The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 20, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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j - -
Modern Two-Story Structure
to Rise at Corner of Trade
and High Streets
f , ' j .
Mangis Brothers jto Occupy
New Building proposed to
Adjoin Yick Property
Several large deals in Salem busi
ness property and the proposed Im
mediate erection of two large re-enforced
concrete buildings at the cor
ner of Trade and High street con
stitute what may prove to be the In
ception of a greater building activity
in Salem.
The real estate transfers were to
VIck Bros; and The Phes people.
The new structures will be erected
by Vick Bros, and T. N. Derby, the
former tot be occupied by Vick Bros,
themselves and the latter by Mangis
Bros., who represent Libby McNeil &
Libby I n this district.
Yick Bros. To Build.
Vick Brothers, the wll fknown
dealers in automobiles and tractors
have purchased from F. N. Derby
the property on the east side of High
street Just north of the Salem Froit
Union. The property is 83 by 15u
feet with .-a 150 foot frontage on
The deal was consummated a few
days ago and construction of the
building will commence within a
month. Although no contract for its
construction the character and size
e-Rite Bread
Is Brimfull of Food value and deliciousness.
It'i Scientifically and Sanitarily Made
Standard Merchandise;
Dr. Denton's sleeping garments, soft knit sizes, 1 to 8
Rubens infants' vests, cotton or wool, sizes 1 to 5
- I s
,"'' '
MmerTaYarns, beautiful shades, for sweaters, silk
i mixed, 4 fold Zephyr, Shetland Floss and Knit
j ting Worsted.
".-'I ' ' y ..'
R. & G. CorMs, popular styles reasonably priced
.Model Brassiers, a good assortment, pretty designs
: Universal Outing Flannel night gowns, specially good
Althena Knit Underwear for ladies and children
Black Cat hosiery, silk at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.50 nr.
;' ' ' "
Ladies lisle hosiery at 50c, 70c and 90c pair
.-j,', - -r--; -- . . .
; Childrens Silk Lisle hose at . 60c and 70c a pair
Koyeralls. Blue Denims, fast color, Levi Strauss &
,Co. Buy, standard merchandise, always give satis-
faction. Cheap goods are dear in the end.
240 -246 Com'l Street
of the building has already been de
termined upon.
It will be a three story structure,
modem in every respect, with elec
tric elevator, etc.- and will approxi
mate 150.000 in cost.
Building To Be Modern.
The building will be the headuar
ters for all of Vick Brothers business
which has been assuming larger and
larcer proportions. It will house all
their bookkers as well as be the dis
tributing point for their tractors,
farm implements and other stock.
In order to facilitate shipments,
railroad tracks connecting with both
the Southern pacific and Oregon
Electric railroads
In speaking: of the matter ,Mr.
Geo. Vick said:
"We hare confidence in the per
manency of Salem's prosperity and
have determined to make this our
headuarters for all our business. Our
Portland property will be sold and
our new Salem structure will be the
pivot from which all our business
will radiate. This part of the Wil
lamette Valley has always bought the
major portion of our output and we
feel that our business can be han
dled most economically with Salem
as its base."
Local Business Grows
Since deciding upon establishing
the Vick Bros, business headquarters
here, the brothers who compose the
company have arranged for their
permanent residence In Salem.
Alfred Vick has purchased the El
gin residence at the corner of Ship
ping " and Liberty streets. Charles
Vick la now moving here from Port
land and intends to build a residence
here soon. Geo. Vick lives Just south
of Slem on Fairriew avenue, in the
attractive residence he has accupied
for several years.
. , Derby Plans In Making.
More recent still Is the decision of
PN. Derby to erect a $25,000 re-enforced
concrete building on his prop
erty adjoining the proposed new Vick
building on the east. This building
will be 82 by 100 feet, three stor
ies with 82 feet frontage on Trade
street. Mr. Derby and Vick Bros,
will construct their building as one
structure with a party wall and sim
ilar lines of architecture. The base
ments, too, will be constructed as
one. Work on the new building will
be commenced as soon as possible
and will be rushed to completion
with the utmost speed.
Hlrts-It" Xever Leaves a Corn on
Any; Foot for Very Long.
Th hurting- "pep" right out
of that corn the moment a "" w drops
r"Gt-lf land thrreun. It'U through
and "for keps"
Cans aaa Geta-lr Caa't Ut
You'll 'have no mare pain tut will
notice the corn Kitting loos and wob
bly. In a day or so. you lift it right
off without any feeling- That's the
end of the corn and of your troubles.
Millions have proved "Gets-It" to be
the one and 'only unfailing-, common
senxe corn remover. Why not you?
