The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Y Salem is the Market and Manufacturing Center of a Great Potato Industry
Which Ought to Be Several Times as Large
Yefr; More Than a Million Dollar Article; It Would Be
Worth Millions If All of Our Farmers Would Read It and
Profit by the Advice Which It Contains Five Rules That
Are Essential for the Best Results
t .
Editor Statesman:
Yqur request for the potato article
came just as I was leaving the cot-;
lege tor an eastern Oregon trip. I
am writing this from Pendleton and
attach article, which I trust will
reach you In time. '
I am very grateful to yon for this
opportunity to make this wider pre
sentation of this matter, and should
you have other crop topics, such as
beans, sunflower silage, corn, grain
grades and similar subjects, I shall
be glad to render any assistance that
I can.
Geo It. Ilyslop,
Frof. of Farm Cops.
(Following Is the article of Prof.
Ilyslop and the waiter believes that
If It i could be placed in the hands
of every Oregon farmer, and If every
Oregon farmer would follow Its
precepts to the letter, It would be
this state:) !
Why Is the average yield of Ore
gon potatoes only a little ove 100
bushels an acre?
Why do so many people object to
the potatoes grown; In the state?
iWby Is it hard to get good seed
potatoes in many districts?
- These are live questions in Marion
county and in the Willamette valley,
and there Is a solution for them.
The low yields are due to two
things: (1) poor! stands; (2) low
yields from the hill because of poor
"lant potatoes in rows 3 feet
apart and Hi feetj apart In the row
and it makes a stajnd of nearly 11,
000 plants an acre. On this basis
hills weighing the mounts given be
low will yield the . Return in the right
hand column: , I;
. Weight of Hill. Yield an Acre
"V .! lO.&oxt 120bu
t 1 pouid 178 bu ,
k 3 pouid 634 bu
I - - 5 pouid 890 bu
Remarks: Better than our 4-year
average. 116:19. j
la other words two potatoes of
small market size Js the average hill
if we get a stand. ( Two good market
potatoes or one pound give us what
we consider a goo4 crop. Three lbs.
per hill represent i bumper crop, yet
the writer has seein 15 pound hills,
Do our potato hills actually aver
age 1 0.9 ounces? I think they do
a little better than that, but there
are not 11,000 plants an acre or a
full stand. !
Why is there oly from 50 to 85
percent of a standi in so many fields?
There are seveiral reasons. ( 1 )
Too small a seed piece; (2) diseased
seed: (3) poorly prepared seea Dea;
(4) improper planting, especially
with the "picker"! types of planters
when not property adjusted ana
watched: 1(5) careless cultivation.
' The small Beed piece is often with
out an eye or at lpast a good strong
eye, and so falls jto make a strong
plant Often the small pieces dry
nntund do not sprout at all. s
pieces for average' soil should. weigh
1 to 2 ounces fuid carry at least
two eyes. , l
The blossom or seed end piece
'. should not be split, but should be
cut off from the j potato so It will
weigh 1 Vi to 2 ounces and be planted
tion and so builds up disease-free
stock, true to name.
When this is done we will get
better stands and yields.
People will like our potatoes bet
ter for table stock.
We will be able to find food seed
The Oregon Agricultural college
mill gladly undertake to Inspect from
100 to 2.o potato fields in Marion
county, and other counties, (his
year, even though the field may be
only half an m-re. This is in order
that there may be a start at last
her cr.p.
increase our
for Oregon growers..
e will be able to sell genuine of good seed for anot
and disease free seed to Washington. Certified Feed wilt
Mihn anI PgllfAni VIIVT fP
THEM IS PRODUCING 'knOUGH lyild8' and ,,ut ou I'otatovs in the
FOR THEIR OWN NEEDS, and don't market at a premium.
seem to be able to do so. I Geo. R. Ilyslop.
