The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 15, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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i "
Judge P. II. D'Arcy and his sister.,
Miss Theresa D'Arcy, have returned 1
from their annual trip to California'
where they visited for the past
month. While in San Francisco i
Judge D'Arcy delivered two address
es in the St. Francis hotel, the first
being on the pioneers of Oregon and
California and 'the second on the
Irish Republic and the Sinn Felnners-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heig (Edna
Simonton) of Portland" spent a short
time In Salem yesterday with friends
on their way to Albany where the
former is manager of the automo
bile show. They were accompanied
by Mis Louise T. Reig, the former's
sister, and Clarence Wells.
The many friends of Mrs. William
E. Kirk will be sorry to learn that
she is ill at her home with the grip.
iMr. and , Mrs. George O. Brown
entertained Mrs. Oswald West of
Portland at dinner Monday evening,
with covers laid for eight.
The girls at Lausanne hall en
joyed a merry little Informal Val
entine dinner party at the hall last
: .
The Monday. Night Dancing club
gave; Its regular monthly dancinr
party at the Moose hall. In keeping
with the season the hall was beauti
fully decorated with red hearts and
. streamers of red crepe paper. A
number; of dinners preceded this and
several informal suppers were en
joyed afterward at the homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Buchner
entertained; with four tables of five
hundred last night at their home on
Court street. The decorations were
( red hearts and valentines! In keeping
with the day. I The hostess assisted
by her 1 daughters,,; Miss Dorothy
Buchner ad Miss Ruth Buchner
served refreshments after the cards.
i f-j - 1
. Sunday afternoon, Feb. 22, the
Daughters ijof the American revolu
tion will have a meeting In the arm-
By Ruth' Len ore Fisher
home, the affair being in honor of ket adorned the center of the pretty
Mrs. Dale Pence who was celebrating table which which was lighted with
her birthday at that time. Red car- red fandles. Dainty little .valen
nations in a crystal bowl formed thejtions marked places for Dr. and Mrs.
centemiece for the table around O. A. Olson. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
which covers were laid for seven
The American legion is 'planning
a dancing party in the armory Wed
nesday evening, Feb. 25, which will
be a very happy affair for the legion
members and their friends.
Miss Orletta Kraus of Portland
was a guest of Salem friends during
the week.
Mr. and
C. A.
Perry. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Fullerton.
Mr. and Mrs. L,. W. dleason. .Mr. and
Mrs. Leee Canfield. Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Davis and Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Dane. After the dinner five
hundred was the diversion of the
evening with Mrs. Lee Canfield scor
ing high.
Mrs. T. G. Hopkins of Albany is
visiting her mother. Mrs. E. C. Small,
and her sister, Mrs. George Pearce.
Park were ' for several days.
railed to Long Beach, Calif., Thurs
day night by the serious illness of
Mrs. Park's uncle, Rev. Hugh Wal
lace, in that city. Mr. Wallace is
well known here, having been a Sa
lem visitor a number of times.
Mrs. J. D. Medler of 1340 South
Commercial street entertained the
young boys of her Sunday school
class of the Leslie Methodist church
at her home yesterday afternoon.
Valentine games and favors were en
joyed -and at the close light refresh
ments were served. The members of
the class were Walter Harriscmbfwy
the class were Nauritz Gustavson
Claude Martin, Grenville. Perkins.
Walter Harris. Lewis Snock, Wayne
Patterson. Robert Viesko. Claude
Matthes, Leland Scott, Luther Cba
pin. Jr., Charles Newberry, Raymond
Griffith and Charles Campbell.
Mrs. 0. E. Terwilliger delightful
ly entertained the Women's Relief
Corps aid society at her home Thurs
day afternoon for an unusually pret
ty affair. The affair was a Lincoln
day and a Valentine's day party. The
house was prettily decorated with
flags, pussyvrillows and red hearts.
In the large bay window in the living
room,, a portrait of Lincoln was
placed and draped with the American
flag.- Under this was a table on
which a huge vase of red carnations
A Lincoln day program was given
after which dainty refreshments
The Beta Chi girls were hostesse
to Professor and Mrs. William E.
