The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 17, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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the tank in the coi.
Various Events During Recent
If ears Prove Durability of
' Great Machine
J. W. Jones Promises Display
. Surpassing' All Previbiii At-
tempts oh Part of Local
fphoi-1 nit i r"TiiTn n
Urges Redamationists to
Keep Center West
Every Precaution Is Taken to
Add Simplicity and Guard
Against Mishaps
st.-iy in deeper and the cushion
springs -are sti-cnger. giving a more'
datable and longer lasting type of ;
Many refinements, have befcn in
corporated in the -exterior appear
ance, wnicn ,wui be noticeable at a
glance. The headlights ! are larger
with nickel rims and black center.
a pleasing: combination. The round
ed hood and carefully molded fend- ru4.
ra Knd gracefully to the beauty of ; V,WV"W1 ui luauu
the entire design. Those of a me
chanical nature who are desirous of
witnessing the simplicity and careful
onginet-ring of Doi t construction can
show in detail every part of thejTWO BILLS INTRODUCED
i'uu a inner wortcs. aimng anout
i ins taais uie Tisnor to tne snow i r - .
can plainly behold the keynote of! former secretary Lane in
that is simplicity.
, Motor Held Durable.
The Don motor is four cylinder
practice. Bore is 3 inches, stroke ' A 8taJen'nt in the preliminary
5 inches, wiih extra light cast iron rePrt of th census bureau that the
pistons. Transmission of the selec-i population 01 tn united
tlve tvoe. with three ximit fnrwni !)ta!es " moving eastward instead
and one reverse, is built in unit With of weMtward is considered startling
motor. i snrormauou by Governor D. V. Ua-
Hoth front and rear springs are vis of Idaho, president of the West-
extra long with the main leaves of ern Mates Keciamatipn association
Tungsten steel, a guarantee of Ion " s such Informatidh. he believes
spring life.. Rear springs are the that should cause western men who
approved cantilever type, standard are working In the cause of recla
on cars of a great deal higher price imatlon to redouble their efforts to
than Dort- bring the financial assistance from
uc wi v icai uic is micc-uuiiicri iu KDffrnioeni mat is needed in
floating with nickel steel gears andjvelop the undeveloped lands of the
axie snaus mountea on ntgn autyiwest.
rouer oeanngs. equipment is com- Percy A. Cuoner. state onHneer A I - . I . ' F
pice iu e.nj uema. and member of the evecntlve Mm
simplicity is Feature. I mfiM nt tvo i. i
1. .ltl V- .. .. A it 1"VU, IO 1U IC
i iu w nuicu 1 1 mil lub cm out Mint r K..Mn,i r -
cnuiM-iu simplicity ana accessi- Davis, and also ronnrl nn
"111: ".J:" u . u c I mlttee's recent conference in Wash
vrrnuvoi. iuiuuruuui iue uun ucsiku- I Wfrtn rrto-
Sympathy With Western
State's Program
Salt Lake conference to li.aij.yp. tb"
lHall matter from this end.
Tteare urge on the friends of Ir
rigation in your state, the necessity
or keeping a live interest In your
oca! irrigation association, so . we
may'have the hearty cooperation oft
all the great states Involved In thlj
irrigation union.
"In' addition; i sngjrest yon imme
diately confer with American Legion
commanders, in your community. Ex
plain to them that this is the opening
wedge: in the sbldier settlement plan
and gain their support through res
olution and letters. We can do much
for them- and they can help them
selves. Write or wire me if you wish
more suggestions.
Cadillac and Lexington
Have Ttoo-Way Light
The: Dorf exhibit at the Salem Au
tomobile show will be one of the
most attractive and Interesting dis
plays ever made, according to j. vv.j Dort ideal to build the Dort car in
is QPTffiiisnc
D. Samuel Sets Bright Future
For Automobile Business
in Salem
ing. In fact it has always been the
Jones, local dealer Tor the Dort.
, There will be a cut out model of
toe Dort car showing how this sturdy
etr is made.
Good looks and refinement are
characteristics of all Dort "models.
Ia the open cars many minor-chang
es have been incorporated to add to
the convenience of the owner. In
the first place the hand brake' and
gear shifting levers are In center
position, well forward so that ample
room is. provided when entering the
front compartment. The foot pads
on both, the foot brake and clutch
pedals are extra large and so curved
foot, which makes for easv ODera-
tlon. '
Gas Tank Is Xovel. f
The gas tank operated under vac
uum pressure, ia suspended from the
rear frame and permits of a more
even distribution of weight than lo-
The tilting headlight shown this
year for the first time by the Cadll-
ac and the Lexington Minute Man
Six, removes one of the greatest
menaces to night riding. While
there is a difference in the princi
ples employed by the two factories
to eliminate the glare the results are
practically the same.
