The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 22, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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The Oregon Statesman
: ' i
Iwied Dally Except Monday by
216 S. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon
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EL J. Hendricks. . . . . i Manager
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DAILY STATESMAN,; served by carrier in 8alem and suburbs, 15 cents a
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DAILY STATESMAN, by mail. $6 a year; $3 for tlx months; SO cenU a
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Entered at the Postoftlce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
" Dnrine the last visitation of what they called Spanish influenza
Jn Portland, before the present visitation of the same or something
else, the United States Government sent an expert to that city to
study the evasive thing.
1 Through the recommendation of this expert, or some one else,
while he was there, i the city of Portland for a time enforced very
itnctly the ordinance against spitting on the sidewalks
V And flushed the, streets with water very often.
The disease soon died out.
Salem has a similar ordinance against, spitting on the sidewalks.
, There ts plenty; of water.
And the fire department has plenty of hose.
A man now living in Salem, who was a resident of Portland
during the former epidemic, believes it is well worth while to try
the experiment.
It would cost nothing, or very little.
Perhaps a few drenching rain storms would-serve as well.
But we cannot be sure of their coming: and we have the water
and the facilities for applying it
And we have a very efficient police force that could enforce
strictly the ordinance against spitting on the sidewalks,
'j .'. i ,
In order for oar brains and Tianris to accomplish the most
in the least uossible time, we must all be able to, make use of
our eyes to the fullest capacity to see everything clearly and
without encumbrance or waste of time.
Efficiency has no patience with the wearer of two pairs of
glasses which require constant shifting to see near or far objects
as the case may be.
It does not recognize the wearing of reading glasses which
have to be continually removed and replaced.
It casts aside the old-style bifocals which necessitate fre
quent repair and which blur the eyes with seams or humps.
It maintains that, when you need double vision glasses, the
only way to completely overcome these difficulties and to con
serve your eyesight, is to wear Kryptok Glasses.
Kryptoks have the necessary powers for perfect near and far
sight invisibly combined in one pair of solid crystal-clear lenses
absolutely smopth to the finger's touch.
Because of the total absence of seams jar humps, Kryptoks
have the appearance of being single vision. This feature over
comes the dread that many people have of wearing bifocals.
Our Kryptok lenses as well as our other lenses are ground
in our own plant, the only lense grinding plant in Salem,
P. S. Mr. Howard E. Misener, the best lense grinder and
shop man on the Pacific coast is foreman of our plant. v
Eyesight Specialists
305 State Street SALEM, OREGON
was a great aUto show.
Rat the biggest aatomoblle show
was on the Salem streets yesterday
afternoon. It filled all the streets;
as it does every Saturday.
The attempt at too drastic a quar
antine will surely result in a legal
definition of the flu. . In which case
the lawyers would have a chance to
show how much more they know
about the pesky thing than the doc-
The people w,ho have no particu
lar use for dogs In town are willing
to let the log lovers Immortalize
their pets in song and story. , But
they will reflect that this will havo
no effect In minimizing the nuisance
of the yellow cur at large.
In fact, there are those who would
like to banish the whole doggoned
outfit to Constantinople.
The former crown prince would
offer himself as a sacrifice, but he
must understand that it isn't an In
ternational crime to stay soused back
of the lines.
m m
The English jwund sterling Is rt-
lng down, but a pound of good old
U. S. paper dollars is still worth fire
s s s
At the present price of moonshine.
the prodigal son could waste his sub
stance in about two days of riotous
Editor Statesman:
I think it is not just the right thing for the chairman of the! that isn't very nice, if it is true, how-
Marion County' Central Committee to use the prestige of his position ever, it shows what a wonderful crea-
to organize clubs feri individual candidates for any office. The prty tare the toad was transformed into
organization should be for party interests and party nominees only, and we can rejoice thereat. Then,
and should not be identified with individual ambitions before the the Laplanders believe that woman
primaries. ; I am saying this without the least personal animosity j was once a rabbit, and since a rab
toward either the organizer or the candidate, but simply as a mat-1 bit is more likable than a toad, we
ter of political equity and fair play as I understand it. I think the
moment a man becomes the personal agent of a candidate before
the primaries he should resign from leadership in any club or com
mittee representing the party.
prefer the Lapland superstition to
the Australian.
The Japanese believe that woman
grew upon a tree and that is get
ting along-- still better. The feathery
that the old attic always seemed
new to us.
So with the Bible.
Ton think yon have read It all.