"Gets-It" costs but a trifle at any
drug store and carries a morvey-back
gruarantee. Mfd. by K. Lawrence tt
Co. Sold in Salem and recommended
as the world's best corn remedy by J.
C. Terry, D. J. Fry, Capital Drug Store,
Win. Neimeyer.
Only One Death Occurs in
City as Result of Disease
For Year 1920
Health Official Declares All
Sorts of Ailments Are
Branded as "Flu"
There's No Pictiire Like the
, - -
Picture of Health
h As soon as the new Derby building
is completed It will ,be occupied, by
Mangis Bros., wholesale dealers in
fruits and berries. Mangis Brothers
have operated along these lines in
Salem for several years and their
business has grown to such propor
tions as to mate u necessary ior
them to have large nailers. They
will occupy the entire building on
which they yesterday secured a 10
year lease. According to their agree
ment with Mr. Derby the building
must be ready for occupancy by June
1st. They are the local representa
tives of Libby McXeal & Libby and
their operations will be on a much
larger scale than heretofore. P. F.
Mangis leaves today for San Fran
cisco on business connected with
their new deal and will be absent
two or three weeks. He says he ex
pects great developments In Salem
in the near fnture.
P"ea People Buy Property.
Another deal in Salem business
nronertv. which shows the trend of
the times is the purchase by The
Phex people of two pieces of prop
rtv on the west corner of Trade
and High streets. The purchases in
clude the corner bought from F. .
Derbv and the Fred Legg property
adtotnlne it on the north. The two
purchases give them a property 150
by 165 feet with a frontage of 165
feet on Trade and 150 on High
street. As to whether or not The
Phez people will build on this prop
erty has not been ascertained.
Goiter Aren't you aware that it
is very dangerous to allow a child to
run about the links alone?
Maid 'S all right, sir the poor
little feller's stone deaf. London
Sheridan Files Suit
William Sheridan Is plaintiff in a
civil action filed in the circuit court
yesterday. The defendant, F. Spenc
er, according to the allegations of
the plaintiff, received labor and farm
products from plaintiff to the value
of 1282.50. This amount, plaintltf
claims has not been paid and Mr.
Sheridan asks Judgment of $282.50
and the costs of the action. There
were three alleged unpaid accounts
due the plaintiff, according to the
,, Influenza is not as new as some
other things.. According to Freder
ick u. Liord.-ja. u., or tne iiarvara
Medical school, there may have been
an epidemic as early as the year 412
11. C. while it certainly existed in
epidemic form as early as 151D. We
have usually, heretofore, called It
"la grippe" and been IIF with It more
or less every winter and occasionally
died from it and otherwise conduct
ed our business as usual.
Since the epidemic form last year
there Is an Inclination to call diseases
of all sorts "influenza." There have
been rather serious epidemics In
some parts of the country, it Is true.
but Salem has not been thus unfortu
nate, contrary to tne general im
pression there have been but few
deaths from influenza in Salem this
winter, and very few really severe
cases, relative to the size of the town
and conditions elsewhere.
Authoritative information places
the number of deaths that have oc
curred in Salem this season that
were actually caused by this disease
as not more than two, and probably
actually one. according-to certificates
of death now on file.
This cheering information ought to
considerably relieve local anxiety
without interfering with adequate
precautionary measures.
The greatest master-piece in the
Irt Gallery of Life U Nature's
"Picture of Health".
It b a mrr- loos portrayal of th fc
kody at Ha baat. Oaa baAolda ia ita i
detail a troa arm bol afatraaxtk. It
a flnraof striking- appearance ia Ha arart c
riaa-a. clear akta. parklin ayaa. atrooc bmba.
ataady BtrrM and In moaelea: fairly vibrat
ing ia animabo kaaa. alert, fraab. and
pi H tad: with aa air of unbounded eoandaaea
and a faea radiant la eoor and ilhun
with a slim at hop sad cbacrf ulnaaa.
Ceald Natarabaaatakaaraafa
Bappoaa yoa atady yumaalf ia taa aatarar M
tba praai at and aaaiaaiayaar laaka. 1
tara ana yow wmiw vita tfca aaBaraJ
cbarartariatiea of thia pictara af taa kaajaa
body ia perfart worVbir erdar. all paru af
T ", r -rryaiaad and Sinna.
parforminc Uatr faaettoaa fraaty. aatoraily.
' . 1' roa fail la any atacta pafot af mam
fctaaea. yoa ara not taa pictara of haatu.
Ifa imparattva. taea, that yoa look aa a
' " nranKi roar auaaaia. i
rmng yoor bodv ap
tata af affirliaty ia all of h
The Great General Tonic
day after a tour through California.
