The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 19, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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-J . - There Is a Good Deal in the Method of Laying Out the
Different Sections, and Foresight Is Worth While
' A Seed Table for This Part of the Willamette Valley
(Following is thp third of the
icrles of articles prdmised by Luther
J. Chapin. sivini; hints und PURges
tlons to ritv residents on gardening.
It will pay all 'amateur pardoners t.-
follow this series i carefully and
much of the matter will . e of inter
est and service to the suburban resi
dents and the farmers.)
1 The tardeii Is a miniature farm.
If aatUfactory results are to be real
lied, like all profitable farms, defi
nite plans must be made for its oper
ation. Thin is enetiallv true of the
"'ritjr paden xince the area is limited.
It Bhould be made to produce tw
or ihrej crops during the season.
This car not be done, however, un
Ipha careful thought is Riven to the
crops to be prown and the planting
Is done with this succession in mind.
It also depends largely on the con
dition of the fcoll. As stated in a
pevious allele, the iilot must be weU
drained so that '.he soi'. will warm
up rarly and pive the iirt planting
pood Vigorous start. The soil must
be rich in lant food.'o produce a
tapid growth. The quality of vege
table is much better i they make
a rapid, vigorous growth. It should
bo eorne in mini also that tillage
in tht early spring warjr-s the soil
since it dris the surface and per
mits the soil to absorb the heat from
the sun's rays.
The arrangement of the garden is
cf grat importance. The rowp
should usually run length wise of the
garden as lrs work will be require !
to care for it and vegetables that re
quire support, such as peas, pole
beans and tomatoes, are trained t,
better ndvi-ntage. liefore planting
the garden a plat, or drawim, should
bo made, .showing where each kind
of vegetable is to be grown, the dis
tance between the row, tjproxinatc
planting dates and surh other notes
Don't a$k for
Crackers say
Snow Flakes
P. C A Packagu Jr ?J jl
Old Fashioned Herb Tea Often
Relieves Chronic Cases
You enn't afford to be nonet itm.ted.
If ynir kidneys, liver and bowHs fail
to entry on the waste matter it tmon
piuVoiia your entire system. It luwers
your renintiinoe against diise.
At this thnnnf vir, when the air if
filled with influenza, cold and grip,
you Khould ke-p in the lt condition.
Any physiclnn will tell you. that most
ills could be avoid. -d if )Kp)e would
kefti their livers, kliiiu-vo
and bowel in good work
ing order.
Are you con lit i pa t ed ,
bilious untl slueiah 1 Iloe
your bend acher Don't neg
lect Nature's warning.
Justeetn u kjip' of Lin
ed n Tn and take a enp
T-fore retiring. It soon
fUns you out and make von fvel line.
I- not create the physic habit.
This famous hero e is an nnex
celkfl remedy for colds, grippe, in
Quenza, chronic conciliation, rheum
tisni, etc. XotJi!nr better to kip tht
children in tine condition. :Ect-ntRt
nil druRjji'W'. Lincoln Pro )rietarr
glass and would therefore be glassed
in the next group.
(1!) The second group of warm
season crops consists of those which
have so long a period of prowth that
they cannot be maturrd in temper
ate climates unless they are started
under glass and are ready to trans
plant as soon as the seasin is warm
enough for them to live I;: the open.
Tomatoes, ptppeis and cvgplant be
long to this group. Swe'-t iwatops.
which are gtown h'.'iv in sandy soil,
some years with fair success. ;ls
belong to this group. The moisture
content of the soil can be fairlv well
regulated in a small garden, but,
since seasons diffe - widely in regard
lo temperature, it is evident that not
all crops will thrive eeually well in
pny given year. Those r''iiinng a
long, hot season will not rach their
'fallest perfection during a relatively
I cool season. The opposite is equally
;true. Those requiring cool weather
for best development will not do b"
! well during hot, dry seasons. A
( knowledge of the temperature re
quirements of th vegetables grown,
j however, will enable one to plant at
the right season, and far better re
j suits w ill t e secured than if the
planting is done out of season.
I The following table is given as a
; general guide to planting in this sec
Siion. It must lie borne in mind tha'
1 exa t planting dates cannot be given
i a. the season may be la'e or early.
The season mhst alwas be followed
I rather th?n calendar dates. The
! tahfe refers to seed except the plant
! ing dates for cabbage, cauliflower,
broccoli and tomatoes, which gives
: the time for setting rlants in the
i fi-lJ.
cination of my daughter will bring it
into use for what I consider the pro
tection of my family."
