i 4 TIIE OHEQO STATESMAN t FllIDAT, FEBRUARY? 20, 102O. 3' By RUTH UCXORE FISHER B iUAUhB oti m much illness Among the rsmilies or the social net ulmost alii of the parties and social affairs have been cancelled, many women who have planned par tie have decided to sire them later either because she; herself or most of her guests have been stricken with the influenza. ?! V . :j! : Mr.- and Mrs. Robert Crals ara home after, a several months tour and sojournin in California. They spent a time In Los Angeles, San Francisco, Marysville, Del Monte. Look Ueach and other southern cities i IT. G. Shipley will entertain iliary or the of the St. Paul's church this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at her home for the regular meeting of the society. " Mts. V. C. Knighton or Portland it) , . - A business van who has Just com to Oregon to sake ihia heme says: "Only In a fe see tlona eoald boalnai ba da vale pad to ba pre sent tag and still have so many or tba poe elMllitlas ontoocbad. My lsipra salon of Ora gon la first, that rou have a soaderful eoontry; t aacood, . that you have done wonderful .things ,. .with It; and third, that you can do still more 'awaderfal things, Oregon baa aadet rapid atrldaa In tba paat fa ' yaarai ad tba poaatbllltlaa for tba future era . almost llaltlaaa'. But It 'bataoovee avery loy- al. cljtlsen "to cat behind Oregon Industries and i ml ' j BUT bteOOf PR0D0CT3 ILbjb' It r Assoc Industries of Oragon Jl spent Tuesday in Salpm with htr i.ioilitr. Mrs. K. K. Waters. The many friend or Mrs. U. O. MnJt who were shacked to hrnr of ber serious operation last SaiuM--. . ii.. .Salem hospital will be lad to learn that le in a little b-uri. Mr. and Mr. O. B. Durdall were in Port land Wednesday to spend the day. Motorln 'down with them were their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Durdall of Suramin, who have been spending the week with them. Jt & Friends or Mrs. Fred Ellis will be sorry to learn that she Is ill at her home with intlnenza. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimball who have been living at their country home in Polk countv will be interested to learn that they have recently purchased 'the O. 1. Durdall home at Chemeketa and Summer streets and will soon occupy it. Mr. and Mrs. Durdall will leave the first of April for Newport to re main until early autumn.' ; - iv There is a Y.W.C.A. in Jerusalem under the direction of an American woman though the work is adminis tered under the World's Committee of the Y.W.C.A., which has head quarters in London. During the war a fund called the "Syrian and Pales tine Relief Fund" made possible vrork In this remote region. Later on the activity waa taken under the. American Red Cross and adminis tered as a part of thier world-wide relief during the war. Very lately the Red Cross -withdrew from Jeru salem and the Y.W.C.A. was urged to carry on the work. Miss Grace O. Strang of Pasadena, Cal., a Red Cross worker, -was released to carry on this Y.YV.CA. work. Cecil Tv Shafer. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Shafer of 126C Siate street has returned home after serving hid time in the United' States navy, com ing from Charleatown ,S. C. where he received his honorable discharge. During the war be visited many coun tries and bad some exciting experiences. GIRLS! A MASS OF WAVY, GLEAMY BEAUTIFUL HAIR Let "Danderine" save and .glorify your hair Henry Anderson Passes , After Prolonged Sickness SILVERTOK. Or., Feb. 19. (Spe cial to The Statesman.) Henry An derson, son of Mrs. Christian Ander son. 'died at his home in Evans Val ley Monday, Mr. Anderson had been 111 ror over a vear. He was 20 rear f v 7 m ' . 4 ii V " ' TRADE t' MARS. f AIDS TO i HEALTH i AND -BEAUTY An important l v part of every child's education should - ht deanliness Ami keeping the throat and mouth and nostrils clean is even more important than seeing that the surface dirt on face and - h&nd is removed. 