SALEM IS THE DEHY DRATION CENTER OF. THE WORLD Did you ever stop to think of the part that Hunt Brothers Packing Company have had in the building up of the fruit and herry industry of the Willamette Valley? - , . llL . . t Yours for progress and the up-building of the industry, PRODUCTS Pure Juice of the ! Loganberry The Loganberry Beverage . Ready to Drink SM AsV 009SMt i f ; ; si Drink an Apple Bulk and Bot led Oder Jellies and Jams "GROW MORE B IRES" EAT MORE BREAD HOLSUM BREAD Is your is yjofur " Best BREAD Best; food Buy more Eatj of it. of it more Cherry City Baking Co, BEEMAN ONE-HORSE TRACTOR $325 SALEM ROACH & TROVER Liberty Oarage i 414 Perry Street THE ROYAL CAFETERIA FOR GOOD EATS ! i' 460 SUte Street HOTEL MARION SALEM, OREGON 1- The Largest and Mdst Com plete Hostelry in Oregon Out m-,m of Portland; WHAT HAVE YOU 1o tell la Fruit, Nut or Berry J properties? j We can Bell it for you. We deal exclusively In those lines. , PEABCY BROS., ..? Horticulturists 210 Oregon Building I Salem ! - j HUNT BROS. PACKING CO FRUIT BUYERS H. A. BAKER & CO. J. L Van Doren, Mgr. Trade St, Near. High The Vrooman strain Franquette is the nut we sell the trees. Bing, Royal Anne and Lambert are the leaders we sell them. The Ital ian prunes are the standard we can supply them in any grade and any quantity while they last. Salesmen Wanted CAPITAL CITY NURSERY COMPANY 1030 Chemeketa Street SALEM OREGON FAIRMOUNT DAIRY Schindler Bros., Prop. Dealers in Milk and Cream Wholesale and Retail Phone 725 c Salem, Ore. ALE On this page are some of the outstanding concerns which have put Salem on the map and are helping to keep THE SALEM DISTRICT The potato is the most important of all vegetables. It is the world's greatest crop. Will always be. The farmers in the Salem territory can lead the United States in potato growing. They can double the price by growing seed stock. Nature has done its part; man should do his. liOjjanberries, Prunes, Dairying, Flax, Filberts. Walnuts, Strawberries, Apples, Raspber ries, Mint, Great Cows, Blackberries, Cherries, Pears, Gooseberries, Corn, Celery, Spinach Onions nineteen of them; with thirty-three or more yet to follow. 1 ' It will be bee keeping next week. Our great fruit districts must have more and more bees. Again r This is YOUR Slogan campaign. Help. Suggest a slogan. We arc out after a million. We are now paying $400,000 a year to the dairymen of this section for milk. "Marion Butter" is the best butter. More cows and better cows is the crying need MARION CREAMERY AND PRODUCE CO. Salem, Ore. Phone 2488 PLAN TO ATTEND THE CAPITAL NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL and prepare for the unusual op portunities which hare been cre ated by the war. Bookkeeping, typewriting, shorthand. Gregg- and Pitman. Winter term begins Jan uary 6. Address J. J. KRAPS, Salem, Oregon. W. H. GRABENHORST & COMPANY Farm and Fruit Lands Small Tracts and Invest ments Telephone 2315 275 State St. Salem, Oregon DRAGER FRUIT CO. Dried Fruit Packers 221 S. High St, Salem, Ore. Always in the market for fruits of all kinds SALEM'S FUTURE Salem's Progress and Development Depends Very Large ly Upon the Degree of Support We Give Local Business Enterprises. Let Us Put Our Shoulder to the Wheel and Boost for Progress. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon An Institution that i3 Ever Anxious to Foster Worthy Enterprises THELMA INDIVIDUAL CHOCOLATES A Salem Product, Made by The GRAYBELLE Patronize Home Industries EAT THELMAS! W. "W. Bosebraugh, Manager Office Phone 686 Anderson Steel Furnace and Boiler Works Manufacturers of Gray Iron Castings, Warm Air Furnaces, Hop and Fruit Stoves, Smoke Stacks and Steel Work Seventeenth and Oak Streets SALEM, OREGON M A POTENTIAL GREAT POTATO COUNTRY MAIL EVERY COPY Every copy of every Salem Slogan issue of The States man should go East to peo ple who are looking for new locations j More acres and more to the acre will take more farmers ; and still more Better still, subscribe to The Statesman, for your Eastern friends. Daily, $5 a year; or $1.25 for three months. Twice-a-Week Statesman, $1 a year i9 cre. 10 have bn cultivated, 50 cr tillahi when cleared; ail food running- water: county rad and mail routn through It. Iota of aaw timber and cord wood- 3-4 mile from arhool and rock road: Zn mllca from Portland: 4 tnilea from Mulino. ITIce $3760; easy terms. Jd acre, all cultivated, fin for berriea; all fenced ho tirht 1-4 mile from Aumavitle. Or.: rood barn WOO; term on $1000. 