The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 22, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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n-tces. and non-Catholics will una
them especially interesting because
many of the Catholic custom, etc..
will be explained. A list of the sub
jects of the sermons and further
information will be published later.
i -
Scandinavia J Ju. Cbunh
Sunday schoolat 2 p. m., Mr. Gust
Anderson, superintendent. Services
will be held at 2 p. ra. when Mr.
llassel will tpcak.
St. Paul Chim-h.
First Sunday in I,ent. 7:30 a.m..
holy communion; 9 : -I r a. in., chim-h
school; 11 a. m.. morning :' prayer ami
sermon. "The Three Greatest Americans-
Washington, Lincoln, Roose
velt' Evening prayer and address
at 7:0. "The History of a Sin."
' .Week-day ienten services are being
held as follows '.Mondays at 4 p. m..
Instructions for confirmation; Wed
nesdays at 4. evening prayer and ad
despes on the serial topic, "The
Most Important Events in the His
tory of Christianity." Fridays at
7:30 p. m., the litany and addresses
on th serial toiic. "OutstandinR
Events in the Career of Jesqs."
Kerybody welcome to all services.
Charles II. Powell, rector.
First Christian.
Center and Hirh streets, tw-
blocks north of Courthouse. Bible
school sessim at ft: 45 a. m. Have
you heard our Sunday school orches
tra? It is the best of its class on
I the Pacific coast; come and hear and
believe. Four baptisms recently
from among the Sunday school schol
ars mark the course of achievement,
with more confessions trembling to
follow. Lt us encouraee our young
prople and children to tak the step
and fo live up to the plans of the
"Each One Win One' campaien now
on amon; our people throuchout the
ration. Mornins worship at 11;
communion and sermon; topic. "The
Christian Church's Memorial Sup
per." the s'rth pennon in a series of
twelve on New Testament doctrines.
Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:30
p. m.. topic, "Christian Principles in
Iindustry." Micah 6:8: Matt. 7:12.
Evening worship at 7: 1'O: wrmon
topic, "The Power of Pleasure."
Mid-week meeting Thursday at 7:1..
p. m., studying Luke 6:16:13. The
Right Fse of Money. "O come, let
ns worship and bow down: le us
kneel before th Lord our maker,"
Psalm 96 : G. Ix-land W. Porter, pastor.
"CMearcM" act on Liver and Bowels without Griping or Shaking you
up So Convenient I You wake up witb your Head Clear, Complexion Rosy,
Breath and Stomach Sweet No Biliousness, Headache or Constipation.
Jason I-ee Memorial Church.
Corner Winter and Jefferson sts.
Thomas Acheson. pastor. On Sun
day. February 22. Sunday school will
convene at 9:45, with Charles Hage
man in charge. The church service
will be held at 10:30. Note the
change in the hour. Dr. Mahood
will preach. Be sure and hear him.
Mrs. M. C. Bliss, national secretary
for the W. H. S., will be present and
will speak. The evenine services of
the church will be dismissed in order
to unite In the evangelistic meeting
at the First Methodist church. We
urge that all league members will
be present at the services down town.
Prayer meetinc will be held Wednes
day of this week at 7:30. and all
other church activities will be re
sumed this coming week. We most
cordially invite the public to meet
with us on Sunday morning.
Catholic Church.
Masses on Sunday at 7:30 and
10:20. Tt the 10 30 mass the pas
tor will speak on "Temptations of
the Flesh." Benediction and sermon
by Rev. Father Derouin at 7:30 in
the eveninc. Lenten devotions at
7:30 on Wednesday and Friday
evenings. Commencing on Sunday
evening, February 29. there will be
a mid-DLenten mission given by the
Rev. Father Anthony, O. F. M.. who
is a Franciscan monk, a spiritual son
of the great St. Francis of Assist.
The mission will continue every eve
ning during the: week with the ex
ception of Saturday, until Sunday
evening. March 7. when it will close.
Everyone is welcome to these ser-
Flrst Methodist Episcopal.
