TTTF. OREGON STATESMAN t SATURDAY, FEERrAIIV 21. 1020. Classified Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Ca n Readily Find Them They're Worth While ft NORWICH UNION TJM. INSURANCE 80CIETT fbUUen, RoUad ; BorghArdt p4t Agent 871 btoU Si. HONEY TO LOAN a fllPROTED r ARSt PBOPCRTT AT i a Tr a Vn riaiMiaain THOS. K. FORDfi r Lae at Baaa Salem. Or. FARM LOANS HAWKINS &! ROBERTS S04-S07 Oregon Building NEW TODAY WHY NOT AVOn K. FOK UNCLE SAM a good salary. New bungalow and ham worth $4000, besides a Ford car. Located In a pood town with a K.d hiirh school. All for $2700. Must have $15fo rash. Lsles at Maee, 428 Oregon VAdg. LOST AND FOUND sssssssssasasaa asssWaaaasj FOUND AUTO TIKE ON WA1A.ACE road. Parties may have same by , identifying tire and paying? lor ad vertising. v. H. i'elker. lit. 1, liox WALL PAPER, PAIXT BEE TOKTEH FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Uood workmen. 486 Court 8L Pbor 41s. REAL ESTATE MOVES WIRB JTBJiCIaU von- SALE in.'' Phone nuiLmxa iots, close forenoons 18. FOR RENT ! CLASSiriED ADTKBTXlaOlXHTl rrr innriiuu .............. T On week (six Insertions) ... .W On month Jjc Blx months contract, per mo.Itc It months' contract, per mo., fc Minimum for any adverts m t Jc Rat P, insertion 1 NEW TODAY rOR RENT SUITE OF ROOMS TO BE ..rated Msrch 1 ait the Alexandria. 1030 ChemeketaSFhone 1280 TtARGAIN 4 ACRES CLOSE IN; mall house, barn.! For quick sale. too lots oJ fruit Laflar St i-at- lar, Oregon Bids. J. Tnrt unrSE FINE SHAPE ON naved street, east front, east Salem, t.unn lflr A Laflar. Oregon Bldar. II ACRES OF RICHi SOIL CLOSE TO carline. Good bldfrs. Land all cul tivated. $7200. Lallar Lariar. ur cko- Bldg. I wtvr-.nAV EXPERIENCED WOM- n for bousework. j Apply In person. Fry's Drug store.; ; vur PtTT OFF BEGINNING THE study of stenography when there are. . man mora calla for help than we can fill. A new class In shorthand at the Capital Business College next Vnndav (day school). L et us tell you of the opportunities open. MEN WANTED FOR FARM WORK. Ihes arms vo. v.a.n v. inn RaT.K 1 TONS OAT. WHEAT A vetcn nay. une ru w, . . 11-inch plow with roll colter and -ieners. Fred E. Wells. $88 S. Lib- erty. Phone, 1542. ; GUESSING CONTEST TODAY, SATUR a.w tmm s to 1 dl m. To the first niHilnr the exact number of , baby chicks in ouri brooder room we will glv IS fine chicks. Bring; Mnril i and naner. I Remember, the first correct cuess wins. Be on time. Location. 85$ State SU (opp. court -- house). j WANTF.D HELP FOR PATIENT'S dininr room at the Orea-on Stat To- K.ri.U.l. Mosnitat. Par $40 per month with room, board and laundry , furnished. Phone 10 HORSE RUSSELL TRACTION KN sine, double due plow, surrey, iron wood rack, gravel bed, oak posts, anchor posts, about 2io0 gooaoerry plants. pig". Might take a horse or some heifers in trade. Having pold my place am moving to Lane county. U. W. Porter. KC 2. Box 131. Ma lent. Phone 18K13. EMPLOYMENT rXMAXS SsaaasmsaasasasaaMWWaaasBsaasarfa WANTED ELDERLY WOMAN TO DO housekeeping for family of three apply 1285 South Liberty St. ," ' MALE. WANTED MARRIED MAN FOR farm and orchard work. Phone 6 15. NEWSPAPER CARRIERS WANTED The Statesman wants two boys with wheels' to take regular paper routes Call at the office or phona 583. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS $110 month. Age 18-35. Experience un necessary ror free particulars ex aminations, write J. Leonard (form er government examiner). 1031 Equitable Bidg, Washington ROOMS "assaaasaaaaarfaaaaaaaaaasWasasaaasaaa FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AT 492 North Cottage street. Phone. 