THE OREGON STATES31ATI BfXDAT, FEMtrAnY 13, 10K). 5 Grand Op V era oouse One Night, Wednesday, February 18 THE RETURN OF THE PERENNIAL, FAVORITE OUVEZ MOROSCO pkesmts Richard Walton tullys sssi a. a st A U U i IV JB . . ' -Ot. .WITH Florence Rockwell XV Famous Hawaiian singers and playeri SeAt sale opens Monday, Opera House Pharmacy Trices 50e, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Mail orders now TP ALWAYS GOOD MOST TIMES GREAT Flares and Flickers Wilbur and Girlie presenting a juggling novelty at the Bligh thea ter today on the Hippodrome show. "Male and Female." the tremen dous Cecil B. DeMille Paramount- Artcraft special production has been secured for a showing at Ye Liber ty at a near date. 3 "Dancefoolery' is certainly a most emenainmgiy amusing bit as ex pounded by Charles 1 Lie key. Vaude ville fans will certainly enjoy it for It is built for that purpose and meets all requirements perfeectly. nAt the Bligh today. Cooke & Hamilton, a smartly dressed chip of rather distinguished appearance land rallfccking smiling young woman corprise his Interest Ingty cleer duo of entertainers whom Gus Reed has selected to pre sent "Samples," a comedy skit that serves to demonstrate their clever ness and versatility. At the Bligh today. 1 i VAU DEVILLE TO-DAY WILBUR & GIRLIE A JUGGLING , NOVELTY C00KE AND HAMILTON "SAMPLES" CHAS. HICKEY DANCEFOOLERY C0RINNE GRIFFITH In "THE BRAMBLE BUSH" ALCAZAR STOCK CO. MONDAY The opening attraction of "The Alcazar Stock Co." which comes to the Bligh theater Monday and Tues day and each week to follow, will be Rupert Hughes' powerful drama. "Teas of the Storm Country," the story that made Mary Pickford fam ous. Zane Grey's big story "Desert Gold' will ge seen at Ye Liberty soon. , One of the most amusing features of -The Walk-Offs." a society com edy by Frederic and Fanny Hatton, which comes to the Liberty theater today for a run of three days, is the divorce court scene in which the trial is lightly treated as a social function similar to a wedding. May Allison is starred in this brilliant satire of wealthy society that has been picturized by Scree Classics, Inc. "Thirty Minutes in Laughjand." could well be the title of Charlie Chaplin's latest million dollar pic ture, distributed by Firt National Exhibitor's circuit and entitled. "A Day's Pleasure," which will be seen at the Liberty theater, Degmntn.; today. All the humor of Chaplin's pre vious successes has been combined in this production, the theme of which is a strong avowal of the fact that often what is intended to be a day's pleasure turns out to be a day of intense labor. BL1M THEATRE BLIGH :: THEATRE MONDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHTS, FEB. 16-17 -S ' 2j A) r 2; , Nrww 7 ty ..-.b ,One of the Scenes of "Tess of the Storm .Country' I Louis B. Christ Presents The Alcazar Stock Co. (The Finest Dramatic Organization on the Pacific Coast) IN RUPERT HUGHES' POWERFUL DRAMA "TESS of the STORM COUNTRY" The Play That Made Mary Pickford Famous that they deserved. In "Sklnner' Dress Sit" and the other ' Skinner" pictures be first came into promi nence. The Famous Players-Laeky corporation was not slow in signing him up. Given suitable stories, he has rapidly become one of the fore most drawing cards of the screen. As Hanry Carpenter in "The Six Best Cellars" Mr. Washburn will keep your theater rocking with laughter. The comedy "business' which he injects into this prohibition joy-fest is simply irrisistible. hen robbers cleaned up young "Speed" Carr. They failed to touch his store of pep; For lack of money didn t bar Adventure's door; he risked his "rep". And, taking on a borrowed name. As chauffeur wooed the "only girl"; Then, mixing- In a money game, The climax sets your brain awhirl Don't fail to pee blithe Wallace Raid Portray the "busted" millionaire: The picture's title? "Double Speed." It's packed with laughs; you'd best be there. "The Baby Doll Bandit," featur ing that clever monkey comedienne. Mrs. Joe Martin is the added attrac tion at the Oregon beginning today The Salem public have enjoyed these comedies and the Oregon is pleased to offer this latest fun film. , "The Westerners," vivid screen version of Stewart Edward White's famous novel, produced by Benjamin B. Hampton for Great Authors Pic tures. Inc.. and released by Hodkln son, will be the feature attraction at the Liberty theatre, beginning next bunday. Miss Corrlne Griffith, star