ACHES AXD PAIXS of rheumatism
are not permanently, but only tetn- J
porarily. relieved by external reme- j
dies. Why not use an internal rem- j
rdy Hood's Sarsaparllla, which cor
rects the acidity of the blood on
which rheumatism depend and cures
the disease?
"Hut. Mabel, on what gr-wtnds does
your father object to me?'
"On any rounds within a mile cf
our house." Houston Pot.
New-wed It Is hard to ask for
bread and get a stone.
Mrs. New wed It was worse to
ask for a stone and get paste.
Pearson's Weekly.
I'sual No. Dayi
Girgrr Wafer ? . ;
Long Branch Saltine Flikea
Titfin lincutt
Cbocotae F.rf-.iri
Cocoanut Walrri
Cbeec Sacdwich
Marahnmttow Sandwich
BuUa Thm
A Sparkle
of Salt
a fresh -from -the -oven crispness
that is diir.tiness itself-Snow Fbkes
make the simplest foods taste better.
Their fbver is delicious!
Witht cacb Pennsylvania Casing. The Famous Ton Tested
j ! . 1 . ' ' . Tube
. it
2990 Pounds
crated touring car suspended
in air by the
C uarant&ed tensile strength 1 i tons
per square inch.
Won't check, crack or weaken though
carried indefinitely as a spare. Great
est strength, elasticity, heat-resistance,
durability. Not a "special brand, but a
tube backed by the name Pennsylvania.
a a. .in i-,,J '
, , , Hi,,, n , f III Ill I I' f
- V.'. . i
Quackenbush Auto Supply Co.
219 North Commercial Street
as will assirt in the future manage
ment of the garden. The habit of
growth of each vege-:abie must be
taken into account in spacing the
rows, as some require much more
spate than others. If the rows of
the garden tun east and west, plant
the tall-growing vegetables, such as
corn, on the north side so that they
may not shade the other vegetables.
Put the pole beans and tomatoes
next. Sunshine i of th greatest im
portance and tills factor should be
carefully considered in running the
TLe requirements of the family
must be considered so that a suffic-
ent amount of each vegetable may
be produced with as little surplus
as possible. If the r ws are long it
may be necessary to grow two or
three kinds of vegetables in the same
row. In this case, croup together
such vegetables as require about the
same culture. Parsnips, late carrots
and Falsify, for example, would af
ennials, such as horseradish, rhu
ennials. such as horseradish, ruh-
barb and asparagus, should be place!
along the border out of the way of
plowing and other tillage operations.
Classification of Vegetables.
Since many of the vegetables now
erown in our gardens are not native
to this country, but thrive best under
different climatic conditions, a
knowledge of their peculiar require
ments regarding tenrperature and
moisture. i3 necessary. Some vege
tables thrive best tin cool, moist
weather, but are unable to with
stand the heat and drought of sum
mer. The seeds of ihese vegetables
germinate at a low temperature
Others require a hisher temperature
for germination-anl; thrive best in
hot, weather.
V"eget?blei in general ma, there
fore, be classified as rool reason and
warm season crops, ajthoug'j not all
the vegetables in these'groups thrive
equally well under the same con
ditions of temperature and moist ur?
Tool Senson Oops. From a cul
tural standpoint, tne cool season
crops may be divided into three ?nc-
tal croups: 1i The first gro'tp Is
coinposea :i sn.rt season enps
wnich cannot endure the h?t ot
summer but which can be -planted
in the open sufficiently early to
reach full development before the i
usual season for hot weather. Gar
den cress, kohlrabi, leaf .lettuc e, mus
tard, peas, radishes, spinach and tur
nips belong to this group. Spinach,
lettuce, mustard and cress will Ftand
somewhat lower temperatures in the
seedling alace than the other vege
tables of this group. They are all
usually planted, however, as soon as
the ground can be worked in spring.
Since peas can endure a somewhat
higitfr temperature than most of the
other crops of tiiis group and
radishes and lettuce grow c;uickly,
additional plantings of these may be
marfe a little later for the purpose of
securing a succession. Turnips,
radishes, lettuce and spinach may
also be planted in late summer or
early fall if sufficient moisture is
(2) The second group of cool sea
son crops conrists of early cabbage,
early cauliflower and head lettuce.
These require a longer period of
growth, but cannot endure excessive
heat. These should be started under
g'4 and transplanted about the
time the second planting of radishes
and peas is made. Celery has similar
temperature requirements as cab
bage and cauliflower but. except in
localities where the summers are
relatively cool, it cannot be grown
as a spring planted crop. It is usu
ally planted 'about the same time as
late cabbaca and makes its principal
growth in the fall.
