8 " . (J THE OREGON wTATESMAX: SUNDAY. TERntMRY 15, 1&20. IMMI i 1 M 1 J I ; Bovtii Salem Friends South Commercial And Washing- ion street, h. e. tor. Church Bible lu. with clasnes for Pemberton, pas- B'hool at 10 a. 11. Carl Miller. superintendent. Meetine for wornh ip with preaching i and singing at 11 a. m. and against at 7:30 p. m. Young; people meet In C. E. at 6:3 p. m. Prayer meeting with Bibls lesson the last part of Heb. 11th ch. ; , ' ; - . - Highland friends Bible school at 9:i45 a. m. Preach You'll In These Suits To look your Very best yon must have your suit made for you. They must be of high grade material and so made as to harmonize with your per sonality and calling. .t ' -. " The suits we make possess all of these attributes. You select the mater ial and the style and our expert tailors fashion yon a suit that will fit to a ;T"; and make you realize that you are well dressed. I New Poole Cloths Fo r Yo u n g Wlen In addition to our very large line of all wool suitings we have a very fine assortment of Poole Cloths the most popular suitings for young men of pep and vigor who want to look stylish and "up to snuff" Browns, Blues, Greens, mixed and fancy patterns. They're excellent quality and reasonable in price. , :v; Let ns show them to you. SCOTCH ft r ! ;T.- PJgBRLESS BAKERY j . PHILIP WINTERS, Prop. 170 N. Commercial Street ing at It t in. C. E. meeting at b:i and evangelistic preacmng at 7:30 p. m. We have classes for all in the 3. 8.. taught br well equip j.er Christian teachers. Our revival meetings are in progress; meetings ! every night at 7:30 and beginning witb Tuesday there wyl re meeting each afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Daniel C. Hodgin, a prominent evan gelist of Ohio yearly meetin, is with us. He preaches a full gospel of salvation from all sin. His message is thoroughly scriptural, evangelistic and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Look Your woolen Ills store 428 State Street THE WRAPPERS We will pay 1 -2c cash for all wrappers either returned to the Peer less Bakery, or givih to our delivery man If you. love tbe truth, come, your soul will be fed. If you need spir itual help. come, we will do our best for you. This is no church joining proposition, but an earnest desire to help people to real salva tion. I. O. Lees, and wife, pastors. Leslie ;MetholIst Episcopal South Commercial and Meyers streets. Horace N. Aldrlch. pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school. Classes for all ages and grades. E. A. Rho ten, superintendent.- 11 a. m. pub lic worships with sermon by the pas- Best Phone 247 tor. Theme. "Quality of Life." No other services in Leslie. ehurch for the day and week, as we wll lattend the Mahood meetings in the First fclethodist church. First Methodist Episcopal State and Church streets. Rev. R. N. ATison, pastor. 9:15 the old time classmeetlng. room 4. down stairs. V. L. Cummings.' leader. ;45 Sunday school: Prof. J. W. Todd, superintendent; Grace Smith, assistant. 11 a. m. sermosette to boys and girls. A Bad Foundation, from Matt. 7-24. Morning message. A Good Foundaytion. 3 p. m. usual service at the old peoples home, cor ner Twelfth and Ferry streets. 6:30 union meetings will continue (D. C.) during the week, to which the pub lie is inTited. Watch for announce ments, or better, come and hear them. 7:30 p. m. Evaneelist Ma hood will speak on "The New Birth." Jnson Lee Memorial Methodist Winter, and Jefferson streets. Thos. Acbescn. pastor. On Sunday, February G. the following program will be observed: Sunday school 9:4 5. Chas. Hageman in charre. Ca pable teachers in charge of all class es. Strangers are welcome and made to feel at home. Public worsh ip at 11 a. m. Dr. Mahood. who is at prent conducting evangelistic meetings at First church, will preach. ; Be sure and plan to be present. Class meeting at the elose of the service. The. evening service nf lint-rtt will tA aiirunY in r It order to join the other Methodist churches In the revival campaign at First church.. There will be special music at tbe morning service. A cordial Invitation is extended to the public to come and worship with us. United Evangelical Cottage and. Center streets. Rev. G. L. Lovell, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning worship anl preaching at 11 a. m. "Tbe Commis sion for a Life." Christian Endea vor at :30 p. m. Evening worship and sermon at 7:30 p. m. "Good will among Men." Prayer meeting! on Thursday evening. Central . Congregational South Eighteenth and Ferry streets. H. C. Stover, minister. Morning service and Sunday school in eharge of Mrs. n. E. Edwards. Address br the pastor. Special mu sic by Elbert Lachelle. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Subject. 'Three Great Americans." Thursday evening service at 7:30 p. m. - Fim Congregational Liberty and Center streets. W. C. Kantner, minister. 10 a. m. Sun day school, with classes fof all. W. I. Staley. 11 a. m. worship with ser mon. 6; 30 p. m. Christian Ennea- vor. A live society wth a live meet ing. 7:30 n-. m. "The Innumerable Company of the Redeemed." A cor dial invitation to all. . . .First Christian Center and Hlrh streets. Two blocks north of the court house. Bi ble school session opens at. 9:45 a. m. Mornin,g worship at 11. C. E. at 6:30. pi m.; evening worship at 7:30. A hearty welcome awaits all. Leland W. Porter, pastor. Evangelical! Church Sevententh .and and Chemeketa streets. - F. Wt'Lattner. pastor.. Sun day school 10 a. m. Sermon 11 a. m. Subject, "How to Pay Debts." T. P. A C:30,. Sermon 7:15. Teach era meeting and prayer, meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. - " I ' First TUotlst ftev.5 George L. Varney. pastor of the Baptist- church at Corvallis. will Treach at 11 a. ra. At 7:30 p. m. Rev. A. M. Petty of Portland will fill the pulpit. Sunday ' school and Toung Peoples meeting at usual hours. . . ....... . . CoK Street Christian Korth Seventeenth and Court streets. We are planning to enter into the "Each Oba Win rVn" Mm. palgn now on In the Brotherhood. The campaign begins February 32 and extends to Easter Sunday. April 4. This Is the neriod of nrenaratlnn This is "Enlistment week." We want every member that will to enroll as a personal worker. The morning ser mon. - "Unselfiahnesa in Vravmr" Prayer Is to be considered from the standpoint or service to ethers. Re member our mornlnr servic borlna with Bible school at 10 p. m. The pastor's story to the children Is en titled "Why the Big Tree Fell." In termediate C. E. 3:30 p. m. Young Peoples society of C. E. 6:So o. m. Rong servlc; and sermon 7:30 p. m. Subject. "The Foolish Boy." Thurs day 7: so p. m. prayer meeting and teacher traininr classes. 'We extend a welcome to alL R. U Putnam. pastor. First Chinch of Christ Scientist ESundar service is held at 4 4ft fh. meketa street at 11 a.m. Subject of Bible lesson, "Soul." Sunday school 9:45 a. m. . Wednesdar evenlnr tes timonial meeting at ft o'clock. Read ing room. 109 Masonic temole. omr every day except Sunday and holi days, from 11:45 a. m. to 5 p. m. All are invited to our services and to our reading room. First t'ntted Brethren j Tew Park. Bible school at! 1 0 a. m. Preaching at 11:45 a. m. Chris tian Endeavor at 7 p. ra. Preaching at 8 p. m. Mid week prayer meet ing on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m. Evereyone is cordially invit ed. C. W. Corby, pastor. Lntheran East Stale and Eirhteonth Sunday school it 10 i. m. PrM.hl Ing service at 10:30 a., m. Subject: nai uo too Think About the Cross of Christ?" No evening ser vice. Everybody is cordiaiw tntA G. Koehler, pastor. First rreffbyterian Thomas K AtidmMi t-.. - luiuiiirr. IThnrrn vhnnl m. tc Albert, superintendent. Publie wor shio at 1 1 aV1w- rv. .... ... ------ . vur win give the third sermon of the series. "Am 1 Mr Rt-Mtfi..' ir ... nd ThHr Mutual OWIgattcms." A timely sermon. Intermediate ndca vor at 5 and Young-Peoples meet ing at 6:30. Evening worship at 7:30. theme: The Power of the Tongue. A sermon for all. especial ly the smooth tongued people. St. Paul's Church Qulnqoageslma Sunday. 