1 Children and some adults, " too should be taught to brush their teeth correctly-7--from the "gums upward and from the -gums downward, not across the teeth. VThen they should use a reliable astringent mouth wash and gargle. "When you use a 4 riBAOBnaas Chlorozin you use a zinc chloride anti : septic m ou th wash astrin gent, healing and deodorant -useful for pyorrhea, catarrh, tonsilitis, sore throat and as a preventive for contagion. GUARANTEE thtt fuarantt apfttr$ on tvry ' PVROLA patJcag: Th Btnmausr . frank LaboratorUa and (A druf- fit waa told yo (AM prtparatton fvarantet it to fir taliMfaetion. If J it tkomld not. rater it to the druo wit from vlom it wu mrrcaaatrf. Hr trill cketrfuUy refund tht prieo You patd for it. PVROLA Prtfmn tin mutt MtMy. AT ALL DRUG STORES Prepared and Csaraateed By Um E LU&tAUER-FRANK LABORATORIES Ilk! tit! 1-'t - ; is ifc.Sl.iaJ J 1i Wn,r.il 1 s f ,- tlNCCMlOH0C AMTlST L m (mr umm 7 r mm" I .... MM..'4' ' 4I.W', HH .....I t k I. M.Mrt. """ '" . I Bl umauer- Fran 1 In a few moments you can trans form your plain, flat, dull hair. You can have it abundant, soft, glossy and full of life. Just get at any drug or toilet counter a small bottle of "Danderine" for a. few cents. Then moisten a soft cloth, with the Dan derine and draw this through your hair taking- one small' strand at 'a time. Instantly, yes, immediately you have doubled the beautyjf, your nair. It will be a masa- so soft,, lus trous,' Huffy and 'so easy to do up. All dust, dirt and excessive oil is re moved.' Let Danderine put more life, color. vigor and brightness in. your hair This stimulating tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and fall ing hair, and help your hair to grow long, thick,: strong and beautiful. old: Funeral services were held from tLe St. Johns church Wednes day afternoon and interment was In the Evans Valley cemetery. . AUTHOR SLATED FOR SALEM TALK Dr. Frank Bohll Attraction .atlcirBbd the stairs to ray motber-ln law s room. I felt that I would a million times rather be "too easy" thin to have caused the snffertnr Cousin Agatha had Inflicted In the last bouc. I had no hope that I bad beard the last of the encounter. I was morally sure thai Consin Agatha vras only awaiting the earliest opportun ity to demand reprisal for the Insult ing words that Katie, maddened by ber unjust accusation, bad flung at her. Hut I was firmly resolved that fhe would have to make her own op portunity to speak. I would leave her no opening' that I could possibly keep closed. I went into my own room and shut the door softly, looking around with discouraged eyes. In trying to get Armory on March 11 ,War Work ToId Dr. Frank Bobn. the' well 'known author, publicist and lecturer, will appear in Salem on the evening of March 11 at the armory. This announcement Is good news to the public for they will be given the rare privilege of hearing one of he best known lecturers on the plat form today. Dr. Conn was In Europe before he war as a representative of the New York Evening Post. He had an opportunity to study conditions then. During the war he acted as war correspondent for the New A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Itonuinre of 'Married Life Wonderfully ToM by ADEI.K U.lltltlSO.V I CHAPTER DXXIII ! WHY MADGE DETERMINED TO CIIAMIMON KATIE'S CAUSE. I. bad hard work to draw my face down in proper disapproval when Ka tie tearfully told me the retort sha had made to Consin Agatha, the un eipected suert who had come to our home with i.y mother-in-law, and who had brutally quizzed Katie con cerning the girl's secret, accusing her of deceiving me. Kat'.e had called the woman "vun old liar" and had fled to me In a perfect; paroxysm of tears and sobs and demands for Jim. her husband, our man of all work, of whose exist ence. Cousin Agatha evidently did not know. "Don't you see bow