( :t The third group of cool sea
son crops consists of beets, carrots,
chard, kale, leeks, onions, parsnips,
earlv potatoes-and salsify. These re
quire a relatively long season and
cool, moist weather during the early
stages of their development, but are
able, to endure hot. dry weather
after they are fully established. The
vegetables of this group are usu-
ally planted as early as the cround j
can be worked in spring. If cold, i
wet weather follows, the lieetf, car- !
rots, parsnips and chard may have,
to be replanted, as their seeds d. not
germinate at so low a temperature
!s some of the others, and th young
plants an more liable to b- injured
by frost.
Warm Sjum "r. The warm
sfion crops are included in twj
croups: M The first proup con-j
sista.or such crops as are aiie to
complete their growth in temperate
climates during the normal reason
of warm weather. They uwv be
planted in the open ground aftr the
weather has become warm in spring
and will usually complete their
growth before the autumn frosts.
Beans, sweet corn, popcorn, cucum
bers, eherkins, muskmelons. squash,
and pumpkins belong to this group,
luskrutlons may be started under
Years Life Planting Pounds Approximate Required for
oT Seed Depth Per Acre Plantinc Date Germination
Mean. Hush 4 1' 3 Vi 50 April 23-July 1 5 7
Heans. Pole 4 2 21"' 1.1 25 May 10-June 15 5 7
Table Beets 6 1 IV' 4 fi March 1-July 1 7 12
Swiss Chard fi 1-1V' fi - 8 March 1-July 1 712
Early Cabbage 6 1V4 K Ktb. 1 -April 13 57
Late Cabbage 6 i; i, Feb. 1-April 15 5 7
Karly Cauliflower .. 5 1 " 't April 1-May 1 5 8
Late Cauliflower. . .5 1 " 'i April 1-May 1 5 8
Broccoli 5 3i 1 " 'i July 1-Aus. 1 5 8
Carrot3 3 I V 2 3 March 1-June 15 7 10
Celery -2 1-8 U " 1-8 ; April 1-May 15 15 20
Sweet Corn 2 2 3 V 10 12 April 25-June 13 5 8
Onions 2 IV' .1 Feb. 1-May 1 15 20
Parsnips 1 4 IV 2 3 May 1-May 15 12 18
Peppers 3 Vt 4 " May 15-June 1 10 15
Garden Peas 3 1 3 " 80 100 Feb. 1-May 1 5 7
Early Potatoes.... 3 5 " 400 600 Feb. 15-Aprll 15 12 20
Late Potatoes..... 3 5 " 400 600 May 15-June 15 12 20
Pumpkin 6 1 2 " 2 Mayl5-May 25 6 9
Squash ..6 IV2 2 " 2 3 Mayl5-May 25 6 9
Spinach 4 1 IV 9 12 Feb. 15-April 1 5 8 15
Tomatoes 5 " 1-8 May 10-May 25 6 10
Early Turnips 8 1 2 " l' 2 March 1-April 15 5 7
Late Turnips 7 12 " 1 14 2 Aug. 1-Aug. 15 5 7
Rutabagas 7 1 2 " 1"7 2 June 20-July 15 5 7
Mrs. Anetta Schindler Leaves
Three Sons, All Prominent
in Marion County
Mrs. Annette Schindler, 66, who
came to this state from Switzerland
in 1889. passed away at her home
on the Riverside drive at Aiyers
street, last night at about 7 o clock.
She leaves three sons: Ernest and
Jonathan Schindler of Salem and
Carl Schindler of Akron. Ohio; and
three daughters. Miss Frieda Schind
ler of Salem. Mrs.' C. W. Prelleng
of San Fernando. Calif., and Mrs
A. F. Cramer of Rocklyn. Washing
ton. The family are well known In
Salem, as Mrs. and Miss Schindler
and Ernest and Jonathan Schindler
have for many years owned and op
erated the Fairmount dairy.
Mrs. Schindler was a native of
Switzerland .where she was born on
May 14. 1854. Her husband. Mel
chior Schindler. died some 20 years
The body is at the Rigdon parlors.
Services will probably be held on
Friday or Saturday.
keeping pace with the world, say
the Eugene Register. The latest
manifestation of this spirit is indi
cated in a letter from a man who has
evidently furnished his own handicap
ut who expresses the determination
overcome it. -r
The letter is written from the Sa
lem state prison, and was addressed
to President Campbell, who referred
it to the correspondence study de
partment. The- man asks concern
ing courses In mechanical engineer
ing, mechanical drawing and ma
chine design, stating that he has had
considerable shop experience. He
says: '
"I hope for my release In the near
future, and would like to make mv
prospects of an honest life brighter
by study. If you have any used or
soiled books, or any instruction on
these courses you could send me. or
perhaps some student would send
I would appreciate it very much."
