The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 17, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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'radically Eery Make Will
Be Represented at Salem's
Greatest Wonderland
Which Opens Tomorrow
cenes of Crater Lake, Colom
bia Ri?er Highway and ML
Hood Attractions
. B.
S o'clock; tomorrow morning
Cla&cey, who is now engaged
:n decorating the armory for the feec
nd annual automobile and truck
show, will turn the spacious build-
ng oyer to me exniotiors, ana irora
that moment until the curtain rises
at 2 o'clock that afternoon the deal
ers and tbeir assistants will be busy
In placing their repective exhibits
in the spaces assigned them.
The number ot pleasure car entries
having, exceeded the most sanguine
expectations of the show manage
ment, it has been found impossible
to gire space tp trucks and conse
quently these motor vehicles, some
20 in number, will, weather permit
ting, be parked adjacent to the na
tional guard building on Liberty
street, where their merits will be ex
tolled by salesmen. Even with the
elimination of trucks from- the ar
mory some professional juggling will
be required to so place the more
than 50 automobiles that all may
have representation on the floor.
Decorations Are Complete.
The armory has a floor space of
approximately 8000 square feet, and
providing for two eight-foot aisles
through the center of the room and
f uor-foot aisles on either end, and
allowing 8x16 feet for each car ex
hibited, the big building will accom
modate only 46 machines. There
are 34 different makes of pleasure
cars represented in Salem, and the
greater number of dealers are de
sirous of displaying two or three
models of tbeir -babies." Thus it
will readily be seen that the man
agement will be called upon to per
form magic In order to retain peace
in Salem's big automobile family.
But President Delano and Secre
tary Halvorsen, who are shouldering
the bulk of responsibility in connec
tion with the forthcoming show, are
closely identified with that class
commonly known as pinch hitters
and those persons who slip a piece
of silver into the itching palm of the
association's .financial agent at the
box office may rest assured of "see-
Tells now To Cet Quirk Relief
from Ilead-Colds. It's Splendid!
ing everything and of petting value
received. . j
w Misclcl WonnVrfnl. '
The interest and purpose of the
automobile show is to acquaint nio-j
torUtx of Marion and Polk counties!
with 19:10 models, and therefore it
may not be amiss to caution visitors j
beforehand against detracting from;
the principal feature by going into; ,n
ecstacles over the decorations. trils
The scheme, briefly outlined, is as!'our
follows: breathe freely. No more hawkin.
Beneath the balconies, which ex- Knulfling. blawing. headache, dry
tend around three siclw of the big j ne.-s. No struggling for breath at
room, the wa'.ls will depict some ofjiiipiit; jojr cold or catarrh will n'
Oregon's most picturesque scenery. . on .
noun he will
a practical
nil m tntltA fnm ft n
will open, the air passages ot Commodore LOnglellOW Ot
u-iu iv iu cit-ar ana job can n . . n
iiea cross ana acouis in
structs in Heroism
out among othvr world-;
famed attraction Crater Lake, Mt.;
Hood, the Columbia highway, moun
tain. and ocean scent s, while f ea
tooned from a common center will !
be electric lights of various hues, !
reaching out to all parts of the room
The ceiling will present a hanging)
basket effect,. Woodwadia ferns and i
acacia -predominating. Amid this'
Cet a saw-ill bottle of Kly' Cream
Falm from your druggist now. Ap
ply a little of this fragrant, antisep
tic. ftealiiiK cream in your nostrils.
It penetrates through every air pas
sage of Ihe head, soothes th? in
fla.iitd or swollen mucous membrane
and relief comes instantly.
It's just !ine. Don't a'ay sUu'i1-
hlm.-K'lf give the ladies dre the Rotary club at the Marion
demonstration of bis' hotel. His only claas in swimming
I m mm f - a . I.
methods nf rescue. Ior men 'n lupsuay niKoi in ine
Monday morning the commoaore, i.m.v.a. nn.
ctureil to th students of Wlllam-j Wben tne commoior leaves a-
Ue university on sw,mminS. life , jm e. ...., w ,
aving ana general care wi '
physical resources. Tuesday morn-
line he will lecture before, the hlgn
ml vlnlflY he will ad
MRead the . Classified Ads.