hard those speeches of yours ms.ke It ror me. Katie?" I asked . reproachfully, al though secretly I gloried in the girl's grit in thus facing her tormentor. "I could defend you. If you bad simp ly walked out of the room without answering her. Out now she also has a grievance. "I no care." Katie's tone waa sul len. "I tink you say same ting your self if strange vomans you never saw before talk like dot to you." "Well, it can't be helped or un said now." I said briskly,- "but I want you to do as I tell you. Will you?" "I not go ask her forgive me If I never see youagaln." Katia uttered the words as though the worst punishment she could receive would be banishment from me. "I don't wish you to go near her,' I said. "I want you to stay right here, and finish the dinner. You may lock- the door if you wish, so you'll be sure no one will disturb you." "Do I have to wait on table?" she inquired. Her hands were trembling pitifully. "Not If yon don't feel like It," I answered, and then 1 stooped and kissed my woe-begone little maid with a feeling of hot Indignation in my heart against the woman who had caused such needless suffering. She clnng to me convulsively. "Oh. If only all de vlmmen In vorld vere like you. Missis Graham." she breathed gratefully, and foolishly ex travagant words went with me as I You've made a long step toward food economy when you begin to terve Del Mont Beans with Fork and Tomato Sauce. ' Try them as a substitute for ex pensive meats and eggs. They're more nutritious just: as appetiz ing and satisfying yet they cost much less. You'll find this one food econo my over which the family, will en thuse. CALIFORNIA PACKING CORPORATION and locked them, had the bed taken down and for' two nights had slept on an army cot. a comfortable enough bed. bnt one which 1 knew I could never offer to Cousin Agatha. Onlv One Thine My motber-in-law had announced uton the unexpected arrival of the two women that each must have a S separate room. There were only two habitable bedrooms now in the houae. Dicky's and his mother's. But the impulse that came to me to ask mother's cousin and let me make up-lSljnxre SJltt rOlXOBea 'J3l00a XI0 a temporary bed for him on the I r n-w,i. Thnm TJTbn couch in the library died almost be-. Longer TerrOrtie THOSft. WHO fore it was born. I recalled: previous J Know of "Number 40" the war he 'continued to stndy econ- everything possible done before the nn-,i .Mii,i. actual moving day for I detest hav- vsua, niiu yuinivai wuuiikivii Imagined was all ready for moving There. was work, for me, scarves and draperies and toitet articles to take . from the places where I had packed them and to put back. Into the room that it might be habitable for a guest. I had just risen with a sigh and had opened my door preparatory to summoning Jim, when 1 came face to face with Cousin Agatha, who had co tie from my mother-lo-lawa room. (To be contlaned 40 SUCCESSFUL YEARS behavior when I asked him to share any inconvenience with me. I would n't risk a similar rebuff now. Wj nerves were in too raw a state to wish any further unpleasantness. There was only one thing to be This is the record of the famous old preecription known as "Number 40 For the Blood." Successfully employed in diseases of the glandu lar system, in blood poison, mercur ial and lead poison, chronic rhen- mat'Etn. catarrh, constipation. Inli ne sou uuuucdi cunmiiuns. , i , .... - , - i . , - , - , , - - . . No one knows better than Dr I ,ng w,ldly confusing time at the I recently taken down, lay the rug he hn the nroblems of reconstruction ,a8t mlntil. if it possibly can be! had taken np. had beaten, .had done. I must call Jim and Instruct J KeMion. stomach trouble, malaria. mm to pui up me ne oaa qui itohn the problems of reconstruction which Europe now faces . He will speak here on the work of rebuild ing Europe. He is a trained observ er, an internationalist in