118$. . FOR RENT Kt'HN IS II ED ROOMS for light housekeeping, l'artle with children need not appljr. liO'J N ConVl St. Det HatlaaaJ Aaaerteaa rcaM, II staee, H la I U la atlgav Pa lata. OUm aa4 Taraka, laves He bail! a a neaMUreaU La ga a berry a ad Ba Uaa. aieaa reset A Biava, rtea. ZM Vmrt St. PWm l4 r. u. runmo. i)H. BALE LA KG I HOUSE 15 GOOD LO cation, in Salem, for $5000. Pbaae 188. TEN ACRE TRACT NEAR LIBERTY for sale; also t4 acre near Roae dalr. Inquire phone 11S4. FOR SALE 7 RriU coin end Liberty owner, phone 1186. HOUSE ON LIN streets. Inquire CHUEIB PU8S1C1AJI rrxruriiijTrxrXiLLsi jbj-i ai - - DR. L. U. dtaeaaa. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN 168 8. High u Pbona III. FOR S VLF-2 OR 5 ACRES IMPROV ed. clos In: aldo gKl'furm. Phone owner at 82F12 or address Box 85, U.K.D. No. 2. PROFESSIONAL FOU SALE 10 A''KB FARM. SEE J. A. Retninxton at 81 N. Winter St. or hne tillL FOR irENT FURNISHED ROOMS $3 to $4 a week. Hotel Glen, 148 N. Commercial St. CHIROPRACTORS. UOOSata DR. O. U SCOTT. D. Crt CHIROPRAC- tor. P. 8. C. graduate. so-ix u. a. N. Bank Bldg. Phone 87: Res. 8z8R. 10 ACRES IVt MILES NORTHEAST OF fairgrounds on good road, trice usee Hart-McKlllop Co., 201 Oregon Bldg. F. L. WOOD. 341 STATE ST.. REAL! estate, rentals. SMALL. HOUSE IN OUTSKIRTS FOR rent. Is in poor condition. Will al low two months' rent for fixing up. then $ a month. Big garden plot. Lease if desired. Statesman business office. OSTEOPATHY. FOR SALE 5 ROOM APARTMENT house at 651 South l"th St. Price $100 raah. W. 11. Grabenhorst ac Co. 275 State SL WANTED BUSCELLASEOCS. WANTED SEVERAL ies. 1'hone 104CJ. MALE CANAR- WB BUT ANY KIND OF USED CARS. Phone 899. 197 South Commercial r DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, OSTE- opathic physicians and surgeons. U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Dr. White residence telephone 469. Dr Marshall residence tclcpnone 83 DR. JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon. 403-404 Oregon Bid.. Phones: Office 14; Res. 5EF5. j DR. W. U MERGER, GRADUATE American School Osteopainy. K-irxa-vllle, Mo.; treats acuta and chronic disease. Office 404-405 O-. S. National Bank Bldg. Phona 919. Residence, 419 North Summer. Phone 814 WANTED FROM OWNER AT ONCE a room tnodtrn house, three or f.ur lots. Must be uell located, not over 4 bhM-ki lrom car line. .Musi nave clear title. Will pay rash. Writ .1 r M.. lit. 3. Box 124. or phone 21F12. FOR SALE ACRES; Ideal stock and dairy land, good improvements 80 acres cultivated, balance open pasture and fine timber; six miles from pood town, good roads and good location. $55 p r acre. Address owner 45S S. High street. INCREASE YOUR SALARY AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY Learn to be an expert In the gas en gineering field where the demand for men ever exceeds the supply and wages are high. Our new system of Instruction fits a man not only for a Job in automobile, gas tractor, truck, stationary, marine or airplane engi neering, but makes him an expert. Day or night classes. Write for free catalog. Hemphill's Trade Schools, inc.. 107 Hawthorne Ave, or 124 North Sixth St.. Portland. Oregon. r jxXJXfxrxsxn. i"XJUatiaa'arararr'arai" OLESOR AUTO EXCHANGE 349 X. Com. St. Phone 66S 1919 Chevrolet 8675. 19i Ford $315. 1918 Overland "90" $800. 1913 Over land $3.i0. 1917 Briscoe $475. One- tou .Ford truck $350. 1917 Ford de livery car $400. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT FOWKK Co.. offlca 801 South Com 1 street. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No de ductions for absence or any cause unless water Is shut off your prem -! Ises. FOR REAL ESTATE THINGS THAT NEVER HAf'PEii Br CENC BYRNES farms. whether city or suburban C. W. NIEMEYER 215-218 Masonic Temple, Salem. Oregon Phones 1000 1014 , .1 VI WOULD YOO J N n jxrooR J m w mm z$ RF AI FQT ATF RAL estate and loans lllxrllj LHJ 1 1 1 JLl on farms or MlCKl,l,AHEOl WANTED A FEW MORE LOGAN'- berry trainers for two weeks work. B. Cunningham. Phone 21F2. CHANCE TO WORK ISTO A VERY GOOD poiitioa for a ttenozrapher vbo is ambi tious ant wants to work ap. i. 18, Cars Statesmsa. