Fred Stewart being the
fortunate one and received a beauti
ful bouquet. The guects of Mrs.
Roberts besides the club members I
were Mrs. George G. Brown, Mrs.
Fred Stewart, Mrs. II. K. Lee Stein
er, Mrs. Will II. Bennett, Mrs. George
II. Rodgers. Mrs, Oliver C. Locke
and Mrs. Edwin L. Baker.
AMID a lovely setting which made
one think of the far away land
land of Japan, the younger social set
made merry at the annual formal
dance with which the T. A. club of
the popular sub-debutante gave In
Cotillion hall to a group of their
friends, a number of whom came
from out of town for the affair. A
huge Japanese umbrella was placed
in the center of the room, from the
ceiling and from the handle hung
wisteria. Smaller umbrellas were
hung from other parts of the ball
room as were quantities of Japanese
lanterns which dimly lighted the
A profusion of pink paper cherry
blossoms were held in baskets end
bowls over the room, and produced a
lovely effect. Clinging wisteria vine
was intermingled with lattice work
along the walls and at each corner
were banks of palms.
. Revelation orchestra furnished th
music for the 'dancers. To further
carry out the Japanese effect the
dance programs were beautiful irstle
handpalnted cards in the shape of
Japanese lanters with T. A. painted
on them.
Mrs. William P. Babcock, Mrs.
George L. Rose. Mrs., Frank Mere
dith, and Mrs. May Moores were pa
tronesses. A number of the young maids were
especially attractive in their frocks;
and altogether they made a lovely j
tight.. Miss Kate Chatburn of the
University of Oregon, the club facul
ty advisor last year was charming in
a gown of pink taffeta, trimmed with
silver . braid. Miss Amelia. Babcock
was charming In a frock of pink and
blue reversible satin., with scallops
of the blue turned over at the bdt
tom of the skirt and around the
waist. Miss Junette Meredith, was
attractive in yellow satin under yel
low tulle, the frock being along very
buffuont lines. Mia Maud McCoy
was regal In a sliver metal cloth
gown over which pink tulle - was
draped.. Miss Veda Hows was quaint
In a blue satin gown on which pink
flowers were embroidered.
Miss Catharine SlaCe wore a pink
crepe de chine dress made with a
slightly hoop skirt, while Miss Helen
Rose was admired . in a deep pink
taffeta frock with en overskirt of
the same material caught in at the
Out of town guests of the club
were Mi?s Kate Chatburn, of the
Phi Phi sorority house at the Unl
verslty of Oregon. Miss Grace Jlum-J
phreys. of Oregon Agricultural col
lege, Wallace Carson. Herbert Dar
by. Wilbur Phillips, and Dolph Craig
Here are the new stockings to accompany one's new footwear
and new apparel. They are in colors of Springtime and in
qualities that will give splendid service. We can recommend
them to the most discriminating.5 Note how reasonably priced
they are.
Womeii's Silk Hose, per pair . .$1.25 to $3.00
Women's Lisle Hose, per pair. . 50c to $1.00
Women's Cotton Hose, per pair..... 25c to 50c
Children's Hose Silk Lisle, per pair 45c to 75c
Cotton, tier tiair. .19c to 50c
of the University of Oregon, and Con
rad Jones of O. A. C. and Armln
Berger of Portland.
Other guests of the club were Kill
Ashby. Kenneth Powers. Gene Gill,
Milton Steiner, Howard Walling,
Sharer, Archie Holt, Vernon Kloster,
Arm cry Gill. Roland Jthinehart. El
vln lantis. Orley Leffingwell. Brey
man Boise, Ralph Wilson. Wolcott
Buren and Frank Uosebraugh.
The members of the ciub are Miss
Margaret Griffith; Miss Frances
8 h rode. Miss Jennette Meredith, Miss
Lfah Ross, Miss Dorothy aPtterson.
Miss Martha Powell. Mis Nellie
Rowland. Miss Ruth Barnes, Miss
Joanna James. Miss Let ha Wilson,
Miss Olive Morris. Miss Lucy Moore.
