The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 17, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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vrigation and Drainage Se
curities in Oregon Now To
tal $2,205,000
000, and payment by the state of in
terest on securities aggregating $2,
205,000, according to a report pre
pared today by Percy Cupper, etate
engineer and chairman of the com
mission. The Silver Lake' irrigation district,
including more than 8000 acres of
land in Lake county, asks certifica
tion of bonds in the sura of $300,
000 and state payment of interest on
the securities for a period of five
The Gold Hill Irrigation district,
covering an area of about 1100 acres
asks state guarantee of interest on
Applications are before the state
rrication securities commission for
lie certification of irrigation and 185.000 in bonds issued for devel-p Klamath county, requests the cer-
The Talent irrigation district com
prising 12,000 acres in Jackson
county, requests state guarantee of
interest on $600,000 in bonds.
The Grants Pass irrigation district
including 6000. acres of land in Jo
sephine county, asks both certifica
tion and state guarantee of interest
on bonds in the sum of $290,000.
The Teel irrigation district, locat
ed in Umatilla county and compris
ing about 16.500 acres, would have
the state guarantee interest on
bonds aggregating $930,000.
The Enterprise irrigation district
covering about 24.000 acres of land
HrlPa bonds amounting to $680.-' epment purposes.
"Nowls theTime to Dolt"
says the Good Judge
Go to real tobacco
the small chew with
K' ' the rich tobacco taste
that lasts a long time.
It will cost you less to
chew than ordinary
tobacco. Any man
who uses ; the Real
Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacC
tification of bonds amounting to
The Kingman Colony Drainage
district in Malheur county asks for
certification of bonds totaling $50,
000. Under a law passed at the 1919
session of the legislature the state is
authorized to pay interest on irri
gation and drainage bonds for any
part of the first five years after
their issuance.
(Continued from page 1)
er where the same would be inter
sected by the center line of Market
street projected westerly, thence east
along Market street to the center of
the Southern Pacific company's right
of way, thence south to and along
Tweirth street to Center street, west
to High street, north to Union street,
west to the river, north to the point
of beginning.
Ward No. 2. Resinning at the in
tersection of Centex and High streets
thence to Eighteenth street.
south to State street, east to Nine
teenth street, routh to Ferry street,
west to High street, north to place
of beginning.
Ward No. 3. Reginnini; at a point
in the middle of the Willamette riv
er opposite the center line of Union
street projected westerly, thence east
to High street, south to Miller stre t.
West to the Willamette slough, north
to the place of beginning.
Ward No. 4. Iieginning at the in
tersection of Ferry and High streets,
thence east to Nineteenth street,
north to State street, east to the city
limits, south to the Turner road.
i along the Turner road to its inter-
! section with Mission st
tion of Second street and Tower ave
nue. Window Declared Broken
The shooting awakened him, he
said. He saw two men In uniform
fall, he said, and saw dust fly from
the brick walls of the cooperative
store, indicating that these shots
came from the direction of the Ava
lon hotel. A. R. Jones. Centralia
gave testimony corroborative of that
given by those who had been driving
machines in the parade, mentioned
hereafter. He noted the brtfken win
dow in the Arnold hotel, he testified,
but did not see any shots fired from
But (not many. Most of us have more or less defective
eyes. Some scarcely use their eyes for close work their oc
cupations do not demand it. Consequently they may xeach old
age before realizing that anything is wrong with their eyes.
Trying Eye Work '
i '. !
j Everything nowadays tends to eause more rye-work. More
reading is done, often under unsuitable conditions ; this, and
other things tax our eyes and aggravate small defects which
might otherwise pass unnoticed. And because we need the
clearest of vision "we are anxious the moment it begins to fail.
i Glasses are very desirable long tofore the sight begins to
fail. Tfiey should be such glases as exaetjy compensate for
the defect's and make you see clearly without effort.
Eyesight Specialist
!'' Fits Eyeglasses Correctly
210-211 U. S. National Bank Budding
after the adoption of the ward boun
dary ordinance,at which time he will
be eligible to election as Wiest s suc
cessor, thus retaining his position on
the board from which he would have
been entirely eliminated had the
council proceeded to fill the vacancy.
Action Id Postponed
Councilman McClelland came to
the rescue of Simeral in support of
the motion to postpone action of
Wiest's successor declaring that it
would "look like the cards had been
stacked" if the election was pushed
through at last night's meeting.
Councilman Vandervort sensing
the play to save Simeral's scalp.
urged immediate action on the mat
ter declaring that "the cards sure
will be. stacked at the next meeting.
Previous to Wiest's motion to
elect a successor to himself, the or
dinance changing the boundaries
had been introduced and read for
the first and second time. A motion
to suspend the rules and place the
ordinance on its finaL passage made
by Councilman Volk "in honor of
Councilman Wiest who is with us for
the last time tonight" had been
blocked by Wiest's refusal to ac
quiesce In the move, the unseeming
vfgency of which he declared not to
be Justified by the circumstances
Wiest later agreed to withdraw his
objection which was defeated , by
Vandervort's "point of order."