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO work in our circulation department; I A arood nronoaition to the riarnt oeo- ple. Address the Pacific Homestead. Statesm-n Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. AUTO lEttTlCI iiSHIPP'a AUTO SERVICE. CITY AND country trtpa Phona: Day. t; Bight. 39 TIRES REPAIRED YCLCAJUXISU GATES HALK-HOLBi TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 South Conunrct-l St. Phona 4t1. LODGES A nANDY FIVE ROOM BUlSfc C SGth street, navea. ror liuuu. . 01na.11 sum cash and monthly payments Built by owner and a pre-war price Phone 1035J. 173 ACRES A HALF MILE FROM town: house: barn, store house and hiir drver rthree wells: running wa ter at barn; 25 acres prunes, 8 acres noarheii. 12 acres loganberries: only $180 per acre. Terms. Socolofsky, 311 State St. INSTALLMENT LOANS on city property ELSW0RTH PICKELL $01 Masonic Temple, Salem. FOR SALE 7:80 Chemekets Lodes 'o. 1 meets avert Wednesday evcaiag st at the I. O. O. T. UalL BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. MAN A new colors 10c pound and up. Max . Bureo 17t N. Com'l St. P-M--M-a-MHMMHa-V--MSMMM I BUSES-S3 "OPPORTtraiTIES FOR SALE GOOD ROOMING HOLSE, 32 furnished rooms, electric lights, hot and cold water, baths. Best lo cation in town. Price $2000. $1700 cash. 148 N. Com'l. BUSINESS CARDS . 7 ACRE FARM n acra farm. 10 miles from Salem. S miles from good K.R. town. 15 acres naatura and timber. 72 acres in cu!- finiiiM hut inrludea building site. youtrg orchard, garden, etc A. parJ of the land is deep black loam, mere was formerly a hop yard on lower ground, the land changing to a more chocolate color on; the slcping land. A part Is excellent land for prunes, nearly all good fori berriea. All good for general farming and dairying. Place, divided into i fields, but wire and posts are on , the place nearly sufficient to divide Into seven fields. is of them accessible from a lane that reaches from buildings , to pas ture. There is a comfortable flve hum. alio, stock shed. Price $10,000. Possession given O--tnhw i. immediate oossession could . be given to party buying growing rrnn and neraonal orODCrty. YrVH. GRABENHORST & CO i Salem. Oregon WOOD'S BARGAINS II seres fine .berry land alL plowed. wnj.u mm i?oin 4 acres river bot tom land one mile from new bridge, all under plow, few fruit trees, fine truck land, $2000.' 40 acres good prune land, nearly all-under plow: spring water. $80 per (acre. 40 seres good improvement four miles out on vn.rf tttnnm ISO acra farm on main highway five mllea out. 10 acres bear in a: orchard, good build ings. Price right, i Stock and lrnple n.nii and mi 4ft acres. 82000. : 8 room modern bungalow paved street and car line, $2500. 5 room ? bungalow with fire place. $l0fl (. 6 Larra lot and old house 3 b forks tram at.l. Iiaiiw- make offer. Strict Iv nuulwa huna-alow close In $7000 it arra no.ri. ail in orchard, mod ern buildings, 18 acres bearing cher rv nrrhari a n innev maker, I have buyers for houses and small tracts List yonr property with me. F. L WOOD . ,v i 341 State streeL VARH MAGAXnTES r TOO WANT TO GET. .THB BEST farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial aabwrtptlOB. Mention tnis to. CH1MSET SWEEP CHIMNEY SWEEP FURNACES. chimneys and all kinds or root trou ble fixed ud by expert in thesa lines. Roof Dalntint a specialty. Phone 20C2M. DRAY8 AMD EXPRESS. LAKltER TRANSFER WE MOVE AND store good a Day phona 838. Night phone 18. - XJLUNDBXES If Its LOANS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCB Ses LA FLA R & LAFLA.U 406-7-8 Oregon Bldrf. SNAPPY SNAPS A sample of some good buys. A 34 acre farm at $5100. An 80 at $130 an acre, v In'i at an acre. These are all good, well Improved, well located farms, and are bound to stand advance in price. Fleming Realty Rustler Cvnvh.'. REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS FOR SALE 28 acres all in cultivation, new house, barn, near Pacific highway, north, ift loganberry district. Price $3600. HART McKILLOP CO. 208 Oregon Bldg. A FEW CITY BARGAINS We still have a few real bargains, tho fast disappearing, ana tne lament we fel sure will be "Why didn't we buy when the buying was god. Qu'1 a few are saying this already, we invite you to call and see what we have to show you. Fleming Realty Rustler 341 State 10 acres IVi mile from city limits, of Salem, on paved road. 5V acres .in cultivation t new house and barn, chick en house, etc.; some timber: nest val ley solL Price $4200: terms. 54 acres 4 miles from state bouse on paved road, family orchard. room house, large barn. Best soil. 1 rice $l?.no0: easy terms. . . i a m 1 - 1 . mb acres ail in ruiuvanon. gans. family orcnara. oiic irom car line ni'acme nignway; rw new bungalow. Price $3ov 92 acr famllv etc.: 4i mllea from town, at $150 per acra SOCOLOFSKY 341 State St. mil TABLES SOCTUEKJC PACmC COv. KwtkkMil So. 84 Oregonlaa 8rS0 an No. 16 Oregon Express ..... 6:11 .aa. No. 18 Willamette Limited .. 9:17 a.n No. IS Portland Paaaanger .. 1:68 No. 34 Coos' Bay 6:8$ p.m. No. 1 PorUaad Express .... 1:48 p txa. SaathbM-4 No. 88 Oregomiaa 8:18 a. as. No. 23 For EXigene 16 88 a.m. No. 1$ California Express ...11:68 a.m. No. IT Rosebirg Passenger .. 4:68 pm. N'o. $r Wills me tte Limited... 6:44 p.m. No. IS Baa Francisco Pass.. . 16:63 pm. B A LEW- EER LTXB es all cleared, good valley soil.. 71 Arrive at Salem...... 9:16 a. na. orchard. 7 room hous. barn. No u ieaTa palem ........ 4:66p.m. rcBLio Konrr. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW THREE SNAPPY SNAPS NOTICE. POULTRY. 'KIMiS FOR HATCHING FROM A-l Anconas, $2.50 per setting. or egg producers they cant De oeau j. is. Cooley. 1275 N. Church. Phone 817. BABY CHICKS Wyandottea. Orpingtons, Anconas and Buttercups. Leghorns, iteas. iiocks. Minorcas. Prices reasonable. Now booking orders for 1920 delivery. C. N. Needham. 558 State St. opposite I court house), rnnne iv. CHB NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUH- naL the biggest and best in the west. The live magazine for live poultry men- 76 centa a year, ll.oo in saiem. Bend S cents for sample today. Ad dress The Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon. Mention this ad. CAPITAL CITY STEAM Vtuality work, prompt Broadway. Phone 165. LAUNDRY service. 1264 SAx-JU STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK deliTery and careful work. Dry wasn, 6c per pound. 188 Soutb Liberty St Phona 86. HOF LEF EXPERT LAUNDRY MAN. 48B far St. I nT ton market prire for efaiekaas and erg. Hoaas pkoaa 1383J fihoc nhoae 138WJ NURSERIES TOU SALE FRU1TLA.VD NURSERY has a few thousand Italian I'rune trees, grafted Franquet Walnuts, and also other Nursery Stock. Phone 111F51. Rt. 6. Salem. Ore. UIYKSTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN HEIFKtt calf. State school ror Gear. FOR SALE-PA I R VERY CH UN K T black mares age a to 8. weignt nan: sound and good workers, l to or chard work. Price 3140. Club Stab MI SCEXLAJC EOfJ S. FOR SALE OOD Spiuenberg apples. BALDWIN AND Phone 97F12. ETTEI1BF.RO 121 plants, $7.50 per mao; wus. Addreta V -O. 15ox 214. Sal STRAWBERRY Wilson $0.00. cm. ore -WALLBOARD- CAN BE USED OVER lath or studding, can oe umea or nanered. Max O. liuren, Xi9 ioru Commercial street. GET A TAX RECORD SUMMARY FOR compiling ii statement, paid. Paul Sims. -143 N. High. nEPAiniXG AND UPIIOLSTERIXO FURNITURE HOSPITAL