The Valentine Gift Supreme
A Box of Spa Chocolates
A large assortment of Red Heart
Shaped boxes, filled with an excel
lent selection off our best choco
lates will fittingly express the sen
timent of the day!. .
Ice Cream
North Liberty Street
with the rest uf the pieces. This un
split blossom end piece is the best
piece, and especial mention is made
of this since nealy every one splits
it and damages it.
Some even cut off this end and
discard it.
The Oregon Experiment station at
CorvalliB believe, as the result of ex
pertinents, that it is the highest
yielding piece of the potato for seed
Diseased seed results in the early
death of many plants and even in
a complete failure to sprout. This
makes many a thin stand.
A cloddy, dry seed bed means
poor .sprouting and a poor, uneven
Planting Is responsible for many
poor stands,
Many growers get better stands
with the "two-man or "pocket"
type of planter than they do with
the "one-man" or "picker" planters.
This is probably due to letting the
points get dull or short or clogged,
and to uneven seed, but nevertheless
it results, in ' rather frequent poor
Some plants are cultivated out and
as a result of the above losses, as
well as gopher and other rodent
damage, many a field arrives at har
vest time with less than 70 per cent
of a stand and consequently a poor
Why the low yields per hill?
Principally because of poor seed
stock and disease. Too many people
have sold away their market size
stock and have fooled themselves
into thinking that little potatoes
sorted out of the good ones are seed.
WJien we want to develop a fine
breed of hogs, de we sort out all the
runts and off-types and scrubs and
keep them for foundation stock?
On you life, we do not.
We keep" the ones we want the
stock to be like. Therefore if we
want, potatoes that are big enough
to sell, we will have to plant some
of that kind after they are cut to the
.right size.
Aitother reason for low hill yields
is disease in the seed stock. Black
leg.'rhizoctonla. curly dwarf, mosaic
and wilt all take their toll and re
suit in unproductive plants.
Last year the Oregon Agricultural
college, co-operating with the United
States department of agriculture, se
cured a lot of rthe best recognized
seed lots ofthe state and planted
them under comparable conditions
at the Station at Corvalli.
The yields varied from 17 to 2SS
bushels an acre. Some difference,
and largely determined by good and
poor seed stock.
Seed Inflection.
To meet this situation the colleRO
proposes to inspect and certify fields
pure enough and free enough from
disease to make good seed.
The plan is as follows:
Persons desiring this work done
will, make application to the College
for the field inspections. The col
lege expert will examine the fields
and point out mixtures and diseased
plants to the grower. If the field is
good enough he will recommend to
the grower that diseased plants be
removed before the diseases spread
to other plants or get too well estab
lished in the soli.
What does a poultryman do with
a mck chicken?
Usually chops off Its head, and
dispose of it so the jest will not con
tract the disease.
What does the potato grower usu
ally do in a similar situation? He,
at range to say, usually lets the dis
ease spread and multiply.
Later inspections are completed,
and if the diseases and mixtures are
rogued out sufficiently and the field
Is nearly enough disease free, a bin
inspection is made and. if satisfac
tory, the seed Is CERTIFIED TO BE
EASE. It may be necessary to charge a
light fee to cover part of the ex
penses of this work, but the college
hopes the financial situation will be
relieved so the service can be ren
dered without asking growers to
pay anything, for it.
By following out this plan the far
mer gets acquainted with the dis
eases and their control and eradica-
There Must Be Rotation, Seed Selection, Seed Disinfection,
Spraying and Proper Storage Conditions, in Order to In
sure the Best Results
Three Varieties Are Mentioned as Doing Well Here in the
Vtolamette Valley The Market prefers the j White Po
tato, However
M. B. McKay, assistant plant path
ologist, is the outhor of Extension
Bulletin 186 of the Oregon Agricul
tural college, on "Control of Potato
Diseases in Oregon." This bulletin
is too long to copy here; but the fol
lowing are some of its high lights:
"Potato growing is an Important
industry of Oregon and is generally
a profitable one.