Kirk. Miss Lida Fake and Miss Al
ice Holman for an informal dinner
at the house Friday -night.
Dean and Mrs. George 11. Alden
were guests at dinner Monday even
ing of the girls at the Beta Chi
house. -
To meet his house guests, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Babcock of Portland
who were here Tue?day when th-
former addressed the Salem-Art
league, C. B. Clancey was host for
a beautifully arranged dinner, in
viting a few of his close friends. Af
terward the guests went to the lec
ture and lateer back to .Mr. Clan
cey "s home for a Buppetf and short
social time.
Mr. and Mrs. John Caughell passed
ory and at that time the American were served by Mrs. Terwilliger and
legion will present the French me- the assisting hostesses: Mrs. Jessie
morials to be presented to the near- Martin, Mrs. Melissa Persons, Mrs.
est of kin to those who died in the Elmira Mattingly. Mrs. Jennie Mar-
service. ! a ; j
I ! -I V ' '
Mr. and Mrs; R. G. Campbell en
tertained with a o'clock dinner
last Wednesday evening at their
Prescribed by pfayslcUas
: ' eighteen years
for over
Eacn package and tablet of genu
ine "Bayer Tablets of; Aspirin" is
marked with j the safety "Bayer
Cross." i ij x
The "Bayer; Cross means yon are
getting genuine Aspirin, prescribed
by physician for over eighteen
ysars. t . ! .
Hn the Bayer package are safe and
proper directions for Colds, Head
ache. Toothache. Earache, Neuralgia.
Rheumatism. j . Lumbago. Sciatica,
Neuritis add Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of 12f tablets cost
only a lew tents. Druggists also
sell larger Bayer packages. Aspirin
Is the trade mark of Bayer Manu
facture i of Monoaceticacidester of
Salicyllcacid. H f. . ' 6
tin. Mrs. O. V. Moll. Mrs. Jennie Mil
ler. Mrs. Mathers, Mrs. Royal Well,
and Mrs. J. A. Remington.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills had a
their guests Mr. and Mrs. Panl V.
Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Butter
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Spanld
Ing for a valentine dinner at their
home Friday -evening. An art bas-
' ket of red tulips formed an attrac
tive center piece and the place card
were valentines. After dinner there
were cards.
The "Cecil i an Music club was enter
talned br Miss Mable Marcus at ber
home Wednesday evening for the
regular meeting of the club. The
house was beautifully decorated in
keep'ng of the Valentine season, with
hearts, fernery and red shaded can
dies. During the evening a very
pleasing program was given, includ
ing a piano selection by Miss Fran
ces Hodge, a vocal solo by Miss Juh
ette Jones, a- reading on the late
Maud Powell by Miss Lola Millard,
and a vocal solo by the hostess.
At a late hour supper was served,
the Valentine suggestions being car
ried out in the courses.
Mrs. O. A. Olson was the honoree
for a much enjoyed party of the
week! when Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daue
assembled a company for dinner
guests Monday night in celebration
of Mrs. Olson's birthday anniversary.
Red carnations held In an art bas-
Utmost In Quality
Leaders In Style
This week witnesses our first big showing of early models in
cluding such well known makes as the "Knox", the "Meadow
brook" and the Mliltraore."
"We are exclusive agents for the famous Knox hats which
have won world renown for quality, style and classiness. While
Knox bats for ladies have heretofore tended principally to
ward tailored and serai-tailored effects, their creations this
season are confined almost wholly to dress models of superla
tive design. We receive shipments of new Knox models each
week. i
The "Meadowbrodk" and "Biltmore" models are likewise
well known for quality and of these bats we are exclusive
agents, also receive consignments weekly.
1 Included in this week's showing we will also feature a few
numbers from other prominent designers.
Our Minimum Price $10
In order to maintain our reputation at the highest possible
standard and to enable us to guarantee our patrons millinery
of superior merit
less than $10.
we have determined to carry no models at
French Shop
31. Buffe Morrison
115 North High Street
Masonic Temple
short time in Portland tiuiing the
week as the guests of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Armin Steiner en
tertained with a happily arranged
dinner Thursday evening at their
home. Covers v,er laid for 18.
