The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 20, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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The Oregon Statesman
Issued Dally Except Monday by
216 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper
and also the local newp published herein.
R. J. Hendricks. .
Stephen A. Stone.
Ralph Glover. . .
Frank Jaskeskl. .
week, 60 cents a
month. For three
The care of your eyes
is our vocation in
Henry E. Morris
& Co.
Eyesight Specialists
305 State St.
Phone 239
. .Manager
. . .Managing Editor
.Manager Job Dept.
erred by carrier in Salem and suburbs, IS cents 4
by mall, $6 a year; $3 for six months; 60 cents a
months or more, paid in advance, at rate of $5 year.
(THE: PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will
be sent a year to any one paying a year In advance to the Dally
' Statesman.)
SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; 60 cents for six months; 26 cents for
three months I
U VTTWT V OTlTPariW U,n,1 In vn ilT.narii Mfttnni TllMdlTl and
Fridays, $1 a yeir (if not paid In advance, 1.26); 60 cents for six
months; 25 centsf for three months.
as a party. 1 ney goi inio me men
in 1861-65, but are getting out of it
a bit.
KinR Victor Emmanuel of Italy
announces that he will visit the Unit
ed States ttrls summer. If so, we
hope he will take the people of the
country Into his confidence and make
a diagram of the Fiume situation.
1 Business Office, 23.
j Circulation Department. 683.
f Job Department, 6S3.
Entered at the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
17. 1920.
Portland. Or., Feb
Editor Statesman:
Your quotation from the Los An
geles (Calif.) Times concerning the
two sets of triplets in the Living
stone family of Albany, Oregon,
which appeared in your Sunday is
sue on page four, was followed by
a very much needed comment. If
there was only one town in the Unit
ed States named Albany, then the
The greatest need of the United States right now is a President
.-"j a . a 1 1 " 1 t 1
wim a ievei neau; wun a souna mina in a sounu douj
An1 o rtnalnactt! a1rrir ict Tk t flf "VVft cli in crtvn
4 A V S. A VlVlt WW w M AAA V I . - w '
There has been a loss of some 20 per cent, from the high point omission of the name of the state in
of gold holdings reached durihg the war in the hands of our Fed- which that town was situated would
era! Reserve Systeni. 1 be justified; but since there are 18
The gold holdings are now down to less than $2,000,000 ; and, states in the union in which then
what is more, they are still going down. is a town of that name. It would
Where is the gold going? eem as if the omission of the state
It is going to China and Japan and the Central and South in Mch this particular Albany was
American countries whose rice and tea and copra and raw silk located was not purely accidental.
and beans and chocjolate and coffee ;and hides and many other ar- And thl3 remands me of an ex
ticles, raw and manufactured, we are buyingin larger value volume perlence that I had 40 years ago. In
than we are selling iour products of all kinds to them. doing some research work in connec-
Th .linlflnfP nf! fmrlA is nirainst no tion with Oregon history a reference
So far as those countries are concerned. was found to a dIary cf p- Ed
, The volume of ttetde in our dealings with Europe i tremendously wards, then on file In the state 11
in favor of ns but Europe can pay only promises. . She has nothing brary of California at Sacramento.
else with which to ttiake up the balance. Mr- awards. u win oe rememoerea.
This is an alarmine situation. came to Oregon in the fall of 1834
It needs brains !of an international order : men of erreat vision with Rer- Jafton Lee and was 'Itb
: And a chief executiv with mori than "sirmlp traek" miml aim almost four years at the Metbo-
There would be no dangerous breakers ahead, if we had men
or the right calibre on guard.
As it stands now, as we are drifting, and going around in cir
cles, and bickering nd quarreling, and playing peanut politics, and
selling away our birthright of leadership for a mess of pottage and
a bag, of peanuts, it Is a situation to wring the souls of men who
must stand and watjeh our proud Ship of State disgustingly drifting
in xne aoiarums.
Let us not be too hasty in our judgment. Possibly the thugs
who robbed the Monmouth bank were looking for money to invest'
iu oieia rcai eiate, n ih an awiui temptation.
..... ' S ' "
No doubt most readers of The Statesman noticed the communi-j
catiou in yesterday's Salem Slogan pages from C. Thiessen of Jeffer
son. A friend tells the writer that Mr. Thiessen is a man who is now
very well to do ; with a fine farm j. and that he paid for the farm with
money realized from the potatoes he raised and sold; and then some.