Mi Catharine Slade, Miss Miriam
Swartz; Miss Edna Ackerman. Miss
Veda Howd. Miss Grace Humphrey.
Miss Maud McCoy. Miss Amelia Bab
cock, Miss Gretchcn Brown, Miss Mil
dred Gill. Miss Kate Chatburn, Miss
utrien nose.
31 rs. A. X. Bush was in Portland
Thursday for a rfiort visit with
The Illahee Sowine club will meet
with Mrs. Ben W. 'Olcott Monday
afternoon for the regular meeting.
Salem friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mor
ris Abrams of San Francisco are' glad
to welcome them back here again.
though it la for only a few days. Mr.
and Mrs. Abrahams arrived Friday
and are guests at the Hotel Marlon.
During their stay they are being en
tertained at many charming little
aSfalrs. They will go from here
Airs. E. V. McMecben and Miss
Ada Miller invited company to Miss
Miller's studio Monday evening for
a delightful little dancing party for
Mrs. Joseph Rinehart of San Fran
cisco, who has been a visitor In the
c'.ty. Bright and red poppies and
pusy willows lent their charm for
making the affair plansant. A dainty
supper was served at midnight. The
guest list included Mrs. Rinehart,
Miss Eunatne Craig. Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Farmer,. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Farmer,
Mr, apd -Mrs. Arthur J. Rahn. Mr.
and' Mrs. Charles filler. Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Cochrane of Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fry Jr., Mrs Earle
Coulson Flegel, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Everett Anderson. Dr. and Mrs.
Ray Pomeroy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. Linn Smith,
William Harris F. H. Miller, Mark
Skiff iJr., and Howard Eberly.
The Leisure Hour club was de
lightfully entertained Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. S.
Anderson when she and Miss Lucy
Stoughton were joint hostesses.
"Americanization," which has been
the subject of study for the club
this winter, was the motif for an in
teresting paper which Mrs. Alice H.
Dodd read. At the close the hostess
served dainty refreshmnts.
Quite a distinction comes to Mr,
and Mrs. J. D. White of 1490 Che-
meketa street, and Mr. pint! Mrs
James Shlpp. 406 Hoyt street, for
the four will observe their double
golden wedding anniversaries at the
White home Tuesday with an infor
nal reception to their friends. Mrs.
White and Mrs. Shipp are sisters and
were married in Franclaco, Ind., 50
years ago next Tuesday, at a double
wedding ee.lce. Both came to Sa
lem about 12 years ago. It Is pos
sible that relatives who are living
in Portland at present will come up
for the celebration.
Mr. and Mrs. White and Mr. and
Mrs. Shlpp will receive their friends
at an informal reception Tuesday
afternoon at the White home from
2 until 5 o'clock.
Salem society Is interested In th"
recent prriral of Dr. and Mrs. J
Skelly Saurman from their former
home In Burns, they having como
here to make their home. Both ar
prominent r.outheastern Oreeon r-e--nle
and th former is well known
here, having at one time been on
the state board of equalization and
also has served In the state legisla
ture. At present ther are domiciled
'n the C. P. Bishop home on North
Liberty street.
Mrs. S. W. Seelee dispensed charm
ing hospffalltv yesterday afternoon
a her South Commercial street home
hen she . Invited a company of
friends to see her nlec Miss Cor
nelia Marvin, who has Just returned
from several months' traveling In
the orient. Miss Marvin dlsnlayed
many beautiful pieces which she
brought home with her. such as a
curved Ivorv Japicese satsuml.
Chinese cnah silk, beautiful Japsn
e embroideries, pottery, laquired
wares. Philippine hand-woven goods,
and many things antique. In her In
teresting manner Miss Marvin told
of shopping In China and Japan, and
something of the art In each coun
try. These were followed by tea.
served informally in Japanese crock
ery. Charles H. Robertson Jr., is here
for the week-end from the University
of Oregon, with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Thlelsen
entertained during the week Mr. and
Mrs. William H. Ball of Portland.
but formerly of Salemv who were
here with the Portland Rotarians
this week. .