1 1 v- f I n frf tk. i r , t f f i t -rlt
profusion of Scenery dozens of josa f c.nwklv.
house lanterns will have conspicuous j
place, adding materially to the 11-1
lumination scheme by shedding vari-j president of th dealers association,
gated rays upon the scene below. j wi respond. The second annual cx
Throughout the bulldins columns hibit w,n then be cn for a thre
carrying baskets containing cut raH- xun, and flom prt.ent Indica
flowers and potted plants will rlbeUon8 lhe attendance, not onlv from
from the floor, while individual j Salem, but Trom throught Marion
booths will have decorative attention I ani pojfc counties, will be exception
in accord with the artistic ideas ofjany large. Ample provisions have
the occupant. In a rustic abode in Deen made for the comfort of guests,
the balcony, half hidden from View, ' and a rorpntinn rnmmlttw pamnowil
Steelhammer's orchestra of six piec-jof Salem members of the organlza-
es will render musical programs aft
ernoons and evenings.
Khow Open Wednesday. v
The show will formally open at 2
o'clock Wednesday afternoon, when
Mayor Otto Wilson will deliver a
short address, to which Fred Delano,
1 : Jt
This Respect E-Iudson
o Rival
The Super-Six Motor is Patented and Added 72 per cent to Power
. Don't forget hat no other car in the world
hat a motor like the Hudson Super-Six.
When you see a Hudson doing the things
that only the highest powered cars can do,
rememher that in size, the Super-Six motor
vis not large and that it obtains its great
power because f of the patented principle
which minimizes vibration.
Adds to the Life
of the Car, too
. " i t . -
Vibration is the greatest destructive force
about a motor car. . ..
Vibration does far more damage than any
hock received in useful service. Yon can
see its destructive effects when a motor is
raced. . . , .
Vibration absorbs power. By minimizing
it, greater power is available for the opera
tion of the car. And there is less strain and
damage done through self destruction.
The records made by the Super-Six were
possible only because of its patented motor.
It enabled the Hudson to maintain close to
its maximum speed for hours, even days as
in one test, without hammering itself to
Now Note How Hudson
Is Even Greater
Hudson records were made more than
three years ago. Then G0,000 Super-Sixes
were distributed to owners. Everyone be
came a help in making the present model a
finer, better Hudson, of which 100 are de
livered daily. The qualities of every detail
were brought up to match the motor, that
had reached a new high level of efficiency.
All men seem to know this. For four years
Hudson has been the largest selling fine car.
Practically every buyer has had to wait for
delivery. Even now we are booking orders
for advance delivery. That men will wait
to get the" car of their choice is proof of
Hudson quality. What greater testimonial
can there bet
See Our
at the
Auto Show
Overland Sedan
Essex Touring Car
Fred Kirkwood, Prop.
Phond 311
246 State Street
tion will busy itself in making out
of town visitors at home.
It had been the purpose of the
management to give those who de
sire an opportunity to indulge in
the terpsichorean art following the
show on Friday night, but .this be
cause of the congested condition of
the armory, and the consequent dif
ficulty In clearing the floor this part
of the program has been cancelled
Dealers Are Represented.
Following Is an alphabetical list
of, the Salem dealers and the auto
mobiles they will exhibit at the
American Auto Co. Oakland.
II. F. Bonesteele Falge and
Dod ge.
B. & C. Motors o. Lexington,
Auburn and Elcar.
Case Auto Co. Case. Stephens
and Grant.
Gingrich Motor Co. Jordan,
Hupmobile. Mitchell and Maxwell.
Lee Gilbert Elgin and Harroun.
Kirkwood Auto Co. Hudson, Essex
and Overland.
Marion Auto Co. Franklin. Stu-
debaker and Oldsmobile.
Olson's Auto Exchange Chandler
and Cleveland.
J. H. Ringrose Liberty.
Riedesel Sc. Rutherford Briscoe.
Salem Velie Co. Velie. Cole and
Salem Auto Exchange Anderson
and Monitor. v
Salem Auto Co. Chevrolet and
Valley Motor Co. Ford.
Otto Wilson Bulck.
Truck Department.
, B. & C. Motor Co. Sandow.
W. E. Burns a M. C.
II. F. Bonsteele Paige.
C. II. FarnhamWlnther.
Fageol Truck & Tractor Co. Fa
geol. " '
Gingrich Motor Co. Maxwell.
Chas. Llresley Diamond T.
Fred Loose Denby.
Marion Auto Co. Master, White,
L. L. Pearce Sterling
Salem Auto Exchange Gramm-
Salem Velie Co. Velie, Bethle
A. T. Steiner Mack.
Salem Auto Co. Chevrolet.
Otto Wilson Republic,
Valley Motor Co. Ford.
Autos Now Necessity.
The automobile of today is an es
tablished industrial product. It is
far beyond the experimental period
From a mechanical viewpoint it is
correct in all the elementary prin
clples which go to make up the au
tomotive vehicle. And the day of
radical changes in automobile con
struction appears to have been rele
gated to the background, never
again to be called forth.
