The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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The BUtecmaa reectrta tn 1
leased wire report of the 'As
sociated Press. . the greavtast
and most reliable . press as
sociation fa the wtfrld.
4 Pages
piuckj fiYB ccxra.
The Story of a Honeymoon
A Wonderful Romance of Married life Wonderfully Told by
"Ota. Missis Graham! Dear Missis
Graham! Hide me somevere qveeck.
Call Jim. He take me avay eome
veres. Don't let dot skinny old devil
coom by me any more. Oh. dear!
Oh. dear!"
In ft passion of tears and sobs and
Treniied ejaculations Katie burst In
to the kitchen, which she bad left
' with a chuckle, and jest but a few
minutes before, and frantically shot
"the bolt In the door behind her as If
she feared pursuit. Sh caught hold
of me with ber quivering fingers and
poured out her walling plea with her
head against ray shoulder.
I wasn't particularly shocked at
her tempestuous entrance, for I am
used to Katie's emotional outbursts.
But the vehemence of her j sobs
alarmed me on account of her condi
tion. I knew that such emotion mn3t
be injurious to her.
"Nothing shall harm you. Katie."
1 1 said, patting her bowed hear as 1
would that of a f tightened child.
"You know you're safe here with me."
Now stop crying, like a good girl.
Hand tell me what has happened."
But It was several minutes before'
mr little maid could control herself
sufficiently jto. tell me what had oc
curred white she was helping mr
mother-in-law and Cousin Agatha,
unpack' after, their unexpected arriv
al at our home. And when she did
begin her story there was a wildness
tin her eyee, a choking in her voice
t that told me she had been subjected
i to some unusually severe emotional
1 Look at tongue! Remove poiaon
Tram stomach, liver and
; . . ' bowels
Accept "California' Syrup of Figs
only look for the name California-
on the package. then yon are sure
. your child is having the best and
most harmless laxative or physic for
! the little stomach, liver anT bowels
1 Children love its delicious, fruity
! taste. Full directions for child's
J dose on each' bottle. Cive it without
i fear. ,-..
Mother! Yon must say "Califor
i nla." . ' ;
ordeal during the time she had been
absent from me.
How Cousin Agatha Erred.
"Your mudder-m-law she not so
bad dis time," Katie began. "She
say. 'How-do. Katie; you bin a good
girl vile I bin gone?' and she smile.
I not know vot to tink. she bo nice
an' I say, 'Yes tank you; I try to
be good girl. Vat you like me to
"She say. 'Unpack ui3. and put
deee tings avay, and 1 vork qveeck
and careful Joost de vay she always
liked me to do. Den she ak me if
dere was clean towels, in' de bath
room, und I say. Sure!' and she say
I ought to say, 'yes. Missis Graham.'
und I say 1-sorry I forget, und she
say for me to remember next time.
and Fhe go out to bathroom to vasn '
her face and hands." ,
"Hut there is nothing terrible in
all this. Katie." I interrupted.
"Joost you vait." she returned sol-
elmnly. and I felt her trembling in
my arms again.
"Ven mudder-in-law vent avay,"
she went on. "I say to udder one.
'You like me to unpack your tings?'
'She look me all over from head
to foot, sooch a look, und she say.
I no tink I vant you In mine tings.
Are you sure you tell trut' ven you
bay you bin good girl vile Missis
Graham avay?"
What Katie Said.
4"I not know vat she mean at first,
and I say, Qf course I bin good girl,'
and den she say, real slow:
" 'You may tink yon hide it from
your mistress, but I bin superintend
ent long time in home for girls like
you. You no fool me. Ain t you
'shamed to pretend you good girl?'"
I started in anger and held Katie
closer as 1 mentally anathematized
the meddlesome cruelty of Cousin
Agatha. I had seen her type of char
ity worker before, and had known or
the mental tortures they were cap
able of inflicting upon the helpless
girls in their charge. It takes the
work of a doion-of the wonderful
self-sacrificing women who give
themselves to labor for erring girls
to compensate for the harm done by
the harsh, morbidly inquisitive wo
men like Cousin Agatha.
"What did you do, Katie?" I
asked, as she burst again into tem
pestuous sobbing at the thought of
the scene through which she had
passed. I knew how easily her at
tention was diverted, knew that if
she began talking again she would
gradually quiet herself.
"I joost look at her at first," Ka
tie replied, choking back her sobs. "I
not know for aminute Joost vot she
mean. Den I get so mad I could keel
her. I "fraid I fay someting awful
bad to her. I know you never let
me stay now, but I so mad by her.
I not care vot I say!" '
"What did you say to her?'
'i valk oon to her." Katie an
swered, "und I look her straight in
eye. und I say:
" 'You vun old liar!' "
(To be continued)
"ZT Engine uah
Botch filagneUf
Engine Value
OVER 250,0:0 farmers
bougKt tKe "Z" engine.
They know it is power
ful, ckpervJaMa and practically
fool-proof truly a great en
gine. 5 But now 3e announce
tKe one addition wtucn could
possibly improve tlie "Z per
fcTirusnce-fBosck higk tension,
oscillating;; magneto ignition.