Mrs. Sherman W. Thompson Is
home again after a week's solounv
n Seattle where she was with her
daughter. Miss V. Louise Thompson
Katharyn Starr), who Is playing in
he musical comedy, "Head Over
Miss Lucille De Wilt of Portland
is in Salem with her mother. Mrs.
Anna K. De Witt, for over Sunday.
She will return home Monday eve
ning. iMr. and Mrs. I Fisher have
motored to Eugene where they are
visiting friends and relatives for the
The home of Professor and Mrs.
T. s. Roberts was the scene of
julet little wedding Saturday eve
ning when Mary Roberts Myers and
Thomas W. Hall were united In mar
riage. Rev. R. N. Avison officiating.
Professor Roberts, brother of the
bride, played softly during the cere
mony. Only the immediate relatives
were present, including r Mrs. Jane
Roberts. Hugh Roberts. William
Mers. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Ramp,
Mr. and Mrs. David Talmadge, Mr
and Mrs. Solomon Roberts. Bert
Roberts. Beulah Roberts. Norman
Roberts. Rev Avison and Professor
and Mrs. T. S. Roberts.
Mrs. Joseph Rinehart of San Fran
Cisco, who has been the house guest
of friends In Kalem has gone to
Portland to visit her sifcler, Mrs
Robert McKcan (Hazel EricVson) th
remainder of the time her husband
Is In the east. I,ater Mr. and Mrs
Rinehart will be In Salra aealn '
s. short time before returning to
their home In the southland.
Mrs. Charles K. Spauldlng will go
to McMlnnvlUe Tuesdav and will loin
her dauehter. Miss Ila Spaulding.
from the O. A. C. for the wedding of
Ms Soauldinx's former f.hooI mae.
Miss Margaret Lois Wilson, to Alex
ander John Allen. The wedding will
take place Wednesday and will be
an elaborate chnrch'ceremony. Miss
Wilson is the daurhter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles B. Wilson, the former
county clerk of Yamhill county and
a prominent violinist In her home
city. Mfss WMsoi? and Iter mother
have visited in Salem many times
at the Spaulding homo and have
many friends here.
Mr. Charles K. Spaulding enter
tained the members of the Pietv
Hill club at her home Thursdav af
ternoon for the regular afternoon of
sewing and social chat. Mrs. S. J.
Mahood of Spokane, Wash.. ww Is a
house rnest of Dr. and Mrs. Charles
H. Robertson, her cousins, was a
guest of the club dnrinr the after
noon. Mr. Spanldine; finished the
afternoon by serving dainty refresh
ments. Mrs. H. N. Aldrich entertaln-d the
TVoman MIlonrr oeetr of the
tlle Methodist church at her home
Friday afternoon for a verv oleaaf
time. Mr. Mary Cummlskv Bliss
snoke to the women of her work In
a rerr lnt.T"stins manner Dalntv
"freFhmcfnts were
served by the
Dnrinr the recent tour of the Wil
lamette Unierstv Bo-s niee club.
Mr. John R. Site, the ehaperorie.
and Miss Evelvti DLong. tfie accom
papist, and the boys were honor
M guests at a large number of social
affairs, making their trip one round
of social pleasures, causing a re
luctant return home. The Order of
the Eastern Star of Milton, where
the club appeared one evening, com
plimented Mrs. Sites with a lovely
afternoon reception during their stay
in that city as the house guests of
Mrs. W. II. Bailey. Mrs. W. W.
Roder Is worthy matron of the order
there and the affair called out about
30 guests to meet Mrs. Sites. This
was followed by a sumptuous sup
per. Mrs. J. li. seevey or Jimon
gave a dinuer party for Mrs. Sites
ii d Miss DeLong and Mr. and Mrs.
1. E. McQuary ot that city gave a
large reception folbtrlng the con
cert, to the boys and 'Mrs. Sites and
Miss Delxmg.
In Yakima Mrs. E. E. Kelso en
tertained with a dinner for them and
Mr. and Mrs. Georice Vue of Yakima
gave an evening party to the glee
club and Mr. and Mrs. I'aybuck of
Seaside gave a Sunday dinner to
Mrs. Sites. Miss DeLong and a few
of the club membcs.