I HAVE opened up a first class nop. repair ing and refinishing and upholstering. All work guaranteed Will call and estimate your work Phone 1743 1201 8. Commercial M. Browt. MONEY TO LOA ROVKRNUF.VT LOANS AT 6 Va PER cent. w. D. Smith. $03 Salem Bank of Commerce. V KINNEY & SMITH II acres close In. 6 room plastered house; land all cultivated! some gra vl but good soil. Fair barn, chick- ' tn house and garage. Price jjiau ITS Arm Caalre Battasi La ad 176 acres cultivated: fine for tractor firmlns- too acrea fall wheat and Oata- all acraa a.tvrn to clover. Nice ' I room house with hot and cold I water, fireplace, etc. Young orchard Sad berrlaa lnnd srarasje: water Piped Into fine big barn. Fine silo. ' tranarv hna- Knua with water con- . nectlon: hen houses, machine shed. etc- (In nrln . windmill and red wood tank; 2 horses, about 35 chick ens, hogs. hay., feed. seed, growing : crop, complete outfit of farm ma- - chinery and household furniture are Included at ins ner acra An eX eellent farm. Possession soon. Lo cated in Benton county on good gra: led read about 2 miles from main sighway now being; paved. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. VIGOROUS and well rootea. i-rogressive .ever bearing. Etterherg 121. Wilson and Gold Dollar. Place orders now. Ward K. Richardson. 2395 North Front t Phone 494. PROGRESSIVE EVERBEARING Straw berry plants. iieia irom juni w November. Bear first season plant- ..a Thrift acclimated slants. 3 at nnatoald. Order at once. Ward K. Itlchardson. WALL PASTE. NO COOKIRU ke- nu t.iL licks everymina. v. Buren .179 N. Commercial street. ITS . - ... .w vxvm trnT'QP perior to cloth, at aoout nan pric su Max O. Buren 179 N. Com'l St. BILKD CLOVER HAY FOR SALE AT barn. C S. Teeple. It. 1. Phone 8 to 9:30 P- m. torn r AR FOR SALE lvIS well good as new; im .w . a aaa miiaa casta or terms. i bo. CcmmerctaL Phons t$.; .- t-rt S ILK SEVERAL MCAD r . vWaa.-i w t a v a tnn gpimiia n. caaa.- . 1 m-lirht 120 to !. Some Wei .t1 teams, well broke: a!o sever ai sets harness and farm wagons eruaranteed as represented. right to sell Club Stable- iTiced . Meal at-k llaarh 1060 A ere a. Located on fine highway now being built, Hss 250 'acres or more culti vated: some river bottom snd some Une bench land. Has open hill paa- . ure land and some fine saw timber. . Kever failinar sorine-a In each pas tare. Fine woven wire fencing. Land adioina ft It kl.hnn ilnfiM and achoof. Plenty water power for generating lectrtclty. House of about 6 rooms. aeveral large stock barns and out building; About 40 head cattle. 1 hnrsea . . 7S 1 bn Srnri irnata aetreral ' hundred hi kens and turkeys and I r pnriTT or THB OATMAN GIRLS ?'" -.ThU true story of westar imini- I ttt . r A rV RAGS ' AND ALL f.J u rimm.rcll St. Phona 3'Ji tr'A f,.r 1L Parts of cars a half price. t mplete farming outfit of ma 'y 500. Everything included for CU. revised It w have more clierfta Wanting bunga- '"ws of 5 to 7 rootms In good loca- t"n"- Also 1. a ve clients wanting ;. .tracts of 10 to 40 acres without SMildmgs. For results, list your Woperiy with us. !We advertise our aooa puys. KINNEY & SMITH FEDERAL FARM liOANS CITY BUILDING !ANS LOW INTEREST U)X() TERMS Prompt and Efficient Service A. C. ROHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple. Falem. Ore. iiutxn mors CARD AND ENVELOPE FHINTlNli. M. Simonds, The Lady i'rinter. i;t.w- State St. SECOND UAKD FTTR X ITTJTt K HUM H OF BAKGAINS-a-NEW ASU Kecond HandUoods bought and sold. Bring In your old furniture and ex change It for new. People's Furni ture Store. 271 N. Com. St Phone 731. ror rale on South 12th street: house is In fine condition ana niceiy ar ranged; lare lot with shade trees. Owner leaving city and would sell furniture also if desired. This is a very good buy or $2650 and half cash will handle; balance In a few Tea" S. R. PEARSON 403 Oregon Bldg. Phone 43. Bargains In Real Estate Kic modern 6 room bungalow, full basement, nice lot. fine soil. $2650. Kmnll navment. easy terms. 