i t i TITO OREGON 8TATR33IANI WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 18, 1920 CITY NEWS $40,000. Head offices of the com pany will be located in Portland. The purpose or tne company is to pell gas generators and all accessories. The Valley Land company of Enterprise Irrigation district is. lo cated in Klamath County and is said to contain several thousand acres of valuable land. The opinion was state su- Mc- I asked by Will 11. liennett, by! jf Tintendent of banks and a Special meeting of Pacific lodge. No. 50, A. P. & A; V J M. this evening. Work In w the M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Ir. Itoney in Portland - Dr. Carl O. Doney, of Willamette, spent yesterday in Portland on busi ness for the University. He re turned last night but is now suffer ing from an attack of influenza and will be unable to continue his work for a lime. tXmcett Postponed Prevalence of Influenza has caused the indefinite postponement of the Marion County Children's Bureau benefit concert which was to have taken place on Friday evening, next. Ile-e'n a Job For a good man. We want a Jan itor. Apply Statesman office, upstairs. missloner. The corporation has met cording to Mr. Ilarber. and has de- f10,0? . , ,,e posited in a Portland bank the sum !,een fl,ed by the of $25,000 together with bonds ag- fTPi'atlrnr till nni) This la elA the first Oregon Insurance company J,rtl V Ml" Minnville. has been incorporated by ! jc Tintendent of banks and a member N. M. McDaniel, Jack McDaniel and of the irrigation securities commis Frank Holmes. The capital stock is i pion. of dissolution hu3 Astoria Kxchange admitted to operate in the state for ! several years. Apply at the Cray Belle. Be Sure And See The Dort Cutout Chassis at the show. Cnratlon (lets I J ft The Oregon Auto Underwriters, Inc.. attorney in fact for subscribers at the Oregon Auto Indemnity Ex change in Portland, has been grant ed a permit to operate in Oregon by A. 8. Barber, state Insurance com- OWEN' MOORE la "PICCADILLY JIM" 1IAWLEY, OX THE WURLITZER P Whole Family III Mrs. w. F. Proctor. 2786. Lee street, has gone to Scio to take care of the family of her daughter, Mrs. H. F. Otien. Mr. and Mrs. Otien. their two youngest sons, and their infant daughter are all ill with the influenza. Litggei Unionized- Phillip R. Holden. organizer for the United Timberworkers in this district, reports that the workers in this vicinity are now pretty thor oughly organized. Mr. Holden. who stays at the ISligh. has been working very effectively here and in the log ging camps about Siiverton. He will be in Portland tomorrow for the pur pose of making his regular report to headquarters. Mis Owen Xlslt Miss Ellen Owen yesterday began a Dancing Party- Cotillion hall has been gaily and visit of several days with her elaborately decorated with hearts friend. Miss Aileen Holman. of Port- and flowers for the valentine season lanu. I in preparation ior me party wnicn is to be given tonight at 8:30 for the Dr. S. C. Stone senior pupils of Mrs. Ralph hites May now be found at Tyler's drug dancing class. The party will be in Cretonne Se-lal Values to $1.75, 68c yard, while they last. Hamilton's. (uurduin A)Hinted Anna Newman was appointed guardian of Clara Jacobson. 13. a minor, by an order of the county court yesterday. It was shown that the parents of the minor were both dead and that Anna Newman was a sister of the child and a competent person to have her care and custody. By an estate left by the girl's father, she has $640. of which $300 la an insurance policy. The guardian filed a bond of $700. streets, by Rev. Mr. F. W. Launer. Interment occurred at the Lee Mis sion cemetery. Mr. Maurer is sur vived by his siBter, Mrs. G. B. Boggs, of this city and a brother, the Rev. Mr. Ezra Maurer. of Canby, Ore. Alteration Completed The alterations to the offices of County Recorder Mrs. Robertson Brooks are now completed and she is highly pleased with the oroms. MIh Mahool Soon To Ienvr The afternoon lectures that Miss Mahood has been giving for the wo men of Salem on physical culture and health conservation will contin ue for only two more days. These lectures have been very helpful to those who have been fortunate enough to have heard them. Bark From California After a winter season in Califor nia, which was delightful in spite of the large crop of tourists who en tourage rent profiteer. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pettycrew have returned to their north Sixteenth street home. Mr. Pettycrew reports that there has been practical))- no rain in south ern California lor almost tnree years Kimball Factory Tuner Arriv H. B. Adamson, expert piano tuner and repair man. arrived from Kansas office City and decided to start in; Salem The offices formerly occu- taking the position of the late T. L. store. the nature of a masquerade. Cretonne Sped they last. Hamilton's. IiOftritK to Fly H. J. Eberele. from the of rice of State Forester Elliott, is to take a course of training in aerial observa tion at March field. Riverside, Calif. I Valentine Party irjease lie will return after about a month I Last Saturday night the Lausanne to put bis training to practical use In I Hall girls had a very enjoyable Val ine forest patrol service. Convalescing- From Influenza Mrs. Hal Sheldon, who has been ill with influenza for three weeks at her home, ill Chemeketa street, is now able to receive a few of her friends. entine party. The dining room was I artistically decorated with hearts. A I valentine box was the feature of tne evening and the exchange of valen tines was much enjoyed. pied by the county school superln- Holley with Geo. C. ill, the music tendent was connected to the record- dealer. er's office room by removal of the partition. The floor space is doub- Traffic Cop on the Job- led and this gives room to place the No ennui seems to affect enforce- I files and records of the department ment of local traffic ordinances by Chief Welsh and Traffic Officer Mof Tit. They have begun a two-fold campaign to keep the mufflers closed, especially on trucks, and to keep the load on the wagon when gra vel or rock is hauled through the city. Offenders against the law will be severely dealt with Values to $1.75. 68c yard, while "" that they may be conveniently re ferred to. Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman office Catalog on application. i. B. ginUu (Go. Outfitters to Women, Misses and Children Quality Merchandise Popular Prices the county recorder's office yester- cashier's department of the secretary day. Walter F. Buchner and Minnie of state's office. Buchner sold 363.75 acres of farm S. E. Krohn. of Portland. Las ar- land in township six. south range, rived in Salem and is tempors.ru one west; to G. H. Grabenborst for employed in a local drug store, a consideration of $30,000. The Arthur Benson, chief clerk of the government tax on the transaction Oregon supreme court, has returned amounted to $30. from Portland where he passed a. couple of days with friends. . .. . Elrey A. Hart Pa uaiiauey, wno is empioyea a Elrey A. Hart, a well known Civil ienuBrpnrr m tue ouircs ui War veteran and resident of Oregon "tate board of control, is 111 at her for the past 30 years died yesterday I home here. ion it. i-pjonn, private secret to Governor Olcott. who has been 111 for the past few days was reported as improved yesterday. The work of redecorating the In terior of the executive offices in the at the home of his son. Elbert Hart. living in West Salem. He was 0 years old. Mr. Hart was a member of Sedgwick post of the G. A. R. lis is survived by his widow, and one son. Elbert of West Salem. The fun eral will be held Thursday afternoon I statehouse Is progressing rapidly and from the Terwllliger home with the the rooms should be ia.readlneee for Grand Army of the Charge. Republic in Muftirale l Enjoyed A musical program of merit was given at Union hall last night. Those occupancy within the next few days. Gilbert W. Allen, deputy state fire marshal. I reported as being 111 In Eastern Oregon where he went re cently to conduct a series of fire tor- Be Sure and See The Dort Cutout Chassis at the show. Electric Machinery and Engineering '. - Company For . EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORK - i?J So. Commercial St. Phone 965 Incorporations Are Filed The Greater Eugene Investment company has been incorporated by E. J. Adams. C. II. Fischer and A. A. Rogers. The capital stock is $10, OvO and headquarters wilt be main tained in Eugene. Frank McCrillis, A. A. - Brown. L. J. Mudehenke. Ed ward E. Small and J. F. Healv have incorporated the Standard Gas Heat ing company, with a capital stock of D. H. M0SHER lEigh Class MEN'S TAILORING 474 Court Street ! vW?T. RIGD0N CO. Trading Funeral Directors CITY CLEANING WORKS ; Cleaners ox Quality , ' Cleaning Dyeing Repairing Mil State 8L Phone TVS 192 Models of the "Lexington Minute Man Six" -Auburn Beauty Six" and "Elcar Fiery Four" now on exhibl lion at 178 S. Commercial. Proceeding Are IiCRai The proceedings attendant to the organization of the Enterprise Irri gation district and the subsequent J for tne jocal nlgh qqx team. issuance or Donas in me sum oi .