7:30 a. nu, holy communion; 9:45 a. m.. church school; 11 a. m morning prayer and sermon. "The Spiritual Element in Progress"; '7:30 p. m., evening prayer and address. "Some Ancient Hebrew Legends." Every body welcome. Chas. H. Powelfl. rector. dirt a clan nd Missionary . Alliance Services held on next Thursday af ternoon. February 19. by Mrs. J. E. Fee of Portland, at t:15 o'clock at usual flace of meeting. 633 South Commercial street. Mrs. Fee will also give a missionary address at same place on Wednesday evening, Penrnarv 1. at 7:30 o'clock; speak ing from her thirteen years experi ence a& missionary in China. A verv cordial invitation is extended to all Interested to be present at both ser vices. Heventh Day Ad vent Ut North Fifth street and Gaines ave nue. Service this evening at 7:30. Sermon by Evangelist A. R. .Bell Subject: ; God's Measuring rod of Character. The Rule or Standard of the Judgment What is it " The evangelist claims that. "God has a code unalterably fixed that touches every thought and intent of the heart just as the governments of men have a code that deals with the out ward , act. To be in harmony with, that code means to measure up to the standard set for citizenship tn the kingdom of God. Everybody invited. State Institutions .... .. Services will be held at the state institutions Sundar as follows: 2:30 p. n. Chemawa , Indian school, by G. F. Molt, 3 p. m. Girls' training school, by E. Sherwood. Salem Ministerial Association At the regular meetin k of the Sa lem Ministerial association to be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. J. W. Mahood a D.. will, deliver, an address. A full attendance of mem bers is desired, and a cordial invi tation Is extended t any who may care to come. Salvation, Army . Street meeting Saturday evening at 7:30. Full Salvation In the hall at 3. Street meetin g Sunday morn ing at 10:80. . Holiness. meeting at Y. P. U at 6:15. Street, meeting at. 7:30. Preaching, testimony and pralce at t o'clock. Come and wor ship with us. Ensign and Mrs. Hunt er, officers in charge. W. C T. .U. ' ' The special Frances Wllliard me morial program to be given by the W. T. C. U. on February 17 haa been postponed on account of illness. However, the usual regular meeting will be held on that data. - BaBBBBBBaaBaaBseaaaansssB . ITSyO a ttu. TXT Tt I hT- &3 'Cacartt" actn Llvtr and Boweit without Gnpfng or Stckraag yoo So Convenient Ya wake wp with your Hu jGearCoiapicxioa K.6y, Breath and Stomach Sweet No Bilkxiineti, HeaTacKcor I7pct Stomach. Some Peoples Eyes j . Are Perfect But not many. Most of us hare more or dereeUve eyes. Some scarcely use their eyes for eloao work their oc cupation do not demand it Consequently-they may reach old age before realiling that anything is wr6BfcT with their eyes. Trying Eye Work -. Ererything nowadays tends to cause more eye-work. More reading is done", often under uluraitable cohdit ions; this,1 aid other things tax our eyea and agg'raTate small defects irhich might 'otherwise punt unnoticed. AndbOoauae Wre nred thf clearett of vision wt are anxious the moment it begins to fail. ' '' v. I 'li i fi. r , Gisa.se are very deairabU long before the -tight begms to fail. . They should be such gbxsaea. as exactly ; 'emrxaaU for the defects and make you see clearly without effort. DR. L. HALL WILSOiJ Eyesight Specialist;." :FiU Eyeglasses Correctly ; , . y 210-211. U. S. National Bank Bialdins TANIC-TYJPJ3 TRACTOJS. 20 Horsepower at the pulley 12 at the drawbar " . Does the work of 6 or 8 horses at a third the cost. Small,bat ample power. Hence you can get in close to the vines or trees with a big load. Your -work is through on time. Turns easily. Little expense for upkeep. Low operating cost. Built to work on side hill as well as level ground. , Built with large roller bearings in all track-wheel Motor is dust-proof. Air clarified by water. Ne tank-type, S itfch ide, singlt-zrouter track. Here is the really successful srhall size trador with real pull. Have us demonstrate the Cletrac on vour own land. There's no obligation attached. W. H. PATTERSON CO. Disributor for Marion, Polk, Clackamas, Linn and 121 South Commercial Street SALEM, OREGON A tin mil Benton Counties. Phone 378 jicrycr 1. 5. 1 0r Commercial tad Industrial ufe