10 acres excellent loam son. r h,,n. titer htiildintrs. fine well, near school. 14500: easy terms. Vic mndcrn a room oungaiow "ti car line, full basement, line lot. tiouv. ?' it...... lt 20 acres ciose in. k-wi in hiirh atatn of cultivation, fruit, fine . -AAA r. A ...-rm 5 rri1c Itnm Miem. a- ...lllv.tinn all trr.od Sill. Z KCIS OU1IO- .u, ... . ...... - - , . i I AAA inn i acre hearing orcnaxu. jvu cords wood. $11,500. Sea us for bargains. ' PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Com. Club Bldg. VARIETY OF PROPERTIES On paved highwsy 3 miles from Salem. 10b acres; 70 acres in cultivation, balance in oak timber and brush. Good fruit and berry land. Une 8-room house, big barn. 2 silos, all practically new; half acre family or- i. .. A Aft an acre. 11 i acres near Skyline orchard: acres prunes & yeara uiu. -can be planted: 4-room house, small barn, good running spring. Price 82650; half cash, or will trade in on larger place. 30 Acres English walnuts and cherries In the Eola planting near Hopewell Produced 11100 worth eherriea last -ar and some walnuts. 3325 an If you have fruit property to rlBht prices, list witn us Don't think for a moment that we mil. clilm indiscriminately. A 5 room bungalow well located at $1150. Another with some furniture at $2000. A nice & room cottage on paved street, lull lot: shrubbery, fruit nriLV. with range and heat ing stove (both very fine) at 60 per cent of renlacement value and neat as wax. See us at Room Bayne Bldg. The Fleming Realty Co. Rustlers FOR SALE OR TRADE Good DroDertles much below actual I vsln. & rmm nlsatercd house; bath, toil t. electric, liarhts. Value $10); trad.? tnr acreaire near some good town. room Dlxstered house; two lots. linna- ruh and terms. 1 rsisim home- ceiled downstlirs. plast ered uostnirs. lot 75x150. bath, toilet. -lrrt illii- cash and terms. 4 room plastered house, electric lights. dtr atvr. fruit. I arc- barn. 11200. 6 room house: ceiled, bath, toilet, hot and cr.ld water, lot ."xl0. very clore In 8 27K0-. tlUOO cash. alnlic terms 10 room house; plastered, modern, lot 40x120. very close In. $5500. 65 acres deep black soil; about acres in grain. 15 acres in pasture l mfrr ,ir well fenced, comforta ble house, icood outbuildinrs. in good district on stone road, 1-1 mile to school. Mall and cream route. E'ght head cattle and horse, all farm lm-nlt-monts. Price 810.000: $3000 will handle. Seeing is believing. busy. Notice is hereby Riven that I bare ImDOunded the following descriUoa dog ia compliance witn ordinance: No. 1404. to-wit: one yeiiow snep herd dog. male, white breast and! white feet, weight about 70 pounds.! The above described dog will be kill ed if not redeemed by owner, on or before Saturday afternoon, renruary 21, 1920, as provided by said ordi nance. W. S. Low, Street commissioner. Feb. 17. 1920. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WAITED Maricn Creamery ft Produce Co Salem, Oregon. Phone ?AHh SALES. VALXS CTT 4k WKSY-RW ll Leaves Salem, motor .... T:e6a.m. 168 Leaves Salem, motor .... 9:18 a-m. 166 Leaves Salem, motor .... 1:86 pnm. Through car to Monmouth and AlrU 171 Leaves Salem ........... 6:16p.m. 163 Arrives at Salem 8:26 aja. 164 Arrive at "aesra a.nm. 166 Arrives at Salem 1:36 p-sa. 173 Arrive galem 1:6 S-n oitsooi Bctiuc BXtawtt-o Oe 1st. 191 SovabowadL Trais) Leave Arrlva Anrlva No. Portland Salem Eugene S Ltd.. 8:18 am 16:18 am 18.36 m T 16:4 6 am 18:66 pm Salem only 9 2:66 pm 6 .16 pm J II pa IS Lt.. 6:46 pm 6:4J pa l l 17 ..... 