And Mr. Thiessen is not the only man in the Jefferson neighbor- I 9J22"1"
dist mission north of Salem, the site
of which is now owned by Alex La-
Follett. Very soon after the Oregon
Historical society was organized on
December 17, 1898. and the duty of
gathering source material for future
use devolred upon me,i wrote to the
librarian of the state library of Cali
fornia for a certified copy of the P.
L. Edwards diary, supposing that it
was still in manuscript form. In a
few days a printed copy of the diary
was recelTed, but to my great sur
prise it did not contain any reference
to his life in Oregon. Of course, it
is possible that he did not keep
diary while he was in Oregon; but
the presumption is very strong that
noou who na paid tor his land from the sales of his potatoes grown -7"
on the land. It takes work and patience and intelligence; but V n T.u Vl
there Is monev in nntfltnP. in i;.trLt.,i would naturally be regarded by
. j- t w ... ...... mtu, wan. jioi.i, Jiiuuvy. 1
The farmers ori the River Road, north of Salem, arc now or
ganized, in their effort to have the electric light and power lines
extended through tfieir district. They will do themselves and the
country and the city a great turn if they go ahead and carrv the
luaiier 10 a successiui conclusion.
one having the diary .keeping habit
as important as any portion of his
subsequent career.
These instances, together with oth
ers that might be mentioned, sug
gests the thought that from the
standpoint of the average newspaper
man of California very little happens
in the Pacific Northwest the origi-
v It has been established by officers' testimony before the House
committee investigaline war expenses that nnc nrivatji ina.ivm-ta.itiv
was awarded the distinguished service medal bestowed hv the board nal ';?re,g(m Country" that Is worth
ui oiucers on seven out 01 eight JMajor Generals in the army. It
thus was made clear why the other 1,999,999 fighting privates of
the hue were denied the decoration, but it is still a mysterv as to
,.U..i ..... ii ....11.. : .1 . ... .
niiai, ivan me iiiaiiey wuti me eighth .Major uencral.
Some building booni In Salem. Let
'er buck. j
Th sultan of Turkey now says
he tried to end thej war yes, by
fighting his darndest.
The public debt of Mexico fs giv
en as about $212,000000. It would
require the payment of a lot of ran
soms to settle that.
There should be no trouble In mak
ing both ends meet j in the Arctic
regions. We have seen no advance
in the price of blubber.
King George says he ts In favor
of the regulation of the liquor traf
tic. It always has been regulated In
a way in England. The recommend
ation may mean much! or little.
What do you know about bees?
Ever get stung? Tell The States
man all you know about the indus
try1, for the Salem ' slogan Issue of
next Thursday. f
day. Memorial Day and Independence
Day fall on Sunday this year. Ain't
it tough?
mentioning, apparently forgetting
that the influence of Oregonians in
California and in congress was a
powerful factor in causing it to be
admitted to the Union as a state on
September 9, 1850.
George IL.Himes.
Curator and Asst. Secretary of
the Oregon Historical Society.
have seen employed and through
which a successful physician had
treated more than three (300) hun
dred cases without a death, is as fol
lows: Orange Juice: Cut an orange in
half and extract the juice, mix this
juice with a glass of cold water and
drink. Repeat every two or three
Internal Bath: Take a quart of
warm water, add a teaspoonful of
salt, allow it to dissolve, then use it
as an enema. If chills begin take
an enema, morning, noon and night,
and once a day thereafter.
Capsicum: Capsicum is ordinary
red pepper. Take one grain every
two hours during the chill stags.
Hot Foot Bath: During the early
stage, the patient sat on the bed
well covered with blankets, and the
feet soaked in hot mustard water for
five minutes at a time, several times
a day.
For Acidity: In some cases the
condition of the system was found
to be very acid. In these cases one
half a teaspoonful of Bicarbonate
01 boda (plain baking soda) vat.
added to four (4) ounces of water.
this used as an enema, but was re
tained instead of passed off.
Fain: In case there was severe
pain; especially over the back, hot
compresses were used if patient lived
in the country. If in the city clotTis
were wrung out of hot water, placed
over the area of pain and an electric
pad placed over the cloths and tept
on until' relief was obtained, then
sponged with cool water and covered
welt with blankets. (Very hot water
bottle may be used In place of elec
trio pad).
