8 TIIE OREGON ATATFSM A t FRIPAV, FEBRVABVj gOt ,920. 1920 JURY LIST DRAWNBY CLERK More Than 350 Persons Slat ed for Service in Marion J Circuit Court MANY TRIALS IN SIGHT Of Entire List of Names More 1 Than 170 re Farmers Merchants Few i , The list of jurors who are to erve in the 19ZO-ciMirt trials has been completed. Taxpayers from all thai districts or Marion county are repre sented. There I are more than 350 persons on the Venire. Of the entire Jury list, 170 are farmers, merchants. 41. and retired men, 25. The remainder of the list composes men Affiliated with 27 trades and 'vocations. The veniremen as-given by Connty Clerk Hover are: Aumsville D'J'P. Eastbnrn, John Smith. G. XV. Riaynard. W. K. Win slow,: S. S. Swank, M. II. Speer, Charles S. Martin. Aurora H. lU Bents, Louis We bert. Henry Kelt, Allle Will, Nathan Cole.- - ' Rreltenbush iGrln Jndd. Brooks Will R. Jones, Harrison Jones, Malcoln Ramp, William . A. Mumper, E. A. B. Howard, Britt As pinwall. Buttev'.lle William Ryan. Cnampoeg John , A. Gearln. Charles E. Geelan, Frank Osborn. Chcmawa George N. Thompson. William Blake. Ben L. Clagget, Frank E. Evans. Emery M. Bailey-i Harry J. Beard sley, Croisan Steve Hnber. j Donald John H. Miller, Johnj Singer, Henry Stauffer, Horace W. t Thiclrren. Thurston Yergen. Elkhcrn John Lomker. Englewood Frank F. LeBare Charles H. Chapman, W. J. Dirr, H. C. Maguren, Frank Ricket. W. H Troy. Fairrield Frank Mahoney, XV. C. Forcier. Fairgrounds C. XV. Beechler. Charles R. Griggs. Anton Christen on. Bird Lee Craven. East Gervais L. K. Slegmund Eugene Manning, J. A. Ferschweiler, Edward Shields. Wert Gervais Charles Foumal.i John F. Manning. August Nlbler. Roreb David Smith, H. D. Bondy. Central Howell XV. Desart. Al bert F. Janz, Thomas Lauderback. North Howell R. C. Jefferson, A. T. Cline. Eph J. Thurman. East Hubbard Robert E. France. J. Fred Palmer, Herman L. Carl John C. Moomaw, John Stauffer. West Hubbard Joseph Calvert, David ilovenden. Glen C. Carothers, Lee Herschbeger, Arnold Christen. Jefferson A. C. Libby, Charles Kee. Frank-Epuey. Harry Roland. J. AFTER "FLU," GRIP Fevers and Other Front rating Dis eases that Kthaat the Blood. There is often that extreme tired feeling, loss of appetite, tendency to anemia, nerve exhaustion, inactive bowels, constipation and great dan ger of still further prostration and serious illness. Hood's Sarsaparilla first works up on the blood. It is remarkable how promptly its purifying, vitalizing ef fects are noticed. It "makes food taste good." promotes assimilation so as to help secure the greatest nour ishment pissible, promotes digestion. Nerve strength and cheery health in evitably follow, further danger is avoided and the glad-to-be-allve feel ing again prevails. , To read this Is well ,to realize it yourself is better. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today, and tor a cathartic, nothing better than Hood's Pills, in small" doses a gentle laxative; larger, an active cathartic. 'Cutting the Anchors" T Will -be the Topic of DR. MAHOOD TONIGHT At The FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Everybody Welcome This will be a young people's rally. A great meeting assured. F. Steiwer, Fred Looney, S. A. Pease, George C. Mason. Liberty Bruce Cunningham. Frank Hrubetz. Macleay John C. Jones, E. B. Patton. Onie L. Martin. Marion XV. G. Adams, J. A. Doer- fler. E. J. Farnham. McKee Steve Bauman, Charle Leith, Mck Seree. Mehama Marion Taylor, Edward Scigmund. James W.Tmbler. Mill City C. H. Work, D. B. Hill, Clifford B. Trask. Monitor Joel L. Jack, Bascom H. Hughes, Charles N. Seely, John W, Ramage. East Mt. Angel Fred Schwab Rudolph J. Berning, Frank Butsch, Joseph M. Ebner, uarvey Smith. West Mt. Angel Henry Klrsch Paul J. Komp, Martin Llmbach, Thomas Reiling. Pringle Frank G. Bowersox, C. N. Cannon. Chauncey Lockwood. Quinably G. C. Beckner, Car Petzel, Homer Goulet. Riverview J. B. Parker. Rosedale W. E. Way. Charles N Ruggles. East Salem George Edwards, Eu gene Aufrance. Salem Heights Stanley Culver Conrad Falk, E. D. Bnchanan, H. S Poisal, William McGIlchrist, - John W. Carson. St. Paul Thomas Kirk. Philip Graham, James C. Murphy. C. A. Pel land, Samuel A. Hoefer, Joseph Mc Donald. Scollard, Henry Stute, F. J. Klnns, Joseph McCormick. Scotts Mills Allen Bellinger, E. & Swift Year Book is Out Send for Your Copy mm mmmm I r t in i i 'i .5. il 1 j1 m v- . 