State and Church streets. Class
meeting at 9:15; 9:45 Sunday school
Prof. J. W. Todd, superintendent,
Grace Smith, assistant; 11. message
o Loys and girls on Birthdays."
followed by the morning sermon. At
30 p. m. a union meeting of the
Epworth leagues of the city, led by
Miss Mahood; 7:30 p. m., Evange-
ist Dr. J. W. Mahood will speak on
he "Unpardonable Sin." This will
be the fourth Sunday of these re
markable meetings under the leader
ship of this noted evangelist. Those
who have heard him need no Invi
tation and those who have not. do
not miss the Sunday and Monday
evening services. The closing meet
ing will be Monday at 7:30 p. m.
From here Dr. Mahood goes to The
Dalles. His services in Salem will
long be remembered because of the
spiritual uplift that has come to
toiany. R. N. Avlson, minister.
To comm emorate our first Anniversary in this location we will hold an all week
Sale. A regular Carnival of Bargains, showing our appreciation of the enormous
trace we have enjoyed during the past year, we will have Beautiful Souvenirs
Free for our customers during this sale. In addition to the wonderfully low
prices (considering the present markets) we give you, remember, we give you
Premium Coupons beside; making it a double inducement to trade with us.
Hundreds of ladies in this vicinity have taken advantage of this opportunity
to get dishes, etc, absolutely Free.
We thank our patrons for their support during the past and shall continue
searching the markets for good goods to sell at the Lowest Possible Prices, and
we can surely promise you that the larger our business grows the closer we can
sell, for the more business done in one place, ihe smaller the overhead expense.
Respectfully soliciting your business, we remain yours truly
Peoples Cash Store
174 184 North Commercial Street
See Papers Later in The Week for Details of This Sale
Highland Friends.
Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Preach
ing at 11. Young people's C. E.
meeting at 6:15, and preaching at
7:30 p. m. Our revival meetings
are still In progress and people are
getting saved and sanctified. Rev.
Hodgin la preaching the full gospel
with no compromise, but with ten
derness and love of the Snirit.
Meetings every evening at 7:30 and
in the afternoon, except Mondav and
baiurnay. at z o clock. If you are
enjoying full ralvation. come ind
let us help you. I. G. Lee and wife.
FIit Presbyterian.
Thomas S. Anderson, minister. The
evangelist. Dr. Mahood. will speak at
the church school service which be
gins promptly at 9:45. At the mor
ning service of worship at 11. the
pastor will give the third discourse
on the general theme;' "Am 1 My
Hrother's Keeper " Human respon
sibllity in political life,' as shown by
Washington. Intermediate endeavor
at 5 o'clock; young people's meet
Ing at 6:30. and evening worship at
7:30. Theme. "Christ the Wisdom
and Power of God."
South Salem Friends.
Corner of South Commercial and
Washington streets. H. E. Pember
ton. pastor. Church Bible school at
10 a. m.. with classes for all; Carl
Miller, superintendent. Meeting for
worship at 11 a. m. Good singing
and preaching from the theme
"Hhat Whieh Passeth Knowledge.'
loung people in the C. E. will meet
at 6:30 p. m.. and at 7:30. public
gosnei meeting. Continue the work
In Heb. 12; church, Thursday 7:30
p. m.
United Brethren.
The First United Brethren church
of Yew Park. Sunday school at 10
preaching at 11; Christian En
aeavor at 1.30 p. m.; preaching ser
vices at 8. Everyone cordially in
vuea. c. w. Corby, pastor.
Seventh Day Advent 1st.
North Fifth street and Galns ave
nue; service this evening at 7:30
preaching by Evangelist A. R. Bell
Buojeci. "ine Law of God and the
wospel of Christ." Did Christ abol
isn tne Ten Commandments? Does
': 1
Monday, February 23 to 28-Saturday : Portland
Two Shows One Admission
Passenger Cars
Initial showing of latest
models? direct trom East
ern shows and factories
GO different-makes
170 models.
Open from 930 a. m.
to 10:30 p. ra.
J ICE PALACE 19th and Marshall
Motor Trucks
Nearly 100 models
bvery type of freight
carrier Koadbuilder
Quick delivery and
general purpose truck.