Abnormal Temperature: When
the temperature reached 103 or more
a tepid bath, followed by a rub, was
given. ,
Pnenmonia: The great fear of all
has been pneumonia, yet where this
very simple treatment was followed
there was not a single death.
Chop or grate onions very fine,
mix with less than an equal part of
rye flour and make into a poultice
Apply over the chest in form of pout
tice and over this an electric pad
A simple treatment but wholly effi
Cough: In cases where the sys
tem is sub-acid, a mixture of equal
parts of lemon juice and honey, well
mixed. A teaspoonful every hour or
two proves successful.
When the system is super-acid
equal parts of orange juice and hon
ey well mixed. A teaspoonful every
hour or two will bring similar re
Diet: With the very 'first symp
toms of the disease all solid foods
should be absolutely prohibited and
the diet limited to fruit juices, and
nothing but fruit juices.
As the temperature lowers, broths
may be given; 'these may be of meat
oatmeal, wheat, whole rice. etc.. but
no solid food until the system has
reached a normal temperature, then
the patient may be gradually started
with semi-solid food.
The above may be termed a drug
less treatment but it is certainly
safe, sane and sensible one. More
over, it Is one through which not
single patient has been lost. Yours
very truly,
Portland Health Chautauqua
Portland Health Chautauqua meets
every Monday evening. Selling
Hlrsch Hall. West Park and Wash
ington streets. You are cordially I if
vited to become a member of this
graft. But how they have boosted
he price of whitewash.
S 'm S
This is the day when the school'
children write the essays.
Hops Marion or Polk county may
have a winner in the e?ay contest
o go to Washington.
Now it is boosted up to 1 150.000.
That is what the new Salem hospi
tal building is to cost. It will be
an ornament to Salem, and it will
fill a place that is now sadly vacant
in the needs of this section.
Shall we trythoye titled Germans
n a Job lot or von at a time?
S -U
That Salem building boom is fully
on the way. and growing with cumu
lative strength.
They're rock In k the financial boat
in Europe.
Americanism ought not to be
debatable question.
Uncle Tom's Cabin has been pic-
turlzed. Thus the. world do movie.
it isn t necessary to wear rflk
shirts in order to feel the pressure
of the high cost of living. But where
some people manage to get the snirts
is as much of an enigma as that oth
er question, where do they all get
their automobiles?
With the increased price of cigars
there is not so much miscellaneous'
giving away of the weed. Queer,
too, it is about the only form of in
creased expenditure in which the av
erage man has so far in this reign
of high prices shown good horse
Sundays, the
could boast of
Thus persons
February has five
first time the month,
so many since 1880.
under 40 years of age have not teen
a February with five Sundays, and
persons under 68 have seen but one.
Another thing, Washington's birth-
Didn t know there was so much
money in potatoes, did you? And
there is still more money in the In
dustry, if all our farmers will raise
spuds witb a college education. And
they can do it and top the markets
of the United States.
We are expecting almost anythjng
at the hands of the Democratic par
ty In the presidential ticket, but we
shall be surprised if a soldier is se
lected. The Democrats were never
very strong on the soldier business
j The Car of No RrsrH
Wl!l be on exhibition at Ibo 1'orlUml .U Wiow.
Don't fall to nee it
were trl,W, to ecar floor space at the Salem auto nhow and
inne your special attention to our Portland exhibit
Distributors for Marion and Polk ninnti..
(The following circular has been
sent to The Statesman by H. A.
Stockdale, 412 Panama building,
Portland, for the publicity commit
tee of the Portland Health Chautau
qua. The Statesman passes it along
for what it is worth:)
"Flu" Treatment. This treatment
is indorsed by the Portland Healtfc
It is a well known fact that fear
is the forerunner of many diseases.