- 000 for development purposes, were held to be valid in a, legal opinion given by Attorney General Brown here yesterday. Application now is before the state irrigation securities commission to certify to the amount Kalem High Victor The Saem high basketball team yesterday won a victory over the Willamette freshmen with a score of 22 to 14. Iloth teams played hard. At the end of the first half the score stood 10 to 9, but this gain the S. II. I take up work on farms are among S. team continued to widen. This those needed to fill positions in the score is considered a.uite an honor disposition of the municipal labor I A of John Several housekeepers, a number of women for state institutional work. and two men with their wives to 1Ivene1 the evening by the rendition veys. T'llJ where he VwSl a few days with his daughter. Mrs. George Witherite. the evening were Perry Reigleman Cora Hendry. Lena Belle Tartar, and Miss Levy. Refreshments and cards were followed by a dance. An or chestra of several instruments en- of pleasing selections. HOTEL ARRIVALS 1 : bureau, according to Recorder Race. Buyinz Trio to Portland- Mr. U. G. Shipley, local merchant. gave a practical demonstration of his sentiments on the "keep the mon- Mr. Alice t4c Bead Mrs. Alice Cook died at her farm home near Rosedale yesterday suc- PnrtlnnH vtorrtav Mr Shtntov rA. Of the bonds and action tO this endlnr.a -tnrV mnvlnir runMlv .ml n. . . ... . t ,A r proDauty win De iaKn as a resun the attorney general's opinion. The ey in Oregon" slogan in a trip to ness of his father-in-law, the Rev Mr. stivers, tamer oi tne tamous Fire-Eating Parson." Mr. McCroe cessitating frequent replenishment. key returned last night. M I TH For M OK E State and Commercial Streets S s VERIBEST TRANSFER We want -your business and will sat Ufr you to ert it. All the service poitslble for the prUe. VERIBEST TRANSFER Phone 1344 Kigdon and Son Reliable funeral directors. MARION Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mat thews. II. D. Waldron. Paul Staiger. i.r ir Ktivera 111 I 11 --i f. j. ainiianey, r.. wioaieiier, T H MrfVonkPY manae-or of the cuinoing 10 imiucoza. one naa oeen i Kyan. U. J. UQlCBer. E. - ISOUien, - ' - - tin - - . Jt - 1 r r i - i . . . . . . . . . in umj a rw ui;i. w. i t'ortiana ; ir. ana Mrs. MCJtiannia survived by her parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. HotchkUs. Corvallls; Mrs. William Irwin of Rosedale. I v. J. Sleeoer. Goldendale: F. P. Flo- three sisters and one brother. Her Kel. Oakland. Calif.; J. M. Conse. Bel- husband died several yars ago. Tne ungham. Wash. funeral will te held from theWeDDi I'LIGH E. A. Hares. San Jose. & Clough chapel at 10:Z0 a. m. I Calif.: A. F. Col res ton. A- A Shanr. Tnursday with burial In tne uose- dale cemetery Commercial club, was called to Eu gene yesterday by the dangerous' ill- Otto Maurer Die While on a visit to friends In Sno homish Otto Maurer, 38, an interne nor Clayton Williams will speak. 25 Rota liana All Rotarians will be expected at the "luncheon" at Marion hotel Wed nesday, February 18 at 1 p. m. Make a note of the hour. District Gover- L. J. Walker. R. E. Logan. Ray K. Reed. R. W. Gill. J. B. Huntington. H. A. Tinker. M. Cook. R. E. Weir. Cornelius Edlger. Portland: A. J. Reilly. Twin Falls, Ida.: M. B. Ar- EAGLE DRESS SHIRTS f2.00, $3.00 to $10.00 at the state tuberculosis hospital, visiting Rotarians will accompany the vere iro OI tne past season is now io paium I AtA n sitnritxr loot Tho rnn.nl I i. very nearly repairea. i ne irac was conducted at the Evangelical aiong iiiga rm nut q up church. Seventeenth and Chemeketa ..-. i some time Dm me wora is now Terj mxw,,,M i near comnienon ana uwaus oniy ic The American baivatlon Army ,Iiniiratlon of rnnrrrt which will hm Tracks Are Repaired Damage which was done to the Oregon Electric road bed by the se- Ithur. Seattle; A. C. Davis. Philomath. A It GO P. Stewart, Turner; 1L A. Robb. Dallas; L. F. Snaaal. Eugene; W. II. Waterbury. Newport. SCHH'S Let ns prove to yon that our prices are leas. Some good bargains in new n pianom. i 344 State Street THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. Knppnhelmer nouse ta slem 519 Court St I Derby building The most sanitary kitchen cabinet P,an9 the formation of salvation Ar- nged to soUditr the work already my county advisory boards, accord I jq. made, The Kitchen Maid. H. L STIFF FURNITURE CO. 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CIGAB Manufactured by HENDERSON'S CIGAR FACTOR! Phone til STJNH2ST ORANGES DOZEN BUSICK'S 50c USED. BARGAINS 1918 Studebaker Six. 7 passenger. newly painted and overhauled $900 Ford truck in A-l condition. . 