89 acre, some open, balance tim "r 1- mile from paved road 1A miles from town; lota of fine pillnjr and lm Umber. Sl&Oft; half cash. Socolofsky, Salem. Oregon. LADD & BUSH, BANKERS SALEM, OREGON Capital $500,000 Long experience and thorough understanding makes this bank able to give unexcelled assist ance to all industries DO YOU KNOW? That this big, busy store sells GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and SHOES AT LOW PRICES t We do a large volume of bus iness at a small margin of profit and sell for CASH PEOPLE'S CASH STORE 186-194 N. Commercial St. LOGAN PAGE j i U.G. SHIPLEY CO. Outfitters To Women, Misses and Children CASE KEROSENE TRACTORS OLIVER PLOWS AND IMPLEMENTS LOT L PEARCE & SON 236 N. Commercial St. RODGERS PAPER COMPANY 460 Ferry Street SALEM Wholesalers of paper a,nd book binders You can be accommodated in your own home town DO YOIT KNOW THAT IT WILL PAY YOU TO USE COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER on our Berries and Fruit Trees. We have ewured the Agency for the Marine Prod ucts Co., who manufacture Or ganic Fertilizer. It certainly does the work and dors not hurt your land. Our solicitor is now calling on the growers. Phone us for a call. D. A. WHITE & SONS 255 SUte Street Phone 160 J. W. MARUNY Grower and Importer Nursery Stock Perennials, Potted and Bedding Plants 211 Miller Street, Salem T.t IVtalAl CAS Sales and Service FORDSON TRACTORS VALLEY MOTOR CO. 2C0 N. High. SUte and Front MARION AUTO COMPOT FRANKLIN STUDEBAKER OLDSMOBILE Supplies and Accessories Opposite Hotel Marion Open Day and Night n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 DID YOU KNOW that Salem is the market and manufacturing center of a great potato industry; that we can grow here at a big profit the seed stock for neighboring states; that, with proper seed selection, planting, cultivation, grading and pack ing, we can compete with any market in the United States; that all the surplus will be taken for dehydration here; that no farmer can make a mistake in growing in this territory the right kind of potatoes? h ii 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 m i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n n i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m n MANGIS BROS. All Kinds of Fruit Car Lot Shippers of Potatoes 542 State Street Phone 717 Eat a Plate a Day Of Weatherly Ice Cream Made in Oregon Salem and Portland Sold Everywhere Money Saved Is Money Made. Do your trading with the J. C. Pen ney Co., and you will make mon ey. Our stock is up to date and up to style, and our prices mean positive economy to yon. J. C. PENNEY CO. 197 Busy Stores Salem Store, 160 North Liberty St. The bee lays away his supply of honey while the flowers are in bloom and the squirrel his store of nuts while the harvest is here Should not we lj as wise as they! Start au Account Today Salem Bank of Commerce SMs-FARM LOANS-6 We loan money for five years. We allow yon to pay $100.00 or multiple on the principal on any interest date We 'close our loans promptly HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Building WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Cor. Iligh and Ferry St., Salem We move anvthinir. Also mak ing through trips to Portland and return, hauling. We also do local PHONE 1400 Rapid transportation b a prim ary essential to speeding ap production FA-KURTZ EvaporatingDrying Canning Prunes and Apples We need apples NOW. from ci der grade up. Commercial and Jefferson Sts. Phone 1355 and men who it there 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v GARDEN SEEDS Now is the time to plant your cab bage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli! seeds, etc. A good stock of new seeds on band. SALEM HARDWARE COMPANY GIDEONSTOLZCO Manufacturers of O. S. Brand Cider Vinegar Dependable Brand Lime Sul phur Solution, and Carbonated Beverages SALEM ' OREGON Near Cor. Summer and Mill CHERRY CITY MILLING CO. Floor, Cereals and Mill Feed THE "OLD RELIABLE" GROWERS ASSOCIATION EsUblshed 1901 WILLAMETTE VALLEY PRUNE ASSOCIATION Ifo you realize what tint means? It means that there Is a mar ket, and a growing market, for every vegetable and fruit that can be raised on the land la this territory. And that means more than Is apparent to the stranger at first glance; for a greater ra riety of fruits and vegetables can be successfully grown her than In any other part of this country or the world. Dehydration Is the greatest thing in the world. In food con servation. It takes out the water; the consumer puts it back, at any time in the future, anywhere under the shining tun and then he has the fruit or the vegetable as good as fresh, ia every nutritive quality, and la every other way. The saving will be billions, annually. And all the money comes to Salem excepting what is expended for the nails In the shipping boxes. Better than a gold mine; for it wUl nerer -pinch ouL SALEM KIXG'S PRODUCTS COMPANY SALEM OREGON (This company Is committed . to the growth of this commu nity, by a program that win make its output ten times Its present ontput that will em ploy 2 SOS people at Its factory; that will pay to the growers 120.000,000 a year for their products.) The only way to determine what a thing ia worth Is to fig ure its value in profit. .Hare you ever figured to find the ral ue of a bookkeeping or steno graphic course? If not, you should. Nothing could pay yon better dividends throughout life. CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE SALEM, OREGON If You Want REAL ESTATE BORROW MONEY See NIEMEYER First 215-216 Masonic Building. Phones 1000, 10U OREGON PACKING COMPANY 285 South Twelfth St, Salem. Oregon I CAHNERS OF OREGON FRUITS AND VEGETABLES We are always in the market for fruits and vegetables