"This comparatively rapid increase
in the number of diseases affecting
potatoes is due in part to the contin
uous culture of potatoes on the same
land for a period of several years-
"It is fortunate that practically all
the diseases attacking the potato can
be successfully controlled by com
paratively simple and inexpensive
"It should be borne in mind that
control of these diseases depends en
tirely on pervention and on cure.
"There are five important factors
to be considered in the prevention
and control of potato diseases; name
ly, rotation, seed selection, seed dis
infection, spraying, and improvement
of storage conditions.
"Rotation. Inasmuch as a num
ber of the organisms which cause
disease of the potato live for part
of the time in the old tops and other
refuse left in the soil after harvest,
the practice of rotation is impera
tive where these diseases are pres
ent and a disease-free product is
desired. Not all fields grown con
tinuously in potatoes for several
years develop disease to a serious ex
tent, because the seed used may have
been free from disease, but such cas
es are very rare. In every section of
the United States, and of the world,
in ' fact, " where potatoes have been
grown continuously or very fre
quently on the same pieces of ground
over a considerable area of several
years, the result has always been the
same; namely that the diease be
came so severe that profitable yields
could no longer be secured and large
acreages had to be abandoned for
potato culture. As concrete exam
ples of this, we may mention the San
Joaquin valley of California and the
Greeley district of Colorado.
"It is known that some of the or
ganisms producing disease in pota
toes remain alive in the soli for at
least three years, even though no
potatoes are grown on the land dur
ing that time. Consequently it. be
comes necessary to practice longer
rotations than this In order that the
organisms may die out of the soil
before potatoes are again planted on
Buch land. It is therefore best that
potatoes be not grown on the same
land oftener that once every four or
five years, the ground In the mean
time being planted to other crops not
affected by the potato parasites.
"Seed selection. Seed selection
should be practiced for three pur
poses: namely, increase in yield.
greater uniformity in size and shape
of tubers, and greater freedom form
"Seed disinfection. Duo to the
fact that a number of skin diseases,
such as scab, Rhizoctonla or black
scurf., etc., are so often present on
thef potatoes' in this state, it is de
sirable that all potatoes, whether
they show evidences of diseases or
not, be treated by a disinfecting so
lution before they axe planted.
"Spraying. In order to control
certain of the leaf diseases such as
late blight or early" blight, spraying
of the potato plant must fre
quently be resorted to.
"Storage condifTotaar-XThe cir
cular of Professor McKay on this
subject is printed in full In this. issue.,
(By Jesse Huber.)
Growing early potatoes is profit
able. Special conditions of soil and
in ana cement of the crop are neces
sary if the most satisfactory results
are to be obtained in the vicinity of
The first requirement In produc
ing a crop of early potatoes is sandy
soil with a southern exposure. Clay
loam or soil having a northen slope
will retard the early maturity of the
crop. The temperature in western
Oregon rules rather low during the
months of spring. Every condition
that wiil hasten the growth of the
young potato plants should be met as
far as possible.
The soil should have been thor
oughly enriched at least one year In
aavance Dy scattering ten or a dozen
loads of barnyard litter on each acre
of the ground. Should this not be
available, the commercial fertilizer.
composed of equal parts of nitrate of
soda, rock phosphate and muriate of
potash may be applied at the rate of
400 pounds to the acre. This can be
applied broadcast over the field and
worked into the soil by tillage. It
may not always be found profitable
to use expensive commercial fetilizer
in order to increase the yield of po
The ground should be plowed in
the fall and left lie in the rough.
As early in the spring as the soil
can be turned it should be plowed
again, worked down fine and the po
tatoes planted.
Cut furrows 30 inches apart with
a plow running six inches deep. Drop
a piece of fceed potato, having two
or three eyes, about 18 or 20 inches
in each row and cover, afterward
leveling the ground over the entire
tract. Cultivate every two weeks or
after each rain.
I have found the Early Rose a
strong grower and a good ylelder.