5 So let us sKow ycu in detail
tkis greater engine value. 5 Our
service to -you is remarkaDlj
complete' land we ere assisted
hy a nearlr? BoscK Service
Station. 5 Prices 1 H-P-
$75.003 H. P. $125.00
6H.Rfcjoo.oo. AUF.O.B.
Factory. '
Lot L Pearce & Son
230 N. Commercial St.
Escaping From Turks
Armenian Priest Led
Regiment Against Them
W: j U
y -. s ' ' .
Si I f -r f .j -1
ill'- V ,7
w V i i
1 ' it
fit i n
1 -- i
It was a hard life,' but a good'lifej
a life
that built
The Recnriting Sergeant can give
you the information that will help
you decide which branch fits you
best In all of them you wiH get
the fine training as a soldier that
the United States offers all its men
in many branches you can get
highly specialized training.
INFANTRY The men who hare nude tha nam
ef "doughboy" fard and rMpctd throughout
tha world wlcom 70a to tb comradeship. Fina
fUowi good f on and good training in any acbool
at tha post 70a go to.
CAVALRY Whan tba boraas ara champing at
tha tyt and tha yllow laga" mount op and tha
troop ridaa forth, thara la a thrill that no old cav
alryman can avar forgat. A boraa of your own
a good outdoor Ufa and training for futuraauc
FIELD ARTILLERY "Action Front" eomaa
tha command than watch tha boys with tha red
hat cord snap into it. A happy outfit wSth tba
dash of mounted terries addad to interestingwork
that calla for head and hand. Motor if you wish.
CORPS OF ENGINEERS Army engineering
known tba world over for its ercellencand an en
listment in tha engineers can ba tha start of a
young man's training in the various branches of
engineering and la ao. of tha mecnicai and
buQding trades.
COAST ARTILLERY Living on the sea coasts,
guarding big cities with big guns, getting time for
tody and a wide and good tachnicsd training, tha
C.A.C man is preparing for a useful life and good
pay and is having a good time v,-hHe he's learning.
Tha CA.C. also mans the mobile big gun regi
ments throughout tha country.
The man who gen tha early edge in experience
with aeroplanes and balloons has a chance to cash
in big on his army training. For flying is only in
Its infancy and it's going to be a profitable besinase
for man with tha right experience.
ORDNANCE DEPT. The ordnance is appealing
to tha studious young American. To wide oppor
tunities far study, it adds a business as well as a
technical training.
SIGNAL CORPS Whether it's laying a wire
from a reel-can at gallop or installing a wireless
Station that will flash its massage half around tha
world, tba Signal Corps is therm, and a man who
learns radio telegraph and telephone work in the
Signal Corps is always valuable.
MEDICAL DEPT. Oood experience, good pay,
and training In all branches of hospital work. Excel
lent opportunity for future success. Tba Veter
inary Corps teaches the care of horses as well aa
meat and milk inspection.
TANK CORPS The man who knows gas motors
and tractors or who wants to know them is in
vited to Join tha Tanks. Radio, machine gun and
ordnance work ara all parts of tha Tank Corps
feeds and clothes tha Army oilers a valuable train
tng for future business. Interesting work for tha
man who likes horses In tha Remount Service.
in tha many trades is part of the every day Ufa of the
Construction Division, Many opportunities to
learn tha trades of highly paid specialists.
with a little knowledge of chemistry or for any
ambitious young man who would like to get that
knowledge, there ia interesting work and tapid
advancement in tba C W. S.
practical training in motors and their accessories,
utd in driving as well, ia given in tba well-equlppci
schools of tha Motor Transport Corps.
"T X T"HEN j out Army, I raised
my right hand over my derby and
said, "Never again, I hope!"
And I zm here to stetc that I was jjst one of
about 3,(300,000 who felt like that on!v stronger.
It was my privilege to kick and believe mc, I
did. I couldn't get out too quick I wanted a
feather bed, restaurant food end trousers that
flapped around' my ankles.
But now that I'm out, civil life is not all that
we cracked it up to be 1 And the Army looks
like a pretty good place, after all.
I've been and seen uid done things that I
wouldn't give up my memories, of, for anything,
' I had a "fine crowd of buddies two-fisted
men with a regular man's outlook on life.
I learned how to take care of myself and all
comers to hold my own with the best and
with the worst
And I learned the sort of discipline that makes
a man able to handle men.
I got pretty fair clothes not as
good as the Army gives in peace
time but warm and plenty of them
and they didn't set me back
sixty a suit, either.
Mals well, did you ever see a hungry
locking soldier?
We cl kicked then. Some of the rear-rank
generab will always kick. You can't' pleasa
some birds ever. . . - -: - ,
The Army never was a bed of roses it was
not meant to be. It is a powerful fighting
machine. And even right now, with" the peace
time lack of hardship, it's still nolplace for the ,
lad who won't "play ball.-
Eut, the man who does his duty,-who snaps
into the spirit of the game, who; stands on his
own feet, who plays hard and plays clean there
is the chap who gets along and eats up the
Army life. ......... .