6:66pm 8:67 pm Balem only It :16pm 11:36pm Salem only North Bank Station (leave Jeffer son Street it and 86 mlactaa la tar.) Arrtv Port land 9:26 am . 11:36 am 3:1 pm 6:66 pm 1:46 pm 16 -66 tm Jeffar. SALEM MARKETS Leava Arrlva Eugaa Salem T:16am , T:2am 9:46 am 13:66 pm 1:88 pm 4:66 pm 0alm oaly 6:2 pm 6:28 pm T:ipm Trala No. ..... 16 Ltd. 15 16 Ltd. t6 ..... North Bank Mtatloa t arrtv sow Street 16 mlnatee arUr. Corvaills. Get sere. sell at I ft'ACTEI) SECOND-HAND FURNI- ture. rugs, carpets, stoves, maenmery mnA tnnir Best Drices paid. The Cap ital Hardware & Furniture Co, 285 N. Com'l St. Phone 947. PEARCY BROS. 210, Oregon Bldg.. Salem Phone 663 GOOD BUYS optomktYusts. DR. U HALL WILSON Special ist in the Modern Scientific Ap plies tion of Glasses for the aid -.r wialnn and the relief of Eyestrain nd Headache. Office closed Saturdays. Office 310-211 U. 8. Bank Building. fhone. office 145: res. TRANS 8TER n A ULI- O CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER CO. zz State fft.. phone wiirmuuin, forwarding and storage our specialty. Get our rates. AUTO TRUCK SERVICTB. ANT KIN" ct nauung. huumjuviu moving Jobs don prompt ly. Try m one. Tlmtne. 676 BUM St. Phona 968. Residence phone 1182J. SECOND tlAP OUOPS WANTED BECfJXO H AND GOODS OF sil kinds. Lucas and Lucas, l'hone 1177. .vi. a aandaoma Uttle bock. .-11- (J wanhte farms Of th !! i"."rr...-- .mil of tb es- cap of Lorenso, and captivity of Mary and OMva. Mary died of star vatloa and Ollvs was purchased from th Indians flv year laur. The prle 1 36 cants, postpaid. Addrjae Oraa-o. Teachers Monthly. Balem. Or. WOOD WANTED OLD JUNK. OLD CUYXW ins: tods. guns, musical instruments, cameras. Will rail day or 'veninga Capital Exchange, 237 Court, l'hone 493. WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND good- of all kinds, pip fittings, hsr neas. collars, ecllsr pads, tools, and chains. Fred Scblndler. street. 8(6 Can tar WALL PAPER, FAINT iiiri n 'i -- 10 acre loganberry tract. 8 acres of loganberries. 8 room house, large barn, well, running water. Price $.. .00. S acre loganberry tract, 4 3-4 acres loganberries, good 5 room hou.e. oarn. welt. Price $5000. 10 acre tract located on main Pacific hirhKiv l 3-4 miles from csrllne: 5 acres Italian prunes, balance first class i FA RMS loganberry land Price $4500. j 75 sere 20 acre tract. 1 acre cumvan-u. house, small barn, spring and well, close to school, about 500 cords or standing- second growth fir timber. Price $20"0 6 acre trsct located close to carline. good soil, plenty of fruit and berries, small buildings Price $3600. 61'i acre tract locaten i i- mii" from Satem street car line about 20 acres of fine timber. 8 acres bearing prunes, house and barn. located on main Pacific highway. Price 8I'0 per c-t. Half caah arr.. trnct located on good hard road and Ki'I). close to Pacific high wav. 4 miles from Halem; good j r.m niaaterrci ot i aire. barn. well, ft acres of cherries. 4 acres of loganberries ITIru tKlllll 5 acre tract. 4 acres Uiganberrles. 4 miles from Salem price 83000. HOUSE BUYS C room mtwlern home In good loca tion. all furniture goes; paved street. I'ric tirtflO. 6 room house located In south Sa- l.m orner lot. lYIre 8200; $500 down hnlnn.u 825 oer month. 6 per cent In- 8 roVm house and five lots located In south Sslem. not far out; large barn, a-o.Mt soil Price $5000; $2000 down 7 room moiern home located at Hid North fspttal street, large lot. garage hotise located at. 1330 South Commercial street. ITlc $2800. WALTER McLAREN Room 21. 180 N. Com. St. Houses, Farms, Small Acreage HOC SES room hotiae on 17th snd Trade afreets, lot 100x100. Bath, toilet and" olectric lights. 82500. on enFV terms ti room modern btincalow. near fair. . ... . 1 .. . L . . 1 J ....... grounas; targe joi, .u w iiu .pvi.. A snap. 7 room strictly modern bouse, c.ose in: large lot. some fruit, furnace 7iat. $7000; easv terms. 