Go through its pages again this!
evening and find some new consola
tion, some new term, some new wis
dom, some new example of matchless
Thus the other day a friend of
ours wandering through his Bible
discovered a rich treasure of wisdom
nightshades had
blossoms of the trees, with their col-, in Ecclesiastes. Like the boy, search-
Coming down to brass tacks, what is the influenza, Spanish,! or and theIr perfume, seem more' ing among treasures in the old attic.
ne naa oreriooaea it on previous ex
Suppose you treat yourself to a
chapter of Ecclesiastes before you go
to bed tonight. It is well worth
while. Haverhill Gazette.
Russian, Ilolshevik, or just the common garden variety! Does any I nearly approaching the realm of
one .know I
. ' " r f.v V '
- Are we to have
the solid solid rock.
an oil boomf It will be welcome, if based on
. Next Saturday's, issue will be the
Industrial and Development Edition
of The Statesman. I
,' Nothing not even moanting
prices of materials and labor can
stop Salem's building boom. And it
is here to stayand grow with the
decline of material and labor p&ces,
.if they ever decline, j
some folks hare that they are able
to communicate with the spirit
Among the real friends of the Re
publican party Is Albert Sidney Bur
leson. His administration of the
postoftlce department has certainly
been an asset.
womanhood than do rabbits or toads,
But it ever we are compelled to
give up our idea that woman was
made from the rib of man, we are
going to accept the Persian theory.
That is by all odds the prettiest one.
and the one we could more easily
believe than any other. The Per
sians assert that woman fell from
heaven. Columbus Dispatch.
Thousands of people are to come
to Salem to see the prune trees In
; The next Salem slogan subject is
bees. Our fruit growers must have
more bees, tor pollination helps. Tell
The Statesman what you know about
Don't know but we should favor
talking with Saturn and Mars, if the
conversation is any Improvement on
that la this vale of tears.
' Turkey wants the allies to make
her Independent. - She? wants to do
as she pleases. We presume this In
cludes ' the slaughter of the Arme
nian. '
Delegates to the national Demo
cratic convention In San Francisco
are warned to take with them a
warm overcoat. Must be expecting
a recrudescence of the Wilson move
Secretary Daniels has decided that
the recent war shall be officially
n i. i iv. .1 -t 1 '
w it m iu ui, uuw jt known as the "World War." This
Is one of the few things on which
the country will agree with Uncle
. Sir Oliver Lodge says the Idea of
communicating with Mars is a fake.
No more. Sir Oliver, than the Idea
Another way for the average man
to get rich Is for him to run his
business en lines exactly opposite to I again we always surprised ourselves
Tne American Bible society re
ports the biggest year in history for
the Bible. 'Last year thirty-five mil
lion copies were sold and distributed
in the United States; and this year's
circulation will exceed that number.
A Bible can be bought for twenty
five cents.
We know no better bargain.
In its three or four thousandth
year it is still the most popular book
When we were a boy we lived in
a house with a wonderful old attic
in which were stored old toys and
old books and old- letters. And when
we had explored the place time and
the methods employed by Uncle Sam.
We often wonder how the old fellow
manages to make both ends meet.
by finding some forgotten thing, so
1 I
- J.
Daniel J. Fry and J4 C. Perry
A magazine writer consumes con
siderable space in trying to prove
that It is wrong to teach that woman
was made from Adam's rib. He says
the proposition Is ridiculous, and
while it may have been well enough
to teach it In the dim and distant
past, we ought to be ashamed of
ourselves for sticking to the "super
stition," If our own idea or belief of the
origin of woman is a superstition.
then it ts Quite as good a superstition
as other people have. For ours Is
not the only theory of the origin
of woman. Many other people have
many other theories or superstitions.
The Australian natives believe
that woman was once a toad and
Tfcia G4 Utkliir Tmw Wataa
Advises OI4 T1m Reel f Battrv
Milk Crvaaa 1m New U17 A tlrm
tl Maaaaye with Flavors Bfr
Kaunas All tkat la Keccaaarr.
And our day discloses
. Great truths which he made
That ignorant and lettered
Must reap what they havo sown.
And right moves on unfettered ,
To brak the tyrant throne.
Great man of God's own making.
Thy spirit lives today
Where ancient wrongs are breaking
Apart like clods of clay;
Long sleeping eyes are waking.
And fetters fall away.
Where wounded hearts are aching
For Freedom's healing day.
Charles Cock Woods.
Monrovia, Calif.
rbirthdly 8undJr Waahlngton's
February JJ. Sundar French rovern
award., through American le
rlon. memorial certificate to rela
tive of aoldiera who loat lives In war
r'.bn,r? . Monday Federal in, pec
tion of Company U. National Guard
r Oregon.