Naturally, there will continue to
be betterments of minor character
the same as in other lines of endeav
or, but methods have been tried and
perfected until there can be little
room for further rapid or radical de
velopment. As a result the automo
bile is an automobile, and not a
mere mechanical indication of some
thing different to follow.
To the purchaser this indisputable
fact Is assuring, even Rreater in Its
importance than to the vendor. It
is assurance that money expended for
an automobile brings a practically
perfect product; a product behind
which are the maker and the deal
er, whose knowledge of what, it can
do, and what it will do. is no long
er clothed in misrepresentations or
deceptions. The field is too wide
and the demand too great to depart
from legitimate business channels in
order to "turn a car" of any brand.
Industry to Expand.
These facts place the automotive
Industry on a higher plane, and
promises material aid In advancing
It from third to second standing
among the industries of the world
during the present year.
Locally, the advertising columns
of The Statesman this morning are
indicative of the proportions to
which the industry has rown in Sa
lem. Where a comparatively short
time since only a few lines were rep
resented today finds 34 different
makes of automobiles and several
models of each make, some 10 re
tail establishments having entered
the field within the past year. There
are 16 concerns handling pleasure
cars, and an equal number handling
trucks, eight of the latter devoting
their entire attention to promoting
sales in their particular line.
Ijarga Investment Seen.
While the aggregate amount of
money involved is. of course, unob
tainable, a conservative estimate of
the Investment by those Salem men
directly connected with this gigantic
industry as dealers In automobiles.
trucks and their allied lines, is con
siderably In excess of $500,000, in
addition to which must be allowed a
liberal sum for the equlpmnet of
shops where motor vehicles are re
paired and other work similar in
character is done. Quite a hand-
I some investment one that affords
employment to many persons and
j aids materially in the prosperity that
' is: being, enjoyed by the community
Human life will m vermore b ,
cheap in the Cherry City if Commo-;
dore W. E. Longfetlow, former ir.a-
rine reporter of a London newspa-'
per, present field director for the
American Red Cross. and member of j
the executive council of the Boy)
Scouts of Amnrica, lecturer and dem-j
onstrator of ".safety-first" and "sav
ing after" theory and method. has
his way while he Is in Salem.
Hi3 program of instruction in this
locality includes the "whool" held
Monday afternoon lor the benefit of;
police and firemen; he tdiowed them
how to fight, fire to save lives in
p!te of smoke and gas and fire and
he showed the officers how to de
fend themselves and hold onto their
prisoners In cane of trouble.
Last nl-ht he held a class In
swimming in the basement of the
Oregon building to teach the ladies
of Salem to safeguard their own lives
and save others in the water. An
other such class, free to all wom
en, will be held in the Y. M. C. A.
tank Wednesday. Tuesday after-
Ask Us About Your Top Troubles Auto Tops Made
and Repaired
r"- : - -M nana i w-v . Um m ' - -.'
Auto and Furniture Upholstering
Seat Covers Curtains Service
A $20 cover Oiie-Man Top Converter $10.00 Special. Aim
it 1 number $23.00 complete put on.
Ida fit
3 t.
Dont Forget
We are official representatives of Gray &
Davis Electric Equipment for Automobiles.
Also Factory Representative for PbiladeL
phia Diamond Grid and M. .& H. Batteries.
2G3 North Commercial Street
Phone 413
We Specialize in Magneto and Generator Repairing
Of Interest to Motorists
You are probably about ready to equip your car with new tires arc yon
going to be one of the shrewd ones who realize that the tire of proven worth is
cheapest in the long run, or among the others who attempt to save by buying un
known and untried makes but find at the end of the year that their tire bill has
been many dollars more than their neighbor who always buys the best
We, who are in the tire repair business, often remark that it is the unknown,
untried tire which keeps our repair department busy. $20 to $50 a year per
car can readily be saved by any one who follows this simple idea and equips
their cars with
T i re s
Most miles per dollar We are exclusive agents for these tirjes. Thev are
admitted by competitors and all to be one of ihe best tires made. They're no
experiment They've been tried and not found wanting.
We carry a full line of Tires, Tubes, Storage Batteries, Greases, Spark Plugs,
Patches, Boots, Reliners, Dry Cells and other Auto Accessories. All standard
goods at standard prices.
Tire repairing, re-treading and sectional work. Batteries repaired and re
Everything we sell will make good as we say or we will "absolutely."
J. B. Hileman
191 North Commercial Street
Phone 787
- : ' M
a whole. .....