It is accomplished by a special re
flector, which throws the beam down
ward, concentrating on the road in
front of the car below the vision
level of the approaching driver or
pedestrian. "The reflection of light' Is
controlled' by a lever within each
reach of the driver.
A demonstration of this feature
was given on the streets of Salem
by the local Lexington dealers on
Saturday night, and attracted much
mention. With the headlight re
flector In road driving position the
light is projected approximately 500
feet, but for city driving, or when
meeting a car on a rural highway,
the reflector Is. turned downward.
concentrating the same bright light
on the roadway 35 feet in front or
the car at a non-glare angle,
The road ia fully covered by the
light, enabling the driver to excu-
D. Samuels, proprietor of the Am
erican Automobile company, agents
for Oakland cars. Is very optimistic
over the future of the automobile
business in Salam. Although in
buslne&tt just a year bis patronage
has assumed, such proportions that
his quarters on South Commercial
street are inadequate to accommodate
it. lie has recently 'purchased the
Capital Garage on South " Liberty
street and will run this branch for
trading in used cars and accessories,
also as a service station and general
auto repair shop.
The Parlor-Built Daniels Eight is the class of thehow. Everybody
wants one or thee distinctive cars. A few fsittdlou ' onrs
own thm. See the Daniels at the Show. , " "j
The Gratnm-Bercsteln Truck is the greatest banting mxcblM On fcirtfc.
It w& the flrft commercial wagon built Ia America.' a&d It'a always
been the first. When a better truck lVbullt.'lhe arammj'wfll btill4
it. as they always have done. See the Oramm at the Show.
The Anderson Six is a revelation In hmlte strength, body design ad
quality, comfort and money-worth value., The, million barers who (
want a big, everlasting, quality car, should see'a'AB3er0B. It's
at the Show. r .
Salesmen's Exchaflge255 State
bill was drafted calling for a bond
iui l ;ur iu i...
such a way that it can be cared for MUC Ul V v' ,vvu'
by, the average owner, and also that .Jioary introduce r.Mi
It it should require expert service, The bill has been Introduced In
this can be had without the outlay the house by Representative Kinkaid
of huge repair expense. (or rsenrasKa-and in the senate by
First and foremost in simplicity- benatot; McNary of Oregon. Strong-
froin the standpoint" of upkeep, is lest opposition to the measure is ex- irately Judge his own position and
the oiling system. A car well olledipectea from the middle west, which that of the approaching cy. The
Is a car that runs well and the Dort I is said to fear competition with the temporary blindness caused when
owing system mattes it possible torirar west both In production and In lights are suddenly dimmed Is en
any man. regardless of mechanical I land. Former 8ecreary of the Treas- I tirely eliminated by the new devices
knowledge, lo keep it properly oiled jury Glass. Just before resigning, ex- used exclusively by these two man-
atter a single instruction. ... Dressed himself in favor of a direct I ufacturers.
C ar Accident rroof. 1 armroDrlation instead of a bond ls-
Then mere is tne matter oi ac-jstle but he believed it would be A J J. J A r
cessibility. Every adjustable part is tmnossible to ret an anoroDrlatian. w'u AlttaCtlOn tOT
arraagea wnn speciiu anenuon iu Former Secretarv nf the Interior IT.- T-Z- Vn.A
its accessibility. Toa will see from Vran K t' 1n.f Mnrm rtL u .uiei..H
the Dort cut out chassis that it is I ,i , i a i
uesiKDBU BO mai iuo uwuci cau mc , i, . . n nn nnn nnn i . v i .
any minor adjustment without fear r.rarabre attltt7de toward the- recla- WBO "n1 the Mackentie
of making an injurious mistake to river highway, at least , far as Bel-
the mechanism. : V.." 1"" .CI knap Springs, will this season nna
r,1" .v",u!r. revi-"w Un added attrition' at Lost Creek.
T LI. . - v I VUt:iTJ OWl l Ui UlUCI D IU ru
lZ islVt. , " ''"""'" bf constrnction twenty-room hotel
Those of Marion and Polk county
It is possible to remove the entire
ir -v
I f i
H& ' - I
t . '
V W '
yWv 'i"." :";v
Quality Goes ClearTlimugh
It is the marked ability of the Dort
to stay in fit condition despite the
stress of daily use that makes it so -desirable
a car investment v
The low cost of motoring in a iort,
as you know, has come to be slmbst
a proverb among owners.
Part of this is due, of course, to ine
efficiency with which it turns as
and oil into travel.
But a large part of Us low opera
tive cost must be credited to the
soundness and enduring quality of
its construction.