Mirs Doris Chnrchitl Is home for
the wt-ek end from tbi L'uiversity
Ciepcn where sha is a ropular Dea
Delta Delta girl.
With so worth-while an incentive
as the babies of Marion county to
spur them on in their efforts to
make the benefit concert, to be given
in the Grand Opera house Friday,
Feb. 20. a success, the women who
are working on the various commit
tees, are uniting In their efforts, as
the date draws near. The Marion
County Children's bureau is to be
the beneficiary of the concert, the
money being put aside by this or
ganization to aid in the "Better Ba
bies" effort. The tickets will soon
be in the hands of the ticket com
mittee .and it is not anticipated that
any difficulty will be found in dis
poning of every one.
The decorating committee bas
been completed, inclnding the names
of Mrs. Frederick S. Stewart, chair
man; Mrs. W. Melvin Plimpton, Mrs,
W. II. Lytle, Mrs. William Burg-
hardt Jr., Mrs. Clifford Brown. Mrs
William Lerchen. Mrs. J. L. Van
Doren and Mrs. William Walton.
The effort of the Children's burean
is to get children started right, and
to safeguard their health before they
arrive at school age, the weighing.
measuring and testing to be followed
by watching the progress of the little
folk. Oregon has taken an advanced
stand In this work, and Salem has
been complimented upon its intelli
gent, energetic assistance in the un
Professor von Jessen has forward
ed the following program, which in
eludes three original compositions
Bach ...... Chromatic Fantais?
Rachmaninoff . .Prelude in G minor
Moszowski ' Etude
Chopin Etude Opus 25 No
Chopin Etude Opus 25 No. 2
von Jessen "Aveu"
von Jessen .......... 'Cantilene''
von Jessen ..Etude in double notes
Chopin Valse in D flat
Liszt "On the
WSngs of Song" ((Mendelsohn)
Liszt . . St.
Francis Walking on the Waves
Mrs. George J. Pearce is in Port
land for the week end with her
daughter. Miss Helen Pearce, at the
Portland Y.W.C.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glover were
hosts for a prettily appointed sup
per after the Monday Night Dancing
club party. Their guests were Mr.
and Mrs. E. E. Kuhn and Mr. and
Mrs. John Brophy.
Miss Dorothy Strafford had as her
guests for dinner Friday at Lausanne
hall Miss Sadie Pratt and Miss Lor
lel Blatchford, the occasion being
her birthday anniversary.
A very interesting monthly meet
ing of the Women's Home Mission
ary society of Jason Lee Memorial
church was held Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. S. W. Drage on
North Church street. A report of
the national convention held in To
ledo. O., was given by Mrs. George
H. Alden.
A small company of friends of
Mrs. A. L. Johnson spent Tuesday
evening with ber, enjoying five hun
dred. Mrs. Lee Gilbert carried off
the honors for high scoring. A sup
per was served after the cards.
For the younger social set th?
dancing party which Mr. and Mrs.
Max Abst gave for their daughter.
Maxine. called out a large company
(Thursday evening to Cotillion hall.
The affair was given to celebrata
Miss Abst's birthday. Pussywillows,
palms and ferms banked around the
room, which was strung with red
hearts, made the room attractive.
'Punch was served and music was
furnished bp the Revelation orches
tra. The invitation list was: Miss-
I s Pearl "George, 'Mariam Swartz,
'Letha Wilson. Maxine Buren. Clan
'fBreitensteein. Amelia Babcock. Mar
igaret Oriffith. Dorothy Patterson.
iVeva Golden, Catharinee Slade. Dor-
othy Davidson, Hazel Ellison, Doro
thy Douglas. Frances Ward, Mona
Scham. Dorothy Esch. Rita Clas
gett. Edna Ackerman. Marie Church
Ill. Marcyi Hunter. Ray George. Lu
cille Thompson. Grace Holt. Vivien
Hopson. Junette Meredith. Annabelle
Golden. Edna Satterlee. Mary Wear,
Nellia Rowland. Vibien Brown. Jun
ette Jones. Maxine Abst. ind Messrs.