Miss Eulalla Lindsay is spending
he week-end in Corvallls where she
Is a guest at the Chi Omega sorority
house of which she is a member.
attended the students stunt show
last night.
The Mothers' class of the Lincoln
r-chool will h?ld its regular meeting
Monday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock In
the school auditorium.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Van Doren are
home again after passing the winter
In southern California. Yesterday
Mrs. Van Doren bad as her guest
Mrs. Percy A. Young of Albany.
Mrs. Bessie Curtis and Miss Fannie
Morrison have returned from a sev
eral days visit with relatives In
Last Wednesday evening the small
reception room of the Marlon hotel
was the scene of the installation of
the new Phllodorlan officers. The
usual ceremony was observed, after
which the new and old officers all
gave short talks. W. Sherwood, the
new secretary, told of the founding
of the Phllodorlan society. In 18S2
there were four societies in the uni
versity. They quarreled with the
board of trustees over some matter.
and part went to new quarters down
town and part remained In school.
Those who remained organized the
hllodorlan and Phololoslan literary
After the Installation service the
Willamette glee club was Introduced
and entertained In their Inimitable
manner. Immediately following the
urogram the whole company." ad-
lonrned to the dining room, wnere
delicious refreshments were served.
according to the time-honored cu
torn of new officers' treat. Alter
various toasts and Willamette songs
the gathering dispersed
It Is seldom flhat two couples.
married at a double wedding, live to
celebrate their fiftieth wed ling annl
versarr all together, but such Is the
rase with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Nhlte
of 1490 Chemeketa street, and Mr
and Mrs. James Shlpp of 406 Hoyt
street. Both couples will have oeen
married 50 years on Tuesday. Mrs
White and Mrs. Shlpp are sisters and
thev were married at a double wed
dine service on February 2. 1870
in Francisco. Indiana. BoO came
to Oregon about- 12 years ago and
since have been citizens -of Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Relg (Ida
Simmons), rassed a short time In
Palem this wek on their way horn
from Albany and other valley cities
The music department ot the Sa
lem Women's club will meet Tues
day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with
Miss Ruth J6hns at her home at 8"
Chemeketa street.
The French memorials which ar
rived In' Salem Thursday will be
presented this afternoon by the Am
erican legion to the nearest of kin
to those who died In the service.
This will take place at the Washing
ton day program given under the
auspices of the Daughters of the
American Revolution at 3 o'clock.
The program which will be followed
"America" Audience
Invocation. Rev. Iceland W. Porter
Vocal Solo Miss Lena Bell Tartar
Flag Exercises
Children of the Public Schools
"Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean"
The American's Creed .... Audience
Salute to the Flag Audience
"Land of Mine." song
School Children.
Elementary School Prize Essay.
Anvil Chorus
Junior High School -Chorus.
Song "My Own United States-'
Presentation of Prizes.
Our Civic Creed Virgil Hollev
Star Spangled Banner. . . . Audienr
Presentation of French memorials by
Dr. W. Carlton Smith, commander
of local post, American Te;:lon.
Mrs Seymour Jones, reeent of Che
meketa chapter of D. A. R., will pre
side. Mark Skiff Jr. left Tuesday night
for Mexico City, where he will be
come associated with the dental of
fice or Dr. Cor.trin. a dentist. Dr. i
Contrln had offices in Salem a num- j
ber ot vears ago before going south.
The Order of the Eastern Star gave
its regular social and business eve
ning Tuesday evening in the Masonic
temple. Enjoying during the first!
of the evening a delightful program
the party spent the remainder of the
time in social chat. The program
given was a piano duet by Mrs
George Burnett and Mrs. L. u. runt.
a reading by Mrs. E. F. Carlton, a
Jersey Material
Is Popular
yon wUl find here a fine assortment of Ff
men's, Misses and Juniors' Jersey Sails, Jer
sey Dresses, Jersey Tuxedo Cods end Jersey
Sport Coats, in colors as fallowsBeaver,
Taupe, Jade Blue, Cadet Blue, Bdf, Ta
Gre y and Burnt Orange,
A Good Assortment of Sizes
Reasonably Priced
1. &. !Ujlet Ota.