Every new Dort that goes into use
emphasizes this characteristic
,Oovernor Davis writes
"In the first place this country Is
In a financial condition which is un
paralleled in Its history. We owe
thirty billions of dollars, and deficits
and huge expenses face congress. 1
have never known before a subject
to receive the intens thought of the
I members of congress, on whom the
refoonslbility hf stabilizing condi
tions rests, as does this.
Demand Stairs lenders
"Our demands for financial assist
an re staggered the leaders, yet I
can report io you that our economi
cat arguments have made a deep
impression on them, and. I believe
I can state with. absolute sincerity,
that if we do not get the things now
which we are asking, that within
another year or two. it is certain to
come because your committee of go
ernors and executive committeemen
has. I think, made a deep impres
sion on members of congress.
'Our fight will come from- the
middle western states where they fear
competition, both in production and
In land. Their argument Is baseless
we must produce more wheat no
matter where it comes from, for in
three years' time the United States
will be importing this grain, a con
dition which will he an Indictment
against our intelligence If we fall
to develop the wheat and bay lands
of the west
"Your committee met with th
ways and means committee of the
senate and house, the steering com
mittee and finance committees. Both
encouraging and discouraging things
were put up to us, the discouraging
things serving only to set our pur
roses more firmly. After manv
hours of . discussion and consultation
a tentative bill was framed askln?
for a bond Issue of $250,000,000. T.
i has been introduced in the house by
Representative Kinkaid of Nebraska
and in the senate by Senator McNary
ot Oregon, and is started on Its way.
Editorial Support t'rged
'Our senate bill is known as
S-3758. Let us keep Interest up to
the limit in this bill and the asso
ciation. Ask your papers for edi
I torial support. We have great prob
lems and we can meet 11 of them
successfully In time. Let us not
spare legitimate expense nor energy
"I suggest that everyone who re
ceives this letter write to friends in
the mlddM western states setting
forth the necessity for support and
the unfairness of the arguments of
! those who would oppose the bill.
"Former Governor Spry of Utah
was selected by your committee to
stay In Washington and keep us In
formed of the condition or this legis
lation and such other matters as It
will be necessary for him to attend
to. I will agree with me
In the wisdom of this choice.
legion's 8pport Needed
"Your committee also selected Mr.
Drown who acted as secretary of th
of modern architectural design and
with conveniences unknown to' the
average hostelry similarly located.
It is the purpose bf the promoters
to make this 4 real place of resort.
A garage will be erected for ton ruts,
Truck Exhibit
- : - S-'
Otto J. Wilson Dealer
The Woman Who Instinctively Feels and the Man Who
Unquestionably KnoWs Why the El&in Six Ia Called
World's Champion Li&ht Sis
Salem Velie Company
V I 1 -- ' ' -'
162 N. Commercial St J. W. Jone$, Manager
C O M P ATry,
nlant without removing the
body; In fact without removing an
other part of the car except the rad
iator. The same accessimnty ci con-
.fniftinn I found throughout the
ontlrp desien.
rrv nrecautlon has been taken
to add simplicity and to make the
rwiH nrnnf srainst mishao. Even
v . . f .
the ignition is so arranged that it
is Impossible to erhause the cattery
by stopping tne motor in aeaa cen
or viih the switch turned on.
The entire Dort chassis is con-
trartoii on the Ideal or service and
simplicity. It. is the contention of
Dort officials that correct design
does not consist In mechanical per
fection alone, but In simplified me
Though a woman may be inclined to
appraise motor car Value in a slightly
different way
the fact that the El&in Six has become
a champion by virtue of its repeated
triumphs in most every conceivable
kind of stock car competition
means equally as much to i her as it
does to the man who enjoys the benefit
of a larger number of years of experience
in "owning" and "driving."
Both know one probably more by
instinct that a car which has attained
such notable distinction must continue
to display these same hili virtues when
called upon to meet unexpected emer
gencies in private driving.
One knows that the El&in Six is an
exceptional car because he thoroughly
understands the mechanical reasons for
its superior performance.
The other is made confident that the
El&in is a wonderful car because she
has never had any occasion to question
its reliability.
The one notices and marvels at its
astonishing ease of manipulation. .
The other loves to? drive it because
she finds it so easy to fcuide and control.
He recognizes the exceptional ability
of engineers who designed such an
attractive vehicle.
She is happy and proud to find how
much her friends admire . and respect
the car she drives.
Why-be contented with less than a
Lee L. Gilbert, Western Oregon Distributor, Salem, Oregon,
will finance good lire dealers in unoccupied territory. Bee the
Hew Elgin "6" models at the Anto Show, 189-20.
F.O.B. Factory
chanical perfection, and that is the
Dort in a nuisneu.