spirit and a courageous exponent ot the truth No one who is interes;od in pres ent day problems should fe:l to hear this Treat lecturer when aa appears in this city Following Dr. Bohn, on March 13. the Rlcketta Glee club, a male quar tet from Chicago, will give a grand concert in the Opera bouse avoided I had dismantled my room. even to taking up the rug and tying up the furniture. I bad packed the drawers of my chiffonier and dresser cleaned thoroughly and had rolled up. and bring back to Its accus tomed order the room I had fondly imagined waa already for moving toxlo poisoning, hepatic congestions. scrofulous enlargements,- sores, ul cers, mereurial and lead poisoning. "Number 40" is made by J.-C. Men denball. 40 years a druggist, Evans vllle, Ind. Sold by Perry Drugstore. ALDRICH GIVES INSPIRING TALK Boys of Hi Y Enjoy Good Feed and Talk on Habits at Regular Meeting - i Rev. H. N. Aid rich of the Leslie M. E. church gave an interesting and forceiul talk to the mmbers of the Hi Y club at their weekly meetln at the Y. M. C. A.- yesterday evening. The III Y club Is a local organiza tion of the boys of the Salem high school that meets at the Y. M. C..A every Thursday evenins to njoy:a banjuet prepared for them by the voung women or the high school. The main object or the club Is to pro mote good -fellowship and advance fhe mot ale of the younger 'men of the city. At present the attendance teeord of the meetings averages be tween 35 and 50 members. Last night Rev. Aldrich spoke on "How Habits or Youth Form Des tiny." The nbject, which was well received, dealt with the manner In which well-cultivated habits form the foundation for a real ' man 'of successful ability. There are two Bible classes held at the meetings, in charge of Harold Eakln and Raymond Atterbury. Secretary James Elvin Is In charge of the meetings, assisted by Mr, Lakin and Mr. Atterbury. This or ganization is one of the best organ ized and successfully conducted clubs of its kind in the state of Oregon. The delicious repast that delighted all present and satisfied their region al cavity was prepared by Salem high school girls, the Misses Margaret Griffith. Leatha Wilson. Dorothy Patterson. Janet Meredith and Nel lie Rowland. ' Looks as if Pancho Villa Is pre paring to play off a number of doa Big on S 21 HIGH CLASS F u n n i t u re A u cti From Three Salem Homes a t u r d ay , Feb ru a ry 1:30, P. :M. Sharp Held at Woodry's Auction House 270 North Commercial Street, Salem Oregon Consisting of 1 new atijfer rug, 9x12; 2 Brussels rugs, 9x12; 1 axminster rusr, 9x12; 1 fibre rug, 7x9; 4 oak drpwM'rsc pJate mirrors; 1 oak dresser, Princess design; 2 oak chiffoniers, plate mirror; 3 oak li brary iylfV; 1 oak Hoosier kitchen cabinet; 1 oak Mother H tabard kitchen cabinet, granite top; 3 oak exMilion tables, ronnd; 18 oak diners; 8 oak rockers, sbinV upholstered in leather; 1 oak Morris chair; 2 oak buffets, plate mirrors; 1 oak fcideboard, plate mirror; 1 sanitary couch; 3 good heaters; 3 good ranges; 8 beds, springs and mattresses; 2 gas ranges; 1 high chair; 2 lawn mowers and many other articles which space will not permit to advertise. Public Attention ' 4 1 will ask you to be at this sale at 1:30 p. m. sharp for I will open sale right on the minute of 1 :30, and will sell all the high class furniture at first part of wile, if you let your neighbors go home with the bargains without receiving your share, you have no one to blame but j'ourself. Now I wish to impress upon your minds that the largest and finest assortment of furniture ever offered for sale at public auction will be in this sale. . Terms Caih A cash prize of $3.00 to the person holding the lucky numbers. between 12:30 and 1:30 p. m. Numbers given as you enter store' F. -N. WOODRY The Auctioneer, Phone 5 1 0 or 51 1 I bay Furniture for Cash or will sell for yon. on Commission PRIVATE SALES DAILY ble headers. r t-va f