He learns how to handle men, he rises in rank
as fast as he proves himself.
He is intrusted with important arid interest
ing work.
He gets more money clear than he could cava
in civil life.
Where the
U. S. Army Serves
American troop ere serving ia
Panama. Hawaii, tbe Philippine.
Alaska. China. Germany. Siberia
sad here in the U. 8. A. Tbe Re
ernit!r.e Sergeant will gladly give
TOO all the Irian.
Like every onee!in the Araiy
Crcra Genera! to Duck Private,
roo'rv cruder orders a ad If your
entftt moves and rc-'r ccadad
csewher. your duty Is to go.
He comes out with a better
education he has a realtime with
a good crowd of regular he-men.
He's seen something and been.
the little old U.S. A. .
.cm.- tt
The Nearest LL S. Army Recruiting Stations Are:
Main Station of the District, Third and Oak Streets, Portland, Oregon
Salem Recruiting Office, 462 State Street
A personal interview involves no obligation
yPrirate Interests Said to Be
s aaui vuiau nuTouia0c
1 . .
Wearing tbre war decoration, the
Rer. Yeglshe Der Barainaln, an Ar
menian priest, has come. to this coun
try as the guest of Bishop Arsen Ve
hounls. head of the Armenian Chnrch
.n New York. Father Barsamaln es
caped from an abbey In Moush. Ar
menia, when it was besieged by the
Turks. Nearly fire hundred other
priests were captured and slain. After
his escape he helped organize the Ar
menian army and personally led a
fpjimpnt aralnst the Turks. Father
Barpamaln tells of horrible atrocities
committed by the Sultan's trqops.
of State Rights
tiny persons Are Located
on Lake Beds Under Guise
of Homesteaders
Land speculators and locators of
Portland, who continued their loby
Ing activities in the special legisla
tive seion last month until the very
last hour of adjournment, are held
responsible lor the defeat of Senator
Eddy's bill No. 24. which declared
all lakes of 160 acres or more area
to be navigable waters and thefr beds
to be lands belonging to. the state.
Passage of the bill meant the saving
of many hundreds of thousands of
dollars to the state.
It got safely through the senate
and was killed in the house about the
hour of midnight on the closing
night of th session after members
bad been deluged with letters and
telf grams from private Interests and
kbbyists repesentlng the (ntecsts
had busied themselves among the
members up to the minute the bill
was voted on.
Suspicion a Are Confirmed.
These facts, though suspected at
he time, are now known beyond
donbt, and there Is said to be a
strong probability that the attorney
general's ofrice will institute Investi
gations relative to the operation of
speculators In the beds of some of
the receding lakes of the state. Fur
ther legislation will again bt Intro
duced at the next session of the leg
islature to settle title to the lands
upon the state.
At the present time there is doubt
on the question of title. Hut the
private Intercut not only ure as
suming the riKht to grab oil lands
bared by the receding waters of the
lakes, but are even taking artificial
means to drain the lakes and obta'n
the reliction lands before they can
be halted by considerate legislation.
Much Aireage larolvnr. .
The lake Involved are In all parts
of the state. Two of them
total an area of 40.000 aces, and
much of the land Is highly produc
tive. The waters of sonte of tbe
lakes are receding rapidly by natural
processes. Silver lake has dried up
completely In the last two years and '.
the reliction has uncovered 10.000 j
acres of land. Portland Individuals
have located persons on this lake-'
bed and brazenly term them "home
steaders." Through an act of the 1919 ses
sion of the legislature appropriating
2S,000 for use of tbe attorney gen
eral In conducting Und fraud liti
gation. The act 'provides that part
of this may be i:?l tcr investiga
tions, and it is pcsilie that iot of
it may b? used to investigate the
operations of the speculators in tbe
lake beds.
Two Boys at Training School
on Unexpected Leave Re
ports Superintendent .
The superintendent of the beys'
training school yesterday reported
that on Tuesday afternoon, about 2
o'clock, two boys who were working
at loading a car of wood escaped
from the institution.
Search was begun at once) and the
customary offer of SS reward tor in
formation leading to arrest was ef-
ierei. .
The boys were Clarence Bland, ef
Bend. IS years old. bine eyes, light
complexion. 12S pounds weight and
5 feet. 7 inches uil; "Edward i Duna
of Mount Vernon, light complexion,
S feet. S inches tall, slightly sUoped
It was conjectured that the! boys
had started out In the. general di
rection of the Sllverton rail rot& to
the eastward.
Grow-Yonr Odr
ks4rsC ar fata
if has 4 U -
Aftrr Msg atatost tateR1 bsli Tt9
X ara saaiBaas ssa grrv avarr aa-
kas a arsiiSs gravis si sts !
watch ka win a taa graaiaa
fr a rasjaxai ta ssy ssa a '
wiaa ta arwuas oaaci
Bajr rrswtk. Or testm
arstiwa, JisttY nS aa aaatWa - ni
far tea If raa sa4 1 rta lUarfi aw
j airr. fts asanas -as wa gx. srtta
BT S01. uuu g. &t 2azk, S, Zs