Ralph Compton. Emory Gill. Eugene
Gill. Kenneth Power. Wolcott Huren.
Phillip Rlngo. Paul Staley, Kenneth
Wilson. Ernest Springfield. Earl
McDonald. Arthur McKiilop. Virgil
Bu k. Roderick Waters, Wallace
Schel, Evans Jones. Wilgur Daley,
lfdmuind Aldrteh, Milton Steiner.
Frank Chapman. Russell Emmett.
Janmi Putnian. Malcolm Smith.
Chalmers George. Paul Hendricks.
Brevman lioise. Harold Miller. Clif
ford Townsend, Frank Rinehart.1
Rowland Rinehart. Frank Brown.
I kWllliam Ashby. Harold Moore. Don
ald uaoiuson and wynaaam uren.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Moores enter
tained the Merry-go-round club at
their home Tuesday evening. After
the cards the hostess served supper.
Mrs. H. H. Olinsrer was hostess
Wednesday when she complimented
Mrs. Oswald West, a much feted vis
itor in Salem. Mrs. dinger's guests
were former friends of the honoree.
One of the pretty dinners of the
week was the one over which Mrs.
Henry V. Compton presided at her
home Monday evening. It was a val
entine dinner and the rooms were ar
tistically decorated with her hearts
and red carnations. A large basket
of carnations formed the centerpiece
and dainty Valentine placecards
marked covers for Mr. and Mrs. F.
G. Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webb,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Galloway, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Kirk. Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Greer. Dr. and Mrs. W. H.
Darby. Mr. and Mrs. William Bu-
fck and Mr. and Mrs-. Compton.
Afterward the party went to th3
Monday Ninght Dancing club party
and spent the rest of the evening
Complimenting Mrs. J. C. Byrd
of Spokane, a Salem visitor, Mrs.
Edwin Weller and Mrs. Charles Wel-
ler Invited a company of 12 to the
Charles Weller home Friday after
noon. The afternoon was pleasant
ly spent with social chat at the close
of which refreshments were serve J
by the hosteesses.
Flowers and cherry messages are
being sent Mrs. T. B. Kay. who i-i
ill at her home wUh the influenza.
Miss Dorothea Steusloff. Mrs
Fred Chambers and Claud Steus
loff were hosts to the Salem O. A.
C. club at the W. H. Steusloff home
Thursday evening for the regular
business and social meeting. Presi
dent Kerr of the eolleege was a guest
of honor and gave an Interesting
address to the 35 members present.
During the social hour which fol
lowed. Mrs. . Chambers and Miss
Steusloff served refreshments.
Mrs. F. L. Purblne was hostess
Wednesday at her (home to .the
North Salem Woman's dug for the
regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Za
doe Rlggs, president of the Salem
Woman's club, spoke to the women
on ithe new county federation of
women's clubs which is being orga
nized. The club voted t osend a
delegate to the executive meeting.
Jdrsi E. E. Fisher spoke to the
women In the condition at Highland
sch'Hl and asked the club to help
with this need as it bas many times
in the past.
Mrs. Ray Simeral pleased the club
with two vocal solos, "Oh for a
Rreath of Moorland" and "When
Song is Sweet."
Miss viTlan Dorcas recited "Who
is Afraid" and "Merry."
During the meeting the club took
in as new members Mrs. R Erickson.
and Mrs W. Mason Bishop, who hab
recently mobed to North Salem. At
the closq refreshments were served
by the hostess assisted by her daugh
ter. Miss Lora Purbine.
Mrs. Heln Seigel of Portland is
In Salem with her aunt. Mrs. Joseph
Albert, for a short time.
Mr. an1 Mrs. Homer Gouley mo
tored to Portland vesterday to pas
a few days with friends.
