The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 17, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Ms SS Sss - ' ' ' ' J
. 18-13-20
Under Auspices of Marion-Polk Dealers Association
Artistic Decorations-Orchestra Music Afternoon and Evening-Adm'n, to Partially Meet Exp., 25c
In an unpretentious building on 1
High street near Center Is a verita
ble hire of industry, little known .to
most member ot this community,
where 23 young men students ot the
Salem high school are perfecting
them sel res as automobile mechanics
under the tutorship ot E. E. Berg
man. ,
"The shop" as it Is known among
the students, Is a hobby with Super
intendent -of Schools John W. Todd,
and offers, a , thorough. (Course , In. me
chanics. ,. Automobile work, . is fea
tured, and although this department
is in its second year only it has
turned out some young mechanics
worthy of the name
The capacity of the building is
taxed to its utmost, and the increas
' lng number of students who desire
to take the: course wiirsdon make
neceszary larger quarters and addi
tional equipment. The present build
lng has a floor space of 800 feet.
Not long since a part was wanted
for a high class automobile driven
by a prominent citizen of Salem, but
it coud not be had this side of the
factory. This would require several
weeks, during which period the. car
would necessarly be out of commis
sion. The I school shop solved the
, problem. From raw material stu-
three days the machine was running
as usual.
Company Organizes For
' Inland Freight Hauling
A recapitulation of various events
and happenings in motordom during
the past four years recalls to mind
the repeated triumphs whicbr the El
gin Six has made in stock car com
petition; and thus, the "manner in
which it has earned its title of
"World's Champion Light Six."
. Though the policy of the Elgin or
ganization has never been to enter
the kind of competition which re
quires specially built acing models
working, but I honestly believe I
ras within the law. My car runs so
smooth that 30 miles seems like
That stall fails to turn the trick
nowadays. The judge merely yawns
and forthwith begins to enter the
sentence in the big book of doom,
usually tacking thereto a reasonable
sum as a penalty for springing such
an ancient excuse.
Read the Classified Ads.
visitor Have you a papa and
Little Girl I should say so. I've
had three papas brv& first mamma
and two mammas by my second papa.
"Darling." be said, "I have lost
all my money."
"How careless of you. she re
plied. "The next thing yon know
you'll be losing me." Detroit Free
With a promise of rates approx
imately 10 per cent lower than those
now charged by the railroads a new
hpatand truck, transportation com 1 .,
ZZzi I - officials have been oter zlousln.
W7namWr-rane?-W;Marchl. entering strictly stock cars in scores
lauwsuiug siauons as tar tuuia iruui
Portland .as Eugene.
The plan as outlined to The States
man by President M. E. Lee. during
his stay in Salfm last week, is to
operate two steamboats on the Wil
lamette river with stops at Butte
ville, Crawford, Salem, Albany, Cor
vallis and Eugene, from each of
which places truck lines will deliver
feight to neighboring towns. From
Butteville six towns. Aurora, Barlow.
Hubbard. Woodburn, (Gerrais and
Mt. Angel will be served; from Sa
lem, Silverton, West Stayton, Tur
ner, Dallas and Monmouth will be
The new company will be known
as the Inland Empire Transporta-
dents fashioned the part and within tnn. company.
Threaded Rubber
Insulation never neeas to
be given a thought But
that of ordinary Insula
tion does, at least once
before the battery is worn
out Threaded Rubber
gives far better protection
to plates and is the only
kind that can be depend
ed On to .last as long as
the battery. It can be
had only in the Still Bet
ter Willard
i Auto Electricians
.Through Service We Grow
238 North High Street
of gruelling events of wide public
interest. Most of these have been
unrestricted to cars as moderate in
price as the Elgin.
On numerous occasions Elgin of
ficials have taxed their ingenuity to
devise special feats of broad inter
rst, imposing critical tests for econ
omy, enduring and speed, in order
to prove for their own satisfaction
the full xtent of the Elgin's effi
ciency and stamina.
The record which it established in
winning the longest known cross
country scaled-chassis endurance run
during the summer of 1917 still
stands as one of the most brilliant
examples of high automobile achieve
ment. It was on this occasion that
an Elgin Six (an all stock model)
which had been selected by Secre
tary of War Baiter to report road
conditions for the IT. S. war depart
ment, taveled from Chicago to the
Pacific coast, a distance of 6202
miles with en average gasoline con
sumption of 19.4 miles to the gal
lon, ant with its chassis officially
pealed by President Chas. M. Have.
ot the Chicago Motor Club in such
a manner that neither the motor,
clutch or transmission, could -be in
merted or ad lusted enrotite. A
to the Elgin for winning "the long
est cross-con ntry, sealed-chassis run
in automobile history."