ARMORY Tenth and Davis Streets
Largest, Most Comprehensive Atdo
Show Ever Held West of Chicago!
' r
Liie7i iiit?sUZ'L
: 7-. WE HAVE THEM HERE i n.T.i:
As illustrated. These are the wonderful carriages that are woven on Looms
far faster and far finer than the fastest, finest fingers ever wove, . and far
cheaper. - , -
Remember, you can buy a Lloyd Carriage of the closest weave for the price
of the coarsest reed in the old hand-woven kind.
See our East window for bargains in a few close-out patterns f" ! rl.
$63.00 Baby
$64.75 Baby
$52.50 Baby
$48.75 Baby
$42.50 Baby
$40.00 Baby
$36.50 Baby
$35.00 Baby
$28.50 Baby
$24.75 Baby
$21.00 Baby
Buggy Special now $49.95
Buggy Special now. $49.75
Buggy Special now .$41.20
Buggy Special now... $39.40
Buggy Special now $29.75
Buggy Special now $34.80
Buggy Special now $29.75
Buggy Special now $24.00
Buggy Special now ...$18.75
Buggy Special now $16.00
Buggy Special now $14.80
Faith in Jesus make void God's
Law? What was nailed to the Cross?
The evangelist will contrast the
teachings of men and the rubbish
of tradition with the Word of the
Unchangeable God.
K an gel leal Church.
Seventeenth and Chemelceta sts.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Sermon
at 11, subject: "Sin and Sinners."
Y. P. A. at 6:30: Miss Elsie Llppold,
president, will appoint the leader.
Sermon at 7:15; prayer meeting and
teachers' meeting Thursday evening.
The W. M. S. will meet in the home
o. Mrs F. W. DLanner Friday eve
ning for special meeting. F. W.
Lanner, pastor.
East State and Eighteenth streets.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preach
ing service at 10:30 a. m. Sub
ject: "The Anointing at Bethany."
Luther league at 7 p. m. Mrs. A.
Krueger. leader. Evening service at
7:,30. Theme. ' Christ Our High
Priest." Tassion service every
Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Visitors are
welcome. G. Koehler, pastor.
United EvangelicAl. '
Cottace and Center streets. Rev.
G. L. Ijovell. pastor. Sunday school
at 10 a. m. Morning worship and
preaching: service at 11a. m. "The
Crowning of a King." There will
be no evening services in the church.
Prayer meeting on Thur&day evening.
with classes for all at 10 a.m.. W. I.
Staley. superintendent. 10:13 a. m.
pastor's Blule study class In audi
torium; 1 1 a. m.. "The Spirit's Mes
sage to the Church." 6:30 p. m..
Christian endeavor. Hush Conrad,
leader; 7:30 p. m.. "Wanted A
Man." Patriotic motion pictures
three reels.
at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening
testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock in
the reading room. 209 Masonic tern-
I pie. open every day except Sunday
land holidays, from 11:45 a. m. to 5
I p. tn. AH are invited to our services
land to our reading room.
Flit Church of Christ. Scientists'.
Sunday service is held at 4 40 Che
meketa street at 1 1 a. m. Subject of
Bible lesson, "Mind." Sunday school
Mrs. Justwed When ? married I
resolved to yield to Tny husband la
tvery way.
Mrs. Longwed So did T. And
then I resolved never to act on that
resolution. Washinrton Star.
Central Congregational.
Corner South Nineteenth and
Ferry streets. H. C. Sfovr. minis
ter. Sunday school in charjre of Mrs.
B. E. Edwards. "Christian Ameri
ranixatlon Illustrated'' will b the
morning subject. Christian Endeav
or at fi:4" p. m. Evening rvir at
7:30 p. m. Subject. "Exaultlng
Good or Denouncing Evil Which?"
First Congregational.
Liberty and Center streets. W. C.
Kantner- minister. Sunday school
While They Last
Gates Half-Sole Tires
10 Off
30x3, $9.90, 10 per cent off, now $8.90
30x312. $11.90, 10 per cent off now $10.70
Monty's Tire Shop
Service With a Smile
134 South Commercial Street
ID ' I