They have been away since the first
of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Craig vis
ited all the points of interest In Cal
ifornia before returning. Mr. Craig
is a councilman of this city.
Deputy Sheriff James Imlah of
Polk county was in Salem yesterday
on official business.
Another Bicycle Stolen
Peter Cleanger, 2230 North Four
teenth street, reported to the police
yesterday morning that some one
had taken his bicycle. The police
are making an effort to locate the
stolen wheel. This is the third case
of this nature entered in the police
Btatlon this week and it is believed
that small boys are responsible for
the actions, as the wheels are usually
found In some deserted place a few
days after they are taken.1
t, v""
r .
4 ,
mc ri es
Suit Prices R ise
Every delay In ordering that new suit will" make it cost you more mon
ey, although prices have jumped higher and higher for the last three years
there seems to be no indication of a let-up.
l! The hest authorities advise us that instead of a drop in suit prices there
will be a; very substantial increase right soon. The prices of wool and wool
ens are ptedicted to Increase at least 20 per cent in the next three months
linings 40 per cent. These costs as well as the increased cost of
' oiher;materials and of labor cannot fail to increase the wholesale cost of
the finished suit.
Bny Now and Avoid the Increase
?. Tela ve,7 fiBe e wol suitings, bought some time ago bought
at the old price- which we will fashion into a suit for you at a real bargain
price. Come in and look them over. YouH be surprised at their excellent
quality and the reasonableness of the price. Even if you are not in imme
diate need of a suit, it will pay you to get it now and lay it away until it
is needed.
Scotch Woolen Mills Store
426 State Street
Mr. Sheldon Sackett is 111 at his
home in Sheridan, Oregon, with the
C. H. Gram has returned here aft
er a few days spent at Portland look
ine after business matters.
C. E. Albfti. former mayor of Sa
lem, was In this city yesterday at
tending to business affairs. Mr. Al-
bin is engaged in farming near Phll-
omatn. lie said a large part of his
time Is given to poultry raising and
flairy farming. While here he vis
ited friends and acquaintances.
ivan u. Martin returned rrom a
motor trip to Netarts yesterday, and
reports the roads In fair condition
and the weather is fine along the
Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Burton and
their little daughter, Lois, and Mrs.
Burton's mother, Mrs. Frank Tooth-
acre, are under medical care at the
Burton residence. 965 North Church
street. It is reported that they have
Mrs Belle Cleveland, who Is vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. Audley
uregg, 130 North Seventeenth street
is reported to be recovering from
minor Injuries she received a short
time ago in an accidental fall.
Chauncey Florey, county clerk of
Jackson county, and Paul Janne of
uearord were in Salem yesterday vis
iting mends.
Miss Caroline Simmers of Portland
is a Salem visitor this week.
President Carl G. Doney of Wil
lamette university has been confined
to his home for the past two days
with Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig return
ed to their home in this city yest'er-
MARIOX H. L. Hall, E. E. Bros-
Ius, J. A. Wilson, J. M. Hiatt. Mar-
cla Balsam, W. H. Edward. W. II.
Raymond. II. B. Hammer, Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Reynolds, Miss Williams,
E. A. 'Morgan. Portland; Vinclent
Stedry, Brokenbow. Neb.: J. Chen-
ney, Eugene; Morris Keller, Spring
field, Mass.; Jack Robr. San Fran
BLIGH E. L. Thomas. D. W.
Thomas. G. E. Bogger, Oscar C.
Ditty, Silvetton; F. Cullins, Tho
Dalles; W. E. McCormack. Seattle;
Lane Gordon. Llle Gordon. Rose-
burg; R. A. Greene, Toronto. Can.:
William Marshall, Eugene; T. E.
Powell. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Shaw.
Get instant relief with
"Pape's ,Cold Compound"!
Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit .blow
ing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape's
Cold Compound" taken every two
hours until three doses are taken
usually breaks -up a cold and end
an grippe misery.
ine very nrst aose opens your
cioggea-up nostrils and the air pas
sages of your head: stoDs nose run
ning relieves -the headache, dullness.
feverishness, sneezing, soreness and
"Pape's Cold Compound" is the
quickest, surest relief known and
costs only a few cents at drug stores
it acts without assistance. - Tastes
nice. Contains no quinine. Insist
oa rape's. .
it t at ft
Nottfar la anra WHi'atlaua aa a rtbaiVt f
nywcai foraa Una LV ICO. tba mat aaaaral tm
um wara-aoi aarm, numw u Mood, tr 1 ant taw
mi, aaa mria tha tmmm af Utaaa aa mwm fnii
att aiaua'U aa tha man at nraataa. atnattttrH, wmt , ar aiat.
arh. hit KlaubM wartlur. taaiM tri uaaMaiaa t lat .
iaaatiaaaJ taaviatar a ta Uw. khatara aaa havaia.