A most spectacular achievement,
and yet on? which has become quite
common to an Elgin car. is that of
tumping, under - maximum speed,
from a small incline into the air and
landing full force upon a solid ma
cadam road, at a distance of from
;0 to 70 odd feet. Tests such as
these serve to prove the perfect Da
snce of in parts and its ligid tenac
ity of construction. The world'3
record long distance jump of 73 feet,
one inch was made by an Elgin Six
at Rellvllle, Illinois, on June 18.
.As racing cross country with fast
express trains will always prove a
most thrilling event of vide public
interest anionic automobile men. Just
so do the it' any records that Elgin
stock cars have established in num
erous contests of this kind appeal
t those who are most experienced
'n judeinc the comparative merits of
speed and efficiency of cars In the
medium priced category-
A recent run of this kind was
tnade from Cb4caeo to Indianapolis.
when an Elgin ' Six Victory model,
carrying four adult passengers, beat
the time of the fastest extvss by ex
actly fifty-six minutes. William K.
Gibbs. formerly of Motor Age, and
Chester Fonst of the Chicago Ameri
can automobile department, were the
official observers of this remarkable
run. No water was added to the ra
diator enroute. and the car aver
aged seventeen and one-half miles
to the gallon of gasoline
1 IB oa g) ool
mV one jmmm
plows tlOfS ''arrow $ f? H -H Cultivates
Oh, No, That Ancient
Gag Won't Longer Work
A few vears aeo a fair percentae"
or motorists haled . before a magi
trate for speeding could escape wUh
reprimand when thev looked the
I judgs square in the eye and with a
I sorrowful countenance said: '
' "Judge, my speedometer wasn't
It Replaces the Horse
On Large and Small Farms, Truck Gardens, Fruit Farms, Suburban Tracts, Parks, etc
J can now break away completely from the inefficient, unreliable and
costly horse and man labor methods. The Beeman One-Horse Tractor
has proven its ability, in years of actual use on thousands of farms, to
supply the power needs left unfilled by the larger tractors and gas engines.
The Beeman docs any farm work ordinarily
done by one horse or mule or by hand. It will
plow, harrow, seed, plant, cultivat mow hay,
mow lawns, haul wagons with loads up to 1400
lbs. It's always ready any time of day or
night for any job, anywhere you want it done.
It steps right off and starts to wbrk no harness
to fuss with. And when the job is done you
haven't got a horse to rub down or curry, or a
bed to make, or a harness to clean and oiL
It's Dependable and
It doesn't get sick, doesn't get tired or 44 het up"
doesn't waste time resting or cooling off. It will
work continuously, day and night without a
stop, to help you out in an emergency. It wcrks
all day on 2 gallons of gasoline and one quart of
oiL You don't have to feed or take care of it
when it's not working. It's so simple in design,
so compact in construction, so staunchly built
that the upkeep cost is very small.
As a Power Plant For
Belt Work
it is not only portable it b also self -propelling
jio pushing or pulling. It trots up to any job,
under its own power, wherever you want it done
it will even run up the back steps into kitchen or
down into the basement. It will operate the
pump jack, buzz saw, feed grinder, churn, cream
separator, washing machine anything that any
4 h. p. engine will run.
To You Farmers Who Have
A Large Tractor
or plan to buy one, or hesitate to buyone because
you would "have to keep horses anyway" for the
light field hauling and belt work the Beeman
now makes it possible for you to completely
motorize your farm. It will do the work which
it is not practical or economical to do with the
larger tractor. It will make it more profitable
and worth-while for you to have a large tractor,
for it will enable you to reduce the number of
horses you keep or even do away with then
To the Truck Gardener, Fruit Grower,
Flower Raiser, Beet Sugar Growers
anyone with a small farm or one not suited to ,
the use of a large tractor the Beeman is the real
successful solution of your power needs and labor
problems. For instance with the Beeman and
three-row cultivating attachment one man or boy
can do as much or more work than five men
ordinarily do in cultivating narrow-rowed crops
such as onions, carrots, beets, etc
' To the Suburbanite
with his garden plot, the Beeman means inde
pendence from hired outfits. He can do his plow
ing, harrowing and seeding when the weather and
sou conditions are best, he can cultivate his crop
more intensively and get bisger yields. And all
the while he has a power plant ready to do any
one of the hundred and one little jobs that turn
up on his place the year 'round.
Write For Interesting Illustrated Booklet ivin fuU formation, showing some of its many
vijrr - -J . , uses, and telling owner's experience. Tell us about
the land of farming you do, sue of farm, or the use for which you want the Beeman and well advise vou franklv whrttvn
or not the Beeman will be a profitable investment for you.
444 Ferry St. Salem, Oregon.