, Boundaries of the new city wards
as established by the ordinnace in
troduced last night and which is ex
pected to come up for final passage
at the next meeting of the council.
March 1, are fixed as follows:
Ward No. 1 Beginning at a point
in the middle of the Willamette riv-
Nearly everybody at soma time or
other suffers from backache, gore
muscles. Swollen joints, rheumatic
pains or other symptoms of kidney
and bladder ailments. These may
not be serious, but It certainly pays
to be on the safe side. Foley Kid
ney Tills strengthen and Invigorate
Kidneys and bladtier and help them
do their work. J. C. Terry.
reet, west to
Twelfth street, south to Lee street.
west to the east line of Hush's pas-
ure, east to the intersection of Mil
ler and, High streets, north to the
place of beginning.
Boundaries Are Chanced
Ward No. s. Beginning at a point
in the middle of the Willamette riv
er opposite the westerly projection of i
thence east to the northeast corner
of the city, south to the intersection
of Madison street with the eastern
city limits, west to the Southern Pa
cific railroad, south to Market street.
west to the river, north to the place
of beginning.
Ward No. 6. Beginning at the in
tersection of Madison street and the
Southern Tacific railroad, thence
east to the city limits, south to the
penitentiary road to State street.
west to Eighteenth street, north to
Center street, west to Twelfth street.
north along Twelfth street and the
Southern Tacific railroad to the
place of beginning: ,
Ward No. 1. Beginning at a point
in the middle of the Willamette
slough opposite the center line of
Miller street, east to High street,
thence on a direct line across Bush's
pasture to Lee street, east to Twelfth
street, north to Mlssio'n street, east
to Turner road, thence along the
Turner road to city limits, southerly
along the city limits to the northeast
corner of the city, west to the south
west corner of the city, north to the
place of beginning.
(Continued from page 1)
Get Dr. Edwards' OliveTablcts
That is tiie joyful cry t-f thousands
since Dr. Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel.
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physichn
for 17 years and cakfnels dd-tirae
enemy, discovered the formula for Olive
Tablet j whiie treating patients for
chronic constipation and torpid livers.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not
contain calomel, but a healing, soothing
vegetable laxative.
No griping is the "keynote" of these
little sugar-coated, cuve-colored tab
lets. They cause the bowels and liver to
act normally. They never force them
to unnatural action.
If you. have a "dark brown mouth"
bad breath a dull, tired feeling sick
headache torpid liver constipation,
you'll find quick, rjre and pleasant re
sults from one or tvfo of Dr. Edwards
Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take thtm every night mst
to kc right. Try them. 10c and 25c
hall. He was south of the hall, he
said, but shots from behind him
first attracted his attention. He
told defense counsel he did not ob
serve any elderly men aiding Grimm
across the street after the latter had
been shot. No intimation that any
such men had aided Grimm had been
made' heretofore. . . y
'ourt Rebuke lawyers
Attorney Yanderveer questioned
Dr. Robertson closely as to his rea
son for wearing his uniform upon
the witness stand, bringing forth
retort from state counsel Abel, who
remarked that "the uniform was ap
parently distasteful to Mr. Vand-er-veer."
This brought forth a rebuke
from the court.
Dr. Robertson was in the first pla
toon of the Ccntralia contingent. II
broke ranks and ran, down Second
street shortly after he heard th
first shots, . which he testified
seemed to come from the east. II
Faw a man shooting at the fleein
marchers from behing the coopera
tive ' Btore. he said. This
man. defense has admitted, was Wes
ley Everest, who was lynched the
night of the shooting. Dr. Robert
son said he saw a shot fired from
window of the Avalon, but was run
ning too fast to observe who might
have fired it. J. A. Rhodes wit
nessed the shooting from his room
a block west of Tower avenue. 11
saw onlv the scene at the intersec
Officers! Directors Qreggitfe I insurance Company
v :: XJ7 A 4'ffi2Wi
l-.'ftSWS &S?5
v?' HH
.JSSp-SKSi 1916
Insurance in Torce
J906f 64..000,00
1908 5 2.262,307,00
909)5 3.266,94.9.00
101O 5 4,270.605.00
fS ,5,222,000.00
fS 6,005.000.00
$ 8JOQ 48Q.OO
iD15 13 g).O95,456,00 A
$ 10,502,444.00
5 2 2,(34-0,92.00
$ 20.456,605,00
titoefitfuresTellTheStoiyof Our Marvellous ContinucujCroiftii
a M mm
jjj vVJ K.vv:rt?
a m
t J ' r'i . " if
Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor of Al
bany were in Salem yesterday.
John Krebs of Salem is In Port
land where he Is taking medical
reatment. He has been ill for some
time. ,
Claude Settlemeir, Lakebrook
rancher, was a Salem visitor yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Teeter and
daughter were in Salem yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rightner,
farmers of Waconda, were in Salem
Colonel E. Hofer was a Portland
visitor yesterday.