3 Hi 1 ?1 t U 1 it m V Si ssmx m ft 4 If- ms 1 X HI WTO si A , Swift & Cotnpany was a favorite topic of conversation last year. ' Comrnittees investigated it, commissions attacked it, law makers threatened it, many condemned it. Presently people began to think about it; began to realize that Swift & Company was performing a necessary service in a big, efficient way; began to wonder whether it could be done as well in any other way. , Read what Swift & Company did last year, and what it meant to you, in the Swift & Company Year Book, just issued. It s a fascinating narrative simple 'facts in simple words. There is one ready for you. Send for it Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago Swift & Company, U. S. A. F. Lutgen; C. A. Dunagan, E. R- j Lawrence. Sh-w Henry Keene, . H. Howd. : Ben Klecker,. Sidney XV. S. Flnley, Walter Ray. David Jacobson. Silver Falls XV. XV. Seal. Antow Lelkem. North Silverton J. F. Warnock, W. O. Hadlev. H. A. Hartley, O. A. Loe. James G. Gordon. Soutu Silverton XV. H. Bowers. I. W. Goodnecht, Frank Egan, Fred j D. Knight. East Silverton Thomas Skalfe, r. L. lilackerby. F. E. Cailister. N. H. Ames. S. M. Lukens, W. E. Cooley. West Silverton A. F. Blackerby. J. K. Mount. H. P. Broughton. H. V. Craig, Marion Palmer, G. F. Palas, Ralph Cowden. Siayton Fred Rock. Georg Keech, Jacob Spanlol, Joseph Fisher, Giles E. Thomas. George Brown. West Stayton Royal Condit. George Spicer. East Stayton John Taylor, XV. J- Hewitt, Frank Hottinger, W. H. English. Sublimity Nicholas Gilmore. Nicholas Zimmerman, C. H. Benson. XV. H. Downing. Frank Smith, XV. H. Tate, Theo Heuberger, C. J. Selbel. Turner J. M. Watson, II. W. Smith, Charles B. Lytle, B. E. Rob ertson, J. I. Gray, W. T. Riches, Irvin E. Putnam. J. E. Whitehead. Victor Point Philip Fisher, Orlo Humphrey. C. B. McElhaney. East Woodburn Henry Hall, S. C. Mills, M. L. Hendricks. Jesse XV. Kelsey, James H. Livesay, Jefferson Ktlgore, Pearl L. Love. Oscar A. Nendel, Herman Otjen, Charles Ty ler. ! West Woodburn Fred J. Miller. N. S. Scollard, H. P. Baughman. George H. Beebe, XV. H. Broyles. J. G. Iddings, Lyman H. Sborey. Waconda A. J. Egan, Ellis M. Palmer. Salem No. 1 William Frost. George H. Croisan, Emll Graber, W. F. Pohle, Wilbur Beaver. A. J. Hag er, Walter Skelton, L. Mlckelson, W. R. Ruth. A. W. Veatch. Salem No. 2 Russell Catlln, D. W. Eyre, Joseph Lebold, F. L. Wat ers, Elmer White, R. W. Craig, Earl H. Anderson, William H. Berger, H. C. McDowell, August Kehrberger. Salem. No. 3 George XV. Lucas. A. A. Burton, E. F. Long, James McClelland, Sr.. Waldo E. Miller, J. N. Skalfe. Florian Von Eschen. Salem No. 4. G. V. Standlsh, E. E. Gilliam. V. Nadstenek, Steve Brenchstein. Roy H. Campbell, W. A. Liston. Salem No. 5 J. L. Buslck. A. W. Anderegg, L. W. White. G. C. Bolter, Adam Barns. C. Van Patten. Salem No. 6. C. E. Bayes, Wil liam Gahlsdorf. E. E. Tanner, J. N. Witzel, N. L. Gamble. , Salem No. 7. Anthony Gregerson. Levi McCracken, Joseph L. Coding ton. G. N. Ireland, J. B. Moorman, S. L. Frarier. ' - Salem No. Christ Paolus. XV. E. Mcllwaln. C. M. Roberts. H. V. Doe, J. J. McDonald, L. A. Geler. Salem No. 9 Paul Traglio. J. D. Barber. J. W. Harritt. F. G. Decke- bach, William McGIlchrist, Jr. Salem No. 10 R. N. Hoover, O. R. Pettingill. N. C. Kafonry, C. T. Pomeroy, J. L. Riggs. E. B. South wick, II. H. Vandevort. Salem No. 11 B. E. Carrier,. A. N. Moores, R. E. Downing, J. -'O. Goltra. Edgar Hartley, A. B. Gard ner, E. Cooke Patton, Gideon Stolt, Ray L Farmer, XV. A. Rutherford. Salem No. 12 D. J. Fry, A. M. Hansen. A. J Basey, J. A. Bernard!. W. G. Prunk. E. N. Glllingham. Jos eph Craber. Jr., Earl B. Jory. Salem No. 13. XV. B. Hardy, E. A. Rhoten. A. J. Edward. Salem