But it is a pink potato and must be
marketed before any of the white
varieties are offered. The Beauty
of Hebron is alto an excellent early
potato and, while not quite so pink
in color as the Early Rose, it is dis
criminated against by buyers in favor
of the white potato.
A potato that is white and at the
same time early Is the most profit
able kind to grow.
I have gotten most satisfactory
results with the Earliest of All. This
is a white potato, slirhtly oblong, of
medium size and of good quality.
It planted on warm soil it matures
very early and may be marketed in
advance of the Early Rose.
He Has Been Raising Potatoes for the Market About Twenty
Years, and He Gives Statesman Readers the Benefit of
His Methods, Which Have Proved Successful
But He Says Our Farmers Must Select Pure Seed, Cultivate
Thoroughly, Grade Carefully, and Pack Attractively, in
Order to Get Best Prices
j "Whose Slogan Is:
Dry Goods Lilies' Ready-To-
; Wear LaldicV Shoes
! 466-474 State Street
Following are, the revised potato
grades recommended by the Depart
ment of Agriculture and the United
States Food Administration, effect
ive Feb. 10. 1919:
"U. S.-Grade No. 1. This grade
shall consist of sound potatoes of
similar varietal characteristics,
which are practically free (a) from
dirt or other foreign matter, frost in
jury sunburn, second growth, growth
cracks, cuts scab, blight, soft rot.
dry rot. and damage caused by dis
ease, insects or mechanical or other
"The diameter (b) of potatoes of
the round varieties shall be not less
than one and seven-eighths (1 7-8)
inches, and of potatoes of the long
varieties- one and three-fourths
(1) Inches.
"In order to allow for variations in
cident to commercial grading and
handling, five per centum by weight
oi any lot may be under ; the pre
scribed size. and. in addition, six
per centum by weight of any such
lot may be below the remaining re
quirements oi tms grade; but not
more than two per centum by weight
or the entire lots may have the flesh
injured by softrot (d).
"Explanation of Grade Require
ments. a: 'Practically free means
tha the appearance shall not be in
jured to an extent readily apparent
upon casual examination of the lot.
and that any damage from the causes
mentioned can be removed by the
Ordinary processes of paring without
(In Twice-a-Week Statesman Following Day)
" 1 . i I , '
i. i, ' - -
Loganberries, Oct. 9.
Prunes, Oct, If.
Dairying October 23.
Flax. October 30.
Filberts, Nov. 6.
Walnuts, Nov. 13.
Strawberries, Nov. 2 ft.
Apples, November 27.
Raspberries, December 4.
Mint, December 11.
Great Cows, December 1.
lllackberies, December -25.
Oherries. January 1. 1320.
Tears. January 8, 1920.
Gooseberries, January 13, 1320.
Corn. January 22. 1920.
Celery, January 29.
Spinach. February 5. 1920.
Onion. February 12. 1920.
Potatoes. February 19. 1920.
Dees. February 26, 1920.
Paper Mill. March 4. 1920.
Dehydration. March 11. 1320.
Mining. March 18. 1920.
I logs. March 25, 1920.
I.and, April 1. 1020.
National Advertising, April 8.
Sheep. April 15.
Ancora Goats. April 22.
Hops. April 29.
Poultry. May 6.
(Back copies of Salem Slogan
editions of the Daily Oregon
Statesman are on hand. Thy are
for sale at 5c each, mailed to any
appreciable increase In waste over
that which would occur if the pota
to were perfect. Loss of the outer
skin (epidermis) only shall not be
considered as an injury to the ap
"b. 'Diameter means the great
est dimension at right angles to the
longitudinal axis.
c. 'Free from serious damage
means that any damage from the
causes mentioned can be removed by
the ordinary process of paring with
out increase in waste of more than
10 per centum by weight over that
which would occur if the potato were
"d 'Soft rot' means a soft, musky
condition of the tissues, from what
ever cause. "Charles J. Brand,
Chief of Bureau of Markets, U.