Mr snd Mrs. H. S. Polsl enter
tained Tuesday evening with a Vl
ntln card nartv. the hous brine
Hrartivly dTorated with rd hlos-
5ot"s and Wn. Mrs. J. B. Crn'j
and R. E. Anderson received th
awards for scoring high at f've hnn
'rft A'tr h cards the hostess
vttM refreshments. The ite
were Mr. and Mrs W. W. Moor. Mr
nd Mrs. Grald Volk. Col. and M-s
B. Hnfer. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. T af
lar. Mr. and Mrs J. n. Crat". Mr.
jnd Mrs. Gorae Shaw. Mr. and Mm
Walter F. Buchner. Mr anrf Vr
P. B. Gw1ln. Mr. an Mrs R'I'-h
Clover. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. nwer
x. Mr. .nd Mrs R. F. A"trn.
Mr. nd Mrs. WUHan MrG'lert.
Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. F. CnV Patt-w
nd Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Bower, of
Union hill.
Justice and Mrs. Twrenre T Ta
rls are In Portland for the wev nd
nine esfrvaallv to see David War
'ield in "The Auctioneer."
Mrs. Panl tnser nassd a fe
tavs in Portland during the week
with relatives.
Miss Ruth Jones, who has been
SDendlng the summer and winter at
Mill City, has returned to Salem and
with her mother, Mrs. Blanch M.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bennett en
tertained at dinner Thursday Mr.
, I 11
The local talent orchestra whicn Orchestra "Messldor" (Corbln)
is under the direction of Miss Mar- ( Directed by Richard Ryley, Sr.
tha Swart, will entertain at th? First
Christian church Tuesday night, Feb.
17. Following is the program which
will be given:
Orchestra "The Bridal Rose
Overture" Lavellee.
Sextette "Sextette From Lucia"
(Donisettl) Hedda Swart. Martha
Swart. Richard Ryley, Jr., Carl Wen
ger, Ira Cave, Frank Zlnn.
Orchestra (a "Evening Star,"
(b) "Pilgrim's Chorus" (Wagner)
Vocal Solo "The Spring Has
Come" (Maud White) Miss Johanna
Flute and Clarinet Duet "Sere
nade" (Tith) Miller Bevier and Hed
da Swart.
Orchestra "Melodle" (Elegle) G.
Violin solo "Meditation" from
Thais (Massenet) Miss Viola Ash.
Orchestra "Bonanza" Schlepe
grelle. Vocal solo (a) "Things 111 Nev
er Do" (Carrie Bullard) (b) "The
Island Where Babies Grow" (James
Ford) Miss Johanna James.
Orchestra "Tanhauser March"
The personnel of tae orchestra Is
as follows: Violins. Charles Knrth.
Viola Ash. Virgil White. Renskn
Swart. Delbert Moore; violincello.
Avery Hicks, saxophone. Carl Wen
ger; flute. Miller Bevier; oboe, Edgar
Rowland; clarinet. Hedda Swart,
cornets, Martha SwarJI, dra Cave.
George Brown; horn. Richard Ryley,
Jr.; trombone, Frank Zlnn; string
bass, Richard Ryley, Sr.; pipe organ,
Mrs. Frank Zlnn. piano Mrs. Hedda
Swart, director. Miss Martha Swart.
The orchestra will be assisted by
Miss ' Johanna James, soprano, and.
Miss Roth Bedford, accompanist.
very Interesting talk on ber work in
the Y.W.C.A. Miss Dorothy Buch
ner gave two recitations and Mrs.
E. Cupper gave a reading. A read
ing on Lincoln was given by Mrs.
Paul Hauser. The entertainment
committee of which Mrs. George Bur
nett was chairman served a luncheon
at the close of the afternoon.
Miss Goldie Wheeler has .returned
home after a week's visit with
friends in Portland.
Miss Ava Miller has as her house
guest over the week end Miss Dorcas
Elliott of Wood burn and her brother,
Milton Miller of Oregon Agricultural
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding
motored to New berg yesterday to
pass the week end at the home of the
former's brother, Clifford Spaulding.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert R. Westbrook
of .Albany were among the out of
town guests for the Shriners ball.
While here they were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shuceman.
'Allan Jones is spending bis spring
vacation from O. A. C. with bis
mother. Mrs. Blanch M. Jones.