No. 14 Fred ' F. Prince, Charles G. Given. Ward K. Richard son, C. A. Roberts, Thoms II. Clark. Salem No. 15 H. F. Smith. John XV. Hunt. H. O. White, Eugene Eck erlin. W. F. Foster. E. E. Keene, W. W. Fawk, C. J. Olmstead. W. F. Prime. . Salem No. 16. T;,J. Cronise, H. G. Coursey, Mark Skiff. Otto Han sen. Asa I. Eoff. W. P. George. Salem No. 17. L. P. Aldrlch, A. Daue, O. Ireton. Roma C. Hunter. F. M. Brown, Jobn B. Cratg. A. F. Har- eus,, A. F. Hughes. , , Salem No. 18 George H. Graben horst. Peter Sprincer, S. C. Khight Iinger, F. D. Thielsen, Will Bennett. wither j. cnapln. W. A. Cuslc, Wil liam Fleminrlng. Cass Gibson. COLE AERO CAR MUCH ADMIRED t Construction u Simple and in Perfect Accord With De sires of Pablic A feature that causes tlfe motorist no intie worry, especially In cold weather, la the trouble iiMrin in Startinr the mnfnr anA perfect carbnration while the motor is cold, in the Cole Aero Eight models this has been elimlnatpt nr. manently by the employment of spe cial -not-spot" manifolds. These manifolds, as designed by the Cole engineers, beat the raw fnoi tt comes from the carburetor and be fore it passes into the combustion chambers of the cvlinder. Tb construction Of the mn!frwM is most simple and the principle Is readily understood. The central In take manifold is of the best grade aluminum, lined with hakciif n Is enclosed in an aluminum heat jacket. Exhaust gasses emanating from the cylinders nsa thrnnrh exhaust manifolds and a part of it circulates through the heat Jacket of ice lmaice maniioid. in this waj the casoline i-s heated tn thm temperature in the Intake manifold na an accurate vajorization of the fuel is secured, and made more read ily combustible, before It nsua tn the combustion chambers of the cyl inders for ignition. This uniaue svstem nf manifnU. eliminates the common trouble of starting the motor In cold weather assures the motorist perfect earbu retion under all condition and ntn izes all the fuel that is taken from the carburetor. A Cole Aero Eirht innrlnr o.r be displayed at the Aafo shoxr by ice saiem veue co- local dealer. s Elaborate and Charming howing T of New Spring Voiles, Imperial Crepe DrChines and new sfcrin materials; a riot of colors, all suitable for that new blouse or spring frock. Look throngh our stocks and convince yourself that these new crisp goods are priced within the reach of alL Our Prices Always The Lowest GALE & CO. Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Store Rural Home Is Scene of Delightful Party SILVERTON. Or.. Feb. 7. (Spe cial to The Statesman.) A number of young folks motored out to the home of Mrs. Anna, Jensen Saturday evening and spent a very enjoyable TELL YOUR FRIENDS v ABOUT NICOTOL THE ENEMY OF TOBACCO It .Improves any man's health to quit 'tobacco If he can escape the awful craving that usually attends quitting without such assistance as Nlcotol gives. Did you ever have Smoker's cough? Try Nlcotol In getting rid of the tobacco habit and see how quickly the cough will dis appear. Nlcotol Is dispensed by most good druggists in this city, especially by D. J. Fry. time In singing and playing game. Refreshments were served at a late hour. ' ' , Those present Included Mrs. Anna Jensen. Mrs. Chris Burnlss. Miss Vi vian Burniss, Miss Alice Jensen. AV fred Jensen. Reobln Jensen. Harold Satern. Oscar Satern. Miss Emma Moe, Alvln Segard. Miss Nettle Hat teburg. Miss Marie Carbouse, Miss Ifllda Kertson, Adam Jaeobsou, 1 Josephine Johnson. Miss LIllTt 1: sen and Victor Madsen. "Lead) you hundred? t: man. you must have lest roar i ea." "Not ' all 61 ' them. Tf tim r the sens of touch. .yv aee."-L ton Transcript. :. LADD & BUSH, BAJIKE115 A , EsUbliihed 1S63 General Banklof Bui!sss Offiee Hotirt from 10 m."io 3 p. m. I i 1 . . . i. . ...i.iJ ia-h u1, .: ' -- - - I Efti mm ii ! and SAVE THE, WRAPPERS I We will pay l-2c cash for all wrappers either returned to the Peer less Bakery, or given to pur delivery man. PEERLESS BREAD THE PEERLESS BAKERY PHILIP WINTERS, Prop. 170 N. Commercial Street . Phone 247' r f -