of Vita- graph's new picture, "The Bramble Bush." brings to the screen in this production a remarkable collection of gowns. The young woman, with the same diversity as she applies to her apparel, also portrays a dozen distinct phases of character. This picture will be shown at the Bligh theater today. The biggest set ever constructed in a studio will be a feature of "Pic cadilly Jim," Owen Moore's first Selznik picture. The set represents the lower floor of a fashionable New York home and is so massive that it stretched across the entire width of the Selznlck Fort Lee studio, which is the largest studio in the east. It was necessary to build a spe cial stand twenty feet outside the studio in order that the lens of the camera would take in full details. Work on all other products In the studio was halted during the filming of this set. "Piccadilly Jim" will be the feat ure attraction at the Oregon theater Wednesday and Thursday. A delightful comedy which con tains five - separate love stories, though the heroine Is the) same in each case, will be seen at the Liber ty theater on Wednesday when Lewis J.- Selznick presents Constance Tal madge in "Romance and Arabella." PHONE CALLS BRING MONEY TO QUARTERS (Continued from page 1) I NOTE A- The Alcazar Stock Co. Will Play Here Every Monday and Tuesday Night Next "Nothing But The Truth" "The Broken Melody," Eugene O'Brien's latest picture under the Selznick banner, will be the featured attraction at the Oregon theatre to day. . It Is a charming jtudy of two artistic temperaments Stewart Grant, a painter, and Hedda Dana, a singer, who come together through their diverging ambitions for world ly greatness, and separate for a per iod while each go their roads that lead to fame. But love eventually reunites them, both wiser but no sadder because they find that the fame th' have won apart may be shared together. Action in "The Broken Melody" varies between Europe and America. beginning in the famous section cf old New York known as Greenwich Village, from thence to Europe and back again to America. It is a sim ple love story done with charm an4 distinction and should appeal to all lovers of good drama. "The Broken Melody" was written by Ouida Bergere and directed by William P. E. Earlei Both author and director are foremost lu their respective arts, and the result is a photoplay that is thorough In every respect. The star has been given a notable supporting cast, headed by Lucy Cotton and Corrine Barker, and the completeness with which Selznick produces a play is particularly evi dent in this picture. Rodgers Paper company 100 Oscar Price Shoe company..,. 100 Statesman Publishing company. 100 Adolph Brothers 100 E. T. Barnes ' 100 Oscar B. Gingrich Motor com pany 100 John Rundberg 100 Hawkins Sc Roberts 100 N. D. Elliott 100 Oregon Theater . .t 100 Roth Grocery company 100 D. A. White & Son 100 E. L. Stiff ft Son 100 Frederick W. Schmidt 100 Patton Brothers .100 Kafoury Brothers 100 Hunt Brothers Parking company 100 F. O. Deckebach 100 Fred Lamport 100 D. W. Eyre 100 Chambers & Chambers 100 8. B. Elliott 100 George Putnam 100 Joseph H. Albert 100 T. B. Kfty 50 A. N. Bush . 250 Vlck Brothers 500 Valley Motor company 100 Webb tt Clough 100 Morse, Robertson ft Saurman.. 100 C. K. Spauldlng Logging Co.. . . 100 J. F. Hutcbason 100 Philip Winters 50 H. T. Love . Salem Hardware company.... 50 IT. G. Shipley r0 Dan J. Fry 50 F. G. Myers SO Bryant Washburn's attractive smile Isn't assumed for screen pur opses only. In real life he's the same genial, accommodating fellow. He Is entirely without "tempera ment" and "up-stageness." Leading a happy married life, with two bud ding youngsters to keep him busy. Mr. Washburn is very nearly the Ideal type of healthy young American manhood. He radiates this personality in ev ery one of his pictures. But he does more, uryant wasnDurn is a naiur&i born actor. It was a number or years before his Hnimltable comedy talents were given that opportunity W. P. George H. W. ft M. L. 50 Meyers SO 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 5ft 50 25 Dr. F. H. Thompson Gardner ft Keene Gideon Stolz company C. W Niemeyer , Butt.r Cup Ice Cream company. Hotel Marion company Homer Smith Cherry City Bakery Salem Tile & Mercantile Co. . . Portland Cloak ft Suit company Hauler Brothers B. W. Walcher K. S. Kalayjian 25 Kane ft Shaw 25 Thielsen. Roland ft Burghardt. 