Al anaurtata aaB I.TKO. Cat a kattla TO-OAT aaa yaal aaaa
taaaa tna awra Haa taa Bictara af aii lta.
Salt MaMfartsrcra: LYKO SIEDICINE COMPANY ' Lrxx lV-".1-HEW
For sale by all Druggist. Always in stock at Perry Drug Store
SCOTTS MILLS. Or.. Feb. 12. -Mr.
and Mrs. E. Plas and son. John,
were called to Portland Tuesday by
the serious illness of their daughter,
Gertrude. At last report she was
Improving slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Waibel were ML
Angel visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. J. Allen of Silverton is vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. W. O. Royse
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Girer. Mr. and
Mrs. ; Rheuben Bier and Gill Glger
went to Canby Sunday to attend the
funeral of Mrs. Jake CUger who died
Frirday night of pneumonia.
' Mr. W. H. Cook of Salem la visit
ing his daughter, Mrs.-Ivan-Bellinger,
at Noble.
. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Moore and
family of Hopewell visited Mrs. a.
Reed at Scotta Mills Sunday;
Maureen, who have been at Dr. Hls-
ieya nospitai in SUverton, returned
home Saturday.
A. ' Hitsmxn Is vlsJUng relatives
and friends in Portland.
We have a limited surplus In Italians In 4-C and 1-4 foot rradea.
Loganberry tips. Other varieties of Frnlt and Ornamental Trees,
Small Fruits and, Roses uninjured by the December freeze.
Place your order early
.1030 Chemeketa Street -i " SALEM, OREGON
0 Salesmen Wanted
Clayton Williams, District
Governor Makes Presenta
tion at Noon Banquet
At the Marion hotel Wednesday
Iternoon a charter was !rrsrnted to
he membr3 of the Salem Rotary
riub by District Governor Clayton
Williams, who came for the purpose
fiom his home in Everett, Wash.
Governor Williams addressed the
club and visitors on the meaning
of the name "Rotary," and the aim
of the association. ",
He explained that the -Rotary club
is organized Jor service. mutually
among the members and In general
to the world at larce. The Ideal is
to have a union of those men In all
lines .who have been most largely
responsible for success In their vari
ous activities. Gather tbetf ron-
gineers of success together In friend
ly sessions of mutual helpfulness and
extend their activities wherever they
can be of help to Individual or com
munity for general progress and yon
will have a rotary club.' To incul
cate ideas of real patriotism; to
maae tne world and each commun
ity of the world a better place to
nave a dome, and to safeguard and
advance the bulwarks of civilization:
:owards these ends the Internation
al Rotary clubs aspire.
Others of the visitors spoke along
the same line. John Scott of Van
couver, B. C. promised a good time
for all Rotarians and their wives at
me international meet to be held in
Vancouver during April. It Is ex
pected that many members of the
aaiem ciuo will be there.
'The visitors included thirty mam.
bers of the Portland club as Well as
Alex McFarlane of Vancouver.
This opens what is to be Rotary
ior saieni. Sunday evening at
. :20 the Salem club will have charge
oi ine services in the Congregational
church. The members and thw
wives will meet at the Commercial
club rooms and proceed to the
church in a body.
Wednesday the members will be
the guests of the Cherry City Bakerr
at a banquet given by the manager
Roy W. Wise. There will be sing
ing ana speaking that will be worth
while. This will be an open session
to which Rotarians may Invite their
In. the manufacture of HOLSUM BREAD your interest ara
carefully protected, from the selection of the wheat from
which the flour is produced to the final delivery to your grocer.
This is the Home of
r 4
. . .i
- - ,
is your y ,. aljr V" V-V la Tovar
neat t5:. " -ffr-r
Food ... . Bread
MoPe '? : J r s.yji -More
of it. ' ' ff. of it.
- t Jm im - - ' I I- i i i ji
sum Br e ad
LARGE, LIGHT and AIRY. . Built especially, to insure the
same degree of cleanliness and ventilation that is f crand ia
your own kitchen.
Cherry City
tMRead tie Claisified Ads.
jFLOR de
The Cigar Supreme
At the price ruoRpr. MELBA is
better, higgler and more pleas'irKj"
than any nuld Havana cigarl
DirrixtnT nuews
Ask VOUT omW tar Mv rl ml mm
It your dealer earn supply yaw. writ ua.
Urjaat Jndapandenl Ogr factary la fha WbrVt
BB,lBa MaBaBaaannMiBai tHmmmmmimmHmmmmmmmmmmimmi&mmmKmmmmmm
" ' ' "" ' "" ' 1