Oregon Charge Would Take
Correspondence Course at
State University
It is not an uncommon thing for
the correspondence study department
at the university to enroll men In
lumbering camps, busy mothers of
small children, and invalids who can
not attend school, each one of whom
is determined that their particular
handicap shall not prevent them
from securing an education and
Yfhat to do for
1 o
"Pane's Diapepsin" by neutraliz
ing the acidity of the siomach, in
stantly relieves the food souring and
fermentation which causes the mls-
ery-makinu gasest. heartburn, flatu
lence, fullness of pain in stomach
and intestines.
A few tablets ot "Pape's Diapep
sin" bring telief alnmsl as soon ts
they reach the stomach. They nelp
tegulate disordered stomachs so fa
vorite foods can beea tn without
distress Costs so little at any drug
Combing Won't Rid
Hair Of Dandruff
The only way to get rid of dan
druff is to dissolve it. then you de
stroy It entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at night when retir
ing: use enough to moisten the scalp
and rub It in gently with the ringer
Do thi,s tonight, and by morning
most, if not ail. of your dandruff will
be gone and three or four more ap
plications will completely dissolve
and entirely destroy every single
sign and trace of it. no matter how
much dandruff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itch:ni
and digging of th scalp will stop
at once, and your hair will be fluffy
lustrous, glossy, silky and sol't. and
look and feel a hundred times bet
ter. You can get liquid anon at anv
drug store. It Is inexpensive and
never fairls to do the work.
Auction Sale
270 N. COM'L ST.
Be On Time"
- Two boys escaped from the State
Training school at 2 o'clock yester
dav afternoon. They are:
Edward Dunn, 'aged 17. 5 feet 8;
blue eyes, dark brown hLar, weight
Clarence Bland, 16 years, 4 feet
7; weight 130; blue eyes, light brown
hair, light complexion.'
Both. boys wore the cadet blue
iin thev escaned. Dunn is from
Mt. Vernon, Grant county, and Bland
is from Bend.
They will no doubt work towards
Eastern Oregon, it not captured be
fore they get far away.
Health Officials Dared To At
tempt Vaccination of Sa
lem Daughter
"Like many of my sisters I waJ
scratched on the arm and disfigured
for life and 1 do not propoj-e that
my daughter will be Fubjected to
this disgrace." said a well known Sa
lem woman in a letter addtes.sed to
The Statesman.
"Why. it l getting so t'.iat us wo
men are the targets of all kinds of
isms and wild hysteria on the part
of health officials and I would say
that it is time to tall a halt. Just
the other nisht I attendeo a dance
and would ou think ti a youn
man with whom I danced detected
an ugly scar on lfcy arm and sarcas
tically rematked: Well, kid. 1 see
ou were scratched'.'"
"I have a daughter a beautiful
gitl. and regardless of any order
that may be is;-ud by health offic
ials, riii- Mill not be vaccinated. I
ni ot peaceful disposition, easy
dal vifh and love my fellow-wo-man.
but nothins yet printed or said
ha pursuaded me thai taccinatioo
is necessary..
'"The sootier these half-baked ad
visors wake up to the tact that us
women are human, and !ive us to
work out our own destinies the bet
ter it will be for all concerned.
"In the meantime let me warn tliat
l have a icliabl-j thott'tin, and vac-
An Ounce cf Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure
Keep Warm and Keep Well
3 0 0
Blankets and Quilts
On Sale At a Big Reduction
Also Lemons Are a Valuable Remedy for Colds and for La
150 Cases on sale at 10c 15c 20c a dozen
Come and Eat
The staff of demonstrators from the Fisher Flouring
Mills, Seattle, Wn., are with us to show the public
what can be done with their Fishers Blend Flour,
a pancake flour and Rolled Oats.
A Different Menu
Every Day
Today we will bake fancy cakes and also Hot znuf.
fins and we want you to be sure and drop around
and have a bite. .We do not insist that you buy nor
do the demonstrators so insist, all they want to do is '
to show you the quality of their goods and let you
be the judge. - ,
Roth Grocery Co.
134 North Liberty Street
Sheep Men
Attention !
We have a limited amount of
and can make
Two lots analyzing
Wire or Write
Swift & Company
Animal Food Department