8 room bungalow, close to school. North Salem. A real anap $3200, good terms. We have a list of old houses from $50 to $1500 on essy terms. Csll at our office and we will tell you about them. WALL PAPERj AND CEILING PAPER W.H.GRABENH0RST&C0. s on highway joining mi. acres logsns. 3 prunes. J pears, z rherries. 10 apples. 20 acres cultivated peat land. 13 acres fine roixng cum- vateo. rome vaiuaoie wiwouri inn good pasture. ery fair improvements $.-) 1"4 acres 6 miles oin. i.n in wnr balance In psnture. ,ood farm huim- Inna Junt off hard surfsce fold lu ner acre on good terms. . . . ' LI... &i arrea on ti ki wiv a-. imir southeast of nremn City : goKl house h.m and other hu I M 1 n t . two silos, i acres family fruit, wire feme and ross fences. An ldal property at per acre. 7 acroa 1.ln no- Slem. all In wnest fair tinuai. Thi Is a goou buy ana will go toon. $20,000. KM M.I. TRACTS 10 scree, tornl 7 r. rlrt p'stered house, hath, toilet, tunnmif water, good fam ily orchard. 1 acres of good tiraotr tit mi Z't urn n, 4 room plastered house, bath, running Mater, fair barn 5 acr, a strawberries. goKl fnmtiy or chsrd. 10 acr.- in ultlvatlon. balance In toiiirli I'.tid for pasture, with 7 acres ..f v;.l.iahle tlmb.r 8Ji0: $1000 cash hilinr. to Stilt it arrs.'4"it nrune trees. 1 acre lo trans. om fru.t. t o t m h'.use. t""' nfinr .hnlll 4 J.IFK in c lltlVStton balance rnuuli th some titnhcr. $2i0 3 acre. 7 room house, too-l famil orchard. stall sti-ar.'. 1 minutes al from atreet car. M0; $700 cash, ba ance 3 is per monin nuTia rmci KgfiB vd Postry, Kkrs. 3 4c. Hons, heavy. 28c. Spring?. 24c. Broiler.". 30 to 3ic. Oiil -tester. 13c. Dressed hogs, 18 to 20c. fVtrk.. Muttuo Ad Deal, Pork on loot. 16c. Lambs. 12 to 13c. Beef, steers. 8 4 to IVa Cows. 6 to 9 c. Top real, 24c. TIAJ. Cheat bar. per too. S18 to SI 9. Oat and retch hay. per ton, $22 to !I23. Clover bar. 123 to $2t. nraia Wheat $2 to 12.10. Feed oats. 83 to 8 Sc. Beans. 6c to Vc. Mill Feeal. lUO. MjUrua. 47. ULnlfa! To Tealrs. Cream-rv butter, cartons. 68-69cJ Buttcrl-t. CCc. Oranges. $6 to $6..u. Bananas, lie. lx-iuons. J7 to $".Gf. t'aliforni- Giaae fruii 16 tu 17 Vtcatia. Cabbage. 6 l-2c. Onions. 4. SO a sack. Turalps, 45c a dozen bsachee. Carrots. 4 Be a dot. btrnea. Sweet potatoen, he a pound. Green peppers, 2fc a pound. ' Celery, SI. 75 a dozon. Rrtail PrWMt. Creamery butter, 70c. Dairy butter, SO to t6e. Exes. 45c. Flour, bard wheat. S3.3S to 13.4 5 Flour, raller. 12.550 1. Sugar, rane, 18 l-2c. cVntar, sack, toone tr4- . COITALL7J8 OOSSXCTIOM VsrUseaad Leave Vrv itKi Arnv Ealssa I 90 mm t:48 am 1:3S pm 4:00 pm 6:16 y- ts88 fm . a.srtaU Uave Salasi IT??-WTm ,.! aaS !: 4-lt pm pm. - B IVVie . Wsnf Arl it HUfcU O III It a Working For You There's not apt to be nay long delay in securing that new position. For a Want ad per sistently preeentlng yob to en Tloyers mill, lnerlubly, find and lnteret THE ONH WHO HAS THIS RIGHT OPPORTU NITY TO OFFER TOU! The want ad. mar hare to work one day or a dosen days at the Uik. But It will not m sa a iau: Essa es o I 8 I I 0 STATESMAN JOB OFFICE We print evcrrthingr, from a callins card to a book or newspaper rr.e a John H. Scott Realty Co. I Jimmy ra. will you riv.; KOfd spanking riRht now? Pa Why. Jimmy? Wlmmy itecause I'm a-oinz swim ming and I don't want to fx thinking, about it while I'm there. Utica Globe. Read the Classified Ads. Hest equipped plant in Ore gon outside of Portland We solicit the printing of farmers Statesman building, Salem, Oregon The Stateman's Classified Ads. Bring Results - D 9 D D D B 0 D n 505 ana p inunif ruii. v. - ren, 17 N. Commercial bU ' 275 Stat Street . ZZS tfegon Uldtf. "'obs 1U0. lies, 1'Uone 1061W FOR SALE PUT KIR WOOD SAWED. ruon 1678W. ......