W. A. Winter of Portland spent
the day In Salem looking after busi
ness matters.
Sam A. Kozer. assistant secretary
of state, was unable to be at his of
fice yesterday because of illness.
red Williams, member of the Or
egon public service commission, has
returned from Med ford where he at
tended the Lincoln Day banquet. He
ays the banquet was a success, with
more than 300 persons in attendance
Miss Smith, stenographer in the
offices of the attorney general, who
has been suffering from an attack
of pneumonia for several weeks is
laid to be slightly improved.
Chauncey Butler, candidate for
secretary of state and formerly In
charge of the state automobile de
partment, has returned to Salem aft
er a few days spent In Southern Ore
gon in the Interest of his candidacy
While at Medford he attended the
Lincoln day banquet.
Mark McAllister of the state cor
poration department, is confined to
his home with an attack of lnfluen
Arthur Benson, clerk of the Ore
gon supreme court, passed yesterday
afternoon at Portland looking after
business matters.
W. A. Wiest. assistant clerk of the
Oregon supreme court, will leave
Thursday or Frirday of' this "week
ior Kiamatn tails where he win as
sociate himself with C. F. Stone In
tho practice oT law. Mrs. Wiest
will probably remain in Salem u'ntil
Mr. Wiest is able to obtain residence
J. M. Devers. assistant attorney
general, Is passing a couple of days
at Eugene looking after business af
fairs. Mr. Devers has charge of the
lecal department of the state hixh
way commission.
Don H. Upjohn, private secretary
to Governor Olcott. was unable to be
at his desk yesterday because of Ill
ness. C. N. Henry of Portland was a
visitor at the etate engineer's office
Franklin T. Howe of BBurns trans
acted business in Salem for a few
hours yesterday.
A. H. Lea, secretary of the state
fair board, has returned here after
a few days spent in Portland. Mr.
Lea has been mentioned as a prob
able candidate for secretary of state
at the Republican primary election
in May. But as yet he has made no
formal announcement.
W. II. Lvtle. state vetertnsHlrv
spent yesterday at Silverton looking
after matters connected with his of
ficial duties.
Frank Brown of Prineville was a
visitor in the city for a few hours
yesterday. He called at the state en
gineer 5s office as well as visaing
with other state officials.
I. H. VanWinkle. assistant attor
ney general, who has been ill for
several weeks, expects to return to
his desk sometime before February
4$& 4 ! father, the boys 11
the sweet for all U
ases at work or
j II I If When you're M'
II! nervous or tired, u
ir see hoy It M 4
I The Flavor- M Kl
; theory that the poisoning of five per
, sons at Java, Mont., in November
Ripe Olives Fated to
Retidmta of Montana la8t- WM cel br np
neSiaeniM or momajia 0lTes according to a dispatch to-
BUTTE, Mon, Teb. lfi A repcrt night from Kailspell
from tha state coaru of health to;
the county heaitn oincr 01 i-iai-.r j .1 pi J A J-
head county today confirmed ihe'IVCflU U1C WdUlCU nu.
, ' ., ' . if. zsv-- c?? v -1
1.1. s" At'' ' - -T - - V" -i ' ' ' 1
MARION Paul Knohl. Corvallis;
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stearns, Chehalis.
Wash.; Mrs. I.eila Smith. Kelso.
Wash.; D.- J. Ilanna. J. H. Snarr.
Seattle; W. V. Hodgnau. Duluth.
Minn.; Alice M. Davis. Helena Mont.;
C. E. Miller, Topinlsh, Wash.; X. M.
Jones. Walla Walla. Wash.; F. J.
Endicott. C. A. O'Nell. C. J. Schnohl.
J. K. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Farm
BLIGH O. Saranson. S. A. Ir
enz. Camas. Wash.; I. J. Brown. Al-'
bany; C. W. Little. El Paso. Toxas;
Newton Coleman. Seattle; W. K.
Frailer, Clackamas, Ore.; J. Blanch-
fett. St. Paul, Or.: M. Cook. Fred
Lockley. H. A. Tinker. S. T. Blohn.
Nora Miller. L. Iapham, Walter
Scott. Portland.
ARGO J. S. Kilcore. Song Creek.
Or.; Edward Slick. Condon; S. H.
Thompson, Turner; G. A. Cayot, Port
land; A. S. Bernet. Oregon City;
John Fast, Seattle.
State Sealer Departs
On Inspection Jankei
W .A. Dalreil, deputy state sealer
of weights and measures, left for
Astoria today w h " he will open
the campaign to rid the state or ri
vices intended to short weight con
sumers. The drive for honest weights
and measures will be carried to all
parts of the state, according to Mr.
Dalziel, and all scales and measures
not conforming to the state laws will
be confiscated.
h -'.
In order for you to learn the delirionsnew
and quality of tho Dixie Doughnut we're
going to give a
with C2ch loaf of Dixie Bread bought.
Order the Bread here or from your grocer.
Dixie Doughnuts, 30c dozen
Salem Baking
439 Court Street
. .. kiA
' 2