vocal duet by Mrs. Percy Cupper,
and Mrs. W. P. Babcock and a vocal
solo by John W. Todd. The commit
tee in charge of the arrangements
included Mrs. J. A. Bernardl. chair-
Busbey, Mrs. Mildred Robertson
Brooks and Mrs. F. E. Shafer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wain enter
tained the members of the Cherry
City club at their home on the Jef
ferson road Tuesday evening. A
beautiful basket holding pink car
nations formed the centerpiece for
the well appointed table around
which were seated Mr. and Mrs. Fred
rSteusloff. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hartley. Mr. and
Mrs. D. C. Mlnto. Mr. and Mrs. C. O.
Rice, Mr. and Mrs. R- E. Downing.
Dan Fry Sr.. Miss Maud Robertson
and Mr. and Mrs. Wain. -
The evening was spent playing
five hundred, at wt'ch Mrs. H. E.
Polsal and R. E. Downing received
the prizes for high scores.
Mrs. Arthur Moore was a charm
ing hostess Tuesday when she as
sembled a company for luncheon at
ber home In honor of Mrs. George
H. Lewis and Mrs. A. L. Ryan. The
table was attractively adorned with
a large art basket of yellow Jon
qulls and fecn. After luncheon
bridge was the diversion of the after
noon. Plates were laid for Mes
dames Lewis. Ryan, John Pollock.
Edward GUHngham. Henry Corney
er. Grace EofL R. B. Goodin. Ralph
Glover. Frank Bowersos. Charles
Murphy and the hostess.
Master Gordon Bennett went to
Portland Friday where he Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ber
nard Martin. That evening he was
the guest or Mr. Martin, his brother
In law for the father and son ban
quet inthe First Christian church In
For her charming daughter. Miss
Luella Patton, Mrs. E. Cooke Patton
presided over a pretty birthday din
ner party Monday. A large basket
filled with varthued spring blossoms
in which yellow predominated form
ed a lovely centerpiece and dainty
Nu Bone Corsets
are moderately priced, easily laundered; the only woven wire
stays :n existence. Ask to see samples of different Nu Bone
We carry the English Beauty Creams
A. E.
Phone 958
New Stamped Goods
Package linen with threads to embroidery
Many new things for spring
rhone pr8 420 Court St
- Price
novelty favors formed placecards tor
M Us Valerie Brigrs. Miss Elizabeth
Cornell. Miss Polly Haid. Miss Elllxa
beth McCIay, Miss Margaret White,
Mlsa Junette Meridlta. Miss Marie .
Brtrgs. MlM Luella Patton and Mrs.
E. Cooke Patton. Cards and zascia
were enjoyed during the remainder .
of the evening. - . ",
. . "'
Sir. and Mrs. Zadoe . SJgrs were
in Portland for the Sartners ball la
that city Wednesday evening.
For Mrs. P. Roney of Eugene
whom the has been, entertaining dur
ing the week. Mrs. George Burnett
had a email line' party Wednesday
afternoon, later entertaining , thea
at dinner at her home.
The Home Life class of Willam
ette university, which Is tanght ly
Mrs. Alice II. Dodd were entertained
by Mrs. George II . Rodgers at her
Court street home Tuesday when the
clasa enjoyed the beattitul arrange
ments and faraiskinga ot the home.
. -
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spaulding,
Miss Ava Miller and Clay C. Miller
motored to Portland last night tor
Sunday with their sister and her tna
band. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Browm. .
. - I
Herbert Darby is home from the
University of Oregon coming dew
to attend the T. A. formal dancing .
party Friday evening. He bronibt
with him as his house guest. Wilis f
Phillips, who is his room mate at
school.' I
MUs Vivian Brethtrton of Port
land came down for the week end,
with her sister. Mrs. Clifford Brown.
The Tlllicum Dancing club will
have another ot their dancing parties
next Tuesday evening In the Mooee,
hall and have lavlted a few. addition
al guests to spend the evening danc
ing with them. .
The friends or Miss Ila Spaulding
will be Interested to know that she
hen pledged Alpha Chi Omega at the
Oregon Agricultural college.
(Continued on page 2)
4129 Court Street