25 C. B. Clancey 25 J. V". Jones 25 William Gahlsdorf 2i Claude Belle (Gray Belle) 25 Bruce Cunningham -o Otto Wilson 25 D. D. Socolofsky 25 Dr. Frank Brown 25 Fred Mangis 25 Dr. Henry E. Morris IS D- Samuel 25 W. I. Staley 25 I. R. Smith 25 O. J. Shei 25 Parfift "Brothers 10 TRAFFIC CONGESTION STARTS TODAY SO PUNCTURE THE OLE POCKETBOOK AND GET AN EARLY START ON THE CROWDS AT Ye LIBERTY WIUE HHMIH In his fourth Million Dollar Picture PLEASURE' YOU'LL SAY SO A show for those who auto and those who ought to A BIG DOUBLE CONTINUOUS SHOW TODAY i . An Entrancing Story of Newark Studio Life THE fJM KOFF HERE THREE DAYS ALU SOW Salem Laundry 25 Louis Lacbmund ...... 25 Smith ft Shields . . Midget Market Anderson ft Brown Quackenbush 20 10 10 MUCH IS SEEN (Continued from page 1) nation." Senator Borah said In a statement. Never in the history of the world has there been a treaty so rapidly disapproved either by those who had to do with writing It or by those who had to do with passing judgment upon the ones who wrote it." he add ed. "Bullitt, emisarry to Lenine and Trotsky, resigned. Lansing has re signed. Clemenceau has retired. Or lando has retired. Lloyd George ha stated that he expects to go next." road fund. All is required to be used for highway construction. Busines going through the auto mobile registration department of the secretary of state'. cf floe has trebled in the last three years, bu( there has been a decrease in admin istration expenses In proportion to the amount of business done. Increases in revenue received from motor vehicles lincense fees In th' last five years are thown an follows: 115, S108.s81.50: 19:6. $UC- 254; 1917. $196,787.50; 1918, $161, 422; 1919. $602,239.- 23 ALLKC.EI) RADICALS TAKKX .PATTERSON. Sr J., Feb. 14. Federal agents took 25 prisoners in a raid on alleged anarchist head quarter here tonight. Among them was Ludvlco Caminta. editor and publisher of La Jaquire, a radical paper. EASY TO BREAK RIGHT UP CaMn)0(iitf i a 7 1 Don't pass your cold to other members of your family. Don't stay stuffed up' Quit blqjrlng and snuf fling! A dose of 'Pape'a Cold Com pound" taken every two hours until threto doses are taken usually breaks op a severe cold and ends all grippe misery The Terr tint dose opns op your clogged-up nostrils and the air past-ages of the head; stops nose run ning; relieves the headache, dull ness, feverish ness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. "Pane's Cold Compound" Is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, ..tastes tiler, no quinine, r. ' !.-.,.; ) ! . t . ... ' " ,. : NEW YORK, Feb. 14. Colonel E. ,M. House, in a statement here to day refused to comment on th.i ra- j ignation of Secretary Lansing. stU- ing that President Wilson and Mr. ; Lansing have been his friends and j have shown him "much considera- j tion and friendship." . j The Amheret association of New York, at a nseeting today, adopted the following resolution, presented ! by former Governor Whitman, which was telegraphed n Mr. Lans ne: "Honorable Robert Lansing. Wash ington, D. C. "We tender our affections to a loyal -son of Alma Mates our abso lute confidence in. his integrity ant his patriotism our pride in his abil ity and hla achievements." The cabinet meetings called by Secretary Lansing were "necessary If the nation's business was to pro reed regula'lv." Former Secretary of Commerce William C. Redfield de clared in a statement tonight in which he expressed the belief that "other cause" than calling of the cabinet sessions by Mr. Lansing "lay behind the president's request for his resignation." MOTOR CAR FEES - YIELD BIG ROAD FUND (Continued from page 1) cent, are deducted. Not less -ban $475,000 will be received from the tax on gasoline and distillate. . The license money, after adminis tration expenses are deducted. Is di vided, one-fourth going to the coun ties and three-fourths w the state BEWi BUBBLE SCHEMES' Put ajidkeep ovour1 Monev in Voiir Home-Town BANK When some well dressed stranger with a slick looking scheme and a smooth talk comes along some day and Y you to put your money into a get-rich-quick scheme, look out I When you hare money, put it in the bank -and ask the bankers' advice about investments. He may save you from losing, with one stroke of the pen, the money you have worked many years for. . Put Your Money in Our Bank You will receive 3 per cent interest SALEM-BANK OF COMMERCE . SALZM, OEZGON 4.1 V i 1 - ? -T. T "".. i