030 Model 98 Overland, almost new $850 lng to a communication received by the local police yesterday. The mes nae? states that an advisory board of the Salvation army may be estab lished in every county for the purpose of cooperating with the army branch es. MONUMENTS If your monumental work Is solicit ed, kindly ask the solicitor for our business card. J. C. JOXES, Pro. . Capital Monumental. Works . ar w ws 1 r.mMyf-r ant ueip S,hnahl. to dvlof fiSl 1 horse-DOW According to the applications for ticay all 'of whIch he w, neip oy me cmpiufcrs-wicu uu city recorder, who also acts as the Water Bight Sought Charles J. Sehnable. of Portland. has filed application with Percy Cup-llSlO S. Com. SL Phone (. Salem per, state engineer, for the appropri ation of 600 second feet of water from the Santiam river for power purposes. It is proposed by Mr. 162 North Commercial Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Oaa Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale 191 S. 3 tin St. Salem. Or. WILLARD Storage Battery SERVICE STATION 233 N. High St. Telephone 203 dALLM VtLit LUMrAN I municipal employment bureau, there is no shortage of work in the vtctn- itv of Salem. Recorder Race has positions open for housework, man and wife on the farm, work in the , berry fields and many other branch es of employment. practically all of which he says will be used in generating electrici ty. The proposed development, ac cording to the application, will rep resent an expenditure of approxi mately IS00.000. WHKX IX (ALECK. OaEGOM t at I BLIGII HOTEL. A Home Away from Home Strictly Modern H ot pr day 100 KB.a ! Sll CMfrt Only Hotel in Business District WANTED A Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools, and. In fact anything you have to sell. I buy for cash. Phone S10 or 511. ".!."' W00DRY, The Auctioneer 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE Motorists who are looking for strong, - serviceable car with elegant body lines and Interior specifications that assume maximum service and cuootny at a reaaooable price should this ear. LEE L GILBERT. Distributor 154 Sa. CeaiMrHal Streti WW i i HAMILTON THE FURNITURE MAN make and hang your drapes Largest Stock of Drapery. S40 Court Street. WONDER HOSE for Kiddles, per pair. ........ .60c REMNANT 6TORJ3 ' ' 254 North Commercial Street ELECTRIC RESTAURANT 481 State Street Our Specialty: Oysters- Fish Chops Chill Con C&rno J. D. MADDOX. Prop. that we pay the ! He for - CAMl'UTS, STOVKH. MACUUIKBT AX It TOOLS Dn't sell anything- before you TUB CAPITAL If A HDWAnU Jkltu vi'mnrrtTiiB co. MS ST. Caaa'l SI Pfcaae S47 Bonds, Mortgages Interest Bearing Investment HAWKINS & ROBERTS S04.207 Oregon Banding One Orreland, nearly new, six cylin der, 5 passenger, equipped all Cord Tires and one extra, new. Guaran teed in Al shape for $1260. WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. 346 State St. Phone 311 IpI Dr.CB. OTteill !J I OPTOTlrlTRIST-OPTICIAN LaddtCush Bank dn&ad' 3Z? Kfdr iSlate ad I Tax Roils About com p let The county tax rolls will be turned over to the sheriff some time next week, according to a statement made PERSONAL MZNTIOlf I t n4 SUK STPftT MYRTLE KN0WLAND - i Mnslc and Musical Merchandise Bonorm Dealer la Salem i 416 Court St. Salem. Oregon Telephone 152 EYEGLASSES THAT FIT DR. U, UAXt. WTLSOH 210-211 C. S. National Bank BIdg U. S. GARAGE S54 Ferry Street J USED BUT NOT ABUSED CARS SPEClAL-New series Studebaker, value 11625, today 11300. U. S. Oaf age. Phone 17 S3 BICYCLES AND REPAIRS LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 887 Court Street HmaU iBTeeaneut Loans Kealty Ixmuis Hoose Kintal Agency, General Property Dealing. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO, 404-406 Hubbard Bldg. hone 264 Salem. Ore. DENNIS0N ELECTRIC CO. JOB WORK AND FIXTURES 223 North Liberty Street WEST FUR CO. Furs of Quality New Location 231 Court St. Opp- Court House Mrs. Mary Lynlff who has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs the tax rolls is late owing to the In creased computations caused by the new tax law and Assessor West has experienced trouble in locating com petent and experienced help. The exact date will be announced later. DO YOU KNOW That You Can Get The Best Meal in Town at THE BLUEBIRD CAFE You Will Appreciate The CleanlinetM and High Quality of Food 103 South Commercial St. One THal Will Convince You BISHOP BROS. High and Ferry SU. Phono 1400 WE BUY Farn Produce, Eggs, etc. Paying HJghest Cash Market Prices. For REAL BARGAINS m I SED CARS t . ... "' See Olesoa Auto Exchange Are Crowded for Spact POTATOES Seed and Table Stock. Get them now. they won't last long. Phone 717. Office 642 State St. Warehouse Trade and High MANGIS BROS. LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 " . INI.. ' IS' Mill - V, - . W; Wc ibo da local hauling. WANTED JUNK AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS We also buy second-hand goods. If you have anything to sell for a good price call S08. The Square Deal House. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St. Salem, Ore. NEW DREAMLAND RINK East End State Street SAI.KM OREGON ROLLER SKATING Every Afternoon and Evening l:SO and 7:30 p. m. Band Music Friday Admission 10 Cents Wash. Miss Iris Chenowith is ill at Lau sanne hall. Her many friends are much concerned for her speedy re covery. J. D. Zurcher, for a long time con nected with the land department of Umatilla Man File the Oregon-Washington Railroad It. I. Keater, district attorney of Navigation company, spent yesterday Umatilla county has filed with the in Salem conferring with State Cor secretary of state his declaration to poration Commissioner Schulderman become a candidate for re-election and other state officials. Mr. Zur- at the Republican primary election cher makes his headquarters in Port- to be held in May. If nominated and land. elected Mr. Keator says he will con- t- v-nHiontt r Portland la na- duct his offices along the lines of lnR a tew dayg ln Salem conferring economy, consistent wltn eincieni .uh -mt,iOTei of the Snauldlnz Log- service, nefe rnmoanr with rerard to affil iating with the Loyal Legion of Log gers and Lumbermen. Sam A. Kozer, assistant secretary of state, was not able to return to his desk yesterday, being confined to his home with a slight attack of stomach trouble. Frank O. Micelli. formerly a pro minent Portland attorney but at the present time connected with the Loy al Legion of Loggers and Lumber men is passing a few days in the city, lie is registered at the Marion. Mrs. Edward Patterson who has been confined at home beoaus of the illness of her daughter. Miss Pru dence, has resumed her duties in the On Acount of the Smallpox And Influenza epidemic we deem it necessary to close the Auburn hall until such a time as the possi bility of spreading d 1st a so is elim inated. Auburn Hall company. Judgment is Want Claiming that H. T. Carl appropri ated 21.000 feet of lumber that be longed to him. J. W. Huntley filed suit to recover $49 from Mr. Carl in the circuit court yesterday. Ktat Appraised . The estate of the late Margaret Ostrander is valued at $2625. ac cording to a report of the appraisers filed with the county court yester day. The real property wa ap praised at $2500 and personal pro perty at $125. The appraisers were F. S. Gilbert, S. M. Elliott and J. N. Skife. SCHAEFER'S THROAT&LUNG BALSAM This remedy is unlike any. other Cough mixture, as.it. not merely dries up the cough or momentarily allay the irri tation by means of narcotio drugs, but Permanently Re lieve, Soothes and Heals all the affected parts. One trial will convince you-of it'i su perior virtues. ; Try our Cold Tablets for Cold in Head Manufactured and sold by Emil A. Schaefer Manufacturing Chemist t Phone Main 197 1.1 X. Cora. St. Salem, Orel WANTED! WHITE BEANS PEOPLES CASH STORE WM. GAHLSD0RF The Store of Housewares Administrator Apiiolnted Ezra Maurer was appointed ad ministrator of the estate of Otto Maurer who died recently, by an or der of the county court yesterday. The court selected W. J. Culver. D. . Drager and H. H. Keerick to serve as appraisers. The estate is in Mar ion countv and i worth about $1750. The administrator filed a bond of , $3500. IF YOU NEED NURSERY STOCK FOR SPRING PLANTING TRY OURS We hav a limited furp!us ln Italians in 4-C and 3-4 foot grades. Loganberry tips. Other vatities of Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Small Fruits and Roses uninjured by the December freese. Place your order early SALEM NURSERY COMPANY 1030 Chemeketa Street 8ALEMT OREGON Salesmen Wanted Llutate h to Chicag Mr. E. H. Choate of the U. O. Shipley Co. has accepted a position with a large well known mercantile house in Chicago. He plans to leave soon with his family for tho windy city. He will be greatly missed by the Cherrians, the Com mercial club, and other organizations with which he has been sctlvely con nected since coming to Salem. SJO.OOO Transfer One of the largest realty transfers of the past few weeks was entered at k Bake-Rite Bread Is Brimf all of Food value and delidonsness. It's Scientifically and Sanitarily Made BAKE-RITE BAKING CO.