Mrs. N. J. Morris passed the week
in Turner visiting friends.
Miss Grace Bean Is in Portland
spending the week end with friends.
Miss Irene Kufner and II. J. Erick
son of Portland were married at a
pretty service at the country home
of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Antone Kufner, Thursday. Father
Buck officiated with only the rela
tives and a tew friends present. Miss
Virginia Simpson was bridesmaid
and Albert Kufner, brother of the
bride, was best man. After the wed
ding lunch Mr. and Mrs. Erickson
left for Portland to make their home
Mrs. A. E. Utley and Mrs. C. L.
Blodgett entertained the Sweet Briar
club Wednesday afternoon for the
and Mrs. Marshall Moore of Fort Col
lins. Colo., Mrs. Ida McWIUIams,
Miss Flora McWilliams and Gordon
Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, who
have been visiting in Salem, left
Thursday evening for their home in
the esat.
The- women of the Order of the
Eastern Star met Tuesday in the Ma
sonic temple for another of their de
lightful afternoons. Miss Elizabeth
Hughes of New York who has been
In Salem during the week gave a
regular meeting at the home of the
former. Needlework and music were
the diversion of the afternoon and
at the close a light lunch was served.
The members present numbered 12.
Miss Ethel M. Gould and Roy E.
Barker were united In marriage at
noon Wednesday at the home of the
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. II.
Barker In Polk county. Rev, IL C.
Stover officiated. Following the cer
emony a wedding dinner was served
to 16 guests. The young couple will
make their home on the groom's
farm in Polk county.
Mrs. Lewis Murdock had as ber
sephine Dross. Miss Mattle Bross and
Mrs. Josephine Bross.
A community social was held on
Friday night at Brooks In the school
building In the Interest ot a fund for
a piano recently purchased by the
E. B. Fletcher and Miss Nelta Cal
kins had charge of the program. The
pupils were assisted by some excel
lent talent from Brooks, among
whom were Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Ramp. Mrs. Nellie Ramp. Merle
Fruit and Albert Egan. Mr. Egan
-also acted as auctioneer and under
his management the baskets sold
rapidly and for good prices. Norma
Maler. violinist, and Flora and Lor
raine Fletcbed of Salem alsj assisted
on the musical part of the program.
Mrs. W. C. Kantner and Miss Con
stance Kantner returned home I art
night from Seattle where they were
called a week ago by the death of
their son rnd brother. Miss La.
Verne Kantner will remain In Se
attle for seme time.
Miss Cornelia Vtarvln. state II-
dinner guests last Sunday in cele-. brarian. who bas. been traveling for
bration of her husband's birthday, the past five months In the Orient
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bross. Miss Jo- will arrive home today.
At once! Relieves Indigestion, Heartburn, Gases, Dyspepsia,
caused by Acidity. HurryKBuy a box at any drug store. xRead
"Common Sense Rules Regarding Stomach" in every Dackaee.
When Irreg-ular or suppressed re Tr'
omDh Pills. Rf and sIwhys doend
ahle. Not sold at dmr stores. P not
experiment with others: save dlsao-polntnr-nt.
Write for "Relief" and
particular; It's fre. Address: Nation
al Medical Institute. Milwaukee. Wis.
nnouncemenf Extraordinary
Housewives Take Notice
We have just received a large shipment of dishes, glassware, aluminum ware, etc,
to add to our stock of premium goods. Beside underselling all competitors we
give you these
Valuable Premiums Free
Coupons with every $1 purchase. SAVE THEM and see how quickly you will
have enough to get something useful for your sideboard or table.
As a proof of the popularity of our premiums we find on checking up November
and December that we gave our customers nearly $1000 (including the Bruns
wick Victrola) absolutely free with the goods purchased of us.
LADIES LISTEN Does it pay to trade with us ?
We think it does, so will you after you tr7 us once. If you are not a customer
now, come in and get acquainted and look these premiums over. If you are al
ready one, you may see something in the goods you want, bring in your coupons.
Premium goods on display all this week in our window. Look for them.
Where Your Money Bays Most .