S. Department of Agriculture"
January 27, 1919.
(No demand or sale for No.
grade so there is no use to publish
Editor Statesman:
The above grading rules have been
adopted as a standard by all of the
other principal potato growing states
and to compete with these states the
Oregon growers must put up a pack
at least equal or better than they do
This can only ba done by intelligent
seed selection and cultivation.
It is almost impossible to grade
the average Oregon crop to comply
with these rules, on account of the
mixed varieties, run out seed and
culls which have been planted for
the last 10 years.
Too many growers think they are
economizing by buying cheap seed,
where, as a matter of fact, it is
the rankest extravagance. It is
easy to see-that where you save J10
per acre in buying poor seed you
cut your yield of merchantable 'po
tatoes from 30 to 50 per cent, and
then wonder why you can't sell the
second grade potatoes.
Select pu-e seed of good size an4
of some good commercial varieties;
Burbanks. Netted Gems. American
Wonders, White Rose. Red Rose and
Garnets are the best.
Plow your soil at least twice; do
most of your work before you plant,
and you will produce good stock.
Then grade them careiuiiy. using
good clean grain sacks, and we can
compete with any market in the
United States. F. Mangis.
of Mangis Bros.
Salem. Or.. Feb. 17, 1920.
Editor Statesman:
In answer to your request. I en
close the following hoping it may
help some.
I have been raising potatoes for
market about 20 years, all the way
from five to twenty acres each year
with varying success.
"My biggest yield has been after
clover, especially when pastured. 1
do not plant on the same ground of
tener that six or seven years, in ro
tation with other crops.
I begin to prepare the ground by
plowing in December or January.
nine or ten inches deep; then about
April first or as soon as the land is
dry enough, spread from five to
eight loads of barn manure per acre;
then disc both ways, harrow both
ways, then wait until about the mid
dle of May. I then spring tooth
both ways, then clod mash or roll
the land so as to have it in nice
shape for marking. I use the mark
er only one way, making the rows
38 Inches apart and I plow across the
marks, planting every third furrow.
planting in line with the marks.
plant the Burban-k variety 'only for
a late crop, as it is hard to Keep
from missing if you raise several
varieties. 1
You can't be too particular in sort
ing seed; use only the smooth and
best, from to 5 inches long, cut
ting so as to leave two eyes, and be-
ine careful not to cut more-than one
day before planting for best results
1 usually harrow and clod mash each
day's planting, then in about three
weeks, or as soon as the rows can
be seen, harrow once; then when
the plant Is about two inches high
begin cultivation, cultivating four
times with a two horse cultivator,
twice each way, and one hoeing, un
less it is a wet season; in that case,
they may require five cultivation
and perhaps have to be hoed twice.
I usually begin digging from Novem
ber 1 to 15 or a few days after tha
first killing frost. Have tried tha
digger but find it leaves a great
many in the ground, and also cuts
some, spoiling for the market ome
leaving the
of the -best, besides
ground In bad shape.
I use the potato fork; it costs
little more to dig. but somewhat les
to pick up.
As to yield, from 125 to 250 bush
rounding or the tubers with favor
able conditions. The successful stor
age of potatoes Is dependent on the
temperature at which they are TTeld.
the moisture content of the air, tha
size of the storage pile, and ther ex
clusion of light. Given mature, SB
injured tubers, the two factors most
commonly responsible for poor stor
age results wre too high tempera
tures and insufficient ventilation.
There are a number of distinct rota
of potato tubers caused by different
organisms and almost without excep
tion they are most severe when the
storage temperatures are high and
when the air becomes heavily laden
with moisture, due to lack of proper
ventilation. For instance, neither
the powdery dry rot which. Is so
common in the eastern part of the
state, nor the dry rot which is ap
parently widely distributed all over
the state will develop seriously la
storage if the temperature is Sept
at from 34 to 38 degrees Fahren
heit and it the storage place is kept
well ventilated.