The recent publicity given the "flu"
without at the same time submitting
sufficient preventives or a treatment
of the disease, has developed in a
great many minds a state of fear
not conducive to good
move the veil of mystery
n be no fear. The "flu"
n overaccumulation of
atter in the body. The
JEXT herein described will
eliminate this waste very quickly and
Bureau of Human Welfare, "Bev
erly Hall." Quakertown, Pa., says In
"Reconstruction" that, one of the
most successful treatments that we
Be Careful What Yon
Wash Your Hair With
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain too much alkali, which Is
very injurious, as it dries the scalp
and makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use is Mulsltled
cocoanut oil shampoo, for this Is
pure and entirely greaseless. It's
very cheap and beats anything else
an to pieces. You can get this at
any drug store, and a few ounces
will last the whole family for months
Simply moisten the hair with wa
ter and rub it in, about a teaspoon
ful is all that is required. It makes
an abundance of rich,' creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
venly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to
handle. Besides, it loosens and takes
out every particle of dust, dirt and
Mrs. Lydia M. Baker Dies at
McMinnville After Few
Days Illness
Word was received in Salem yes
terday of the death of Mrs. Lydia M.
Maker, wife of Harley O. Baker, of
Goldendale, Wash., which occurred
Wednesday in McMinnville. She was
53 years old. She was a neice of
George P. Litchfield of this city, and
a daughter of G. C. Litchfield of
Portland. With these she is sur
vived by her husband, who wu for
merly a well known resident of Sa
lem, and by one son, Gilbert Baker,
of Goldendale.
The funeral services will be held
today at 11 a. m. from the L. P.
Lerch parlors in Portland with burial
in the Mt. Scott cemetery.
Take Without Fear a Told
"Bayer Packages,"
which ia
health. lie
ana wiere ca
is due to
waste iin
February H, It and 10 Salem Auto
mobile show.
February 19. Thumday Children' eu
entc tet at Commercial club.
February i2, Sunday Washington's
February 22. Kunday French enrrrn
mnt award, through American
ftion, memorial certificate to rela
tive of poldtera who lt lives In war
February iJ. Monday Federal inspec
tion of Company M. National Guard
of Oreeon.
February 25. Wednesday Itijrh school
alumn. meet for organization
February IS. Wednesday Cherr City
bakery to entertain RutarUm at
banquet. - ,
September U to October 3 Oregon
State fair.
Auto show extended.
V m
Auto show closes Saturday night.
The Salem auto show in pro
nounced by all a great success.
Cummins says 92 investigations
have shown no scandal, fraud or
To break up a cold in the head,
neck. back, or any part of body be
sure you take only "Bayer Tablets
of Aspirin" with the safetly "Bayer
Cross" on them. This is the genuine
Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
over 18 years.
In each unbroken "Bayer" pack
age are proper directions to safely
relieve your Colds, Headache, Neu
ralgia. Earache. Toothache. Rheuma
tism. Sciatica. Lumbago. Neuritis and
Pains generally.
Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab
lent cost only a few cents at any drug
store also larger Bayer packages.
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoceticacidester
of Sallclylcacld.
kkk and flips
The newest up-to-date styles and leathers, with Louis or MilL
tary Heels $6.85, $7.00 to $7.85
Women's Drown or Mark Kid
I .are Shoe, LouU Heels $7.83
Women's Drown Calf, Lace
Shu', Cloth Top to match f3J
Women's ;rey Kid, Iice Shoe,
.Military Heel fT
Children's K Z Kknffem, sixes
8?s to 2, Talent with White
Top 91.98
.141 North Commercial Street
Ton do better here for less
To keep ones faculties bright and alert is to remain young.
To maintain a buoyant spirit is 'another foe to age but
who can be at his best with bad vision?
Most of life's interest centers in the eyes most pleasures
come from exercising the eyes. '
Dimness Of Vision
means a clouding over of the brightness of life age creeps
quickly then.
Enthusiasm, optimism and all the youthful qualities that
accomplish things, fly before the chilling influence of indis
tinct vision.
Eyesight Unspoilt
means that the latter half of life is like a second and richer
youth. The faculties, matured by experience, are brought t
perfection, and the individual achieves the utmost that is in
him. i
Keep your sight unspoilt,' and of all things possible you
will have done the one most certain to contribute.
Modern Sight Testing x conducted under ideal conditions
with the aid of every proved facility that science has yet de
vised. But the important thing is that every caller gets the
benefit of our unique experience, coupled with separate in
vestigations and consideration.
Eyesight Specialist
Fits Eyeglasses Correctly
210-211 U. S. National Bank BoUdin
It Will Continue Until Saturday Night
Among the Autos Saturday Night
$1.00 Admission
Ladies 25c