February IS, Wednesday Rirh school
alumn. meet for oraanisatioa
Febrwary J5. Wednesday Cherrv Citv
entertain Rotarians at
to October 2. Ore r on
bakery ta
September J7
SUU fair.
j I Jill
Til I V
More and more we are coming to
the realization that we cannot meas
ure success by the yardstick of dol
lars, but rather by the service we
have rendered our fellows. Edgar
Guest sums up the whole question in
the following lines:
He has not served who gathers gold.
Nor has he served whose life is told
In selfish battles he has won.
Or deeds of skill that he has done.
But he has served who now and then
Has helped along his fellow men.
This old world needs more men to
day; Red-blooded men along life's way.
With cheerful smiles and helping
And with the faith that understands
The beauty of the simple deed
Which serves another's hour of need.
Strong men to stand beside the weak.
Kind men to hear what others speak.
True men to keep our country's laws
And guard its honor and Its cause:
Men who will bravely play life's
Nor ask rewards of gold or fame.
Teach me to do the best I can
To help and cheer our fellow man;
Teach me to lose my selfish need
And glory in the larger deed
Which smooths the road and rights
the day
For all who chance to come my way.
Lieutenant Is Here
on Recruiting Mission
nrovineton. Peter Cole, and John
McDonald, all of the 15th cavalry,
They are traveling about Oregon for
the purpose of recruiting tneir own
The r Ifteenth cavalry Is a regular
organization with high standing and
a first class record on the pages of
army history. They are at present
stationed at Fort D. A. Russel. W yo.
Here they have established and main
tain for the benefit of the enlisted
personnel a first class school giving
instruction-in jdl .hlzJu school sub
jects as well as in special military
This furnishes a splendid oppor
tunity to any young man to continue
his education while at the same time
receiving pay and care and aiding In
safeguarding the nation. The ar my
is no longer a place to loaf around;
it is an organization of clean manly
men, learning and working for the
common good of alL
Wood Yard Established
By Resident of Sclem
Fred E. Wells baa opened a aew
wood yard with transfers, elevators.
bunkers, gang serwa and other mod
ern equipment at the old Cherry
City mill site between High and
Church on Trade street.
He will handle all kinds of wood
from 4 foot to 1-Inch fir, oak, ash
and mill wood. Mill wood will bo
the output of the Silver Falls Tim
ber company mills at Sllverton. The
wood Is recognized for quality. His
rirst wood will be received and ready
for delivery February 1.
Safe, proper directions iav ech
Ilajer package
"Father." said Chester, "'what
a diplomat?"
"A diplomat, my son. answered
Lieutenant Waldron. 15th U. S. A., the father. "Is a man who remem-
is again in Salem with his recruiting bera a womans birthday and forgets
mission which includes William II. her age.- New York Times.
rail x
The "Bayer Cross stamped oa
tablets means you are getting true
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin proved
safe by millions of people the gen
uine Aspirin prescribed by physic
ians for over 1 years.
In every handy "Bayer package
are proper directions for Colds
Headache. Toothache, Earache, Neu
ralgia. Rheumatism. Lumbago, Sci
atica, Neuritis and for Pain general
ly. Tin boxes of It tablets, cost only a
few cents. Druggists also sell larger
"Bayer" packages. Aspirin U the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monaceticaeldeeter of Salieyllcacid.
1 is no secret about It nor Is
there any doubt about the result It's
Just common ordinary Buttermilk in
the form of a wonderful cream srently
massaged with the finder tips around
oi me eyes ana mouth.
To prove this to your complete satis-
laciion obtain a small quantity of
Howard's Buttermilk Cream at any
rood drug- or toilet roods counter on
the money back tf dissatisfied plan.
The directions are simple and it costs
SO little that inr a-irl nr wnn
afford it.
His life he lived for others.
This prophet of the free.
To build a world of brothers.
In leagues of liberty;
As sweet as the soul of Sunland
Was the radiant heart of him;
This mighty man all God-planned
When Freedom's skies were dim.
He pleaded with seceders.
When war's red thunder rolled.
The gentlest of leaders
Back to the waiting fold;
But he was a mighty foeman.
When Wrong began the fight.
Yet tender as a woman-
This champion of right.
He planted fragrant roses.
Most lies Per Dollar
This is the Firestone Slogan and is what yon jet from
Put on Firestones
All 'Round
That's the beit advice we can ive the man who wants
longest mileage and most riding comfort
See as today for that new tire
291 North Commercial Street Salem, Oregon