Potatoes in large Quantities should
never be placed directly In storage
if they have become heated by high
day temperatures. They should first
be thoroughly cooled to prevent as
far as possible the natural heating
which takes place and to start the';
storage period under as favorable '
conditions as possible. This cooling
may often be done with convenience
and economy by leaving- the potatoes -
outside the storage place until well .
cooled by night temperatures 'and
then moving them Into storage either
late at night or early in the morn- -ing
before they have had an oppor
tunity to become heated again by ex- .
ternal conditions. ..
Potato Storage -CeRar.
A good storage place embodies the '
folowing requirements: Ease and ''
thoroughness of ventilation. aBMTy
to prevent rapid changes in temper
ature inside In response to rapid '
changes In- the temperature of the
atmosphere outside, convenience in
cleaning, conveniently arranged for '
use. ample in size and durable. In
many sections of the United States
where potatoes are an Important
cash crop these essentials are most
efficiently secured in the cellars
constructed halt underground and -half
above, with three or more ample .
sized ventilators in the top, and with
large doors and a driveway In at one
end large enough to accommo-;
date a wagon tor convenience in t
loading or unloading the. potatoes.
Storage Bin. -Another
type of storage place used I,
with much satisfaction in this state f ion
Is the double-walled, sawdust-lined M re
bin with the walls about six Inches, f re-
thick and with ventilators In the its-
as io yreia. irwa iv j v uuu-1 iuhk .uu -nivu khiumuii in iu
els per acre for market and from j sides, which, when the days are ud
25 to 40 bushel of culls, according, warm, may oe leu open at xugnt ana ij sr.
to seasons.
.My average crop is probably 175,
bushels per acre for market.
The culls make a splendid feed for'
. The least I received a bushel. 24
cents for 1912 crop; highest. 1915
crop, from 3 to i cents per
pound, selling in small lots.
Before the war good money could
be made at 40 cents a bushel; with
present prices of labor, etc, 60 to
7a cents brings in fetter net returns
than grain crops, besides leaves the
ground in splendid shape for wheat.
Most of the work can be done at
a time when the other farm work is
not I rushing. As to cost, I place it
at $67.95 per acre.
Three plowlngs, per acre .... 19.00
Two discings. per acre 1.63
Sir harrowings. per acre .... 3.00
Twice with spring tooth, per
acre .. 1.70
One clod mash or rolling, per
acre - 50
Four cultivations, per acre . . 4.00
Planting (a boy can plant two
acres a day) per acre 2.50
Seven bushel of seed at market
price 3 Vic a pound, per acre 14.10
Plowing once, per acre 2.00
Total expense of raising . .$38.45
Now add $14.00 for digging;
hauling. $7.50; sacks and
twine. $8.00 $29.aO
Grand total, raising and mar
keting, per acre ......$67.95
With an average yield of 175
bushels at $2.10 per bush
el $367.50
30 bushels of culls at 25 cents
per bushel 7.50
Total receipts $375.00
Net profit, less use of land ...$307.05
Yours respectfully,
Salem, Or.. Route 8, box 183,
reu. 16.
kept closed in the daytime, with the' itr
result that. the, whole, .bin Jsept j
reasonably cool all the . time. All- ;oa
storage places should be provided'1 ,
peratures may be regulated intelli-.
gently. Injury Is - produced ' when
th lmnmtiira art tnn lnar
as when they ar too high. With i 1"
A S A M Ml A 1. - A t A
lue ory rov u appears (.uai iov cnu-,
cal time, the time when much of-the-loss
from this disease results. Is dur;,
inr the first two months after d!r--
ging. when the temperatures are apt MT
to be higher than during any other,- lln
part of the storage period. ' It is at J
this time that our potatoes need es-- -4C
peclally to be surrounded by the try
favorable storage conditions that are .- pa
(It will interest some people to know that these hack copies arc
Kellins fastthat, nearly every day, orders are received from near and
distant points for the whole series. They will be sold out before the
fifty-two Slogans are completed, without doubt Ed.)
Control Consists in Preventing the Entrance of the Rot Or
ganisms Into the Tuber Tissues A Very Large Part of
the Infection Can Be Headed Off by Proper Storage
Methods . ...... . i
"He made his pile, but worked
himseir to death doing it."
"A sort of funeral pile. ehT"
Boston Transcript.
"The Prevenlion of Ptqrare Dry
Rot of Totatoes" is thp Subject of
Circular 157 of the Orcirnn Agricul
tural College Extension Service, by
M. D. McKay, associate plant pathol
ogist. Following is the wording of
that circular in full:
In Oregon hundreds of tons of po
tatoes are lost annually from storage
dry rot. Thorp arc several distinct
types or storage rot caused by dif
ferent fungous or bacterial organ
isms working within the tissues of
the tubers. Fortunately, in most cas
es the control of these different rots
is arcomplifhpd by nearly identical
means. ?ffithin can be done to ov
ercome the rots after they are once
established within fhe tuber. Con
trol, therefore, consols in prevent
ing the entrance of the rot organ
Isms into the tuber tissues. A very
large, part of this infection, and there
fore of the waste from rots, can be
prevented by proper storage meth
Avoid Injuring Tubers.
First of all in the prevention of
potato storage dry rot comes care
In the digging, handling and storing
of the tubers so that they are injured
as little as possible. It is almost but
not quite true that a mature pota
to with a sound skin, if kept in i
well ventilated storage bin. will not
rOf At least It can be safely said
that over 95 per cent of the tubers
which do rot in storage from dry rot
suffer from serious wounds first and
then rot afterwards. If potatoes are
to be kept In storage fop-any consid
erable length oi time, they should
be thoroughly mature before being
dug. since immature tubers are very
readily injured.
Provide Favorable Ntornce "condition
The second essential thing rr rot
prevention during storage is the sur-
best secured only la a good storage
Disinfection of Storage Flare.
aii regular potato storage places, ier
and particularly those ia which rot-, he
ting ofpotatoes was bad the previous .
year, should be thoroughly cleaned
and disinfected before potatoes are
again placed in storage in order to'
kill all the potato rot-producing or
ganisms already present and thus to
prevent widespread infection of the .
new crop. To accomplish this, the -
walls and floors may be thorough-
ly swabbed or sprayed until wet with
either of the following solutions:
Copper sulphate (blues tone) 1
pound, water 10 gallons; or , "
Formaldehyde 1 pint, water 10
After being thus disinfected the
storage place should be well aired ;
and dried before potatoes are again
placed in it.
Editor Statesman:
I suppose it is too late,- but wiil
give you a few lines.
I raised 20 acres of potatoes last,
year. Netted Gems, and raise every
year than many.
Cost of production runs from 149 -to
ISO per acre.
I had a small crop this year; 150
bushels per acre, which I sold at
2 1-2 to 4 cents a pound, which ts
surely profitable, because I have
good soil of the Santlara bottom,
which is as good ground as any any
where, for potatoes.
I have raised potatoes for 25 yean
and think it is as good a crop as any.
I can raise, year after year.
Netted Gems I think are a little
better thanBurbanks at present, as
the market demands them.
C. Thlessen,
Jefferson, Or.. Feb. 16. 1S20.
Lather J. (lupin article In'
firt Mt-tJon; published there on ac
count of l k of room ia this section.
Klsie O'Brien. R.F.D. 7. Vlncennes.
Ind.. writes: "One bottle of rotoys
Honey and Tar Broke up my cold
right away." It relieves coughs, colds
croup and whooping cough; clears
the passages, soothes irritated mem
branes and stops tickling in the
throat. Foley's is the original and
gtnuine Honey and Tar. J. C. Terry.